RAAF.Serial |
USAF.Serial |
Type. |
C/N. |
Aircraft history |
A97-001 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4780 |
Delivered 07/78, Visitor to Latrobe Valley 1993, In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006, In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006, In Maintenance at QANTAS Defence Services Canberra with wings removed 10/2006-12/2006, Nose art "20,000 Hours", RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012, Believed to be one of four gifted to Indonesia, 07/2017 Noted being repainted grey at Townsville. Indonesian serial A-1333, Departed Darwin for Indonesia 24/08/2017, Participated in #OpBushfireAssist operating from RAAF Richmond 2019/2020,

A97-002 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4782 |
Delivered 07/78. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Desert Runner" RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 04/2014 noted parked at Richmond, wearing grey paint scheme Still parked 02/2016 Sold to Indonesia 12/2017 has been repainted in a gloss camouflage scheme very similar to the one worn when brand new in 1978. It was painted by Douglas Aerospace at Wagga Wagga, NSW It wears Indonesian TNI-AU serial A-1337

A97-003 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4783 |
Delivered 07/78. Avalon Airshow 1999. Avalon Airshow 2001. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Desert Dilemma" RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 Believed to be one of four gifted to Indonesia. Departed Richmond to Townsville for repainting 11/10/2014 Departed Townsville wearing freshly painted Indonesian scheme 29/10/2014 Departed Darwin 13/12/2014 for Indonesia as TNI-AU A-1332.

A97-004 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4784 |
Delivered 08/78. Richmond Airshow 1991. Avalon Airshow 1992. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Rain Maker" Received Gunship grey paint scheme Participated in Exercise Red Flag Alaska 06/2012 RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 02/2016 noted parked at Richmond, wearing grey paint scheme. Sold to Indonesia as A-1335

A97-005 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4785 |
Delivered 08/78. East Sale Airshow 1996. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Cherry" Received Gunship Grey paint scheme Tail painted to commemorate the 34 years service and retirement from RAAF service of the C-130H fleet 11/2012 One of the final two fliers, took part in retirement ceremony on 30/11/2012 RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 Sold to Indonesia (TNI-AU) and serialled A-1334 08/02/2016 noted in transit through Darwin on delivery to Indonesia. 16/12/2016 aircraft crashed on approach to land at Wanamon, Papua. All 13 aboard perished.

A97-006 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4786 |
Delivered 08/78. Avalon Airshow 1999. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Miss Behavin" later changed to "Miss Behavin In Vegas" Noted still in service 02/2012 RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 Gifted to Indonesia (TNI-AU) and serialled A-1330 Refurbished at Richmond 02/2013 Repainted at Townsville Noted at Richmond May and August 2013 First H model to depart Australia 11/2013

A97-007 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4787 |
Delivered 09/78. Point Cook Airshow 1996. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Licence To Deliver" Noted retired from RAAF service 08/2012 04/2014 noted parked at Richmond wearing camouflage scheme Was still parked as of 02/2016 Sold to Indonesia 06/2017 has been repainted in a gloss camouflage scheme very similar to the one worn when brand new in 1978. It was painted by Douglas Aerospace at Wagga Wagga, NSW It wears Indonesian TNI-AU serial A-1336

A97-008 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4788 |
Delivered 09/78. Part of Formation flight Richmond 1991. Mildura Airshow 1999. Noted in an all over green paint job 2000. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Painted in a Gunship grey scheme similar to the J model Hercs. Carries "Hercules 50 years" artwork on tail. Nose art "You Sent Us To Arabia". Was used for the final heavy load drop from RAAF C-130H when on 31/10/2012 a 10 tonne John Deere bulldozer was airdropped at Londonderry Drop Zone. One of the final two fliers, took part in retirement ceremony on 30/11/2012 RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 04/2014 noted parked at Richmond, wearing grey paint scheme Observed in maintenance hanger undergoing refurbishment works. Tail still wears the "50 Years" artwork and ADF Serial number has been painted over (03/2016). Sold to Indonesia, awaiting serving by Airbus 06/2018 at Douglas Aerospace, Wagga being repainted prior to delivery to Indonesia 07/2018 noted at Richmond wearing TNI-AU serial A-1338

A97-009 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4789 |
Delivered 09/78. Shown in a photograph on a Defence website as being in the Gulf on operation Bastille with 36 Sqn 03-04/2003. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Just Another Cowboy" later replaced with "Vegas Vixen" Painted in a Gunship grey scheme similar to the J model Hercs. RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 Gifted to Indonesia (TNI-AU) and serialled A-1331 Refurbished at Richmond and repainted at Townsville Second H model to depart Australia 2/06/2014

A97-010 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4790 |
Delivered 10/78. Nowra Airshow 1998. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Stallion Express" Stored engineless at Richmond since 2009. Was parked at Richmond 02/2016 wearing camouflage scheme Flight deck removed for AWM Rest of airframe to be combined with A97-012 as C-130J Loadmaster training aid at Richmond

C-130J Loadmaster simulator
A97-011 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4791 |
Delivered 10/78. Following trials over the Blue Mountains in late 1982 in 01/1983 was used for "Operation Quench" fitted with Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System (MAFFS). Operated from Hamilton, Mangalore and East Sale in support of Victorian Forestry Commission In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "Stallions Lady" later replaced with "Snake Eyes" Painted in a Gunship grey scheme similar to the J model Hercs. RAAF C-130H fleet retired by 30/11/2012 Made final flight on 8/12/2012 when it was flown from Richmond to retirement at the RAAF museum Point Cook. It joins C-130A A97-214 and C-130E A97-160 on outside display at Point Cook.

A97-012 |
n/a |
C-130H |
4793 |
Delivered 10/78. Shown in a photograph on a Defence website as being in the Gulf on operation Bastille with 36 Sqn 03-04/2003. In Service 36 Sqn until 17/11/2006. In Service with 37 Sqn from 17/11/2006. Nose art "126 Spins...Just" Stored engineless at Richmond since 2009. Was parked at Richmond 02/2016 wearing camouflage scheme To be combined with parts of A97-010 as C-130J Loadmaster training aid at Richmond

C-130J Loadmaster simulator
A97-159 |
65-12896 |
C-130E |
4159 |
Accepted by Sqn Ldr N.W. Warner at Lockheed Marietta Georgia on 02/08/66. Wing Commander R.J. McKimm and crew air tested this aircraft 12/08/66. Wing Commander R.J McKimm and crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 19/08/66, via Mather AFB, Hickam AFB, Nadi and arriving at RAAF Richmond. Some consider the aircraft delivered 24/08/66. To 37 Sqn 30/08/66. Departed Richmond 25/02/67 to pick up 51 medivac patients and return them direct from RAAF Butterworth to Richmond. This was the first time a C-130 flew this direct route and at the time it was the largest single medivac by the RAAF. To 2 AD 24/04/67 and back to 37 Sqn. To 2AD 01/09/67. To 37 Sqn 22/09/67 after HERC/STI 220 at 2AD. To 37 Sqn (date unknown) To 486 Maintenance Sqn for B servicing 21/12/67. Returned to 37 Sqn 10/01/68. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing (date unknown). Hercules Mod 167 and Allison Powerplant Mods 1 and 2 completed 30/05/68 by 486 Maintenance Sqn. To 37 Sqn 30/05/68. To QANTAS (date unknown) and back to 37 Sqn 21/01/69. To QANTAS 17/12/70 for mods. To 37 Sqn 14/01/71. To QANTAS 23/08/71 for mods. To 37 Sqn 23/08/71. Continued to Serve with 37 Sqn. Returned to Lockheed in 2000. Stripped and rebuilt to Super-E standard with dash-15 engines. In Service with the Pakistan AF as 4159.

A97-160 |
65-12897 |
C-130E |
4160 |
Accepted by Sqn Ldr N.W. Warner at Lockheed Marietta Georgia on 12/08/66. Sqn Ldr R.E Bateson and crew airtested this aircraft 15/08/66. Sqn Ldr R.E Bateson and crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 22/08/66, via Mather AFB, Hickam AFB, Nadi and arriving at RAAF Richmond. Some consider the aircraft delivered 08/66. First RAAF C-130E to fly into Vung Tau, departed Richmond on 05/02/67. A program to replace the wiring in the Doppler system was commence 04/10/67, the aircraft involved were; A97-160, 167, 171, 189 and 190. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for B servicing 15/01/68. Returned to 37 Sqn 26/01/68. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 06/02/68. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 28/05/68. Returned 07/06/68, Hercules Mod 167 was also completed. At Vung Tau, Vietnam 10 or 11/1968. Avalon Airshow 1999. Was in Service 37 Sqn. A97-160 performed the last flight of the RAAF's C-130E's on 14/11/2000. Under the command of SQNLDR Mike Beattie it flew from Richmond to Point Cook where it was handed over to the RAAF Museum Currently in outside storage externally wrapped up for corrosion protection.

A97-167 |
65-12898 |
C-130E |
4167 |
Accepted by Sqn Ldr N.W. Warner at Lockheed Marietta Georgia on 26/08/66. Flt Lt S.G. Hyland and crew air tested this aircraft 26&27/08/66. Flt Lt S.G. Hyland and crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 22/08/66, via Mather AFB, Hickam AFB, Nadi and arriving at RAAF Richmond. Some consider the aircraft delivered 09/66. Had an engine failure in flight and diverted to Butterworth 17/06/67, Flt Lt R.M. Greenwood and Crew. The aircraft returned to Richmond 23/06/67. Returned from 486 Maintenance Sqn after D Servicing 21/08/67. Used in relation to Tasmanian Bushfire Relief 10/09/67, transporting 100,000 lbs of items. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 25/09/67 for fuel quantity indicator system repairs. Returned to 37 Sqn 29/09/67. A program to replace the wiring in the Doppler system was commence 04/10/67, the aircraft involved were; A97-160, 167, 171, 189 and 190. On display at the Wagga Wagga Trade Fair 23/03/68. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 09/04/68. Returned to 37 Sqn 22/04/68. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 12/06/68. Returned 27/06/68 after Hercules Mod 176 and Allison Mods 1 and 5 also completed. Was in service with 37 Sqn. c2000 Retired to Richmond Battle Damage Repair Appears to be complete in photos taken 02/2009 but stripped of engines, outer wings etc by 10/2011 28/10/2015 The vertical stabiliser and rudder were mounted at RAAF Richmond front gate. They are adorned with the badges of the resident units as well as the RAAF Richmond badge. 03/2016 A97-167 and 168 are currently training aids. They are sitting in a hanger for loadmaster, air dispatcher, air movements and aero medical evac training. Wings and Tails removed. External power has been added and the Cargo area and ramp work as they did previously.They are owned and operated by 285 Sqn and AMTDU.

A97-168 |
65-12899 |
C-130E |
4168 |
Accepted by Sqn Ldr N.W. Warner at Lockheed Marietta Georgia on 26/08/66. Flt Lt D.A.B Carter and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 09/09/66, via Mather AFB, Hickam AFB, Nadi and arriving at RAAF Richmond. Some consider the aircraft delivered 09/66. Flt Lt R. Egle and crew had a birdstrike 26/08/67 and diverted back to Butterworth for inspection. Aircraft returned to Richmond 30/08/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 08/09/67. Returned to 37 Sqn 29/09/67. Mod 197 completed 21/11/67, which involved Doppler rewiring. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for B Servicing (date unknown). Returned to 37 Sqn 08/03/68. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 24/06/68. Mods 176, 206, 223 and Allison Mods 1 and 2 completed 04/07/68. Returned to 37 Sqn 09/07/68. Another entry says it returned 08/08/68. Was in Service 37 Sqn. Was grounded due to bad wing cracks. Last flew to Darwin and back 30/11/99. Disassembled for parts reclamation in 05/2000. To Richmond for Loader Training. Noted in external storage 10/2011. Tansferred to and operated by 285 Sqn and AMTDU (date unknown). Currently used as a training aid sitting in a hanger for loadmaster, air dispatcher, air movements and aero medical evac training. Wings and Tails removed. External power has been added so the cargo area and ramp work as they did previously.

A97-171 |
65-12900 |
C-130E |
4171 |
Accepted by Sqn Ldr N.W. Warner at Lockheed Marietta Georgia on 19/09/66. Sqn RE.Bateson and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 26/09/66, via Mather AFB, Hickam AFB, Nadi and arriving at RAAF Richmond 02/10/66. A program to replace the wiring in the Doppler system was commence 04/10/67 (Mod 197), the aircraft involved were; A97-160, 167, 171, 189 and 190. Delivered Sioux A1-404 to Vietnam 19/10/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 10/11/67 for D servicing. Mod 177 completed 13/11/67, which included the change of oxygen valves. Returned to 37 Sqn 30/11/67. On the 01/04/68 the ashes of Leading Aircraftsman Kerr were dropped over Diamontina River on route toRichmond to Darwin. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 19/07/68, along with Mod 176 and Allison Powerplant Mods 1 and 2. Static Display Avalon 1992. Was In Service 37 Sqn, transferred to 36 SQN on 10/05/99. Returned to Lockheed 2000 Reported as having been fitted with a specialist electronics package. Stripped and rebuilt to Super-E standard with dash-15 engines. In Service with the Pakistan AF as 4171.

A97-172 |
65-12901 |
C-130E |
4172 |
Accepted by Sqn Ldr N.W. Warner at Lockheed Marietta Georgia on 10/10/66. Flt Lt R. Egle and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 14/10/66, via Montreal, Mather AFB, Hickam AFB, Nadi and arriving at RAAF Richmond. Some consider the aircraft delivered 10/66. First direct scheduled service from Butterworth to Richmond without a stopover on 06/05/67 by Flt Lt R.M Greenwood and Crew. Used in relation to Tasmanian Bushfire Relief 09/09/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 24/11/67. Returned to 37 Sqn 30/11/67, another entry says it returned on the 14/12/67. On a flight from Butterworth to Richmond on 27/01/68 the flight time was 14 hours and 50 minutes. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 03/07/68. Returned to 37 Sqn 25/07/68. At some stage this aircraft was returning from New Zealand after a major service and an engine seized up. On its continued flight to Richmond a second engine gave up. So they diverted to RAAF Fairbairn and had just pulled up on the tarmac when the third & fourth engines just gave up. The reason given was fuel contamination. It sat for about 1 month while they dried out the tanks. Was in Service 37 Sqn. Retired to Holsworthy Army Barracks 28/03/2000 for loading and parachute training.

A97-177 |
65-12902 |
C-130E |
4177 |
Flt Lt S.G Hyland and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 19/11/66 and arrived at RAAF Richmond 24/11/66. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 23/08/67 for D servicing. Returned to 37 Sqn 07/09/67 (this line says it was a B servicing). Mod 191, which involved relocation of the HSI amplifier was carried out 12/10/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 12/12/67. Returned to 37 Sqn 29/12/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for B servicing 22/04/68. Returned to 37 Sqn 29/04/68. On 07/06/68 Wing Commander R.J. McKimm and crew flew Prime Minister Gorton, Mrs Gorton and party from Vung Tau to Phan Rang in this aircraft. Noted at Butterworth carrying United Nations markings c1976 Used for domestic passenger flights during the pilots strike of 1989 Avalon Airshow 1999. Logged 600,000th hour of accident free Hercules service with the RAAF. Was in Service 37 Sqn. Returned to Lockheed 2000. Stripped and rebuilt to Super-E standard with dash-15 engines. Delivered to Pakistan as 4177.

A97-178 |
65-12903 |
C-130E |
4178 |
Flt Lt R.M. Greenwood and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 22/11/66 and arrived at RAAF Richmond 27/11/66. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing (date unknown). Returned to 37 Sqn 14/02/68. Flying Display Richmond 1991. 37 Sqn 50th Anniversary Colour Scheme in 1993. Moorabbin Airshow 1999. Was in Service 37 Sqn. Returned to Lockheed 2000 Stripped and rebuilt to Super-E standard with dash-15 engines. In Service with the Pakistan AF as 4178.

A97-180 |
65-12904 |
C-130E |
4180 |
Flt Lt R.M Egle and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 08/12/66. Some consider the aircraft delivered 12/66. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 02/10/67 for B servicing. Returned to 37 Sqn 13/10/67. Aircraft had the number 1 engine changed 27/10/67 due to damaged compressor vane. Engine 106195 removed and replaced with 106208. To 486 Maintenance Sqn (Date unknown). Returned to 37 Sqn 06/03/68. This aircraft was the first C-130 to land at Luscombe (Nui Dat) on 05/01/69. The captain of the aircraft was Sqn Ldr Robert Greenwood and the aircraft was flown in empty as a proving flight and was on the ground for about 30-60 mins. Was in Service 37 Sqn. Returned to Lockheed 2000 Stripped and rebuilt to Super-E standard with dash-15 engines. Served with the Pakistan AF as 4180. 9/11/2018 a landing accident at PAF Base Nur Khan-Chaklala saw it blow a tyre, skid off the runway into a wall and catch fire. It was damaged beyond repair. All crew escaped safely.

A97-181 |
65-12905 |
C-130E |
4181 |
Flt Lt A.R. Bishop and Crew departed Dobbins AFB for Australia on 08/12/66. Some consider the aircraft delivered 12/66. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 17/10/67 for B servicing. To 37 Sqn 27/10/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 08/03/68. Mod 177 completed 25/03/68, Replacement of LOX valve buildup vent. Returned to 37 Sqn 29/03/68. Was in Service 37 Sqn. A near miss occurred on the 10/09/97 when this Hercules came within 400 metres of a Dash 8 VH-TQF 61 km South of Armidale, NSW. Returned to Lockheed 2000 Reported as broken up for spares, which could have gone to Pakistan. Fuselage noted at Sussex County Airport just outside of Georgetown Delaware. (images in our gallery).

A97-189 |
65-12906 |
C-130E |
4189 |
The last two C-130E's departed the US on 20/01/67, arriving on the 27/01/67 (Flt LT A.R Bishop and Crew) and departed 25/01/67 and arriving 30/01/67 (Flt LT D.A.B Carter and Crew). We don't not know the aircraft serials for these two deliveries. Delivered to 2 AD 30/01/67. To 37 Sqn 02/67. Transported an Iroquois from Canberra and transported it to Townsville so it could be used with flood relief work in the Cairns area. A program to replace the wiring in the Doppler system was commence 04/10/67 (Mod 197), the aircraft involved were; A97-160, 167, 171, 189 and 190. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 31/10/67 for B Servicing. Returned to 37 Sqn (date unknown). To 486 Maintenance Sqn 27/03/68. Returned to 37 Sqn after servicing and Mods 11/04/68. Mods included Mod 176, which involved rework of landing gear vertical booms and Allison powerplant Mod 2. To 37 Sqn 09/11/69. To QANTAS 10/11/69. To 37 Sqn 18/11/69. To 2 AD 13/01/71 for Mods. To 37 Sqn 05/04/71. To QANTAS 17/12/71. To 37 Sqn 16/02/72. Continued in Service with 37 Sqn. Returned to Lockheed 2000. Stripped and rebuilt to Super-E standard with dash-15 engines. Departed for Pakistan 4/11/2005. In Service with the Pakistan AF as 4189.

A97-190 |
65-12907 |
C-130E |
4190 |
The last two C-130E's departed the US on 20/01/67, arriving on the 27/01/67 (Flt LT A.R Bishop and Crew) and departed 25/01/67 and arriving 30/01/67 (Flt LT D.A.B Carter and Crew). We don't not know the aircraft serials for these two deliveries. Delivered 01/67. A program to replace the wiring in the Doppler system was commence 04/10/67 (Mod 197), the aircraft involved were; A97-160, 167, 171, 189 and 190. To 486 Maintenance Sqn 01/11/67 for B servicing. To 37 Sqn 14/11/67. To 486 Maintenance Sqn for D servicing 30/04/68. Hercules Mod 176 and Allison Mod 1 and 2 completed by 486 Maintenance Sqn 14/05/68. Was In Service 37 Sqn, transferred to 36SQN on 12/05/99. Disassembled for parts reclamation in 05/2000. To Richmond for Loading Training. Noted in external storage 10/2011 Cut up for scrap 18/05/2016

A97-205 |
57-0498 |
C-130A |
3205 |
Delivered 08/11/58. To 2 AD 12/11/58. Callsign VM-JLA. To 86 Wing 19/12/58. To 2 AD 03/11/60 for E Servicing. To Lockheed in the USA 07/06/61 for repairs. To 86 Wing on completion. To 2 AD 09/07/63 for mods. To 86 Wing 07/10/63. To QANTAS 23/07/64 for wing repairs and back to 86 Wing 14/08/64. To QANTAS 12/08/65 for E Servicing. To 36 Sqn 29/10/65. To 2 AS 17/11/65 for mods. To 36 Sqn 27/04/66. To 2 AD 16/03/67 for mods. To 36 Sqn 26/04/67. To 2 AD 08/12/67 for replacement of defective wing. To 36 Sqn 05/02/68. To QANTAS 14/08/68 for 'Anti Deterioration Servicing'. To 2 AD 04/10/68. To 36 Sqn 27/11/68. To 2 AD 06/06/69. To 36 Sqn 08/09/69. To QANTAS 22/07/70. To 2 AD 08/09/70. To 36 Sqn 23/10/70. To 2 AD 18/09/72. To 36 Sqn 11/01/73. To QANTAS 16/01/73 for 'Anti Deterioration Servicing'. To 36 Sqn 05/03/73. To 486 Sqn 15/11/73. To 2 AD 29/11/74. To 486 Sqn 29/05/75. To Laverton 07/03/78 and declared for sale. Registered N22660 (Not Taken), 24/05/78. Registered N205FA 09/78. Fuselage to Holsworthy Army Barracks 03/89 Current status unknown. May have been scrapped when replaced by A97-172 in 03/2000

A97-206 |
57-0499 |
C-130A |
3206 |
Delivered 18/11/58 at a cost of $1,066,922. To 2 AD 12/12/58. Callsign VM-JLB. To 86 Wing 19/12/58. To 2 AD 15/02/62 for mods and inspection of air ducts and fuel tanks. To 86 Wing 24/05/62. To Lockheed USA 27/12/62 for Fuel tank and corrosion repairs, back to 86 Wing on completion. To 2 AD 09/04/64 for E Servicing. To 86 Wing 06/08/64. To 2 AD 11/10/65 for inspection of mods and then further mods, on completion returned to 36 Sqn. To QANTAS 11/05/67 for E Servicing. To 36 Sqn 27/09/67. To 2 AD 31/01/68 for mods. To 36 Sqn 27/05/68. To 2 AD 17/12/68 for repairs. To 36 Sqn 31/01/69. To QANTAS 13/02/70. To 36 Sqn 05/03/70. To QANTAS 29/02/72. To 36 Sqn 27/04/72. To 486 Sqn 15/11/73. To 2 AD 01/05/74 for wing re fabrication. To 486 Sqn 03/12/74. To QANTAS 07/01/75. To 486 Sqn 17/03/75. To 2 AD 11/03/76 for D Servicing. To 486 Sqn 09/02/77. To Laverton 21/03/78 for disposal. Registered N22669 (Not Taken up) 24/05/78. Still located in 21 Sqn hanger at Laverton on 29/01/87. Registered RP-C3206 07/88. 11/93, purchased by Total Aerospace Miami. Broken up for parts

A97-207 |
57-0500 |
C-130A |
3207 |
Delivered 25/11/58 at a cost of $1,066,922. To 2 AD 12/12/58. Callsign VM-JLC. To 86 Wing 19/12/58. To 2 AD 03/03/61 for repairs. To 86 Wing 01/02/62. To Lockheed USA 05/02/62 for corrosion repairs and returned 02/62. To 2 AD 06/06/64 for mods. To 36 Sqn 05/11/64. To QANTAS 09/02/65 for E Servicing. To 36 Sqn 07/05/65. To 2 AD 12/08/65 for inspection of mods. and back to 36 Sqn 06/10/65. To 2 AD 04/10/66 for rework of mods and returned 27/10/66. To 2 AD 02/05/67 for mods. To 36 Sqn 02/06/67. To QANTAS 27/03/68 for 'Anti Deterioration Servicing'. To 36 Sqn 05/05/68. To 2 AD 04/07/68 for ultrasonic inspection after being spun 6 times during a demonstration of stalls and spins. We received the following on the spin; The RAAF has the distinction of being the only recorded operator who spun the C130. Flt Lt Bruce Clark, who was one of the CFI's at 36 Sqn at the time, held the stall on A97-207 too long, and the aircraft lost over 6000 ft and spun six times. The aircraft flew at 20knots slower than the rest of the fleet and it was suspected the tailplane was slightly bent. To 36 Sqn 17/12/68. To QANTAS 05/06/70. To 36 Sqn 08/07/70. Laverton Airshow 18/04/1971. To QANTAS 20/12/72 for 'Anti Deterioration Servicing'. To 36 Sqn 05/20/73. To 486 Sqn 15/11/73. To 2 AD 17/06/75 for wing repair after a Sabre struck this heavily loaded aircraft when it was taxying out to take off. To 486 Sqn 11/75. To QANTAS 11/10/77. To 486 Sqn 09/11/77. Registered N2267B (Not Taken) 24/05/78. Registered N22FV 27/11/85. Registered EL-ALM 19/03/86, used for relief flights by the International Red Cross. Named 'The Wizard of OZ'. 05/12/86 Stored at Avalon VIC. To Laverton 01/87. Registered N207GM 03/89. 11/92 flown to Lockheed and put into storage. Purchased by OGMA and broken up some time after 9/2001.

A97-208 |
57-0501 |
C-130A |
3208 |
Delivered 08/12/58. To 2 AD 12/01/59 for acceptance inspection. Callsign VM-JLD. To 86 Wing 12/01/59. To Lockheed USA 07/06/61 for repairs and returned 30/11/61. To 2 AD 19/09/62 for E Servicing. To 86 Wing 24/12/62. To 2 AD 27/12/62 for mods. To 86 Wing 29/03/63. To QANTAS 29/06/64 for wing repairs. To 86 Wing 23/07/64. To 2 AD 14/04/65 for mods. To 36 Sqn 02/06/65. Sever damage to the nose during a hard landing attempting a short field landing demonstration at Laverton Air Show. The resulting damage included damge to the gear, bulkheads and skin for three feet to the rear of the nose gear, bent sub-structure and popped rivets. Source: C-130.net 18/09/65 To 2 AD 01/10/65 for repairs. To 36 Sqn 14/12/65. To 2 AD 26/08/66 for mods. To QANTAS 07/10/66 for E Servicing. To 36 Sqn 16/01/67. To 2 AD 31/07/68. To 36 Sqn 12/68. To QANTAS 12/11/70. To 36 Sqn 17/12/70. Laverton Airshow 18/04/1971. To QANTAS 28/02/72 for repair and back to 36 Sqn. To 2 AD 29/11/72 for wing repairs. To 36 Sqn 12/04/73. To QANTAS 15/05/73 for 'Anti Deterioration Servicing'. To 36 Sqn 25/06/73. To 486 Sqn 15/11/73. To 2 Ad 31/07/74 for wing repair. To 486 Sqn 13/09/74. To QANTAS 02/11/75. To 486 Sqn 04/02/76. To QANTAS 21/02/78. Registered N2267N (Not Taken) 24/05/78. Seen at Avalon as HK-3017X but this was re-allocated to A97-216 and later as SH-3017 but this was deleted. Sold to French Government 04/09/83 and departed Australia 04/09/83. Registered N4445V 23/09/83. Registered TT-PAA 13/12/83 with the Chad Air Force. In 1999 taken to France and broken up.

A97-209 |
57-0502 |
C-130A |
3209 |
Delivered 20/11/58. To 2 AD 12/12/58 for acceptance inspection. Callsign VM-JLG. To 86 Wing 19/12/58. Damaged Aileron 16/01/59. To 2 AD 15/08/61 for anti corrosion treatment. To 86 Wing 27/02/62. Registered N2267P(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Fuselage used for Loadmaster training at RAAF Richmond. Destroyed 03/12/01 in a freak storm at RAAF Richmond after being blown over and moving 20 meters, later scrapped. The remains of the airframe were reported as been buried at RAAF Richmond, We have been informed that they were carted away and sold for scrap instead.

A97-210 |
57-0503 |
C-130A |
3210 |
Delivered 05/01/59. Callsign VM-JLH. Registered N2267U(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Registered N12FV, 21/02/86. Return to Australian Government, 24/10/86. Registered RP-C3210, 07/88 in Philippines. Purchased by Total Aerospace for parts 11/98.

A97-211 |
57-0504 |
C-130A |
3211 |
Delivered 05/01/59. Callsign VM-JLJ. Laverton Airshow 18/04/1971. Registered N2267W(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Withdrawn from sale and allocatted to RSTT Wagga as training aid 29/04/80 Reported as Registered N5394L, 07/84. Offered for sale 12/86 To Laverton 29/01/87 Registered RP-C3211, 07/88. Seen in Manila with no engines, 08/03/91. Purchased by Total Aerospace for parts 11/98.

A97-212 |
57-0505 |
C-130A |
3212 |
Received by RAAF 17/12/58. 2AD to 86Wing Acceptance inspection, 12/1/59. Request allot to USA (Lockheed) Corrosion inspection and repairs, 4/5/62. Request allot to 2AD for E servicing, 20/11/63. 2AD to 86Wing E Service, 3/12/63. 86Wing QANTAS Wing repairs, 23/7/64. Callsign VM-JLK. Registered N2268A(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Seen at Laverton painted as HK-3016X and SH-3016, 06/83 but later deleted. Departed Aust for USA before sale to Aviaco Columbia at Dec 86 is loctaed at Dothan Alabama USA, 28/10/83 Registered N13FV, 02/85. Registered N213DW, 03/89. Registered N130PS, 04/95. Operated as a skydiving aircraft by Cherry Air Aviation Services in USA as N131EC. The aircraft and spares are up for sale. Used in the moive, 'American Gangster'. ??/07 Being used for testing the fitting of two 500 gallon wing tip tanks to replace the type mounted on pylons under the wing. Purpose is to increase performance through reduction drag and stall speed. These new built in tanks are designed and manufactured by Snow Aviation International Inc. of Columbus, Ohio. The new tip tanks are smaller than the normal pylon tanks and produce less drag. The wing tip tanks are patented by Snow Aviation and available as a retrofit to C-130E and C-130H models. After a period of test flying, the wings were removed from N131EC to incorporate spar modificationss and to complete the plumbing to the tip tanks. This aircraft is considered the only A model still flying with three bladed props. Source: C-130.net 08/04 Appears to have been returned to military spec including grey scheme and offered for sale by JNS Aircraft Sales 08/2014 Reported as returning to Australia for freight work which never eventuated. Reported as being removed from its hanger and towed to another part of the airfield to be broken up. Source: Bob Maddern. No longer economically recoverable. Likely to be broken up for parts. Source: C-130.net 11/18

A97-213 |
57-0506 |
C-130A |
3213 |
Delivered 05/01/59. Callsign VM-JLL. Registered N2268G(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Registered RP-C3213 07/88. Purchased by Total Aerospace for parts 1/95.

A97-214 |
57-0507 |
C-130A |
3214 |
Delivered 03/03/59. Callsign VM-JLM. Registered N2268N (Not Taken), 24/05/78. Trucked from Laverton to RAAF Museum Pt. Cook VIC Currently on outside display.

A97-215 |
57-0508 |
C-130A |
3215 |
Delivered 03/03/59. 2AD Accpetance testing. 17/03/59 86 Wing Pending establishment variation. 04/08/60 2AD Req allot for mods. 04/05/62 2AD Req allot for mods. 19/07/62 86 Wing. Wing equipment 01/10/62 Req allot Wing inspection & tank repairs at Lockheed USA 08/02/63 86 Wing. Returned upon completion. Wing equiqment 02/07/64 QANTAS Wing repairs. 13/07/64 86 Wing. Wing equipment 23/07/64 QANTAS 'E' Servicing. 13/11/64 36 SQN Unit equipment. ??/02/65 2AD Modifications. 36 SQN Unit equipment upon completion. 07/07/65 Held at 36 SQN. 12/09/66 Req allot 27/01/67 2AD Incorporation of modifications 125, 137+138. 01/02/67 36 SQN Unit equipment upon completion. 06/03/67 2AD ?? riser(?) repairs. 01/06/67 36 SQN Unit equipment. 21/06/67 Req allot Servcing avail 30/01/68 QANTAS Anti deterioration servicing. ??/01/68 36 SQN Unit equipment. 01/04/68 2AD Incorporation of mod 139(?). 17/12/68 36 SQN Unit equipment. 11/03/69 Req allot ADS avail 5/10. 01/10/70 QANTAS ??. ??/10/70 36 SQN 12/11/70 Callsign VM-JLN. Laverton Airshow 18/04/1971. Req allot ADS. 30/03/73 QANTAS Anti deterioration servicing. 03/04/73 36 SQN 23/05/73 2AD Wing rehabilitation program. 31/07/73 486 SQN 15/11/73 QANTAS Cancelled. 11/09/73 2AD 19/12/75 486 SQN 17/03/76 2AD ??. 10/06/77 Req allot D Service. 06/01/78 QANTAS D Service. 09/01/78 486 SQN 7/02/78 Registered N2268V(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Declared to DAS for sale LAV DLIST 48/78, 17/10/78 Registered N4469P 04/10/83. Departed Aust for USA. Sold to Ford Vlahos for lease to Hayes International for use by US Defence Nuclear Agency. AF 83/8619 PT1 15, 16, 44 Operated by Ford in Sudan JUL/AUG 84. As at 4 FEB 86 is standing at Hellenic Aerospace Industries ATHENS. (Verbatim from Aircraft Status Card dated 23/10/83) Broken up for spares Fort Lauderdale and ped 12/97.

A97-216 |
57-0509 |
C-130A |
3216 |
Delivered 03/03/59. Callsign VM-JLP. 2AD Acceptance inspection. 17/03/59 Pending establishment variation 04/08/60. Completed 12/03/61. Anti-corrosion treatment for fuel tanks. 31/10/61. Sent to USA 10/11/61. Returned from USA 30/04/62. 486 SQN Request allot ?? ?? ??/10/63 2AD ?? ??/10/63 86 Wing Unit equipment. ??/01/64 QANTAS 'E' Servicing. 17/06/64 36 SQN Unit quipment. 21/11/64 2AD Repaired ?? 26/02/65 36 SQN Unit equipment. 15/04/65 2AD Req allot Incroporation of modification 125. 24/04/65 (Allot deferred by request from 36 SQN) Req allot mods available 21/6/66 Unit advised allot may now proceed on aircraft, ?? card for allotment 24/06/66 Returned to 36 Sqn. ??/06/66 2AD Req allot Replacement of forward cargo door lock. 09/09/66 36 SQN Unit equipment 14/09/66 2AD Repair, Unit equipment upon completion. 18/10/66 2AD Incorporation of mods 137+132. Unit equipment upon completion 12/06/67 QANTAS Anit deterioration servicing. 27/11/67 36 SQN Unit equipment. 28/01/68 Held 36 SQN. 12/01/69 NOTE: Written on status card. Cost $1,066,922. (Possibly dated 26/01/69) Req allot for ?? 03/07/70 QANTAS ?? 05/07/70 36 SQN 05/06?/70 Req allot 15/11/72 QANTAS For Anti deterioration servicing. 16/11/72 36 SQN 08/01/73 2AD For wing rehabilitation and repair od undercarriage. ??/??/73 36 SQN 26/06/73 486 SQN 15/11/73 Req allot Anti-deterioration servicing. 14/05/75 QAN Anti-deterioration servicing. 20/05/75 Returned to 486 SQN. 14/08/75 Req allot Wing repair. 10/11/7. 2AD For Wing repair. 13/11/75 LAV for declaration to DAS for sale. 13/07/78 Registered N2268W(Not Taken), 24/05/78. Registered HK-3017X 06/83, but sale to Columbia vetoed by US Authorities. Departed Australia for ?? in USA before sale to Aviaco Columbia. Subject to US State Department approval. 19/11/83 Registered N15FV, 02/85. Located at Oakland, California ??/12/86 Registered N216CR, 03/89. 14/03/93 flown to Lockheed and put into storage. Scrapped OGMA 9/2001.

A97-440 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5440 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, September 1999. Pre-Delivery Registration N130JQ. Avalon 2003. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art previous "Longer Harder Faster" Current "Cargo Cat" Ran off the side of the runway at Kabul IAP and came to a rest seventy metres off the end of the tarmac. No injuries and easily repaired. Source: C-130.net 23/04/14

A97-441 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5441 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, September 1999. Avalon 2005. Used in East Timor during operation astute 2006. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art "Ice Queen" replaced with "Time Machine"

A97-442 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5442 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, October 2001. Pre-Delivery Registration N130JR. The first aircraft to get airborne after the 9/11 attacks on the 14th of September from Dobbins AFB GA, ferrying Centre for Disease Control personnel and supplies to La Guardia Airport NY after all other flights were grounded. Aircraft was crewed jointly by Lockheed Martin Aero and RAAF personnel. Used during operation Bali Assist after explosions which killed many people during 10/002. In Service with 37 Sqn. Nose art "High Maintenance"

A97-447 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5447 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, October 1999. Pre-Delivery Registration N73232. Avalon Airshow 2001. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art "Roll with it"

A97-448 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5448 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, December 1999. Pre-Delivery Registration N73230. Avalon Airshow 2001. In Service 37 Sqn. 08/2017 Final C-130J to be repainted in darker two tone grey tactical scheme at Douglas Aerospace Wagga

A97-449 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5449 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, October 1999. Pre-Delivery Registration N73233. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art "Walk the line"

A97-450 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5450 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, November 1999. Pre-Delivery Registration N4187W. Pre-Delivery Display conducted at Avalon 1999 as N4187W. On Display at Pt. Cook Airshow 2000. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art "450 Pearl" Carried "Hercules 50 years" artwork on tail.

A97-464 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5464 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, September 1999. Avalon 2003. In Service 37 Sqn.

A97-465 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5465 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, January 2000. Used during operation Bali Assist after explosions which killed many people during 10/2002. Used for Operation Baghdad Assist in Iraq 04/2003. Outer wing leading edge and wingtip damaged after being driven into by an engine crane (Anon). Aircraft parked at Richmond and used for parts pending decision on depot level repair. Back in Service 37 Sqn 2006. Nose art "Combat Dolphin"

A97-466 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5466 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, March 2000. Avalon Airshow 2001. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art "Desert Devil"

A97-467 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5467 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, April 2000. In Service 37 Sqn. Nose art "Sandman"

A97-468 |
n/a |
C-130J-30 |
5468 |
Arrived at RAAF Base Richmond, May 2000. Avalon Airshow 2001. Was in Service 37 Sqn. Wings damaged in a storm at Richmond on 3/12/2001 but repairs not commenced until 12/2003. Aircraft back in service 03/2005. Parts supplied by A97-465. Avalon Airshow 2005. In Service 37 Sqn. Carries un-titled nose artwork (see photos)

Project AIR 7404 is looking to replace the current C-130J & C-27J fleet with up to 30 new C-130J's including 6-8 KC-130J aircraft. See: https://asiapacificdefencereporter.com/adf-to-fast-track-expanded-hercules-fleet/