Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

RAN N14 CAC CA-30 Macchi MB-326H

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Macchi N14-075 
Photo Mark Pourzenic


Macchi MB-326H Image Gallery

RAN.Serial Construction No. RAN Code Aircraft History
N14-073 CA30-73 864 Delivered 03/07/70 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Crashed 07/12/72, RAN Air Station Nowra NSW Engine flameout on base/final for Rwy 26.
Pilot ejected at 200 ft and 105 kts, suffering a broken ankle.
Crew; LEUT M. Smythe. RAN Ejection number 6.

Highlight for Album: Macchi N14-073 / A7-073

N14-074 CA30-74 865 Delivered 25/07/70 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-074, 30/06/83.

Macchi N14-074 
and N14-078
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-075 CA30-75 866 Delivered 10/09/70 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-075, 30/06/83..

Macchi N14-075
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-076 CA30-76 867 Delivered 14/10/70 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-076, 30/06/83.

Highlight for Album: Macchi A7-076 / N14-076
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-077 CA30-77 868 Delivered 27/10/70 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-077, 30/06/83.
Currently on display FAA Museum, Nowra.
During 2009 it was repainted back to it's original blue and white Navy scheme
(Still waiting for Navy titles and serial to be applied though!).

Macchi N14-077 
Photo Doug Mackay
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-078 CA30-78 869 Delivered 20/11/70 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Crashed 28/04/71 (VC724) Near Sussex Inlet NSW after control lost during inverted spin over sea, crew ejected with only minor injuries.
Crew; LEUT (P) E. Kavanagh, LEUT (P) P. Clarke.
RAN Ejection number 5.

Highlight for Album: Macchi N14-078

N14-084 CA30-84 860 Delivered 08/07/71 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-084 30/06/83.

Macchi N14-084 
NAS Nowra 1974
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-085 CA30-85 861 Delivered 31/08/71 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-085, 30/06/83.

Highlight for Album: Macchi N14-085/A7-085
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-086 CA30-86 862 Delivered 31/08/71 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Wore 'Albatross' Tail markings when in RAN service.
The 'Admiral's Barge' as it was known "Albatross Tail" Macchi 862 was used firstly like any other RAN Macchi for Fleet Support Duties and continuation training and of course tactical training for new RAN pilots before going on to the A4G Skyhawk. 862 gained the 'Albatross tail' to signify that it would be used by VC-724 Squadron Senior Pilot (SP) Lcdr Al Hickling to enable to Captain or CO of HMAS Albatross (NAS Nowra) who was not a pilot, to learn to fly; but not go solo. Captain later Commodore "Nobby" Clarke flew in the front seat with Lcdr Hickling in the rear seat.
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-086, 30/06/83.

Highlight for Album: Macchi A7-086 / N14-086 (862)
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

N14-087 CA30-87 863 Delivered 21/09/71 to 724 Sqn (VC-724).
Transferred to RAAF and re-numbered to A7-087, 30/06/83
Now fitted with rear fuselage of A7-011 and tail of A7-086
Repainted in blue and white RAN scheme

o be displayed at Cranbourne RSL as N14-087 in early 2014
Mounted on plinth 16/02/2014

Macchi N14-087  
28 April 1974. 
Pic RAN via Dave Masterson
(Subsequent RAAF history here)

    RAN Macchi

This page is managed by Martin Edwards (Previously managed by Darren Crick).

Source: Australian Aviation Magazine, Darren Mottram's Website, Scramble Magazine, RAAF Directorate of Flying Safety Articles. Clyde North Aeronautical Preservation Group (CNAPG) website..

Emails: Jim Bartok, Maurie & Debbie Ryan, Darren Mottram, Neil Fitzclarence, Ron Cuskelly, Mike Draper, Bob Coppinger, Darryl Gibbs, Peter Hancock, Graeme Edwards, Mark Clayton, Richard Siudak, Daniel Leahy, Dean Norman, Kieran Maher, CMDR John Crawley, Greg Hyde, Tjalling Boelman, Swerve, David Fredericks, Waynne Lee, Rick Hanning, Rod Farquhar. FLGOFF(AAFC) A. Wilson, SQNLDR Jim Eftos, Andy Marden, Doug Kellett, Brendan Cowan, Bob Brown, Ben Morgan.

Updated 16th February 2013


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