RAAF Serial |
Type |
USAAF Serial |
Delivered |
Aircraft History |
A29-1#1 |
P-40E |
? |
07/03/42 |
Aircraft on Squadron strength of 7thPS 06/03/42. Issued RAAF that day, Bankstown ex Camden. Rec 08/03/42 Townville (Administratively Issued, lost on Ferry Flight ex Bankstown NSW to Archerfield, crashed near Collombatti Road, Kempsey). Accident 1630 hrs 07/03/42 when aircraft crashed 6 miles NNW of Kempsey NSW near Collombatti Road, whilst being ferried to NEA for allotment to 75Sqn. Pilot; P/O Lloyd Henry Holliday Serv#411786 (SHQ Williamtown; Date of birth:07/06/1918 ) was killed. District Coroner, Mr. N. L. Parker, J.P., held an inquiry regarding the death of Lloyd Henry Holliday on 28/03/42 at Kempsey. Per supplied Coroner's Report and Map of crash area. by Anthony Koch, the aircraft impacted after engine failure and crashed, exploded and was burning when first witnesses arrived. Pilot had attempted to bale out but was too low. Aircraft was destroyed by impact and fire. It was not rebuilt as past historians of 82 years have stated. Refer to Administratively carded as A29-4, history hereon which was marked in Townsville as A29-1, per future A29-1 History from May 42 onwards. |
A29-2 |
P-40E |
41-5324 |
07/03/42 |
Project "X" 01/01/42. Installed Allison V-1710-39 Msn 3323/FY40-397. USS Hammonds Port,04/02/42. In service "X" 21/02/42 Aircraft on Squadron strength of 7th PS/49th PG 06/03/42. R off Sumac 07/04/42. Issued RAAF 06/03/42, Bankstown ex Camden. (Administratively Issued, lost on Ferry Flight ex Bankstown NSW to Archerfield, crashed at Kyogle). Crashed 1630 Hrs 07/03/42 at Kyogle NSW whilst being ferried on allotment to 75Sqn. Crashed due to a shortage of petrol whilst being in appalling weather conditions. Pilot, P/O Ronald Kevin Critchley O'Conner Serv#411175 was slightly injured. Deemed Repairable, to be conveyed to Archerfield 25/03/42. E/E-88 has USAAF Serial 41/344 which per CW# = 41-5324. No further history apart from Salvage team from 1BAGS ex Evans Head, collected aircraft and delivered to Archerfield. Returned to Service by April 1942 with USAAF ex Archerfield. Reflected by being listed under 49th Pursuit Group Aircraft listing as of 06/04/42. |
A29-3 |
P-40E |
? |
07/03/42 |
Aircraft on Squadron strength of 7thPS 06/03/42. Issued RAAF that day, Bankstown ex Camden. (Administratively Issued 08/03/42, lost on Ferry Flight ex Bankstown NSW to Archerfield, crashed at Wauchope NSW). Accident 1500 Hrs 07/03/42 when aircraft crashed at Wauchope NSW while being ferried to NE Area. Pilot, P/O James William Norton Serv#411173 (SHQ Bankstown and later attached 9thPS/49thPG Williamtown: Date of Birth 02/04/1915) was killed. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/1/1123 Min #7 dated 16/04/42. |
A29-4/ A29-1#2 |
P-40E |
? |
07/03/42 |
08/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn ex 1AD. Accident 12/03/42 when aircraft was being landed at Garbutt. Aircraft was landed with tail slightly up and swung during landing run. Pilot did not ease stick, causing port wing to stall, which dropped, causing aircraft to swing to port. Pilot used engine to correct but not enough. Undercarriage collapsed. Aircraft extensively damaged by pilot induced ground loop. Pilot, Sgt David Barnaby Davies Serv#406924 was uninjured. Deemed repairable 25/03/42. SOC 12/05/42. RAAF File 09/1/1123. NB: Per diary of one 75Sqn RAAF line airman, entry dated Friday 13/03/42 has this aircraft identified as A29-1 and 75Sqn 's first prang. Pilot was posted back to 24Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF on the 15/03/42. ACTUAL RESEARCH: shows this aircraft to have been repaired. Though 1AD had this aircraft on the E/E-88 Carded as A29-4 with its serial applied and national markings by Ex 24Sqn RAAF Maintenance Staff posted to 75Sqn RAAF (from 04/03/42), sometime between 09-11/03/42 period; but it was marked as A29-1 at Townsville SHQ. Refer AWM first witness account held John Koy RAAF’s Diary. E/E-88 Card of A29-4 states: Koy's typed diary states 13/03/42 for A29-1 (crossed out AZ9-1) "packed up whilst landing". Card states Accident 12/03/42, a/c landed with tail slightly up and swing during landing run. Pilot did not ease stick forward. Port Wing stalled and dropped & swung to port: pilot used engine to correct but not enough, u/c collapsed. Next entry: 25/03/42 Crashed Garbut repairable. NEA.Q873 25/03/42 (Sourced 75Sqn RAAF A50 History as A29-4 accident states it happen on 13/03/42, not 12/03/42 as per E/E-88 Card entry. His diary also confirms A29-13/O had an accident ("Sgt Brown packed up A29-13, O when he landed today" per his entry 18/03/42) Pilot; Sgt D B Davies Serv#406924 was uninjured. Note: E/E-88 Carded A29-4 was deemed repairable, and was sent 5AD ex Townsville, and since carded A29-1 was destroyed by a crash impact and by fire per NSW Coroner's Report of the 22/03/42 and this painted A29-1 showed up during May 1942, IAD Carded A29-4 has now assumed 1AD E/E-88 Carded record of A29-1 post 20th May 42. E/E-88 card entry: Status: 25/05/42 G at 5AD. 19/06/42 to 08/09/42 Serviceability in definite. 25/09/42 Est ready in 10 days at 5AD. 02/10/42&09/10/42 Est ready/completed 3 days at 5AD. 15/10/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 5AD. 20/10/42 issued 2OTU ex 5AD. 20/10/42 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. 26/10/42 Serv at 2OTU. Accident 01/12/42 Port Wing tip, undercarriage airscrew damaged. V1710-39 MSN #9503 (FY42-33819) fitted post 5AD. Rec 2OTU ex 5AD 20/10/42. Accident 14/01/43 Landing at 2OTU, Starboard mainplane assembly, starboard strut oleo and starboard linkage, airscrew, radiator cowl damage. Repaired. Accident 19/03/43 Port wing 50% (R). Starboard wing 5%, undercarriage 15% - each (R). Airscrew, fuselage front, fuselage rear, centre section and instrument panel & tail unit - all (U). Repaired. Accident 0110hrs 04/08/43, after taking off for a training flight 0105hrs. Pilot was to be engaged in 1 hour of advanced night flying training (circuits and landings). Engine failure soon after taking off. Aircraft crashed 2.5 miles southwest of Mildura. Pilot Sgt M R Walker Serv#417682 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/982 Minute#4 23/08/43. Installed V1710-39 was #5844 (41-36211) which was previously CW factory fitted to P-40E 41-5538 (A29-41) when boxed and installed on delivery to Australia. |
A29-5 |
P-40E |
? |
07/3/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "E" at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Missing, probable write off 28/03/42. Aircraft took off from 7 Mile Aerodrome 1500hrs(0400Zulu) 28/03/42 in company with A29-12 Coded "T" (F/O Piper) to intercept 5 aircraft enemy formation. Last seen during combat with Zero aircraft. Location was approximately 40 miles northwest of Port Moresby, some 20 miles north of Rescar Bay in 15 feet of swamp near Veimari Plantation, with the aircraft remains being burnt. Pilot, Sgt Ronald Summerson Bailey Serv#401770 killed in impact, with remains not recovered. Oddity: Entry E/E-88 05/04/42, a/c landed safely (??). Engine rocker gear damaged, 2 valves and valve springs, broken port bank, Rocker cover port back holed causing oil to escape. Engine requires depot overhaul, airframe tail plane, port aileron holed, instrument panel out and sliding hood port side holed. W/O 13/07/42 per RAAF File 09/1/1123. NB: (1) Model type per photo held: P-40E. (2) Plate from fuselage recovered: **310 Curtiss 454/ 87-08-501L/ 11/41 K13/ 85?? Partial **-*310 found per Fuselage Plate. Inconclusive evidence on USAAF Serial. |
A29-6 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Coded "F" in 75 Sqn RAAF. 22/03/42 lost by enemy action at Lae. Write-off 30/04/42 Min 6 RAAF File 9/1/1123. After arriving at Port Moresby on the 21/03/42, an air raid warning was sounded and an intercept was undertaken by two undamaged Kittyhawks, piloted by F/O Cox and F/O F.L. Wackett in A29-17 and A29-6 (coded Q and coded F). At 6000 feet they sighted a single twin engine Japanese aircraft and climbed up to 10000 feet to intercept. Both delivered stern and quarter attacks as the aircraft headed for cloud cover. A burst by F/O Cox put the port engine out and started to lose height. F/O Wackett finally placed a final burst into the starboard engine at 500 feet causing the Japanese aircraft to explode and to dive into the sea. This was the first aerial combat and the downing of a Japanese reconnaissance aircraft over Port Moresby by an allied fighter (A29-6). On the first combat mission to Lae on the following day, 22/03/42, nine Kittyhawks took off for Lae, with four providing top cover while five attacked the strip and the dispersed 20 aircraft situated there. Some nine were to be considered in having been destroyed during this operation. At around 08.05hrs, the top cover flight engaged the standing patrol of three Zeros and managed to shoot down two of them. After leaving Lae, they soon realized that two Kittyhawks were missing. Nobody saw what happened to F/O F.L.Wackett. F/O F.L.Wackett would eventually escape capture and return to the unit after having ditched his Kittyhawk some eight miles offshore and trekking back to allied controlled lines where he was picked up by members of the Papua New Guinea Volunteer Rifles at Bulolo. He would later re-count that he too saw a Kittyhawk with smoke trailing some 4 miles off the coast being pursued by a Zero. This was Anderson’s A29-16 (Y) . Photo Evidence held shows aircraft as a P-40E. 22/03/42 Lost by Enemy action at Lae. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/1/1123 Dated 30/04/42. |
A29-7 |
P-40E |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "A" in 75 Sqn RAAF. Damaged 28/03/42 Bullet holes in both mainplanes. High tension control wires severed also electrical system. Gun damaged, repairable at Unit. 24/03/42, Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 07/04/42, C at 75 Sqn RAAF. 17/04/42 Missing on Reco over Lae Area. Shot down and crashed on a hill near Watut and Bululo Rivers killing Sqn Ldr Bernard Barton Cresswell Serv#82 who was gaining operational experience (Appointed OC 76Sqn RAAF). Write off 30/04/42. AMSE Write off per Min 6 RAAF File 9/1/1123 dated 30/04/42. Aircraft from Picture identified as P-40E. |
A29-8 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "H" in 75 Sqn RAAF. 23/03/42 E Star at 75 Sqn RAAF. 24/03/42 Serviceable. 27/03/42 Accident on landing at Rockhampton when a/c nosed over and airscrew struck runway. Pilot, Sgt Richard John Cecil Granville Serv#403923 was not injured. 05/04/42 a/c landed safely. Engine rocker gear damaged, 2 valves and valve springs, broken port back rocker cover port back holed causing oil to escape. Engine requires depot overhaul, airframe tail plane, port aileron holed, instrument panel out and sliding hood port side holed. Repaired. 07/04/42 C at 75 Sqn. Crashed & Destroyed after aerial action with enemy zero fighter & bombers. AMSE Approval to Write-off Min #8 File 9/1/1123 13/07/42. Sqn Ldr J F Jackson killed 28/04/42 near Mt Lawes Moresby. File 16/59/Air refers. Photo evidence shows it a P-40E. |
A29-9 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "N" in 75 Sqn RAAF. 24/03/42 Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 06/04/42 lost by Enemy action at Bootless Inlet 10 miles southeast of Moresby. Pilot, F/Lt Les D Jackson was not injured. 06/04/42 probable partly salvageable. Write off 16/04/42. Min #7 File #9/1/1123. 17/07/42 Rec 5AD for repair, serviceability indefinite. 20/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 17/07/42 Received in since last return.31/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 07/08/42 serviceability indefinite. AMSE Write-off approval to convert to components AMSE Write-off per File#9/16/446 dated 30/07/42. |
A29-10 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "X" in 75 Sqn RAAF. 23/03/42 ground strafed by enemy aircraft: completely destroyed and burnt out. 24/03/42 Lost due Enemy Action. AMSE Write -off per File# Min #7 RAAF File No 9/1/1123 Min #7 dated 16/4/42. Pre-21/03/42 Movietone News still shows it's a P-40E-1 and coded "X" sans national markings (thks to Peter May). |
A29-11 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24834 |
08/03/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-DA3(IARC has 3DA) P-40E-1 . Accepted 22/12/41. Installed V1710-39 MSN5919/41-36286. Picked up from Defence Aid 29/12/41. Project X 28/12/41. Received 21/02/42. Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44. Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. 24/03/42 Rec Moresby 21/03/42. Coded "Z". On arrival, 21/03/42 was one of three a/c damaged by AIF/AMF AAA Gunners, "Z" being one such as flown in by Sqn Ldr Peter Jeffrey DSO, DFC (AWM John Piper Diary). 28/03/42 Tail plane elevator rudder shot away. Badly damaged bullet holes fuselage. Petrol tank. Starboard wing tip and wing repairable unit. 24/03/42 Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 07/04/42 C at 75 Sqn. 27/04/42 unserviceable at 75Sqn. 07/05/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn. 11/05/42 G at 5AD. 18/05/42 F at 5AD. 08/09/42 G at 5AD. 20/07/42 to 14/08/42 Serviceability Indefinite. 21/08/42 Estimated ready 3 weeks at 5AD. 28/08/42 Est ready 10 days at 5AD. 04/09/42 completed for delivery at 5AD. V-1710-39 Eng#5919. 13/09/42 Issued 75 Sqn ex 5AD. Rec at 12RSU ex 5AD (in route 75Sqn). Allotted 12RSU Garbutt ex 5AD to be made operationally serv. 18/09/42 Est ready 10 days at 12RSU. 21/09/42 U/S at 12RSU Garbutt. Issued. 25/09/42 Rec 12RSU Charters Towers ex 12RSU Garbutt. 25/09/42 Est ready 3 weeks 12 RSU Charters Towers. 01/10/42 Allotted 76Sqn ex 12RSU. 05/10/42 Issued and Rec 12RSU Garbutt ex 12RSU Charters Towers. Issued 76Sqn ex 12RSU Garbutt. 07/10/42 Rec 76Sqn ex 12RSU. 07/10/42 held 76Sqn SHQ Townsville. 12/10/42 u/s at 76Sqn . 19/10/42 u/s at 76Sqn. 26/10/42 Serv at 76Sqn. 02/11/42 issued 3AD ex 76Sqn. 19/11/42 rec 3AD ex 76Sqn. 13/11/42 allotted 3AD ex 76Sqn. 19/11/42-26/11/42 serv indefinite at 3AD. 03/12/42-08/12/42 Serv indefinite at 3AD. 14/12/42-27/12/42 est ready 21/3 days at 3AD. 17/12/42 Allotted 76Sqn ex 3AD. 08/01/43 Rec 76Sqn ex 3AD. Accident 1710 hrs 03/04/43 at Potshot Strip whilst taking off the tail wheel was punctured and blew causing erratic control and crash. Pilot, P/O C T Adams Serv#407397 was not injured. 07/04/43 allotted 17RSU ex 76Sqn. 10/04/43 Issued 17RSU ex 76Sqn 25/04/43 Rec 17RSU ex 76Sqn. 13/04/43 allotted 4AD ex 17RSU. 26/04/43 Rec 4AD ex 17RSU. 27/04/43 allotted 2OTU ex 76Sqn. AMSE approval for conversion 03/01/44. Canc. Airframe to be converted to Instructional Airframe No 2 and issued to No 1 Engineering School 19/01/44. 17/10/45 Converted, approval to components. |
A29-12 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "T". 28/03/42 Bullet holes main plane and fuselage tanks during combat with zeros as flown by P/O John Walter Wedgwood Piper DFC Serv#250828. Repairable in Unit. 24/03/42 Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 07/04/42 C at 75Sqn. 0935 hrs 17/04/42 a/c crashed on take-off at 7 Mile drome. Pilot, F/O Patrick Scandrett Serv#290754 blacked out on take-off and was injured, with concussion and back injuries. Considerable damage. 17/04/42 a/c written off with salvage of engine parts, instruments and guns. 30/04/42 Write off. 14/10/42 Conversion complete at 3AD. Min#6 File# 9/1/1123 30/04/42. |
A29-13 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "O". 23/03/42 F at 75Sqn. Accident 18/03/42 Townsville on landing. Pilot Sgt D S Brown not injured. 24/03/42 u/s indefinitely. 07/04/42 allotted 5AD ex 75Sqn. 13/04/42 G at 75Sqn. Repaired. 29/05/42 C at 75Sqn. 12/07/42 a/c write-off. 12/07/42 a/c failed to recover from dive. Accident 1050hrs 12/07/42 when aircraft failed to recover from dive when based at Lowood Qld, near Lark Hill, some 2.7 miles north of Marburg Qld. F/O Philip Francis Grant Harbottle Serv#408012 was killed. AMSE Write-off approval for conversion per File#9/1/447 dated 31/07/42 .13/08/42 Rec at 3AD ex 75Sqn for conversion. 14/08/42 being converted. 19/08/42 conversion completed. Photo evidence shows this as a P-40E per USAAF Spec formation lights. Note: Harbottle was with 232Sqn RAF (Hurricanes) Ouston and later Merchant Ship Fighter Unit (MSFU) from Sept 1941, based at Liverpool England, a Hurricane unit that operated from 35 merchant ships outfitted with a catapult on the bow, referred to as Catapult Aircraft Merchant ships (CAM ships), to provide air support to convoys out of reach of land in the early part of the war. On completion of his last sail with a CAMs Ship to Canada, he returned to Australia 26/03/42, ex Canada to join 75Sqn RAAF by 5 June 1942. |
A29-14 |
P-40E |
41-24814 |
08/03/42 |
Project "X" 22/12/41. Installed Allison V-1710-39 MSN 5854/FY41-36221. USS Hammonds Port,04/02/42. In service 21/02/42. Off Sumac 07/04/42. Aircraft on Squadron strength of 7th PS/49th PG 06/03/42. P/O Arthur Tucker flew 41-24814 up from Bankstown 07/03/42 Evans Head 8/03/42 Archerfield. Now noted as A29-14, 08/03/42 Archerfield test 09/03/42 local Flight 9/03/42 Rockhampton. Coded "L". 24/03/42 Damaged during enemy bombing raid. Fuselage /tail plane, starboard wing extensively damaged. Engine, airscrew intact. Advise airframe to be shipped back to depot. 24/03/42 probably repairable at depot. 28/03/42 allotted 5AD ex 75Sqn. 10/04/42 issued 2AD for onward del to 5AD. 19/05/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn. 25/05/42 G at 5AD. 31/05/42 Accident to a/c during low flying practice. flew back to base. Airscrew damaged. 20/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 19/06/42 serviceability indefinite. 26/06/42 serviceability indefinite. 03/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 10/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 17/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 31/07/42 serviceability indefinite. 07/08/42 serviceability indefinite. 14/08/42 serviceability indefinite. 30/07/42 Converted to components (fuselage for instructional purposes) on file 9/16/446 by AMSE 30/07/42. 24/09/42 Conversion now complete. Refer E/E-88 Card and P/O Arthur Tucker 405432 Pilot Logbook. |
A29-15 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "I" . Aircraft damaged in combat with three Japanese Zero fighters. Petrol tank holed. One blade airscrew holed by cannon. One wheel and tyre shot through. Repairable Unit. 24.03.42. Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 07/04/42 C at 75Sqn . 13/04/42 missing over Lae, PNG, last seen in spin at 1000ft. Pilot, F/O Ally Cecil Davies Serv#406124 missing, later KIA. 30/04/42 AMSE Write-off Min 6 File#9/1/1123 dated 30/04/42. |
A29-16 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "Y " 22/03/42 Lost by Enemy Action. Took part in an attack on the Lae airstrip and was believed last seen by F/L Wackett with smoke coming from the aircraft and a Zero on its tail out to sea from Lae, pilot F/O Bruce Horace Anderson Serv#770, believed to have become a POW and was eventually taken to Rabaul, New Britain where he was executed some months later. 16/04/42 AMSE Write-off Min7 File#9/1/1123 dated 16/04/42. |
A29-17 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received Cat E 75Sqn ex 1AD 16/03/42. Coded "W". 22/03/42 Lost by Enemy Action on the ground at Moresby. 16/04/42 AMSE Write-off Min 7 File No 9/1/1123 dated 16/04/42. |
A29-18 |
P-40E |
? |
08/3/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Received E 75Sqn 16/03/42. Coded "U". 23/03/42 ground strafed by enemy aircraft with cannon round shot through engine. 24/03/42 Requires new engine only. 24/03/42 Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 07/04/42 C at 75Sqn. Accident 0935hrs 09/04/42 starboard oleo bent after hitting heap of blue metal on edge of runway whilst taking off. A/C landed on port main. Starboard oleo collapsed. Extensive damage. Pilot Sgt Stanley Charles Havard Serv#403868 was uninjured. 27/04/42 Unserviceable at 75Sqn. 22/05/42 allotted 5AD ex 75Sqn. 22/05/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn. 25/05/42 G at 5AD. 19/06/42 Unserviceability indefinite. 26/06/42 Unserviceability indefinite. Being a P-40E model, no P-40E mainplanes available. Aircraft modified to take P-40E-1 mainplanes by 5AD. 03/07/42 estimated ready 10 days. 08/07/42 Allocated 2OTU ex 5AD. 10/07/42 completed 3 days. V-1710-39 MSN#5854/41-36221 (originally out of P-40E-1 A29-14). 15/07/42 Issued 2OTU ex 5AD. 20/07/42 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. 27/07/42 Serv at 2OTU. 03/08/42 serv at 2OTU. Accident 02/10/42 when aircraft was ground looped on landing. 04/10/42 repairs necessary; starboard mainplane, ailerons and wingtip damaged. 12/10/42 u/s 2OTU E Star. 19/10/42 u/s 2OTU E Star. 26/10/42 u/s 2OTU E Star. 02/11/42 u/s 2OTU E Star. 09/11/42 u/s 2OTU. Repaired. Accident 11.45hrs 09/06/43 when landing at Yelta satellite Strip. Aircraft caught fire in air and on final landing run, pilot abandoned moving aircraft. Pilot; F/Sgt McNeil Serv#411034 injured. AMSE approve Conversion per File #9/16/886 Min No 5 HQ QO680 dated 06/07/43. |
A29-19 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. HQ32 8/3. 16/03/42 Received E at 75Sqn ex 1AD. Coded "J". 27/03/42 Missing. Seen to crash in fire probably completely destructed. P/O O'Connor along with F/O Woods were engaged by Zeros some 29 miles north of Port Moresby. In the action, P/O Ronald Kevin Critchley O'Connor Serv#411175 was shot down and believed KIA; F/O Wood saw a parachute which he thought O'Connor had bailed out some 4 miles due west of Mount Lawas. Despite searches neither a/c or pilot have been found. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/1/1123 Min#7 dated 16/04/42. |
A29-20 |
P-40E |
? |
08/3/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Coded "C". 22/03/42 Lost by enemy action at Moresby. 23/03/42 Hit petrol drum taking off, damaging his undercarriage. The pilot continued on his 2-hour flight searching EA, when on return on landing the undercarriage collapsed, causing extensive damage. Airscrew repairable. Pilot: P/O John Walter Wedgwood Piper DFC Serv#250828 was not injured. 24.03.42 allotted 5AD ex 75Sqn. 24/03/42 Received 75Sqn ex 1AD 21/03/42. 10/04/42 Issued 2AD for onward delivery to 5AD. 19/05/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn. 25/05/42 G at 5AD. 08/06/42 awaiting conversion. 5AD advise AMSE it was completed 26/05/42. 19/06/42 being converted. Converted to components QY146 25/06/42. AMSE Approval to Write-off per #File 9/16/382 16/06/42. Centre Cockpit Fuselage to be issued to 2OTU for instructional in cockpit drill. |
A29-21 |
P-40E |
41-5615 |
08/03/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-15802. Accepted 22/12/1941. Installed V1710-39 MSN 5883 /FY 41-36250. Project X 22/12/41. Erected and Received 26/02/42 Amberley RAAF Station. Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Coded "K" 25/03/42. Serviceable. Held Townsville SHQ/76Sqn. 05/04/42 Received 75Sqn. 18/04/42 a/c missing. Sgt Richard John Cecil Granville Serv#403923 killed. Aircraft crashed 1.00hrs 30 miles north-east Moresby near Jawere Plantation past Hikinumu. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File# 9/16/1123 dated 30/04/42. |
A29-22 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 23/03/42 as the tenth Kittyhawk in the first raid on Lae, A29-22 (Coded “C”), one of the intended topcover aircraft piloted by Sgt Stanley Charles Havard Serv#403868, was damaged when it swerved on take-off in to avoid a taxying 32Sqn Hudson. His aircraft missed the bomber, but the wingtip struck a mound and ground looped, ripping off the main undercarriage. Though the aircraft caught fire, the pilot was rescued by F/Lts Dean-Butcher, McGlynn (both Medical Officers) and Church (Engineer Officer). 24/03/42 allotted 5AD ex 75Sqn. 29/05/42 awaiting write-off. 31/08/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn by rail (less engine). 04/09/42 Serviceability indefinite. 11/09/42 & 09/10/42&15/10/42 Serviceability indefinite. 05/11/42 & 26/11/42 & 21/12/42 & 04/01/43 Serviceability indefinite at 5AD. AMSE Approval to Write-off Min 8 File#9/1/1123 13/07/43. Aircraft found repairable. 15/06/43 estimate ready in 3 days. 11/06/43 allotted 2OTU ex 5AD. 26/06/43 issued 2OTU ex 5AD. 27/06/43 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. Accident 1215hrs 26/03/44 when aircraft was involved in mid-air collision 10 miles north of Mildura towards Golgol Range when he collided and chewed with the tail of Spitfire A58-123 (piloted by P/O F J Inger Serv#8583) with his airscrew. A29-22 immediately went out of control and crashed. Pilot of A29-22, Sgt Arthur Ronald Ross Serv#433226 killed. 29/03/44 allotted CRD ex 2OTU per Minute 2 File 19/6/1506. 24/04/44 RAAF HQs Approval to write off. |
A29-23 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 08/03/42. 16/03/42 Rec 75Sqn RAAF and coded "B". Rec Moresby 21/03/42. 22/03/42 extensively damaged during Enemy action ground straffing with damage to mainplanes. Aircraft to be flown to Archerfield for repair. 24/03/42 Allotted 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 17/04/42 Unserviceable at 75Sqn RAAF. 01/04/42 per 75Sqn RAAF A50 Date entry states F/O John Walter Wedgwood Piper DFC Serv#250828 flew A29-23 to Townsville in company of a 32Sqn RAAF Hudson for depot repairs to the aircraft. A/c returned to 75Sqn RAAF within 9 days, still coded "B" and named "BEVERLEY" written above the engine exhausts on port side . 1045hrs 10/04/42 flown by Piper per interception of 7 E/A Bombers and 6 Zero fighters over Moresby. Rec bullet holes through glycol indicator and air speed instruments. 0740hrs 02/05/42 flown by F/Sgt Bob Crawford during intercept over Moresby. 03/05/42 Accident on take-off at 7 Mile Aerodrome. 24/08/42 Shipped by SS Wanaka to Sydney for 5AD. 04/09/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#7 dated 13/07/42. Write-off reversed. 02/10/42 to 04/01/43 Serv indefiniate at 5AD. Rec 2OTU ex 5AD 10/06/43. Accident 16/12/43 when a/c swung to starboard during landing run and groundlooped at Mildura. Damaged Airscrew, Port Mainplane, starboard wing and undercarriage. Pilot Sgt Bruce Arthur Oswald Serv#434650 was not injured. Repaired at Unit. Accident 0730hrs 10 miles NW of Aerodrome, Mildura when pilot made forced landing five miles west of Wentworth Bombing Range, damaging fuselage, mainplanes, Undercarriage, oil cooler, radiator and engine. Pilot, F/Sgt Roy John Shepherd Serv#420413 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 04/05/45 request allotment Engineering 2OTU for complete overhaul. 30/05/45, A/c not considered fit for flying. Electrical equipment especially, wiring defective and switch gear worn and damaged by short circuits. 24/05/45 Survey Report received by 4MG letter 301/17/29 dated 27/04/45. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/2602 dated 29/05/45. Became Instructional Airframe #10. |
A29-24 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
08/03/42 Allotted 75Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/03/42 Serviceable. Coded "D". 06/04/42 Rec 75Sqn. Operational Loss 0605hrs 10/4/42 on recce to Lae-Salamaua-Nadzab was intercepted by three Zeros. Pilot tried to outpace them however, turned and tried to shoot one down. Between Lae and Salamaua and was shot down, the pilot was forced to ditch just off the coast. Pilot, S/Ldr John Francis Jackson Serv#493 survived and reached the shore. With the help of 2 natives, he reached Busana Village. From there after eight days of travelling, the party reached Bulolo where NGVR were stationed. From there he was conveyed to Wau where after surveying the strip, an 8thBS/3rd BG A-24 Banshee piloted by 1st Lt Virgil Schwab O-023021 arrived to return him to 7 Mile. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#7 dated 16/04/42. |
A29-25 |
P-40E |
? |
08/03/42 |
08/03/42 allocated to 75 Sqn from 1 AD; Coded "Q". Operational Loss 1415hrs 23/3/42 strafed by 4 enemy Zero a/c and burnt out at 7 Mile Strip Moresby with one other Kittyhawk. 24/03/42 Lost due to enemy action. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#7 dated 16/04/42. |
A29-26 |
P-40E |
41-5395 |
10/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 13/11/41. assigned XYZ (Russia)(Russian Defense Aid; DAR42-143 per CW Customer Sequence #415) 13/11/41.Installed Allison V-1710-39 MSN 5538/FY41-35905. Repossessed 29/12/41 (States British, tis entry error) for Project X. Rec 15/01/42 per SS Polk, Brisbane. Erected Amberley from Box#186 and marked as such. (IARC Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). (As listed Major Trenholm USAFIA ’s Notes pre 04/02/42 List) , 03/02/42, 2nd Lt Donovan G. Goodyear O-427687 in Box #186, assigned 33rd PS(Prov) on heavy landing, resulted in gear failure at Amberley. Repaired. 10/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF Archerfield ex 2EFTS (Inducted 5 such a/c for RAAF and marked them) . 24/03/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex Archerfield. 30/03/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex Archerfield as one of five (A29-26, -27, -28, -29, -30). Rec 75 Sqn RAAF Moresby 06/04/42, coded "F". Damaged 1045hrs 10/4/42 by four 7.7mm rounds in fuselage during a engagement with bombers and escorts when flown by F/Sgt Bob Crawford. Still unserviceable at Port Moresby on 27/4/42, 29/5/42 issued to 5 AD; Rec 26/06/42 5AD ex Moresby. 25/10/42 issued to 12 RSU at Charters Towers, Qld; Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Incident 1710hrs 03/03/43 when on returning to Base (Milne Bay) from a Convoy Cover patrol (In company with three further a/c that took off 1416hrs: A29-149/P/O Ward, A29-152/Sgt Gullifer, A29-143/P/O Austen) found that the weather had closed in, with all making emergency landings at Goodenough Island with Sgt Gullifer being injured. Pilot of A29-26 decided on a wheels down landing but after a landing run of 300yards at between 25-30 mph, the a/c hit a depression with soft sand, causing the tail to rise, but settled down. However, it then a loose rock on the surface causing the starboard oleo to collapse, making the a/c swerve to the right and then followed by the port oleo collapsing. Both mainplanes damaged as well as the airscrew and spinner. Pilot F/Lt Richard Tweedy Holt Serv#404103 was not injured. 08/03/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 13/09/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 28/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Accident 1020hrs 24/12/43, 3 miles SW of Bankstown Aerodrome when A29-26 and A29-86 collided in flight whilst performing attacking exercises along with 8 other Sqn a/c that took off at 1000hrs. Both a/c crashed killing both pilots: A29-26, F/O Kenneth William Baxter Serv#408687 and A29-86 F/Lt Clyde Douglas Hill Serv#280804. 30/12/43 Issued to 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/1303 per date 30/12/43. Installed V-1710-39 Allison MSN 5764 /FY41-36131. |
A29-27 |
P-40E |
41-5586 |
10/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 19/12/41. Installed Allison V-1710-39 MSN 5614/FY41-35981. Project X 19/12/41. Arrived X 21/01/42 on SS Mormac Sun, Brisbane. (IARC Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 10/03/42 allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS Archerfield. 24/03/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS Archerfield. Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76Sqn RAAF 26/03/42. Coded as "P". Accident 30/03/42 on arrival at Moresby on landing following ferrying the a/c from Archerfield, Qld (accompanied by 4 other P-40Es (A29-26, -28, -29, -30) and a 32 Sqn RAAF Hudson), the a/c ran off the runway into sand and turned completely over, onto its back. Pilot, P/O Ally Cecil Clifton Davies Serv#406124 (Ex 23 Sqn RAAF) was not injured. 06/04/42 Rec 75Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS administratively. Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF 19/05/42 after being shipped from Moresby. AMSE Approval to Write off, convert to components per File 9/16/446 entry dated 29/07/42. |
A29-28 |
P-40E |
41-5336 |
10/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 23/10/41. Installed Allison V-1710-39 MSN 3330/FY40-404. Philipn/PLUMB 27/12/41. Condemned per SAC-T-MAC 22/12/41. Picked up from Condemned 31/12/41. Project X Arrived 20/12/41. (USAAF IARC Condemned LEFT 31/10/44). 18/1/42 issued 17thPS (Prov) at Amberley RAAF Station, numbered as #18, however used as spares (Hanger Queen) ship per 08/02/42 report, but made airworthy due to P-40E shortage. Held by 2EFTS Archerfield with four other P-40Es, was used with Wirraways to convert initial cadre of USAAF(Prov)Squadrons and 23Sqn P40E Pilots. 10/03/42 Received by 76 Sqn from 2 EFTS Archerfield. 30/03/42 one of 5 P-40s (A29-26,-27-28, -29, -30) picked up by 75 Sqn pilots and ferried to Port Moresby. 06/04/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF and coded "W". 17/4/42 Combat damage: shot up by enemy a/c over Port Moresby and was repaired enough to fly to the mainland. Pilot: F/O John Le Gay Brereton was not injured. 07/05/42 Rec at 5 AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF; 3/11/42 Issued to 12 RSU ex 5AD as part of the a/c pool; 20/12/42 allotted to 76 Sqn ex 12RSU but cancelled. 09/06/43 Rec 3 AD ex 12RSU; 26/09/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. Accident 5/6/44 engine failed forcing pilot to make a wheels-up landing near Wentworth, NSW some 15 miles NW of the Mildura strip: Airscrew 60%, oil cooler 100%, coolant radiators 90%, remainder airframe undamaged. Pilot: F/Sgt Neville Lloyd Thornley Serv#34772 was not injured. Repaired at 2OTU. Accident 02/10/44; engine caught fire in the air causing it to crash land 5 miles SW of the Mildura strip. Pilot, NFDs. Repaired. Noted at 2OTU in Picture late 1944/Early 1945, as in Natural Metal scheme with red 2OTU codes of CD-A. 28/07/45 issued to 1 CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/07/45 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 13/09/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 23/9/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586.

A29-29 |
P-40E |
41-5612 |
10/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 23/12/41. Installed Allison V-1710-39 MSN 5902/FY41-36269. Project X 22/12/41. Rec 26/02/42. (USAAF IARC Condemned LEFT 31/1044). Held by 2EFTS Archerfield with four other P-40Es, was used with Wirraways to convert initial cadre of USAAF(Prov)Squadrons and 23Sqn P40E Pilots. 10/03/42 allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS. 24/03/42 Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS. 30/03/42 one of 5 P-40s (A29-26, -27, -28, -29, -30) picked up by 75 Sqn pilots and ferried to Port Moresby; 06/04/42. 06/04/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF and was coded 'I'. Operational loss 1256hrs 24/04/42 when part of two pairs on intercept of 7 x Zeros (Combat Report#65 24/04/42). Pilot states no visible results, however his cooler was damaged by return enemy fire. causing the engine to overheat and forcing him to make a forced landing in cleared ground, some 8 miles NW of 7 Mile Strip. Pilot, F/Sgt Michael Seymour 'Mick' Butler Serv#407220 was not injured. 26/04/42 a/c probably salvageable. AMSE Write Off per File#9/1/1123 as dated 13/07/43. Note: E/E-88Card installed V-1710-39 #5902 (Original Factory Engine) |
A29-30 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24825 |
10/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-3(DA), accepted 31/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 5962/FY41-36329. DAAC(Defense Aid Air Corp)01/01/42. Rec Project X 21/02/42. Held by 2EFTS Archerfield with four other P-40Es, was used with Wirraways to convert initial cadre of USAAF(Prov)Squadrons and 23Sqn P40E Pilots. 10/03/42 allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS. 24/03/42 Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 2EFTS. 30/03/42 30/03/42 one of 5 P-40s (A29-26, -27, -28, -29, -30) picked up by 75 Sqn pilots and ferried to Port Moresby; 05/04/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF and was coded 'X ' (Refer Combat Report#34 10/04/42: Scandrett). (Note: Combat Report #45 17/04/42: Brereton flying "W", noted as A29-30, this is a A29# error as it was A29-28"W"). 18/04/42 Sqn Ldr John Jackson noted in Combat Report#51 stating he was flying A29-30 on 18/04/42. Combat Report#51 states A29-30 damaged on this sortie per bullet holes through port window, port petrol tank, tail and 2 propellor blades. E/E-88 Card continues:13/04/42 Extensively damaged by enemy cannon fire in aerial action with enemy zero fighters and bombers (W/C Wrigley). Installed V-1710-39 MSN 5962/FY41-36329. AMSE Write-off per File# 9/1/1123 Min 8 dated 13/07/42. 21/08/42 A29-30 to be brought back on the records Min 4 09/01/1123. 20/08/42 Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF (actual 18/08/42). 16/12/42 Rec 12RSU Reserve Pool Garbutt ex 5AD. 17/01/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12 RSU. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 9945/FY42-34261. Accident 1602hrs 11/06/43 Turnbull Strip when pilot made a wheels-up landing, still with attached belly tank which caught on fire and exploded with the a/c catching fire continuing down the strip for another 100 yds with the fire crew extinguishing the fire after it stopped. Pilot, F/O Norman James Smith Serv#411979 seriously injured with burns and shock. Rec 10RSU ex 75Sqn RAAF. 23/07/43 Issued 3AD ex 10RSU. 06/09/43 Rec Clyde Engineering ex 3AD. AMSE Write-off Approval per File#9/16/814 Min 10 dated 22/11/43. 04/02/44 airframe allotted 2CRD ex Clyde for conversion. |
A29-31 |
P-40E |
41-5463 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 06/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5727 /FY41-36094. XYZ (Russia) 06/12/41, PO UNB ST-43-644. Repossessed USAAF 29/12/41.Sacremento Air Depot 12/01/42. Project X 27/01/42. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42 S-42-1848. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Rec 1AD ex USAAC Engine#"36094" (Confirmed FY41-* factory fitted). 26/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 01/04/42 Issued 75Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 04/04/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex Archerfield. 05/04/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 06/04/42 issued 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. C at 75Sqn RAAF 07/04/42 coded as "Q". Later coded as "W" (ref Combat Report #46, Brereton). 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF. 25/04/42 flown by P/O Geoff Atherton (Combat Report #68). 27/04/42 serviceable at 75Sqn RAAF. 29/04/42 damaged by enemy action during raid on 7 Mile strip by 8 Enemy bombers with Zero escorts conducting ground strafing. 24/08/42 Shipped by SS Wanaka to Sydney for 5AD. 04/09/42 Rec 5AD ex 75Sqn RAAF. 18/09/42 to 04/01/42 serviceability indefinite. 15/07/43 Allotted to 82 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 23/08/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF 16/10/43. 28/07/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU with original V-1710-39 "5727". 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/07/45 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 12/09/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 23/9/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-32 |
P-40E |
41-5494 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 06/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5807/FY41-36174. POE San Francisco 05/12/41. XYZ (Russia) 06/12/41, PO UNB ST-43-644. Repossessed USAAF 15/01/42. Project X 31/01/42. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF (Eng#36174). 25/03/42 Allotment 76 Sqn RAAF cancelled. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 05/04/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF. 0130hrs Zulu, 06/04/42 Operational loss when singularly intercepting one Enemy bomber 30 miles SE of 7 Mile Strip when after one pass, was attacked by a unknown EA from rear resulting in two holes in cockpit and engine. With engine intermitly cutting out, the pilot headed for the coast. Engine completely cut out at 2000 feet forcing the pilot to make a wheels up, full flap landing in a dry grassy swamp 25 miles north of Moresby. After getting out, pilot noticed smoke coming out of fuselage and main wing tank after a 1/2 hour. Pilot, F/O Edmund James Johnson Serv#673 (Ex 76Sqn RAAF assigned 75 Sqn RAAF 02/04/42) was not injured, though he was medically retired 07/12/42 from the RAAF. 30/04/42 AMSE Write-off per File#9/1/1123 dated 30/04/42. Cancelled. 02/06/42 Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF, G at 5AD. 20/07/42 to 19/11/42 serviceability indefinite. 28/11/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 09/12/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 23/12/42 Rec 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 29/12/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 12/05/43 Rec 2AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 18/07/43 Rec 2OTU ex 2AD. 14/12/43 Note: a/c to be held in Stored reserve and not to be used without authority of this HQ. 07/01/43 Rec 1OTU ex 2OTU. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9954/FY42-34269. Accident 1330hrs 02/09/44 when engine began to vibrate badly and gycol and oil poured out of port side of engine with pilot being forced land the aircraft flaps down on Letts Beach, close to Dutson School 20 miles east of Sale Victoria. Pilot, F/Lt Laurence Francis Marshall Cronin DFC Serv#400913 (Ex Spitfire Pilot, Ex 453Sqn RAAF late 1942, Ex 81Sqn RAF late 1942-April 1944, ME and India(DFC awarded there), tfr 1OTU 26/08/44 with Fighter Affiliation Duties) )was not injured. not repaired. 28/01/45 A/c requires complete overhaul. A/c requires dismantling, inspection and repair after forced landing.06/02/45 HMG advise no repair facilities exist within area and it is considered more effected within the Unit by replacement of parts. 06/03/45 Allotted to School of Technical Training ex 1OTU for instructional purposes. 20/03/45 AMSE Approval for Conversion to Instructional Airframe No 9 for use at No 1 School of Technical Training. 22/03/45 RAAF HQ Approval per AMSE Write-off Approval per File#9/16/2424 Min 7 dated 08/03/45. 02/11/45 Inst No 9 converted to components per File#69/4/41. |
A29-33 |
P-40E |
41-5518 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5695/FY41-36062. POE San Francisco 17/07/42(Error). XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR42-65 , PO QM ST-43-21353(Error). Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Project X 11/01/42. ST-42-1763. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF (Eng#36062). Accident 20/03/42, after erection and on a test flight the a/c suffered a broken control cable to elevators, requiring the pilot to perform a forced landing at Laverton Aerodrome. No damage. Pilot, F/O Ian George Grant Serv#250716 (3SFTS P-40E Erection Depot) was not injured. 23/03/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/03/42 Issued to 76Sqn RAAF. 30/03/42 E Star 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 16/04/42 when on landing during ferry flight from Archerfield to Rockhampton, the pilot made a belly landing following undercarriage collapse (As did A29-70 per Sgt Sgt William Martin Booth Serv#401363 ex 22Sqn RAAF). Pilot, Sgt Victor Reginald Waldemar Andrews Serv#401606 (ex-Canberra SHS)(Refer A29-315)Post war Commissioned per F/Lt Serv# O35259). Damage oleos, tail wheel, Airscrew, and fuselage.02/06/42 Rec 5AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 20/07/42 to 04/09/42 5AD Serviceability indefinite. Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD 08/09/42. 16/09/42 Rec 12RSU ex 5AD 16/09/42. 10/10/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Incident 18/11/42, as flown by Sqn Ldr Truscott ferry a/c from Strauss Strip to Daly Waters, A29-33 developed engine issues, and on landing at Strauss, crabbing on landing roll, port main wheel seized up and a/c nosed over, and port oleo collapsed. 14/01/43 rec 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF for engine change. NFDs. 28/01/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 21/03/43 Rec 5AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 23/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. (Installed V-1710-39 MSN 3330/FY40-404(Ex A29-28)) Accident 28/05/43 on landing Mildura. NFDS. (Airscrew 15% repairable at Unit. Starboard wing 20% repairable at Unit. Undercarriage 5%.Writeoff. Tail Unit repairable at Unit.). Repaired in Unit. 29/11/43 Issued 82 Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU. 03/12/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU. 30/03/44 Allotted 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 13/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 28/07/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD. 12/09/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 12/09/47 Issued SAS ex 1SD. 23/9/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-34 |
P-40E |
41-5520 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5860/FY41-36227. POE San Francisco 17/07/42(Error). XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR42-65 , PO QM ST-43-21353(Error). Repossessed USAAF 10/01/42. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1763. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF (Eng#36227). 23/03/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/03/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "B" and named "Tojo's Jinx". 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. 22/04/42 collected by F/O M D Ellerton (75Sqn RAAF ex 22Sqn RAAF). 25/04/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF (collected and piloted by Sgt Sims 22/04/42). 29/05/42 held at 76 Sqn RAAF. 01/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. 03/06/42 Accident after a/c swung off runway into tree at Weir Strip, Townsville. Pilot, Pilot, Sgt William Martin Booth Serv#401363 ex 22Sqn RAAF was not injured. 29/06/42 E Star at 76 Sqn RAAF. 28/09/42 Rec 10RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Now coded as "IB". 10/08/42 flown by F/Lt Clive Newton Wawn Serv#400163 at Fall River.31/08/42 flown by F/O I Crossing at Fall River. 29/09/42 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 29/09/42 issued 10RSU ex 3AD. 02/10/42 Rec 3AD ex 10RSU. 05/10/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 07/10/42 Held 76 Sqn RAAF at Daly Waters. 26/10/42 Serviceable 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 1445hrs 07/02/43 when a/c collided with A29-71 on landing at Hughes Strip, NT. Damage Flap and mainplane. Pilot, F/O John Derek Rumbold Serv#408704 was seriuosly injured. 10/02/43 Rec 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 11/03/43 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. Installed Eng MSN6199/FY41-36566. 26/06/43 a/c Allotted 13ARD Res Pool ex 4RSU. 15/07/43 Rec 13ARD ex 4RSU. 20/09/43 Rec 2OTU ex 13ARD. Accident 08/11/44 a/c crash landed at Karawinna North, 25 miles west of 2 OTU , Mildura, Vic. Pilot, NFDs, (though CO of 2OTU was flying back from Bankstown in a Kittyhawk). 14/11/44 Allotted 1CRD ex 2OTU. 30/11/44 AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/2145 Min#2 dated 17/11/44. Installed Eng MSN6199/FY41-36566. |
A29-35 |
P-40E |
41-5523 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5851/FY41-36218. . XYZ (Russia) 06/12/41 DAR 42-323, PO QM ST-43-78172. Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1763. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF(Eng#36218). 24/03/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76Sqn RAAF. 27/04/42 E Star at 76 Sqn RAAF. 11/05/42 C Star at 76Sqn RAAF. 01/06/42 E Star at 76Sqn RAAF. 08/06/42 C Star at 76 Sqn RAAF. 26/08/42 flown by P/O D Baker at Fall River. 27/08/42 flown by F/O C Lindeman Fall River. 28/08/42 flown by Sgt P Dempster Fall River. 28/08/42 flown by P/O Taintan at Fall River.28/08/42 flown again by Sgt P Dempster at Fall River. 28/09/42 Rec 10RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 29/09/42 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 30/09/42 Rec 3AD ex 10RSU. 05/10/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 05/10/42 Rec 12RSU Garbutt ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 07/10/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU Garbutt. 07/10/42 Held 76 Sqn RAAF Batchelor NT.Accident 04/11/42 damaging starboard mainplane. NFDs. 05/11/42 Issued to 43rd Material Squadron(USAAF) Adelaide River ex 76Sqn RAAF. Accident 18/11/42 when ferrying A29-35, along with A29-33 (Flown by Sqn Ldr Truscott), on landing at Strauss Strip after returning from the intended ferry flight to Daly Waters, the a/c brakes seized up on landing causing damage to port eleo, then sustained further damage to its port mainplane and airscrew after it nosed over. Pilot: F/L Ronald Clement Kerville Serv#250662 was not injured. 22/11/42 unserviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. 14/12/42 Issued 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 17/01/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 25/04/43 Rec 17RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 27/04/43 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU. Rec 2OTU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 14/09/43 Details unkown...Damage: Airscrew, fuselage front, centre section, instrument panel, port wing, starboard wing, undercarriage. Fuselage rear 20% (M). Tail unit 100% (W). Engine crankcase cylinders, cylinder block magneto, carburettors - each (U). 15/10/43 Further ground accident: No further details: Damage Non-Operational fire caused when engine being cleaned, damaging complete tail assembly. Repaired. Accident 1145hrs 06/12/43 1 mile east of Mildura Aerodrome when a/c collided midair at 10000 feet whilst carrying out as the attacking aircraft during a wing training drill with target aircraft being Wirraway A20-89. A29-35 hit port wing of A20-89 with airscrew and nose. Kittyhawk A29-35 piloted by Sgt. R.K. Ashby Serv#417737 was not injured and bailed out with A29-35 crashed and deemed having 98% damage, and Wirraway A20-89 piloted by F/O Gordon Horace White, with passenger P/O E P Simpson, bailed out successfully and it too crashed. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/1273 dated 13/12/43. Note: Second 76Sqn RAAF Installed V-1710-39 was MSN3382/FY40-456(Held 6AD in 1945) per Card#1. Third installed V-1710-39 MSN 10278/FY42-34593 on receipt at 2OTU Card#2. But File#9/16/1273 states final and fourth installed V-1710-39 was MSN9954/42-34269 per W/O Entry. Documentation shows four (4) V-1710-39s fitted over its airframe life. |
A29-36 |
P-40E |
41-5525 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5791/FY41-36158. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-327. Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1757. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF(Eng#36225: Error not MSN5858/FY41-36225). 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76Sqn RAAF. 11/05/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. 25/05/42 E at 76 Sqn RAAF. 08/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF.Coded "IO" and named "El Toro". 20/07/42 Unserviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF , not repairable at Unit. Repaired. Operational Loss 1315hrs 11/08/42 following interception a flight of between 8-12 Zeros at 1500feet over Milne Bay at 1240hrs near Fall River. Following engagment, a/c seen to burst into flames at 300 feet of strip with the pilot bailing out immediately. The parachute opened after a delay of 100 feet, which did not allow sufficient height for it to billow, prior to the pilot hitting the ground. Pilot, Sgt George Frederick Inkster Serv#402292* was killed instantly. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min 7. Engine installed per E/E-88Card was original factory installed V-1710-39 MSN5791/FY41-36158. Note* Inkster served with 64 Sqn RAF in Uk flying Spitfires. |
A29-37 |
P-40E |
41-5530 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5892/FY41-36259. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-371, PO QM ST-43-78161. Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1763. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 13/03/42 Allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF(Eng#36259). 24/03/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76Sqn RAAF. 11/05/42 E at 76 Sqn RAAF. 12/05/42 per the E/E-77 record, the airframe had 102hrs and 35mins. 18/05/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 0920hrs 21/05/42 when flown during a 6 aircraft section weaving and dog fighting training flight, the pilot failed to recover from a steep dive and crashed vertically into the ground 15-20 miles north of Weir Strip, 6 miles south west of Yabulu near the properties of "Glen Retreat"/"Kataughal" centred between Notch Peak, Mount Kataughal and Mount Black, right off track. Pilot, Sgt Alan Bryant Martin Serv#402245 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/376 dated 29/05/42. V-1710-39 MSN5892/41-36259 Written off. Note: Martin had previously served in the UK in late 1941(401Sqn RCAF (Spitfires) Oct 41 and 72 Sqn RAF (Spitfires)Dec 41) before being urgently drafted back to the Far East in early 1942 as a trained Spitfire pilot. At the time of his death, he had flown only in total 2hrs and 15mins in P-40Es at the time of his death, since checked out on the type on 17/05/42. |
A29-38 |
P-40E |
41-5532 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5839/FY41-36206. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-375, PO QM ST-43-78160. Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1763. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF.25/03/42 Allotment cancelled. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "J". 05/04/42 Rec at 75 Sqn RAAF. Operational Loss 0750hrs 11/04/42 when on a 7 aircraft escort of 9 A-24 Banshee Dive Bombers of the 13th BS(lt)USAAF on operations over Lae were attacked by defending zeros. (Included A29-12(Woods)/A29-15(Davies)/A29-30(Scandrett)/A29-31(Cox)/A29-41(Piper)/A29-48(Masters). During the engagement one aircraft was lost, who force landed his a/c on the beach at Kwong Point, (near a Chinese Settlement), Point Salamaua. Statement of OKABE Naohei (dated 23/03/48" He was sighted climbing up a hill with pistol and knife in hands. When the Japanese Section halted him, he menaced by the Section's machinegun, he surrendered". As a POW, he was sent by air to a Japanese 8th Naval Base Force at Rabaul New Britain. Note 26/5/42(Gordon Clarke quote per D A J Kibble report) Sgt Brown was last seen alive by 2 Americans Lutz and Reid when they were separated at a wharf at Rabual. 26/05/42 he was taken from that Camp, along with 9 of 10 other RAAF Prisoners captured by the IJN when Catalina A24-18 was shot down 04/05/42, and with them, was executed at Matupi, near Rabaul and buried in a mass grave. Post war, in 1950, a total of 15 RAAF and 15 USAAF bodies were recovered from the site. Identified by dental records, he was laid to rest at the Rabual(Btapaka) War Cemetery, in Plot H, Row C, Grave 8 in perpetuity. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/1/1123 Min 7 dated 16/04/42. Note the aircraft itself was still extant on the beach into the 70's. Photo of A29-38 post war shows that two of three blades per bend on landing. |
A29-39 |
P-40E |
41-5533 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5867/FY41-36234. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-377, PO QM ST-43-78159. Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Project X 10/01/42.21/01/42 ST-183461. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF(Eng#36234). 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76Sqn RAAF. 11/05/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. Coded "E" and named "ABDUL the BULL". 22/06/42 E at 76Sqn RAAF. 22/07/42 Flown by Sqn Ldr Peter Turnbull at Fall River. Later coded "IE". 26/08/42 flown by F/O M Bott Fall River. 28/08/42 flown by Sgt Roy Clayton Carroll Serv#405468 Fall River.28/08/42 flown by P/O H A Kerr at Fall River.28/08/42 flown by Sgt R E Barker at Fall River. 12/09/42 serviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. 07/10/42 held at 76 Sqn RAAF Batchelor NT. 22/11/42 Serviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 31/12/42 when ferrying the aircraft as part of a three aircraft flight to No 3 Air Depot, Amberley Qld after taking off from Daly Waters NT, when the flight endured high winds, off course and a flight time of 3 hours and 30 minutes, were forced to make a forced landing at Finke River Mission, Hermannsburg NT due to low fuel. Whilst two of the flight made it down safely despite landing down wind, pilot of A29-39 after touching down struck a low rock ridge which caused the undercarriage to collapse, damaging the airscrew, radiator cowls and starboard mainplane. Pilot F/Sgt Reginald Lindsay Simmons Serv#400941 was not injured. 01/01/43 Issued 3AD ex 76Sqn RAAF. 14/01/43 Rec 4RSU ex 3AD (Never arrived, ex Finke River Mission). 15/02/43 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 29/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 11/06/43 Issued 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 14/06/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU.Coded GA-I. 09/09/43 Issued 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 22/09/43 a/c delayed undergoing engine change. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 5860/41-36227(Ex A29-34). 30/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 13/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 08/05/44 Rec CGS ex 2OTU. 04/11/44 Rec 2OTU ex CGS. 27/01/45 Rec 1OTU ex 2OTU. 18/12/45 Rec 6AD storage ex 1OTU. 01/10/46 To be stored Cat E. 19/11/46 Authorized for Write-off. 26/09/47 Passed to DAP. 15/11/48 Action completed by DAP. |
A29-40 |
P-40E |
41-5536 |
13/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5849/FY41-36216. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-377, PO QM ST-43-78159. Repossessed USAAF 11/01/42. Accident 1530hrs 22/12/41 on landing, collided with another P-40E (41-5534) at Mitchel Field New York whilst on route ex Westover Field Air Depot on their way to Sacramento Air Depot, California. 2nd Lt Shannon Christian O-420827 (35thPS/8thPG and later as a Major served in the 351st FS, 353rd FG) piloting 41-5536 and 2nd Lt George W Long O-420841 (36thPS/8thPG) piloting P-40E 41-5534 were not injured. Repaired by using forward parts and V-1710-39 engine from 41-5534 (Later repaired and used by NACA and 79th FG). Now installed V-1710-39 MSN5680 /FY41-36047 from P-40E 41-5534. Project X 10/01/42.21/01/42 ST-183461. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF(Eng#36047). Note: Fitted with V-1710-39 MSN5680 /FY41-36047 originally fitted to P-40E 41-5534 ex-Factory when it was boxed 12/41: P-40E 41-5534 never left the US of A. Transferred to NACA Langley 13/03/42, 25/08/42 79thFG, then eventually surveyed 01/10/43 at Tuskegee. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76Sqn RAAF. 11/05/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. 18/05/42 E Star at 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 19/05/42 when a/c was taxied into tree at Weir Strip. Damaged port mainplane. Pilot; Sgt Alan Bryant Martin Serv#402245, being his first conversion flight in a P-40E, was not injured. 08/06/42 F at 76 Sqn RAAF. 22/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. 17/07/42 U/S but repairable within 10 days. 12/09/42 Held serviceable 76 Sqn RAAF. 24/08/42 Flown by Sgt R Glassop as part of five a/c patrol. 26/08/42 , 0555hrs flown by F/O Pank on strafing mission 1200rds fired. 26/08/42 0720hrs Sgt Dempster flew her during landing operations by Japanese Milne Bay with 1430rds fired. 26/08/42 , 1331hrs flown by F/O Pank on strafing mission 1200rds fired. 28/08/42 1121hrs F/O Kerville strafing mission Ahioma Mission , 1500rds fired. 12/09/42 serviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. 07/10/42 held at 76 Sqn RAAF Batchelor. 12/10/42-26/10/42 U/S at 76 Sqn RAAF. 02/11/42 serviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. 21/03/43 Rec 5AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 09/04/43 Allotted 2OTU ex 5AD. 09/04/43 cancelled. Installed V-1710-39 MSN6042/FY 41-36409 6042. 21/04/43 Issued to 75 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. Accident 22/4/43 when in company with A29-111 on a 2AP Ferry flight from Wagga to Milne Bay, via Mackay, during bad weather, disappeared near Proserpine Qld. A29-111 (Sgt John Bowen McGrath 402166)forced landed some 40 miles from MacKay Qld at Conway Beach. Pilot, Sgt Archie Gordon Boyd Serv#409019 missing presumed dead. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/856 Min 6 dated 02/06/43. |
A29-41 |
P-40E |
41-5538 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5844/FY41-36211. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-385, PO QM ST-43-78159. Repossessed USAAF 12/01/42. Project X 10/01/42. 21/01/42 ST-43-78156. SS Mormac Star arrived Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 25/03/42 Allotment cancelled. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 Issued 75Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 03/04/42 Leaving Archerfield for 75 Sqn RAAF. 07/04/42 C at 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "M" *. 09/04/42 Rec at 75 Sqn RAAF Moresby. 09/05/42 a/c strafed by Enemy fighters at 3 Mile strip (Kila Kila Aerodrome), engine pierced -not repairable locally. 11/05/42 Allotted 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 29/05/42 Held at 76 Sqn RAAF (Error, 75 Sqn RAAF) 13/06/42 Not yet received at 5AD. 31/08/42 Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF by rail without engine. 04/09/42 to 26/04/43 Serviceability indefinite. Installed V-1710-39 MSN10013/FY42-34328. 27/05/43 Issued 12 RSU RP (Res Pool) ex 5AD. 31/05/43 Rec 13ARD RP ex 12RSU RP. 25/10/43 Rec 2OTU ex 13ARD. Accident 1630hrs 03/12/43 aircraft was circling forced landed P-40K A29-178 when observed at 1000 feet doing a slow rate 1 1/2 turn, then appeared to bank sharply and dive at 40 degrees into ground, 6 miles west of Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot, Sgt William John King Serv#419092 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write Off per File#9/16/1258 dated 07/12/43. *Note, this aircraft was not named "Schuftie", refer A29-108 "M" "Schuftie" Milne Bay (Only picture existing of her dated August 1942) |
A29-42 |
P-40E |
41-5546 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 17/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5660/FY41-36027. Sacramento Air Depot 18/12/41. Project X 17/01/42. 21/01/42 S-42-1757. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF (Eng#36057(Error?5660 or was it 5690/41-36027 per USAAF records?)). 23/03/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/03/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Assigned "B" flight. Accident 1710hrs 27/03/42 when the a/c entered a stalled inverted spin, and crashed on a hill near Ormeau, on a property owned by Mr D and J Nealy (brothers who were witnesses and working two miles away)after taking off from Archerfield RAAF Station earlier. The aircraft was totally burnt out. The pilot had bailed out but impacted some 50 yards/75 yards from burning impact site, with his chute only partially opened (Outlined by Medical Officer (76Sqn RAAF)as witnessed 1 3/4 hours later at the site). Another witness stated the pilot left the a/c at 400 feet. The canopy was found 300yards away to the northeast. 26/06/42 Court of Inquiry held at Townsville held at 1710hrs states "pilot was on a single aircraft training flight to carry out steep turns, stalls with and without engine and circuits": On 27/03/42 Pilot had flown three prior training flights on that day: A29-33 (1000hrs to 1100hrs), A29-44 (1330 to 1430hrs) and A29-42 prior(1430hrs to 1530hrs) prior to refuelling, detaching belly tank, then taking off per his fourth final flight of the day at 1635hrs, again, in A29-42. Cause of the accident in their opinion "Whilst carrying out unauthorised aerobation the pilot allowed the aircraft to stall and go into a spin from which he was unable to recover". In the pilot's defence at the Court of Inquiry, the Squadron Order Book had only been prepared that very day, 27/03/42, which included signals from North-Eastern Area(T.306 13/03) prohibiting the spinning of the Kittyhawk aircraft and, more importantly, NOT (M.16 10/3) which included the cutting of the throttle in spin recovery. (M.16 10/3) had been sighted and signed by most pilots on that day, but not the pilot of A29-42 who was flying constantly from 1000hrs onwards. Pilot , P/O Cecil Rainsford Shepherd Serv#411197 was killed. Airframe of A29-42 had flown 11 hours and 10 mins on arrival at Archerfield ex 1AD and the pilot had in total only 3 hours and 20 minutes. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#6 dated 30/04/42. Note: further sadness was experienced by the Shepherd Family when his older brother, W/O Onslow Harold Shepherd Serv#411958 also died in WW2, missing presumed shot down by fighters off Anzio 27/01/44, when flying Spitfire MA636 of 93 Sqn RAF. This left only one younger brother named Alan R Shepherd, surviving post war. |
A29-43 |
P-40E |
41-5549 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 10/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5667/FY41-36034. Sacramento Air Depot 17/12/41. Project X 30/12/41. "X" 27/01/42. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. 26/02/42 S-42-1757 (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF (Eng#36054(USAAF Record Error MSN 5687/41-36054 though per USAAF records it was noted as installed in P-40E 41-5548, also Project X)). 25/03/42 Allottment cancelled. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 05/04/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "P". 17/04/42 1100hrs flown by P/O Geoff Atherton per interception of 5 Bombers and escorting fighters. 21/04/42 0930hrs, flown by P/O Geoff Atherton interception of 8 Bombers and escorts. Operational Loss 1046hrs 24/04/42, as part of four a/c flight to intercept incoming Japanese fighters. a/c shot down in flames over Porabada Village, west of Moresby. Only one landed safely, A29-47(Cowe) while the other two aircraft were lost; A29-76 (Crawford) and A29-29 (Butler). Pilot, F/O Oswald John Channon Serv#411286 (Ex SHQ Canberra) missing presumed killed, later re-classified as KIA (30/04/42). AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Mis 6 dated 30/04/42. |
A29-44 |
P-40E |
41-5597 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 10/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5613/FY41-35980. Sacramento Air Depot 17/12/41. Project X 30/12/41. "X" 27/01/42. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. 26/02/42 S-42-1757 (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF (Eng#41-35980). 23/03/42 rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/03/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "H". 30/03/42 E star at 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 31/05/42 whilst on authorised low flying practice in formation, hit a water damaging airscrew, Airscrew Reduction Gear, belly cowling and belly tank; Engine change necessary- repairable in unit. Pilot, Sgt Roy Clayton Carroll Serv#405468 (Ex SHQ Bankstown) was not injured. 01/06/42 G at 76 Sqn RAAF. 08-22/06/42 E Star at 76 Sqn RAAF. Repaired.29/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. Now coded "IH". 0500hrs 22/07/42 Sgt R C Carroll flew dive-bombing and machine gunning runs at barges, Napapo, Milne Bay. 11/08/42 flown 1500 feet by Sgt R C Carroll flew on interception of four Fighters commenced attack on one aircraft over old mission. 26/08/42 flown by Sgt P Dempster 1420-1558 hrs strafing fuel drums, water's edge Egibaria, Milne Bay (1400rds). 29/08/42 1719-1850hrs flown by F/Lt Meehan carrying out bombing mission against enemy convoy east of Normanby island, with one 250lb bomb with four other a/c (A29-106 lost). 24/09/42 allotted 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 08/10/42 held at 15RSU Gurney Strip. 23/10/42 issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. 28/10/42 flown to reserve pool Townsville from Gurney Strip. 02/11/42 rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. 02/11/42 U/S at 75 Sqn RAAF. 05/11/42 issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. 09/11/42 Serviceable 75 Sqn RAAF. 15/11/42 U/S at 75 Sqn RAAF.19/11/42 F/O Shiells (75 Sqn RAAF)carried out night flying practice. 22/11/42 0944hrs Sgt Cornfoot landed aircraft during formation flying practice, with engine issues. 02/12/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 02/12/42 Rec 10RSU ex 15RSU. 08-14/12/42 Estimate ready 10-21days. 21/12/42 flown by P/O Mountseer (75 Sqn RAAF)on engine test. 1815hrs 23/12/43 flown by Sgt Norman from Townsville to Cairns. 24/12/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 28/01/43 Issued 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 09/03/43 rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 15/04/43 rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Operational damage 14/04/43 when all available sqn a/c (17 a/c) intercepted enemy raid of between enemy 95-100a/c per Raid#24 over Turnbull Strip. Five EA confirmed destroyed and a further three probables. Several P-40 a/c were damaged by enemy fire, (A29-44, A29-118, A29-72, A29-103, A29-153 and A29-77) . A29-44 "H" , after sharing a 1/2 probable Betty Bomber crashed landed due to petrol exhaustion and inability to lower flaps at Turnbull Strip. Pilot, P/O William John Ward Serv#401003 was not injured. Rec 10RSU ex 75Sqn RAAF. 24/04/43 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU (Beyond capability of Unit). 23/07/43 allotted 3AD ex 10RSu. 23/07/43 Issued 3AD ex 10RSU. 11/08/43 Allotment cancelled by 5MG. 1/08/43 allotted Clyde Engineering NSW ex 10RSU. 06/09/43 Rec Clyde by 10RSU. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/814 Min 10 (A29-44/149/88/30 inclusive) dated 04/11/43. 04/02/44 Airframe allotted 2CRD ex Clyde for conversion. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 9701/FY42-34016.

A29-45 |
P-40E |
41-5600 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 17/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5875/FY41-36242. Sacramento Air Depot 18/12/41. Project X 30/12/41. "X" 27/01/42. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. 30/12/41 S-42-1763 (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 17/08/43). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 23/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. Accident 31/03/42 whilst still at 1AD Laverton when on landing, overshot strip damaging port and starboard wing, belly tank, W/t panels, belly, props and radiator, with holes in underside. Pilot, 2nd Lt Stanley F Rice* O-426427 ( (Class 41G)4AD USAAF Test pilot attached)was not injured. 06/04/42 G at 1AD. 09/04/42 Above allotment to 76 Sqn RAAF cancelled. 13/04/42 F at 1AD. 20/04/42 G at 1AD. 11/05/42 F at 1AD. 19/06-07/08/42 Serviceability indefinite. 12/08/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 17/08/42 issued to 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 12/09/42 Held by 75 Sqn RAAF. 18/09/42 allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 SQN RAAF. 19/09/42 already on strength 76 Sqn RAAF . Coded as "IV" and named "Peter's Revenge" below exhaust stacks Starboard side. 28/09/42 Rec 10RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF.29/09/42 Issued 10RSU ex 3AD. 02/10/42 rec 3AD ex 10RSU. 05/10/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 07/10/42 Held by 76 Sqn RAAF Batchelor. 12-19/10/42 U/S at 76 Sqn RAAF. 12/01/43 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 26/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. Accident 0940Hrs 16/08/43 whilst at the Air to Ground Gunnery Range, when informed by the Range Control Officer advised over his R/T that black smoke was coming from the engine of the aircraft. pilot found the Oil Temperature was excessive and pressure dropping. He opened the coolant gills and advised he was returning to base. Temperature went off the instrument and pressure continued to drop, due to bearing failure, so pilot belly landed on nearest open country. Damage Airscrew, fuselage front and center sections, port and starboard wings and radiators. Pilot, F/Sgt Stewart Maxwell Doig Serv#401923 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Accident 1115hrs 25/02/44 when on landing at Mildura, port oleo leg collapsed after landing, and folded back gradually. Pilot, Sgt Maurice John Ryan Serv#437447 (NAA Item 437447) was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 28/07/45 rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/10/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 06/11/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. *Note Rice later served with 39thFS USAAF and on 2300Zulu 15/06/42 MIA in P-39F 41-7136 over Rigo NG. |
A29-46 |
P-40E |
41-5522 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 18/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5676/FY41-36043. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-315.Westover AAF. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1763. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD(Cancelled). 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Accident 04/04/42 when on ferry flight from Bankstown SHQ to Archerfield, when pilot noticed and smelled burning rubber smell, a/c was forced landed at Cessnock NSW, at the rear of Cessnock Hospital, Cessnock NSW. Pilot, F/O Arthur George William Gilbert* Serv#280799 was severely injured, with shock and possible fracture of shoulder. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/446 dated 24/07/42. *Note: this was Gilbert's second P-40E crash as he, whilst with 8thPS in Canberra training USAAF pilots, on the 02/03/42 forced landed 8th PS's P-40E-1 41-24817 at Tumut ACT. Assigned 76 Sqn RAAF 26/03/42 ex Canberra SHQ). |
A29-47 |
P-40E |
41-5527 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 06/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5801/FY41-36168. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-367. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1832. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD(Cancelled). 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "R" and named "Sweet Adeline" on fuselage. 05/04/42 rec 75 Sqn RAAF. 10/04/42 1050hrs flown by P/O A D Tucker on interception of 7 Enemy Bombers and 6 Zero escorts. 18/04/42 1045hrs on interception of enemy zeros 40 miles NE of Moresby as flown by F/lt A H Boyd. 21/04/42 0930hrs interception of 5 Zeros and 8 bombers 30 miles SE of Moresby as flown by F/lt A H Boyd with 1 Zero claimed whilst inverted with one long burst and one other, damaged. 24/04/42 1130hrs on interception of Zeros over Moresby as flown by Sgt W D Cowe. 25/04/42 0820hrs on interception of 15 Zeros over Moresby as flown by Sgt W D Cowe. Damaged, cannon shell in fin, bullet in each wing, and burst port tyre. Repaired. Operational loss 1036hrs 28/04/42 when as part of 6 a/c interception of 8 enemy bombers and 12 escorts, two a/c failed to return. A29-8 (Sqn Ldr John F Jackson, DFC) and A29-47. Pilot, Acting F/Lt Barry Mortimer Cox Serv#260706 missing believed killed (Confirmed KIA 07/11/42). AMSE Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min 6 dated 30/04/42. |
A29-48 |
P-40E |
41-5535 |
14/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5704/FY41-36071. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-369. Project X 11/01/42. ST-42-1757. Rec 05/03/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 14/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD(Cancelled). 18/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 25/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 26/03/42 issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "Y" and named "POISON P" on top of cowl. 05/04/42 Received 75 Sqn RAAF. 06/04/42 0120hrs interception of 7 E/E as flown by F/O Peter A masters. 11/04/42 0750hrs escort 9 A-24s to Lae as flown by F/O Peter D Masters. 21/04/42 0915hrs interception of Bombers and escorting Zeros on coast SE of Moresby as flown by F//Lt A H Boyd. 24/04/42 1230hrs on interception of 4-6 Zeros over Port Moresby, as flown by P/O Arthur Tucker. 25/04/42 0825hrs interception of 15 Zeros above 7 Mile, as flown by F/O John Le Gay Brereton. 26/04/42 0830hrs, interception of 7 Zeros 10 miles SE of Moresby as flown by Sgt M S Butler. 28/04/42 1115hrs interception of 8 Bombers and 12 Escorts as flown by F/O Peter A Masters. Operational loss 0730hrs 02/05/42 when as one of a flight of three P-40s and several P-39D/Fs to intercept approaching enemy aircraft, including Zeros escorting. The formation was led by F/Sgt Robert W Crawford (A29-23) were attacked by 10-15 Zeros and on landing stated he saw A29-48 spinning and burning. Army authorities were informed and that an aircraft had been observed to have crashed six miles NW of Aerodrome. F/Lt Deane -Butcher and P/O Atherton identified the aircraft by the number on the fuselage as A29-48 and the airframe data plate (P-40E 41-5535). Pilot, SGT Donald Whiteside Munro serv#405641 killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min 8 dated 13/07/42. |
A29-49 |
P-40E |
41-13521 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9335/FY42-33650. Ogden 16/01/42(Error). Project X 11/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. Norfolk 17/01/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 21/03/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. 26/03/42 flown by Sqn Ldr Richard Edgar Brooker Serv#39931 RAF on first flight on type. See Note*. 20/04/42 E Star at 77 Sqn RAAF. 27/04/42 C at 77 Sqn RAAF. 18/05/42 E at 77Sqn RAAF. 08/07/42 forced landing due to loss of oil pressure and high oil temperature with pilot carrying out successful landing at Pearce RAAF Station. Pilot. Sgt Lloyd Ronald Thomas Ballard Serv#411728 was not injured. 10/07/42 U/S at 77Sqn RAAF. 13/07/42 Allotted HQ Pearce ex 77Sqn RAAF. 25/07/42 U/S at 77Sqn RAAF. Repaired. Accident 19/08/42 at Alice Springs when starboard tyre burst on take-off whe the aircraft reach 115mph, causing the starboard oleo to collapse, causing damage to airscrew and belly tank. Pilot, P/O Dean Hardcourt Kelly Serv#416098 injured with slight abrasions to left forearm. 23/08/42 Allotted 43rd Material Squadron(USAAF) Adelaide River NT ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 13/10/43 rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 43rdMS. 22/11/42 U/S at 77Sqn RAAF. 02/02/43 rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 17/02/43 Issued 2OTU ex 3AD. 19/02/43 Landing accident with starboard undercarriage leg collapsed during normal landing. NFDs. 22/02/43 rec 2OTU ex 3AD. 02/03/1943 Repaired within unit. 03/03/43 Accident adverse weather conditions. NFDs. Coded as "9" . 09/05/43 Accident when engine failed on take-off from Mildura and forced landed in vineyard. Pilot, Sgt Ronald Cleveland Rose Serv#421939 was slightly injured. 25/05/43 rec 5AD ex 2OTU. 12/01/44 rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 11/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 18/05/44 rec CGS ex 2OTU. 04/11/44 rec 2OTU ex CGS. 24/07/45 rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 06/08/47 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/10/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 19/12/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. Last Installed V-1710-39 MSN 5608 / FY41-35975. Note* Brooker was Ex CO 232 Sqn RAF (Hurrican IIbs) in Singapore/NEI 1942. Following command of 77 Sqn RAAF March 1942, he took command of 76 Sqn RAAF in April 1942 and eventually commanded his third Kittyhawk Sqn, No 14 Sqn RNZAF(P-40E-1s) in NZ July 1942. Returned via Canada to UK, to fly Typhoons and Tempests. Sadly, killed in action 16/04/45 when shot down by FW190s near Wittenberge, Germany. |
A29-50 |
P-40E |
41-5737 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9264/FY42-33579. Ogden 16/01/42(Error). Project X 11/01/42. Norfolk 17/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 19/03/42 first P-40E received by 77Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. 20/03/42 rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. 15/07/42 Accident when in formation flight 10 miles north of Pearce RAAF Station, entered cloud and lost control at 7000 feet and bailed out at 3000 feet. pilot, Sgt Mervyn James Baker Serv#402903 was not injured. (Posted to 25Sqn RAAF). 28/08/42 allotted Pearce ex 77Sqn RAAF for salvage. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/492 dated 04/09/42. |
A29-51 |
P-40E |
41-5738 |
3/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 14/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9302/FY42-33617. Ogden 16/01/42(Error). Project X 17/01/42. Norfolk 17/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 20/03/42 77Sqn RAAF. Coded as "C". Accident 1041hrs 08/07/42 Pearce, when a/c was caught in the slipstream of the proceeding aircraft while landing. Damage to port wing tip, aileron and lower fuselage fittings. Pilot, Sgt Lloyd Ronald Thomas Ballard Serv#411728 was not injured. 13/07/42 Allotted HQ Pearce ex 77Sqn RAAF. 23/07/43 rec Workshops Pearce ex 77Sqn RAAF. 24/7-24/09/42 Unservicelable Pearce. 28/09/42 Serviceable at Pearce. 05/10/42 rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Workshop Pearce. Accident 1215hrs 25/11/42 when engine on flight had a main bearing failure, forcing the pilot to make a force landing at Strauss Strip, NT. Pilot, Sgt Ronald Frederick Piper Serv#411823 not injured. 29/12/42 rec 5AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. Overhauled and resprayed finish. 13/01/43 rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 02/02/43 rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 05/03/43 issued 76Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 05/03/42 aircraft delayed Bankstown due to engine issues. 23/03/43 allottment cancelled. Accident 26/03/43 when aircraft forced landed en route at Rockhampton Qld pilot ex 3AD to 76Sqn RAAF at western end of runway. Pilot, Sgt A H Morton was not injured. 23/03/43 Allotted 12RSU Res Pool ex 3AD as replacement a/c for 75 Sqn RAAF. Accident 27/03/43 western end of runway at Rockhampton when undercarriage collapsed on landing. NFDs. 13/04/43 Rec 3AD ex 12RSU. 29/11/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. Accident 05/01/44 Bankstown, following burst tyre on take-off, a/c damaged after forced landing. Pilot, F/O Geoffrey Leighton Angus Serv#403009 (Ex 453Sqn RAAF Malaya/1OTU/1PRU) was not injured.11/01/44 Rec 14RSU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 24/03/44 rec 2OTU ex 14RSU. 07/08/44 rec CGS ex 2OTU. 04/11/44 rec 2OTU ex CGS. 27/01/45 rec 1OTU ex 2OTU. 18/12/45 rec 6AD storage ex 1OTU. 01/10/46 To be stored Cat E. 19/11/46 Authorized for Write-off. 26/09/47 Passed to DAP. 15/11/48 Action completed by DAP. |
A29-52 |
P-40E |
41-13527 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 18/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9345/FY42-33660. Norfolk 18/01/42.Project X 18/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 20/03/42 rec 77Sqn RAAF. 27/03/42 Arrived 77Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. 19/08/42 Delayed faulty circuit breaker. 10/09/42 F/O Gleeson flew this a/c to direct lugger to rescue future Prime Minister John Gorton who had forced landed A29-60 on Melville Island 07/09/42. 11/01/43 Rec 4RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF. 18/01/42 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. Stripped of paint and left natural metal with white tail. 11/02/43 Allotted 2OTU ex 3AD. Cancelled. 17/06/43 Allotted 13ARD ex 3AD. Cancelled. 17/06/43 Issued 2OTU ex 3AD. 20/06/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. 21/06/43 accident when a/c scrapped port wing tip on landing. Pilot SqnLdr Lex D'arcy Winten Serv#270526 was not injured. Repaired. 14/09/43 Accident per A/C damaged when pilot taxied into stationary A29-35 at Yelta: Airscrew, Fuselage front, fuselage rear, centre section, instrument panel, port wing, starboard wing, undercarriage and tail unit. Engine crankcase cylinders, cylinder block, magnetos, carburetor and that field repairs were recommended. pilot, P/O Crane was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 03/12/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU. 09/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 08/08/42 Accident when a/c was ground-lopped with undercarriage collapsing on landing. NFDs. 24/07/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU.05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 29/10/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target (per Demonstration 24/10/47). 06/11/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-53 |
P-40E |
41-13522 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9321/FY42-33636. Norfolk 18/01/42.Project X 18/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 08/04/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. Coded as "E". 11/01/43 Rec 4RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF. 19/01/43 Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 13/03/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 08/04/43 Issued 17RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 12/04/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU. 25/04/43 Rec 17RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 03/09/43 Rec 2OTU ex 17RSU. 03/09/43 Rec 5AD ex 2OTU. 05/09/43 Accident NFDS (AMSE Recorded date at Mildura per File#9/1/1516). 14/09/43 a/c damaged, but crossed out. 26/10/43 Rec 2AD ex 5AD. 25/04/44 Allotted No 1 Engineering School (1ES)ex 2AD. 11/05/44 Approval to convert A29-53 into Instructional Airframe No 3 per AMSE Approval File#9/16/1576 Min 5 dated 01/04/44. 19/06/44 Issued 2AP enroute 1ES ex 2AD. 23/06/44 Rec 1ES ex 2AD as Instructional Airframe No 3. 28/08/46 Offered CDC for Disposal. 26/11/47 Passed to DAP. 08/02/49 DAP action completed per File#73/21/2385. Sold to a farmer who used the wings as a dam wall on his farm in rural Victoria. Fuselage obtained, once fitted with Mustang wings, and after recent years refurbishment at Precision Aerospace, back at Moorabbin Air Museum.

A29-54 |
P-40E |
41-5742 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9325/FY42-33640. Ogden 16/01/42(Error). Project X 17/01/42. Norfolk 17/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Cunderdin. 12/04/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF. Note: a rare P-40E, served in every RAAF P-40E/E-1 operational squadron as exampled per some pilots who flew her hereafter. 11/05/42 Flown by F/O R C Kimpton. 10/06/42 Flown by Sgt Piper. 13/09/42 -06/12/42 flown by Sgt Ballard. 08/12/42 - 15/12/42 Flown by Sgt Nolthart (0932hrs).15/12/42 flown by Sgt Nott (1509hrs). 23/12/42- 29/12/42 Flown by Noldhart. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 13/03/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 02/04/43 Flown by P/O Simmons, Potshot. 04/04/43 flown by P/O Randall , Potshot. 29/04/43. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 10/05/43 - 04/06/43 - 09/06/43 flown by F/O Houghton, Turnball Strip. 11/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 14/10/43-15/10/43 flown by F/Lt Hill. 21/10/43 flown by P/O Tyers. 22/10/43 flown by F/O Adair. 10/12/43 flown by F/O Baxter. 25/04/43 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 18/05/44 Rec CGS ex 2OTU. 05/02/45 AMSE Approval per File#9/16/2317 Min#2 dated 18/01/45 to become an Instructional Airframe No 8 to be issued to CFS. 11/02/45 Issued to CFS ex CGS. 04/04/49 Held RAAF Station Point Cook. 15/06/50 Renamed Base Squadron Point Cook. 27/04/51 Held Base Sqn Pt Cook Storage Hanger. 08/12/52 Available for disposal on Air List 7222. 23/02/53 Airframe sold to W F Gordon, Laverton Salvage Co, 216 Napier St, Strathmore Vic for £23.12 shillings .6 pence. |
A29-55 |
P-40E |
41-5744 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9320/FY42-33635. Norfolk 16/01/42.Project X 18/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 30/03/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Cunderin (A50 77Sqn RAAF). 22/05/42 Accident at Upper Swan Strip, Guildford, whilst moving off the strip, struck small tree when taxying, damaging three blades of the airscrew. Pilot F/O Roger Charles McDonald Kimpton Serv#O35314 was not injured. Repaired. 27/05/42 Accident during flight on return, when cockpit canopy blew off and lost when pilot was lowering undercarriage on landing at Dunwreath Strip. Pilot, F/O William Waldron Goss Meecham* Serv#406068 was not injured. 20/07/42 C at 77Sqn RAAF. Accident 1830hrs 18/08/42 when on landing and fifty yards on, starboard main brakes seized, and commenced to swing right, causing the port leg to collapse and a/c skidded for about 20 yards. Sgt J A S Allen Serv#914547(RAF) was not injured. 26/08/43 Issued 43rd Material Squadron (USAAF) Adelaide River NT ex 77Sqn RAAF. 24/09/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 43rd MS. Accident 1730hrs 27/11/42 when a/c was forced landed at Strauss Strip following main bearing failure. pilot, Sgt Rich George Bellinge Serv#412695 was not injured. V-1710-39 MSN9280/FY42-33595 Installed. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 28/03/43 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 28/03/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF on route. 02/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Coded GA-G. 13/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 11/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 17/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 07/08/44 Rec CGS ex 2OTU. 04/11/44 Rec 2OTU ex CGS. 02/08/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 06/08/47 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 12/11/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 08/04/48 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. *Note F/O WWG Meecham was ex 21 Sqn RAAF Malaya 1941-42, then 25 Sqn RAAF March 42 prior. |
A29-56 |
P-40E |
41-5736 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9285/FY42-33600. Ogden 16/01/42 (Error). Norfolk 17/01/42.Project X 17/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 30/03/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. Coded as "K". 04/04/42 Accident after landing and taxying back to hanger after a training flight, pilot collided head on a Department of Interior transport vehicle on the runway, Upper Swan Strip, Guildford. Damaged three wing ribs port wing back from wing tip and aileron, Airscrew, fuselage belly cowling and cooling gills damaged, and both bracing struts of port leg broken. Pilot, P/O Stuart Elliot Armstrong Serv#411111 was not injured. 27/04/42 Rec SHQ Pearce Workshop ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 11/05/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex SHQ Pearce Workshop. Accident 10/07/42 engine cut out intermittently and backfiring at 950 feet after take-off at night, then a/c landed wheels and flaps down on aerodrome at Pearce, WA. Pilot, Sgt Thomas Phillips Power Serv#408700 was not injured.20/07/42 C at 77 Sqn RAAF. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 28/03/43 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 28/03/43 Rec 12RSU enroute ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 02/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 08/04/43 Issued 15ARD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 08/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF enroute. 04/05/43 Rec 3AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 06/07/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. Accident 1200hrs 14/07/43 when a/c crashed on last leg of approach to land 1/2 mile east of Bankstown Aerodrome, NSW. Pilot, P/O Keith Ernest Spargo Serv#418016 was killed.17/07/43 Rec 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/949 Dated 26/07/43. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9285/FY42-33600 destroyed. |
A29-57 |
P-40E |
41-13524 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9308/FY42-33623.Norfolk 16/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 20/03/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF. Accident 1028hrs 11/07/42 (A50 Sheet) a/c made forced landing at Dunreath Strip, through loss of oil pressure and high temperature caused by scavenger pump failure. Pilot P/O John Allan Taylor Hodgkinson DFC Serv#411495 not injured. Repaired. Accident 155hrs 23/08/42during formation take-off to intercept Enemy aircraft approaching Batchelor Strip, a/c swung to port, owing to slip stream of leading aircraft, causing the starboard wing to lift. Pilot thought the port oleo had collapsed, held the column to starboard. Undercarriage collapsed when it hit a slit trench, and a/c skidded on radiator. Pilot, Sgt Robert Kenneth Boyd Serv#402992 not injured.26/08/42 Issued 43rd Material Squadron (USAAF) Adelaide River ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 05/09/42 Shipped by rail from Adelaide River to 5AD. 06/10/42 Rec 5AD ex 43rd MS. 09/10/42-28/12/42 Serviceability indefinite 5AD. 16/02/43 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD.22/03/43 forced landed between Balranald and Swan Hill, 6 miles from Tooleybuc due to navigation error. No damage. NFDs. Accident 1050hrs 29/07/43 following engine failure over bombing range, a/c was belly landed nearby 25 miles NW of Mildura. Pilot, Sgt Donald Abercrombie Smyth Serv#424311 was not injured. Repaired. Accident 10/10/43 a/c overshot on landing Mildura, damaging starboard wing and undercarriage, fuselage front and rear, center section, instrument panel, and tail wheel. NFDs. Repaired. Accident 0838hrs 05/12/44 when on take-off, engine failed at 15 feet, a/c then force landed. Damage to mainplanes, Oleos, airscrew and fuselage broken. Pilot, F/Sgt Trevor Kevin Casey Serv#432119 was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/1/2219 dated 13/12/44. |
A29-58 |
P-40E |
41-5741 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 14/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9338/FY42-33653. Ogden 16/01/42 (Error). Norfolk 17/01/42.Project X 17/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 10/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Cunderdin. Accident 16/04/42 when a/c on initial run to take off encountered heavy sand, causing a/c to tip forward onto airscrew and engine, with undercarriage collapsing. Pilot, F/Lt Daryl Maxwell Sproule Serv#250641 was not injured. 27/04/42 Rec G at Pearce Workshops. 23/07/42 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex Pearce Workshops. 27/7/42-31/08/42 Unserviceable 77Sqn RAAF. 07/09/42 Serviceable 77Sqn RAAF. 13/09/42 flown by P/O William Waldron Goss Meecham Serv#406068 on intercept. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 13/03/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 27/04/43 Rec 2OTU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 19/06/44 when on landing, a/c bounced causing undercarriage to collapse. Pilot Sgt J N Hay was not injured. 25/07/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 06/08/47 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 19/12/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 08/04/48 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-59 |
P-40E |
41-13525 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9257/FY42-33572. Norfolk 16/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 13/04/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Cunderdin. Coded "K". Accident 06/09/42 at Batchelor Strip when a 2 Sqn RAAF Ambulance ran into a/c whilst a/c was under tow to tarmac prior to engine run up from dispersal bay. Wing tip damaged beyond repair. Repaired. Accident 13/11/42 when airscrew Unit failed at 800 feet during flight and covered windshield and canopy with oil and grease. Failure necessitated immediate cutting and switching off the engine. A/c was forced landed on dry grass covered mud plain, with undercarriage retracted, with the a/c finally coming to rest on soft mud in a shallow tidal creek. Pilot, F/O Richard Paget Sudlow Serv#406083 was not injured. 25/11/42 Allotted 43rd Material Squadron (USAAF) ex 77Sqn RAAF. 21/12/42 Rec 4RSU ex 43rd MS. 11/03/43 Rec 3AD ex 4RSU. 13/05/44 Allotted 1 Engineering School for conversion to instructional airframe. 22/06/44 AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1657 dated 17/05/44 to convert to Instructional Airframe No 5. 28/08/46 Offered CDC for Disposal. 26/11/47 Passed to DAP. 08/02/49 DAP action completed per File#73/21/2385

A29-60 |
P-40E |
41-5739 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9228/FY42-33543. Norfolk 16/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 13/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. Accident 20/04/42 whilst landing at Pearce RAAF Station, port oleo folded back. Damage, Port Flap, extensive port tip damage and airscrew blades bent. Pilot, P/O Barry Wilson Serv#411857 was not injured. 7/04/42 C at 77 Sqn RAAF. Accident 07/09/42 after taking off on a tactical exercise, running low on fuel, a/c was forced landed on Melville Island. On landing, a/c tipped onto nose causing one blade to be slightly damaged. Pilot, P/O John Grey Gorton Serv#400793 (New Zealand born, Ex 135Sqn RAF, Ex 232Sqn RAF Hurricanes Far East Jan 1942, wounded 21/01/42 in Hurricane IIb BE633, later Prime Minister of Australia 1968-1971)) was not injured. He was later repatriated by Pearling Lugger back to Darwin. A/c flown out 11/09/42 by F/Lt George Robert Shave Serv#579 (Later O51918) from Melville Island to Batchelor, after repairs and refueling. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 14/02/43 Issued 2OTU ex 3AD. 15/02/43 Rec 5AD ex 3AD on route 2OTU. 30/03/43 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. Installed V-1710-39 MSN10275/FY42-34590. Accident 1245hrs 28/07/43 a/c was taxied off runway into boggy part of Mildura Aerodrome, wheels sunk, and a/c nosed over. (Airframe TTHrs 469.20hrs then). Pilot, Sgt Ronald James Chambers Serv#424287 was not injured (Later flew with 78 Sqn RAAF). Repaired in Unit. Accident 1132hrs 23/09/43 when a/c on gunnery exercise at Gol Gol Air to Ground Range, the pilot had carried out first strafing attack and had used good evasion action. When on second run, approach was good and during the following evasion jinking and weaving action, the nose and port wing dropped, causing the a/c to hit the ground some 800 yards from the target and disintegrate. Pilot, P/O Neville Douglas Murphy Serv#429986 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1118 dated 29/09/43. Installed V-1710-39 MSN10275/FY42-34590 Written off 05/10/43.

A29-61 |
P-40E |
41-5740 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9333/FY42-33648. Ogden 16/01/42 (Error). Norfolk 17/01/42. Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 09/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. Accident 11/04/42 (AMSE Entry Date and location) at Pearce RAAF Station, causing damaged fuselage, front screen and frame, rudder, fin, both wingtips and wing assembly. Damage suggests that a/c flipped on its back on landing or take-off. E/E-88 Card accident date is 08/05/42 whereas AMSE Write off accident date is recorded as 11/04/42. No record of accident or pilot's name per 77 Sqn RAAF A50 History or SHQ Pearce, April-May 1942 period. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/364 dated 18/05/42. 08/09/42 Conversion completed. 27/09/42 Allotted 5AD ex 77Sqn RAAF, Fuselage and mainplanes to be repaired at 4AD and held at that Depot as major components for quick change assemblies for 76 Sqn RAAF. |
A29-62 |
P-40E |
41-5734 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 15/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9290/FY42-33605. Ogden 16/01/42 (Error). Norfolk 17/01/42. Copper 02/03/42, X 14/02/42, Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 23/03/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Maylands. Accident 20/04/42 whilst landing , overshot runway at Pearce RAAF Station, damaging starboard flap, on obstructions. Pilot; Sgt Alexander Charles McKenzie-King Serv#408587 was not injured. However, 25/04/42, he was fined £5.00 under AFA Section 39(a) for damaging A29-62. 27/07/42 Unserviceable at 77Sqn RAAF. 05/08/42 Rec at Pearce Workshops ex 77Sqn RAAF. 22/08/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex Pearce Workshops. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9546/FY42-33861. Accident 12/10/42 when on test flight from Batchelor Strip, at 25000 feet, pilot used electric pitch control, when revs increased to 4000rpm. Pilot endeavored to decrease revs, by normal methods, but failed to do so before aircraft overheated and eventually caught fire. Pilot bailed out at approximately 26000feet. Pilot, P/O John Carmichael Griffith Serv# 408576* was not injured. He would be located the following day by a 12 Sqn RAAF Wirraway (A20-454 P/O See) on a beach in Anson Bay, 5 miles north of the Day River, NT. He would be picked up and flown back to Batchelor Strip by Sqn Ldr R S MacDonald (12Sqn RAAF CO) in A20-545. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/580 dated 14/11/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9546/FY42-33861 Written off. *Note: Sadly 02/12/44 at Noemfoor when with 78 Sqn RAAF (1.5 EA Credited on Biak Mission 03/06/44, and ex 2OTU), now F/Lt J C Griffith Serv#408576, was killed instantly when a limb of a dead tree landed on him. |
A29-63 |
P-40E |
41-13523 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 18/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9334/FY42-33649. Norfolk 18/01/42., Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 08/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Maylands (A50 77Sqn RAAF). Incident 16/09/42 whilst shadow shooting, starboard inner blast tube when fired, stress fractured, damaging leading edge stringers. Pilot, F/O G Gratton was not injured. (Refer Page 31 A50 77Sqn RAAF.) Repaired. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 05/04/43 Rec 12RSU RP (Res Pool) ex 3AD. Installed V-710-39 MSN5796/FY41-36163. 22/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU RP. Coded "U" with Aboriginal Huntsman with spear motif lower starboard cowl, thrown Boomerang contrails and a hit Zero with wing separating going down forward. 25/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 02/05/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 20/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 10/04/44 Issued 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Accident 26/07/44 when on landing Mildura, swung towards to starboard, with pilot overcorrecting, ground looped and causing undercarriage to collapse. Damage to starboard mainplane, rear spar badly damaged in center aileron bay, undercarriage legs, cooler and airscrew three blades bent in two directions. Pilot, P/O H G Lucas was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Accident 1300hrs 28/05/45 when a/c was forced landed following engine failure 10 miles south of Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot, F/Sgt George James Matthews Serv#41671 was not injured. 25/06/45 Issued 1CRD ex 2OTU. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/2619 Dated 04/06/45. Written off V-1710-39 MSN5816/41-36183 (Originally factory fitted P-40E 41-5528 aka A29-77, 1942) |
A29-64 |
P-40E |
40-386 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 30/06/1941. Held Curtiss Wright for testing 06/41 to 12/41*. Installed V-1710-39 MSN337/FY40-411(Originally in P-40E 40-383). Project "X" 09/01/42. Norfolk 18/01/42, Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 26/11/42). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 13/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF. 14/05/42 a/c arrived at Geraldton as flown by F/O Ian Robert Kinloss Serv#250731(Ex 4SFTS Staff pilot 05/04/42 per A50 77Sqn RAAF Page 4). On the following morning, accident 0720hrs 15/05/42 Geraldton WA, when aircraft caught fire after take-off, and then crash landed with undercarriage partly lowered. The a/c was completely burnt out. Pilot, Acting F/Lt David Newton Daly** Serv#260707 (Staff pilot with 4SFTS who was on a unauthorized flight in A29-64) was injured with extensive burns to face, legs, arms and hands, along with small lacerations to forehead. 15/05/42 a/c Rec 4SFTS. 30/05/42 Court of Inquiry held Pearce SHQ. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File# 9/16/368 dated 25/05/42. *Note: Oddest production P-40E in the RAAF. **Note actual name was William David Granville Newton Daly on enlistment, going by David Newton Daly post Form PP11 dated 05/02/40. |
A29-65 |
P-40E |
41-5743 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9326/FY42-33641. Norfolk 16/01/42, Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 12/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Cunderin (A50 77Sqn RAAF). Accident 22/09/42 when on take-off from Wilson Strip(Later renamed Venn Strip after P/O J A Venn 2Sqn RAAF), located 18 miles south of Katherine NT, while on a training flight, port main tyre burst, with a/c successfully becoming airborne and landed safely back at Batchelor Strip. Pilot, P/O Dean Hardcourt Kelly Serv#416098 was not injured. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9325/FY42-33640 (previously installed in A29-54). 16/02/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. Accident 02/07/43 Mildura when landing, a/c tipped on nose. NFDs. Repaired in Unit. Accident 21/09/43 a/c crashed on landing at Yelta Strip. NFDs. Repaired in Unit. Accident 30/09/43 when coming to land at Yelta Strip in a dust storm, a/c heavily landed and ground looped. Pilot, P/O Desmond Russell Cordell Serv#408465 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 24/12/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU.17/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Accident 11/09/44 at end of landing run at Mildura, a/c collided with stationary A29-126. Pilot P/O Robert Alexander Long Serv#431631 was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1999 dated 21/09/44. AMSE Approval to convert to Instructional Airframe #6. 19/11/46 Offered CDC for Disposal. 20/12/48 Passed to DAP. 21/01/49 issued to DAP. 15/03/50 Sold by DAP. |
A29-66 |
P-40E |
41-5735 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 15/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9312/FY42-33627. Ogden 16/01/42 (Error).Norfolk 17/01/42. Copper 02/03/42, X 14/02/42, Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area. 12/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Cunderin (A50 77Sqn RAAF). 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 16/02/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. Accident 11/03/43 when after a normal touch down, a/c began to swing left, and ground looped. Pilot, F/Sgt James Gwynne Hodgetts Serv#407121 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Accident 28/04/43 when a/c was taking off in pairs formation, swung to port and undercarriage collapsed. Pilot, Sgt Robert William Bolton Serv#410453 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 13/12/43 Issued to CFS ex 2OTU. 18/09/44 Rec CFS Point Cook ex CFS Parkes. 01/05/46 Issued 1CRD ex Point Cook. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD. 12/11/47 allotted School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 18/08/48 Cancelled. 19/11/46 Offered CDC for Disposal. 207/08/48 Passed to DAP. 22/07/49 issued to DAP. |
A29-67 |
P-40E |
41-13526 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 16/01/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9347/FY42-33662. Norfolk 16/01/42, Project "X" Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Arrived ex SS Robin Tuxworth at Freemantle 07/03/42. Assembled at Maylands Civil Airport. 18/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex Western Area.12/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex Cunderin (A50 77Sqn RAAF). Accident 24/04/42 when on landing at Pearce RAAF Station, port tyre burst, causing the a/c to tilt forward, bending one blade of Airscrew. Pilot, Sgt Max Holdsworth Serv#411067 was not injured. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 19/02/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. Accident 2255hrs 01/07/43 when pilot overshot aerodrome on first night landing on type and hit trees. Pilot, Sgt Russell James Lambert* Serv#419271 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Issued CFS Parkes ex 2OTU 13/12/43. 19/09/44 Rec Point Cook from Parkes. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9437/FY42-33752. 06/12/45 Rec 1CRD ex CFS. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/07/45 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 03/04/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 24/07/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586 Min 3. *Note, Lambert later had accident in an unauthorized low flying flight in a West Sale based 3BAGS Ryan STM A50-15 on 07/10/43. |
A29-68 |
P-40E |
41-5346 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 28/10/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN3282/FY40-356. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-65. Data Block#41-366. Repossessed USAAF. X DAAC (Defense Aid Air Corp) 01/01/42. Rec "X" DAAC 15/03/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 18/03/42 Allotted 75Sqn RAAF ex 1AD (Canc) .23/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 27/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 24/04/42 when landing at Weir Strip, Townsville, starboard undercarriage collapsed, during second attempt at landing. A/c ground looped and collided with tree, then burned. Pilot, P/O Arthur Douglas Nelson Serv#405874* was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#13 dated 31/07/42. *Note He was transferred out of 76 Sqn RAAF on 13/06/42. However, he did fly P-40Ns later with 80 Sqn RAAF only to be killed sadly as a Japanese POW, refer A29-665 History. |
A29-69 |
P-40E |
41-5550 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 15/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5645/FY41-36012. Sacramento Air Depot 17/12/41. Project "X" 27/01/42. Rec 22/02/42 ST42-1763. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 18/03/42 Allotted 75Sqn RAAF ex 1AD (Canc). 23/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. E/E-88 Card states Installed V-1710-39 MSN3040/FY40-114. 27/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Unserviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF. 25/04/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 21/04/42 Two pilots from 75 Sqn RAAF left 7 Mile Strip ferrying two damaged P-40Es to the mainland and to collect two replacement a/c from 76 Sqn RAAF (A29-85 and A29-86, originally). 27/04/42 Incident, on ferry flight back up ex Archerfield with the two-replacement aircraft (Substituted A29-34 (Flown by Sgt Sims) and A29-69 as replacements), during the ferry flight between Cooktown and Horn Island, noted a stranded P-39F* near or on the beach between Murdoch Point and Rocky Ledges Qld, some 50 miles north of Cooktown. After circling, the pilot attempted to land his a/c to render support on the narrow south end of the beach, his wingtip hit a sand dune (or in soft sand dipped and scrapping his wing tip on the beach) causing his a/c to flip over on its back. With the incoming tide and being trapped, his fate was sealed. Pilot, F/O Montague David Ellerton Serv#568 (75 Sqn RAAF) died at the scene. Pilot of A29-34 returned to Cooktown. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#13 dated 31/07/42.*Note; USAAF Pilot was 2nd Lt. David Reagan McGovern O-393173 Class 40B of 35thPS /8thPG in P-39F 41-7210. |
A29-70 |
P-40E |
41-5599 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 15/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5967/FY41-36334. Sacramento Air Depot 17/12/41. Project "X" 27/01/42. Rec 22/02/42 ST42-1763. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 18/03/42 Allotted 75Sqn RAAF ex 1AD (Canc). 23/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Accident 16/04/42 on ferry to Townsville, when on landing at Rockhampton, port oleo collapsed on landing, causing the a/c to ground looped and hit runway fence. Pilot, Sgt William Martin Booth Serv#401363 ex 22Sqn RAAF was not injured. Repaired on site. 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex Rockhampton. Accident 05/06/42 when as part of a six aircraft flight, took off from Weir Strip at 0650hrs under command of F/O Beresford Rawson Moody Serv#260747 to practice Patrol formation flying between Cape Cleveland and Cape Bowling Green near Townsville. After three quarters of an hour training, Moody ordered the formation to break away and carry out individual splash shooting practice. Shortly before 0815hrs, towards the end of the practice, the pilot called up his section leader/(P/O Lyell Balfour Giffin Serv#411771) asking for his position. P/O Giffins radio antenna was broken as it was later discovered. The last time that Giffin saw A29-70 was at 0800hrs approx, but continued to circle around Cape Bowling Green until retruning to base by 0830hrs. At 0900hrs A29-70 was considered overdue. From that time a search was commenced by air (Moth Minor) and that an aircraft wreck was discovered in the sea at approximately 1130hrs out from Cape Boling Green. After an attempted landing, F/O Moody and F/Lt Newman (MO) proceeded to the seen by launch, but found it was a USAAF P-39 Wreck. On receipt of this news, a/c of the squadron recommenced the air search, to no avail. Pilot, F/Sgt Malcolm Graeme Milne Serv#407586 was deemed missing, presumed dead (As of 02/09/42). AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#13 dated 31/07/42. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5967/FY41-36334 Written Off. |
A29-71 |
P-40E |
41-5632 |
18/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 23/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5925/FY41-36292. Project "X" 25/12/41. Rec 25/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 18/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 23/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Accident 19/07/42 on the start of ferry flight to Moresby, a/c experienced engine trouble and immediately returned to Garbutt, but on landing collided with A29-85 (flown by F/O Beresford Rawson Moody Serv#260747 ). Damaged port mainplane and landing flap. Pilot, F/Lt John Charles Whiting Serv#260765 was not injured. 20/07/42 Unserviceable at 76 Sqn RAAF(Garbutt). 05/08/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Coded "B" and named "Beverley" on upper cowl. Accident 1530Hrs 29/08/42 when on returning trip from Moresby to Falls River (Milne Bay) forced landed at Paramana Point NG, some 77 miles SE of Moresby. Pilot returned to Moresby by canoe and Lugger 3 days later. Pilot, Sqn Ldr Leslie Douglas Jackson Serv#270520 (CO of 75Sqn RAAF) was not injured. 12/09/42 Held by 75 Sqn RAAF. 15/09/42 a/c on beach being salvaged. 18/09/42 Issued 15RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 13/11/42 Rec 12RSU ex 15RSU. 09/12/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU (15RSU error). Accident 1000hrs 20/12/42 on completion of bombing and gunnery exercises, a/c was landing at Strauss Field NT, when near end of run, a/c swung to starboard due to brake locking and crashed into trees. Pilot, P/O Terence Desmond Madigan Serv#407444 was not injured. 26/12/42 Rec 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 17/01/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. Accident 1445hrs 07/02/43 Hughes Field NT, when landing, a/c collided with A29-34 "IB" (F/O John Derek Rumbold Serv#408704 seriously injured) with A29-71 being extensively damaged. Pilot, F/O L E Crossing Serv#406315 was not injured.09/02/43 Rec 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 17/05/43 Rec 5AD (Fuselage only) ex 4RSU. 24/10/43 Issued 2OTU ex 5AD. Accident 23/11/43 when a/c experienced an engine failure, with pilot force landing wheels up 18 miles SSE of Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot, Sqn Ldr Adam Howie "Curly" Brydon (DFC and Bar) Serv#578* was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5718/FY41-36085. 07/01/44 Rec 1OTU ex 2OTU. Accident 0957hrs 16/01/45 aircraft was observed to half roll after an attack on a Beaufort at 8000feet and dive into the ground, 8 miles from Seaspray Vic. Pilot, William Robert Binning Serv#421881 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2339 Min#2 dated 26/01/45. Written off V-1710-39 MSN5718/FY41-36085 (originally factory fitted to P-40E 41-5395/A29-26). *Note, in 1945 Sqn Ldr A H Brydon was discharged from the RAAF on 23/07/45 and was appointed on 26/07/45 as a Lieutenant (Acting) in the RANVR and was then loaned to the RNFAA in Australia, and would later, on 06/03/46, transfer to the RN.

A29-72 |
P-40E |
41-5507 |
20/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 04/12/41. assigned XYZ (Russia)(Russian Defence Aid;DAR-42-319 per CW Customer Sequence #527) 05/12/41. Installed Allison V-1710-39 MSN 5787/FY41-36154. Project "X" DAAC (Defence Aid Air Corps) 15/03/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 20/03/42 Allotted 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 23/03/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 24/03/42 Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD and flown to Pearce WA by F/Lt Richard Cresswell Serv#403 ex SHQ Williamtown(Posted 14/02/42 and attached to 9thPS/49thPG). 26/04/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF (A50 History).See Note*. 30/03/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 14/01/43 Rec 5AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN3394/FY40-468. 31/03/43 Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 06/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. Coded "E". Accident 1602hrs 01/08/43, when after making a normal landing, the port brake seized causing the a/c to swing to port off the runway shortly after, and after hitting some logs in the undergrowth, causing the undercarriage to collapse. Pilot, F/Sgt Patrick Martin Mannix Sheahan Serv#411196 was not injured. 04/08/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 20/09/43 Allotted 5AD ex 10RSU. 14/03/44 Rec 5AD ex 10RSU. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1705 dated 15/06/44. *Note: Stated by some historians as having "Yehudi" (Hebrew origins and means "praise"/ "member of the tribe Judah" on port side in dripping yellow paint), despite having been prepared at 1AD in RAAF markings and camo scheme. NFDs and no photos. |
A29-73 |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Per NAA, USAAF and RAAF period records, there was no E/E-88 Card for A29-73 or an assigned A29-73 to a P-40E/E-1 in the original 80 a/c allocation (Supplied Serial Block lots per 25, 5, 18, 19 and 13 from USAAF Reserve Stocks held by U S Army Forces in Australia (USAFIA))as per 23/03/42. However, of this total, one was not delivered from first batch ex 7thPS 07/03/42(P-40E 41-5646 ex Mascot) and a further one, was taken back by USAAF after repair (P-40E 41-5324/A29-2) in mid March 42. Thus total was in fact a total of 78 P-40E/E-1s allotted ex USAFIA Stocks and delivered to RAAF. Serial range: A29-1 to A29-81( The double allocation of A29-1 is another story) 1AD numbering of A29-1 to A29-25 (Entry dated 08/03/42 one day after receiving them) were actually made on 13th March 42 for SHQ Archerfield and SHQ Townsville to effect after delivery, with first four serials , A29-1 to A29-4, being allotted in retrospect after their accidents in sequence). 2EFTS Archerfield A29 numbering started from A29-26, with the last of those five issued being A29-30 per Entry date 10/03/42. The 1AD E/E-88 allocations would recommence on allocations/deliveries from A29-31 to A29-48 (Entry dated 18/03/42). Pearce SHQ RAAF W/Area numbering from A29-49 to A29-67 per Entry date 18/03/42. Resumption of A29 Serial allocations by 1AD would start again at A29-68 per entry date 23/03/42, with some random, being a day earlier on the 22/03/42(A29-72) to A29-75, completing the original 75 a/c allocation and, as from 06/04/42, the final six: A29-76 to A29-81, bumped up to a total of 80 following the serial inclusion of the 5 earlier a/c batch of training ex 2SFTS Archerfield(A29-26 to A29-30). |
A29-74 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24862 |
22/03/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-DA3(IARC has 3DA) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/01/42. Installed V1710-39 MSN5681/FY41-36048. Picked up from Defense Aid 01/01/42. Project X. Arrived 22/02/42. Rec 15/05/42. Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44. 22/03/42 Allotted 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 27/03/42(Cancelled). 27/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF. 16/04/42 Flown Archerfield to Townsville by F/Lt Vernon Francis Sullivan Serv #3107, later 1AD Ferrying duties from 15/05/42. Accident 20/07/42 Moresby, after hitting a mound of dirt on the partially complete strip at Rorona NG due to being diverted there from Port Moresby because of an air attack. NFDs. F/Sgt Robert Alexander Gray Serv#402160* was not injured. 03/09/42 Held at 15RSU Moresby. 05/11/42 Rec 3AD ex 15RSU. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/688 dated 24/02/43. Note* Previously, May to December 1941 was with No 245 "Northern Rhodesian" Sqn RAF(Hurricanes) in UK (238.5hrs). |
A29-75 |
P-40E |
41-5555 |
22/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 15/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5877/FY41-36244. Sacramento Air Depot 17/12/41. Project X 30/12/41. Rec 30/01/42 S-42-1753.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44).Box#Black 53, and named "Fumanchu". Was issued to 13th PS(Provisional) USAAF for ferrying and loading to USS Langley berthed at Fremantle WA between 14-21/02/42 with another 34 P-40E/E-1s. Photographed with "B" Flight at Richmond RAAF Station 14/02/42. Did not complete the journey. 22/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD (Cancelled). 27/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 01/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "K", still carrying "Fumanchu" on top cowl. Accident 19/05/42 when on landing at Weir Strip, struck fence with port main. Pilot, Sgt Raymond Edward Barker Serv#405711 was not injured. 29/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. Coded as "IK". 04/08/42 0315hrs Zulu flown by F/Sgt Robert Alexander Gray Serv#402160 on patrol when engaged 4 Zeros, Milne Bay. Accident 24/08/42 on landing Fall River when the starboard a/c collapsed, causing damage to main plane. NFDs.23/09/42, allotted 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 20/01/43 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. Cancelled. 12/03/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. Recoded "N". 25/08/43 Allotted 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 16/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 12/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 28/07/44 a/c transferred to Stores Reserve. 09/10/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD. 12/09/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 06/08/47 Issued SAS ex 1SD. 19/12/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-76 |
P-40E |
40-663 |
22/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-12414, accepted 08/10/41. PHAD (Philippine Air Defense). Re-directed Pensacola Convoy Brisbane 28/12/41 with 18 P-40Es. Condemned PLUMB (Philippines Luzon Mindoro Bohol) 18/01/42. Cancelled. Project "X"/SUMAC (Send Urgently MacArthur) 28/12/41. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). Assembled Amberley RAAF Station by 3SFTS/7thBG (USAAF) and first flown 11/01/42 and assigned 17th Pursuit Sqn (Provisional) USAAF. Given #9 as Sqn Number. 16/01/1942 ferried to Townsville via Rockhampton by 2nd Lt Bryan Brown O-421035 but a/c damaged on landing. 31/01/42 Repairs completed and test flown by 24 Sqn RAAF, Garbutt. 27/02/42 Held 24 Sqn RAAF. Flown by Wg Cdr John Margrave Lerew DFC Serv#78 on 06/02/42 per search for 24 Sqn RAAF Wirraway A20-56. 01/03/42 0255hrs Zulu, Departed Townsville to Archerfield via Rockhampton piloted by 2nd Lt Bryce Wilhite O-427674 (ex 33rd PS(Prov) Darwin). 06/03/42 held 7thPS /49thPG Bankstown NSW. 22/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 27/03/42 Cancelled. 31/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 06/04/42 Rec 2AP (Aircraft Park) ex USAFIA (49thPG) Bankstown. 09/04/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 10/04/42 Rec Archerfield. Coded "I" *. Operational Loss 24/04/42 1150hrs when in a 2 a/c standing patrol with A29-43 "P" (Sqn Ldr Les Jackson) engaging three Zeros attacking an incoming B-26 of 22nd BG at 1500feet over Port Moresby Harbour (Refer CF Report #61 24/04/42 per stated Code "I"). Attacked by two Zeros and a bullet entered his cockpit and burst the fuel tank which flowed into the cockpit. After having his port rudder control cable shot away by a Zero, the pilot forced landed 6 miles west of Moresby with undercarriage retracted and flaps up and landed between 90-100mph on the water and ricochetted two or three times before nose dipped and stopped. A/c began to sink in 6 feet of water. Pilot, F/Sgt Robert William Crawford Serv#402642 slightly injured. Aircraft salvaged. 02/06/42 Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/446 dated 29/07/42. 21/09/42 Conversion completed 5AD. Note*, had lower cowl motif of Eye spitting a bullet (photo per salvage of "I"). |
A29-77 |
P-40E |
41-5528 |
22/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5816/FY41-36183. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-369. Project X 11/01/42. ST-42-1757. SS Mormac Star arrived in Geelong. Rec 22/02/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 31/10/44). 22/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 27/03/42 Cancelled. 31/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 05/04/42 rec 1AD ex USAAF. 10/04/42 Rec Archerfield. 13/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Operational damage 0315hrs Zulu 04/08/42 as part of a two a/c patrol over Fall River, made interception of one EA which escaped into cloud. During this time, a/c was attacked from astern by EA and was damaged by canon fire holes in tail elevator and tail plane, main plane flaps, fuselage near cockpit and hydraulic system by further bullets. Made safe landing. Pilot, P/O Francis Walker Grosvenor Serv# 403472* was not injured. 11/08/42 Allotted 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 04/09/42 Rec 12RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 05/10/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU Garbutt. 07/10/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU (Held at Cloncurry). 02/11/42 Serviceable at 76Sqn RAAF. 03/12/42 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 06/01/43 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 09/01/43 a/c grounded at Cloncurry due to generator unserviceable. 27/01/43 Rec 12RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 09/02/43 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 17/02/43 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 18/02/43 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 13/03/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Operational loss 1230hrs 14/08/43 during Raid #24 on Turnbull Strip(Milne Bay) as No 3 of Jappo Flight of 5 P-40s, at 25000 feet intercepted an Enemy Bomber force of 30 bombers escorted by two flights each of 7 Enemy SSFs. Following F/Lt Holts section, attempted to make a turn too tight at 150mph, causing a/c to flick and spin inverted, with the pilot recovering from the dive(>400mph) when he noticed his engine was throwing oil and flame, and was not running properly. He then forced landed on a reef on the SE point of Sideia Island, near the village of Gotai, some 41 miles from Turnbull Strip, Milne Bay. Natives picked him up by canoe from his dingy 150yards from shore and took him by Lakatoi and walking to Kana-Kopa where he was picked up by ASr Launch. He returned to Unit by 1730hrs 15/04/43. Pilot, F/O Norman Sherwood Houghton Serv#401792 was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/791 Min#2 dated 06/08/43. Note* Grosvenor served in UK late 1941 with 118 Sqn RAF (Spitfire Vbs). Sadly, whilst as a Test and Ferry pilot with 2AP, he was killed during a test dive over Amberley RAAF Station at 1345hrs 11/08/44 in NEIAF destined P-40N C3-543, when he failed to pull up. |
A29-78 |
P-40E |
41-5564 |
22/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 15/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5736/FY41-36103. Sacramento Air Depot 17/12/41. Project X 27/01/42. Rec "X" 05/03/42 S-42-1997. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 22/03/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 27/03/42 Allotted Cancelled. 31/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD.05/04/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 10/04/42 Rec Archerfield. 13/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "R", later "IR" and named "Bloody Mary" on top of engine cowl. Operational Accident 0900hrs 15/08/42 Fall River when on take-off, a/c 's port main tyre burst on take-off, causing a/c to veer and collide into parked 32 Sqn RAAF Hudson A16-218(Crew, F/Lt (Acting) Henry Archdale Robertson Serv#290667 (Injured), LAC Frederick Joseph Russell Serv#20627(Injured)and Sgt Patrick John Ellis Serv#15680 (Killed)) which was prepping to take-off on a test flight. Pilot, F/O Colin Wellesley Lindeman DFC Serv#260810 slightly injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/482 dated 28/08/42. Inclusion per AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/519 dated 05/10/42 per A29-36 & A29-84. Cancelled refer File#9/16/482. 25/11/42 Conversion completed by 15RSU. |
A29-79 |
P-40E |
41-5651 |
31/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 31/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5990/FY41-36357. Project "X" 01/01/42. Rec "X" 26/02/42.(Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 31/03/42 Alloted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 06/04/42 Rec 2AP (Aircraft Park) ex USAAF 49th PG ex Bankstown. 10/04/42 Rec Archerfield.13/04/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "N". 17/04/42 flown by Sgt William David Cowe Serv#401769 as part of a 9 a/c intercept of Enemy Bombers and escorts north of 7 Mile Strip. During combat, a/c received 12 bullet holes damaging rudder trim. 21/04/42 flown by Sqn Ldr Les Jackson as part of a 9 a/c intercept of 8 Enemy Bombers and 8 escorts 25 miles SE of Moresby. 26/04/42 flown by P/O Geoff Atherton on interception of 7 Zeros 10000 feet over Port Moresby. 24/05/42 "E" at 75 Sqn RAAF. 18/06/42 "C" at 75 Sqn RAAF. 05/07/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Damaged 07-08/08/42, possibly one of five 76Sqn a/c forced landed on Goodenough Island due to fuel shortage. NFDs. 11/08/42 Allotted 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 03/09/42 Held by 15RSU. 25/10/42 Being crated at Gurney. 24/11/42 Allotted 3AD ex 15RSU. 22/12/42 Rec 3AD ex 15RSU. 08/01/43 Held 3AD. 13/07/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 16/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 18/05/44 rec CGS ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 04/11/44 Rec 2OTU ex CGS. 13/08/45 Rec SHQ Laverton ex 2OTU. 26/11/45 Rec 1CRD ex SHQ Laverton. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD. 22/08/47 Listed and expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 26/08/47 Issued SAS ex 1SD. 19/12/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-80 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24870 |
31/03/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-DA3(IARC has 3DA) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/01/42. Installed V1710-39 MSN5681/FY41-36048. Project X 01/01/42. Arrived 21/02/42. Rec 15/05/42. Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44. 31/03/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 06/04/42 Rec 2AP (Aircraft Park) ex USAAF 49th PG ex Bankstown. 10/04/42 Rec Archerfield. 09/04/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Rec Archerfield less Wireless Installation, complete with cables and plugs. 27/04/42 Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 08/06/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF. Coded "II". 04/08/42 flown by Sgt J D Dempster "A" Flight as part of two pairs on interception of three Enemy fighters in V formation 4000 feet over Fall River, Milne Bay. 26/08/42 flown by P/O P Grosvenor on strafing run at Egibaria (Expended 1550 rds). 0727hrs 28/08/42 flown by Sqn Ldr K W Truscott near No 3 Strip on tanks and personnel between 200-300feet (900 Rds. expended) 1250hrs 28/08/42 flown by P/O P Grosvenor strafing runs on barges and hut (Expended 1500rds). 04/09/42 flown by P/O Kerr strafing of enemy lines east of KD Mission (500rds expended on three runs). 07/09/42 Flown by Sgt Loudon on 8 a/c convoy attack (Cruiser and Destroyer) starting strafing from 800yards , closing to 250 yards of ships. 07/10/42 Held by 76 Sqn RAAF at Batchelor. 06/01/43 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 05/05/43 when after a training flight, on landing at Amberley RAAF Station, a/c swung to starboard, ground looped 90 degrees, causing the undercarriage to collapse. Pilot, F/Sgt Clifford Joseph Smee* Serv#411537 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9326/FY42-33641. 16/09/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. Accident 1050hrs 26/11/43 during low flying exercise, 20 miles west of Mildura Aerodrome, when aircraft struck a 30-foot dead tree, sheering off half the port mainplane, turning over and burst into flames on impact. Pilot, F/O Thomas James Russell Crow Serv#409818 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1242 Min#6 dated 29/11/43. V-1710-39 MSN9326/FY42-33641 written off. 10/12/43 Allotted 1CRD ex 2OTU. Note* Smee was ex 530 Sqn RAF 09/42 to 02/43 UK, a Turbinlite night fighter Unit equipped with Havocs and Bostons, along with a flight of Hurricanes (He flew Hurricanes in 530Sqn RAF). |
A29-81 |
P-40E |
41-5508 |
31/03/42 |
Ordered per USAAF Contract W535-ac-15802, accepted 08/12/41. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5816/FY41-36183. XYZ (Russia) 04/12/41 DAR 42-65. Project X 10/01/42. ST-42-1757. Rec 05/03/42. (Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 31/10/44). 31/03/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex Archerfield. Accident 23/05/42 at Weir strip Townsville when a/c was held off high whilst landing crashed causing undercarriage to collapse, damaging airscrew and tail wheel. Pilot, SGT Peter Barton Lavendar Serv#408853 was not injured. 14/07/42 Held by SHQ Townsville for repairs. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex SHQ Townsville. Accident 07/08/42 undercarriage collapse on landing at Gurney(refer A50 76 Sqn RAAF). NFDs. Operational Loss 22/08/42 a/c destroyed by Enemy action(Strafed/bombed on the ground at Fall River?) per Advice Cypher NEA T20 dated 31/08/42. DSA advised lost by enemy action per File#9/1/1123 Min#19 dated 30/10/42. V-1710-39 MSN5816/FY41-36183 salvaged. |
A29-82 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25110 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1 . Accepted 14/02/42. ET434. Installed V1710-39 MSN9666/FY42-33981. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 13/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD). 09/04/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 16/04/42 Issued one week to Performance and Test Flight 1AD. 14/05/42 Allotment to 75 Sqn RAAF cancelled. 18/05/42 Rec 2OTU ex 1AD. Coded "82". Mid Air Accident 22/06/42 over Mildura as A29-102 () passed across and under the leader (in A29-82) looking in the opposite direction and struck A29-82's airscrew and bending the blades with a/c's tail, rudder and starboard elevator (Severed). Both aircraft recovered and landed safely. Pilot of A29-82 , F/Lt Edward Hamilton Bell Jackson Serv#270530* and A29-102 Piloted by Sgt Bruce Albert Nott Serv#412262 were not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 1420hrs 26/06/42 when pilot performing a forced landing at Euston east of Mildura, hitting some un-noticed stakes which fractured the ribs of the starboard flaps and bent port inner door of undercarriage. Pilot, P/O O. A. Morris (Shown as P/O A C Morrison in Accident Register) was not injured. NFDs. 10/08/42 Serviceable at 2OTU. Accident 1200Hrs 19/01/43 when Boomerang A46-23 on landing swung and headed for three parked P-40Es but collided and struck with spinner, stationary A29-82 causing damage to its aft fuselage, starboard wing, undercarriage and airscrew. Pilot of A46-23, Sgt Clement James Joseph Hart Serv#420665 **not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/16/647 dated 26/01/43. 10/02/43 allotted 5AD ex 2OTU. Note#1* Jackson was ex No 3 Sqn RAAF Middle East. Note#** Would be posted to 24Sqn RAAF and had incident in A20-66 08/04/43 and charged with unauthorized low flying. Would served with 85 Sqn RAAF, then as a W/O in 1945 served with 79 Sqn RAAF flying Spitfire MkVIIIs

A29-83 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25111 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1 . Accepted 14/02/42. ET435. Installed V1710-39 MSN9658/FY42-33973. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 13/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD*). 09/04/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 27/04/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 22/05/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 29/05/42 held by 76 Sqn RAAF. This aircraft had a sharkmouth and coded "IV". 12/09/42 Awaiting engine change at 76 Sqn RAAF. 04/10/42 Allotted 43rd Material Sqn (USAAF) ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 07/10/42 Held at 43rd MS. 14/10/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 43rd MS.27/04/43 allotted Res Pool 13ARD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 12/05/43 Rec 2AD ex 13ARD RP. 09/07/43 issued 13ARD RP ex 2AD. Accident 12/07/43 during ferry flight when on landing at Bundaberg Aerodrome, undercarriage collapsed. 15/07/43 Advised a/c repaired and ready for flight at 11RSU. 20/07/43 Rec 13ARD ex 2AD. 23/09/43 REc 2OTU ex 13ARD RP. 14/12/43 A/c not to be used without permission of HQ, to be held in stored Reserve. 07/01/44 Rec 1OTU ex 2OTU. 28/01/45 a/c requires complete overhaul and patch to #3 Spar starboard main plane. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2442 dated 15/03/45. 02/05/45 Allotted 1CRD ex 1OTU for conversion. Note* These were supplied within the box with RAF Standard parts (Mixture controls on throttle control quadrant etc.) for fitment, along with Sutton 4 Strap Harness. All with RAF markings and standard Temperate Green/Brown Camouflage over Sky)

A29-84 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25112 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 14/02/42. ET436. Installed V1710-39 MSN9685/FY42-34000. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 13/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD*). 09/04/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 27/04/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Held by 76 Sqn RAAF /SHQ Townsville. Accident 10/05/42 when taking off as a pair from Weir Strip with A29-88 and collided. Pilot A29-84, (Acting)F/Lt Peter Howard Ash Serv#260771 and Pilot A29-88 Sgt Thomas Lawrence Gullifer Serv#408650 both were uninjured.18/05/42 Issued to SHQ Townsville ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 29/07/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex SHQ Townsville. Re-installed with V-1710-39 MSN9620/FY42-33935(Previously in A29-82). Operational Loss. NFDs. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min #19 Dated 22/09/42 as "Destroyed by Enemy Action" Cypher Q.99 dated 22/09/42. |
A29-85 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25113 |
08/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1 . Accepted 14/02/42.ET437. Installed V1710-39 MSN9675/FY42-33990. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 08/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD*). 09/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 14/04/42 Cancelled. 27/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 04/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "Y" and named "Y - Wurry". Accident 19/07/42 when A29-81 forced landed owing to engine trouble at Garbutt at start of ferry to Cairns and collided with A29-85. Damage to Port Mainplane, Port Undercarriage and Airscrew. Pilot A29-81, F/O John Charles Whiting Serv#260765 was uninjured. Pilot of A29-85, F/Lt Beresford Rawson Moody Serv#260747 was uninjured. Held SHQ Townsville, then 12RSU. Repaired 03/09/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Now coded as "M". 05/03/43 Rec 15RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 15/03/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. 11/05/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9670/FY42-33985. 24/05/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 01/11/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 08/02/44 Rec No 1 Kittyhawk Squadron 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Coded CD-F. Installed V-1710-81 MSN31999/FY??. Accident 1040hrs 08/02/45 (T/O 1000hrs) during an aerobatic exercise when a/c dived to the ground 8 miles south of Mildura between Benetook and Thurla. Pilot, F/O Thomas Watson Woods Serv#421650 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2385 Min#2 dated 15/02/45. V-1710-81 MSN31999 Written off. note * 4th Air Depot USAAF. |
A29-86 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25115 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 13/02/42. ET439. Installed V1710-39 MSN9452/FY42-33767. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 08/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD*). 09/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 14/04/42 Cancelled. 14/04/42 Allotted Test and Evaluation Flight ex 1AD Temporary. 25/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex T & E Flt 1AD. Note: 22/04/42 Entry per A50 76 Sqn RAAF Page 88, A29-85 and A29-86 replaced by A29-34 and A29-69 for 75 Sqn RAAF as replacements. Accident 28/04/42 during ferry flight ex 1AD when a/c was forced landed in paddock near Mooroopna, SW of Shepparton, Victoria. Pilot, F/Lt Bert Augustus Grace Serv#402053* was not injured. 04/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Accident 05/09/42 with collision on runway causing minor damage. NFDs. Repaired in Unit. 12/09/42 Awaiting Engine Change. 29/09/42 Rec 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 9458/FY42-33773. 12/10/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. 12/10/42 Canc by 15RSU. 16/10/42 Allotted Reserve Pool 15RSU. 20/10/42 Held 15RSU RP, and not to be flown. 13/11/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU RP. 20/11/42 Pilot found a/c badly damaged, unserviceable Indefinitely. 16/01/43 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 15RSU. 04/03/43 Allotment cancelled. 09/03/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD(RSU?). 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/12/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. Accident 1020hrs 24/12/43, 3 miles SW of Bankstown Aerodrome when A29-26 and A29-86 collided in flight whilst performing attacking exercises along with 8 other Sqn a/c that took off at 1000hrs. Both a/c crashed killing both pilots: A29-26, F/O Kenneth William Baxter Serv#408687 and A29-86 F/Lt Clyde Douglas Hill Serv#280804. 30/12/43 Issued to 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/1303 per date 30/12/43. Written off V-1710-39 MSN 9458/FY42-33773. Note#* Previous Grace flew in 453Sqn RAAF Malaya 1941-1942. Prior, 1941, 258Sqn RAF (UK)flying Hurricanes. |
A29-87 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25119 |
13/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 14/02/42. ET443. Installed V1710-39 MSN9689/FY42-34004. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 13/04/42 Rec 1AD ex USA (A/c damaged during unloading at dock, repaired and erected by 1AD). Noted to be issued to 75 Sqn RAAF 16/04/42 per USAAF/RAAF Reco 16/04/42. 20/04/42 Issued USAAF ex 1AD. Held reserve USAAF Fighter Pool Charleville Qld. 10/05/42, delivered with 9th FS/49th FG replacements #75/#74 and #86. Became #99 and named "Eaglebeak" as the personal a/c of Capt. James Selman O-388640, CO of 9thFS/49thFG. Accident 20/08/43 Kila Kila Strip NG(APO929) when a/c experienced loss of revs and suffered electrical failure and was forced landed, with port Main gear collapsing, with a/c ground looping. Pilot, 2nd Lt Charles Rainville 35th FS/ 8thFG, on P-40 conversion, was not injured. A29-87 was not reissued to a A29-87#2 |
A29-88 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25121 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 13/02/42. ET445. Installed V1710-39 MSN9691/FY42-34006. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 09/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 13/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD*). 04/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 04/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Accident 10/05/42 when taking off as a pair from Weir Strip with A29-84 and collided. Pilot A29-84, F/O F/Lt Peter Howard Ash Serv#260771 and Pilot A29-88 Sgt Thomas Lawrence Gullifer Serv#408650 both were uninjured. 18/05/42 Issued to SHQ Townsville ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 25/05/42 E Star at SHQ Townsville. Accident 25/07/42 when a/c experienced fuel shortage forced landed 5 miles from Port Moresby in dry creek. Pilot, F/Lt Vernon Francis Sullivan Serv#663 was not injured. 12/08/42 Rec 3AD ex 15RSU. Installed V1710-39 MSN6172/FY41-36539. 20/10/42 Allotted 77Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 22/10/42 Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 23/10/42 a/c now at Townsville. 17/11/42 Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 23/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 11/06/43 flown for 10 min Air Test by F/O Ward. Ground accident 14/06/43 a/c, when parked, moved down slope approx. 10 yards and fouled drain and undercarriage collapsed severely damaging tail assembly. Per A50 Page 317, not accident per Landing or take-off. 17/06/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 23/07/43 Issued 3AD ex 10RSU. 06/09/43 Rec Clyde Engineering ex 10RSU. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/16/814 Min#10 dated 04/11/43. 04/02/44 Airframe allotted 2CRD ex Clyde for conversion. |
A29-89 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25122 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 13/02/42. ET446. Installed V1710-39 MSN9694/FY42-34009. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 09/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 13/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD*). 12/05/42 Allotment 76Sqn Cancelled. 14/05/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 1AD. 18/05/42 Rec 2OTU ex 1AD. Accident 16/06/42 during return flight from Tocumwal, a/c on circuit over Mildura, stalled port inverted at low attitude. Pilot managed to pull a/c up inverted, striking trees during recovery and landed safely. Damage to port leading edge, Port main plane buckled, and port Aileron damaged. Pilot, F/Lt (Acting) Keith William Truscott Serv#400213 was not injured. 24/06/42 Rec 5AD ex 2OTU. 17/08/42 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. Accident 1015hrs (T/O 0920hrs) 28/09/42 to participate in air combat exercises, when carrying out such with A29-101, was observed going into a high-speed stall and spin at approximately 6000 feet, which the a/c failed to recover from and crashed near Coomealla NSW, 12 miles NW of Mildura Vic. Pilot, Sgt Stanley Charles Havard Serv#403868 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/16/521 Min#5 dated 05/10/42. Write-Off V-1710-39 MSN9694/FY42-34009. |
A29-90 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25123 |
09/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 13/02/42. ET447. Installed V1710-39 MSN9645/FY42-33960. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 09/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD) 27/04/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 04/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "H". During May 1942, mostly flown by Sqn Ldr Richard Edgar Brooker Serv#39931 RAF, then CO of Sqn (Ex 77 Sqn RAAF CO). Recoded "IH" and named "Ming the Merciless" on Starboard Cowl. 04/08/42, when flown by F/Lt Ash as part of a six aircraft flight on an interception patrol above the strip at 4000 feet, engaged two enemy aircraft in a stern attack. Identified with fixed undercarriages, these were Kate Dive Bombers. A further four Zeros joined in. F/O Ash expended between 500-600 rounds and saw the aircraft he was firing upon emitted heavy smoke. In return, enemy fighters placed 8 x 7.7mm rounds into his port elevator, starboard and port wing, and port fuselage. He broke off the engagement because of temporary engine failure and landed safely at Gurney Strip. These two kills were 76 Sqn RAAF's first kills (Adjusted to a single Kate per A50 Records). During this combat, a/c was slightly damaged. Pilot, F/Lt Peter Howard Ash Serv#260771 not injured. Operational damage 1234hrs Zulu, 11/08/42 engine damaged in combat, and when on landing brakes jammed causing undercarriage to collapse, damaging props 11/08/42. Pilot , P/O Henry Alexander Kerr Serv#411789 was not injured. 13/08/42 Allotted 15RSU for repairs. 03/09/42 Held by 15RSU. NFDs. 12/10/42 Held at 76 Sqn RAAF Batchelor, NT. Accident 11/11/42 Straus Strip when a/c taxied into a tree whilst coming from dispersal bay to strip. Pilot, F/Sgt Reginald Lindsay Simmons Serv#400941 was not injured. 12/11/42 Allotted 43rd Material Sqn USAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 02/12/42 Cancelled. 15/12/42 Issued 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 05/01/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 11/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 02/07/43 at Mildura when a/c was doing night landings when pilot undershot and hit trees but was able to land normally at Mildura Strip. Pilot, Sgt Arthur Gordon Goodwin Serv#413985 *was not injured. Repaired. Accident 0920hrs 04/01/44 after returning from a ground strafing exercise, appeared to lag 500 feet behind formation and loose height, eventually crashing during an attempted forced landing some 12 miles northwest of Mildura Vic. Pilot; F/Sgt Gerald Norman Sayce Serv#410263 died of injuries in 2OTU Base Hospital. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/16/1320 dated 07/01/44. 06/01/44 Allotted conversion. Centre Section held and discovered years later and displayed by Warbirds Air Museum in 1968, it was eventually bought by Syd MacDonald in 1988. Originally thought to be A29-28, and as stated as such purchased by RAAF Museum Point Cook from Syd MacDonald Caboolture, on that basis in 1996. Research and inspection by Craig Buz Busby, along with Author's small help finally convinced RAAF Heritage Section in 2022 that it is identified as A29-90, because of its Frame Five CW# being #908, a P-40E-1, not a P-40E (Max CW#840). Though it was being restored by Precision Aerospace for 100th RAAF Anniversary, COVID interrupted that. As of 2024, the a/c has been painted up as "IH" in Curtiss Factory standard Disruptive RAF Temperate Green/Brown over Sky Camo. Well done. Note#* As a F/O sadly, Goodwin, now 2AD Ferry Flight, went MIA in A29-1051 in 1945, after previously serving in 78 Sqn RAAF in 1943-44. |
A29-91 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25124 |
4/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 13/02/42.ET448. Installed V1710-39 MSN9701/FY42-34016. Australia POE San Francisco 14/02/42. 09/04/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 20/04/42 Rec 1AD ex Geelong (Erected by USAAF 4AD). 20/04/42 E at 1AD. 12/05/42 Allotment 76Sqn RAAF cancelled. 15/05/42 Issued 2OTU ex 1AD. 18/05/42 Rec 2OTU ex 1AD. Accident 07/06/43 when on taking off from Yelta Satellite Aerodrome on a tank nearly empty, engine failed and a/c made forced landing wheels up. Pilot, Sgt Russell James Lambert Serv#419271 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Installed V-1710-39 MSN3330/FY40-404(Ex A29-28). Accident 1400hrs 12/07/43 due to bearing failure, a/c made forced landing wheels up 1 mile south of Yelta Satellite Aerodrome. Aircraft caught fire immediately after crash landing. Pilot, Sgt Ronald James Chambers Serv#424287 was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/932 dated 16/07/43. Written off V-1710-39 MSN3330/FY40-404.

A29-92#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25164 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 18/02/42. ET488. Installed V1710-39 MSN9574/FY42-33889. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-193. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 17/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 28/04/42 Allotted Cancelled. 28/04/42 Issued back to USAAF. 10/05/42 Rec and assigned as #75 in 9thPS /49thPG, named "The Rebel" with winged Pegasus motif, and name ‘Bessie’ on both sides of rudder, as flown by Capt Ben Irvin O-399532 until 04/06/42. Current 9thFS 07/08/42. S/d 26/12/42 PNG. Pilot, Lt John D Landers O-431968 bailed out and survived. USAAF IARC LEFT Condemned date, 27/12/42. |
A29-92#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25166 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 18/02/42. ET490. Installed V1710-39 MSN9732/FY42-34047. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-191. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 17/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF and allotted 76 Sqn RAAF.14/05/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "W". 24/05/42 accident at Weir Strip Townsville, when a/c collided when taxying up to the runway with A29-93 (Piloted by Sgt Raymond Edward Barker Serv#405711). Pilot, P/O Lyell Balfour Giffin Serv#411771 was slightly injured (Following a court of Inquiry, transferred to 24Sqn RAAF in June 42). 25/05/42 G at 76 Sqn RAAF. 22/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. Recoded "IW". Operational Loss 1700hrs 27/08/42 in company with another a/c (as flown by F/O Kerville, A29-40?) on a unsuccessful reconnaissance mission to locate a Japanese tank, noted enemy troops, and dived down to attack them. As seen by other a/c, this a/c was seen to flick onto its back at 200 feet and then crash into the enemy lines as an estimated speed of 200mph. After reports from the Australian Army per the location, 100 yards from the shore some one and two thirds of a mile from Kabi Mission, at 1230hrs 08/09/42 a/c was located with the airscrew, radiator, and port mainplane and tail plane missing, with the pilot still strapped in, on 08/09/42. Pilot, (Acting) Sqn Ldr Peter St George Turnbull DFC Serv#481 was deceased. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 12/09/42. |
A29-93#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25180 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 18/02/42. ET504. Installed V1710-39 MSN9710/FY42-34025. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-207. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 17/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 28/04/42 Allotted Cancelled. 28/04/42 Issued back to USAAF. Note*. 10/05/42 Rec and assigned as #86 and named "Star Dust" with oblique command band on rear fuselage in 9thPS /49thPG. 04/06/42 Assigned Lt Andrew J. Reynolds O-421656** per 04/06/42 Eng#42-34025. 16/06/42 following combat made forced landing near Berry Springs NT. Repaired by 43rd MS. USAAF IARC LEFT Condemned date, 20/06/44. Note* Incorrect E/E-88 Card entry by RAAF per A29-93#1 Card error per "aircraft remains and pilot identified on 12/04/1967 per reference article in AHSA Journal, April 1964 ". Note **Reynolds was first 49th FG Fighter pilot to reach Ace Status in NWA/SWPAC in 1942. |
A29-93#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25168 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 18/02/42. ET492. Installed V1710-39 MSN9627/FY42-33942. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-195. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java(DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 17/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF and allotted 76 Sqn RAAF.14/05/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "P" and carried name "Paddy". 24/05/42 accident at Weir Strip Townsville, when taxying up to runway when A29-92 "W" (Piloted by P/O Lyell Balfour Giffin Serv#411771) collided with and damaged Starboard Mainplane and S/B 3 x 0.50cal guns. Pilot, Sgt Raymond Edward Barker Serv#405711 was uninjured. 01/06/42 E Star at 76 Sqn RAAF. 22/06/42 C at 76 Sqn RAAF. 23/06/42 Accident when a/c swung off runway when landing at Garbutt, Townsville due to starboard brake jammed. Undercarriage collapsed, damaging both Port and Starboard Mainplanes, landing flaps and legs, bottom cowling, radiators, and airscrew (three props). Pilot, Sgt Raymond Edward Barker Serv#405711 was uninjured. 25/06/42 damaged beyond repair capacity of Unit. 29/06/42 G at SHQ Townsville ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 27/07/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex SHQ Townsville. Operational loss 1225hrs 11/08/42 when on standby flight, ordered to take-off on a security patrol over base, Milne Bay. 1240hrs intercepted 8-12 Zeros and was seen to enter combat at 1240hrs. Pilot, F/O Albert Gordon McLeod Serv#411807 posted as missing, presumed dead. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 12/09/42. Note* Discovered by locals during December 1963, this crash site was investigated and surveyed in April 1964 by the RAAF in PNG. After the recovery of the remains of the pilot, he was laid to rest on 15 May 1964 at PORT MORESBY (BOMANA) WAR CEMETERY C8. A. 27, Papua New Guinea with full honours. "Lest we forget". Small parts of the aircraft's rear fuselage such as the Serial and aircraft name "Paddy" were sent and now held by the RAAF Museum. |
A29-94#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25163 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 18/02/42. ET487. Installed V1710-39 MSN9671/FY42-33986. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-190. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 17/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 11/05/42 Rec 9thPS/49thPG ex USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Assigned Group# 91, named "Arizona" with caricature of rattlesnake below on nose, and name ‘KIP’ on rudder, as flown by 2nd Lt Sidney Woods O-377222. Accident 01/12/42 crashed when landing at 17 Mile Aerodrome NG. Pilot, 2nd Lt Russel A Francis was not injured. USAAF IARC LEFT Condemned date, 15/03/44. |
A29-94#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25176 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/02/42. ET500. Installed V1710-39 MSN9620/FY42-33935. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-203. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java(DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 19/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF and allotted 76 Sqn RAAF.14/05/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Accident 02/06/42 on landing at night and running through flare path and ran off runway and collided with machinery and trench bank. Damage Starboard Mainplane, Undercarriage struts, both flaps , tail, and undercowl damaged. Pilot, Sgt Raymond Edward Barker Serv#405711 was not injured. Sadly, a civilian person, Mr Allan Seaton Winton, aged 59, was killed. 04/06/1942 Mr Winton was interned Site F 3 17 Belgian Gardens Cemetery, Townsville. 22/06/42 G at SHQ Townsville. 27/07/42 ready for dispatch. 17/08/42 a/c allotted 5AD ex SHQ Townsville. 22/09/42 Rec 5AD ex SHQ Townsville. 13/02/43 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 19/02/43 Rec 12RSU ex 5AD on route 75 Sqn RAAF. 24/02/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Coded "E". Accident 0900hrs 01/06/43 at Turnbull Strip when on landing run a/c collided with stampeding Zebu Cattle as they ran onto strip as a/c rolled 200 yards into its landing run. Damage to engine, bent airscrew shaft, actuator arm on starboard undercarriage distorted, two wing flaps severely damaged, minor damage to mainplane and fuselage. Pilot, Sgt Arthur Robert Heywood Serv#410057 was uninjured. 06/07/43 Issued to 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 06/07/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. Possibly may have carried a Cow motif and the name " Hardchips" on port cowl following this incident. 11/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Accident 22/10/43 a/c damaged on landing at Bankstown. Pilot, F/O Kenneth William Baxter* Serv#408687 was not injured. 05/11/43 Rec 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Accident 0925hrs 24/02/44 during operational test after earlier accident repairs, the oil pressure dropped to zero and suffered an engine failure and eventually was abandoned when the engine caught fire over Turen Point, Georges River Area, NSW. Pilot abandoned the a/c by parachute after a roll to the right. Pilot, F/Lt S M Stuart Serv#262747 **(2AD Test and Evaluation Flt) was uninjured. Note* Baxter Later killed in A29-26. Note** Previously served in 264 Sqn RAF (Defiants 11/10/41-30/05/42) and 32 Sqn RAF (Hurricanes 01/06/42-05/08/42) after 2AD to 1AD for Test Pilot Course.

A29-95#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25185 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/02/42. ET509. Installed V1710-39 MSN9754/FY42-34069. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-212. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java(DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 20/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 28/04/42 Allottment cancelled. 28/04/42 Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. ??/05/42 Rec 8thPS/49thPG ex USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Assigned Group #48 and named "Sissy". Accident 22/06/42 *when after take-off engine failure resulting in stall, then crashing and destroyed by fire on impact, 1 mile NE of Livingstone Strip NT. Pilot, 2nd Lt Arthur E Fielder O-429388 Class 41H killed. Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 13/08/42. Note* Protect and Avenge" (49thFG in WW2) Page 64, Ferguson and Pacalis has this accident dated as 23/06/42, USAAF IARC entry of accident is dated 22/07/42. However Official USAAF Buriel details and photo state Born 29/08/20 to 22/06/42, per Headstone. |
A29-95#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25177 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/02/42. ET501. Installed V1710-39 MSN9679/FY42-33994. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-204. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 19/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. 14/05/42 Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "T" . Flown by F/Lt C N Wawn Serv#400163, "A" Flight 1300hrs 04/08/42 now as "IT", on interception. Operational Incident during interception on 07/08/42 as one of five 76 Sqn RAAF a/c forced landed at Goodenough Island due to fuel shortage. Damage to radiator, cowling and undercarriage. NFDs. 11/08/42 Allotted 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 03/09/42 Held by 15RSU. 11/11/42 being crated at 15RSU, Gurney. 19/01/43 Rec 3AD ex 15RSU. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/855 |
A29-96#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25181 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/02/42. ET505. Installed V1710-39 MSN9702/FY42-34017. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-212. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 20/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 28/04/42 Allotment cancelled. 28/04/42 Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville.??/05/42 Rec 8thPS/49thPG ex USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Assigned Group#52 and named "Bluebeard". 12/06/42 Operational loss due to engine problems with 2nd Lt Piere Alford O-429338 8th FS/49thFG baling out at 3000 ft over Shoal Bay, NT. Source 8th FS Unit War Diary per 12/06/42. Location of Crash: discovered 22/05/44 at 12.15'S 131.04' E in Shoal Bay NT. Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 20/06/44. |
A29-96#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35966 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1 . Accepted 04/03/42. ET612. Installed V1710-39 MSN9781/FY42-34096. Australia POE Newport News 05/03/42. 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. 13/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 14/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Error? 18/05/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 22/05/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/07/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "U", later "IU". Flown by F/Lt J Meehan 1508hrs 25/08/42 attacking shipping. Flown by F/O P Ash 0918hrs 26/08/42 on straffing mission Egibari, expending 1200rds. Flown by F/O R Kerville 1337hrs 26/08/42 on straffing mission Egibari, expending 1450rds. Flown by Sgt R C Carroll 0555hrs 27/08/42 on straffing mission Egibari, expending 1400rds. Flown by F/Lt J Meehan 0855hrs 28/08/42 straffing Rabi and KB Mission expending 1500rds. Flown by F/O M Bott 1219hrs 28/08/42 straffing Ahioma expending 1200-1500rds. Flown by Sgt R E Barker 1719hrs 29/08/42 on convoy attack with 250lb bomb east of Normanby Island. Flown by Sgt R E Barker 1554hrs 30/08/42 on straffing mission K B Mission expending 1200-1500rds. Flown by Sgt R E Barker 1512hrs 31/08/42 250lb bomb on barge near K B Mission. Flown by F/O M Bott 1254hrs 05/09/42 bombing and straffing (Army Co-op) Mission on East bank of Creek past Wagga Wagga, expending 1600rds and one 250lb bomb. Flown by Sgt Watts 1626hrs 07/09/42 on Convoy attack at 10.10S/151.30E Course 180degrees 20knots. 07/10/42 Held at 76 Sqn RAAF Batchelor. Accident 21/11/42 when port eleo collapsed after 50 yards on landing at Strauss Strip NT. (Acting)F/Lt Peter Howard Ash Serv#260771 was not injured. 22/11/42 Allotted 43rd MS (USAAF) ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Cancelled. 20/12/42 Held 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 27/01/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU.Installed V1710-39 MSN5871/FY41-36238(Ex P-40E-1 41-24829 #93 9thFS). 09/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Accident 2330Zulu, 08/06/43 when during circuit at 14000feet above Yatpool, Victoria, fuel warning light showed red and fuel pressue showing nil. Descended through cloud layer 3000feet, the pilot selected a paddock and saw his petrol tank gauge dropping back to empty and made belly landing. Pilot, P/O Ernest Leslie Gale Serv#418381, with just 4 hrs on type, was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 10/09/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 04/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD. 12/11/47 Listed to be issued to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 18/08/48 Cancelled. 19/11/46 Authorized for Disposal. 27/08/48 Passed for DAP. 22/07/49 Action Completed. |
A29-97#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25174 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/02/42. ET498. Installed V1710-39 MSN9613/FY42-33928. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-201. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 19/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 28/04/42 Allotment cancelled. 28/04/42 Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville.??/05/42 Rec 8thPS/49thPG ex USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Assigned Group#54 and later named "Kanas City Kiddie II". 14/05/43 2ndLt Robert White s/d Zero. Condemned LEFT(5thAAF) 29/11/43. |
A29-97#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35970 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1 . Accepted 04/03/42. ET616. Installed V1710-39 MSN9668/FY42-33983. Australia POE Newport News 05/03/42. 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. 14/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "X" per "X4". Flown by F/Lt F Coker 1154hrs 11/08/42 in 16a/c interception. Operational damage 1010hrs 23/08/42 when in landing circuit over Milne Bay, attacked by two enemy SSF and was attacked and damaged by 20mm cannon shells into radio compartment. Pilot, flew into clouds and then returned to base. Pilot, F/Lt Frank Arthur Coker Serv#402226 was not injured. 0923Hrs 04/09/42 to be flown to Moresby by Sqn Ldr Wright (OC Fall River). 05/09/42 returned Fall River with Sqn Ldr Wright. 02/11/42 Serviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF. Accident 1515hrs 25/11/42 when pilot failed to brake sufficently off the end of the runway and nosed over at Cairns, FNQ. Damage to airscrew, and starboard mainplane. Pilot, Sgt Daniel Richard Austin Serv#408630 was not injured. 28/11/42 Allotted 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF for engine change. 03/12/42 Issued 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 04/12/42 Rec 10RSU ex 12RSU. 27/01/43 Rec 12RSU ex 10RSU. 28/03/43 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 21/04/43 Rec 12RSU Det Horn Island ex 12RSU. Accident 0950hrs 23/04/43 whilst fetest flying a/c to ferry to 75 Sqn RAAF , at 900 feet over Horn Island Strip, the motor began to surge and dropping in revs, forcing the pilot to make a forced landing on the NE/SW runway, down wind. Touching down at 120mph, could not stop a/c over running end of runway. The port leg collapsed and a/c groundlooped facing back to the direction of landing damaging port mainplane, port undercarriage,and airscxrew. Pilot, P/O John Colin Morrison AFC Serv#407587 was not injured. Repaired in Unit, 12RSU Det Horn Island. 22/08/43 Rec 1RSU Horn Island ex 12RSU HI. 03/10/43 Rec 2OTU ex 1RSU. Accident 01/11/44 Mildura when a/c ground looped on landing. Pilot, F/Sgt Baden Maxwell Swan Serv#419623 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 11/12/44 on take-off a/c ran through boundary fence and scrub. A/c caught fire. Pilot, Sgt Alexander Florance Soutar Serv#433364 was injured, with burns to left forearm, face and neck. 16/05/45 Issued 1CRD ex 2OTU. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2603 dated 30/05/45. |
A29-98#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25167 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/02/42.ET491. Installed V1710-39 MSN9627/FY42-33942. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-194. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 19/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD.Allottment cancelled. Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. ??/06/42 Issued 8th FS/49thFG with Group#55 (Named "West Palm Beach Play Boy") and flown by 2nd Lt. Clyde L. Harvey O-429792. Accident 04/09/42 when caught in cross wind landing at Livingstone with u/c collapsing. Repaired 43rd MS(USAAF). 11/03/43, Barnett s/d a SSF over Oro Bay bring his total to 3 x EA. Post March 1943 renumbered #49 and perhaps named " Mae and Mai" & "Punkins", subject to confirmation. Flown by 2ndLt Robert Hagerstrom 8th FS 11/04/43 who s/d a EA in this. Ret USA 04/04/44. Surveyed 09/06/44. |
A29-98#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35973 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 04/03/42. ET619. Installed V1710-39 MSN9790/FY42-34105. Australia POE Newport News 05/03/42. 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. 14/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 10/06/42 Rec 5AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 27/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD.Installed V-1710-39 MSN9853/FY42-34168 Operational Loss 04/08/42 when a strafing attack on Fall River by 4 Zeros happened during a non-flying day and lost and burnt. Write off per File#9/1/1123 Min #17 dated 11/08/42. A50 Sheet Page 3 Aug 42: Enemy action: 75Sqn RAAF NEA Q929 11/09/42. |
A29-99#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25177 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/02/42. ET501. Installed V1710-39 MSN9679/FY42-33994. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-204. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 19/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD.Allottment cancelled. Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Cancelled. Re issued RAAF as A29-95 #2: 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. Refer A29-95#2 above. |
A29-99#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35974 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 05/03/42. ET620. Installed V1710-39 MSN9778/FY42-34093. Australia POE Newport News 05/03/42. 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. 13/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 14/05/42 Accident on ferrying to 75 Sqn RAAF at Bohle River Aerodrome, Townsville, (before 75 Sqn RAAF movement to Kingaroy, 17/05/42) when a/c tipped on nose on landing, damaging airscrew. NFDs. 01/06/42 E at 75 Sqn RAAF. 18/06/42 C at 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "P" and named "Cleopatra" on starboard side only, below exhaust stacks. 20/07/42 Serviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF. Mostly flown by F/O Geoff Atherton. 12/09/42 Held by 15RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 11/09/42 Held at 75 Sqn RAAF. 02/06/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 27/06/43 Rec 75Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 12/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 10/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Accident 0925hrs 15/05/45 on landing at Mildura Aerodrome, engine cut out 200yards of runway, landing 100yards short of runway, and running through boundary fence damaging bot port and starboard mainplanes, airscrew, undercarriage and fuselage. Pilot 2nd Lt B.J. Ruesuik* NEIAF was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/16/2593 dated 23/05/45. 07/06/45 Issued 1CRD ex 2OTU. Note* Graduated and went to 120 Sqn NEIAF by 07/07/42, with first mission in NEIAF P-40N C3-562 on 09/07/45. |
A29-100#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25184 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/02/42. ET508. Installed V1710-39 MSN9700/FY42-34015. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-211. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 20/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. Allotment cancelled. Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. NFDs. |
A29-100#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35975 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 05/03/42. ET621. Installed V1710-39 MSN9722/FY42-34037. Australia POE Newport News 05/03/42. 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF. 13/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 14/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 20/05/42 Accident. See Note#*. 07/06/42 C at 75 Sqn RAAF. 17-20/07/42 Unserviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF. Operational Loss 1230Hrs 11/08/42 when part of a 16 a/c interception of 8-12 Zeros over base. During the ensued combat, as one of two RAAF a/c lost, A29-100, flying as his Number 2, was last seen by F/Lt F Coker (A29-97) approaching base at 2500feet and 200yards astern to port, then three minutes later seeing two Zeros below him, with which A29-100 turning 90 degrees and pressing on with an attack on the lead Zero. Pilot, F/Sgt Francis Pentland Shelley** Serv#402408 missing, presumed dead. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 09/10/42. Note* Researched location is all possibility being Rockhampton, Qld (AWM2020.18.154 Page 36 advice reported on 17/05/42) and its pilot being P/O Gilbert Richard Isler Cory Serv#404387 (75 Sqn RAAF 16/03/42, attached 76Sqn RAAF since 26/04/42-17/05/42, later 23Sqn RAAF post 13/06/42). Note ** Shelly was ex Spitfire pilot who had served in 41Sqn RAF and 452Sqn RAAF in UK during 1941-42. |
A29-101#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25168 |
26/04/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 17/02/42. ET492. Installed V1710-39 MSN9643/FY42-33958. NEI Contract with intended Serial C3-211. Ex NEI Refugee Cargo of 18 of 36 P-40E-1s intended for NEIAF in Java (DA (NEI)dated 10/02/42). 17/02/42 Port of Embarkation NYC to NEI. Project "X" (Error). Diverted Australia (per Budget Report 06/06/42). 26/04/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 26/04/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. Allotment cancelled. Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Issued back to RAAF as A29-93#2 13/05/42 Rec 2AP ex USAAF and allotted 76 Sqn RAAF. Refer A29-93#2 above |
A29-101#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25141 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 05/03/42. ET465. Installed V1710-39 MSN9684/FY42-33999. Australia POE Newport News 05/03/42. 13/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 13/05/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 1AD. 15/05/42 Issued 2OTU ex 1AD. 18/05/42 Rec 2OTU ex 1AD. Accident 08/07/42 when landing at Mildura Aerodrome, undercarriage was not lowered, and U/C warning horn did not blow. a/c landed wheels up, flaps down. Damage to airscrew, flaps, Radiator cowl and oil cooler damaged. Pilot Sgt Keith Rylott Wilson Serv#401807 was not injured. Forfeited £5 in pay for damages on 11/08/42. Repaired in unit. Accident 07/10/42 on landing at Mildura Aerodrome when a/c swung causing a/c to go up on to the nose. Damage to airscrew tips and starboard mainplane. Pilot, W/O George Edward Kendall Serv#404338 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 18/04/43 damaging airscrew, front, rear and center sections and tail unit. NFDs. Repaired in unit. Accident 18/06/44 when a/c was landed wheels up at Yelta Satellite Strip following engine problems. Damage to airscrew, starboard mainplane, oil cooler and radiator. Pilot, P/O Ulva Neil Dudley* Serv#410222 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 1330hrs 04/10/44 when a/c was forced landed wheels up 7 miles east of Mildura Vic. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2054 dated 11/10/44. Note* Sadly, Dudley became MIA in P-40N A29-1015 in 1945. (Note Error on E/E-88 as 41-25121 whereas it is actually 41-25141 per USAAF IARC and ledger) |
A29-102 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25142 |
13/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/02/42. ET466. Installed V1710-39 MSN9619/FY42-33934. Australia POE 15/02/42. Shipped 09/03/42. 14/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 14/05/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 1AD. 15/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP and issued 2OTU. 18/05/42 Rec 2OTU ex 1AD. Mid Air Accident 22/06/42 over Mildura as A29-102 () passed across and under the leader (in A29-82) looking in the opposite direction and struck A29-82's airscrew and bending the blades with a/c's tail, rudder and starboard elevator (Severed). Both aircraft recovered and landed safely. Pilot of A29-82, F/Lt Edward Hamilton Bell Jackson Serv#270530 and A29-102 Piloted by Sgt Bruce Albert Nott Serv#412262 were not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 13/07/42 when a/c undershot runway on landing at Mildura, Vic. Pilot Sgt Colin Laing Serv#408263 (Pilot & Navigation Instructor on Staff) was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 07/10/42 a/c ground looped on landing run, in attempting to alter direction of run. Pilot, F/Sgt Alan Ewing Thomson* Serv#404267 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 29/11/42 when avoiding a bogged DAP Beaufort on side of runway , made tail first landing. Pilot F/Sgt Dennis De Courcy Wilson** Serv#407477 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 27/05/43 when a/c was forced landed wheels up. NFDs. Pilot, Sgt Charles Morton Cripps Serv#410955 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 0945hrs 26/07/44 when during line astern chase, a/c engine caught fire and pilot bailed out 20 miles SW of Mildura, Vic. Pilot, Sgt David Murdoch Brown Serv#433698 slightly injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1855 Min#2 dated 28/07/44. Installed V-1710-39 MSN#9385/FY42-33700 Written off. Note*Thomson, now a Sqn Ldr in Nov 1945, he was severely burned in A29-1007 Landing Accident. Note** Wilson was with SHQ Laverton the prior month and involved in DAP Beaufort belly landing accident (A9-34 on 07/10/42). |
A29-103 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36103 |
14/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/03/42. ET749. Installed V1710-39 MSN10008/FY42-34323. Australia POE Los Angles 20/03/42. Accident 14/05/42 as marked as ET749 on Test flight after erection, when aircraft with brakes locked, nosed over and airscrew tips hit runway. Pilot, F/O Wallace Edward Jewell Serv#260725 (Ex 3Sqn RAAF, with 2OTU) was not injured. 15/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 22/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/05/42 Cancelled. 24/05/42 alootted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 05/06/42 Departed Bankstown for Amberley. 17/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF and coded "I". 18/06/42 E at 75 Sqn RAAF. 20/07/42 Serviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF. 10/08/42 U/S at 75 Sqn RAAF. 28/09/42 Serviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF. 25/11/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Issued 10/12/42 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. Accident 10/12/42 when unable to lower the a/c flaps and approaching with excessive speed on landing on a short runway at Cairns, the pilot ground looped to prevent a/c running off into the swamp. Damage to port wing tip, pitot tube and airscrew. Pilot, Sgt Norman Sherwood Houghton Serv#401792 was not injured. (commissioned as P/O as from 01/10/42). Operational damage 1255hrs 14/04/43, after all serviceable a/c (17) were airborne on an interception of large enemy formation approaching Turnbull Strip, Milne Bay. In the engagement, the pilot was credited an enemy medium bomber (Sqn total was 2 x EBs, 1x DB and 2 x SSFs). a/c received numerous bullet holes, and it was noticed after it stopped in front of the operations hut, by another pilot (W/O Leonard George Stewart Serv#404993), that the pilot was also wounded and was in great pain when parked. Pilot, F/Sgt James McLaren Stirling Serv#405427 was seriously wounded in lower right leg from an enemy bullet. 15/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 28/05/42 Rec 15ARD ex 10RSU. 16/06/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 11/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 16/02/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 01/08/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/07/45 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 13/09/47 Listed to be expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 26/08/47 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-104 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25144 |
15/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/02/42. ET468. Installed V1710-39 MSN9566/FY42-33881. Australia POE 15/02/42. Shipped 08/03/42. 15/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USA. 18/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 22/05/42 Cancelled. 22/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 24/05/42 Cancelled. 31/05/42 Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "K". Accident 01/10/42 when a/c after dusk was being taxied from runway to road, downhill to dispersal with two airmen on wings and two additional beside cockpit. pilot switched on landing lights, but due to diffused reflection from spinning airscrew and unable to see, switched said off. Airman on wings called out "brakes" and a/c were tipped on nose damaging two prop tips, two feet away from ditch. Damage to two prop tips and nil injuries. Pilot, Sgt John Bradley O'Connor Serv#408735 was not injured. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9668/FY42-33983. 13/03/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 29/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 30/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 08/05/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 26/05/43 Issued 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/06/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 16/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 09/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 05/06/44 Rec CGS ex 2OTU. 04/11/44 Rec 2OTU ex CGS. 01/08/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/07/45 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 12/11/47 Listed to be expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 04/06/48 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. |
A29-105 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25145 |
15/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/02/42. ET469. Installed V1710-39 MSN9614/FY42-33929. Australia POE 15/02/42. Shipped 08/03/42. 15/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP. 18/05/42 E at 1AD.18/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 23/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 29/05/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Accident 30/05/42 when landing Garbutt, pilot held off late, stalled landing causing undercarriage to collapse, damaging flaps and airscrew. Pilot, P/O John Derek Rumbold Serv#408704 was not injured. 01/06/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "M" with unidentified stick person (The Saint?) motif on starboard side, front of cockpit. 08/06/42 Issued to SHQ Townsville ex 76 Sqn RAAF. Unserviceable. 14/07/42 Held by SHQ Townsville, ready in 10 days. 30/07/42 Allotted 15RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 03-15/09/42 Held at 15RSU. 14/11/42 Issued crated to 3AD ex 15RSU, Moresby. 22/12/42 Rec 3AD ex 15RSU. 14/06/43 issued 13ARD Res Pool ex 3AD. Accident 1500hrs 13/08/43 a/c after test flight, on landing at Breddan Strip, the port undercarriage collapsed after failing to lock down and a/c swung to left and came to rest with port wing on ground. Pilot, F/Sgt Stephen Tayler Kerrison Serv#408373 (86 Sqn RAAF, attached 13ARD) was not injured. 02/11/43 Rec 13ARD ex 13ARDRP. 13/01/44 Rec 13ARDRP ex 13ARD. 12/02/44 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD RP. 09/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Incident 06/12/44 when pilot due to navigation issues in low cloud, forced landed at 'Burta' Station Broken Hill. The following day returned to Mildura. No Damage. Pilot, W/O John Burton Howslip Serv# 418416 was not injured. 20/08/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 28/07/45 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 12/11/47 Listed, to be expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 04/06/48 Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586. 18/08/48 Allotment to School of Land/Air Warfare cancelled. 27/08/48 Passed to DAP. 22/07/49 Action completed by DAP. |
A29-106 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36101 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/03/42. ET747. Installed V1710-39 MSN10027/FY42-34342. Australia POE Los Angles 20/03/42. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 23/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 29/05/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 01/06/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 29/06/42 E at 76 Sqn RAAF. Coded "IO". Operational Loss 0930Zhrs (1930hrs local) 29/08/42 Milne Bay. The day prior, 28/08/42 all operational pilots and aircraft of both 75 and 76Sqns RAAF returned to Moresby for safety reasons per threat of enemy infiltrations closing on Gurney Strip. On the same day, A29-144 "IW" was ferried in from 12RSU Moresby by its non-operational pilot (an Ex 24 Sqn RAAF pilot, who had only finished his 2OTU P-40E conversion course on 21/07/42 and was attached to 12RSU for ferrying duties). The following evening, owing to the seriousness of an approaching Japanese convoy (Escorted by 3 x Cruisers and 9 x Destroyers) and limited available pilots and aircraft returned from Moresby at this time, this pilot took part in an 5 a/c attack by 76 Sqn RAAF(A29-120 Truscott, A29-96 Barker, A29-144 Meeham, and A29-145 Crossing), armed with 250lb bombs, escorted by 6 x 75 Sqn RAAF a/c as escorts. Following a successful attack, a/c approached to land on the wrong side of the flare path and struck a coconut tree approximately 75 yards back and 50 yards to port side of the strip. Pilot, F/O Brendon John Davis Serv#407225 was critically injured and later died an hour later at 1030Zhrs (2030hrs local). AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 12/09/42. Cancelled. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/520 dated 05/10/42. Written off V1710-39 MSN10027/FY42-34342. |
A29-107 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36102 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/03/42. ET748. Installed V1710-39 MSN10008/FY42-34323. Australia POE Los Angles 20/03/42. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 22/05/42 Allotment cancelled. 22/05/42 allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 C at 1AD. 30/05/42 Issued to 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 07/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 03/07/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. (A50 76 Sqn RAAF records states A29-105(Which is an error)). Accident 19/07/42 when on take-off from Garbutt enroute to Cairns, pilot lost control on take-off and ran off strip, whereupon undercarriage collapsed, damaging airscrew, radiators, cowlings, and both starboard and port mainplanes and flaps. Pilot, Sqn Ldr (Acting) Keith William Truscott Serv#400213 was slightly injured. 29/07/42 Repaired in Unit. 24/08/42 Issued 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 30/08/42 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 13/06/42 Rec 2OTUex 3AD. 05/01/44 Rec CGS ex 2OTU. 09/11/44 Rec CFS ex CGS. 07/12/45 issued 1CRD ex CFS. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD. Listed to be expended and destroyed after issue to the School of Land/Air Warfare, Werribee, Vic as a target. 24/07/47Approval Granted to Write Off per AMSE File 9/2/586 min#5. |
A29-108 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36095 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/03/42. ET741. Installed V1710-39 MSN10035/FY42-34350. Australia POE Los Angles 19/03/42. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 22/05/42 Allotment cancelled. 22/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 05/06/42 departed Bankstown for Amberley. 07/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "M" and named 'Schuftie'* on top of Starboard cowl above exhaust ports. 11/08/42 Flown by F/O R C Kerville at Fall River and damaged by single bullet in port elevator. 24/08/42 flown by Sgt S Munro on intercept of 7 Zeros over Fall River. Operational loss 0830hrs 27/08/42 when as flying as No 3 of a four a/c flight led by Sqn Ldr Les Jackson when Gurney Field, Fall Rivers was attacked by an estimated 10 Zeros and 5 Dive Bombers. Observed on the ground being attacked by two Zeros West northwest of strip and about 2 miles distant, at a height of 1000-1500 feet, with Zeros following a/c into the low cloud. A/c and pilot not seen again after that. Pilot, F/Sgt Stuart Munro** Serv#402963 was declared missing. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 09/10/42. After reports from locals, a/c was located 23/10/43 in the vicinity of the headwaters of Arada River, NG. Identification was by A29-108 Serial number and pilot's logbook. Following second investigation and recovery of some remains, the identification of pilot was confirmed on 28/03/44. Note*Means "a look; peep". Note** Munro, commissioned as a P/O on 01/10/42, after being promoted to F/Sgt on 01/04/42, had previously flew in UK on Spitfires with 401Sqn RCAF and 72 Sqn RAF. |
A29-109 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36106 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/03/42. ET752. Installed V1710-39 MSN10018/FY42-34333. Australia POE 20/03/42. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 22/05/42 Allotment cancelled. 22/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 07/06/42 C at 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "K". 11/08/42 flown by Sgt W D Cowe on intercept of zeros over Fall River. Accident on an operational flight 1718hrs 28/08/42 when as part of a 13 a/c flight being evacuated from Fall River to Moresby, a/c prior to landing, crashed at unknown valley nearby when circling strip. Pilot, Sgt William David Cowe Serv#401769 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 19 dated 29/10/42. |
A29-110 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25143 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/02/42. ET467. Installed V1710-39 MSN9680/FY42-33995*. Australia POE San Francisco 15/02/42. Australia POE 08/03/42. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 23/05/42 issued to 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "J". 24/08/42 flown by F/O John Le Gay Brereton on interception of 7 Zeros over Fall River. Operational loss 0809hrs 27/08/42 when part of 2 a/c reconnaissance over Mullens Harbour and Samarai, PNG. Last seen by accompany a/c in the vicinity of Dawson Island off East Cape. 0935hrs reported by another a/c, a P-40 was on the NW shore at Sidea Island, Southwest Milne Bay. Pilot, F/O William Allan Whetters Serv#3403 was uninjured. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 dated 09/10/42. Written off V1710-39 MSN10014/FY42-34329. Note*E/E-88 on bottom corner stating #10014 as per Installed V1710-39 MSN10014/FY42-34329 is in error as E/E-88 and USAAF ledger states was fitted to A29-111 Ex P-40E-1 41-36099/ET745 on shipment to Australia. |
A29-111 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36099 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-ac-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/03/42. ET745. Installed V1710-39 MSN10014/FY42-34329. Australia POE Los Angles 19/03/42. 17/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 18/05/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 18/05/42 E at 1AD. 23/05/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "W". Named "Maleesh".18/06/42 F at 75 Sqn RAAF. Operational damage 1520hrs 24/08/42 during interception of seven zeros over Fall River when two zeros observed rolled down on a/c with one of the zeros dived on tail and attacked. Resultant enemy bursts damaged starboard mainplane and elevator, and rudder. Pilot, Sgt Roy Gordon Riddel Serv#404355 was not injured. 30/08/42 allotted 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 04/09/42 Rec 12 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 22/10/42 Rec 12 RSU Breddan ex 12 RSU Garbutt. 28/10/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU Res Pool. 12/11/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 12 RSU. 22/11/42 Unserviceable 77Sqn RAAF. 12/01/43 Issued 5AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 13/01/43 Rec 1AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF enroute 5AD. 14/01/43 Rec 5AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 11/03/43 Allotted 2AD ex 5AD. 17/04/43 cancelled. 17/04/43 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 5736/FY41-36103(Ex A29-78). 21/04/43 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. Accident 1955hrs 22/04/43 during a 2 a/c ferry flight (A29-111 and A29-40) from Amberley to Rockhampton, due to severe weather, overshot destination resulting in low fuel causing a/c to be forced landed on a beach but ended some 200 yards off the shore, near Proserpine. Local VOAC from Conway picked up pilot on Conway Beach. Aircraft eventually immersed in sea water. Pilot, Sgt John Bowen McGrath Serv#402166 (2AP) was slightly injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/795 Min 8 dated 28/04/43. Written off V-1710-39 MSN 5736/FY41-36103. |
A29-112 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36098 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/03/42. ET744. Installed V1710-39 MSN9983/FY42-34298. Australia POE Los Angles 19/03/42. ??/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 22/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP (1 over 2)? 25/05/42 E at 1AD. 31/05/42 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "P". 31/05/42 Arrived Dunreath WA with A29-113/114 and 115 per 77Sqn RAAF A50. 04/07/42 flown by F/Lt George Robert Shave Serv#579 on intercept. 20/07/42 Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD (E/E-88 entry error). 20/12/42 2140hrs accident during night training flight when a/c experienced coolant failure, causing bearing failure, and subsequent engine failure, necessitating a forced landing on the beach at Lee Point, NT. The beach was obstructed with barbed wire, sand ridges and mangroves which caused severe damage to a/c which was on fire at the time. Pilot F/Lt George Robert Shave Serv#579 was slightly injured. 22/12/42 Allotted 4RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 27/12/42 Rec 4RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/625 dated 11/01/43. |
A29-113 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36104 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/03/42. ET750. Installed V1710-39 MSN10057/FY42-34372. Australia POE Los Angles 20/03/42. ??/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 22/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP. 25/05/42 E at 1AD. 31/05/42 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 31/05/42 Arrived Dunreath WA with A29-112/114 and 115 per 77Sqn RAAF A50. Coded "U" and had the three flags for Australia, UK ,US and RAAF Flags arrayed on the nose below the engine exhausts port side. Starboard side had Squadron Leader Pennant Flag in simular design and colours. Personal a/c of Sqn Ldr Richard Cresswell. Earlier EA interceptions on 25/09/42(0427hrs scramble with interception, 175rd burst no effect at 0559hrs during 45 degree port bow diving pass at 320mph.) Second scramble 2203hrs (None sighted)/26/09/42 (None Sighted)and 27/09/42 0234hrs (2 x EA Bettys sighted beam to rear attack, no effect A7154 Page 549). Scrambles during most of October 42, either friendly or no interceptions. 27/10/42 0201hrs scrambled to intercept E/A. 23/11/42 0505hrs local whilst at 22500 feet intercepted 3 Betty Bombers in "vic" formation at 21500 feet. First attack, at 175mph indicated, was from below on port rear quarter, then firing at 200yards, a raking burst across whole "vic" formation. The Bettys turn sharply to port after this attack, with the starboard aircraft of "vic" formation becoming separated. Second attack on rear port quarter of this aircraft and followed through stern to starboard quarter. Opened fire with tracers seen to enter starboad engine and top of wing, which caught fire. Third attack made from above on starboard rear quarter. tracers entered mid wing section. E/A exploded in air at 16000 feet over Koolpinyah, NT. The remains of Betty T359, serial 5414 of the Tokao Ku fell onto the Herbert Station narrowly missing the homestead, where a 77 Sqn barbecue was being held there the previous evening. A crew of nine, the remains were buried near the wreck later. This is known as the first night interception and shoot down of an EA over Australia. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN3491/40-565. 13/03/43 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 09/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 27/06/43 Accident a/c caught on fire in flight due to broken fuel line at 18,000 feet. Pilot attempted to force land the a/c until fire intensified, forcing pilot to bale out. Aircraft crashed and burned. Pilot, Sgt John Geoffrey Gadsden Serv# 418828 was uninjured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/908 Min#5 dated 01/07/43. Written off V-1710-39 MSN3491/40-565.

A29-114 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36105 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 20/03/42. ET751. Installed V1710-39 MSN10022/FY42-34337. Australia POE Los Angles 20/03/42. ??/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 22/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP. 25/05/42 E at 1AD. 31/05/42 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 31/05/42 Arrived Dunreath WA with A29-113/114 and 115 per 77Sqn RAAF A50. Coded "C" , later with boxing Kangaroo motif. 20/07/42 C at 77Sqn RAAF. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77Sqn RAAF. 22/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. Coded "A". 17/06/43 1549hrs accident when completing a training flight with 75 Sqn RAAF, a/c stalled on landing at a altitude of 10 feet, first hitting wing ground first, at eastern end of Turnbull Strip. Pilot, Sgt Kenneth Chandos Reade Serv#415590 of 76Sqn RAAF (Ex 86 Sqn RAAF , then later 41OBU 24/06/43)was uninjured. 20/06/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/08/43 rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 24/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 11/02/44 2055hrs accident when making a night landing at Bankstown Strip, touched down short of flare path on small rise whilst still in approach attitude. Starboard eleo/leg folded first, followed by port soon after, with a/c crashing on belly. Pilot, F/O Rodway Taylor Crossley Serv#413539 * was not injured. 15/02/44 Rec 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 08/06/44 Rec 6AD ex 2AD. Installed V-1710-81 MSN22476. 30/10/44 Rec 2OTU ex 6AD. 03/06/45 Accident whilst carrying out Air to ground Gunnery, the pilot was warned by the Range Control Officer by R/T to return to base, as he observed what appeared to be a glycol leak. As the a/c turned to comply, the engine temperatures rose over danger limits and pilot made a wheels up force landing at Lake Gol Gol . Pilot, Sgt L J Campbell Serv#438773 was not injured. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2631 Min#1 dated 12/06/43. Became 2OTU Instructional Airframe #11. Note* Crossley a few months later, crashed Boomerang A46-66 on landing on 26/05/44 when with 5 Sqn RAAF at Mareeba. |
A29-115 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36094 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/03/42. ET740. Installed V1710-39 MSN10010/FY42-34325. Australia POE Los Angles 19/03/42. ??/05/42 Rec 1AD ex USAAF. 22/05/42 Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 25/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP. 25/05/42 E at 1AD. 31/05/42 Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 31/05/42 Arrived Dunreath WA with A29-113/114 and 115 per 77Sqn RAAF A50. 05/06/42 Accident when taxying to disperal at Guildford strip, WA , a/c sank in soft ground bending three tips of airscrew and creating a small crack 1.5inches long in port lower part of reduction gear. Pilot, F/Lt George Robert Shave Serv#579 was not injured. Repaired within unit. 21/11/42 Accident during a fighter tactical flight, due to airscrew pitch control failure, hydraulic and cooling failure following, causing engine overheating when at 5000 feet , necessitating a wheels up landing on downwind direction at Livingstone Strip. Pilot, Sgt Albert James Noldart Serv#411937 was not injured. 14/01/43 Rec 4RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF. 26/01/43 issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 03/02/43 Allotted 4RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF as a/c grounded at Daly Waters. 04/02/43 Rec 4RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF. 30/03/43 Accident during ferry flight when completing landing run at Coffs Harbour the a/c nosed over and dropped on port wing. A/c towed from runway on mains. Pilot, Sgt John Bowen McGrath Serv#402166 (2AP) was not injured. Repaired locally. 02/04/43 Rec 3AD ex 4RSU. 13/06/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. 15/08/43 0215hrs accident after normal landing at Mildura Aerodrome, starboard leg retracted slightly, but went down again. After 300 yards , leg slowly retracted causing a/c to swing off right of strip finishing up with starboard wing tip on ground. Pilot, Sgt Kenneth George Chester Serv#10167 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 05/12/43 1200hrs due to engine failure, a/c made forced landing 35 miles northwest of Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot Sgt Ronald Eugene O'Donnell Serv#422875 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Installed V-1710-39 MSN10029/42-34344. 12/11/44 1340hrs accident, whilst carrying out high diving bombing exercises per 3 intended dives from 12000 feet to 6000 feet at angle of 70 degrees. aircraft did not recover from a dive of approximately 400mph, 1 mile Southwest of Wentworth landing strip. Pilot, Sgt Bernard Morris O'Keeffe Serv#210054 was killed instantly. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2143 Min#1 dated 17/11/44. Written off V-1710-39 MSN10029/42-34344. |
A29-116 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36097 |
17/05/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 19/03/42. ET743. Installed V1710-39 MSN10010/FY42-34325. Australia POE Los Angles 19/03/42. ??/05/42 Rec 1AP ex USAAF. 25/05/42 Rec 1AD ex 1AP. 31/05/42 Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. Coded "K". 31/10/42 Accident on taking off from Livingstone Strip, port tyre blew out, but a/c became airboorne and landed at Adelaide River Strip without further mishap. repaired by 43rd Material Squadron (USAAF). a/c returned to Livingstone Strip. Pilot, P/O Thomas William Watson RCAF Serv#J6206* was not injured. 02/02/43 Rec 3AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF. 24/03/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 21/04/43 2118hrs while approaching Turnbull Strip in a bright moonlight night, was heard to throttle off. as if to test landing horn. He let the undercarriage down, but could not get the flaps down due to apparent hydraulic failure. After touching down normally in a non-flap landing, ran for 30 yards before undercarriage slowly folded up. The a/c proceeded for another 150yards on its belly. F/O Bruce Edward Brown Serv#402342** was not injured. 25/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 23/05/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 26/05/43 Issued 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 02/06/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 10/10/43 Issued 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 08/10/43 Accident on landing port undercarriage strut failed to lock on landing, causing damage to airscrew and airframe at Wards Strip, PNG. Ferry Pilot, F/Sgt Ronald Lewis Weidenbach Serv#417023 (76 Sqn RAAF) was not injured. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1149 Min#6 dated 15/10/43. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9950/42-34265 salvaged by 15ARD. Note* ex No. 232 Sqn RAF (Hurricanes) evacuee per NEI Jan-Mar 1942. Note** Brown had served prior in 91 Sqn RAF in UK equipped with Spitfires 1941-1942. Later served in 77 Sqn RAAF as Sqn Ldr and 81 Wing CO. Awarded DFC 1944. |
A29-117 |
P-40E-1 |
41-25061 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 13/02/42. ET385. Installed V1710-39 MSN9523/FY42-33838. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. First contracted ex RAF DA3 Diverted P-40E-1 for the RAAF. 03/04/42 Accident USA, ran short of fuel during ferry flight and landed wheels up on beach near USCG(United States Coast Guard) Station, Norfolk, Virginia. pilot, Lt R E Holcombe was not injured. Repaired locally. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USAAF. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Issued 2AP(Aircraft Park) ex 2AD. 17/06/42 Allottment Cancelled. 15/06/42 Rec 2OTU ex 2AP. 12/07/42 Accident on landing at Mildura Aerodrome when a/c overshot and landed well up, port brake seized, with a/c swinging left and groundlooped. Damage to starboard flap, leading edge, blades bent , lower cowl damaged, and bending outer starboard wing panel. Pilot, Sgt John Henry Trevis Serv#405431 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 21/09/42 Serviceable at 2OTU. 27/11/42 Accident on landing at Mildura Aerodrome with high cross winds, a/c bounced several times, undercarriage collapsed, damaging Port and Starboard wing assembly, airscrew, radiators, cowling and fuselage fairings. Pilot, Sgt Patrick Alphonsus Haydon Serv#411779 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 25/02/43 Accident on landing at Mildura Aerodrome, a/c groundlooped after normal touch down during night landing, damaging port wing. Pilot, F/O Arthur Douglas Tucker Serv# 405432 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 29/03/43 Accident when landing at Uranquinty Aerodrome, after landing run, due to dust obscuring vision, a/c commensed taxying off strip, when A29-121 swung at conclusion of landing run to avoid A29-117, however A29-121 collided and damaged the tail unit of A29-117. Pilot of A29-117, P/O Donald Percival Maguire Serv#401707 was not injured. Pilot of A29-121, P/O James Barclay Cahill Serv#23372 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 16/07/43 Accident, when after taking off in company with A29-22 to carry out a combat exercise a/c was last seen at 10000 feet behind A29-22 in a steep turn at approximately between Lake Victoria and Wentworth NSW. A/c which was burnt out, was found 13 miles Southwest of Mildura Aerodrome at 0100 Zulu 17/07/43. Pilot of A29-117, P/O Alan Ross Airly Arnott Serv#426819 lost his life in the accident. Pilot of A29-22, F/Sgt William Charles James Serv#412812 was not injured. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/945 Min#5 dated 24/07/43. Note:The engine of this a/c is now with the Mildura Air Force Museum.

A29-118 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35932 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/03/42. ET578. Installed V1710-39 MSN9822/FY42-34137. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. 05/06/42 Delivered to Bankstown 2AP ex 2AD. 10/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "B". 14/09/42 E/E-88 card entry states "Missing from Operations" no corresponding entry in 75 Sqn RAAF A50. 18/09/42 1719hrs F/Lt J Piper landed Fall River ex PM vis 7 Mile Strip. 24/08/42 1520hrs flown by F/Lt J Piper on intercept 1 pair of Zeros over Milne Bay and three more higher up NE over Gurney. 11/10/42 held at 75 Sqn RAAF. 22/11/42 2120hrs Accident following the landing A29-118, A29-127 was taxying back slowly behind swinging side to side behind A29-118 into parking area at Cairns, FNQ when it collided with A29-118, damaging mainplane and tearing off port aileron. Pilot, A29-118, Sgt Patrick Martin Sheahan Serv#411196 was not injured. Pilot of A29-127, Sgt John Henry Trevis Serv#405431 was not injured. (File Entry 32/24/106) 07/12/42 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 27/12/42 issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 27/12/42 Night Taxy line Entry on E/E-88: An Error repeat of 22/11/42 accident. (File Entry 32/24/109 cancelled). 14/04/43 during Raid #24 Accident when a/c was landed due to fuel shortage and inability to land with flaps collided with A29-153 damaging main plane of a/c. Pilot of A29-118, Sgt R White was not injured. Pilot, of A29-153, F/Sgt Archibald Holmes Hall Serv#408830 was not injured. 15/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/06/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 13/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 05/11/43 Accident when on landing at Bankstown NSW. Pilot, F/O Joseph Spencer Martin Serv#411359 was not injured. 07/11/43 Rec 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 12/02/44 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. 12/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 05/06/44 Rec CFS ex 2OTU. 09/11/44 Rec 2OTU ex CFS. 25/07/45 0935hrs, aircraft spun in and burnt 20 miles from Mildura Aerodrome. pilot, F/Sgt Henry Lindsay Frizell Serv#439755 was killed. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2763 Min#5 dated 03/08/45. Written off Installed V-1710-39 MSN5796/41-36163(originally installed in P-40E FY 41-5562 on delivery). |
A29-119 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35933 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/03/42. ET579. Installed V1710-39 MSN9827/FY42-34142. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. 05/06/42 Delivered to Bankstown 2AP ex 2AD. 05/06/42 Allotment cancelled. 15/06/42 Rec 2OTU ex 2AD.19/07/42 incident when on take-off from Mildura, a/c suffered control failure due to stripping of teeth on small diameter gear with elevator tab control wheel. No damage to aircraft after being landed safely. Pilot, Sgt Archibald Holmes Hall Serv#408830 was not injured. 12/08/42 Accident when on landing Mildura Aerodrome a/c ground looped at end of landing run, causing port wing tip to touch ground. Pilot, W/O(T) Colin Travers Adams Serv#407397* was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 17/01/43 Accident when following startup at Mildura Aerodrome, a/c was taxied on to soft ground to turn across wind, prior to take off, when a/c was bogged and nosed over damaging airscrew and engine. Pilot, Sgt Albert Granville Frank Weatherstone Serv#420414 was not injured. Repaired in Unit Installed V-1710-39 MSN9595/42-33910. 12/04/43 2230zulu a/c lost formation in cloud and apparently through faulty instrument flying, crashed near Yarrara, 35 miles from Mildura. Pilot, Sgt Frank Howard Ellis Serv#417167 was killed. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/774 Min#7 dated 15/04/43. Written off Installed V-1710-39 MSN9595/42-33910. Note * Adams, was later commissioned as P/O 01/10/42 and served with 76 Sqn RAAF |
A29-120 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35936 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/03/42. ET582. Installed V1710-39 MSN9825/FY42-34140. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 04/06/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. 08/06/42 Issued to Bankstown 2AP ex 2AD. 22/06/42 E at 76 Sqn RAAF . Coded "O" originally (Pic at Townsville)and named " Still Squirtin" portside lower exhaust cowl. 26/08/42 0715hrs flown by P/O J Rutherford against Japanese barges, Troops, and Stores Egibaria, Milne Bay. 26/08/42 1332hrs flown by Sgt I Loudan against Japanese barges, Troops, and Stores at Egibaria, Milne Bay. 26/08/42 1625hrs flown by F/Lt W J Meehan against Japanese Troops and Stores Egibaria, Milne Bay. 27/08/42 0605hrs flown by P/O Grosvenor strafing stores at Egibaria, Milne Bay. 28/08/42 1404hrs flown by F/Lt W J Meehan on B-26(USAAF) escort mission from Mullins Harbour. 29/09/42 1719hrs flown by Sqn Ldr K Truscott against enemy convoy with 250lb bombs. 04/09/42 1020hrs flown by P/O Rutherford on bombing (250lb)and strafing mission on Kaloi, Milne Bay. 05/09/42 1254hrs flown by P/O Rutherford on bombing (250lb)and strafing mission on troops and stores on 250yards inland of east bank of creek, past "Wagga Wagga" Milne Bay. 05/09/42 1737hrs flown by Sqn Ldr K Truscott on bombing and strafing on front line at Lilihai, Milne Bay, with bomb jettisoned into sea. 07/09/42 1626hrs flown by Sqn Ldr K Truscott against IJN Cruiser and Destroyer by strafing from 800yards to 250yards. 04/10/42 held at 43rd MS (Material Sqn(USAAF) Adelaide River NT) 14/10/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 43rd MS. 19/12/42 2330hrs accident on landing following carrying out night interception exercises from Darwin RAAF Station. Following and aborted landing after drifting into flare pathway, a/c circled and corrected its drift and made a very hard landing and eventually ground lopped off the runway, causing the starboard undercarriage to collapse damaging starboard flap, mainplane, starboard aileron, belly tank and airscrew. Pilot, F/Sgt Eric Walter Marsh Serv#400005 was not injured. 22/12/42 Rec 4RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 20/01/43 rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 4RSU. 25/04/43 Rec 17RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 26/09/43 Rec 2OTU ex 17RSU. 28/11/43 Accident/incident, damage to a/c per airframe/Airscrew/Instrument panel/tail/Port Wing/Starboard wing (5%)and undercarriage (10%) , with no damage to engine. Possible uncrewed ground collision by another a/c? NFDs. Repaired in unit. 15/02/44 Accident on landing at Mildura Aerodrome, when a/c was landed heavily tail high position, causing starboard oleo to collapse, and ground looped. Pilot, F/O Ian Ibenthal McDonald Serv#418041 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 19/06/44 a/c dived, crashed, and burned some 7 miles WSW of Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot, Sgt Frank Foster Rees Serv#433859 was killed. 27/06/44 Rec 5CRD ex 2OTU. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1739 Min#2 dated 27/06/44. Written off Installed V-1710-39 |
A29-121 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35940 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/03/42. ET586. Installed V1710-39 MSN9871/FY42-34186. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 06/06/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Issued 2AP ex 2AD. 17/06/42 Allotment cancelled. 15/06/42 Rec 2OTU ex 2AP. 02/07/42 Accident when a/c overshot and landed well up on runway, then swung left and ground looped at Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot Sgt Norman Peter Randall* Serv#405324 was not injured. Repaired in unit. Marked as "121". 29/03/43 Accident when landing at Uranquinty Aerodrome, after landing run, due to dust obscuring vision, a/c commenced taxying off strip, when A29-121 swung at conclusion of landing run to avoid A29-117, however A29-121 collided and damaged the tail unit of A29-117. Pilot of A29-117, P/O Donald Percival Maguire Serv#401707 was not injured. Pilot of A29-121, P/O James Barclay Cahill Serv#23372 was not injured. Repaired in Unit and coded "A*X". 23/05/44 Accident a/c held off too high and a/c dropped on runway, causing undercarriage to collapse with a follow-on belly landing at Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot F/Sgt Raymond John Keyes Serv#420571** not injured. Repaired in unit. 21/01/45 Accident during strafing barge exercises on the Murray River when a/c struck trees. A/c on high speed and heavy landing at Mildura following this, undercarriage collapsed causing extensive damage to lower parts of fuselage and wings, and Spars on both wings. Pilot, F/Sgt Martin Laurence Cherry Serv#430914*** was not injured. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2428 Min#2 dated 09/03/45. Note * Later 18/09/42 served in 76 Sqn RAAF, ex 453 Sqn RAAF(Buffalo) and served in Malaya from 24/01/42. Refer A29-362 per his fate. Note** Refer fate per A29-649. Note*** Later served with 80 Sqn RAAF. |
A29-122 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35951 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 03/03/42. ET597. Installed V1710-39 MSN9868/FY42-34183. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 01/06/42 Issued 2AP ex 2AD. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAf ex 2AP. 06/06/42 Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 22/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF and coded "F". 1245hrs 11/08/42 flown by P/O W J Wilkinson on interception over Falls Creek. 1515hrs 24/08/42 flown by P/O Todd during interception of 7 Zeros over Fall River. 02/10/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 04/10/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 06/01/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. V-1710-39 MSN5876/FY41-36243 installed. 12/01/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 24/09/43 Rec 10 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. V-1710-39 MSN 5880/FY41-36247 installed. 14/10/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 21/11/43 Accident on take-off from Bankstown Aerodrome a/c starboard oleo collapsed damaging fuselage and starboard wing. NFDs. Pilot, P/O Frederick Arthur Mitchell* Serv#416359 was not injured. Rec 2AD ex 82Sqn RAAF 25/11/43. 06/06/44 Rec 6AD ex 2AD. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1863 Min#2 dated 21/07/45. Note* Sadly he would be KIA in Wirraway A20-513 BF-P, 5Sqn RAAF, on 04/05/44 at 1530hrs 04/05/44 near Tolga, Queensland. |
A29-123#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35952 |
1/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 03/03/42. ET598. Installed V1710-39 MSN9876/FY42-34191. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Issued 2AP ex 2AD. 08/06/42 Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Issued to 8thFS/49thFG as Group#65. Accident in late June 42 (Not April 42 per Protect and Avenge Page 49) when top half of rudder partially detached from top hinge and bent over to starboard in flight, and pilot landing safely at Batchelor Strip NT Pilot 2nd Lt John Roth O-430944 not injured. Repaired. NFDs |
A29-123#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36237 |
07/07/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 02/04/42. ET883. Installed V1710-39 MSN10218/FY42-34533. Australia POE New Orleans 02/04/42. 07/07/42 Rec 1AD ex USA. 03/07/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 15/07/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD. 11/08/42 1245hrs operational loss during interception of enemy aircraft including 8 and 12 Zeros over Fall River. Two aircraft missing during this engagement (A29-100 and A29-123). This a/c located in the hills at Bo on the northern side of the bay, approximately 25 miles east of Gilli Gilli. A search party led by F/Lt Deane-Butcher left on 12/08/42 and returned 16/08/42 confirming engine number (#10218) and aircraft being A29-123. Pilot, F/O Mark Ernest Sheldon Serv#402256 had been killed instantly. AMSE Approval to Write-Off per File#9/1/1123 Min 17 14/09/42. |
A29-124 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35953 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 03/03/42. ET599. Installed V1710-39 MSN9883/FY42-34198*. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 22/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. Coded "D". 1010hrs 23/08/42 during security patrol Falls River, as flown by F/Lt F Coker. 1511hrs 24/08/42 during interception of 7 x Zeros over Falls River, as flown by F/Lt F Coker. 14/11/42 a/c minor modification was carried out and airspeed lines cleared. 0847Hrs18/11/42 Accident when a/c took off from Cairns Aerodrome on reserve tank and immediately after take-off at 250 feet pilot switched to fuselage tank through wing tank. The engine continued running smoothly for approximately 2 minutes and then commenced to splutter. The pilot changed to wing tank and switched on emergency fuel pump and then unsuccessfully endeavored to unlock the priming pump. The pilot endeavored to return to the aerodrome hoping that the engine would recover, however stalled and crashed into the sea. Probable cause, water in fuel due to condensation. Pilot, F/O Richard Tweedy Holt Serv#404103 was slightly injured and stunned. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/598 dated 04/12/42. Note * Error on E/E-88 Card per MSN stating its V1710-39 MSN"9983"/FY42-34298, but USAAF Ledger Records and the RAAF AMSE Register (File#9/16/598) states installed V1710-39 being MSN9883/FY42-34198. |
A29-125#1 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35954 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 03/03/42. ET600. Installed V1710-39 MSN9859/FY42-34174. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 08/06/42 Issued back to USAAF Fighter Pool, Charleville. Issued to 9thFS/49thFG as Group#86 with Flight Leader Stripe, named ‘Stardust’ with starburst on starboard nose, with ‘Oklahoma Kid’ above. Was personal aircraft of 1st Lt Andrew J. Reynolds O-421656. January 1943, aircraft transferred to 5th Fighter Command Replacement Centre 5thAAF based at Garbutt FNQ (APO922). Accident 1210hrs 11 May, 1943 on Aerial Gunnery mission flight when on completion of target shooting with Air Target Towing aircraft and lost control when he broke away from flight of three P-40E/E-1s to start a series of slow rolls, which resulted in the pilot stalling his aircraft at 6500 ft, which then entered an inverted spin which was not corrected in time. Aircraft impacted and cartwheeled in sea when it crashed into the sea 3 miles north of Magnetic Island North Queensland Australia. Pilot, 2nd Lt Theodore S. Zendarski, ASN 0-794379 was killed. He had 272 Hours 55 mins up at the time on P-40s. Two other Pilots of the two accompanying P-40E-1s were 2nd Lt's Robert Croft and Harry McCullough. Installed Engine V1710-39 MSN9966/FY 42-34281 at time of flight. Aircraft had TTHrs 306 at time of Loss. |
A29-125#2 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36248 |
07/07/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 02/04/42. ET894. Installed V1710-39 MSN10087/FY42-34402. Australia POE New Orleans 04/04/42. 07/07/42 Rec 1AD ex USA. 15/07/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD and coded " Y". 0830hrs 27/08/42 Flown by P/O PB Jones on inerception of 4 Dive bombers circling 1750 feet above Milne Bay, made three attacks, shared credit with P/O P D Watson (A29-136)of one of two s/d that day into the sea. 1539hrs 13/09/42 flown to Moresby from Fall River by Sgt West. 1445hrs -1631hrs 20/09/42 return flown by F/O Brereton Moresby to Fall River. 17/01/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5658/41-36025. 21/01/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 1928hrs 24/03/43 A29-125 with A29-126 (Sgt R W Smith) took off on a dusk-landings and night interception practice with searchlight co-operation exercises. Pilot of A29-125 was tasked by the OIC of night flying exercise with his first dusk landing and he commenced his approach at 1936hrs to No 3 Strip(Turnbull) at Milne Bay. The OIC, F/O G H Sheills, noticed his navigation lights as he made his approach to the flare path from the seaward end of the strip, then making a left hand turn onto the flare path, but he had swung too far out to his right onto the flarepath, that he had to do a "S" turn back. He finished in a slight right hand turn back to the flarepath, and finally straightened up and levelled off . He was still dfrifting off the flare path and to his left. The a/c was almost in a stalled condition, but had not touched down when he opened his throttle and evidently decided to go around again. He was still drifting and travelling down the strip at a height of 30 feet and drifted across the fringe of palm trees about halfway down along the strip. As he passed over the Operations Hut it was noticed his wheels had been retracted and the flaps were fully down, but not gaining height. It appeared that he pulled the stick back to clear the Operations Hut to make certain of clearing it, the a/c splurged down into a clearing dispersal area and creek valley. It was seen by its navigation lights to rise slightly as the a/c tried to climb over the palm trees on the next ridge but crashed port wing down immediately. Pilot F/Sgt George Forbes Sherwin Serv#404942 was killed. Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/739 Min#5 dated 27/03/43. Written off Installed V-1710-39 MSN5658/41-36025 (Originally installed in P-40E-1 41-24860, one of first RAAF A29-1 to A29-25s) |
A29-126 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35955 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 03/03/42. ET601*. Installed V1710-39 MSN9843/FY42-34158. Australia POE New Orleans 03/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 08/06/42 issued 2AP ex 2AD. 22/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP . Coded "R" and latter named "OLLY" (not to get confused with A29-133 "POLLY"). Usual assigned a/c of F/O John Noel "Ollie" Ollivier Serv#402390. 1245hrs 11/08/42 Interception of enemy raid over Fall River, flown by F/O J N Ollivier. 24/08/42 Interception of 7 Zeros over Fall River, flown by F/O J N Ollivier. Ollivier wounded on ground with shrapnel in shoulder on 27/08/42 Bombing. AOK. 09/10/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 11/10/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 07/12/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 20/12/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 14/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 0800hrs 12/04/43 Accident while on an interception flight near Goodenough Island stopped at 20000 feet, forcing the pilot to make a forced wheels down landing on the emergency strip at Goodenough Island without damage. Pilot, F/O Bruce Edward Brown ** Serv#402342 was not injured. 16/04/42 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF.24/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. Installed V-1710-39 MSN9827/42-34142(Ex A29-119). 20/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 09/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Coded "A*Y". Accident 11/09/44 at end of landing run at Mildura, A29-65 collided with a stationary A29-126. Pilot of A29-65, P/O Robert Alexander Long Serv#431631 was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1999 Min#7 dated 21/09/44. 24/05/45 was used as Instructional Airframe No 7, then converted to components. Note#* E/E-88 Card Error 41-35955 marked as ET126/ET603, it is actually ET601. Note ** ex UK Spitfire pilot with No 91 Sqn RAF, later awarded DFC in 1945 when acting Wg Cdr. |
A29-127 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35956 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 03/03/42. ET601*. Installed V1710-39 MSN9843/FY42-34158. Australia POE New Orleans 03/03/42. 01/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 01/06/42 Issued 2AP ex 2AD. 22/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "Z" (Note port and starboard applications of "Z" and fin flash are different sizes, port large/Stb small per pics). 1245hrs 11/08/42 on interception of enemy aircraft over Fall River, flown by P/O A D Tucker. 24/08/42 flown by P/O B E Brown on interception of 7 x Zeros over Fall river. 0830hrs 27/08/42 flown by Sgt R G Riddel during interception of 12 x Zeros and 8 x Dive Bombers. 22/11/42 2120hrs Accident following the landing A29-118, A29-127 was taxying back slowly behind swinging side to side behind A29-118 into parking area at Cairns, FNQ when it collided with A29-118, damaging mainplane and tearing off port aileron. Pilot, A29-118, Sgt Patrick Martin Sheahan Serv#411196 was not injured. Pilot of A29-127, P/O John Henry Trevis* Serv#405431 was not injured. (File Entry 32/24/106). 27/11/42 Rec 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN 9846/FY42-34161 (Ex A29-157). 07/01/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 11/09/43 (now named "Blondie I" upper starboard engine cowl ) Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 25/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN6199/FY41-36566. 1210hrs 11/12/44 when turning after take-off from Mildura Aerodrome, the motor lost power and he prepared to force land on a dirt road. The motor picked up 10 seconds later, and the pilot started to turn and climb when the motor failed again, loosing height then hit a fence on a crash landing, and then dived steeply into the ground, catching fire. Pilot, Sgt Alexander Florance Soutar Serv#433364 suffered second degree burns to face, neck and left forearm. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2231 Min#2 dated 18/12/44. Write off Installed V-1710-39 MSN6199/FY41-36566. Note * Was ex 453 Sqn RAAF (Sgt Pilot, Buffalo, Malaya 1-3/42 and P/O 75 Sqn RAAF 10/42-02/43) |
A29-128 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36078 |
01/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/03/42. ET724. Installed V1710-39 MSN10026/FY42-34341. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 16/03/42. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 21/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. Coded "Q"#2. 1136hrs 02/08/42 when on landing, starboard brake failed with a/c running off runway into palm trees. Pilot, F/Sgt Stuart Munro* Serv#402963 was not injured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/475 dated 21/08/42. Written off V-1710-39 MSN10026/FY42-34341. Note* Munro, commissioned as a P/O on 01/10/42, after being promoted to F/Sgt on 01/04/42, had previously flew in UK on Spitfires with 401Sqn RCAF and 72 Sqn RAF. Refer A29-108 per fate. |
A29-129 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36079 |
08/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/03/42. ET725. Installed V1710-39 MSN10019/FY42-34334. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 16/03/42. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 09/06/42 Allotted 1AD ex 2AP temporarily . 12/06/42 rec 1AD ex 2AP for belly tank tests. 10/07/42 To be held 1AD for Dr Cotten blackout suit tests(G-Suit). 14/07/42 held for comparison tests with A46-1 Boomerang/P-400 Airacobra BW127. 09/09/42 Issued 3CF(Communications Flight) ex 1AD. 20/09/42 Rec 1AD ex 3CF. 25/9/42 Installed V-1710-39 MSN3400 /FY40-474. 06/10/42 Issued 3CF ex 1AD . 26/10/42 Rec 2OTU ex 3CF. 19/11/42 Rec 3CF ex 2OTU . 19/11/42 Rec 1AD ex 3CF(G-Suit trials).29/11/42 Rec 2OTU ex 1AD and coded "29". 19/04/43 Issued 1AD ex 2OTU for Anti Gas Suit trials. 1515hrs 10/08/43 on a non-operational test flight, accident due to engine failure at 800feet, again the engine restarted at a lower level after switching all tanks, with the pilot trying to gain altitude. Again, the engine failed with little time to look for a more suitable field, the a/c forced landed wheels up in a very rough paddock 1 mile SE of Werribee Aerodrome. Pilot, Colin Henry Parkinson* DFC Serv#402877,(Ex 2OTU, attached 1AD from 06/08/43 and later 1APU Dec 43) was not injured. Rec 5AD ex 2OTU. 12/01/42 Rec 82Sqn RAAF ex 5AD. 02/02/44 accident at Bankstown Aerodrome when a/c was near the end of the landing run, the starboard leg collapsed. Pilot, F/O Robert Nigel Blenkhorn Serv#408170 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. 1540hrs 01/03/44 Bankstown on take-off starboard main tyre burst. pilot was instructed to make a wheels up landing on return to base, as done. Pilot, F/O Angus Henry Barclay Adair ** Serv#414453 was not injured. Repaired in unit. 12/04/44 Rec 2OTU ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 18/08/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 30/09/46 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 01/10/46 To be stored Cat E . 19/11/46 Authorised for Write-off. 12/11/47 allotted SAS ex 1SD. 18/08/48 Allotment cancelled. 25/08/48 Passed to DAP. 22/07/49 Action completed by DAP. Note * Parkinson ex 56Sqn and 19 Sqn RAF UK 1941(Spitfires), then 603/229/249 Sqns (Spitfires)6-11/42 at Malta after being one of the first Spitfire pilots to take-off from Carrier HMS Eagle. Recorded as shooting down 9 EA (2.5 Ju88/1 BR20/2 Bf109/1 Mc202 up to 10/42) and several probable's over Malta during the worst blitz time. Awarded DFC when after shooting down a Bf109 03/11/42, staying over a downed pilot in the sea, and was attacked by a further three and then eventually beat them off, then directing ASR to collect pilot. On return to Australia, appointed as a flying instructor 2OTU and became later one of the first members of No 1 APU, later commanding the Chemical Research Unit. Note** Refer Adair's A29-683 ditching 20/11/44. |
A29-130 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36080 |
08/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/03/42. ET726. Installed V1710-39 MSN10009/FY42-34324. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 16/03/42. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 08/06/42 Under erection at 2AD. 21/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF and coded "T" (Is named per pic at Horn Island??). Usual a/c assigned to P/O Maxwell Coupland Johnston * Serv#400622 "B" flight. 10-12/12/42 Held at 12RSU for engine change. 14/12/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 07/01/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 12/01/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 14/09/43 Rec 26RSu ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/11/43 Rec 2OTU ex 26RSU. Numbered "30". 05/01/44 Rec CGS ex 2OTU. 09/11/44 Rec 2OTU ex CGS. 1950hrs 07/08/45 Accident when after take-off for night exercise, a/c crashed 1 mile west of Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot F/Sgt Malcom John Russell Serv#442507 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2833 Min#1 dated 28/08/45. Note * Johnston was prior ex 602 Sqn RAF (Spitfires 41/42) UK, later a Mention in Dispatches (MID 09/03/45). Refer A29-628 accident. Sadly, he died in 1956. |
A29-131 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36082 |
8/06/1942 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/03/42. ET728. Installed V1710-39 MSN10013/FY42-34328. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 16/03/42. 04/06/42 Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 21/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. Coded "H". Later named "Miss K Hawk III". 1544hrs 06/08/42 flown by P/O Wilkinson on interception near Purlock Harbour, Milne Bay. 1245hrs 11/08/42 flown by F/O John Le Gay Brereton during interception of EA over Milne Bay. 1015hrs 19/08/42 flown by F/O R C Kerville on security patrol over Milne Bay. 1120hrs 23/08/42 flown by P/O Brown on interception near Purlock Harbour, Milne Bay. 1048hrs 16/09/42 flown by F/Sgt Crawford during strafing mission on Goodenough Island. 2014hrs 13/12/42 Accident following returning from a seaward patrol, aircraft on landing at Bowen bounced slightly and on touching down again, tail came up, causing the airscrew to strike the ground. The tail continued to rise then after some 160yards down the runway the aircraft overturned on its back. Pilot, Sgt Roy Gordon Riddel Serv#404355 was severely injured and was conveyed to Bowen Hospital. 20/12/42 Rec 12RSU Charters Towers ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 14/01/43 Rec 12RSU Breddan ex 12RSU Charters Towers. 26/07/43 Rec 5AD ex 12RSU. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1001 Min#4 dated 13/08/43. |
A29-132 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36083 |
08/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/03/42. ET729. Installed V1710-39 MSN10023/FY42-34338. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 16/03/42. 04/06/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AP. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 17/06/42 Allotment cancelled. 21/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. Coded "L" and later named "Maaleesh Mk II". 05/08/42 seemingly one of three P-40E/E-1s "packed up" at Milne Bay with two due to engine issues (A29-100 (repaired by 06/08/42) and A29-126). 11/08/42 allotted 15RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 03/09/42 Held by 15RSU. 0840hrs 11/09/42 test flight by F/Lt Winten. 1710hrs 11/09/42 test flight as flown by P/O B Watson. 1105hrs 15/09/42 test flight by F/Lt Winten. 28/09/42 Serviceable at 75 Sqn RAAF ("A" flight with F/O John Le Gay Brereton). 14/01/43 Issued 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF for engine change. 18/01/43 Rec 12RSU ex 10RSU. 19/01/43 issued 10RSU ex 12RSU. 27/01/43 Rec 12RSU ex 10RSU. 05/02/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 12/04/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 1225hrs 14/04/43 flown by F/O N C Todd as Blue 3 during intercept 40 miles southeast of Turnbull Strip, Milne Bay. 20/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 12/11/43 Accident when aircraft forced landed at Bankstown Aerodrome after engine trouble. Pilot, P/O Norman William Rea Serv#422352 was not injured. 18/11/43 Rec 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 29/03/44 Allotted 3AD ex 2AD for repairs. 23/05/44, allotment cancelled. 09/06/44 Rec 6AD ex 2AD. 26/10/44 Rec 2OTU ex 6AD. 03/09/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 05/07/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 30/09/46 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 01/10/46 To be stored Cat E. 12/11/47 allotted SAS ex 1SD. 18/08/48 Allotment cancelled. 25/08/48 Passed to DAP. 22/07/49 Action completed by DAP. |
A29-133 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36084 |
08/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 15/03/42. ET730. Installed V1710-39 MSN10044/FY42-34359. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 16/03/42. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 08/06/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 17/06/42 Allotment cancelled. 22/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. Coded "S", later named "Polly". 1245hrs 11/08/42 flown by P/O B E Brown on intercept of EA over Fall River. Credited with one "O" damaged (refer Sheet #36 A50).1015hrs 19/08/42 flown by F/O Kerville on security patrol. 1435hrs 19/08/42 flown by P/O B E Brown on intercept near east end of Dawson Island. 1120hrs 23/08/42 flown by P/O B E Brown on intercept over near Purlock Harbour, Milne Bay. 0953hrs 19/09/42 flown by F/Sgt Crawford to Moresby. 07/01/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 17/01/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 29/01/43 Issued 12RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 10/03/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 28/03/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 08/04/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 1430hrs 02/06/43 when part of twelve a/c scrambled as "Red 1" it was noticed that the starboard main tyre was deflating by an accompanied a/c causing the starboard oleo with the remaining remains of tyre commencing to swing to starboard, left oleo leg collapsed and ground loop, causing damage to airscrew, starboard main plane and actuating arms fractured. Pilot, Sqn Ldr Wilfred Stanley Arthur* DSO DFC and Bar, MID twice, Serv#565, CO 75 Sqn RAAF was not injured. 03/06/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. 02/08/43 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 11/09/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Coded "FA-B". 1500 hrs 17/10/43 Accident following an Army co-op exercise at North Head, on landing aircraft damaged on landing at Bankstown Aerodrome when port oleo collapsed, damaging airscrew and port main plane and wing tip after swinging of strip. pilot, F/O Robert Nigel Blenkhorn Serv#408170 was not injured. 21/10/43 Rec 2AD ex 82 Sqn RAAF. 07/06/44 Issued to 1ES (Engineering School) ex 2Ad for instructional purposes as Instructional Airframe #4. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1516 Min#2 dated 30/05/44(Officially for A29-55). Eventually after the war held by a Mr Nelson Wilson of Wandin Vic into the 80's, then donated to the AWM and is on painted display as denoted per 75 Sqn 1943 period at Milne Bay. Note* Ex No 3 Sqn RAAF 1940-41, Chief Instructor 2OTU 1942, later Wg Cdr CO 2OTU 1944, Group Captain CO 78 F Wing 1945 and CO 8OTU 1945. credited with 10EA)

A29-134 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36093 |
08/06/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 18/03/42. ET739. Installed V1710-39 MSN10044/FY42-34359. Britain POE New York City (Britain) diverted Australia. 18/03/42. 04/06/42 Allotted 2OTU ex 2AD. 08/06/42 Rec 2AD ex USA. 17/06/42 Allotment cancelled. 21/06/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD. Coded "G". 0930hrs 28/06/42 Accident when aircraft failed to recover from spin, crashed and burst into flames near Kingaroy, Queensland. Pilot, F/Sgt John McCauley Morrison* Serv#402522 was killed instantly. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/1/1123 Min#3 Dated 31/07/42. Note* Served in UK with 452 Sqn RAAF (Spitfires) Sept 41 -April 42 |
A29-135 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35944 |
21/07/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/03/42. ET590. Installed V1710-39 MSN9797/FY42-34112. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 31/05/42 arrived Brisbane. 01/06/42 Rec 3AD ex USA. One of 14 erected but not allotted a A29 # in June 42. On completion issued to USAFIA. 21/06/1942 Delivery to Charleville Pool. Held in reserve pool. 21/07/42 Rec 12RSU based at Charters Towers ex USAFIA Pool. 08/08/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex CT. Coded "V". 1520hrs 24/08/42 flown by P/O G O Mountseer on intercept of 7 x Zeros over Fall River. 11/09/42 Maintenance accident on ground. NFDs. 15/09/42 Held by 15RSU Milne Bay. 1237hrs 18/09/42 flown by P/O Cowan from Fall River to Moresby. 1210hrs 19/09/42 flown by P/O Cowan for Horn Island with Hudson escort. 21/09/42 issued 12RSU ex 15RSU. 23/09/42 Rec 12RSU Charters Tower ex 12RSU Garbutt. 26/10/42 At Aircraft Pool CT. 26/11/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 18/01/43 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 26/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 3AD. 1645hrs 16/07/43 Accident when pilot was in circuit with wheels down preparing to land. Engine lost power and pilot selected wheels up and made a belly landing at Mildura Aerodrome. Pilot, Sgt Ronald James Chambers Serv#424287 was not injured. 02/08/43 Rec 5AD ex 2OTU.1145hrs 05/05/44 Accident Forest Hill Wagga Wagga, following repairs, aircraft was on first test flight when engine cut out due to shearing of fuel pump drive as aircraft was becoming airborne causing the engine to fail. Pilot selected wheels up and made belly landing to avoid aerodrome boundary fence. Pilot, F/Sgt W H Edrid Serv#1291061 (RAF) attached to 5AD was not injured. Repaired. 24/09/44 Rec 2OTU ex 5AD. 18/08/45 Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU. 13/02/46 allotted to 1 Stores Depot ex 1CRD; 30/09/46 Rec 1SD ex 1CRD. 01/10/46 To be stored Cat E. 12/11/47 allotted SAS ex 1SD. 18/08/48 Allotment cancelled. 03/11/48 Passed to DAP. 22/07/49 Action completed by DAP. |
A29-136 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35945 |
21/07/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/03/42. ET591. Installed V1710-39 MSN9821/FY42-34136. Australia POE New Orleans 01/03/42. 31/05/42 arrived Brisbane. 01/06/42 Rec 3AD ex USA. One of 14 erected but not allotted a A29 # in June 42. On completion issued to USAFIA. 21/06/1942 Delivery to Charleville Pool. Held in reserve pool. 21/07/42 Rec 12RSU based at Charters Towers ex USAFIA Pool. 08/08/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex CT. Coded "N' and later named "Star Dust". 1515hrs 24/08/42 flown by P/O P B Watson on intercept of 7 x Zeros over Fall River. 0830hrs 27/08/42 flown by P/O P D Watson on interception of 12 x Zeros and 8 x Dive Bombers over Fall River (Shared kill and probable with P/O Jones). 14/01/43 Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. Installed V-1710-39 MSN5680/FY41-36047. 19/01/43 issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU. 1440hrs 06/02/43 Accident whilst on a five aircraft exercise to practice strafing on US Naval Craft in the vicinity of Green Island off Cairns at 1400hrs. As leading aircraft, the pilot was making a feint low level attack from behind Green Island while the rest of the flight were to come from the hills on Cape False. However, whilst breaking off his attack, and by making a steep left-hand turn, the pilot allowed his port wing to make contact with the water. The aircraft came to pieces and sank immediately. A Naval craft approached the scene, and the pilot was recovered and conveyed to Cairns Hospital. Pilot, F/Lt John Wedgewood Piper DFC Serv#250828 was slightly injured with lacerations left eye lid, right forearm and upper lip, and four teeth dislodged. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/669 Dated 09/03/43. Write off V-1710-39 MSN5680/FY41-36047. |
A29-137 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35946 |
21/07/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 02/03/42. ET592. Installed V1710-39 MSN9663/FY42-33978. Australia POE New Orleans 02/03/42. 31/05/42 arrived Brisbane. 01/06/42 Rec 3AD ex USA. One of 14 erected but not allotted a A29 # in June 42. On completion issued to USAFIA. 21/06/1942 Delivery to Charleville Pool. Held in reserve pool. 21/07/42 Rec 12RSU based at Charters Towers ex USAFIA Pool. 22/07/42 Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex CT. Coded "E". 1544hrs 06/08/42 flown by F/Lt Pank on intercept of a Japanese aircraft near Purlock Harbour, Milne Bay, nil sighting. 1344hrs 08/08/42 operational loss, when aircraft went missing when accompanying seven other aircraft on a standing patrol over base area Fall River. Aircraft failed to return. Later noted as forced landed on water/sea near Suau Island (Now known as Brumer Island, halfway between PM and MB along the southern coast. E/E 88 states Sarua Bay fall river (Not on any modern maps), whereas A50 states Suau Island). Pilot F/Lt David Leon Pank Serv#280825 was deemed missing, until he returned to base on 12/08/42 by RAAF boat. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#76/6/1171 Dated 07/01/43. Write off V-1710-39 MSN9663/FY42-33978. |
A29-138 |
P-40E-1 |
41-35949 |
7/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 02/03/42. ET595. Installed V1710-39 MSN9879/FY42-34194. Australia POE New Orleans 02/03/42. 31/05/42 MV Aspasia Nomikos arrived in Brisbane. 01/06/42 Rec 3AD ex USA. One of 14 erected but not allotted a A29 # in June 42. On completion issued to USAFIA. 21/06/1942 Delivery to Charleville Pool. Held in reserve pool. 21/07/42 Rec 12RSU based at Charters Towers ex USAFIA Pool. Issued to 76 Sqn RAAF circa 22/07/42 at Garbutt. Coded " IM " and later named "ZOMBIE Too" with motif "City of Gilli-Gilli" over "Semper in Excreta"* over "Laihi au gagaia" bordered by (Left) hydraulic and (right) Squadron, surrounding a character of a winged toilet with occupant and lastly with "A29-138" on tail. 1516hrs 24/08/42 flown by F/Lt V Sullivan on interception with five a/c over Fall River when dived on 8 x Zeros, getting one good burst in, but also almost received a good burst on his aircraft from another Kittyhawk! 1708hrs 25/08/42 flown by F/O Lindeman on bombing an enemy convoy off Cape Pierson, Normanby Island with 300lb bomb. 1442hrs 26/08/42 flown by P/O Rutherford strafing fuel and stores at Egibaria, Milne Bay. 0550 hrs 27/08/42 flown by F/Lt V Sullivan on strafing runs on Egibaria, Milne Bay. 0855hrs 28/08/42 flown by Sgt Barker on strafing stores and troops at Ahioma , Milne Bay. 1219hrs 28/08/42 flown by Sgt Barker on strafing stores and troops at Ahioma , Milne Bay. 0803hrs 04/09/42 flown by F/O Moody on bombing and strafing front lines near landing area at Milne Bay. 1254hrs 05/09/42 flown by P/O Rumbold bombing (250lb) and strafing troops and stores on east bank of creek past Wagga Wagga. 04/10/42 allotted 43rd MS (43rd Material Squadron USAAF Adelaide River NT) ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 10/10/42 Accident post collection from 43rd MS, when after take-off from Adelaide River aircraft force landed adjacent to strip damaging External tank, cowling and airscrew. Pilot, Sgt David Keane Serv#411917 was not injured. Repaired. 25/10/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 43rd MS. 09/05/43 Rec 2OTU ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 15/10/43 Accident when on landing at Mildura Aerodrome, pilot had hand brake engaged, resulting with the aircraft nosing over and sliding along until the undercarriage collapsed. F/Sgt Maxwell John Fincham Conway Serv#205784 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Installed V-1710-39 MSN3336/FY40-410. 14/12/43 Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU. 10/01/44 Accident whilst at Williamtown when aircraft was forced landed in a paddock nearby following engine failure caused by a burst oil pipeline. Aircraft heavily damaged. Pilot, F/O Rodway Taylor Crossley Serv#413539 was not injured. 12/01/44 Issued 2AD ex 82 Sq1n RAAF. 19/06/44 allotted 2CRD ex 2AD for conversion. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1901 Min#2 Dated 21/08/44. Note * Means "We're always in the +hit " and "light hands", "Hydraulic Squadron" means they're always lifting something they don't own.

A29-139 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36232 |
21/07/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. ex-USA. One of 12 erected but not allotted a A29 # in May 42. On completion issued to USAFIA. 30/06/1942 Delivery to Charleville Pool. Held in reserve pool. 21/07/42 Rec 12RSU based at Charters Towers ex USAFIA Pool. 30/07/42 Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex Townsville SHQ. 10/08/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex SHQ. No Operational details held per Combat Fighter reports or 76Sqn Pilot Logbooks held). 15/09/42 Damaged on runway at Fall River in regards of damaged undercarriage and mainplane. NFDs. Held 15RSU Fall River. 22/09/42 Rec 12RSU Garbutt ex 15RSU. 23/09/42 rec 12RSU Charters Towers ex 12RSU Garbutt. 17/01/43 Issued and held 75 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 1225hrs 14/04/43 flown by F/O L B Giffin as Yellow 3 during intercept 40 miles southeast of Turnbull Strip, Milne Bay. 1532hrs 02/08/43 Turnbull Strip Milne Bay, when returning to base after a gunnery exercise due to the airscrew going into course pitch. After a normal landing, the port tyre blew and aircraft swung to the left and crashed into brush on the south end of the runway when the undercarriage collapsed, then exploded immediately with the pilot escaping a few seconds after. The aircraft burned for approximately 15 minutes despite efforts of the fire tender and crew. Pilot, F/Sgt Archibald Holmes Hall Serv#408830 was uninjured. Rec 10RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/980 Min#4 Dated 07/08/43. Write-off installed V-1710-39 MSN10205/FY42-34520. A29-139 had 140.55TT Hrs. |
A29-140 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36233 |
13/08/42 |
Ordered under USAAF Contract W535-AC-3 (DA3) P-40E-1. Accepted 01/04/42. ET879. Installed V1710-39 MSN10193/FY42-34508. Australia POE New Orleans 01/04/42. 03/05/42 Rec USAAF Geelong/1AD ex USA. One of 12 erected but not allotted a A29 # in May 42. On completion issued to USAFIA. 30/06/1942 Delivery to Charleville Pool . Held in reserve pool. 13/08/42 Rec 12RSU based at Charters Towers ex USAFIA Pool. 13/08/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU. 1516hrs 24/08/42 flown by P/O F Grosvenor 1503hrs 25/08/42 flown by Sgt R E Barker strafing and dive bombing of convoy off Cape Pierson, Normanby Island. 0720hrs 26/08/42 flown by F/Lt B Wawn on strafing of barges at Egibaria, Milne Bay. 1336hrs 26/08/42 flown by P/O P Tainton strafing troops and stores at Egibaria, Milne Bay. 0605hrs 27/08/42 flown by F/O I Crossing strafing attack on Stores at Egibaria, Milne Bay. 0728hrs 28/08/42 flown by F/Lt B Wawn near No 3 Strip attacking Tank and Enemy personnel. 1121hrs 28/08/42 flown by F/O Whiting strafing barges and enemy personnel. 1336hrs 28/08/42 flown by Sgt G Pagan strafing huts on beach west of barges. 31/08/42 flown by F/O I Crossing on strafing enemy established positions 400 yards from No 3 Strip.05/09/42 flown by P/O Harrison bombing and strafing enemy front lines Lilhai, Milne Bay. Did not fire. 07/09/42 Flown by F/O Kerville on convoy attack of Cruisers and Destroyers. 28/09/42 Rec 3AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 07/10/42 Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD. 12/05/43 Rec 2AD ex 76 Sqn RAAF. 02/07/43 Rec 13ARD ex 2AD. 02/09/43 Issued 2OTU ex 13ARD. 04/09/43 accident during ferry flight ex 13ARD when on landing at Bankstown NSW, the port undercarriage collapsed whilst doing normal landing run. Pilot, P/O Alfred Harold O'Brien Serv#423253 (Later O215078 post war) of 2AP FF was not injured. 10/09/43 Rec 5AD ex 2AD. 22/01/44 Rec 1OTU ex 5AD. 18/12/45 Rec 6AD storage ex 1OTU. 01/10/46 to be stored Cat E. 19/11/46 Authorized to be Write-Off. 26/09/47 Passed to DAP. 15/11/48 Action Completed by DAP. |
A29-141 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36234 |
8/42 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/8/42 allocated to 76 Sqn from the USAFIA pool and was to be ferried from Townsville, Qld to Milne Bay NG; on 18/8/42 it departed from Port Moresby, NG destined for Fall River, NG but never arrived and no trace has been found with P/O Peter Thomas Robilliard (411525) classed as MIA. |
A29-142 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36236 |
8/42 |
served with 76 Sqn, 75 Sqn and 82 Sqn; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn from the USAFIA and was held at Batchelor NT for them; on 20/1/43 it swung off the Strauss strip, NT and ran into some trees because the rudder balance cable spring became caught in a rib in the fuselage with S/L Keith William Truscott (400213) being ok; on 29/4/43 it was sent to 75 Sqn at Milne Bay, NG; on 28/6/43 a vehicle backed into the leading edge of the starboard wing puncturing a hole in it so it was sent to 10 RSU for repairs; on 10/8/43 it was issued back to 75 Sqn but was only with them for a little over a month; on 20/9/43 it was sent from 75 Sqn to 82 Sqn; on 4/3/44 while making practice attacks the fuel pressure dropped to zero and petrol came into the cockpit eventually bursting into flames, P/O Walter Gregory Casley (403425) was forced to bail out NE of Liverpool NSW and suffered burns to his body the a/c was written off.

A29-143 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36238 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 75 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 3/3/43 it crash landed on Goodenough Is due to very bad weather with P/O Daniel Richard Austin (408630) escaping injury but badly damaging the a/c; on 26/6/43 it was received back at 75 Sqn from 10 RSU however it was not long with them; on 8/8/43 it crashed at Turnbull airstrip, Milne Bay NG killing F/O William John Ward (401003) when he attempted to complete an upward roll at low altitude and slow speed and did manage to do the roll but the a/c spun out and dove into the ground vertically. |
A29-144 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36239 |
7/42 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 7/9/42 it was flown by F/L Meehan on a mission to attack Japanese shipping off Normanby Is; on 29/12/42 it crash landed at Strauss strip due to an engine failure and hit a tree stump with F/O James Cairns Harrison DFC (401067) being ok; on 17/4/43 it was sent to 4 RSU for repairs then onto 3 AD; on 9/4/44 it was sent to 2 OTU at Mildura Vic; on 5/6/44 it was sent to CGS from 2 OTU; on 23/8/44 while with CGS it was involved in a crash landing at Armytage, Vic [pilot?] and it was to be received back at 2 OTU however it was received by 1 CU on 9/1/45; on 20/12/45 it was sent for storage at 1 CRD eventually meeting its end at Werribee Range, Vic on 24/7/47. |
A29-145 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36240 |
8/42 |
was to served with 76 Sqn; on 30/8/42 it crashed on its ferry flight to 76 Sqn from the US aircraft pool at Charleville Qld [pilot?]; as a result of this write off the next P-40E received by the RAAF was to be numbered A29-145 though it appears this never happened. |
A29-146 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36241 |
8/42 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 14/10/42 it was received by 76 Sqn at Strauss strip NT; on 27/1/43 it was received by 4 RSU possibly for minor repairs but was allocated back to 76 Sqn and then to 2 AD on 12/5/43; on 14/9/43 it was received by 2 OTU from 13 ARD; on 25/2/44 Sgt L Collins collided with A29-319 from below near Wentworth while returning to Mildura strip in formation as A29-319's number 2 Sgt Collins landed back at Mildura and was not injured; on 30/3/45 while on a bombing exercise from 2 OTU at the Wentworth range the a/c went into a vertical dive and crashed killing Sgt Alan Joseph Worboys Saunders (443620). |
A29-147 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36242 |
8/42 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn; on 7/9/42 it was flown by P/O Baker on a mission to attack Japanese shipping off Normanby Is; on 14/10/42 it was received back at 76 Sqn from 43rd Maint Sqn; on 8/1/43 it was received back at 76 Sqn from 3 AD; on 12/5/43 it was received by 2 AD on its way to the reserve pool; on 19/9/43 it was received by 2 OTU; on 12/10/43 it was involved in an accident which caused damage to both wings the tail unit and forward cowl area with field repairs recommended; on 24/2/44 while with 2 OTU it was landing at Mildura strip when the starboard brake jammed causing the a/c to yaw to the right which eventually led to the undercarriage collapsing with pilot Sgt L Collins being uninjured; on 7/9/44 the pilot experienced engine problems while attempting to land at the Mildura strip and elected to go around again and during that second circuit it spun into the ground killing F/O Norman William Powell and the aircraft was totally destroyed. |
A29-148 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36246 |
8/42 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 12/10/42 it was received by 76 Sqn (coded 'IX') but was unserviceable with them with mainplane prop and undercarriage damaged and had Sharkmouth on cowl; on 27/10/42 it was sent back to 43 Sqn for repairs; on 20/12/42 it was returned to 76 Sqn from 4 RSU however there were still problems with serviceability and it was sent to 5 AD for an examination and report on 21/3/43; on 26/9/43 it was sent to 2 OTU; on 25/5/45 it was involved in a mid-air collision with A29-165 near Benetook Vic during a section attack exercise and despite the damage was landed successfully back at Mildura strip by F/O Ernest Leslie Gale (418381); the airframe was considered not repairable and it was converted to components. |
A29-149 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36247 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 17/9/42 while landing at Fall River its undercarriage collapsed [pilot?]; on 11/11/42 it was flown from New Guinea to the mainland (probably to Cairns, Qld); on 3/3/43 it crash landed on Goodenough Is due to very bad weather with P/O William John Ward escaping injury but writing off the a/c. |
A29-150 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36249 |
8/42 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 3/9/42 received by 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 7/9/42 flown by Sgt Carroll on a mission to attack Japanese shipping off Normanby Is; on 4/11/42 collided on landing damaging its starboard wing and prop; on 23/12/42 received back at 76 Sqn (coded IP); on 13/3/43 it hit a soft patch and stood on its nose when F/O Eric Blair Tainton (402009) attempted a force landing on the old Potshot strip, WA; on 28/3/43 crashed into sea near Herron Head, Exmouth Gulf WA, killing S/L Keith "Bluey" William Truscott (400213) DFC and Bar, CO of 76 Sqn at the time, he and his wingman were escorting a Catalina and they decided to carry out some mock attacks and during one of those attacks Truscott failed to notice that the Catalina was in a shallow descent and passed underneath it, misjudging the height between the Catalina and the water; he crashed into shallow water (some 7 fathoms) being killed instantly and when his body was recovered he was still strapped in the seat of his Kittyhawk. |
A29-151 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24875 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 75 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 24/10/43 it was received by 2 OTU from 13 ARD; on 7/8/45 it was received by 1 CRD from 2 OTU; on 30/5/46 it was received by 1 AD for storage then went to 1 CRD 1 SD until finally ending up at SAS on 12/11/47. |
A29-152 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24808 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 75 Sqn from 12 RSU but went back to the latter on 6/10/42; on 19/10/42 it was received back at 75 Sqn; on 23/11/42 the canopy blew off putting a hole in the fuselage; 11/1/43 the sliding hood became detached while night flying; on 3/3/43 it crash landed on Goodenough Is due to very bad weather injuring Sgt Thomas Lawrence John Gullifer (408650) with the a/c being written off. |
A29-153 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24789 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn, 82 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 19/9/42 it was with 75 Sqn and may have been with them most of the month; on 14/11/42 it swung off the strip into soft ground and nosed over with pilot Sgt Roy Gordon Riddel escaping injury; on 4/12/42 it was returned to 75 Sqn at Milne Bay, NG and early in 1943 it was coded 'O' and had "Grace" on both sides of the cowling; on 14/4/43 it had its port wing damaged in a landing accident with A29-118 when the latter landed in the opposite direction to this Kittyhawk due to A29-118 being low on fuel after a big engagement with the enemy [pilot?]; on 1/5/43 it was returned to 75 Sqn from 10 RSU; on 2/11/43 it was received by 82 Sqn from 75 Sqn; on 17/4/44 it was received by 2 OTU from 82 Sqn; on 5/10/44 it was involved in a line astern chase when the a/c dived into the ground from 6,000ft killing P/O Thorburn Harcourt MacGowan (435754) and the a/c was found on a property near Mildura, Vic. |
A29-154 |
P-40E |
41-5312 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn, 82 Sqn and 1 OTU; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn at Milne Bay but appears to have gone to 75 Sqn instead as it was with them about a week later; on 14/9/42 it was received by 12 RSU back at Garbutt strip Qld from 75 Sqn but not sure if this was for an equipment upgrade or as result of an accident [anyone?]; on 9/12/42 it was received by 75 Sqn from 12 RSU after again being allocated to 76 Sqn but ending up with 75; on 17/1/43 it was received by 10 RSU from 75 Sqn [result of an accident or damage?]; on 3/2/43 it was received back at 75 Sqn but was only with them a few weeks before requiring repairs; on 21/2/43 it was received by 12 RSU from 75 Sqn for those repairs; on 20/3/43 it was received back by 75 Sqn; on 24/9/43 it was received by 10 RSU from 75 Sqn for maintenance before going to 82 Sqn; on 11/10/43 it was received by 82 Sqn from 10 RSU; on 2/1/44 it was involved in a landing accident due to a defective locking device; on 21/3/44 it was received by 18 RSU for repairs; on 13/12/44 it was received by 1 OTU from 6 AD; on 17/12/45 it was to be issued to 6 AD for storage however on the ferry flight by F/L Baker to Oakey Qld it got as far as Wagga Wagga NSW when faulty hydraulics and fuel selector grounded the aircraft and it was put into storage at 5 AD; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-155 |
P-40E |
41-5644 |
8/42 |
served with 75 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 3/9/42 it was issued to 76 Sqn but within a few days had ended up with 75 Sqn where it was coded "U"; on 25/10/42 the a/c's undercarriage collapsed when executing a crosswind landing; on 22/12/42 it was received at 75 Sqn again; on 17/1/43 it over shot the strip at Cairns and nosed over with F/O Bruce Duddridge Watson DFC (403084) escaping injury; on 20/9/43 it was received by 2 OTU; on 11/5/44 after completing a dive bombing practice F/O John Sims Archer (409285) was flying back to the strip when the engine cut out forcing him to make a wheels up landing straight ahead, there was minimal damage to the a/c; on 2/4/45 while with 2 OTU A29-161 ran into it from the right quarter on the Mildura strip with F/O Geoffrey Abbott Cutler (413746) escaping injury; on 11/6/45 it taxiied into A29-323 which had stopped on the strip due to the engine ceasing after landing from a barge strafing training exercise and P/O Ian Francis Beaurepaire (49555) was doing his cockpit checks and didn't see the stationary A29-323; on 17/7/45 while flying near the Mildura strip the pilot [who?] noticed smoke coming from the engine as if on fire, he made a force landing on the strip and on inspection it was found there were 2 large holes in the sump and the engine was so hot it was bellowing white smoke; on 28/8/45 approval was given for conversion. |
A29-156 |
P-40E |
41-5598 |
9/42 |
served with 75 Sqn; by 12/9/42 it was on the manifest for 75 Sqn; on 21/11/42 it was involved in a heavy landing at night at the Cairns strip damaging the propellor with pilot Sgt Harry Wardrop Dawson (408977) being uninjured; on 26/11/42 while flying in formation over Cairns it spun out of control and crashed into a house in Pease Street Edge Hill Cairns Qld, killing Sgt Jeffrey Graham Cornfoot (205780). |
A29-157 |
P-40E |
41-5316 |
9/42 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 7/10/42 it was received by 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 6/1/43 it was received by 3 AD from 76 Sqn for an engine change and was to go back to 76 Sqn however it ended up at 13 ARDRP; on 12/9/43 it overshot the runway while landing damaging the spinner prop and engine cowl [pilot?]; on 22/9/43 it was received by 2 OTU from 13 ARDRP; on 20/4/44 P/O T H Morton overshot the strip at Mildura, Vic tore through 2 fences and ran into some timber he had only 8 hrs flying time on the Kittyhawk; on 5/2/45 it was received by 1 AP from 2 OTU before returning to the latter unit on 26/3/45; on 1/8/45 it was received by 1 CRD from 2 OTU for storage and approval to be destroyed at Werribee bombing range was given on 4/6/48. |
A29-158 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24861 |
9/42 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 7/10/42 it was received by 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 31/12/42 it was received back at 76 Sqn after being sent to 3 AD; on 27/1/43 it was sent to 4 RSU for an engine change and then returned to 76 Sqn; on 9/5/43 it was received by 2 OTU from 76 Sqn; on 4/8/43 after making a night landing the starboard u/c retracted causing the a/c to drop onto the wing and swing off the runway with F/L K H Cooper being uninjured; on 6/10/43 it crashed near Mildura, Vic while carrying out aerobatics at 5,000 ft killing F/Sgt Frank Donald Piggott (13480). |
A29-159 |
P-40E |
41-5647 |
9/42 |
served with 75 Sqn, 82 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 17/10/42 it was received by 75 Sqn from 12 RSU after initially being allocated to 76 Sqn and spending an undue amount of time u/s at the RSU; on 19/2/43 it was received back at 75 Sqn from 12 RSU after being with the latter for about 10 days for repairs and was now coded 'C' with 75 Sqn with 'Skeeter' under the port exhausts and under that a funny looking duck painting which was painted on while with 9th FS USAAF; on 14/10/43 it was received by 82 Sqn from 10 RSU where it had been for modification to the glycol system however its time with 82 Sqn was measured in days before being issued to 2 OTU; on 28/7/44 it was transferred to the stores reserve and received by 1 CRD on 7/8/45; on 8/4/48 approval was given for it to be destroyed on the Werribee bombing range. |
A29-160 |
P-40E-1 |
41-24823 |
9/42 |
served with 75 Sqn and 76 Sqn; on 10/9/42 it was issued to 75 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 12/9/42 the engine failed during take-off and the pilot [who?] made a belly landing necessitating a return to 12 RSU for repairs; on 10/1/43 it was received by 76 Sqn from 12 RSU; on 20/4/43 while on a gunnery and ack-ack co-op exercise it collided with A29-163 at Onslow WA after completing a shoot-up of the ack-ack positions with pilot P/O Kenneth William Baxter (408687) force landing in a swamp and escaped injury; the a/c was salvaged from the swamp by a Detachment of 17 RSU and converted. |
A29-161 |
P-40E-1 |
41-36162 |
9/42 |
served with 75 Sqn, 82 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 10/9/42 it was issued to 75 Sqn from 12 RSU but was back with the latter unit only 17 days later at Horn Is; by 22/10/42 it was back with 75 Sqn from the reserve pool; on 6/12/42 S/L Leslie D Jackson landed the a/c short at Cairns strip Qld and ran into rough ground ripping the u/c off and it was sent to 10 RSU; on 29/10/43 it was received by 82 Sqn from 3 AD; on 12/4/44 it was received by 2 OTU from 82 Sqn; on 3/11/44 while landing at the Mildura strip it ground looped after one of the u/c legs collapsed [pilot?]; on 2/4/45 while with 2 OTU it was involved in a pre-dawn take-off when it taxiied into A29-155 on the Mildura strip with F/Sgt L V Rodgers escaping injury; on 3/9/45 it was received by 1 CRD after repairs from 2 OTU and from there was put into storage; on 19/11/46 it was approved for conversion to components. |
A29-162 |
P-40E |
41-24818 |
9/42 |
served with 75 Sqn, 77 Sqn and 2 OTU; by 28/9/42 it was with 75 Sqn; on 7/10/42 it was received by 3 AD from 75 Sqn and it appears it wasn't completely ready for operations; on 5/11/42 it was received by 77 Sqn from the reserve pool however within a few days it was u/s and was again allocated to 3 AD for an overhaul; on 21/2/43 it was received by 2 OTU from 3 AD; on 6/12/43 while on its landing run the undercarriage collapsed causing minor damage [pilot?] and it was stored; on 10/2/44 it was received by CGS from 2 OTU; on 9/11/44 it was received back at 2 OTU from CGS but within a month was selected to go to the T and F Sqn with 1 AD; on 29/12/44 it was received by T and F Sqn and remained with them until March 1945 when it was allocated to 10 RSU for some repairs but there is no info about an accident or maintenance problem; on 23/3/45 it was received by 10 RSU from 1 AD T and F Sqn; by 7/5/45 it was back with T and F Sqn before being sent to 1 CRD on 11/10/45 essentially for storage; on 24/7/47 approval was given for it to be destroyed at Werribee bombing range. |
A29-163 |
P-40E |
41-5503 |
9/42 |
served with 75 Sqn and 76 Sqn; on 14/9/42 it was received by 12 RSU from the pool at Charters Towers and was to be allocated to 75 Sqn but that didn't happen; on 7/10/42 it was received by 76 Sqn from 12 RSU but its stay was short; on 29/11/42 it was received by 3 AD from 76 Sqn [for repairs?]; on 21/12/42 it was received back at 76 Sqn from 3 AD; on 12/4/43 it was received back at 76 Sqn from 17 RSU where it had gone just over a week before for repairs; on 20/4/43 while on a gunnery and ack-ack co-op exercise it collided with A29-160 at Onslow WA after completing a shoot-up of the ack-ack positions killing P/O Peter Todd Read (407251) with the a/c being destroyed by the ensuing fire. |