Saga of Catalina A24-30, nee PatWing 10 #46.
A compilation by Wynnum B Graham.
Special Note: -- There is no recorded "official" identity of the above mentioned plane. Each reader, then, is invited to interpret the following from individual points of view.
On 28Feb42, a rebuilt Catalina emerged from the maintenance hangar at Morokrembangan, Soerabaya, in Java, Netherlands East Indies. It had been rebuilt by adding the wing and engines of USN PBY-5 Catalina Bu No 2305 to the fuselage and empennage of Dutch 28-5MN Catalina Y-72.
From 01Mar42 to Jul42 the rebuilt or hybrid Catalina flew in Western Australia with USN Patrol Wing 10 [and its subordinate units] as #46 [also reported as #12] and later as (renumbered to) #14. With the USN it had a very reliable service record during many flights. There is no record the USN tried to establish a more formal identity for this plane. One must remember this plane was a rebuild, and came into being 28Feb42 in Java, an enormously hectic period of war, death and destruction.
From Jul42 it was taken into RAAF service as A24-30 and did standard RAAF operational and training duty until war end; finally was sold in Oct46 to Kingsford Smith Aviation Services.
2000 hrs, #12, Lt jg Campbell, departs Childs for Tjilitjap.
2Mar42 At Tjilitjap before dawn;
2Mar42 1430 hrs, #46, arrived Childs at Exmouth Gulf.
2Mar42 2300 hrs, #46, Lt Keller, depart Childs at Exmouth Gulf, for Fremantle.
3Mar42 1600 hrs, #46, returns from Fremantle to Childs at Exmouth Gulf.
4Mar42 #46, Lt jg Campbell, depart on patrol. and -------
#46, Lt jg Hoffman, remains overnight at Exmouth Bay [sic]. [Childs is on way to Shark Bay.]
5Mar42 #46, Lt jg Hoffman, took off on patrol, return to Shark Bay.
6Mar42 #46, Lt Hyland, depart on patrol, return to Fremantle.
7Mar42 Commander Patrol Wing 10 based at Perth, Western Australia.
Patrol Squadrons 101, 102, and 22 operating as a unit from Pelican Point. Lt . . Commander Donaho assumed command of Patrol Squadron Unit. Total of seven planes: . 3 PBYs, #5, #7, and #46. Two OS2U-2 and two SOC-1.
7Mar42 Lt jg Deede, depart on patrol, to return to Childs.
8Mar42 #46Lt jg Deede, arrive Geraldton, from Fremantle.
9Mar42 #46, Lt jg Deede, depart Geraldton on patrol, return to Perth.
10Mar42 #46, Ens Thanos, depart on patrol. [Sector patrol to NorthWest.]
12Mar42 #46 Ens Gough, depart on patrol.
14Mar42 Plane #46, Lt Drake, departed on patrol. and-------
Plane 12 reported: Thorough search Shark Bay, and vicinity
15Mar42 Plane #46, Lt Hyland, departed on patrol.
16Mar42 #46, Lt jg Pollock, departed on patrol.
17Mar42 #12, Lt jg Burgess, departed on patrol.
18Mar42 #12, Lt jg Lefever, departed on NW patrol.
19Mar42 #12, Lt jg Brown, departed on patrol at 0730.
21Mar42 #12, Lt jg Pollock, departed on patrol.
23Mar42 #12, Lt Drake, departed on special patrol.
24Mar42 #12, Lt Hyland, departed on patrol.
26Mar42 #12, Lt jg Brown, departed on patrol.
30Mar42 #12, Lt jg Hardy, departed on routine patrol.
<WBG> has no further parts of the War Diary. At this point, 30Mar42, Patrol Wing 10 still had only the three PBYs earlier reported [07Mar42 entry above] - including #46 [sometimes reported as #12].
In Apr42, VP-21 arrived at Perth with 12 planes these planes were taken over by PatWing 10 and renumbered as #1 to #12. The three older planes were renumbered once again, and #46[sometimes reported as #12] became #14.
Another complication arises in that on 05May42, Mr Larry Katz [radioman] logged a flight in Y-72. <WBG> suggests this should be no surprise given the fuselage and equipment within originated as Y-72, evidence of that origin was likely to still exist [in the radio mans environment] as at 05May42.