Aircraft History
20/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 01/02/42) 27/06/42 30 Sqn. Coded A (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot SQDLDR Read & Nav FLTSGT Greenhill (Dick p.17). Passengers F/Sgt Badman, Ac1 Navin 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 23/09/42 Shot down by Japanese ground fire when part of a seven aircraft attack of anti-aircraft positions at Buna. Crashed into a mangrove swamp and the remains were recovered when Australian troops occupied Buna. Crew: Pilot FSGT G.W. Sayer & Nav SGT A.S. Mairet were killed on their first Beaufighter operation.
20/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 01/02/42) 15/06/42 30 Sqn Coded B (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot PLTOFF Roe & Nav FLTSGT Fisken (Dick p.17). Passengers LAC Hughes, LAC Butler. 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 05/02/43 Handed over to DAP where it was fitted with a pair of American Wright Cyclone GR-2600-A5B 14 cylinder dual row radial engines with superchargers, in case the supply of Hercules engines from Great Britain was interrupted. As this never occurred no other Beaufighters were so converted. Its performance was slightly below the standard Hercules XVII and the bigger American engine required a new slightly larger nacelle which extended past the wing trailing edge. (Photo Parnell p.9 and Wilson p.88 dated 08/44 shows its rollout from DAP Fisherman's Bend in natural metal finish). 04/09/45 1 AD 27/02/46 stored 1 AD. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off.

20/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 29/01/42) 09/07/42 30 Sqn Coded C Name: 'Rags 1' (Parnell p.107) Dick p.96 quotes ground crew member Elton Marsden as having 'applied the camouflage paint to A19-3 at the hanger on Richmond', possibly Foliage Green / Earth Brown / Sky Blue?. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Cec McKew & Nav SGT Lasscock (Dick p.17). Passengers Cpl Cowen, Cpl Marsden 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 27/11/42 15 RSU for engine change. 06/12/42 30 Sqn 07/12/42 damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire in starboard wing, landed with flat tyre and ground looped. Pilot F/O C C McKew & Nav Sgt E D Lasscock 14/12/42 15 RSU for repair. 14/02/43 30 Sqn 17/02/43 Damaged in takeoff accident. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: W/C Walker, Nav Sgt Clark 23/04/43 One of four B Flight Beaufighters that strafed the wireless station near Komaitum NG. 15/06/43 Photo in Parnell p.25 shows A19-3 and A19-10 parked on Horn Island airstrip whilst escorting 76 Sqn Kittyhawks and 79 Sqn Spitfires to Goodenough Island. Still coded C. 12/07/43 Aircraft found to have developed fractures in fuselage. 16/07/43 5 AD for repair. 24/08/43 30 Sqn. 21/12/43 AWM Photo OGO281 shows Code LY-C at Goodenough Island. LY was the 30 Sqn code applied sometime in 1943 – does anyone have a precise date?. 13/02/44 An American Ventura attacked A19-3 whilst on a submarine search. No damage was inflicted on either aircraft (Parnell p.31). 30/03/44 5 AD. 06/08/44 5 OTU. 10/09/45 5 AD stored. 22/11/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed For DAP.

20/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 29/01/42) 28/06/42 30 Sqn. Coded D (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot SQDLDR B. Walker & Nav PLTOFF J. Mason (Dick p.17). Passengers F/Sgt Thomas, Sgt Hammond 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 18/11/42 Hit in rear fuselage and hydraulics shot-out by Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Lae. Aircraft landed wheels-up at Wards (Dick p.35). Crew: Pilot SQDLDR B. R. Walker & Nav PLTOFF J. W. Mason. (Photo Parnell p.16 and AWM P01335.006 where the colour scheme appears to be Foliage Green/Earth Brown/Sky Blue). 22/11/42 15 RSU for repair. 04/01/43 3 AD. 22/05/44 5 AD. 07/09/44 5 OTU. 08/11/44 Presumed crashed into sea off Williamtown NSW after overshooting airstrip in a night landing in turbulence and poor visibility. Aircraft climbed away and disappeared. A port inner fuel tank was found washed up on the beach. Crew: Pilot WOFF F.E. Smallhorn, Nav SGT B.G. Sparkman & SGT W.L. Mather. Airframe flying hours 162.55

20/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 01/02/42) 08/05/42 The first Beaufighter to fly in Australia Bankstown NSW and was piloted by SQDLDR Ellis (email from G. Birkett 23/06/03). 25/05/42 2 AD 03/08/42 30 Sqn Coded F (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot FLTLT Welsh & Nav SGT Witheford (Dick p.17). Passengers Sgt Forde, AC1 Gazzard. 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 22/11/42 During a strike against Lae airstrip, A19-5 put a one second burst into a Zeke which had climbed up under its nose to attack another Beaufighter in front. Japanese anti-aircraft fire then hit A19-5 in the port nacelle and tyre (Dick p.35). The aircraft was further damaged on landing with a flat tyre, swinging and hitting a tree. Pilot F/Sgt L S Vial, Navigator F/Sgt R T Nelson 14/01/43 15 RSU for repair. 20/02/43 30 Sqn. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: F/Lt Ron 'Torchy' Uren & Nav P/O Harry Suthons. A19-5 carried famous war correspondent Damien Parer standing behind the pilot with his cine camera balanced on the pilots head during strafing attacks upon Japanese ships (Dick p.84). 12/04/43 Holed in starboard mainplane and port flap during a major daylight Japanese bombing raid on Wards airstrip NG. 15/04/43 15 ARD for repair. 17/04/43 30 Sqn. 27/04/43 Ground Looped on takeoff when starboard engine failed causing the aircraft to swing and wrenching off the undercarriage. Pilot F/Lt G W Gibson. 02/05/43 15 ARD for repair. 29/06/43 30 Sqn. Coded LY-R. LY was the 30 Sqn code applied sometime in 1943 - does anyone have a precise date?. 12/07/43 Aircraft developed fractures in the fuselage. 26/07/43 5 AD for repair. 09/09/43 1 AD. 22/12/43 30 Sqn. 09/03/44 5 AD. 25/04/44 5 OTU. 13/12/44 Crashed north of Williamtown NSW during night flying training when the aircraft hit trees on approaching the flarepath. Crew: Pilot FSGT I R Le Maistre. Airframe flying hours 476.5 |
20/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 01/02/42) 15/06/42 30 Sqn. Coded G and named 'Hellzapoppin' (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot SGT Cummins & Nav WOFF Kirley. Passengers LAC Rawlinson, AC1 Jeffress 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 07/07/43 5 AD. 21/01/44 5 OTU. 28/04/45 5 AD for complete overhaul. 06/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off.

26/03/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 11/02/42) 22/06/42 30 Sqn. 16/07/42 Aircraft swung on take-off and starboard undercarriage collapsed. Pilot F/O E A Jones 20/07/42 7 RSU for repair. 25/10/42 2 AD. 06/05/43 30 Sqn. 01/07/43 Tail wheel failed on take-off on non-operational flight. Fuselage fractures were found subsequently. 15/07/43 5 AD for repairs. 27/08/43 30 Sqn. 14/01/44 12 RSU for 240 hour inspection. 28/04/44 5 AD. For safety inspection and incorporation of necessary modifications. 05/09/44 5 OTU. 20/10/44 Crashed during single engine landing at Old Bar airstrip, ran through fence into scrub. Pressure line to starboard engine fractured during low level photographic detail. Pilot F/O T A S Davey, 2nd Pilot Sgt J E Jacbi, Navigator Sgt K J Bratt. 30/10/44 2 CRD. 15/12/44 Conversion to components approved.
26/03/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 11/02/42) 20/07/42 30 Sqn Coded H (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot FLTLT Ross Little & Nav PLTOFF Alec Spooner (Dick p.17). Passengers Cpl Bell, LAC Smith. 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 22/11/42 During a strafing attack on Lae airstrip, A19-8 fired on a Zero that was attacking two other Beaufighters. The Zero turned away smoking from the engine but the kill was not confirmed (Parnell p.17). Crew: Pilot FLTLT Little & Nav PLTOFF Spooner. 03/03/43 The same crew participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea by which stage both had been promoted, to S/Ldr and F/O respectively. A19-8 fired upon a Zero attacking a US Mitchell near the convoy. The Zero climbed, letting A19-8 pass underneath then half-rolled into its tail. To its surprise the Navigator returned fire with the single machine gun in the rear cupola. F/O Spooner had recently designed the machine-gun mounting (Dick p.83). 25/04/43 5 AD. 240 hour inspection and engine change. 21/07/43 31 Sqn. 14/09/43 Excessive chevron leak on starboard propeller shaft, pilot came back on port engine, crash landing at Bathurst airfield owing to difficulty of lowering undercarriage. Pilot F/O A M Shorter, Navigator F/Sgt A J McMurchie 01/11/43 14 ARD for repair. 30/04/44 5 AD. 80 hour inspection and modifications. 11/08/44 Central Flying School. 13/08/44 Ground looped at Parkes NSW. Pilot S/Ldr W R Burns, Navigator Sgt M P Freeman, passenger LAC D A Cumming. 12/09/44 2 CRD. 21/09/44 Conversion to components approved |
20/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 23/02/42) 27/06/42 30 Sqn Coded J (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot PLTOFF Sandford & Nav FSGT Jaggs (Dick p.17). Passengers LAC Foster, AC Bond 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby, tail strut collapsed on landing. 15/09/42 15 RSU for repair. 19/10/42 30 Sqn. 01/12/42 Took part in an inconclusive night strike on six Japanese destroyers off Buna. 07/12/42 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Hit in port engine and rudder cable shot away resulting in a forced landing at Dobadura No2 Airstrip (email from Geoff Yeatman April 04). Pilot F/Sgt C A Campbell, Navigator F/Sgt J S Yeatman, repaired by squadron. 19/02/43 The explosive charge in the 'Identify Friend or Foe' device exploded during take-off from Ward’s airstrip NG, as the previous crew had not disabled the electrical circuit before landing as required. The explosion caused the pilot to hurriedly abort the takeoff as he thought a tyre had blown (Dick p.74). A19-9 caught fire and was destroyed but the crew were uninjured. Accident report lists probable cause as engine failure. Crew: Pilot POFF Col A Campbell & Nav FLTSGT Jim S Yeatman. A19-9 was replaced by A19-34. 21/02/43 15 RSU 26/03/43 Conversion to components approved. |
20/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 23/02/42) 20/07/42 30 Squadron coded K (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot FSGT Campbell & Nav FST J. Yeatman (Dick p.17). Passengers AC1 Nott, AC1 Keating. 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 18/11/42 Crashed on landing at Wards airstrip NG. 20/11/42 15 RSU for repair. 20/12/42 30 Sqn. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: FLGOFF Bob Bennett & Nav SGT Phil Edwards. 06/04/43 15 ARD. 240 hour inspection and engine change. 28/04/43 30 Sqn. 15/06/43 Photo in Parnell p.25 shows A19-3 and A19-10 parked on Horn Island airstrip whilst escorting 76 Sqn Kittyhawks and 70 Sqn Spitfires to Goodenough Island. Still coded K. 02/07/43 Fractures discovered in the floor members supporting the cannon channels. 11/07/43 5 AD for repair. 26/01/44 5 OTU. Coded G (Parnell p.107, Photo in Wilson p.122 shows A19-10 in natural metal finish with a large black 'G'). 06/09/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off

20/04/42 2 AP (Shipped UK 29/01/42) 17/08/42 30 Squadron coded L. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot SGT M. Morgan & Nav SGT F. Cassidy (Dick p.17). Passengers LAC Meers, LAC Dusting 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 01/10/42 Starboard engine damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire at Sanananda but was able to return to Wards airstrip NG on one engine. Pilot F/O Willard, Navigator F/Sgt Nelson. 05/10/42 15 RSU repaired. 15/02/43 30 Sqn. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: FLGOFF George Drury & Nav SGT Dave Beasley. A19-11 was attacked by a pair of covering Zeros when about to strafe convoy ships but escaped by diving to surface level and opening the throttles (Dick p.82). 22/03/43 Suffered damaged to wings during operations. FLGOFF Drury was renowned for returning from operations with palm fronds hanging from his aircraft (Dick p.88). 28/03/43 15 ARD for repair. 07/04/43 30 Sqn. 12/04/43 Major daylight raid by 45 bombers and 60 fighters on Port Moresby NG with 9 bombers concentrating on Wards airstrip. A19-11 was damaged when a Japanese bomb bounced off rear starboard wing before exploding (photo Parnell p.24 and Dick p.89). 30/05/43 15 ARD. 27/04/44 All attempts to obtain remainder of parts have failed, aircraft has been stripped to make others serviceable. 30/05/44 Conversion to components approved.

13/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 29/01.42) 15/06/42 30 Sqn Richmond. 05/08/42 Aircraft missing between Richmond NSW and Laverton Vic. whilst carrying a cargo of spare parts. 07/08/42 Aircraft found crashed 260 meters below the north peak of Mt Disappointment, North of Whittlesea, 60kms from Melbourne. Crew: PLTOFF Leslie Douglas Langusch & Nav SGT N. E. Greasley (enroute to visit his injured brother who had just been repatriated to Melbourne from the Middle East) were killed. (Sources, accident report and http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/vic18.htm).
20/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 23/02/42) 26/06/42 30 Sqn. Coded M (Parnell p.107). 13/07/42 Starboard engine seized requiring a forced-landed at Bourke NSW airstrip with no further damage. Crew: FLGOFF Bill Willard & Nav PLTOFF Ralph Nelson (Dick p.11). 24/07/42 7 RSU for repair. 04/08/42 30 Sqn. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot Sgt Vial, Navigator Sgt Hanks. Passengers Cpl McLean, Cpl Roberts. 06/09/42 Along with A19-49 & A19-53, flown direct from Townsville and formed the first 30 Sqn detachment (A Flight) at Milne Bay. Crew: Pilot FSGT Len Vial & Nav FSGT Les Hanks. (Baker & Knight p.396 & Dick p.114). 07/09/42 Ran off the airstrip on take-off at Fall River, Milne Bay NG and hit a Hudson parked in a dispersal bay. The pilot had taken off with the access hatch open, landed and closed the door. However A19-13 was now parked at an angle and in the rush to get airborne again, slewed off the wet metal runway. It tore off the Hudson's nose and the starboard wing and engine of the Beaufighter. (Baker & Knight p.317). In a series of four photos of the accident in Baker & Knight p.316, A19-13 appears to be in dark camouflage, possibly RAAF foliage green, earth brown, sky blue, even allowing for the mud. The code M is not visible on the fuselage. 20/09/42 15 RSU. 09/12/42 3 AD. 19/10/43 5 AD. 28/10/43 Conversion to components approved. |
20/04/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 23/02/42) 27/06/42 30 Sqn. Coded N (Parnell p.107). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot SGT Butterfield & Nav SGT Mairet (Dick p.17). Passengers LAC Bartlett, LAC Crouch. 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 15/01/43 Crashed, exploded and burnt just short of Wards airstrip, soon after take-off on a barge sweep. Pilot had signaled he was returning to base because of faulty rudder control (Dick p.57). The RAAF status card lists engine failure as the cause. Crew: Pilot PLTOFF Bruce R Stevens & Nav SGT Stewart F Cameron were killed. Photo of funeral in Parnell p.19.
04/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 20/07/42 30 Sqn Coded O (Parnell p.107). Shield on nose (Photo Pentland p.63). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Brazenor & Nav SGT Anderson (Dick p.17). Passengers AC Carmichael, AC Breen. 12/09/42 flew to Wards airstrip Port Moresby. 17/11/42 Took part in a surprise raid on Lae airstrip which destroyed 2 Sallys and 4 Zeros on the ground (Parnell p.17). 21/11/42 Hit in the tail wheel by a Zero's machine-gun fire over Lae airstrip (Dick p.35). 10/01/43 Sighted a stranded American, Lt J. Childers on a beach north of Mambare and dropped supplies. A Coastwatcher later arranged the rescue Lt Childers. 01/43 There is a classic profile photo of A19-15 in flight when returning from a raid on Salamaua in Parnell p.18. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: F/O Brazenor & Nav SGT Anderson 12/07/43 Fractures discovered in fuselage. 27/07/43 5 AD for repair. 14/09/43 5 OTU. 16/10/44 Belly-landed with undercarriage in semi retracted position at Williamtown NSW due to hydraulic failure. Pilot F/Lt K O Richardson, Navigator Sgt R G Cameron. Airframe flying hours 611.5. 18/10/44 Aircraft retained at 5 OTU as Instructional Airframe No4. 11/09/47 DAP. 16/11/49 Disposed of by DAP

26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 30/10/42 31 Sqn. 22/03/43 4 RSU repairs 31/03/43 31 Sqn 02/05/43 Returned to Coomalie NT when a hatch detached in flight whilst outward bound on a raid on Penfoei airstrip. 10/05/43 Badly damaged during strafing attack by three Zeros (fawn coloured with black cowl) after landing at Millingimbi, N.T. (Parnell p.44) 13/05/43 4 RSU for repair. 30/06/43 31 Sqn. 29/08/43 4 RSU for double engine change. 05/10/43 31 Sqn. 23/01/44 4 ARD for installation of long range fuel tanks and re-camouflaging. 20/05/44 31 Sqn. 24/05/44 5 AD. 11/09/44 5 OTU. 08/12/44 Struck tree avoiding Spitfire mock interception when engaged in low level formation practice 6 miles NE Williamtown airstrip, damaging the port engine but landed safely. Pilot W/O J Lessels, Navigator Sgt K Rowling. Airframe flying hours 468.1 10/09/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 Stored CMU Wagga. Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
04/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 18/06/42 30 Sqn. 06/08/42 Crash-landed at Richmond when one wheel failed to extend. Crew: Pilot SGT Col Campbell & Nav FSGT Jim Yeatman (email from Geoff Yeatman April 04 notes that Jim Yeatman’s logbook does not support his presence). 12/08/42 7 RSU. 25/10/42 31 Sqn. 02/03/43 A19-17 piloted by Bluey Armstrong was returning to base from a cross-country exercise when Coomalie was strafed by 6 Zeros. Three Zeros attacked A19-17 but it escaped by opening the throttles and heading south (McDonald p.59). 19/05/43 14 ARD for double engine change and 240 hour check. 15/06/43 31 Sqn Coomalie NT. 30/08/43 A19-17 was part of a 6 Beaufighter strike on Taberfane and shot down a Pete seaplane, which had just taken off. Crew: Pilot FOFF J.D. Entwistle & Nav SGT D.A. Webb (Parnell p.45). 1 09/10/43 Crashed into the ocean returning from operations Trangan Aru Island Crew: Pilot FLGOFF F.H. Cridland & Nav PLTOFF R.B. De Pierres were killed. Mann p.114 reports that A19-17, one of 8 Beaufighters that raided a newly constructed Trangan airstrip near Taberfane seaplane base was seen to be lagging behind after leaving the target area. Dropping alongside A19-17, the CO (possibly Mann?) saw the Navigator leaning over the slumped and wounded pilot, handling the controls. The Navigator was ordered to bailout immediately, and await rescue by a Catalina, because it was impossible to reach the foot operated rudder controls to stop the Beaufighter from entering a spiral dive. The Navigator refused to abandon the unconscious pilot and soon after A19-17's starboard wing dropped and, with one arm around the pilot, he waved a final farewell (Mann p.114). Squadron report says 6 Beaufighters on the strike, 1 of which returned early, the other aircraft of the section, S/Ldr R L Gordon (in A19-36) and F/Sgt V T Warren (in A19-51) noticing A19-17 was lagging turned back to join Cridland who was flying at 140 knots at 1,500 feet. After proceeding for some time Gordon's navigator (Sgt Jordan) reported that A19-17 was acting in a peculiar manner and that the navigator was up front, a short time later reporting A19-17 had dived almost into the sea then just after saying it had crashed. The other aircraft circled the position for 8 minutes, observing debris and the dingy but not seeing any survivors, a D/F fix was obtained.

26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/02/42) 02/11/42 5 OTU 16/01/43 Damaged port leading edge and engine nacelle when hit a tree during low level formation flying practice. 27/04/43 5 AD for repair. 22/06/43 31 Sqn. 18/08/43 Starboard oil cooler damaged by ricochet from shrapnel fired from the aircraft's own guns when on convoy duty and the starboard engine was damaged beyond repair due to loss of oil. Force landed safely around 22 miles SE of Point Stuart. Pilot P/O F W M McKinnon. Navigator Sgt D Wright. Airframe flying hours 320.2 25/08/43 4 RSU for repair. 21/09/43 31 Sqn. 09/10/43 Bellylanded in minefield at Bagot Road, near RAAF Darwin NT due to a lack of fuel, after mission where S/Ldr Gordon in A19-40 shot down two twin engined fighters. Pilot F/O J A Garnham, Navigator F/O Delaney 24/10/43 14 ARD. 26/11/43 Conversion to components approved.
26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/02/42) 27/10/42 31 Sqn 13/05/43 Aircraft failed to return from searchlight co-operation flight over Darwin, pilot became lost, crew baled out. No trace was found until the 19th when Pilot F/O J D Brannelly was rescued, Navigator Sgt B W McGrath killed 26/05/43 Conversion to components approved. |
26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/02/42) 22/09/42 31 Sqn. 30/09/42 Tail wheel collapsed when taxiing at Forest Hill NSW. 04/10/42 5 AD for repair. 23/10/42 31 Sqn. 29/12/42 Ditched about one kilometre off the coast of Timor after apparently being hit by AA fire. Crew: Pilot PLTOFF G. Gabb & Nav SGT D.A. Webb swam ashore, evaded the Japanese and were found by a patrol of Australian commandos from Sparrow force. The crew returned to Australia on 10/01/43 aboard the RAN Destroyer 'Arunta'.
27/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 11/03/42) 02/08/42 2 AD. 23/08/42 31 Sqn 06/09/42 Port undercarriage failed damaging port wing and propeller. 07/09/42 5 AD for repair. 08/10/42 31 Sqn. 27/01/43 Forced landing at Batchelor NT following an engine failure, aircraft flew 150 miles on one engine. Pilot Sgt E J Barnett, Navigator Sgt P S Lennon. Airframe flying hours 119.1 01/02/43 1 RSU. 04/03/43 31 Sqn. 13/09/43 4 RSU. 30/10/43 31 Sqn. 02/11/43 Damaged rear fuselage and rudder on heavy landing from operations. Pilot F/O N T Stubbs, Navigator P/O M J Taylor. Airframe flying hours 253.1 05/11/43 4 RSU for repair. 22/11/43 31 Sqn. 31/01/44 5 AD. 03/08/44 5 OTU coded K. 14/02/45 Forced landed on Stockton Beach near Newcastle NSW after mid-air collision with A19-48 which hit underneath A19-21 at 1300 feet when about 5 miles from Williamtown. A19-48 overshot when the leader A19-21 pulled up sharply and was trying to slip back under the leader. The starboard engine was damaged causing excessive vibration and as fully feathering propellers were not fitted, the pilot, FLGOFF A.S. Burton was unable to maintain height. (Photo Parnell p.73 in camouflage colours white K). Navigator P/O R W Lyons. Airframe flying hours 517.35 |
26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/02/42) 13/10/42 31 Sqn. 23/12/42 Crashed while strafing at Fog Bay Timor. (Squadron report says suspected engine trouble) Crew: Pilot WOFF M.C. Smith & Nav SGT R.T. Hand.
04/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 09/11/42 5 OTU. 30/03/43 Damaged starboard under-carriage during night landing at Forrest Hill airstrip NSW. 02/04/43 5 AD for repair. 18/07/43 5 OTU. 17/09/43 Damaged on landing. 19/10/43 5 AD for engine change. 05/04/44 5 OTU. 25/06/44 Damaged. 29/06/44 5 AD for repair. 08/07/44 Forced landed 5 miles SW of Berrigan with undercarriage retracted due to starboard engine failure, 5 miles south west of Berrigan NSW whilst on ferry flight to 5 OTU. Pilot F/Lt J C Taylor. Airframe flying hours 505.15. 29/07/44 5 AD. 22/09/44 2 CRD Converted to components.
04/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 22/06/42 30 Sqn. 12/08/42 7 RSU. 25/10/42 2 AD. 12/01/43 30 Sqn. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: P/O Len Vial & Nav F/Sgt Ralph Nelson. Damaged in fuselage by a Zero whilst attacking the convoy. The Nav deterred the attacker by flashing his red aldis lamp causing the Zero to break off the attack (Dick p.83). 27/05/43 Shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire whilst strafing and crashed north-eastern end of Lae airstrip, NG. Crew: Pilot 563 FLTLT E.D. Eddison & Nav 11321 SGT R.M. Allott were killed.
18/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/02/42) 14/07/42 Engine failed after take off causing aircraft to stall at Laverton. Pilot F/O W C Gatenby, passenger LAC J W Birchall 05/08/42 Conversion to components approved.
26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/02/42) 11/10/42 31 Sqn. 27/10/42 Damaged when part undercarriage collapsed Forest Hill NSW. Pilot W/O Thomas 02/11/42 5 AD for repair. 12/02/43 5 OTU 20/03/43 Crashed landed with wheels retracted Forest Hill NSW. 26/03/43 5 AD 12/10/43 Conversion to components approved. |
04/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 03/11/42 5 OTU 31/01/43 Starboard under-carriage collapsed on landing. 16/02/43 5 AD. 25/04/43 30 Sqn. Coded H. "TIME GENTLEMEN PLEASE" nose art on port side and name "Pandemonium" on the starboard side of the nose. 07/06/43 Crash landed when hydraulic system failed leaving the starboard undercarriage inoperative, fluid was seen pouring from the starboard housing, landed with undercarriage partially retracted, Wards Airfield PNG. Pilot S/Ldr W T M Boulton, passengers S/Ldr Emerton, S/Ldr Hepburn 11/06/43 15 ARD. 03/05/44 5 AD. 01/07/44 Conversion to components approved.

04/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 02/03/42) 22/06/42 30 Sqn. Coded P (Parnell p.108) 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot S/Ldr Parker, Navigator W/O O'Conner. Passengers Sgt Davies, LAC Taylor. 10/11/42 Damaged in fuselage by Japanese anti-aircraft fire. 27/01/43 Damaged by enemy action at Wards airstrip NG. 31/01/43 15 RSU for repair. 25/04/43 3 AD. 22/10/44 Central Flying School Point Cook. 30/09/45 engine change. 12/11/45 1 Communications Unit. 28/01/46 Central Flying School Point Cook. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 29/06/51 Sold to R.H. Grant Trading Coy for scrap.

19/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 13/03/42) 19/05/43 In the early hours of the morning six RAAF Beaufighters, led by FLTLT P.E. Biven took to the skies for an early morning attack on the Japanese held airfield at Penfoei, West Timor, at sunrise. What was supposed to be a surprise attack became an even bigger surprise for the raiders when they found the Japanese defenders thoroughly alerted. The Japanese opened up with a heavy barrage of anti-aircraft fire when the Beaufighters began to make a strafing run through the airfield destroying two bombers on the ground. Beaufighters A19-29 and A19-58 were both hit by anti-aircraft gunfire and are believed to have crashed into the hills south of the airfield while A19-45 also hit by anti-aircraft fire crashed into the Timor Sea. After the strafing, enemy aircraft, that had been on patrol over the airfield at the time, attacked the remaining Beaufighters and continued their attacks for 100 miles out to sea but they could not get close enough for effective damage (Extract From Dean Norman’s unpublished work on RAAF Aircrew Losses). Squadron records say 7 aircraft, A19-29, 45, 47, 51, 57, 58, 63, claiming 2 bombers and 1 fighter destroyed. Crew: Pilot PLTOFF Evan James Frith 420180 & Nav PLTOFF H.I. McLennon were killed.

19/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 13/03/42) 30/09/42 30 Sqn. 24/11/42 Port engine holed by machine-gun fire (email Geoff Yeatman April 04). 01/03/43 1 AD. Floor formers fractured by cannon fire. 07/03/43 5 AD. 24/06/43 31 Sqn. 17/09/43 Low on fuel and put down on beach 5 miles east of Millingimbi after raid on Taberfane Indonesia but struck a bird, damaging the air cooler. Crew: Pilot Ellis & Nav SGT J. McVinish. Fuel and spare parts ferried in by a Hudson. Airframe flying hours 263.3 25/09/43 swung on take off after repairs from the forced landing hitting an ant bed collapsing the undercarriage, same crew as the 16th. 28/09/43 4 RSU. Airframe shipped incomplete by sea to 5 AD. 07/03/44 5 AD. 03/05/44 Conversion to components approved.
18/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 13/03/42) 10/07/42 Port engine failed on take-off for a test flight but aircraft landed safely. 18/09/42 31 Sqn. Name: 'Feaubighter' (Parnell p.108). Photo AWM PO1164-014 is believed to be of this aircraft. 04/11/42 Coomalie NT. 17/11/42 One of 3 Beaufighters from B Flight that participated in 31 Sqns first operational sortie. The intended target was Bobanaro, East Timor but just short of the target the lead Beaufighter crashed into the ocean. The second Beaufighter then had engine trouble and A19-31 aborted the mission and escorted it back to base (McDonald p.15). Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Ken McDonald & Nav PLTOFF Frank Magee regularly flew A19-31. 12/42 20mm cannon converted from cannister to belt feed. 02/03/43 A replacement pilot flew A19-31 on a area familiarisation flight but on return did not park in a dispersal bay which was the normal practice. Soon afterward 6 Zeros strafed Coomalie airstrip completely destroying A19-31, much to the chagrin of the regular crew (McDonald p57-59). A three-quarter rear view sketch drawing in McDonald p.58 does not show any markings other than A19-31. 04/03/43 4 RSU. 26/03/43 Conversion to components approved.
18/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 13/03/42) 24/09/42 30 Sqn. 20/11/42 15 RSU. Engine change. 05/12/42 30 Sqn. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: F/O Sandford & Nav F/Sgt Jaggs 13/05/43 Fuselage structure supporting cannon housing channels section defective. 27/05/43 Tail wheel retracted on landing at Forest Hill causing minor damage (Email Geoff Yeatman April 04). 28/05/43 5 AD for repair. 12/02/44 5 OTU 01/02/45 Starboard undercarriage retracted whilst taxiing at around 5 mph Williamtown NSW. The undercarriage had been failing to work properly all flight. Pilot F/O A F Sayer, Navigator Sgt J M Forsyth. Airframe flying hours 512.1 08/08/45 Port engine changed but overall condition of aircraft was assessed as poor, 277 hours flown. (Since last overhaul?) 06/09/45 5 AD. 08/11/45 Stored 18/12/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP |
11/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/03/42) 18/07/42 30 Sqn Coded 'Q' (Parnell p.108). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot F/Lt Uren, Navigator F/O Maguire. passengers Cpl Bain, LAC Thompson. 28/02/43 5 AD for repair of floor formers fracture by the firing of the 20mm cannons 29/05/43 30 Sqn 05/09/43 Crashed near Borgen Bay due to Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Cape Gloucester, New Britain. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF H.M. Woodroffe & Nav FSGT J.L Brooks.

27/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 11/03/42) 28/05/42 Port undercarriage collapsed on landing from test flight. 28/10/42 5 AD for repair. 22/12/42 30 Sqn Coded J. (Wilson p.134, Pentland p.63) Replaced A19-9. 27/01/43 Damaged by enemy action. 31/01/43 15 RSU for repair. 27/02/43 30 Sqn. 22/03/43 Crash landed due to blown tyre which had been damaged by enemy bullet. Pilot P/O H L Berg. 26/03/43 15 ARD 17/08/43 30 Sqn. 17/09/43 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire at Cape Hoskins., port mainplane main spar bottom boom extensively damaged. Crew F/Lt K H Barber, Navigator F/O A G Claire. 24/09/43 26 RSU for repair. 14/10/43 30 Sqn. 27/10/43 SDF 10/01/44 1 APU for performance tests. 27/09/44 2 AP. 11/11/44 1 APU. 13/09/45 5 OTU 28/09/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 18/12/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP.

11/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/03/42) 06/07/42 30 Sqn. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot P/O Stevens, Navigator Sgt Cameron. Passengers LAC Edwards, AC Collins. 22/11/42 Aircraft swerved on take-off crashing into embankment on runway edge, wrenching off the undercarriage, Ward's Strip. Pilot Sgt L P Mostryn, Navigator Sgt F G Cassidy. 27/11/42 15 RSU for crating. 09/12/42 3 AD for repair. 03/06/43 5 OTU 28/09/45 5 AD for overhaul. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 18/12/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP.

27/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 11/03/42) 13/07/42 2 AD. 04/08/42 30 Sqn Coded S (Parnell p.108) 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot W/O Hughes, Navigator F/Sgt Keller. passengers LAC Feinburg, AC Nipperess 15/11/42 AA fire deflated tyre, propellers damaged on landing. Pilot W/O E G Hughes, Navigator F/Sgt W D Keeler. 22/11/42 Hydraulics shot away by Japanese fighters, aircraft landed with undercarriage retracted and slewed into a ditch tipping it onto its nose. Pilot W/O E G Hughes, Navigator F/Sgt W D Keeler. 26/11/42 15 RSU being crated. 16/12/42 3 AD for repair. 11/10/43 31 Sqn. 21/11/43 Damaged by Japanese fighter and then anti-aircraft fire in lower fuselage and flaps. Pilot F/O K A Gerdes, Navigator F/Sgt A K McMillan 24/11/43 14 ARD for repair. 20/05/44 31 Sqn. 29/05/44 5 AD. 28/08/44 5 OTU. 10/11/44 Crashed about 200 yards offshore 14 miles south of Evans Head NSW after collision with A19-194, at about 1,000 feet after completing a low level strafing exercise. The bodies of the crew, some fuselage and other parts were washed ashore and some parts were used for spares on other aircraft. Pilot F/O N L Parker, Navigator Sgt N M Tyack both killed. Airframe flying hours 237.45 The tail section of this aircraft is being used in the restoration of A19-144 after being retrieved from northwestern WA (Flightpath Magazine Volume 13, Issue 2, p.25).

11/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/03/42) 06/07/42 30 Sqn. Coded T (Parnell p. 109). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot F/O Willard, Navigator F/Sgt Nelson. Passengers Cpl Beynon, LAC Watson. 25/12/42 15 RSU 26/02/43 30 Sqn 13/04/43 Damaged by bomb shrapnel at Wards airstrip NG. 15/04/43 15 ARD. 06/06/43 5 AD. 12/10/43 Conversion to components approved.

27/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 11/03/42) 24/07/42 30 Sqn Coded U (Parnell p.109). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot F/Lt Wild, Navigator P/O Harvey. passengers Cpl Schofield, LAC Edgar. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: F/Lt Gibson & Nav SGT Cameron 09/05/43 Starboard engine seized solid at 1,100 feet over Wards field. Force landed on a reef near Pyramid Point PNG. Pilot W/Cdr B H Walker, Navigator Sgt W B Cameron. Airframe flying hours 229.25 11/05/43 15 ARD. 11/06/43 Conversion to components approved. |
11/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/03/42) 28/06/42 30 Sqn. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot F/Sgt Sayer, Navigator F/Sgt Haw. Passengers LAC Horne, AC1 Boyd 16/09/42 Slight damage to mainplane after striking coconut trees. Pilot F/O Sandford, Navigator F/Sgt Jaggs. 03/10/42 Hit truck on take off damaging starboard undercarriage at Wards Strip PNG. 09/10/42 15 RSU. 05/11/42 3 AD. 26/01/43 Conversion to components approved. |
04/05/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 12/03/42) 06/07/42 30 Sqn. 12/08/42 7 RSU. 20/08/42 31 Sqn. 13/11/42 5 OTU. 19/03/43 Crash landed at Forest Hill when port undercarriage retracted on landing. 22/03/43 5 AD for repairs. 10/06/43 31 Sqn Coded EH-G (Parnell p.109). 09/07/43 4 RSU. 19/07/43 31 Sqn. 22/08/43 4 RSU. 07/09/43 31 Sqn. 17/09/43 Kills by SQDLDR Reginald "Butch" Gordon of 1 Rufe (Taberfane on the ground). 09/10/43 Jettisoned bombs over Kerval Creek and shot down two Kawasaki Ki45 "Nicks" when again flown by SQDLDR R L Gordon. On the outward journey the first Nick rear gunner damaged the Beaufighter's propellers, leading edges and engines. On the return journey the second Nick shot out the Navigators gun mounting and badly damaged A19-40. Believing the Beaufighter to be critically damaged the Nick pulled in front to attack another Beaufighter and Gordon shot it down. With the port engine just turning and intermittently seizing, no hydraulics and little fuel Gordon belly landed on the nearest airfield, Livingston NT which housed a Spitfire Squadron. He managed to swing A19-40 off the airstrip. (Photos McAuley p.225). A19-40 received 50 cannon holes and 120 7.7mm machine gun holes and was declared a write off. The navigator was Sgt Jordan. 25/10/43 14 ARD. 27/11/44 8 CRD. 21/02/45 Conversion to components approved.

27/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 11/03/42) 06/04/43 5 OTU 02/08/43 5 AD 02/09/43 5 OTU 19/10/43 5 AD 26/01/44 5 OTU 07/11/44 Aircraft failed to return from night cross-country training flight, departed 2135, last contact 2340 acknowledging a weather recall. Pilot F/Lt Raymond Julian Helling, Navigator P/O Victor Winston Partridge, both killed. Airframe flying hours 511.15 |
07/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/42) 09/11/42 5 OTU 15/03/43 Overshot landing, raised undercarriage to stop. 14/04/43 5 AD 18/05/43 5 OTU 09/08/43 5 AD, 240 hours inspection. 15/02/44 5 OTU 21/02/45 5 AD. 01/11/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 22/04/48 Passed for DAP. |
07/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/42) 02/11/42 5 OTU 20/06/43 31 Sqn. 17/09/43 Ran out of fuel and landed on mud flats SW of Skirmish Point near Millingimbi NT when returning from a raid on Taberfane after becoming lost due to defective instruments. Refuelled by Hudson aircraft and returned to base. Crew: Pilot F/O R Ogden & Nav F/O J G West (Parnell p.45). 18/09/43 Flown out and returned to 31 Sqn. 29/10/43 4 RSU for repairs. 01/02/44 31 Sqn. 17/02/44 5 AD 07/06/44 5 OTU 31/08/44 Aircraft ran off airstrip on landing following brake failure. Undercarriage collapsed after hitting gravel heap. Pilot F/O A M Virtue, Navigator W/O A McBrien 10/09/44 2 CRD for repair. 20/10/44 Instructional Airframe No3 Air Armament Gunnery School Nhill Vic. 09/10/47 Disposed of to K Oldfield Nhill 01/01/71 Australian Aircraft Restoration Group. Restored aircraft on display in the USAF Museum

27/04/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 11/03/42) 02/11/42 5 OTU 27/03/43 Landed with wheels partly extended due to hydraulic line failure. Pilot Sgt D M Terry, Navigator Sgt T J Doyle. Airframe flying hours 228.5. 01/04/43 5 AD for repair. 05/07/44 5 OTU 09/08/44 Hit trees on night landing approach and belly landed at Williamtown airstrip NSW. Pilot P/O K W Souness, Navigator P/O G R Cant 16/08/44 2 CRD. 09/09/44 Conversion to components approved.
08/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 03/04/42) 21/10/42 31 Sqn. 11/12/42 Ground looped when landing in a crosswind at Coomalie NT. Pilot F/Sgt Gabb, Navigator Sgt Webb. 21/12/42 1 RSU for repair. 04/01/43 31 Sqn. 19/05/43 Ditched into Timor Sea following damage during an attack on Penfoei (See also the entry under A19-29). Crew: Pilot FLGOFF R. McD. Taylor 417009 & Nav SGT C. G. Cobert were killed.
07/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/42) 25/09/42 31 Sqn. 17/11/42 Wing tip struck water during a steep turn whilst evading enemy aircraft and crashed into the Timor Sea. Crew: Pilot SQNLDR Douglas Carson Riding 177 & Nav WOFF Robert Douglas Clarke 1831 were killed.
07/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/42) 13/10/42 31 Sqn. 19/05/43 Damaged by AA fire in raid over Penfoei. Pilot F/O D W B Delaporte. 06/06/43 14 ARD for repair. 14/08/43 31 Sqn. 21/08/43 Collided with A19-63 while attacking a Japanese floatplane near Taberfane and both aircraft crashed into the sea. Crew: Pilot FLTLT F.J. Gardiner & Nav FLGOFF L.J. Lyne. |
08/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 03/04/42) 29/11/42 12 RSU Garbutt. 22/12/42 30 Sqn. 07/02/43 Rivet heads snapping off on top centre skin and fuselage. 19/03/43 2 AD for repair. 23/08/43 Allotted to 31 Sqn for operational tests. 08/10/43 5 AD 26/01/44 5 OTU. 14/02/45 Crashed 8 km north of Newcastle NSW after mid-air collision with A8-21. A19-48 was in a polished natural metal finish and hit underneath A19-21 at 1300 feet when about 5 miles from Williamtown. A19-48 overshot when the leader A19-21 pulled up sharply and was trying to slip back under the leader, instead striking it underneath the starboard engine at 1300 feet, the port wing and part of the tail of A19-48 broke off and the aircraft rolled out of control and crashed. Crew: Pilot F/SGT Keith R Sharp & Nav SGT Geoffrey E Hocking were killed (Parnell p.72). |
07/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/42) 09/07/42 30 Sqn. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot F/O Jones, Navigator F/Sgt Southens. Passengers A/C Reinhard, Sgt Heron. 06/09/42 Along with A19-49 & A19-53, flown direct from Townsville and formed the first 30 Sqn detachment (A Flight) at Milne Bay. Crew: Pilot FLTLT Ted Jones & Nav FSGT Harold Suthons (Baker & Knight p.396). 07/09/42 Along with A19-53 flew the first operational mission for a 30 Sqn Beaufighter, providing anti-aircraft gun suppression fire on a Japanese Cruiser 'Tenryu' and Destroyer ‘Arashi’ which had shelled Milne Bay the night before, sinking the freighter 'Anshun' at dock. 6 Sqn Hudsons bombed first obtaining two near misses. They were followed by the two Beaufighters (A19-13 was destroyed in a take-off accident), then 100 Sqn torpedo Beauforts. Although the Beauforts pressed home their attack to close quarters there were no hits which was thought to caused by a fault with the American torpedoes running deeper then programmed. 27/10/42 Hit by Japanese anti aircraft fire which set an engine on fire whilst attacking Lae PNG. A19-49 was seen to strike the ocean surface a short distance from the shore then rising up about 30 meters before diving into the sea and sinking immediately (Extracted from Dean Norman’s unpublished work on RAAF Aircrew Losses). Crew: Pilot E. A. Jones & Nav SGT E.R. Richardson 22750 were killed. |
05/06/42 2 AP (Shipped UK 07/04/42) 13/07/42 2 AD. 01/08/42 30 Sqn. Coded X and named 'Wendy Joy II' (Parnell p.109). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot F/O Moran-Hilford, Navigator Sgt Richardson. Passengers LAC Bromilow, AC1 Wilson. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: Sgt Morgan & Nav Sgt Cassidy 12/04/43 Destroyed by a direct bomb hit during Japanese raid on Wards Strip NG. Photo of burning wreckage in Parnell p.23. 15/04/43 15 ARD 03/05/43 Conversion to components approved. |
08/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 03/04/42) 03/10/42 31 Sqn Named 'Snifter' (Parnell p.109). 19/05/43 Damaged by hitting a tree while avoiding enemy fighters and AA and during raid of Penfoei airfield. Pilot F/Lt P E Biven. 23/05/43 14 ARD for repairs involving a double engine change and 240 hour inspection. 20/07/43 31 Sqn. 31/01/44 5 AD for complete airframe overhaul. 05/07/44 1 APU for test installation of F24 camera. 15/03/45 5 OTU. 06/09/45 5 AD 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
08/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 03/04/42) 11/09/42 31 Sqn. 28/09/42 Crashed landed at Narrandera airstrip NSW when starboard engine caught fire. Pilot F/O K Blundell, Navigator Sgt Hatfield. 05/10/42 5 AD. 26/10/42 Converted to components. |
09/06/42 2 AP (Shipped UK 07/04/42) 28/06/42 2 AD. 02/08/42 30 Sqn. Code Y Name: 'Margon' (Parnell p.109). 04/08/42 Forced landing when ran out of fuel during test flight. Undamaged. 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Pilot Sgt Downing, Navigator Sgt Box. Passengers LAC Mortimer, LAC Baich. 06/09/42 Along with A19-49 & A19-53, flown direct from Townsville and formed the first 30 Sqn detachment (A Flight) at Milne Bay. Crew: Pilot FLTLT Ted Jones & Nav FSGT Harold Suthons (Baker & Knight p.396). 07/09/42 Along with A19-49 flew the first operational mission for a 30 Sqn Beaufighter, providing anti-aircraft gun suppression fire on a Japanese Cruiser 'Tenryu' and Destroyer ‘Arashi’ which had shelled Milne Bay the night before, sinking the freighter 'Anshun' at dock. 6 Sqn Hudsons bombed first obtaining two near misses. They were followed by the two Beaufighters (A19-13 was destroyed in a take-off accident), then 100 Sqn torpedo Beauforts. Although the Beauforts pressed home their attack to close quarters there were no hits which was thought to caused by a fault with the American torpedoes running deeper then programmed. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Attacked from behind by two Zeros which stopped the port engine and damaged the starboard. The hydraulics were shot out and the wing and fuselage holed and caught fire but it soon went out (Parnell p.20). Both crew were wounded. Escorted by other Beaufighters, A19-53 staggered on to belly land in one piece at Poppondette (Photo Parnell p.20). Crew: Pilot SGT G Ron Downing & Nav SGT Danny K Box, both wounded. 06/03/43 15 RSU for repair. 03/07/43 30 Sqn. 15/09/43 15 ARD for 240 hour inspection and engine change. 16/11/43 30 Sqn. 30/11/43 Missing on operations, last seen at 0643S 14950E entering a severe storm at around 200 feet altitude. (Parnell p.109). Pilot F/O G A Lucas, Navigator Sgt W J Yates both killed.

01/06/42 2 AP (Shipped UK 07/04/42) 25/06/42 2 AD. 29/07/42 30 Sqn. Coded V (Parnell p.109). 17/08/42 One of the 24 Beaufighters flown from Richmond NSW to Bohle River near Townsville Qld for operational training. (A19-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 53, 54. A19-8, 11, 14, 35, 37, 37, 53 landed at Bundaberg to refuel, staying over night, flying to Bohle River the next day) Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Harding & Nav SGT H. Cane (Dick p.18). Passengers LAC park, LAC Morris 23/08/42 Damaged lower cowling, tail and rudder during landing at Garbutt. 26/08/42 12 RSU for repair. 08/07/43 30 Sqn. 22/07/43 Damaged port wing tip when it struck a Japanese flag pole whilst strafing buildings at Gasmata (Series of photos including AWM OG0023). Dick p.124 claims medium Japanese anti-aircraft fire had blown off the 45cm of wing tip, as do squadron records. Aircraft ground looped on landing at Turnbull airstrip NG but no further damage was done. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Graeme Hunt & Nav PLTOFF Arthur Hodges. 30/07/43 15 ARD for repair. 08/08/43 30 Sqn. Coded V. Around this time a large reclining girl was painted on the port fuselage, forward of the cupola. It was copied from the July 43 edition of Man magazine (Photo - Parnell p.29) 30/03/44 5 OTU. 29/04/44 5 AD. 25/08/44 5 OTU. 21/02/45 5 AD. 240 hour inspection. 06/11/45 5 AD stored 13/11/45 Stored Category C. 14/12/45 Conversion to components approved.

26/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 07/05/42) 03/10/42 12 RSU for minor repairs 17/10/42 30 Sqn. 27/01/43 30 Sqn. 27/01/43 Destroyed by Japanese bombing raid on Wards Strip PNG.

25/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 07/05/42) 03/11/42 5 OTU 14/02/43 Port tyre blew out on take off at Forest Hill NSW. 25/02/43 Engine cut-out on take off and aircraft crashed north of Forest Hill NSW. Pilot F/O Ogden 28/02/43 5 AD. 26/03/43 Conversion to components approved. |
25/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 07/05/42) 29/09/42 31 Sqn. 13/03/43 4 RSU. 31/03/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 13/06/43 Crash on landing due to tyre being damaged by enemy fire and collapsing on touch down. Pilot Sgt B J Barnett, Navigator Sgt P S Lennon. 15/06/43 4 RSU. 21/06/43 14 ARD. 26/11/43 Conversion to components approved. |
25/06/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 07/05/42) 01/10/42 31 Sqn. 22/02/43 Ran off side of runway and ground looped at Coomalie NT damaging undercarriage. Pilot P/O I A Wilkins, Navigator Sgt J W McNamara. Airframe flying hours 112.4 25/02/43 4 RSU for repairs. 12/03/43 31 Sqn. 15/04/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 19/05/43 shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft guns over Penfoei, Dutch Timor (West). Crew: Pilot SGT N.G. Armstrong & Nav SGT S.T. Robertson were killed. (See the entry under A19-29). |
02/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/05/42) 06/09/42 31 Sqn. 17/01/43 Starboard outer wing tank self sealing covering caught fire as engine was started. Airframe flying hours 159.4 18/01/43 1 RSU for repair. 09/02/43 31 Sqn. 26/04/43 Shot down into ocean by eight enemy fighters near Aru Islands. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF C.A. Greenwood & Nav SGT C.W. Thompson. Greenwood was captured by the Japanese and survived the war as a POW.
31/07/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 31/05/42) 20/09/42 31 Sqn. 15/12/42 Port engine failed during a test flight. Pilot Sgt E J C Barnett, Navigator Sgt F S Lennon. 16/12/42 Starboard undercarriage leg collapsed as aircraft was being taxied to insert after port engine failure caused a ground loop during the test flight take off attempt . Pilot Sgt E J C Barnett. 18/12/42 1 RSU. 05/03/43 4 RSU for repair. 18/04/43 31 Sqn. 06/05/43 Missing on operation over Taberfane, Aru Island area. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Wrinch Joseph Charles Budd 406971 & Nav PLTOFF Finlay McQueen 207758 killed. |
02/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/05/42) 04/09/42 31 Sqn. 21/09/42 Crashed during a mock ground attack 3 miles north east of Cootamundra NSW. Crew: Pilot FSGT J.E. Jenkins 407435 & Nav SGT V. Sutherst 35755 were killed. 05/10/42 5 AD 28/10/42 Converted to components. |
31/07/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 31/05/42) 17/09/42 31 Sqn. 29/04/43 4 RSU. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 31/05/43 31 Sqn. 23/06/43 Landed at night at Coomalie airstrip NT when returning from operations, aircraft swung and the starboard undercarriage collapsed when it ran over a drain. Pilot error or a burst tyre cited as possible cause, squadron report says damaged in combat. Pilot F/O R Ogden, Navigator F/Sgt West. 01/07/43 14 ARD. 11/10/43 Conversion to components approved.
02/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/05/42) 04/09/42 31 Sqn. 21/02/43 4 RSU. 01/04/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 21/08/43 Mid-air collision over Taberfane with A19-47 while attacking a Japanese floatplane. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF V.C. Leithead & Nav FLGOFF R.S. Graves.
31/07/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 31/05/42) 18/09/42 Ground looped at 1 AD, repaired. 27/09/42 31 Sqn. Coded EH-F (Parnell p.110). 07/10/42 Engine failed and aircraft damaged on landing. Pilot S/Ldr Riding, Navigator W/O Clarke 18/10/42 5 AD. 06/02/43 Conversion to components approved. |
31/07/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 31/05/42) 11/10/42 31 Sqn. 30/11/42 Coomalie airstrip NT swung to starboard during hurried take off losing the starboard engine and collapsing the undercarriage, due to starboard propeller in fully course pitch. Pilot Sgt M M Taylor. 02/12/42 1 RSU. 21/12/42 Converted to components.
14/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 20/06/42) 08/09/42 31 Sqn. 25/02/43 Crashed on landing at Coomalie NT on return from a convoy escort mission. Landed in cross wind and swung into soft ground, overturned and broke into halves. Crew: Pilot Sgt R J Kilpatrick & Nav Sgt Harry G P Horton (email from Richard Horton on http://home.st.net.au/~nt41.htm)
14/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 20/06/42) 08/09/42 31 Sqn. 19/01/43 Missing on operation over the Ossu Timor area after encountering cloud Pilot WOFF Norman Leslie Thomas 407013 & Nav SGT Donald Laurie Van Nooten 13981, both killed. Airframe flying hours 176.35. |
14/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 20/06/42) 20/09/42 30 Sqn. 13/10/42 Crashed into heavy timber and burned on operations near Kokoda PNG. Crew: Pilot SGT J.L. Butterfield & Nav SGT J.R. Wilson, both killed.
14/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 20/06/42) 09/09/42 31 Sqn. 30/11/42 Missing on operations over the Timor Sea when covering HMAS Castlemaine. Last seen diving steeply while being pursued by four enemy fighters. Crew: Pilot FSGT Maurice James Morrison 407723 & Nav SGT Allan Frederick Forrest 31095.
06/10/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/07/42) 11/12/42 31 Sqn. 02/01/43 Forced landing in open country at Cape Sturt NT following engine failure. Pilot F/O K W Blundell, Navigator Sgt J O Hatfield. Airframe flying hours 32. 13/01/43 1 RSU. 22/03/43 4 RSU for repair. 10/08/43 31 Sqn. 26/08/43 Kills by SQDLDR Reginald "Butch" Gordon - 1 Rufe (Taberfane on the ground). 17/09/43 Hit by AA fire while attempting to engage enemy float planes. Force landed in a swamp at Blyth Creek 18 miles SW of Millingimbi NT after first the port then the starboard engine failed as Millingimbi airfield was closed by fog. Pilot W/Cdr F W B Mann, navigator F/Sgt F S Harber. 22/09/43 4 RSU. 07/03/44 5 AD. 19/04/44 Conversion to components approved.
14/08/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 20/04/42) 14/09/42 31 Sqn. 29/12/42 Damaged during raid on Timor and after a partially uncontrollable flight back across the Timor Sea crashed and burnt at Cape Helverting, Bathurst Island NT after crew bailed out. Pilot FSGT I A Wilkins & Nav SGT W H Byrnes uninjured. (email Gordon Birkett 10/04/03).
02/09/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 20/06/42) 18/09/42 Ground looped at 1 AD repaired. 27/09/42 31 Sqn. 28/10/42 Forced landing at Katherine NT. 28/10/42 1 RSU for repairs. Engine change. 10/12/42 31 Sqn. 10/05/43 Strafed by Japanese Zeros in the first of what was to be several attacks on Millingimbi airstrip NT. A19-72 burnt-out but was the only Beaufighter destroyed in the attack, although others received minor damage. 13/05/43 4 RSU Converted to components.

13/10/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 18/08/42) 06/12/42 1 AD. 30/12/42 30 Sqn. 27/01/43 Damaged by enemy action. 31/01/43 15 RSU for repair. 19/03/43 3 AD. 23/04/43 30 Sqn. 31/05/43 Crashed while making a practice attack run on the wreck of the cargo ship 'Pruth' which ran aground in November 1927 near Port Moresby, New Guinea. A19-73 flew too low, hit the ship's mast, shearing off the starboard wing and flipping the aircraft onto its back. Pilot F/O William Thomas Robertson Harding & FLGOFF F.C King (also a Pilot but a passenger on this flight) were killed. Navigators SGT Hedley Cane & FLGOFF John V Tyrill (passenger) survived with burns injuries and cleared the submerged aircraft through the broken tail (Dick p.106). Airframe flying hours 71.55
13/10/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 18/08/42) 17/11/42 2 AD. 27/11/42 1 AD. 13/12/42 12 RSU. 17/12/42 30 Sqn. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: F/Sgt Cummins & Nav W/O Kirley 24/03/43 Damaged by Japanese 50 calibre bullets in starboard nacelle. 28/03/43 15 ARD for repair. 10/04/43 30 Sqn. 11/08/43 Crashed into the sea off Vivigani, Goodenough Island soon after take-off. The badly broken up Beaufighter was later spotted lying on a reef in about a meter of water about 2 km offshore (accident report says hit sea 50 yards from coast). Only the pilot's body was recovered. Crew: F/SGT William Nicholas Pax (Bill) Cosgrove (Pilot) & FSGT Bernard Albert (Bernie) Le Griffon (Nav) had borrowed A19-74 as their regular aircraft A19-111 was undergoing minor repairs (Dick p.131). 15/08/43 26 RSU 25/08/43 Conversion to components approved. |
13/10/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 25/08/42) 19/11/42 2 AD 27/11/42 1 AD. 22/12/42 30 Sqn. Coded D (Parnell p.110). 07/02/43 Force landed following starboard engine failure. Pilot W/Cdr B R Walker, Navigator F/O J W Mason, passengers F/O N E Fraser, F/Sgt C G Davies. Airframe flying hours 69.4. 11/02/43 15 RSU 27/02/43 30 Sqn 04/03/43 While returning from an operational sortie the starboard fuel system failed (not considered due to enemy action), force landed in a swamp 1 mile N of Dobradura airstrip. Pilot F/O E G Drury, Navigator Sgt Beasley. Airframe flying hours 75.3. 11/03/43 15 ARD 05/04/43 Conversion to components approved. |
07/10/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 25/08/42) 13/11/42 5 OTU 03/06/43 Crashed at Toocumwal, port undercarriage collapsed during normal cross wind landing. Pilot F/O D G Taylor, Airframe flying hours 247.05 19/10/43 5 AD 05/04/44 5 OTU 23/11/44 5 AD for complete overhaul. 20/06/45 5 OTU 28/09/45 5 AD 13/11/45 Stored Category C. 18/12/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP. |
07/10/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 25/08/42) 23/11/42 5 OTU. 01/07/43 Crashed and burnt Forrest Hill NSW while attempting to land after night cross country flight. Crew: Pilot FLTLT J. Edquist & Nav SGT N.J. Moyle both killed. Airframe flying hours 268.1 09/07/43 5 AD 19/07/43 Conversion to components approved.

07/10/42 1 AD. (Shipped UK 25/08/42) 14/12/42 Force landed at 1 mile S of Fiskeville near Ballan. Pilot F/O M W Baker, Navigator F/O W Parkinson, passenger LAC P Gray. Repaired by 1 AD 17/01/43 31 Sqn. Coded EH-V (Parnell p.110) 17/03/43 Force landed at Tumbling Waters NT out of fuel but not badly damaged and scheduled to be retrieved in the dry season. Pilot F/Lt C A Greenwood, Navigator Sgt C Thompson. Airframe flying hours 81. 22/05/43 4 RSU 07/06/43 31 Sqn 01/10/43 4 RSU 07/12/43 31 Sqn. 11/02/44 Force landed near with wheels up Adelaide River NT after carburettor trouble in port engine, rear fuselage badly damaged. On gunnery training flight. Pilot F/O D B F Strachan, Navigator F/Sgt J L Brassil. Airframe flying hours 270.5 15/04/44 14 ARD. 23/08/44 Converted to components. |
02/12/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 09/10/42) 10/01/43 5 AD. 24/02/43 31 Sqn. 15/03/43 Shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire near Dobo while on shipping strike. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Albert Ernest Longoni 400094 & Nav SGT Arthur Robert Dale 40706 were killed.
02/12/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 09/10/42) 11/01/43 5 AD. 23/02/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 30/07/43 4 RSU. 21/09/43 31 Sqn. 03/12/43 Swung on landing and hit bank on side of strip. Pilot F/O I T Wickens, Navigator F/Sgt N G Staines. Airframe flying hours 375.55 12/12/43 14 ARD. 14/03/44 Conversion to components approved.
02/12/42 2 AP. 21/01/43 5 AD. 05/03/43 31 Sqn. 17/03/43 Aircraft swung and crashed into trees on take-off for a test flight at Coomalie NT. Pilot F/O E J Frith, Navigator P/O H I McLeannan. Airframe flying hours 30.3 19/03/43 4 RSU. 10/04/44 Conversion to components approved.
02/12/42 2 AP. (Shipped UK 09/10/42) 27/01/43 5 AD. 22/02/43 5 OTU 01/03/43 Aircraft damaged starboard undercarriage at Forest Hill NSW. 08/03/43 5 AD for repairs. 03/11/43 31 Sqn. Coded EH-F (Parnell p.110) 21/11/43 Swung and crashed on take-off on operational mission at Coomalie NT, switches were cut and undercarriage raised to minimise damage. Crew suffered minor injuries. Pilot F/Sgt Reg J Kilpatrick & Nav F/Sgt Harry G Horton. (email from Richard Horton on http://home.st.net.au/~nt41.htm) Airframe flying hours 92.35 02/12/43 14 ARD. 04/03/44 Conversion to components approved. |
14/12/42 2 AD. 24/01/43 5 AD 20/02/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 20/06/43 Port undercarriage folded up on completion of landing run at Coomalie NT. Pilot F/O R Ogden, Navigator F/Sgt J G West. Airframe flying hours 152.3 14/09/43 4 RSU for repair. 27/11/43 31 Sqn. 07/05/44 5 AD. 06/08/44 5 OTU Coded S (Photo Parnell p.74 awaiting disposal at Richmond NSW) 10/09/45 5 AD 13/11/45 Stored Category C 18/12/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out.24/02/48 Passed for DAP. |
02/12/42 2 AP. 10/01/43 5 AD. 20/02/43 31 Sqn. 19/03/43 4 RSU 01/04/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 27/08/43 4 RSU for double engine change. 12/10/43 31 Sqn. 18/10/43 Aircraft hit tree crashed and burned at Darwin NT during interception exercise with 54 squadron Spitfires, to be followed by gunnery practice using sea markers. Fitter Armourers were carried to observe the functioning of the cannon. Pilot F/Sgt R.V. Ellis, Navigator Sgt W B Carton, passenger LAC A J Pitts, all killed. Airframe flying hours 245.4 19/10/43 14 ARD 03/11/43 Conversion to components approved. |
13/01/43 Lost at Sea (Shipped UK 24/11/42)
14/12/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 19/10/42) 24/01/43 5 AD. 20/02/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. 22/05/43 Force landed following starboard engine failure Coomalie NT. Pilot: F/O Bill McKinnon, Navigator Sgt D Wright. 17/08/43 4 RSU. 25/09/43 31 Sqn. 06/10/43 Fire in starboard engine upon starting. Repaired in-Sqn. 06/12/43 Crashed and burnt on water at Anson Bay, near Peron Island NT, during gunnery practice possibly after engine failed. Pilot radioed he was in trouble and heading for the coast south of Peron Island. Pilot F/O K A Gerdes, Navigator F/Sgt A K McMillan, both killed and passenger LAC H K Braybrook who survived the crash and was rescued but died that night. Airframe flying hours 242.3
14/12/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 19/10/42) 31/01/43 5 AD. 21/02/43 30 Sqn Coded R. Caption to photo in Pentland p.98 claims that the aircraft was painted Foliage Green/Dark Earth/Sky. 03/03/43 Participated in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Crew: Pilot: FLGOFF Roe & Nav F/SGT Fisken 05/03/43 Port engine damaged by Japanese action 06/03/43 15 ARD for repair. 17/03/43 30 Sqn. 05/09/43 Damaged by enemy action. 04/10/43 15 ARD for 240 hour inspection. 16/12/43 30 Sqn. 15/05/44 Swung and ran off the end of Gurney airstrip PNG, undercarriage sheared off. Pilot thought he heard a tyre blow out on take off but was unable to see any damage. Pilot F/Sgt T M Boehm, Navigator W/O C N E Wilson, passengers W/O F J Lynch, F/O M E Towill. 19/05/44 10 RSU. 14/06/44 Conversion to components approved.

14/12/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK 19/10/42) 24/01/43 5 AD. 17/02/43 Swung on take off and starboard undercarriage collapsed. Pilot F/O H L Berg, Navigator Sgt H P Kelly, passenger P/O Binnie. Airframe flying hours 12.4 Accident reported with 31 Sqn but it was on the way to 30 Sqn. 25/10/43 31 Sqn. Coded EH-B (Parnell p.110). 25/02/44 Force landed at Drysdale NT due to fuel shortage. The pilot's entrance hatch was sprung open and the belly ripped after hitting a tree near the target whilst on operations and the drag increased fuel consumption. Fuel ran out 16 miles WNW of Drysdale and aircraft belly landed in a sand pit. Pilot P/O R S Bullen, Navigator F/Sgt D C Sparke. 28/02/44 4 RSU. 11/05/44 14 ARD. 30/05/44 Conversion to components approved. |
18/01/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 08/11/42) 21/02/43 5 AD. 05/03/43 5 OTU 17/01/44 Ground looped at Toocumwal when the starboard tyre blew out on take off just before flying speed had been attained, engines were throttled off but starboard undercarriage collapsed and aircraft ground looped. Pilot F/Lt E E Coate, 2nd Pilot F/Lt E C Beer, Navigator F/Sgt L F Ritchie. Airframe flying hours 339.1 07/02/44 5 AD 22/04/44 Approved conversion to Instructional airframe No 2 at No 1 engine school. 08/02/49 SOC. |
14/12/42 2 AD. 01/02/43 5 AD. 25/02/43 12 RSU. 01/03/43 30 Sqn. 03/06/43 Swung off airstrip and crashed during heavy landing, running off runway into drain, damaging undercarriage. Pilot Sgt C E Wrin, Navigator Sgt D C Kirkwood. It was the pilots' first flight with 30 Sqn. Airframe flying hours 73.3. 06/06/43 15 ARD for repair. 03/08/43 30 Sqn. 19/09/43 Force landed at Kiriwina following starboard engine damage from Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Pilot F/Lt P N M Fisher, Navigator Sgt S F Lutwyche. 11/10/43 26 RSU. 18/10/43 30 Sqn. 18/10/43 Along with Beaufighters A19-104 & A19-157, left the new Kiriwina airstrip in the Trobriand Islands for an anti-barge sweep to Lindenhafen. The trio spotted four Zeros flying slightly higher at 1000 feet and maneuvered for an attack from below but were seen. The Beaufighters avoided combat through superior speed but were pursued for 15 minutes (Parnell p.30). 11/03/44 15 ARD 240 hour check 01/09/44 Crashed into a building at the edge of the tarmac damaging the port wing when the brakes failed during taxiing after landing from test flight. Pilot W/O E J C Barnett, Navigator Sgt C A Watson, passenger LAC R L Hemworth 13/09/44 2 AP, to 5AD by road transport. 04/10/44 5 AD. 28/12/44 5 OTU 09/03/45 5 AD. 26/06/45 1 AD. 03/12/45 Stored 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off.

18/01/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 08/11/42) 22/03/43 5 OTU 10/05/43 Accident report gives serial as A19-9. Crashed landed Forest Hill. Trainee on first solo circuit, aircraft swung, ground looped and sheared the undercarriage. Pilot W/Cdr C P Glasscock. Airframe flying hours 154. 11/05/43 5 AD. 23/12/43 5 OTU 18/05/44 Belly landing due to punctured tyre Tocumwal NSW. Pilot F/Lt J T Robert, Navigator P/O Halliday. Airframe flying hours 268.4 02/07/44 5 AD. 23/08/44 Conversion to components approved. 04/09/44 2 CRD |
18/01/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 08/11/42) 22/03/43 5 OTU 17/08/43 Forced landing 5 miles NE The Rock due to engine failure. Pilot Sgt V J Mills. Airframe flying hours 353.05 07/09/43 5 AD. 07/10/43 Conversion to components approved.
18/01/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 08/11/42) 04/03/43 5 AD. 27/03/43 30 Sqn. Coded P (Parnell p.111). Nose: Large 'Goofy' head on starboard nose. Photo Australian War Museum. 15/06/43 Crashed and burnt on take from Ward's Airstrip due to burst starboard tyre just before lift off. Pilot F/Sgt E S Woolcott (killed), Navigator Sgt R Hasenohr (died of injuries on 18/06/43). 16/06/43 15 ARD 01/07/43 Conversion to components approved. |
13/01/43 Lost at Sea (Shipped UK 24/08/42)
18/01/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 08/12/42) 23/04/43 5 AD. 03/05/43 5 OTU 16/07/43 Force landed at Burrumbuttock near Albury NSW after starboard drive between the crankshaft and accessory gearbox sheared. Pilot S/Ldr R A Little, Navigator Sgt P N Butler. Passengers F/Lt Hart, F/O J K McCarthy, F/O Fraser, F/O A Carmichael, M Blain. Airframe flying hours 188.15 20/07/43 5 AD for repair. 23/12/43 5 OTU 06/06/45 Aircraft recommended for complete overhaul as it had accumulated 669 hours flying time. 15/06/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 stored at 5 AD. Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Stuck Off.

14/12/42 2 AD. (Shipped UK (19/10/42) 27/01/43 5 AD. 15/03/43 30 Sqn. Coded D (Parnell p.111). 30/03/43 Ground looped on take off and broke the back of the aircraft at Wards Airstrip NG. 08/05/43 Conversion to components approved.
23/02/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 24/11/42) 07/04/43 SDF 08/04/43 1 AD. 19/04/43 30 Sqn 10/05/43 Swung on landing and damaged tail area. Engines 4851, 4847. 12/05/43 15 ARD. 21/05/43 30 Sqn. 12/07/43 Fractures discovered in fuselage. 25/07/43 5 AD for repair. 13/08/43 30 Sqn. 05/09/43 Damaged by enemy action when on a barge sweep off New Britain which required an engine change. 24/09/43 26 RSU. 07/10/43 30 Sqn. 12/10/43 30 Sqn. During an 12 Beaufighter attack on Tobera airstrip Rabaul A19-142 and A19-97 were pursued by 3 Zeros. A19-97 went missing and was last seen climbing to attack a Zero on the tail of A19-142. Crew: Pilot F/O Robert Derrick Stone & Nav FLGOFF Edward Buford Morris-Hadwell. 11/00 Aircraft wreck discovered 40kms SE of Rabaul. Both men had their names listed on the Monument to the Missing at the Bita Paka War Cemetery, Rabaul and their remains interred with full military honours at the Bita Paka War Cemetery on 15/11/00.

23/02/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 24/11/42) 27/05/43 31 Sqn. 08/09/43 Damaged when on searchlight co-operation exercise Darwin NT. Put out of control when illuminated and went into a high speed dive. Pilot F/Sgt J R Muggleton, Navigator F/O E V Hunt. Airframe flying hours 170.35 12/11/43 4 RSU for repair. 25/02/44 31 Sqn. 10/03/44 Low boost on port engine during take-off, pilot selected undercarriage up when unable to stop in time, leading to a ground-loop and collapsed port undercarriage Wards Airstrip NG. Pilot F/O C A Forrester, Navigator P/O W B Maclean,. passenger LAC R D Mullen. Airframe flying hours 249.1. 14/03/44 4 RSU 05/04/44 14 ARD. 25/08/44 Conversion to components approved. 23/09/44 8 CRD. Converted to components. |
02/02/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 24/11/42) 21/03/43 5 OTU 28/04/43 Tyre burst due to heavy landing. 04/05/43 5 AD for repair. 22/02/44 5 OTU 26/05/44 Crashed and burnt 1.5 miles east of Airstrip Forest Hill NSW (1.5 or 3 miles E of Deniliquin) when on low level cross country flight. Crew: Pilot FLTLT A.E. Roberts (killed) Navigator Sgt K I Davis (seriously injured) 05/06/44 7 AD. 25/06/44 7 CRD. 10/07/44 Conversion to components approved.
03/02/43 2 AD. (Shipped UK 05/12/42) 21/03/43 5 OTU 19/10/43 5 AD. 21/03/44 5 OTU 11/07/44 Struck tree when engaged in low flying exercise. Pilot F/Sgt R W Kelly. Airframe flying hours 396.45 03/09/44 Taxi accident at Williamtown NSW when pilot selected undercarriage up instead of flaps. Pilot F/Lt K O Richardson, 2nd Pilot Sgt R G Cameron, Navigator Sgt E J Burr. Airframe flying hours 429.4 10/09/44 2 CRD. 19/10/44 Conversion to components approved. |
03/02/43 2 AD. (Shipped UK 05/12/42) 25/04/43 5 AD. 06/05/43 30 Sqn. 11/06/43 Crash landed at Wards Airstrip NG due to complete hydraulic failure. Pilot F/O J R Newman, Navigator p/O W T R Binnie. Airframe flying hours 39.25 15/06/43 15 ARD. 27/04/44 All attempts to obtain remainder of parts has failed, aircraft has been stripped to make others serviceable 01/06/44 Converted to components. |
23/02/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 24/11/42) 11/05/43 30 Sqn. 30/05/43 Landed with tail wheel retracted when tail strut failed to function correctly. Pilot F/Lt E M Ball, Navigator W/O C G Hardman, passengers Air Commodore Hewitt, G/Cpt McLachlan, S/Ldr Cowdell, P/O Codd 31/05/43 15 ARD. 19/06/43 Crashed and burst into flames just after take off due to elevator trim tabs being reversed. Pilot F/Lt E M Ball, Navigator W/O C G Hardman, passengers, LAC J J Murnane, LAC M J Anderson. Airframe flying hours 29.4. Engine 6656 written off, Engine 6580 sent for inspection. 17/07/43 Conversion to components approved. |
01/03/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 19/12/42) 04/05/43 Escort for Spitfires departing from 2 OTU Mildura. 08/05/43 31 Sqn. 15/05/43 fitted with auxiliary tanks. 20/05/43 A19-103 flown for a convoy escort and noted as having the new dihedral tailplane (McDonald p.79) . 01/06/43 Damaged in aerial combat over Langgoer and pursued for 100 miles, suffering cannon and machine gun hits. Pilot F/Lt O H McCutcheon, Navigator F/O Shaw. 02/06/43 4 RSU 14/06/43 14 ARD for repair. 20/08/43 31 Sqn. 28/11/43 4 RSU 25/03/44 31 Sqn 25/06/44 5 AD. 28/09/44 5 OTU 06/09/45 5 AD stored 24/02/48 Passed for DAP. |
01/03/43 1 AD. 29/04/43 30 Sqn. 18/10/43 Along with Beaufighters A19-157 & A19-90, left the new Kiriwina airstrip in the Trobriand Islands for an anti-barge sweep to Lindenhafen. The trio spotted four Zeros flying slightly higher at 1000 feet and maneuvered for an attack from below but were seen and attacked. The Beaufighters avoided combat through superior speed but were pursued for 15 minutes (Parnell p.30). 31/10/43 26 RSU. 01/12/43 30 Sqn. 31/12/43 Belly landed following damage by Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Ubili New Britain. Pilot F/O M E Towill, Navigator P/O Sweeney 03/01/44 12 RSU. 13/03/44 10 RSU. 25/05/44 30 Sqn. 12/10/44 5 AD. 25/02/45 5 OTU. 10/09/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 08/08/49 Struck Off.

Not delivered, this aircraft was diverted to India, arriving 28/08/43, SOC 22/02/45
01/03/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 19/12/42) 24/04/43 30 Sqn. 02/08/43 Destroyed an Anti-aircraft position at Gasmata NG Crew: Pilot Clarrie Glasscock & Nav Ray Kelly. 15/08/43 Damaged starboard undercarriage and airscrew when taxied into soft ground before takeoff. Pilot P/O R D Abrecht, Navigator P/O J J Cain. Airframe flying hours 120.45. Pilot's first operational flight. 18/08/43 26 RSU for repair. 17/11/43 30 Sqn. 05/44 Damaged. 11/05/44 15 ARD. 01/06/45 Conversion to components approved.

01/03/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 19/12/42) 30/04/43 12 RSU. 02/05/43 30 Sqn. 25/02/44 Crash landed at Kiriwina following blown tyre and hydraulic failure caused by runway debris. Pilot S/Ldr L R Trewren 07/03/44 10 RSU. 19/05/44 15 ARD. Repairs and 240 hour inspection. 26/09/44 5 AD. 11/02/45 5 OTU 12/07/45 Forced landing at Williamtown, loss of throttle control, overshot airstrip to avoid other aircraft when returning from a training flight in bad weather. Pilot S/Ldr J Hickey. Airframe flying hours 386.1 10/09/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 stored. Category C 21/01/46 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/46 Passed for DAP. |
23/03/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 20/03/43) 10/05/43 5 AD. 11/05/43 5 OTU. 17/06/43 Crash landed 5 miles East of Lacmulac NSW, which is 6 miles east of East of Tumut after loss of elevator control. Crew: Pilot P/O R R Davidson, Navigator Sgt E.H. Dunstone (killed) Airframe flying hours 120.2 09/07/43 5 AD, converted to components. |
25/06/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 20/03/43) 25/06/43 Damaged in transit, fuselage to be sent to Clyde Engineering for repair. 05/08/43 2 AP 20/08/43 Clyde 18/04/44 2 AD. 22/11/44 5 OTU. Coded M (Pentland p.118). 20/05/45 Swung on landing, breaking off the under-carriage Williamtown NSW. Pilot W/O W J Whyte, on first solo familiarisation exercise. 01/06/45 3 CRD. 02/08/45 Conversion to components approved.

23/03/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 20/03/43) 11/05/43 5 OTU 30/06/43 Night belly-landing 14 miles north of Binyah NSW following engine trouble. Pilot Sgt T M Boehm (Seriously injured), or F/Sgt Bolton, Navigator Sgt W E Masterton. Two accident reports, same navigator, different pilots. Airframe flying hours 163.45, 13/07/43 5 AD 12/10/43 Conversion to components approved. |
11/03/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/43) 30/04/43 12 RSU 05/05/43 30 Sqn Code: F. 15/05/43 Twice attacked a surfaced Japanese submarine with gunfire which returned fire before submerging (Parnell p.22). Crew: Pilot FSGT Bill Cosgrove & Nav FSGT B. Le Griffin. 08/08/43 26 RSU to replace defective port tailplane spar. 16/08/43 30 Sqn. Dick p.131 reports that the regular pilot FSGT Bill Cosgrove, a former footballer, had a tigers head painted on the side of the starboard nose to symbolise his Australian Rules Football Club, the Richmond Tigers. See also the entry for A19-74. 01/09/43 Damaged in starboard tailplane by Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Palmal Plantation New Britain. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Keith G Nicholson and Nav FSGT Ken G Delbridge (Photo AWM OG0124 and Wilson p.120). See also the entry for A19-132. 23/10/43 Shot down a Jake which crashed into a hill about 3km west of Cape Orford. A19-111 was slightly damaged by return gunfire from the Jake's rear gunner. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF George Drury & Nav FOFF Beasley (Parnell p.28). 30/11/43 Taxiing accident caused by brake cable failure when pilot pressed the thumb operated brake lever. A19-111 rolled on and hit A19-134. Pilot F/O E M Marron, Navigator F/Sgt C V Gollan, Airframe flying hours 207.45 07/04/44 15 ARD 240 hour inspection and for engine change. 26/09/44 5 AD. 08/12/44 5 OTU. 28/09/45 5 AD. 13/11/45 stored Category C 21/01/46 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP. |
11/03/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 21/03/43) 24/05/43 31 Sqn. Noted as having the old non-dihedral tailplane (McDonald p.81). 07/06/43 Swung on take-off for training flight and ran off airstrip into trees for a familiarisation flight for a new aircrew at Coomalie NT. A19-112 suffered 80% damage. Crew: Pilot SGT D M Terry was badly injured & Nav Sgt T J Doyle suffered only minor injuries (McDonald p.84). Passenger W/O D O McDonald, slightly injured. Airframe flying hours 30. 19/06/43 Conversion to components approved.
17/04/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 26/04/43) 01/06/43 31 Sqn. 22/06/43 Hit by AA fire and crash-landed at night on return to Coomalie. Pilot Sgt D W Ferguson, Navigator W/O Blades. 01/07/43 14 ARD for repairs. 25/01/44 Forced landed at Gorrie NT on an emergency strip in bad visibility due to engine failure and was to be converted to components. Pilot F/O R Ellis, passengers LAC T W Anderson, LAC D M Marks, LAC M G Stephens. Airframe flying hours 54.25. 02/02/44 4 ARD for repair. 18/05/44 4 ARD Serviceable. 20/05/44 was allotted to 5 ARD and whilst on ferry flight south crashed and burnt at Durrie Station Innamincka, SA. Crew: Pilot PLTOFF H. Kelly & Nav PLTOFF C. Huggard. An engine of A19-113 is still located at Innamincka SA. Photo http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/ozcrashes/sa05.htm. |
27/04/43 2 AP. (Shipped UK 22/04/43) 26/06/43 5 OTU 10/08/43 Heavy landing at night at Forrest Hill NSW caused tail wheel to blow and tail strut to collapse. Pilot F/O D B Delaporte, passengers AC1 R J Horwill, AC1 C E Thrift. Airframe flying hours 133.45. 19/10/43 5 AD for repair and 240 hour check. 28/04/44 Port engine failed while climbing after take off and force landed at Boulder WA. Pilot F/O K G Nicholson, Navigator Sgt P M Clarke, passengers Cpl L C Slade, AC1 A D Humble. Airframe flying hours 241.4. 03/05/44 4 AD for repair. 08/07/44 5 OTU 21/02/45 5 AD for 240 hour inspection. 06/11/45 stored. 14/12/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP.
27/04/43 2 AD. (Shipped UK 22/04/43) 14/06/43 5 AD. For installation of Beaufighter order 1 and gun harmonisation. 20/06/43 30 Sqn. 20/06/43 Ran off strip on landing from ferry flight and tail wheel collapsed. Pilot W/Cdr C P Glasscock, Navigator F/O B A Kelly. Airframe flying hours 20.15. 21/06/43 15 ARD. 21/04/44 30 Sqn. 11/06/44 Crashed and burnt on take off for test flight from Tadji, NG. Crew: Pilot W/Cdr P.L.B. Gibson, passenger Cpl O D Murphine both killed. Airframe flying hours 32.05
17/04/43 1 AD. (Shipped UK 26/04/43) 27/05/43 31 Sqn. 25/09/43 Crashed soon after take off while trying to return on a non-operational flight from Millingimbi air strip NT. Crew: Pilot F/O D.G. Taylor & nav FO R.A. Hocking, passengers Cpl J R Gorton, LAC N R Beggs, all killed. Airframe flying hours 197.1 28/09/43 14 RSU 26/11/43 Conversion to components approved. |
17/04/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/04/43) 24/05/43 31 Sqn. 10/08/43 Caught fire at Coomalie NT. 16/08/43 4 RSU for repair. 22/08/43 14 ARD. 28/11/43 31 Sqn. 04/12/43 Crashed sea in Anson Bay, 1 mile S of Peron Island, NT, during gunnery practice. Crew: Pilot PLTOFF N.T. Stubbs & Nav PLTOFF M.J. Taylor, passenger LAC H S Coghlan all killed. Airframe flyting hours 122.15 |
17/04/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 26/04/43, at least so says the RAF) 24/05/43 31 Sqn. 24/07/43 Missing on a 12 Beaufighter operation which strafed the seaplane base at Taberfane, Aru Island, believed hit by AA fire. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF B.W. Gillespie & Nav FLGOFF A.J. Cameron both killed.
17/04/43 1 AD. 22/05/43 31 Sqn. Code EH-W (Photo Pentland p.95). 29/08/43 Part of a 6 Beaufighter strike on the Japanese seaplane base at Taberfane Aru Islands during which 1 Pete and 2 Rufes were destroyed. A19-119 was last seen 4 miles west of Erersin at tree top level with 2 Rufes on its tail. Crew: Pilot FLTLT W.E. Willard & Nav SGT P.N. Butler were killed.
25/06/43 1 AD. 25/08/43 Damaged undercarriage on landing at Gurney airstrip NG when on delivery flight to 30 Sqn. 29/08/43 10 RSU for repair. 11/09/43 30 Sqn. Code LY-H (Photo Pentland p.97). Photo taken at Goodenough Island NG early 1944 in Pentland p.116 & Wilson p.97. 16/06/44 Shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Muschu Is, New Guinea. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF L.D. Hall & Nav FLGOFF E.E. Turner were killed.

24/04/43 Lost at Sea
24/04/43 Lost at Sea
24/04/43 Lost at Sea
24/04/43 Lost at Sea
04/05/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 01/05/43) 08/06/43 5 AD 14/06/43 5 OTU 19/10/43 5 AD. 240 hour check. 21/03/44 5 OTU 19/06/44 Crashed at Nangunyah, NSW 12 miles NE of Tocumwal, after hitting tree during air to ground gunnery practice. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF J.W.R. Houston & Nav PLTOFF E.R. Levy, both killed. 02/07/44 7 CRD. 29/07/44 Conversion to components approved. |
04/05/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 01/05/43) 30/05/43 Crashed on The Slopes, Kurrajong. Starboard engine failed when on downwind leg of landing circuit. Pilot F/Sgt N H Cummins, passengers Cpl A Derbyshire, Cpl E Collins. Airframe flying hours 5.15. 25/06/43 5 AD for repair, via road transport 16/08/43 Wheels broke through soft ground whilst taxiing Vivigani airstrip NG. 21/06/44 5 OTU Code Black W on natural metal finish Williamtown (Photo Wilson p.134). 25/06/45 Force landed wheels up in swamp 1 mile SE of Williamtown NSW (in one foot of water) due to mishandling of fuel controls caused failure of both engines during night flying exercise. Pilot F/O E G Williams, Navigator Sgt Anderson. Airframe flying hours 315.45. Pilot removed from Beaufighter course. 17/07/45 2 CRD 24/09/45 Conversion to components approved. |
26/06/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 25/06/43) 23/08/43 5 OTU 29/11/43 Force landed due to broken sleeve in starboard engine, King Island TAS repaired. Pilot F/O B D Strachan, Navigator F/Sgt R B Christensen 31/07/44 Swung on landing and undercarriage collapsed. Pilot F/Sgt W J Hart, Navigator P/O D B Wilson. Airframe flying hours 265.5 23/01/45 5 AD for repair. 06/11/45 5 AD stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
26/06/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 25/06/43) 06/08/43 5 AD. 29/08/43 5 OTU 09/12/43 Forced landed at Langunya, 6 miles N of Tocumwal following engine failure during low level formation flying practice. Pilot F/O C A Forrester, Navigator P/O L C Miller. 26/12/43 5 AD 03/02/44 Conversion to components approved. |
26/06/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 25/06/43) 03/08/43 5 AD. 23/08/43 5 OTU replacing A19-189 which had crashed. 19/08/45 5 AD. (Over 719 flying hours as of 12/08/45) 01/11/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 24/02/48 Passed for DAP.
25/06/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 05/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 03/08/43 30 Sqn. 16/08/43 Crashed into 60 meters of water Hughes Bay near Ferguson Island when the starboard engine failed just after take-off from Vivigami airstrip on a test flight. As the aircraft carried a full fuel and armament load it was not able to maintain height. Pilot: WCMDR Clarrie P Glasscock, Nav PLTOFF Ray D Kelly & passenger WCMDR J. H. Glasscock (the pilot's brother) all escaped unharmed but had to swim to shore when the dingy punctured. Airframe flying hours 16.40 A19-97 found the missing aircrew shortly afterwards. The aircraft was rediscovered in July 2000 by Ron Peace & Don Fetterly and is intact. WCMR Glascock, the CO of 30 Sqn. was killed just a few weeks later in A19-133.
26/06/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 05/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 23/09/43 5 OTU 03/11/44 5 AD for repair to centre section and mainframe for damage caused by heavy landings over an extended period. 04/04/45 5 OTU. 10/04/45 Crashed 1 mile North West of Tea Gardens, Port Stephens NSW. Probably due to engine failure. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF D.J. Forster & Nav WOFF T.L. Burke both killed. Airframe flying hours 385.25 20/04/45 2 CRD 07/05/45 Approved conversion to components at 2 CRD. |
04/05/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 01/05/43) 03/06/43 5 AD. 14/06/43 30 Sqn. 09/09/43 Ditched after being hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Palmal Plantation, New Britain. The anti-aircraft gun was believed to be the same one which damaged A19-111 on 01/09/43. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Joe R Newman, Nav FLGOFF W G R (Ron) Binnie & Army Liaison Officer CAPT T.F. Gill were seen in the water, and entered a large dinghy dropped by A19-7 at dusk. Supplies were dropped to the crew of A19-132 on 10/09/43. On 11/09/43 Seagull A2-19 from No 1 Rescue & Communication Flight went out in bad weather to rescue the crew but disappeared as did the crew of A19-132. Two empty dinghies were found near Cape Beechey but no trace was found of any personnel (Dick p.139-140).
25/06/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 05/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 27/08/43 30 Sqn. 19/09/43 Shot down by anti-aircraft guns about 7 miles from Cape Hoskins, New Britain. Crew: Pilot WGCDR C.P. Glasscock CO 30 Sqn (see A19-130) & Nav PLTOFF J.J Cain were killed. Just before the aircraft crashed, the pilot was heard over the radio to say to the young Navigator 'Come up front, laddie. I've been hit' (Dick p.140) Loss report says R/T from the aircraft was firstly reporting a hit in a fuel tank, then "My port motor is haywire and she's shaking to pieces", "I am bailing out, come up front" and either "Are you right boy, I'm going now" or "Right boy, I'm going now". |
26/06/43 2 AP, (Arrived Australia 05/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 11/08/43 5 AD. 10/09/43 3 AD for repair of undercarriage damaged when aircraft bogged whilst taxiing. Pilot F/Sgt C D Harris, Navigator Sgt D M Miller. Airframe flying hours 12.3 18/09/43 30 Sqn. Code LY-B (Photo Pentland p.97). 24/09/43 26 RSU for starboard engine change. 07/10/43 30 Sqn. 21/02/44 Missing on operations near Kiriwina. Believed crashed into sea about 30 minutes after take off. Crew: Pilot FLTLT W.L. Daniels & Nav SGT R.V. Tibballs both killed.

12/08/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 20/08/43, at least so says the RAF) 23/09/43 5 OTU 05/03/45 Undercarriage collapsed on landing Williamtown, possibly due to an earlier heavy landing. Pilot F/Lt Gattorna, Navigator P/O Mann Airframe flying hours 381. 08/07/45 starboard engine failed in flight at 3000 feet over Wallangatta, forced landed at Albury aerodrome NSW. Pilot W/Cdr C E Martin, Navigator F/Lt P Shaw, passengers Sgt D E Bain, LAC Clarke. Airframe flying hours 392.45 31/07/45 1 APU. 15/10/45 5 AD. 15/11/45 stored Category C. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
13/08/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 20/08/43, at least so says the RAF) 26/09/43 5 OTU 06/09/44 5 AD.1 05/11/45 stored Category C. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
06/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 14/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 21/09/43 30 Sqn. 02/10/43 A19-142 attacked a Betty flying at sea level putting the rear gunner out of action allowing A19-137 to close in and shoot it down from behind (Parnell p.28). 04/10/43 Crash landed due to damage to port nacelle, mainplane and tyre by enemy fighters 20mm shells. Pilot S/Ldr A A Thompson, Navigator P/O P J White. 07/10/43 26 RSU. 01/11/43 Conversion to components approved.

06/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 14/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 30/08/43 30 Sqn. 07/09/43 Starboard engine damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire whilst on barge strike at Garove Island New Britain. Pilot F/Lt M W Burrows, Navigator F/O A G Burgoyne 16/09/43 26 RSU for repair. 26/09/43 30 Sqn. 09/02/44 Starboard engine failure after take-off caused a belly landing at Kiriwina on the second attempt. Pilot F/Lt D W Eisenhauer, Navigator Sgt I D Mitchell. Airframe flying hours 151.3 13/02/44 12 RSU. 13/03/44 10 RSU. 02/05/44 Conversion to components approved.
07/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 14/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 14/09/43 30 Sqn. 25/11/43 Whilst on a Japanese barge sweep off New Britain near Bangula Bay, Ubili the port engine of A19-139 was seen to be smoking. The crew reporting they may have been hit by AA fire. The aircraft rolled onto its back and crashed into the trees exploding on impact (Dick p.155). Crew: Pilot FLGOFF Percy Coates & Nav PLTOFF Charles Chapple were listed as missing. 10/95 Wreckage of A19-139 spotted from helicopter after Brain Bennett, field manager for a forestry company on New Britain followed a lead from a local Kimbe villager. The RAAF recovery team removed the two bodies for internment in Bita Paka war cemetery Rabaul on 22/11/95, almost exactly 52 years after they went missing (www.pacificwrecks.com/people/collaborators/bradley/chapple.html).
06/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 14/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 18/09/43 31 Sqn. 21/11/43 During a raid over Maikoor, A19-140 made a head -on attack on a Rufe which did a half roll dived away and crashed into the sea. Crew: Pilot SQD LDR Reginald "Butch" Gordon (Parnell p.46). 29/02/44 6 RSU. 240 hour inspection. 21/04/44 31 Sqn. 17/10/44 14 ARD 10/12/44 Crash landed at Kamiri when unable to fully lower undercarriage after ferry flight. Pilot F/Lt J D Entwhistle, Navigator P/O C R Oakley, passengers F/Lt J B Curtis (Medical officer), Lt J Poston USAAF. 11/12/44 26 RSU for repair. 24/02/45 30 Sqn. 04/04/45 3 AD. 22/10/45 Stored. 01/11/45 Approved for conversion to components but this was not carried out. 28/02/48 Passed for DAP. |
02/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 11/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 26/08/43 30 Sqn Code LY-C (Parnell p.112). 17/12/43 Missing on operation near Cape Koas, New Britain. Crew: Pilot FSGT C.E. Wein & Nav FSGT D.C. Kirkwood. The wreckage of Beaufighter A19-141 was located on New Britain over the Anzac Day weekend 2005. Both crew members had been executed as prisoners of war on or around 4 March 1944 and are buried at the Bita Paka War Cemetery, Rabaul.
02/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 11/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 19/08/43 Aircraft may be issued without incorporation Beaufighter order 8. 29/08/43 30 Sqn. Code LY-M (Parnell p.112). 09/09/43 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft (50 calibre) fire in the elevator and rudder and landed at Kiriwira. Field repairs. Pilot F/Lt F R Maguire, Navigator F/O L J Turnbull. 02/10/43 Attacked a Betty flying at sea level putting the rear gunner out of action allowing A19-137 to close in and shoot it down from behind (Parnell p.28). 05/10/43 26 RSU for repair. 12/10/43 30 Sqn. During a large scale air raid on Tobera airstrip Rabaul A19-142 and A19-97 were pursued by 3 Zeros. A19-97 went missing and was last seen climbing to attack a Zero on the tail of A19-142. 27/10/43 Damaged in operations over New Britain when launch the aircraft was attacking blew up. Pilot P/O E M Marron, Navigator F/Sgt C V Gollan. 26 RSU for repairs (no date given) 11/11/43 30 Sqn. 16/11/43 15 ARD for repair. 07/01/44 30 Sqn. 25/10/44 26 RSU. 22/02/45 Conversion to components approved. |
10/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 08/08/43) 28/09/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 11/11/43 31 Sqn. 25/12/43 Ground looped, starboard flap and rear fuselage damaged. 28/12/43 4 RSU for repairs. 11/01/44 31 Sqn. 27/04/44 4 RSU for inspection 21/07/44 Crashed on take off from Pell Field NT on its second flight after a double engine change. Ferry flight but starboard engine failed. Crew: Pilot FLTLT Archie Campbell Thompson (400400) was killed. Nav. FLTSGT I Hickson seriously injured, FLGOFF D. B. F. Strachan was slightly injured. Airframe flying hours 251.5 29/07/44 8 CRD. 08/08/44 Conversion to components approved |
02/07/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 11/07/43, at least so says the RAF) 11/09/43 31 Sqn. 03/10/43 Convoy Duty, undercarriage collapsed after completion of landing run, Coomalie NT. Pilot F/O D D McCord, Navigator F/Sgt J T Childs, passenger F/O P C Delaney (Navigator under instruction). Airframe flying hours 47.45. 10/10/43 14 ARD repaired. 11/12/43 31 Sqn. 16/12/43 Aircraft was flown by SQDLDR ‘Butch’ Gordon and strafed a barge of Japanese troops alongside a freighter at Lautem Timor. He then engaged several ‘Nicks’ painted chocolate and bright green, shooting down one and damaging another (McAuley p.232). 03/01/44 Tail wheel collapsed on landing Drysdale WA. Pilot retracted undercarriage to avoid hitting parked aircraft. Pilot F/O J A Garnham. Airframe flying hours 97.2. 14/01/44 4 RSU. 01/12/44 Conversion to components approved. Remains recovered 09/81 by Rob Greinert and Dennis Baxter

A Beaufighter is being restored to airworthiness by the Duxford UK based Fighter Collection. It is marked as A19-144. It is a composite built from mainly Australian sourced parts that include A19-144 centre fuselage, A19-148 wing centre section, A19-36 tail section and A8-324 cockpit section.

11/07/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 29/06/43) 09/08/43 5 AD. 06/10/43 31 Sqn. 21/11/43 Missing during a flight between Millingimbi and Coomalie Creek NT. Aircraft refuelled at Millingimbi after operational flight and interception by Japanese fighters. Crew: Pilot FSGT H.H. Gaunt, aged 23 & Nav PLTOFF T.J. Jones, both killed. The wreckage of A19-145 was discovered in 1993 about 10 miles inland from Junction Bay NT (http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/nt63.htm). |
26/08/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 29/06/43) 09/11/43 30 Sqn. Coded LY-X. 13/07/44 Shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft guns over Boram, New Guinea. Crew: Pilot SQNLDR G.K. Fenton & Nav PLTOFF R.C. Nelson.
11/07/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 05/07/43) 11/08/43 5 AD. 18/09/43 30 Sqn. 19/08/44 Engine caught fire while on a flight carrying medical supplies caused crash into a swamp 3 miles West of Tadji NG where it burnt out. F/O J H Tregoweth, Navigator W/O H J Hammersley. Airframe flying hours 235.35.
11/07/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 29/06/43) 08/08/43 5 AD. 18/09/43 31 Sqn. 09/10/43 Kill on a Japanese Sally (McAuley p.220). 22/01/44 Crash landed Drysdale WA after hitting tree while obtaining photographs of a bridge in Timor. Pilot F/Sgt W S Rinkin, Navigator F/Sgt A R Mayne. 27/01/44 4 RSU. 28/03/44 Conversion to components approved. Remains recovered 09/81 by Rob Greinert and Dennis Baxter Wing centre section of A19-148 is being used to rebuild The Fighter Collection's "A19-144" at Duxford UK
10/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 08/08/43) 28/09/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 17/11/43 31 Sqn. 04/01/44 SQNLDR Reginald ‘Butch’ Gordon shot down a Betty near Cape Mali. 16/04/44 4 RSU. 240 hour check 14/06/44 31 Sqn. 17/10/44 14 ARD. 29/11/44 26 RSU. 22/12/44 30 Sqn. 30/12/44 Missing on operations near Mt Danap Celebes. Crew: Pilot FSGT D.B. Benson & Nav SGT R.L.F. Jones.
11/07/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 29/06/43) 03/08/43 5 AD. 26/08/43 5 OTU. 29/09/43 Landing at Temora due to bad weather, port undercarriage collapsed. On take off the wheels were seen to touch the ground again while the undercarriage was partially retracted. 08/10/43 5 AD. 14/02/44 Approved to become instructional airframe. 02/08/44 Conversion to components approved. 08/08/44 3 CRD. |
10/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 08/08/43) 17/11/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 29/12/43 30 Sqn. Coded LY-M (Parnell p.113). 21/01/44 Damaged when a cannon shell exploded in blast tube when attacking a barge at Cape Hollmann. A small piece of shrapnel penetrated the calf of the pilot, S/Ldr F E Maguire AFC. 13/03/44 10 RSU for repair. 10/05/44 30 Sqn. 22/09/44 Over ran when landing at Kamiri airstrip, possibly due to overheated brakes, pilot retracted undercarriage but the port wheel did not retract. Pilot F/Lt R E Richmond, Navigator P/O R J Porter. Airframe flying hours 38.35 Fitted with damaged rear fuselage salvaged off A19-205 leading to misidentification of this aircraft at Noemfoor Island 25/10/44 26 RSU. 29/12/44 Conversion to components approved.

01/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 27/07/43) 27/09/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 02/12/43 31 Sqn. 20/06/44 4 RSU. 20/07/44 5 AD. 04/10/44 5 OTU. 01/11/45 5 AD stored. (23/10/45 Airframe hours 555.25) 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E. 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
01/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 27/07/43) 27/09/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 05/11/43 30 Sqn. 03/07/44 Damaged starboard mainplane when hit tree while taking evasive action against Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Pilot F/O L S Jacobs, Navigator F/Sgt B J J Glasson. 13/07/44 15 ARD repaired. 02/10/44 30 Sqn. 03/11/44 Crashed into a truck damaging both propellers, repaired in Sqn. 07/01/45 4 RSU. 26/01/45 5 AD. 06/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E. 08/08/49 Struck Off

01/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 27/07/43) 01/09/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 10/10/43 30 Sqn. 27/03/44 Damaged in starboard wing by Japanese anti-aircraft guns near Kiep Village. Pilot F/O C A Satchwell, Navigator F/Sgt McNamara 22/04/44 10 RSU. 02/05/44 15 ARD repaired. 08/07/45 5 OTU. 01/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E. 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
01/08/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 27/07/43) 23/09/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 01/11/43 Starboard wing caught fire immediately after starting up. Pilot Sgt R H Sasse, passengers F/Lt Coward DFC, F/O Armstrong. Airframe flying hours 16.5 13/02/44 31 Sqn. 21/06/44 Crash landed at 790B airstrip. Repaired by Sqn. 19/10/44 14 ARD repairs and 240 hour inspection. 04/11/44 Crash landed 70 miles South of Tennants Creek due to starboard engine failure. Pilot F/Lt J A Archer, Navigator P/O P S Soper. 20/11/44 14 ARD 02/12/44 1 AD. 01/07/45 1 APU. 13/09/45 5 OTU. 05/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E. 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
01/08/43 Received (Arrived Australia 27/07/43) Arrived at 31 Sqn on same day as A19-163, which suggests A19-156 arrived at 2 AP then sent to 5 AD. 23/11/43 31 Sqn. 06/04/44 A19-156 was hit by Japanese anti-aircraft in a raid on Semoa Island, losing starboard engine, and forced landed on Cartier Reef/Island, 257 km south of Timor (Photo Mann p.84), 12.30S, 123.33E. The crew set up the rear gun on a coconut stump for defense (Parnell p.50). After several hours the crew, FLGOFF D. B. Strachan & Nav FSGT Brassil were rescued uninjured in A24-44, a 43 Sqn Catalina, piloted by FLGOFF Reg. Marr. The Catalina landed near the Island at dusk and the take-off was in darkness (Vincent p.56). A19-156 was destroyed by a covering Beaufighter. |
23/08/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 30/08/43, at least so says the RAF) 04/10/43 30 Sqn. 18/10/43 Along with Beaufighters A19-104 & A19-90, left the new Kiriwina airstrip in the Trobriand Islands for an anti-barge sweep to Lindenhafen. The trio spotted four Zeros flying slightly higher at 1000 feet and maneuvered for an attack from below but were seen. The Beaufighters avoided combat through superior speed but were pursued for 15 minutes (Parnell p.30). Crew: Pilot FLTLT A.A. Thompson & Nav PLTOFF P.J. White. 02/02/44 Test flight after 40 hour check, ASI and altimeter under reading and erratic, made a heavy landing, starboard tyre and undercarriage collapsed. Pilot F/Sgt A I Baldock. Airframe flying hours 120.2 05/02/44 12 RSU. 13/03/44 10 RSU. 08/05/44. Aircraft used to make other Beaufighters serviceable and a shortage of spare parts meant it was approved for conversion to components |
11/09/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 09/09/43) 28/10/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation. 29/11/43 31 Sqn. 27/04/44 14 ARD. 25/05/44 31 Sqn. 01/08/44 5 AD for overhaul and double engine change. 19/10/44 5 OTU 08/11/45 5 AD 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
29/09/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 26/09/43) 20/11/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 11/02/44 31 Sqn. Believed to be coded EH-M (Parnell p. 113) 19/10/44 14 ARD 07/11/44 1 ADU for 240 hour inspection and overhaul. 25/02/45 5 OTU 22/03/45 Pilot selected undercarriage retraction instead of flaps when taxiing after landing. Port main wheel collapsed. Pilot F/O C A Howard, Navigator Sgt R O Carter. Airframe flying hours 245.5 02/04/45 2 CRD. 08/05/45 Conversion to components approved. |
11/09/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 09/09/43) 13/10/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 21/11/43 31 Sqn. Coded EH-F (Parnell p.113). 21/03/44 Tail wheel collapsed on landing during travel flight. Pilot F/Sgt P J Quance, Navigator F/Sgt C S Taylor. 27/03/44 17 RSU repaired. 26/06/44 31 Sqn. 26/07/44 4 RSU. 240 hour inspection. 19/12/44 26 RSU. 05/01/45 30 Sqn. 17/04/45 5 RSU. 31/08/45 5 OTU. 09/10/45 5 AD 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E. 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
11/09/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 09/09/43) 02/11/43 5 AD, Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 22/12/43 May be issued less Beaufighter orders 17 and 21 but orders 16, 26 and 29 must be incorporated. 26/12/43 31 Sqn. Coded EH-J (Parnell p.113) 23/06/44 14 ARD. 25/08/44 31 Sqn. 17/10/44 14 ARD. 18/11/44 26 RSU. 27/11/44 30 Sqn. 24/12/44 Taxied into A8-24 at dispersal. 13/02/45 5 AD. 18/12/45 Conversion to components approved. |
29/09/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 28/09/43) 04/11/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 08/12/43 31 Sqn. 21/02/44 14 ARD engine check. 09/03/44 31 Sqn 29/04/44 Brakes failed when landing at Coomalie NT, ran into a ditch. Pilot F/O J A Garnham, Navigator F/O P C Delaney, passengers LAC G R Fleming, LAC A W Johnson. 02/05/44 4 RSU. 17/05/44 14 ARD repaired. 29/10/44 5 OTU. 15/04/45 Wheels up landing and burnt during cross country flight at Burren Junction NSW (Half way between Walgett and Narrabri). Believed due to fuel failure to both engines. Pilot P/O R W McAlpin, Navigator P/O F J Quinn 26/04/45 2 CRD 19/06/45 Conversion to components approved.

11/09/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 09/09/43) 16/10/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 23/11/43 31 Sqn. 12/05/44 4 RSU. 23/08/44 31 Sqn. 18/09/44 Crashed into sea near Broome, WA after takeoff to provide cover for a Catalina. Crew: Pilot FSGT R.S. Kerrigan & Nav SGT R.G. Smith were killed (Parnell p.53).
25/10/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 04/11/43, at least so says the RAF) 06/02/44 30 Sqn. 26/07/44 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire at Wewak NG, losing port engine, and forced landed in surf 2 miles from Tadji NG. Pilot P/O J G Young, Navigator F/Sgt P A Heath 08/08/44 1 RSU. 21/08/44 Conversion to components approved.
07/10/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 04/10/43) 22/12/43 5 AD. Incorporation of Beaufighter orders 1 and 18 plus gun harmonisation 09/02/44 31 Sqn. 27/02/44 A19-165 was the first received by 31 Sqn with feathering propellers. At 17.21 hours it took off from Coomalie NT on a test flight and circled the airstrip at low altitude when it suffered dual engine failure. Pilot attempted a bellylanding but struck trees and burnt. The navigator FSGT K A Smith was killed in the fuselage and the pilot SQDLDR RL ‘Butch’ Gordon DFC and Bar was thrown clear but died two and half hours later in hospital. Gordon was a Beaufighter ace with 5 Japanese air kills and 2 ground kills (McAuley p.236). Airframe flying hours 36.35. 13/03/44 14 ARD 23/03/44 Conversion to components approved. |
25/10/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 04/11/43, at least so says the RAF) 08/02/44 30 Sqn. 07/07/44 Damaged when hit tree during evasive action to avoid Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Pilot F/Lt J T Sandford DFC, Navigator F/O C A Byrne. 13/07/44 15 ARD repaired. 11/02/45 30 Sqn. 09/04/45 5 OTU. 21/09/45 Missing on non-operational seaward exercise flight, dingy spotted 50 miles at sea. Pilot W/O A F Pitt, Navigator Sgt Hensley. Airframe flying hours 281.25.
17/12/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/12/43) 24/02/44 30 Sqn. 17/05/44 Missing on operations, double engine failure, ditched near 75 miles from Sia Islands, Dutch New Guinea. Dingy located and crew picked up by RAAF rescue launch Stella Maras on 18/05/44. Pilot F/Lt E C Beer, Navigator P/O J M Fielding

07/10/43 2 AP. (Arrived Australia 04/10/43) 12/01/44 Damaged in take-off accident for test flight and caught fire. Starboard wing dropped and hit ground, ailerons were crossed. Pilot S/Ldr R W H Harrison, Engineer F/O H T White, fitter LAC E J Street. Airframe flying hours 6.3 12/01/44 2 AD. 14/02/44 Conversion to components approved.
25/10/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 04/11/43, at least so says the RAF) 22/02/44 1 APU. For rocket projectile performance trials. 27/02/44 1 AD. 16/03/44 31 Sqn. 03/05/44 4 RSU. 08/06/44 31 Sqn. 25/08/44 14 ARD. 240 hour inspection and double engine change. 29/11/44 5 OTU. 26/03/45 End of brake cable pulled out when taxying, resulting in loss of brake control. Swung off Williamtown NSW taxiway as aircraft weather cocked into cross wind, starboard undercarriage hit rocks and collapsed. Pilot F/Lt H M Rutherford. 28/04/45 2 CRD. 11/05/45 5 AD 10/09/45 Conversion to components approved. 14/10/45 2 CRD |
25/10/43 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 04/11/43, at least so says the RAF) 06/03/44 30 Sqn. Code: LY-C (colour profile Pentland p.96). 27/11/44 26 RSU 20/02/45 5 OTU 22/03/45 Crashed when pilot selected wheels up during landing run, Rockhampton Q. 11/07/45 2 CRD. 18/10/45 Conversion to components approved. |
17/12/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/12/43) 08/03/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-S in photo taken at Tadji NG 08/44. 10/09/44 Ditched 5 miles south of Noemfoor due to engine failure. Pilot F/Lt K W Plowman (killed), Navigator Sgt K M Bond.
30/11/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 28/11/43) 08/03/44 31 Sqn. Coded EH-O (Parnell p.113). 25/08/44 Swung, hit ditch, lost undercarriage and crashed on take off Coomalie airstrip NT. Pilot P/O T L Linney, Navigator Sgt D E Finlay 06/09/44 8 CRD. 16/09/44 Conversion to components approved.
17/12/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/12/43) 07/03/44 30 Sqn. 23/07/44 Crashed and burnt on take-off on bombing mission, swung, struck aerial of Duty Pilot's Tower and stalled. Tadji, NG. A typical bomb load for this time was 2x226 kg as targets were relatively close range. Crew: Pilot PLTOFF Jack Hutcheson & Nav SGT Roy Wagner were killed (confirmed by AWM research in Email from Leo Powning 19/11/02). 22/08/44 Conversion to components approved. 26/08/44 12 RSU

02/02/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 29/01/44) 25/06/44 30 Sqn. 13/07/44 Shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft guns and crashed into sea off But. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF C.A. Satchwell & Nav WOFF J.W. McNamara.
17/12/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/12/43) 19/04/44 4 RSU. 20/04/44 31 Sqn. Coded EH-U (Parnell p.113). 30/06/44 4 RSU for engine change. 25/07/44 31 Sqn. 17/10/44 14 ARD. 18/11/44 26 RSU. 27/11/44 30 Sqn. 03/01/45 26 RSU. 09/04/45 5 OTU. 25/11/45 5 AD. 22/03/46 To be stored category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
30/11/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 28/11/43) 16/01/44 5 AD. 06/03/44 31 Sqn. 06/10/44 4 RSU for 240 hour inspection. 24/10/44 14 ARD. 10/11/44 1 AD. 21/03/45 5 OTU. 29/11/45 5 AD for storage. 22/03/46 To be stored category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
30/11/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 28/11/43) 21/01/44 5 AD. 20/03/44 31 Sqn. Coded EH-C (Parnell p.113). 11/04/44 Hit eagle, damaging starboard wing and leaving the eagle in the wing. Whilst landing in a strong cross wind, the starboard wing struck the ground and the aircraft crashed into an earth bank twisting the rear fuselage and collapsing the undercarriage, Coomalie Creek NT (photo Pentland p.89). Pilot P/O R S Bullen, Navigator F/Sgt Sparke 14/04/44 14 RSU. 16/05/44 Conversion to components approved.
30/11/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 28/11/43) 19/01/44 5 AD. Gun harmonisation and incorporation of order 18. 11/03/44 4 AD. 16/03/44 31 Sqn. 15/04/44 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire which knocked out the starboard engine. After flying for 20 minutes on the port engine, aircraft lost height and crashed into the Timor Sea. Crew: Pilot FSGT H.S. Ashbolt & Nav FSGT E.J. Hiskins both killed.
30/11/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 28/11/43) 21/01/44 5 AD. Gun harmonisation and incorporation of order 18. 08/02/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-V (Parnell p.113). 24/11/44 Destroyed during Japanese air raid on Wama Airstrip Morotai. Photo of charred tail section in Parnell p.37. 14/02/45 Conversion to components approved. 09/04/45 26 RSU |
02/02/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 29/01/44) 14/04/44 31 Sqn. 12/09/44 14 ARD. 01/05/45 5 OTU. 19/11/45 5 AD stored. 08/08/49 Struck Off.
08/12/43 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 07/12/43) 16/03/44 31 Sqn. Coded EH-L ‘Ls a Poppin’ (Parnell p.113). 25/07/44 4 RSU. 12/08/44 31 Sqn. 22/08/44 Hit pole after brake failure, Coomalie NT taxiway returning from escort sortie. Pilot F/O R B Lasscock, Navigator P/O J M Broderick 26/08/44 4 RSU for repair. 04/09/44 31 Sqn. 19/10/44 14 ARD. 06/11/44 1 AD. 240 hour inspection. 23/01/45 5 OTU. Coded ‘K’ (Parnell p.113). 15/06/45 Crashed during night landing at Williamtown NSW with undercarriage not locked, following engine failure due to loss of oil pressure. Pilot F/O A W Moore, Navigator F/Sgt R Merchant. Pilot removed from Beaufighter course. 25/07/45 2 CRD. 01/11/45 Conversion to components approved.

23/01/44 2 AD ex UK. (Arrived Australia 21/01/44) 20/03/44 31 Sqn ex 2 AD. 28/03/44 Aircraft struck the mast of a lugger it was strafing and crashed onto land at the head of Pepela Bay, Roti Island with cannons still firing. Aircraft was seen to explode and burn. Crashed on operations over enemy territory 10 Degrees 37S, 123 Degrees 21 E Roti Island. Crew: Pilot FLTLT Keith Alexander Fitton 403730 & Nav FSGT Richard Charles Foyle 40970, both killed. 04/04/44 Approved Write off
08/12/43 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 07/12/43) 08/03/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-H (Parnell p.113). 08/11/44 26 RSU. 240 hour inspection. 21/02/45 30 Sqn. 09/04/45 5 OTU. 30/11/45 5 AD stored. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off.

23/01/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 21/01/44) 12/05/44 14 ARD. 15/05/44 31 Sqn, 19/10/44 14 ARD. 240 hour inspection. 06/11/44 1 AD. 04/07/45 5 OTU. 30/11/45 5 AD stored. 08/08/49 Struck Off |
30/11/43 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 28/11/43) 12/01/44 5 AD. 06/03/44 30 Sqn. 13/07/44 Missing between Dandriwand River and Muschu Island NG. Crew: Pilot FSGT H.I. McK Baldock & Nav W/O N. Abbott, both killed.
23/01/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 21/01/44) 16/03/44 1 APU. 05/07/44 5 OTU. Temporary service, to be only used for special training. 03/10/44 30 Sqn. 16/11/44 Ground looped on completion of landing run Wama airstrip Morotai after port tyre blew out on touch down. (Was to be sent to 1 APU for completion of test and modifications) Pilot W/O K Hopkins, Navigator F/O K D Oliver. Airframe flying hours 161.2 W/O Hopkins was a member of the Rocket Projectile Instruction Party attached to 30 Sqn. 22/12/44 Conversion to components approved.
23/01/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 21/01/44) 10/05/44 30 Sqn. 28/11/44 26 RSU. 21/02/45 30 Sqn. 11/03/45 Hit in starboard engine by Japanese anti-aircraft fire after completing a strafing sweep of Lake Tonado. Could not maintain height and ditched into sea 10 miles north of Majoe Island breaking off the tail. A19-140 circled until the arrival of the air sea rescue Catalina. Hercules engines noted on RAAF status card as 17701 & 18558. Crew: Pilot F/O N. D. Redfern & Nav FSGT J. N. Collinson. When the US air sea rescue Catalina arrived Redfern was found clinging to the tail wheel and Collinson to his navigators table. Rising seas meant the Catalina couldn't take off and the Pilot Weintjies taxied 40km to smoother water for a take off into a thunderstorm.
21/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived ACSEA 01/04/44, Sydney 18/04/44) 09/08/44 30 Sqn. 12/08/44 Struck rock pile on landing approach. Pilot W/O K A Biggs, Navigator W/O J R Hatferld 29/08/44 2 CRD. 17/10/44 Converted to components.
17/02/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/02/44) 19/06/44 31 Sqn Coded EH-V (Parnell p.114). 19/10/44 14 ARD. 29/11/44 26 RSU. 13/12/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-V (Parnell p.114). 03/05/45 5 RSU. 13/05/45 5 OTU. Still Coded LY-V. 15/06/45 Became lost on a cross-country flight in bad weather, running out of fuel, overturned during wheels down landing Nabiac Beach NSW., 50 miles north of Williamtown. Pilot F/O C P Mallon, Navigator P/O E J Lines. Airframe flying hours 282.45. 06/09/45 2 CRD. 29/10/45 Conversion to components approved.

21/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 18/04/44) 24/07/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-A Name: ‘Margeron III’ (Parnell p.114). Colour profile in Pentland p.96. 24/11/44 Destroyed by Japanese air raid on Wama airstrip Morotai. 09/04/45 26 RSU 10/04/45 Converted to components. |
17/02/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/02/44) 26/06/44 31 Sqn. 21/10/44 14 ARD. 06/12/44 26 RSU. 05/01/45 30 Sqn. 12/04/45 5 OTU. 01/11/45 5 AD stored. Airframe hours 445.4 as of 23/10/45. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
17/02/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/02/44) 30/06/44 31 Sqn. 24/09/44 Missing on return from escort duty when Coomalie NT was covered by smoke from bushfires. A19-192 failed to respond to flares, searchlights and radio and the crew bailed out near Box Creek NT after running out of fuel, the Navigator was found the next day. Crew: Pilot P/O L.F. Ritchie was killed & Nav W/O G R Warner survived. 26/09/44 Photo Parnell p.54 shows Tiger Head on extreme nose and large girl pinup on starboard nose Name 'Pistol Packin Mama'. |
17/02/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 16/02/44) 24/06/44 31 Sqn. Code EH-T (Photo Pentland p.89). 03/07/44 Test flight. Crashed and burnt on impact 8 miles North West of Coomalie NT. One engine stopped. Crew: Pilot FLTLT W.J.F. Coote, killed. Navigator F/Sgt T J Dillon, injured, passenger Cpl K H Crouch, killed. Airframe flying hours 29.25. 06/07/44 4 RSU. 24/07/44 8 CRD. 11/08/44 Conversion to components approved. |
16/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 15/04/44) 26/07/44 30 Sqn. 11/08/44 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire near Utarmon Dutch New Guinea, when shell burst in fuselage near navigator’s cockpit. Pilot F/Lt C E Spence, Navigator F/O A R Webster (killed) 18/08/44 5 AD repaired. 19/10/44 5 OTU. 10/11/44 Crashed into sea close to shore 14 miles S of Evans Heads NSW after collision with A19-36. Aircraft wreckage not located but parts including the tail assembly washed ashore. Crew: Pilot F/Lt A C H Young, Navigator F/Lt A G Hodges. Airframe flying hours 99.1
16/04/44 2 AD (Arrived Australia 15/04/44) 22/07/44 30 Sqn. 03/12/44 Hit tree and ditched off Lambeh Island during an attack on a radar installation. Pilot F/O R R Barber, Navigator F/O L B Ryan, both rescued by USAAF Catalina.

16/03/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 13/03/44) 11/07/44 30 Sqn. 24/11/44 Damaged by Japanese air raid at Wama airstrip Morotai. 14/04/45 26 RSU 16/04/45 Converted to components. |
16/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Australia 15/04/44) 20/07/44 14 ARD. 12/08/44 31 Sqn. 27/09/44 5 OTU Replacing A19-203. 03/10/44 30 Sqn 24/11/44 Ditched into sea 30 miles E Cape Atep Celebes (12505E, 0110N) after hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Pilot F/Lt L H Kirkman, Navigator F/O F K Carrick. Both rescued by a Catalina. |
16/03/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 13/03/44) 14/07/44 31 Sqn. 12/11/44 26 RSU. 14/12/44 Ferry flight. Undercarriage collapsed on landing at Kamiri airstrip Noemfoor after being hand pumped down. Pilot F/O K I E Hocking, Navigator W/O H J Hammersley Repaired at 26 RSU. 14/01/45 30 Sqn. 12/04/45 5 OTU. 26/08/45 Crashed half a mile East of Williamtown airstrip NSW. Pilot undershot on single engined approach. Pilot S/Ldr C A Crombie (died of injuries), passengers F/Lt W H Stephens, LAC J B Light. Airframe flying hours 316.55 27/08/45 2 CRD Converted to components. 24/09/45 Conversion to components approved. |
23/05/44 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 19/06/44, at least so says the RAF) 13/08/44 5 OTU. 03/10/44 30 Sqn 24/11/44 Damaged by Japanese air raid on Wama airstrip Morotai. Temporary repairs made the aircraft flyable. 23/12/44 26 RSU. 25/09/45 3 CRD. 14/03/46 Conversion to components approved.
23/05/44 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 19/05/44) 27/07/44 5 AD 09/08/44 1 AD 01/09/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-K (Parnell p.114). 27/11/44 26 RSU. 04/12/44 30 Sqn. 18/12/44 Belly landed at Morotai after Japanese anti-aircraft fire shot away hydraulics over Langoa. Pilot F/Lt Ronald Eucla Graham, Navigator F/O W G Wallace 09/04/45 26 RSU 10/04/45 Converted to components. |
19/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 18/04/44) 13/07/44 30 Sqn. 12/03/45 5 AD. 02/08/45 1 AD 15/11/45 Stored. Category B 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off |
19/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 18/014/44) 30/07/44 30 Sqn. Named ‘Wendy-Gwen II’ (Parnell p.114). 06/12/44 Crashed into hill 14 miles East of Cape Celebes, 12343E, 0051N while attacking a motor transport. Crew: Pilot FLTLT A.R. MacPherson & Nav FSGT N.R. Stanton both killed.
19/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 18/04/44) 31/07/44 31 Sqn. 06/10/44 Crashed and burnt on the gunnery range 10 miles South East of Coomalie airstrip NT. during rocket projectile training, caused by a rocket exploding or burning while still attached to the aircraft. Crew: Pilot F/O I.J. Ingle & Nav PLTOFF A.S. Way. Airframe flying hours 104. 10/10/44 8 CRD 08/11/44 Conversion to components approved. |
19/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 18/04/44) 12/08/44 14 ARD. 25/08/44 31 Sqn. 26/08/44 Caught fire during an inspection. Repaired in Sqn. 28/12/44 30 Sqn 14/02/45 Damaged in rear fuselage by Japanese anti-aircraft fire over Tandano Celebes. Pilot F/O D Cameron, Navigator P/O G Press. 29/03/45 5 AD repaired. 11/05/45 5 OTU 29/05/45 5 AD 22/10/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off.

19/04/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 18/04/44) 13/07/44 30 Sqn Coded LY-P (Parnell p.114). 17/08/44 Tail plane of aircraft slightly damaged during wheels down landing on a beach at Mapia Island. Repaired and flown out on 23/08/44. Pilot F/Lt K M A Smith, Navigator F/Sgt J F Gleeson. 12/04/45 5 OTU. 01/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off.
 Photo at Australian War Museum OG2137 claims to show A19-205 on 23/10/44 being towed at 22 RSU minus outer starboard wing and its entire tail assembly. Close examination appears to show the rear fuselage off A19-205 fitted to another aircraft.
06/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 05/05/44) 05/09/44 30 Sqn. 16/11/44 Swung, crashed and burnt on take off from Kamiri Strip. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF R.M. Porch killed, & Nav FSGT W.F.M. Harty, died of injuries, passengers LAC E T Heidke, LAC A Parker. 28/11/44 26 RSU. 19/12/44 Converted to components.
13/06/44 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 13/06/44) 11/01/45 5 OTU 01/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
13/06/44 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 13/06/44) Aircraft to be fitted with rocket equipment before despatch. 10/08/44 5 OTU. 04/09/44 31 Sqn. 27/09/44 Missing on return from escort duty when Coomalie was covered by smoke from bushfires. A19-208 failed to respond to flares, searchlights and radio and radar tracked it until it dived off the radar screen east of Fenton. No trace of the crew were found although wreckage was discovered at Pine Creek about 12 months later. Crew: Pilot SQNLDR W.L. Wackett & Nav PLTOFF K.E.W. Noble. SQNLDR Wackett was the son of Sir Lawrence Wackett, aircraft designer.
06/07/44 1 AD. (Arrived Sydney 05/05/44) 05/09/44 30 Sqn. 10/09/44 Crashed landed at Kamiri airstrip with undercarriage retracted following hydraulic damage from Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Pilot F/O R R Barber, Navigator F/O L R Ryan. 20/09/44 Shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire when attacking Japanese barges near Bomberai Peninsula Ceram. Aircraft not found until 1947. Crew: Pilot FLTLT A.J. Moody & Nav SGT A.G. Aitcheson walked 300km before being captured and executed by the Japanese.
13/06/44 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 13/06/44) 03/09/44 30 Sqn. 10/09/44 Crash-landed at Kamiri Airstrip with undercarriage retracted following port engine failure and port tyre rupturing just after take off. Pilot F/O L S Jacobs, Navigator F/Lt H J Roarty. Airframe flying hours 38.15 01/11/44 26 RSU. 08/11/44 Conversion to components approved.
13/06/44 1 AD. (Arrived Australia 13/06/44) 27/08/44 5 OTU. 03/10/44 30 Sqn. 21/12/44 Conversion to components approved.
06/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 06/07/44) 10/10/44 30 Sqn. 16/11/44 Bellylanded at Kamiri airstrip when a tyre blew on take-off. Pilot F/Lt G L Hiller, Navigator F/Sgt W Hilton, passengers Cpl C J Kennedy, LAC J D Willis. 28/11/44 26 RSU repaired. 04/12/44 30 Sqn. 14/02/45 Damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire at Tondano. Pilot F/Lt J D Entwhistle, Navigator F/O D I Beasley. 09/04/45 5 AD. 240 hour inspection. 20/10/45 5 AD. Stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Stuck Off. |
23/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 17/07/44) 04/11/44 30 Sqn. Code: LY-S. 09/01/45 Swung and crashed, hitting bulldozer on take-off Wama airstrip Morotai. Crew: Pilot FLGOFF V.A. White was killed but Nav FLGOFF D.E. Lyons was uninjured. Photo Australian War Museum P01167.041. 09/04/45 26 RSU 10/04/45 Converted to components. |
23/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 17/07/44) 19/09/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-N (Parnell p.114) 24/11/44 Damaged by Japanese raid on Morotai. 17/04/45 5 RSU 02/11/45 60 OBU 29/01/46 Conversion to components approved.

23/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 17/07/44) 26/09/44 30 Sqn. Coded LY-D (Parnell p.114) 20/10/44 New mainplane fitted in Sqn. 24/11/44 Damaged during Japanese bombing raid on Morotai (email from Ross Monley 21/11/02). 07/04/45 5 OTU 01/11/45 5 AD stored. 13/11/45 Stored Category C 22/03/46 To be stored Category E 08/08/49 Struck Off. |
23/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 17/07/44) 26/09/44 30 Sqn. 29/10/44 Shot down into Bay of Bagoela Amboina whilst on operations. Crew: Pilot SQNLDR R.H. Wallace & Nav PLTOFF R.H. Hider were killed only 10 days after taking up duty with 30 Sqn (Parnell p.35).
23/07/44 2 AD. (Arrived Sydney 17/07/44) 21/09/44 30 Sqn. ‘Eileen’ (Parnell p.114) 24/12/44 Crash landed at Pitoe Airstrip Morotai after being hit by Japanese AA fire in wing leading edge and starboard mainplane when attacking a radio station. Pilot W/Cdr Claude Henry Carey Thompson, Navigator F/O J C Meachem. 21/01/45 hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire while strafing a truck on the Manado - Kema Road, causing total loss of hydraulics, belly landed at Pitoe. Pilot F/Lt W J Madigan, Navigator F/Sgt K M Bond. 12/02/45 Conversion to components approved. 06/04/45 26 RSU Converted to components. |
Delivered as a pattern aircraft to DAP (Arrived Australia 09/09/43) and remained with them until taken on charge by the RAAF It wore a rare Special Duties Coastal Scheme applied to Beaufighter TFXs for a short time in 1943 It was later repainted in probable temperate sea scheme as A19-218 on delivery to Squadron EA/88 Aircraft Status Card incorrectly lists RAF serial as LX185 20/08/45 1 AD. 03/09/45 1 Communications Unit. 30/10/45 3 AD. 22/03/46 To be stored Category E. 08/08/49 Struck Off.