Aircraft Serial |
Const No. |
Aircraft History |
A4-134 |
134 |
Delivered to RAAF 12/03/64. One of first 3 Caribou's delivered on a ferry flight from Toronto Canada to Australia, flight time of just under 97 hours. Arrived at RAAF Richmond 22/04/64. To 2AD. To 86 Wing 30/04/64. Served with 38 Sqn. Crashed 01/07/64 (38 Sqn) during landing, Nowra NSW. Approval granted on 22/12/64 to transfer the fuselage to the Dept of Army at Puckapunyal for use as a training aid at CAT&DC. Believed to be on display at Army Museum at Bandiana, Vic. although not sighted for quite a while

A4-140 |
140 |
Delivered to RAAF 12/03/64. Status cards says at a cost of $803,631. One of first 3 Caribou's delivered on a ferry flight from Toronto Canada to Australia, flight time of just under 97 hours. Arrived at RAAF Richmond 22/04/64. To 2 AD. To 86 Wing 30/04/64. To De Havilland. To 38 Sqn 03/11/67. To 35 Sqn 13/11/68. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 11/68 - 06/71. To 38 Sqn 04/02/71. Departed Darwin 28/08/75 on a task associated with the unrest in Portuguese Timor. Used by 38 Sqn during Flood relief operations in NSW 24/04/90 to 01/05/90. Also served in Timor and Bougainville. Special markings were painted on the tail of this aircraft 04/2002 for 38 years of Caribou operations by 38Sqn. Preserved Australian War Memorial Canberra Currently stored at AWM Annex Mitchell ACT

A4-147 |
147 |
Delivered to RAAF 12/03/64. One of first 3 Caribou's delivered on a ferry flight from Toronto Canada to Australia, flight time of just under 97 hours. Had a long range fuel tank failure during ferry flight. Arrived at RAAF Richmond 22/04/64. To 2AD. To 86 Wing 30/04/64. At 35 Sqn 12/05/66. At 38 Sqn 12/06/67. To De Havilland Bankstown 11/67. To 38 Sqn 24/01/68. Crashed 06/10/68 during landing Tapini PNG. The aircraft was converted to spares. Was with 38 Sqn as a Field Training Simulator/Training Aid.

A4-152 |
152 |
Delivered to RAAF 29/04/64. Arrived in Australia 13/06/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam Oct 67 - Nov 68 Returned to Australia for major repairs. Served with 38 Sqn 1970. Several minutes after takeoff from Richmond NSW on the 15/05/70 it had a fire in the starboard engine. The fire was extinguished and was later found to be a cracked cylinder. In Sumatra in Apr/May 1971 whilst on a Survey Task which included Operation "Pemataan Gading" and "Elephant Tusk". Served with 38 Sqn Det "B", painted white and marked in UN markings while it served with UNMOGIP in Kashmir in the late 70's. Carried out-an unscheduled UN Flight 30/06/76 to Srinagar and return. Recent snowfalls in the area have covered the airstrip in 18 inches of snow delaying some sorties. 2-13/11/76 flew Richmond to Rawalpindi, Islamabad Pakistan to replace A4-264 03/78 A4-199 was replaced by A4-152 Departed Richmond 30/08/80 for Villa to support the Vanuatu Government by flying goods and people, following the revolutionary disruption on the island of Espiritu Santo. Painted all one colour, Tea Tree Green in 2002. Served with Interfet in East Timor. Was in Service 38 Sqn. A4-152 was flown to Point Cook on 26/11/09 Currently on external display RAAF Museum Point Cook.

A4-159 |
159 |
Delivered to RAAF 29/04/64. Arrived in Australia 13/06/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam Jul 68 - Jun 71. Served with 38 Sqn. Retired - No Details. Fire Dump - Brisbane Airport QLD. Scrapped 23/03/2010. Forward fuselage acquired by Queensland Air Museum

A4-164 |
164 |
Delivered to RAAF 29/04/64. Arrived in Australia 13/06/64. Served with 38 Sqn - Det "A" in New Guinea from 12/10/65. Richmond Airshow 1988. Was in service 35 Sqn. Crashed 18/10/78 on takeoff at Eliptamin PNG. Was involved in an Airshow at Lilydale 11/02/82. Withdrawn 11/92. Training aid at AMTDU RAAF Richmond. Wings and tail fitted to A4-173 at Queensland Air Museum Noted in outside storage following retirement of the Caribou fleet.

A4-171 |
171 |
Delivered to RAAF 25/06/64. Issued to Butterworth but diverted to Vietnam on delivery flight. To RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam 15/07/64. RTFV renamed 35 Sqn 01/06/66. Served with RTFV/35 Sqn in Vietnam 08/64 - 08/67. To Air Vietnam 06/04/67 for servicing. To 35 Sqn 03/05/67. Crashed 30/08/67, An Thoi Vietnam. Into water 300m short of runway. The pilot was Flg Off Alan Aitken and the co-Pilot was the CO Sqn Ldr Tony Fookes.

A4-173 |
173 |
Delivered to RAAF 25/06/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 08/64 - 02/72. 7/05/65, when landing at Hai Yen mud on windscreen blinded pilots and aircraft was badly damaged. Wing, Undercarriage and Prop replaced and aircraft flew out fitted with a replacement right wing off an US Army C-7 Caribou (see photo with US Star and Bar) 16/08/66 Damaged again landing at Ba To. This time fitted with replacement left wing (see photo with US Army markings) First flight after repair 2/03/67 35 Squadron's Caribous were serviced by the USAF in Thialand. As part of a major service they were repainted SEA camouflage (two shades of green and tan). -173 was the first to be done in late 1968. It returned from Manilla to Vung Tau 01/69 Departed Vietnam 19/02/72 Served with 35 Squadron and then 38 Squadron until at least 1993 Retired - exact details not known. Was stored at RAAF Amberley and had spare parts recovered. 11/10/2001 sold to Queensland Air Museum The fuselage was delivered to the Queensland Air Museum at Caloundra 02/2002, the rest of the aircraft delivered 04/2002. The wings and tail of A4-164 at RAAF Richmond were delivered 10/2002 and are now fitted. Currently on display at QAM.

A4-179 |
179 |
Delivered to RAAF 25/06/64. Diverted to Vietnam on delivery flight. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 08/64 - 02/72. First Aussie aircraft in Vietnam and last out. Used by 38 Sqn during flood relief operations in NSW 23/04/90 to 08/05/90. Was battle damage training aid, Oakey QLD. Training aid at AMTDU RAAF Richmond. Was in outside storage following retirement of the Caribou fleet. Acquired by HARS 09/2014. Fuselage minus tail section, engines and outer wings trucked to Albion Park.

A4-185 |
185 |
Delivered to RAAF 25/06/64. Issued to Butterworth but diverted to Vietnam on delivery flight. To RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam 15/07/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 08/64 - 11/64. 15/11/64, First RAAF Aircraft damaged by enemy fire in Vietnam. Crashed 18/11/64, A Ro Vietnam. It crashed into a ditch dug across the runway. Engines and wings recovered, Fuselage left behind where it served as a command post.

A4-191 |
191 |
Delivered to RAAF 07/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 08/64 - 06/71. On the 08/03/82 this aircraft was being directed by the Army and was given instructions to fly through a live mortar range, luckily the range safety officer called a "hold fire" in time. 38 SQN entered A4-191 in the RAAF 70th Anniversary Air Show Tactical Navigation Air Rally 09/10/91, and the crew took out first place in the Military category. Retired - exact details not known. Stored at RAAF Amberley since early-mid 1990s Scrapped at Amberley 11/2015

A4-193 |
193 |
Delivered to RAAF 30/07/64. Issued to Butterworth 30/07/64. To RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam 17/07/64. Served with RTFV/35 Sqn in Vietnam 17/07/64 - 03/70. On 12/03/65, sniper destroyed port engine with one shot. Aircraft continued takeoff on one engine and recovered to Da Nang. To Air Vietnam 10/11/65 for servicing. To RTFV 14/12/65. RTFV renamed 35 Sqn 01/06/66. To Air Vietnam 02/08/67. To 35 Sqn 27/09/67. With 35 Sqn 12/10/68. At 35 Sqn 07/69. Destroyed 29/03/70, That Son Vietnam. Destroyed by a mortar attack when on the ground. All people ok. Crew of A4-193; FLGOFF Bert Milne (Pilot), PLTOFF Calvert, CPL Church, LAC Liang. Crew of Rescue Vehicle: Alan Runfeldt (driver).

A4-195 |
195 |
Delivered to RAAF 09/64. Served with Interfet in East Timor. Served in Operation ANODE, Solomon Islands 2003/2004. Flying display, with markings on the fuselage showing 45 years of caribou service to the ADF. Classic Fighters Airshow, Omaka, NZ - Easter 2009. Was in service 38 Sqn. Long term storage at Oakey awaiting disposal. One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 6 Caribou aircraft located at Oakey. The successful tenderer was the Australian Army Flying Museum at Oakey (so it hasn't got far to go!)

A4-199 |
199 |
Delivered to RAAF 09/64. Served with 38 Sqn - Det "B" and was painted white and in UN markings when it served with UNMOGIP in Kashmir 1975-1978. Crewed by FLTLT P. Cleary, FLGOFF R. Folvig, FLTLT K. Stone SGT K. O’Brien and CPL W. Little departed Richmond at 0230Z on 04/03/75. Its path to Alice Springs, Broome, Bali, Jakarta, Butterworth, Rangoon, Calcutta and Delhi on the 15/03/75. 03/78 A4-199 replaced A4-152 at Rawalpindi, Islamabad Richmond Airshow 1988. Nowra Airshow, 1998. Avalon Airshow 1999. Used as Transport for Survivor Television Program 2000. Avalon Airshow 2005. Was in service 38Sqn. Airlifted by Chinook A15-102 to Townsville on 18/11/09 from High Range training area following a hard landing on 25/09/09. Currently Gate Guardian at RAAF Townsville

A4-202 |
202 |
Delivered to RAAF 19/10/64. To 2 AD 19/10/64. To 38 Sqn 27/10/64. Crashed at Porgera New Guinea 11/06/65. There were no fatal injuries, but the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.

A4-204 |
204 |
Delivered to RAAF 11/64. Laverton Airshow 18/04/1971. Used by 38 Sqn during flood relief operations in NSW 21/04/90 to 16/05/90. Mangalore Airshow 1993. 10/10/05 Carried out a handling display in front of over 40,000 people as No. 38Sqn’s contribution to RAAF Richmond’s open day Static Display Avalon 2007. In Service 38Sqn. Noted in dismantled state outside Aerospace Australia at Brisbane Airport since 11/2009. One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 1 Caribou aircraft located at Brisbane Airport. The successful tenderer was the Vietnam Veteran's Museum on Phillip Island, Vic. (Also getting A4-231)

A4-208 |
208 |
Delivered to RAAF 11/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 06/1965 - 02/1972. On Friday 30/07/67, Caribou A4-208 was hit by two rounds of .30 calibre automatic weapon fire at an altitude of 1500 feet during descent for landing at Dak Seang Airfield, South Vietnam. One round hit and cut the aircraft's rudder cable, while the second round struck the fuselage aft roundel, side unknown. This section of fuselage was removed from A4-208 as part of damage battle repair and is now held by the Australian War Memorial. On the 19/01/69, 3 mortar rounds hit ground 25m from aircraft. With both pilots injured, aircraft hydraulics, flaps, brakes damaged and flat main tyres the aircraft got airborne and recovered ok. When on the ground the aircraft was found to have been hit with 100 pieces of shrapnel. Mid 1980s? Painted in an unique desert camouflage scheme. Ran off the landing surface at the Backmede ALG (Authorised Landing Ground) near Kyogle, NSW on 18/11/85 when with 38 Sqn and ended in a paddock whilst participating in Exercise Casino Royale. During the incident the aircraft received wingtip and fuselage damage. After the aircraft stopped it was shut down and the eight persons on board exited the aircraft without injury. Used by 38 Sqn during Flood relief operations in NSW 14/05/90 to 18/05/90. Was a battle damage training aid, Oakey QLD. Was totally stripped out in preparation for planned dumping as an artificial reef in Moreton Bay. This did not eventiate. To be retained as training aid at Oakey

A4-210 |
210 |
Delivered to RAAF 04/12/64. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 03/1965 - 07/1968 Returned to Australia for major repairs after it ran into a ditch on landing, Pilot Flg Off Ian Baldwin and co-Pilot Flg Off Brian Young. The aircraft was returned to Australia on board HMAS Sydney in December 1968. It was floated on a barge form the naval dockyard, Garden Island, down the coast and along Georges River to the de Havilland factory at Bankstown. After repairs taking six months the aircraft was test flown by a mixed crew of De Havilland and RAAF pilots. Richmond Airshow 1988. Used by 38 Sqn during Flood relief operations in NSW 03/05/90 to 08/05/90. Was in service 38Sqn. Was in storage at Oakey awaiting disposal. Acquired along with A4-234 and 6 semi trailer loads of spare parts by HARS 09/2011. Intended to fly for another 20 years as the "Vietnam Veterans Memorial Flight" Departed Oakey 29/10/2011 for Albion Park. Civil registration VH-VBA

A4-225 |
225 |
Delivered to RAAF 06/65. Served with 38 Sqn - Det "A" in New Guinea from 12/10/65. Still with Det "A" on 13/11/70 the crew of this aircraft confirmed the position of a wartime aircraft wreck that had been reported. This wreck was later found to be an RAAF Dakota missing since 1945 (identity unknown at this time). Served with 38 Sqn 1971. Sent to Townsville to help out after Cyclone Althea 24/12/71. Was in service 38 Sqn. Retired to storage Oakey by 11/2009 One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 6 Caribou aircraft located at Oakey. The successful tenderer was the South Australian Aviation Museum

A4-228 |
228 |
Delivered to RAAF 06/65. Served with 38 Sqn Det "A" 1973. Flew trails 02/07/73 to determine single engine absolute ceiling performance in the PNG area. Avalon Airshow 1992. At Six Mile Reservoir near Noosa Qld on 14/04/93 the crew was conducting a STOL trainer when it impacted with a tree damaging the left wing. Was in service 38 Sqn. 1st Caribou to be placed into long term storage at Oakey QLD 13/05/09. One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 6 Caribou aircraft located at Oakey. The successful tenderer was the Australian Aviation Heritage Centre (QLD) Inc. at Caboolture, Qld.

A4-231 |
231 |
Delivered to RAAF 06/65. Used by 38 Sqn during flood relief operations in NSW 20/04/90 to 11/05/90. Avalon Airshow 1997. Served with Interfet in East Timor. Was in service 38 Sqn. Flown to Oakey 23/06/09 and placed into storage. 2nd Caribou in Storage there. One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 6 Caribou aircraft located at Oakey. The successful tenderer was the Vietnam Veteran's Museum on Phillip Island, Vic. (Also getting A4-204)

A4-233 |
233 |
Delivered to RAAF 20/08/65. To 2 AD. To 38 Sqn 27/08/65. With 38 Sqn 12/09/67. With 38 Sqn 1968. During a post "D" servicing test flight 11/09/68, the pilots had a undercarriage malfunction in which the main gear would not extend. The aircraft was landed on just the nose wheel and ramp, using a foam path. The pilots were one Australian and a Malaysian on Caribou conversion. The aircraft was repaired at No 38 Sqn and test flown serviceable on the 23/09/68. To HDH Bankstown 24/01/69. To 38 Sqn 14/03/69. To HDH Bankstown 07/08/70 and then back to 38 Sqn. To HDH Bankstown 30/09/71. To 38 Sqn 07/12/71. Served with 38Sqn Det "A" 1972. Crashed 28/08/72, Kudjero Gap PNG during a flight from Lae to Port Morseby This was 38 Sqn's first and only fatal accident. 25 of those on board perished Crew; FLTLT Graham David Thomas O222081 (Pilot), PLTOFF Gregory Lionel Ebsary O58698 (Co-Pilot), CPL Gary Ainsleigh Power A222878 (Loadmaster), CAPT Robert Dawson Loftus (ARA GLO) were all killed 21 of the 25 PNG cadets aboard perished. They were from De La Salle College except for SGT Nad who was from Popondetta High.

A4-234 |
234 |
Delivered to RAAF 08/65. Served with 35 Sqn in Vietnam 05/1970 - 02/1972. Was in service 38 Sqn. Retired to storage Oakey 7/09/2009 Was in storage at Oakey awaiting disposal. Acquired along with A4-210 and 6 semi trailer loads of spare parts by HARS 09/2011. Intended to fly for another 20 years as the "Vietnam Veterans Memorial Flight" Departed Oakey 2/11/2011 for Albion Park. Civil registration VH-VBB.

A4-235 |
235 |
Delivered to RAAF 08/65. Received a white colour scheme in preparation for UN duties in the Cambodian elections in the early 90s however the Blackhawks ended up going instead. Used by 38 Sqn during Flood relief operations in NSW 14/04/90 to 18/04/90 and 23/04/90 to 27/09/90. Written off 23/11/91, While conducting a STOL training exercise into Scotts Peak TAS, it ran off the end of the strip and resulted in the nose wheel collapsing in a watery ditch. Repaired and flown back to Richmond, then Amberley on 03/04/92 with gear down. Later written off. Was allocated to the proposed Ipswich Amberley Aviation Museum but they now have A4-236. Stored at RAAF Amberley since early-mid 1990s Scrapped at Amberley 11/2015

A4-236 |
236 |
Delivered to RAAF 08/65. Received a white colour scheme in preparation for UN duties in the Cambodian elections in the early 90s however the Blackhawks ended up going instead. Used by 38 Sqn during Flood relief operations in NSW 22/04/90 to 04/05/90. Served with Interfet & UNTAET in East Timor. Served in Operation ANODE, Solomon Islands 2003/2004. Flying Display Avalon 2007. In Service 38 Sqn. Noted at Townsville on 27/09/2009 Noted at Amberley 11/2010. Currently on display at RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre

A4-264 |
264 |
Delivered to RAAF 05/68. Served with 38 Sqn Det "A" in PNG 1971. On the 20/07/71 Over ran the end of the strip a Tufi. Served with 38Sqn Det "B", painted white and marked in UN markings when it served with UNMOGIP in Kashmir in the 70's. Rotated back to Australia 16-26/11/76 (replaced by A4-152) Returned 30/12/78. Served with Base Flight RAAF Pearce c1978 Crashed 04/07/86, Camden NSW while landing. Now training aid at Richmond for Fire Fighting. Currently in outside storage following retirement of the Caribou fleet.

A4-275 |
275 |
Delivered to RAAF 07/69. Served with 38 Sqn Det "A" in PNG 1973. Out on SAR for HMAS Tarouk 19/05/73. The wreckage was found on a reef about 50 miles off Port Moresby. 04/85 or 05/85 suffered an oxygen fire in the cockpit. Believed to have been caused by iron oxide (rust) contamination in one of the regulators. Luckily a ground crew member shut off the oxygen supply and undoubtedly saved the aircraft from total destruction Used by 38 Sqn during flood relief operations in NSW 17/04/90 to 22/04/90 and 30/04/90 to 06/05/90. East Sale Airshow 1996. Tail painted in special 35 year orange scheme for 35Sqn. Served with Interfet & UNTAET in East Timor. Used in relief ops 11/2007 in Papua New Guinea, effected by floods from Cyclone Guba. Retired to storage Oakey 1/09/2009 One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 6 Caribou aircraft located at Oakey. The successful tenderer was the Historic Aircraft Restoration Society. It will go to their annex at Parkes, NSW. As operators of two airworthy Caribou it will also be an important source of spares should the need arise.

A4-285 |
285 |
Delivered to RAAF 12/69. Arrived in Australia 25/12/69. Served with 38Sqn Det "A" PNG in 1971. On 20/07/71 left Port Moresby to escort a Neptune making for there after an engine fire. Oakey Airshow 1986. Served with Interfet in East Timor. Avalon Airshow 2003. Damaged at Efogi, Papua New Guinea on the 5/09/2008. It was thought at the time to be a heavy landing, however it appears now that it was due to fatigue. Dismantled on site, components retrieved and fuselage believed scrapped.

A4-299 |
299 |
Delivered to RAAF 04/05/71. To 2 AD 23/04/71. The last Caribou delivered arrived in Richmond 12/06/71. To 38Sqn 12/07/71. On return from a service 26/05/89 suffered an undercarriage malfunction resulting in the left main gear collapsing after shutdown. Used by 38Sqn during flood relief operations in NSW 23/04/90 to 04/05/90. Avalon Airshow 2001. Avalon Airshow 2005. Was in service 38Sqn. One of 7 Caribou involved in a failed disposal sale to Amrok Aviation Pty Ltd in 09/2011. 11/2015 Request issued by Aus Tender for Expressions of Interest from Australian Historical Organisations. Disposal of 6 Caribou aircraft located at Oakey. The successful tenderer was the Evan's Head Memorial Aerodrome Heritage Aviation Association
