Aircraft Serial |
Aircraft Type |
Aircraft History |
A9197 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn, AFC. This particular aircraft, featuring the legend 'New South Wales No 16, The Upper Hunter', and was a replacement for A9245, 'New South Wales no 16, The Upper Hunter Battleplane', which was presented to 2 Squadron by the Upper Hunter District, NSW on 15 May 1917.

A9224 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9225 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9226 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9228 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9242 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Australian Presentation aircraft No 15 & NSW No14, Named "New South Wales No 14. Women's Battleplane". This presentation aircraft was purchased by subscription of 2,700 pounds by the Women of NSW and others.
Later Replaced by A9395.

A9245 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Australian Presentation aircraft No 17 & NSW No16, Named "New South Wales No 16. The Upper Hunter Battleplane". This presentation aircraft was purchased by subscription of 2,700 pounds by Upper Hunter District, NSW.
Later replaced by A9197.

A9248 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9255 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9257 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9263 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9265 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9271 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9273 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9274 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9275 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9277 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9278 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9279 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9283 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9284 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9286 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 6 Sqn AFC |
A9287 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 6 Sqn AFC |
A9288 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Flight Marking "A" |
A9292 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9294 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9324 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9326 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9336 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9338 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9341 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9344 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Aircraft Manufacuring Co. Ltd., Hendon, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Flight Marking "C" |
A9369 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, ? |
A9378 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9383 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, ?

A9390 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, 68 (Australian) Squadron, RFC, Harlaxton..

A9393 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9395 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, This particular aircraft, 'New South Wales no 14, The Women's Battle Plane', replaced an earlier aircraft, serial A9242, which was presented to 2 Squadron by 'The Women of NSW and Others' on 12 April 1917.

A9399 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9415 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Australian Presentation aircraft No 8 & NSW No7, Named "New South Wales No 7. Government". This presentation aircraft was purchased by subscription of 2,700 pounds by the NSW Government. |
A9416 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 6 Sqn AFC |
A9420 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9428 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9432 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Australian Presentation aircraft No 16 & NSW No15, Named "New South Wales No 15. Government". This presentation aircraft was purchased by subscription of 2,700 pounds by the NSW Government.
Lieutenant Morrison (pictured below in pilot's seat of A9432) was No 2 Sqn's first casualty. He fell in No Man's Land and was rescued under fire by Captain Heath MC, London Regiment, who was awarded a bar to his MC for his bravery.

A9445 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9448 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9449 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Flight Marking "1" |
A9451 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9457 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9459 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9461 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9462 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9464 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9466 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9467 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC

A9469 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9473 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9474 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9477 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9478 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9479 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9483 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9495 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9499 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9517 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9530 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9531 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9532 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9535 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9536 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9537 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
A9544 |
D.H.5 |
Built by the Darracq Motor Engineering co. Ltd., Fulham, Served with 2 Sqn AFC, Flight Marking "Z", Crashed |
B365 |
D.H.5 |
Built by British Caudron Co., Unit unidentified at this time. Most likely either 2 or 6 Sqn, AFC.

B377 |
D.H.5 |
Built by British Caudron Co., Served with 2 Sqn AFC |
B4905 |
D.H.5 |
Ordered from March, Jones & Cribb Ltd., Leeds, Served with 6 Sqn AFC |
B4911 |
D.H.5 |
Ordered from March, Jones & Cribb Ltd., Leeds, Served with 6 Sqn AFC |
B4938 |
D.H.5 |
Ordered from March, Jones & Cribb Ltd., Leeds, Served with 2 Sqn AFC |