Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

Pfalz Flugzeugwerke GmbH
 Pfalz D.IIa & Pfalz D.XII

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Pfalz D.III 8284/17 AWM P00355_040



Captured Pfalz Image Gallery

Original Serial Allied Serial Type Aircraft History
8284/17 G/SBN/13?

Pfalz D.IIIa This aircraft was captured on 30 May 1918 when flown by VZFW Jackob Pollinger ofJasta 776 when he ran out of fuel and was forced to descend into British lines.
It was allotted British serial G/SBN/13 or G/5Bde/13.
It was later claimed by the Australian Government as a war trophy and came to Australia after the war.

Pfalz D IIIA 8284/17 AWM P00355.020  Pfalz D.III 8284/17 AWM P00355_040

2600/18   Pfalz D.XII This aircraft was given to Australia under terms of the Armistice that ended the First World War. The aircraft was sent from 2 Aircraft Salvage Depot in France to the UK by cross-channel steamer in late 1919, and was subsequently shipped to Australia.
Its service history is unknown, but contemporary evidence suggests that the aircraft was regarded as 'used'. This indicates that the machine may have seen active use.
2600/18 was displayed in the Memorial from the 1940s until the 1960s.
During this time it was mistakenly identified as a Pfalz which was forced down after combat with aircraft from 4 Squadron AFC in 1918.

Pfalz D XII 4 Sqn AFC Bickendorf AWM P00355.016  Pfalz D.XII 2600/18 AWM RELAWM04805  Pfalz D.XII 2600/18 AWM RELAWM04805_2.jpg

Pfalz D.XII 2600/18 AWM RELAWM04805_2.jpg

The Author of this page is Brendan Cowan

Source:  National Archives of Australia, National Archives, Australian Military Aircraft 1909-1918, Keith Isaacs, AWM, Men & Machines of the Australian Flying Corps 1914-1919, Charles Schaedel, High Adventure, A.H.Cobby, British Military Aircraft Serials 1911-1979, Bruce Robertson, Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, Air Enthusiast Quarterly No 47,

Emails: Michael Louey

Updated 19 December 2018



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