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New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History
RNZAF Vickers Wellington Mk I/Ia/Ib/Ic/II/III/X/XIV


Aviation Top 100 Site
Hosted by: Integrity Technical Solutions


Vickers Wellington Image Gallery

  In 1938, an order for 30 new Vickers Wellington bombers was placed and land at Whenuapai and Ohakea was purchased for establishment of new bases for the aircraft and operating units.

The RNZAF began receiving the 30 Wellington Is just prior to the beginning of Word War II and the first 18 of the aircraft were being utilised in training with the RAF, when in August 1939 they were loaned, together with aircrew, to the UK.

On the 4th of April, 1940 the New Zealand Flight, which had been flying the RNZAF Vickers Wellingtons in Britain since the 1st of June 1939 was officially formed into No 75 (NZ) Squadron RAF.

Many Wellingtons were subsequently operated on RAF charge by 75 (NZ) Sqn and by members of the RNZAF serving within RAF Squadrons.

RAF Serial Mark RNZAF Serial allotted Aircraft History
L4273 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4274 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4275 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4276 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4277 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4278 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4279 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4280 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4281 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4282 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4283 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4284 I N/A Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
L4311 I NZ300  
L4330 I NZ301 Flew with 75 (NZ) Sqn after the unit was established from the NZ Flight.
L4340 I NZ302  
L4350 I NZ303  
L4355 I NZ304  
L4360 I NZ305  
N2874 Ia NZ306 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2875 Ia NZ307 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2876 Ia NZ308 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2877 Ia NZ309 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
Flew with 75 (NZ) Sqn after the unit was established from the NZ Flight.
N2878 Ia NZ310 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2879 Ia NZ311 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2937 Ia NZ312 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
Flew with 75 (NZ) Sqn after the unit was established from the NZ Flight.
N2938 Ia NZ313 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2939 Ia NZ314 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2940 Ia NZ315 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2941 Ia NZ316 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
N2942 Ia NZ317 Allocated to RNZAF, Not delivered.
  RNZAF Wellingtons operated on RAF Charge  
Serial Mark Unit Code  Aircraft History
L4256 I 75 Sqn   Training: Aircraft abandoned after nearly 11 hours in the air, low on fuel and without radio aids, over high ground near Glyn-Neath, 8 miles west-nor-west of Aberdare, Glamorgan. Note: Entry not listed in Chronology
L4273 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4274 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4275 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4276 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4277 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4278 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4279 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4280 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4281 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4282 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4283 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4284 I     Allocated to the RNZAF. Not delivered.
L4311 I NZ Flt   RNZAF NZ300.
L4330 I NZ Flt
75 (NZ) Sqn
  RNZAF NZ301.
Flew with 75 Sqn after the unit had been formed from the NZ Flt.
L4340 I NZ Flt   RNZAF NZ302.
L4350 I NZ Flt   RNZAF NZ303.
L4355 I NZ Flt   RNZAF NZ304.
L4360 I NZ Flt   RNZAF NZ305.
L4387 I 75 (NZ) Sqn
11 OTU
1940: 10th April; Flt Lt A A N Breckon. Ops: Daylight recce to Narvik from Wick. Awarded the DFC. A 215 Sqn Wellington with long range tanks on loan to 75 Sqn for 1 sortie.
1940: 13th August; Fg Off F A H Lambart. Training: Struck a dispersed aircraft on take-off from Bassingbourn and burst into flames, c21:45
L7781 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn    
L7784 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 27th August; Ops: Nivelles. Sgt J Adams. Bf.109 shared destroyed by Sgt J Gibbs & Sgt Anderson.
L7797 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn   2 probables, 1 damaged. 1940: 20th July; Fg Off N Williams. Ops: Wessel. 2 Bf.109's probably destroyed and 1 Bf.109 damaged by Sgt L A White
L7806 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
L7818 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-R 1941: 3/4th July. Sgt R E E Fotheringham. Ops: Essen. Ops: Damaged during an attack by a night-fighter wounding the rear gunner. Aircraft repaired. 7/8th July. Sqn Ldr R P Widdowson RCAF. Ops: Münster. Hit by flak after bombing run and an engine set on fire. Sgt J A Ward climbed out onto the wing to smother the fire. Bf.110 damaged by Sgt A J R Box following the attack. Aircraft landed at base safely. Ward was awarded the VC, Widdowson the DFC and Box the DFM.
L7845 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 10/11th February; Crash-landed due to enemy action.
L7847 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
L7848 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-V  
L7857 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 16/17th October. Plt Off J E S Morton. Ops: FTR. Kiel. Abandoned some 5 miles north of Penrith, Cumberland during return flight, c03:30. Crew safe. Reason unknown.
L7948 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-B  
N2747 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
N2777 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
N2854 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 24th July; Sgt D F Streeter. Ops: Brest. Daylight attack on the Gneisenau. FTR. Hit by flak just short of the target and dropped out of formation, attacked by fighters and last seen diving vertically into the sea. Crew missing.
N2874 B.Ia NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ306 but not delivered.
N2875 B.Ia NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ307 but not delivered.
N2876 B.Ia NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ308 but not delivered.
N2877 B.Ia NZ Flt
75 (NZ) Sqn
  Allocated RNZAF NZ309 but not delivered.
NZ Flt,
75 (NZ) Sqn
N2878 B.Ia NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ310 but not delivered.
N2879 B.Ia NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ311 but not delivered.
N2894 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 30/31st May; Plt Off D M Johnson. Ops: Köln. FTR.
Shot down by a night-fighter.
Aircraft on loan from CGS.
N2895 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-L  
N2901 I 75 (NZ) Sqn    
N2913 I 75 (NZ) Sqn    
N2937 I NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ312 but not delivered.
N2938 I NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ313 but not delivered.
N2939 I NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ314 but not delivered.
N2940 I NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ315 but not delivered.
N2941 I NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ316 but not delivered.
N2942 I NZ Flt   Allocated RNZAF NZ317 but not delivered.
N2982 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn    
N2985 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn    
N3014 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn
11 OTU
  1940: 23rd December; 11 OTU, Plt Off D R F Haviland. Training: Cross-country. Windscreen iced up in deteriorating weather and an air-raid alert was called at Bassingbourne causing the airfield lighting to be dimmed as the aircraft approached to land. Crashed from after stalling on a go-round.
P9205 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn    
P9206 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-A 1940: 27th March; Ops. 6/7th April; Ops.
P9207 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 27th March; Ops. 6/7th April; Ops.
P9209 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn    
P9210 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 6/7th April; Ops.
P9212 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-C 1940: 27th March; Ops. 6/7th April; Ops.
P9219 B.Ia 75 (NZ) Sqn    
P9280 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-Z  
P9292 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-C 1940: 23/24th October; Plt Off R M Sanderson. Ops; Potsdam Station, Germany. FTR. Brought down over the North Sea off the Danish Coast. 
R1020 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 18th November; Plt Off E Jackson. Training: Skidded off the runway while landing at Feltwell and struck a fire tender, c11:20. 1 crewman received slght injuries.
R1038 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-H 1941: 11/12th September; Sgt K V D Roe. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Lost without trace.
R1095 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   FTR
R1161 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 3/4th April; Fg Off D L Pritchard. Ops: Brest. Bf.110 destroyed by Fg Off W D Brown. Force-landed at Boscombe Down following mid-air collision, possibly with a Blenheim, over Lyme Bay.
R1162 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-Y 1941: 17/18th May; Sgt R E E Fotheringham. Ops: Hit R1508 on landing. Uninjured.
R1163 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 13th June; Sgt R E E Fotheringham. Crashed on take-off from Mildenhall. Crew safe. Aircraft repaired.
R1177 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-F 1941: 11/12th June; Sqn Ldr F J Lucas. Ops: Damaged in action. Uninjured.
28/29th September; Sgt S J G Isherwood.  Ops: Frankfurt; Crashed at Birds Green, Sible Hedingham, 3 miles nor-west of Halstead, Essex after being abandoned by the crew, c03:20.
R1237 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-G  
R1409 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-N  
R1457 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-Y 1941: 24th July; Plt Off A Saunders. Ops: Brest. Daylight attack on the Gneisenau.. Bf.109 probably destroyed by Sgt J Callender.
R1458 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 18th April; Plt Off G R Simich. Overshot on landing at Ternhill. Uninjured.
R1466 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R1508 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 17/18th May; Hit by R1162. Damage unknown.
R1518 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-X 1941; 27/28th March; Sgt Kilsby. Damaged on landing at Feltwell. Uninjured. 20/21st September; Sgt J A Matetich.Ops: Berlin; Abandoned and crashed at Swanton Abbot, 3 miles SSW of North Walsham, Norfolk, c04:30. Crew had been diverted to another base due to fog.
R1589 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 11/12th May. Sqn Ldr R P Widdowson  RCAF. Ops: Hamburg. Damaged by a night-fighter, jettisoned bombs and returned to base. Rear Gunner killed. Aircraft repaired.
R1648 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-K 1941: 6/7th August; Sgt L I A Millet. Ops: Mannheim. FTR. Ditched in the North Sea. 
R1771 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 15/16th June; Sgt F T Miniken. Crashed on take-off from Feltwell. Crew unhurt. Aircraft repaired.
R1792 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3156 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   To Maintenance airframe. ****M - details tbc
R3157 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-H 1940: 21/22nd May. Flt Lt J N Collins. Ops; Dinant, bridges. FTR. Hit by flak during the run-up to the target (a bridge) and crashed near Kain, 4 miles nor-nor-west of Tournai, Belguim.
R3158 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 21/22nd October; Fg Off R P Elliott. Ops: Eindhoven. Crash-landed on Manston airfield after hitting a balloon cable near Dover, c00:30.
R3159 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 1/2nd September; Plt Off R N Peel. Ops: Hanover, Germany. Hit trees in bad weather and crashed after losing sight of the flare-path while landing at East Wretham airfield, 04:38. Crew injured. Aircraft DBF.
R3164 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-B 1940: 28/29th September; Plt Off H R Petersen. Ops: Hanau. Germany. FTR.
R3165 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-T 1940: 20/21st July; Fg Off S M M Watson MiD. Ops: Horst. FTR. Brought down near Weseke about 40 miles nor, nor-west of the target.
R3166 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-M  
R3167 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-N  
R3168 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-O 1940: 29/30th September; Plt Off F H Denton. Ops: Leipzig. Ran out of fuel and crashed near  Simonsbath (Sommerset) on Exmoor, 7 miles SSE of Lynton, Devon, c05:00.  
R3169 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-P 1941: 6/7th May; Sgt D L Nola. Ops: Hamburg. Crossed the East Coast on the return flight in bad weather and collided with barrrage ballon cables, falling into the Humber River near Trinity Sands, c04:45. 
R3170 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3171 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: Sgt Sargent. 27th March; Crashed, landing at Feltwell. Uninjured. 15/16th July; Sgt R E E Fotheringham. Ops: Duisberg. FTR. Lost without trace. Presumed crashed into the sea off the Dutch coast.
R3172 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3176 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 3/4th August; Sqn Ldr W J Collett. Ops: Force-landed at Barton Mills, Suffolk, with engine failure after being diverted to Mildenhall due to bad weather, c0420. Slid into a ridge and caught fire and injuring the crew.
R3195 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3211 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 29/30th December; Plt Off H D Newman.  Ops: Hamm. FTR. Details unknown.
R3212 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-G  
R3216 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3218 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-F  
R3224 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3231 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3235 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 25/26th July; Fg Off W H Coleman DFC. Ops; Kassel marshalling yards. FTR. Brought down into the Ijsselmeer Sea, Netherlands.
R3239 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3275 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3277 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3284 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
R3297 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-S  
T2463 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-E 1940: 20/21st September; Plt Off M.R Braun. Ops: Invasion ports - Ostend. FTR. Shot down by coastal battries and crashed near Leffing, 5 miles SSW of Ostend.
T2464 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2468 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2474 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 22/23rd December; Sgt E R Chuter. Ops: Mannheim. FTR. Brought down and crashed near Therouldeville (Seine-Maritime), 42 kms NE of Le Havre.
T2503 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 21/22nd February; Plt Off A J Falconer. Ops: Wilhelmshaven. FTR. Brought down over the sea. Details unknown.
T2504 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2508 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn
37 Sqn
LF-O 37 Sqn, Flt Lt "Cheese" Lemon's aircraft c/w nose art
T2525 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-M  
T2547 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 21/22nd February; Plt Off R Hewitt. Ops: Wilhelmshaven. Overshot on landing at Feltwell and collided with the permiter fence. 
T2550 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-L 1941: 10th January. Plt Off B P McNamara. Cross Country. Crashed into a hilltop at Heath Farm near Stapleford, 4 miles south of Cambridge in bad weather during a flight to Bassingbourne to pick up a pilot. 
T2575 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2736 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 10/11th October; Plt Off D H McArthur. Ops: Eindhoven. Fighter destroyed by Sgt J.J.J Mylod. 1941: 18/19th March; T2736, Fg Off Collins. Ops: Kiel. Hit by flak. Crashed near Ryhill, 14 miles SSE of Leeds, Yorkshire. Earlier, the crew had requested Hull to provide searchlight assistance, but this was denied due to Intruder activity in the area. The aircraft was abandoned and Sgt Gilmore was killed when his parachute failed to deploy, c03:50.
T2741 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2747 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-J  
T2777 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2805 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-D 1941: 20/21st September; .Plt Off A S Raphael. Ops: Berlin. Force-landed at Grove Farm, Horning, near Norwich due to fog. Nav died of injuries received.
T2808 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2820 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1940: 21/22nd October; Flt Lt C L Gilbert. Ops: Hamburg. Hit trees and crashed 2 miles north of Methwold airfield, Norflok, while searching for a fog-free airfield, c23:20
T2821 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2822 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2835 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-C 1941: 17/18th March; Plt Off Andrews. Crashed, landing at Feltwell. 9th April; Sgt Coney. Damaged on landing at Feltwell. Crew unhurt. 16/17th June; Ops: Dusseldorf. Damaged by Ju.88 attack off Antwerp while returning to base.
T2837 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2844 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
T2881 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 15/16th January; Plt Off M F McFarlane. Crash-landed near Stradishall. 
W5618 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
W5621 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-E 1941: 3/4th July; Sgt I L Reid. Ops: Essen. FTR. Lost without trace.
W5663 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-O 1941: 15/16th July; Plt Off W J Rees. Ops: Duisberg. Hit by flak and then attacked by a night-fighter. The damaged aircraft managed to return to base but the Canadian Navigator fell out and was captured after parachuting to earth . 15/16th October; Sgt R C Barker. Ops: Köln. FTR. Hit by flak, brought down and crashed in the vicinity of the Lessingstrasse and Hölderlinstrasse, Weiden, 10km west of the city centre. 
W5718 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3176 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3194 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-S  
X3205 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 15/16th September; Sgt J A Ward  VC.Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Shot down by Flak and crashed in the target area.
X3282 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 12/13th March. Sgt J F M Parnham. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Presumed crashed in the target area. 
X3285 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3339 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3355 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-Y 1942: 28th February; Sgt R A Colville. Crashed near Lime Kilm Farm, near Brandon, Suffolk during an engine test. Both engines failed and the aircraft stalled while the crew were preparing for an emergency landing. 
X3359 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-H  
X3367 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3389 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 28/29th August; Flt Sgt E Perks. Ops: Nürnberg. FTR. Cause of loss and crash-site not established.
X3390 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3396 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-S 1942: 3/4th September; Sgt J Law. Ops: Emden. FTR. Cause of loss and crash-site not established
X3397 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3402 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3403 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-O  
X3408 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-Q 1942: 2/3rd June; Plt Off C W P Carter. Ops; Essen. Shot down by Flak from 10,500 feet over Duisburg and crashed in the target area.
X3416 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3420 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-O 1942: 17/18th May; Ops: Boulogne. Crash-landed on return. Crew safe.
X3451 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-G  
X3452 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 28/29th July; Sgt C Croall. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Coned by searchlights over Hamburg, and after losing height uring evasive actions, was hit by light Flak and ditched.
X3459 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3461 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3462 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-N 1942: 28/29th March; Ops: Lübeck. FTR
X3264 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3468 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3475 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3476 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3477 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3479 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-B Also 156 Sqn; GT:Y.
X3480 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3482 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-J 1942: 15/16th May; Flt Sgt M F G Fraser . Ops. Gardening Kiel Bay (Wallflowers Region). FTR. Shot down north of Terschelling by Maj  H Lent, II./NJG 2 (his 38th Victory) c,22:45 and crashed in the sea off Sylt.
X3487 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 22/23rd April; Plt Off E G D Jarman RAAF. Ops: Köln. Attacked and damaged by a night-fighter. Crash-landed at Feltwell on return.
X3488 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3489 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 5/6th April; Wg Cdr R Sawrey-Cookson. Ops: Köln. FTR.
X3538 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-N 1942: 27th August; Training. Crashed on approach to Mildenhall.
X3539 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 29/30th June; Ops: Bremen. FTR.
X3540 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3557 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-W 1942: 8/9th July; Ops: Wilhelmshaven. FTR. Shot down over Rottumeroog by Oblt H Lent, II./NJG 2 (his 49th Victory)
X3558 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 28/29th July; Sgt A G Sutherland. Ops: Hamburg. FTR.
X3559 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-H  
X3584 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3585 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 12/13th March. Fg Off J F K Sandys. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Lost without trace.
X3586 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-A  
X3587 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-P or S 1942: 8/9th June; Plt Off R J Smith. Ops: Essen. FTR
X3588 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 12/13th March. Sqn Ldr P J R Kitchin  DFC. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Lost without trace.
X3595 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-K
X3597 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-C (Plt Off Leggett RAF) - reason?
X3636 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-R  
X3637 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3646 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-M 1942: 11/12th August; Ops: Mainz. FTR.
X3652 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-O 1942: 25/26th March; Ops: Krupps works, Essen. FTR
X3660 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3661 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 5/6th April; Ops: Köln. FTR.
X3664 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-M 1942: 28/29th July; Flt Lt P J Wilson. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Crashed near Stade.
X3667 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-D 1942: 22/23rd April; Flt Sgt T S Mahood. Ops: LeHavre. FTR. Brought down into the sea.
X3687 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-D 1942: January; BoC. March; Converted to B.X.
X3705 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3714 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-W 1942: 26/27th July; Sgt C V McPherson. Ops: Hamburg. FTR.
X3720 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-U 1942: 17th May; Flt Sgt Summers. Ops: Crash-landed at base, repaired. 9/10th July; Sgt Wilmshurst. Ops: Düsseldorf. FTR.
X3747 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3750 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3751 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-P  
X3755 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3760 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 20/21st June; Ops: Emden. FTR.
X3794 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 3/4th September; Ops: Emden. FTR. 
X3867 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 6/7th September; Flt Sgt W R Parkes. Ops: Duisburg. FTR.
X3931 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3936 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X3946 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn
115 Sqn
KO-Q 75 (NZ) Sqn,
1942: 16/17th  October; 115 Sqn, Sgt D H Gordon. Ops: Minelaying, Biscay Ports. FTR. Brought down in the target area.
X3954 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 13/14th October; Ops: Kiel. FTR
X3959 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X5386 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-A X3586?
X9628 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-A 1941: 8/9th November; Sgt K M Smith. Ops: Essen. FTR. Shot down and crashed near Krefeld.
X9634 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-V 1941: 13/14th July: Sgt F T Minikin. Ops: Bremen. Starboard engine cut out during climb-out. Pilot turned back but the aircraft crashed into the sea off Corton, near Lowestoft. 4 Crew killed.
X9648 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X9742 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X9757 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 20/21st September; Wg Cdr R Sawrey-Cookson. Ops: Berlin; Hit by flak, rear gunner wounded.
X9759 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 15/16th September; Sgt A H R Hawkins. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Shot down and crashed near Hartenholm about 40 miles north of the target.
X9760 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn
218 Sqn
HA-N 1941: 3/4th August; 75 (NZ) Sqn, Sgt J A Matetich.  Ops: Hanover. Rear gunner wounded (reason unknown).
941: 12/13th September; 218 Sqn,Sgt C F Dare. Ops: Frankfurt; FTR.  
X9764 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-V 1941: 12/13th August; Plt Off H A Roberts  RAAF.  Ops: Hanover; Fighter damaged. Crash-landed after crew baled out. Repaired.
X9767 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-A
or AA-S
1941: 6/7th September. Plt Off J E Johnson. Ops: Hüls. FTR. Shot down by Oblt E Woltersdorf, III/NJG.1 and crashed near Borculo (Gelderland), 9 km south-east of Lochem, Holland, c00:11. 
X9806 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X9825 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X9834 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 17/18th September; Sgt W B M Smyth.  Ops: Karlsruhe. FTR. Shot down and crash-landed on fire onto the River Prum, Holtshum, 12km SSW of Bitberg.
X9914 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 22/23rd October; Sgt C Taylor.  Ops: FTR. Mannheim. Shot down and crashed near Werken (West Vlaanderen), Belguim
X9916 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 15/16th October; Sgt J A Matetich. Ops: Köln. FTR. Brought down and crashed near Dusseldorf.
X9918 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
X9951 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 12/13th October; Sgt R C Barker.  Ops: Bremen; Attacked by a night-fighter. Rear Gunner killed. Crash-landed at Stradishall. 7/8th November; Plt Off W R Methven.  Ops: Berlin. FTR. Shot down and crashed at Werdohl, about 65km east of Dusseldorf, c23:00.
X9975 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-U  
X9976 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 7/8th November; Flt Sgt J W Black. Ops: Berlin. FTR. Shot down by Oblt H Lent, 4./NJG.1, (his 27th Victory) over the Netherlands and crashed near Oldeboorn, 15km south-west of Drachten, c01:21.
X9977 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 8/9th November; Sgt G S Nunn. Ops: Essen. FTR. Shot down by Lt W Rowlin, III/NJG.1, and crashed at IJzevoorde (Gelderland), 3km east of Doetinchen, c21:36
X9981 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 12/13th October; Sqn Ldr P B Chamberlain. Ops: Nürnberg. FTR. Shot down and crashed in the vicinity of Dinant (Namur), Belguim. Entire crew killed.
Z1053 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1068 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1077 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 27/28th December; Crew ? Bf.110 damaged.
Z1083 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 17/18th December. Sgt J K Climie.  Ops: Brest; Hit by flak. 2nd Pilot wounded.
Z1087 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1091 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1093 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1096 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1099 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 30/1st December; Flt Sgt F C Harrison-Smith. Ops: Emden FTR. Shot down by Ofw P Gildner, 4/NJG.1 off the Dutch Coast and into the Waddenzee, c23:05. 
Z1108 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1114 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1144 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 26/27th November; Sgt Giddens. Ops: Emden. Aircraft abandoned low on fuel and with misfiring engines, 10 miles north of Wrangle on the Lincolnshire coast, c23:15. Crew safe.
Z1145 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1149 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1153 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 29th November; Crashed. Details uncertain.
Z1168 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 26/27th October; Sgt S J C Isherwood.Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Rear gunner missing, the rest PoW's.
Z1566 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-K 1942: 22nd May; Training. Crashed in Staffordshire.
Z1570 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-B 1942: 28/29th July; Ops: Hamburg. FTR
Z1572   75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1573 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-T 1942: 8/9th June; Plt Off Murdoch. Ops: Essen. FTR.
Z1592   75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1596 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 26/27th July; Ops: Hamburg. FTR.
Z1608 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-R  
Z1616 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-D 1942: 29/30th June; Ops: Bremen. Crashed soon after take-off from Feltwell.
Z1652 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 24/25th October; Ops: Milan. FTR
Z1738 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z1747 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8429 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8441 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8495 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 10/11th October; Sgt Taylor, Ops: Köln. Severely battle damaged but landed safely.  SoC
Z8834 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-P 1941: 23/24th December; Flt Sgt L L Bently. Ops: Brest. Crashed at Berners Heath, Norfolk during return flight, while awaiting their turn to land, c23:47.
Z8854 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8858 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8859 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8868 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8904 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8909 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 10/11th October; Sgt R F Curlewis RAAF. Ops: Köln. FTR. Shot down and crashed near the target area.
Z8942 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-J 1941: 8/9th November; Sgt J S Wilson. Ops: Essen. FTR. Hit by flak and crashed at Zuidland, 17km south-west of Rotterdam, c22:15.
Z8945 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 10/11th October; Ops: Köln. Sgt Taylor. Landed safely, 06:20 but believed to have been damaged. Written off three days later. 
Z8961 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8968 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8971 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn   1941: 27/28th December; Sgt Machin. Ops: Brest. Aircraft abandoned, reason unknown, and crashed at Dartmoor during the return flight. No injuries reported. 
Z8977 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn    
Z8978 B.Ic 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-G  
BJ584 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ596 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 8/9th September; Ops: Frankfurt. FTR
BJ599 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 28/29th July; Ops: Hamburg. FTR
BJ625 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 11/12th August; J W F Aitken. Ops: Mainz. FTR.
BJ661 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-X 1942: 28/29th July; Ops: Hamburg. FTR
BJ679 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-N  
BJ707 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ708 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 27/28th August; Ops: Kassel. FTR
BJ721 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ725 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 24/25th October; Ops: Milan. FTR
BJ756 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ758 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ760 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ765 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 6/7th September; Ops: Duisburg. FTR
BJ766 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ767 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 11/12th August; Ops: Mainz. FTR.
BJ772 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-D 1942: 28th September; Destroyed on the ground when 88 Sqn Boston Z2285 exploded.
BJ773 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 11th August; Force-landed in Cambridgeshire during a training flight
BJ774 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 20/21st August; Flt Sgt Anderson. Ops: Mining. FTR.
BJ790 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ828 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 10/11th September; Ops: Düsseldorf . FTR
BJ832 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-Z  
BJ837 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-F 1942: 13/14th October; Ops: Kiel. Crash-landed at Lakenheath of return.
BJ834 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BJ854 B.III      
BJ968 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn AA-W 1942: 10/11th September; Ops: Düsseldorf . FTR
BJ974 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 10/11th September; Ops: Düsseldorf . FTR
BJ988 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BK206 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn    
BK207 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: Flt Lt Osbourne. 27th August; Ops: FTR.
BK274 B.III      
BK275 B.III      
BK341 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 11/12th October; Sgt C J Shalfoon. Ops: Gardening, Kattegat. Hit by flak from Luftwaffe I.zug 2./lei Res.Flakabt.844 and Hafenschützflotille Esbjerg Boote 2 at 23:29 hours and crashed into Ho Bay approx. one kilometre east of Skalling Ende killing all onboard.
BK362 B.III      
BK386 B.III      
DF639 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 6/7th October; Ops: Osnabrück. FTR
DF673 B.III 75 (NZ) Sqn   1942: 28/29th August; Flt Sgt S B T Davis. Ops: Nuremburg. FTR. Crashed NE of Moerbeke (Oost Vlaanderen), 13 km W of St.-Niklaas, Belgium. 
  Wellingtons in other RAF/Commonwealth units that were lost or damaged with New Zealand crew members on board  
Serial Mark Unit Code  Aircraft History
L4220 I 99 Sqn   Heatherington
L4288 I 9 Sqn KA-A 1939: 30th October; Sqn Ldr L S Lamb. Formation Flying. Mid-air collision with L4363 and crashed at Water Mill, Sapiston, 1 mile from the Honington runway.
L4308 I 15 OTU   1940: 14th August; Sgt R L Peacock. Training: Cross country. Seen to crash into the sea with the port engine on fire about 5 miles east of Lundy Island at the mouth of the Bristol Channel.
L4320 I 9 Sqn KA-ZB 1939: 8th September; Plt Off H Rosofsky. Air-firing Ex. Hit trees while low flying over Berners Heath range and crashed near Elveden, 4 miles south-west of Thetford, Norfolk.
L4339 I 38 Sqn   1940: 13/14th April; Plt Off G L Crosby. Ops: Night Recce of Vaernes (Trondheim) Aerodrome, Norway. FTR. Damaged by a fighter and later crashed into the sea about 22 miles north-east of Whitby, shortly after sending a mayday message, c00:04.
L4363 I 9 Sqn   1939: 30th October; Plt Off J F Chandler. Formation Flying. Mid-air collision with L4288 and crashed at Water Mill, Sapiston, 1 mile from the Honington runway.
L7798 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-S 1941: 22/23rd April; Sgt W H Swain. Ops: Brest. FTR. Crashed at Milizac (Finistere), 11km north-west of Brest.
L7810 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-R 1941: 23/24th February. Plt Off K N Arthurs.  Ops: Boulogne. FTR. Shot down and crashed in the vicinity of Pihen-les-Guines (Pas de  Calais), 10km south-west of Calais. Crew killed.
L7840 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1940: 11th October; Plt Off C W A H Rafter.  Training. Swung on take-off from Stradishall and crashed into a hangar catching fire, c14:45.
L7873 B.Ic 99 Sqn LN-J 1941: 15/16th November; Flt Sgt T C B Patterson. Ops: Emden; FTR. Lost without trace.
N2746 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1941: 13/14th March. Sgt A G Elder. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Shot down by a night-fighter and crashed near Groningen, Holland
N2770 B.Ic 103 Sqn   1941: 24th July; Sgt J S Bucknole.  Ops: Brest. Daylight attack on the Gneisenau. FTR. Crashed into the sea off Brest.
N2843 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-L 1941: 6/7th July; Plt Off J E MacK Steeds. Ops: Munster. FTR. Believed to have crashed into the sea off Texel. 
N2853 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-R 1941: 17/18th July; Sgt D C Stewart. Ops: Rotterdam. Hit by flak. Returining to the UK an emergency landing was attempted but Stewart was blinded by a Cockfield searchlight and crashed between Oldhall Green and Cross Green, near Sudbury, Suffolk, and burst into flames.
N2957 B.Ia 99 Sqn   1939: 14th December; Flt Lt E J Hetherington. Ops: Attack on Naval targets, Heligoland Bight. Damaged by fighters, limped back to the UK, spun in approaching Newmarket and crashed into a field near the race course.
N2986 B.Ia 99 Sqn   1939: 14th December; Sgt R H J Brace. Ops: Attack on Naval targets, Heligoland Bight. Shot down by fighters while attacking the light cruiser Nurnburg at Schilling Road, north of Wilhelmshaven and crashed into the sea.
N2992 B.Ia 37 Sqn   1940: 1/2nd September; Plt Off M S Burberry.  Ops: Hannover, Germany. FTR. Flew into the sea on the return journey about 50 miles off the English Coast. 5th Op.
P9243 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1940: 13/14th October; Fg Off W E N Keller. Ops: Kiel, Germany. Lost without trace.
P9266 B.Ic 149 Sqn   1940: 12th April; Sgt G E Goad. Ops: Attack on warships off the Norwegian coast. FTR. Last seen at 58.45N:05.30E. Shot down by a Ju.88C flown by Ofw W Jeschke, Z./KG 30, c16:45.
P9272 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-A 1940: 27/28th August; Flt Lt P F R Vaillant. Ops: Kiel dockyards. FTR.
P9284 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-J 1940: 11/12th April; Plt Off F E Barber. Ops: Stavanger/Sola. FTR. Shot down by a Bf.110 flown by Lt H Woltersdorf, I./ZG 76 while bombing at low level, c,17:14.
R1016 B.Ic 150 Sqn JN-A 1941: 14/15th August; Sgt J D Elder.Ops: Hannover, FTR. Crashed near Leeuwarden (Friesland), Holland.
R1040 B.Ic 9 Sqn   1941: 7/8th July; Fg Off D J Jamieson. Ops: Köln. FTR. Shot down by a night-fighter and crashed near Maastricht, (Limburg), Holland.
R1063 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-D 1941: 6/7th July; Sgt O A Matthews. Ops: Munster. FTR. Shot down by Oblt H Woltersdorf, 4/NJG.1 and crashed into the North Sea off Schiermonnikoog, Dutch Frisian Islands. It is believed that the crew were attempting to make a controlled ditching following a w/t message from the aircraft. 
R1219 B.Ic 101 Sqn   1941: 10/11th October; Plt Off G A D Imeson.  Ops: Köln; FTR. Last plotted over Belguim 
R1226 B.Ic 214 Sqn BU-L 1941; 8/9th May; Sqn Ldr F L H Eddison DFC.  Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Crashed at Anna Paulowna (Noord Holland), 12kms south-east of Den Helder. 
R1323 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-J 1941: 11/12th June. Sqn Ldr M E Redgrave.  Ops: Dusseldorf. FTR. Shot down by Marine flak and crash-landed on a sand-bank off Hellevoetsluis, Holland, c01:21. Crew PoW's.
R1330 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-H 1941: 11/12th May; Sgt R W Finlayson. Ops: Hamburg. FTR.
R1331 B.Ic 40 Sqn   1942: 23rd July. Sgt A MacAskill. Ops? FTR. Nil further
R1333 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1940: 18/19th December; Flt Lt G S Ogilvie. Ops: "B.55" Ludwigshafen. Failed to gain height and crashed into Devil's Dyke shortly after take-off due to an incorrect flap setting.
R1339 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-J 1941: 20/21st June; Sgt G G Jillett. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Last heard from at 03:35 calling for assistance. Plotted at 60 miles off the enemy coast. Missing.  
R1341 B.Ic 9 Sqn WS-Z 1941: 12/13th August; Sgt E Lewin. Ops: Kiel. Shot down over Rotenburg, 24km north-east of Verden, Germany.
R1397 B.Ic 103 Sqn   1941: 24/25th July; Sgt M S Lund. Ops: Brest. FTR. Lost without trace. Believed to have fallen in flames over the Netherlands exploding near the village of Bozum, between Leeuwardwen and Sneek.
R1408 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-J 1941: 1/2nd July; Plt Off J E Horsfield. Ops: Brest. FTR. Crashed in the target area. 
R1437 B.Ic 57 Sqn DX-X 1941: 9/10th April; Sgt D Day. Ops: Berlin. FTR.
R1442 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-D 1941: 10-11th April; Sgt A G Plumb. Ops: Brest. FTR. Crashed into the sea off Brest after radioing for help.
R1447 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1941: 9/10th May; Plt Off I K Woodroffe. Ops: Mannheim. FTR. 
R1461 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-Z 1941: 11/12th May; Sgt F T Luscombe.  Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Crashed into the sea. 
R1471 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-T 1941: 5/6th August; Flt Lt F L Litchfield. Ops: Mannheim; FTR. Aircraft damaged by flak and eventually force-landed in a wood near Louvain, Belguim. 
R1493 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-P 1941: 10-11th April; Flt Lt F A Bowler. Ops: Merignac. FTR. Ditched in the English Channel.
R1494 B.Ic 103 Sqn   1941: 15/16th May.; Plt Off R G Eccles. Ops: Hannover. FTR. Heard on the w/t advising that the port engine had failed and believed to have crashed at Oude Pekela (Groningen), 9km east of Veedam, Holland. Also reported to have been hit by flak over Emden.
R1495 B.Ic 150 Sqn JN-B 1941: 16/17th July; Fg Off E B Topp. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. 
R1507 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-V 1941: 25/26th April; Fg Off G B S Agar. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Lost without trace. Last heard from at 23:56 asking for assistance on w/t. A bearing placed the aircraft 80 miles off the Dutch coast. 
R1536 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-G 1941: 15/16th July; Flt Lt J Stokes. Ops: Duisburg. FTR. Shot down by a night-fighter (Hptm W Streib, I /NJG1) and crashed at Roggel (Limburg), 10km north-west of Roermond, Holland, c00:55.
R1537 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1941: 19/20th June; Sqn Ldr B J Rogers AFC. Ops: Köln. FTR.  
R1624 B.Ic 57 Sqn DX-U 1941: 15/16th July; Sgt G D Osborne. Ops: Duisburg. FTR. A garbled W/T message was received from this aircraft, after which nothing further was heard.
R1646 B.Ic 20 OTU JM-D 1942: 19th January; Fg Off J W Thomson DFC. Trg. Crashed into hills of Glen Currie. 
R1713 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-V 1941: 20/21st June; Sgt M J Fraser. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Dissappeared without trace after radioing for assistance.
R1726 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-O 1941: 24th July; Plt Off M Jolly. Ops: Brest. Daylight attack on the Gneisenau. FTR. Crashed into the sea off Brest. Missing. 
R1757 B.Ic 57 Sqn   1941: 12/13th October; Sgt A W Jefferies. Ops: Nurnberg; FTR. Crashed into a marsh near Blenkenham (Overijssel) on the NE edge of the Noord-Oost-Polder, Holland.
R1765 B.IV 458 Sqn RAAF   1941: 22/23rd October; Flt Lt J A H Sargeaunt. Ops: Le Havre. Hit by flak and while attempting to return to base the crew ordered to bale out in the vicinity of Aldershot, Hampshire.
R1798 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-B 1941: 7/8th September; Sgt I P McH Gordon. Ops: Berlin; FTR.Shot down by a night-fighter (Oblt Helmut Lent, 4./NJG1). The Wellington exploded in mid-air at 0458 and the wreckage crashed near Drachtstercompagnie (Friesland), 4 km NE of Drachten, Holland.  (Lent's 24th Victory).
R3164 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-B 1940: 28/29th September; Plt Off H R Petersen. Ops: Hanau. Germany. FTR.
R3180 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1941: 7/8th April; Sgt R A Williams. Ops: Kiel. FTR. Lost without trace.
R3282 B.Ic 9 Sqn WS-G 1940: 1/2nd October; Flt Lt C D Fox. Ops: Berlin. FTR. Ran out of fuel on the return flight and ditched into the sea off Lowestoft, c02:46.
T2515 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-U 1941: 12/13th March. Sgt D W Gough. Ops: Boulogne. FTR. Crashed near Wimille (Pas de Calais), 5km north of Boulogne. Crew were all on their 1st operational sortie.
T2516 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1941: 7/8th November; Plt Off C G Gilmore.Ops: Berlin; FTR. Crashed at Beilen (Drenthe), 16 km SSW of Assen, Holland.
T2520 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-A 1940: 8/9th December; Plt Off A Tindall. Ops: Bordeaux, France. FTR. Encountered bad weather and high winds on the return journey, strayed off course into hilly country, crashed and burnt at Blaen Dyffrya quarries (Cefn-y-strad) near Tredegar, 20 miles north of Cardiff, Wales, c03:12.
T2542 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1941: 8/9th April; Sgt J P Cusworth. Ops: Kiel. FTR. 
T2563 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-D 1941: 12/13th August; Plt Off Wood. Ops: Essen; FTR. Shot down by a Ju.88C flown by Ofw P Laufs, I/NJG.2, and crashed at Smith's Farm, Scottow, 4 miles ssw of North Walsham, Norflok.
T2702 B.Ic XV Sqn LS-B 1941: 10/11th February, Sgt W R Garrioch. Ops: Hannover. FTR. Shot down on the return flight by Hptm W Ehle, II/NJG.1 and crashed 15km west of Kampen (Overjissel), Holland. 
T2721 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1941: 29/30th April; Sgt F Hewitson. Ops: Mannheim. FTR. Last head calling for help and believed to have been shot down off the East Coast by an intruder, a Ju.88C flown by Ofw H Sommer, I/KG.2. 
T2737 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-A 1941: 14/15th July; Plt Off P L Dixon  RAAF.  Ops: Bremen. FTR. 
T2804 B.Ic 57 Sqn   1941: 9/10th April; T2804, captained by Fg Off G W S Ritchie.  Ops: Berlin. FTR.  (PoW: 357 #557).
T2879 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1941: 28/29th September; Sgt J S Parry. Ops: Frankfurt; FTR. Last heard from some 10 hours after departing base. Crashed into the sea. Crew killed / missing.
T2888 B.Ic 99 Sqn LN-R Linked with Ginger Rothwell  reason unknown
T2893 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1940: 29/30th November; Sqn Ldr B J McGinn. Ops: Special Flight to Malta. Suffered engine failure and unable to maintain height, struck trees, crashed and caught fire at Elmdon, Essex. 
T2894 B.Ic Transit   1940: 28th November; Wg Cdr C G Hohler. Transit Flt. Stradishall to Egypt via Malta. Departed Malta and last seen heading towards a convoy that was under attack by Italian aircraft.
T2973 B.Ic 9 Sqn WS-G 1941: 8/9th July; Sgt B G Pitt. Ops: Munster. FTR. Crashed at Neuss, Germany.
T2986 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-A 1941: 24th July; Sgt M Evans  DFM.  Ops: Brest. Daylight attack on the Gneisenau. FTR. Hit by flak and crashed into the town. Crew killed.
T2997 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1941: 20/21st April; Plt Off F H Cook. Ops: Köln. FTR. Collided with a barrage balloon over Norwich Harbour, caught fire and crashed into the sea 3000 yards from the shore. 
W5360 B.II 12 Sqn PH-U 1941: 6/7th July; Sqn Ldr A G G Baird. Ops: Brest. FTR. Crashed at Guiles (Finistere), 7km north-west of Brest. 
W5421 B.II 12 Sqn PH-G 1941: 5/6th August; Wellington W5432-G captained by Flt Lt R B Langlois. Ops: Aachen. FTR. Aircraft landed at Antwerpen-Deurne airfield where the crew set fire to the aircraft to prevent it falling into enemy hands.
W5433 B.II 142 Sqn   1941: 12/13th August; Flt Lt A D Gosman. Ops: Berlin; FTR. Message sent that the crew were about to bale out, the port engine having failed. 
W5439 B.II 149 Sqn OJ-X 1941: 11/12th June; Sgt W Harrison. Ops: Dusseldorf. FTR. Hit by flak and crash-landed at Het Broek (Gelderland), 3km north-west of Bergharen, Holland.  
W5445 B.II 57 Sqn   1941: 31/1st October; Sgt G H Johnson. Ops: Hamburg; FTR.  
W5450 B.II 214 Sqn   1941: 2/3rd June; Wg Cdr R B Jordan. Ops: Berlin. Stalled and crashed at Mile End Farm, Hartest, 7 miles ssw of Bury St. Edmunds. Crew safe. No Fire.
W5456 B.II 40 Sqn BL-P 1941: 29/30th June; Flt Lt A B Baird. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Lost without trace.
W5492 B.II 405 Sqn RCAF LQ-K 1941: 18th September; Sgt R J Chandos. Air test. Crashed at Northfield Farm, 2 miles NNE of Pocklington, c11:05. The cause was the dingy breaking loose from it's stowage and fouling the elevators.
W5493 B.II 104 Sqn EP-D 1942: 15/16th January; Sgt J Wilmot. Ops: Emden. Became lost on cloud while returning to base and struck a moor north of Hawnby, c 00:05.
W5552 B.II 12 Sqn   1941: 12/13th October; Sgt C B Elsdon  DFM.  Ops: Nurnberg; FTR. 
W5561 B.II 405 Sqn RCAF LQ-J 1941: 28/29th December; Sgt E J Williams. Ops: Emden; FTR.
W5576 B.II 104 Sqn EP-N 1941: 10/11th September; Sqn Ldr D M Strong. Ops: Torino. FTR. Ditched into the North Sea on return flight, c07:20. 
W5721 B.Ic 150 Sqn JN-Z 1941: 6/7th August; Plt Off C Landreth. Ops: Frankfurt. FTR. 
X3167 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-H 1941: 8/9th April; Sgt J B C Jago.  Ops: Kiel. FTR. Presumed lost over the sea.
X3203 B.Ic 12 OTU   1942: 1/2nd June. Ops: Essen. Shot down by Flak from 14,000 feet over Essen.  
X3347 B.III 9 Sqn   1941: 31/1st October; Sgt A O Humble-Smith. Ops: Hamburg; Crashed on return to base. 
X3456 B.III 150 Sqn   Law. Nil Further.
X3657 B.III 101 Sqn SR-Q 1942: 27/28th August. Wt Off J W Spinney RCAF. Ops Kassel. Force-landed at Martlesham Heath with combat damage due to flak and fighters. Aircraft written off. 
X3675 B.III 115 Sqn KO-D 1942: 28th August; Wt Off J G Smith. Ops: FTR, Shot down over Belgium by a night-fighter flown by Hptm Bietmann 5./NJG 1 and crashed at Grand-Hallet.
X3815 B.III 101 Sqn   1942: 21/22nd September: Sqn Ldr V R Paterson DFC. Ops: Gardening. Enroute to the target area, attacked over Jylland by a German night fighter piloted by Oberfeldwebel Maisch of 4./NJG 3. The Wellington started burning and crashed in a field at Spandet moor belonging to Farmer Hans Gaarde, Arnum at 23:29 hour
X9619 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-M 1941: 12/13th October; Plt Off I M V Field. Ops: Nürnberg. FTR. Crashed in the vicinity of Dinant (Namur), Belguim. 
X9630 B.Ic 40 Sqn BL-J 1941: 16/17th July. Sgt A W P Bird. Ops: Hamburg. FTR. Crashed into the sea off the Dutch coast. Crew killed / missing.
X9670 B.Ic 218 Sqn HA-N 1941: 12/13th September; Sgt C F Dare. Ops: Frankfurt; FTR. 
X9704 B.Ic 149 Sqn OJ-B 1941: 18/19th August; Plt Off J C Lynn.  Ops: Duisberg; FTR. Shot down by a night-fighter and crashed at Haelen (Limburg), 5km north-west of Roermond, Holland.
X9750 B.Ic 214 Sqn   1941: 6/7th August; Plt Off C McD Didsbury. Ops: Mannheim; FTR. Lost without trace.
X9922 B.Ic 101 Sqn   1941: 21/21st September; Sgt W R Dil. Ops: Oostende; FTR. Crashed into trees at Preston Deanery, near Northampton.
Z1097 B.Ic 57 Sqn DX- 1941: 27/28th December; Wt Off T Purdy DFM. Ops: Dusseldorf; FTR. Shot down by a Bf.110 flown by Hptm W Streib, I/NJG.1 and crashed near Someren (Noord Brabant), 11km SSE of Helmond, Holland, c20:30. 
Z1211 B.IV 142 Sqn   1941: 7/8th November; Sgt S A Hart. Ops: Mannheim; FTR. Shot down by Oblt E P zur lippe-Weissenfeld, 4/NJG.1 and crashed into the sea off Bergeb-aan-Zee, Holland.
Z1251 B.IV 460 Sqn RAAF UV-X 1942: 13th March. Flt Sgt P J D Cooney. Ops: Dunkerque. FTR on their first operational sortie.
Z1342 B.IV 142 Sqn QT-T 1942: 7/8th September; Flt Sgt J C Heddon. Ops; Frankfurt. During the return, leg, suffered engine problems and at 04:20 the aircraft ditched into the English Channel, broke in two just aft of the main spar and sank in seconds. The rear  gunner went down in the tail section.
Z1413 B.IV 460 Sqn RAAF UV-X 1942: 6/7th May; Fg Off W J Kennedy RAAF, Ops: Stuttgart. FTR.
Z8426 B.II 104 Sqn EP-E 1941: 7/8th December; Sgt R K Anson. Ops: Dunkerque; FTR. Lost without trace.
Z8643 B.II 12 Sqn   1942: 30/31st May; Plt Off W B Shearer RAAF. Ops: Cologne. FTR.
Z8649 B.II 104 Sqn   1942: 15th July; Plt Off G Richards. Ops: Tobruk, Libya. FTR. Hit by flak over the target and set on fire. Crew were forced to abandon the aircraft over the sea about 20 miles east of Tobruk.
Z8658 B.II 104 Sqn   1942: 15th July; Plt Off R C Horton. Ops: Tobruk, Libya. FTR. Lost height due to an engine failure. Crashed during an attempted force-landing and caught fire. Crew except the rear gunner killed in the crash and subsequent fire.
Z8730 B.II 12 Sqn PH-YorX 1942: 20/21st January; Flt Lt W H Thallon. Ops: Emden. FTR. Shot down by Oblt L Becker, 6./NJG 2 and crashed close to Terschelling, Dutch Friesian Islands.
Z8736 B.Ic 108 Sqn Q K F Vare
Z8794 B.Ic 57 Sqn DX-H 1941: 6/7th September; Sgt N J Lake.  Ops: Huls; FTR.  
Z8808 B.Ic 11 OTU KJ-E 1942: 2/3rd September. Flt Lt P R Cooney. Night X Country. Struck the ground, in bad weather, at Gouthwaite Moor, NW of Pateley Bridge, c 00:30.
Z8835 B.Ic 115 Sqn KO-U 1941: 12/13th August; Sgt J T Wallace. Ops: Essen; FTR. Shot down by a Ju.88C flown by Ofw P Laufs, I/NJG.2, and crashed at Smith's Farm, Scottow, 4 miles ssw of North Walsham, Norfolk.
Z8869 B.Ic 99 Sqn   1941: 28/29th September; Sgt J S F Watt.  Ops: Frankfurt; Collided with a line of trees, exploded and crashed at Stone Farm, Great Flintborough, 2 miles south-west of Stowmarker, Suffolk, c00:55.  Crew killed.
Z8946 B.Ic 57 Sqn DX-S 1941: 26/27th October; Plt Off J S Walters.  Ops: Hamburg; FTR. Crashed into the tidal area south of Rømø island , Denmark. c,00:20
BJ653 B.III 142 Sqn PH-R 1942: 13/14th October; Wt Off J C Heddon. Ops; Kiel. FTR. Aircraft lost engine power, possibly due to flak damage. Crew baled out and the aircraft crashed into a turnip field near Lintrup, c22:25.
BJ693 B.III 115 Sqn KO-J 1942: 14/15th September; Plt Off F B Boaden. Ops: Wilhelmshaven. Aircraft apparently crashed into the North Sea with engine problems.
BJ854 B.III      
BK274 B.III      
BK275 B.III      
BK362 B.III      
BK386 B.III      
BK405 B.III 27 OTU   1943: Fg Off W Tye. 11th January; Crashed north of Church Broughton airfield, Derbyshire during OTU training. All 5 crew killed.
DV718 B.Ic 11 OTU OP-H 1942: 2/3rd September. Sgt G F Ridgway. Night X Country. Struck the ground, in bad weather, at Blake Hill, Riggs Moor, Great Whernside.
DV892 B.Ic 1474 Flt   1942: 18/19th December; Plt Off F A Couper RAAF. Ops: Cloppenburg. Seen circling Hopton about 15:50 before heading south-east and reported to have crashed into the North Sea off Great Yarmouth, Norflok.
HE167 B.X 196 Sqn ZO-A 1943: 22/23rd March. Sgt H C Duckmanton. Ops: Gardening Ameland Island. Blew up on hitting the sea (cause unknown) near Terschelling Island
HE203 B.X 431 Sqn RCAF SE-B 1943: 29/30th May; Flt Sgt A H Smith. Ops. Wuppertal. FTR. Shot down by flak and Oblt M. Meurer I/NJG I near Heer, c 00:50.
HE471 B.X 466 Sqn RAAF   1943: 30th January; Sgt L F Axby; Ops: Emden. Daylight raid using cloud cover. Crashed into the North Sea, probably claimed by a day fighter from JG.1
HE506 B.X 466 Sqn RAAF HD-N 1943: 10/11th April; Plt Off F E Booy. Ops: Frankfurt. Lost without trace.
HE688 B.X 17 OTU   1944: 23rd March; Fg Off E N J Thomson. Whilst over the Northallerton area control of the aircraft was lost after the port engine failed and the aircraft went into a dive, while trying the pull the aircraft out of the dive the aircraft began to break up and it crashed into the ground at a near vertical angle at 21.05hrs near Little Beech Hill, west of Osmotherley.
HF143 GR.XIV 179 Sqn -J 1943: 12th September; Plt Off W H Brunini. Ops: U-617 attacked off the Moroccan Coast. Rear Gunner killed by flak.
LN853   37 Sqn -Z 1944: 3/4th April. Sqn Ldr H H B Beale  DFC*. Ops: Budapest. Manfred Weiss Armaments Factory on Czepel Island. FTR. Shot down by a Do.217 (Fw. H Ludwig, 6./NJG 101).
ME990   40 Sqn -R 1944: 2/3 July: Fg Off L F Tichbourne RAAF.  Ops: Prahover oil refinery, Bucharst, Romania. FTR.  Crashed at Macesul e Sus, 45km south of Craiova.
  Vickers Warwick Series  
Serial Mark Units Codes Aircraft History
BV233 B.(ASR) I 279 ASR Sqn  -J 1945: 7th January; Flt Lt H S Luck  RCAF. Homing & Flare dropping Ex. Intercepted by two of the squadron's Hurricanes and while manouvering suffered a high-speed stall and crashed, near Dinsdale.

F/L R Cooper
F/0 F W Ritchie RNZAF
F/O D C Holland RNZAF
F/O R P Woolfield RNZAF


The Author of this page is Tony McDonald.

Sources: TBA

Emails: Brendan Cowan

Updated 30 March 2012


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