Aircraft.Serial |
Type |
Delivered |
Const No. |
RAN Code |
Aircraft History |
Bu.133160 |
S-2A |
? |
131 |
n/a |
Ex-USN Bu 133160.
Delivered in 1966 prior to operational
aircraft for instruction, was purchased
purely as a training aid/instructional
Full details at RAN
Grumman Tracker Instructional
Airframes in Australia
Currently on display
at the Queensland Air Museum.

Bu.151646 |
S-2E |
? |
179C |
n/a |
Ex-USN Bu 151646.
Never flew with RAN, was purchased purely
as a training aid/instructional airframe.
Was dropped into Sydney
Harbour whilst being unloaded
Full details at RAN
Grumman Tracker Instructional
Airframes in Australia
The forward fuselage
of Bu.151646 is at the FAA Museum,
Nowra marked as 853.

N12-152333 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
220C |
844 |
Ex-USN Bu 152333
Withdrawn from service 12/08/84.
Flew with RAN
Historic Flight
carrying civil registration
A change of policy has seen the RAN
Historical Flight cease flying
The assets of the RANHF have been
acquired by HARS
N12-152333 and N12-153600
have been held in secure
outside storage thanks to
Air Affairs Australia
14/09/2019 first post restoration flight
operated by HARS (Navy titles covered

N12-152334 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
221C |
845 |
Ex-USN Bu 152334
Was marked as NH/713 prior to service with RAN.
Hulk at HMAS Albatross.
Sold to private owner
for $200 to prevent scrapping
Located on private property near
HMAS Albatross Nowra.
N12-152800 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
269C |
846 |
Ex-USN Bu 152800
Was marked as NH/107
prior to service
with RAN.
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 09/92.
Offered for sale by
Grays On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical Corporation,
Noted in outside storage at West Sale
since at least
Since returned to
the hangar where it was originally
N12-152805 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
274C |
847 |
Ex-USN Bu 152805
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Since returned to the
hangar where it was originally
N12-152807 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
276C |
848 |
Ex-USN Bu 152807
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Retained at HMAS Albatross until scrapped
in 1995.
N12-152809 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
278C |
849 |
Ex-USN Bu 152809
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 02/03/92.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage at West Sale since at least
returned to the hangar where it was
originally stored
N12-152811 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
280C |
850 |
Ex-USN Bu 152811
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 24/10/91.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage
at West Sale since at least 08/2015
returned to the hangar where it was
originally stored
N12-152812 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
281C |
851 |
Ex-USN Bu 152812
Was marked as NH/707 prior to service with RAN.
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold 02/02/90 to Qantas as training aid.
Sold 2006 to Historical
Aircraft Restoration Society.
Arrived at HARS 06/11/2006.
Original plans were to
be rebuilt to flying condition
however with HARS acquiring the assets of
the RANHF this won't be continued with
Likely to be used to support the flying
operations of N12-152333.
N12-152816 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
285C |
852 |
Ex-USN Bu 152816
Was marked as NH/702
prior to service with RAN.
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 11/91.
Wears US registration
N16FV although it
never left Australia.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage
at West Sale since at least 02/2016
06/2016 dismantled for export to USA
09/2016 noted in United Aeronautical
Corporation's yard adjacent to Davis
Monthan AFB Arizona

N12-152837 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
306C |
853 |
Ex-USN Bu 152837
Was marked as NH/016
with prior to service
with RAN
Unusual that as an S-2G there are no
CAD/PED dispensers on starboard engine
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 15/04/94.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage
at West Sale since at least 08/2015
Since returned to the hangar where it was
originally stored
cockpit section marked as 853 at FAA Museum, Nowra
is really Bu.151646.
N12-153566 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
322C |
854 |
Ex-USN Bu 153566
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Displayed outside
Gippsland Armed Forces Museum
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
02/2016 still on display
at West Sale outside museum
dismantled for export to USA
09/2016 noted in United Aeronautical
Corporation's yard adjacent to Davis
Monthan AFB Arizona
N12-153567 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
323C |
855 |
Ex-USN Bu 153567
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation.
Sold to Melbourne/Kangan TAFE 02/94.
by the National Vietnam Veteran's
Museum, Phillip Island, Vic 11/2013
Currently on outside display at front of
N12-153576 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
332C |
856 |
Ex-USN Bu 153576
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 05/01/93.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage at West Sale since at least 02/2016
returned to the hangar where it was
originally stored

N12-153578 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
334C |
857 |
Ex-USN Bu 153578
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage at West Sale
since at least 08/2015
returned to the hangar where it was
originally stored

N12-153580 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
336C |
114 |
Ex-USN Bu 153580
Retained USN side code 114
Never flown by RAN,
retained as hulk until scrapped in 1995.

N12-153582 |
S-2G |
05/04/77 |
338C |
859 |
Ex-USN Bu 153582
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
On display FAA Museum,
Nowra NSW.

N12-153595 |
S-2E |
27/07/67 |
339C |
840 |
Officially handed over 27/07/67
in the USA prior to delivery on HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67.
Written off after Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.

N12-153596 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
340C |
841 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off
after Nowra hanger fire
N12-153597 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
341C |
842 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Undamaged by the hanger fire which wrote
off 9 S-2E's and damaged 3 more.
It was away at the time of the fire.
On board HMAS Melbourne, 'Spithead
Deployment' 28/04/77 to 04/10/77 with
Exercise 'Highwood' 5-20/07/77,
North Sea.
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to private owner
for $200 to prevent scrapping
Located on private property near
HMAS Albatross Nowra.

N12-153598 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
342C |
841 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Damaged by Nowra
hanger fire 04/12/76.
Repaired and put back into service.
Originally coded 843
but when S-2G's arrived it was
given a new code of 841.
On board HMAS Melbourne, 'Spithead
Deployment' 28/04/77 to 04/10/77 with
Greenham Common Air Tattoo, Berkshire UK
25-26/06/77 static
Exercise 'Highwood' 5-20/07/77,
North Sea.
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and flown to West Sale
Vic. 12/91.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage at West Sale since at least 08/2015
dismantled for export to USA
09/2016 noted in United Aeronautical
Corporation's yard adjacent to Davis
Monthan AFB Arizona

N12-153599 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
343C |
844 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off after Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.

N12-153600 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
344C |
845 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Damaged in hanger
fire 04/12/76
but not repaired,
Used as training
air frame and later
displayed outside
FAA Museum .
In storage FAA Museum,
Nowra NSW
The assets
of the RANHF including N12-153600
have been acquired by HARS
N12-152333 and N12-153600 have been
held in secure outside storage
thanks to Air Affairs Australia
To be transported to Albion Park to
assist in the flying of N12-152333
N12-153601 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
345C |
846 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off after Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.
N12-153602 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
346C |
847 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off after Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.

N12-153603 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
347C |
848 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off after Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.

N12-153604 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
348C |
840 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Damaged by Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.
Repaired and put back into service.
When S-2G's arrived it was given a new
code of 840.
On board HMAS Melbourne, 'Spithead
Deployment' 28/04/77 to 04/10/77 with
Exercise "Highwood"
5-20/07/77 North Sea
Nose wheel collapse 29/08/77 during this
cruise, slight damage to props and nose
wheel area.
Transported from HMAS
Melbourne to Nowra by Chinook A15-007.
Withdrawn 12/08/84.
Sold to Hookway Aviation and taken to West
Sale Vic. 29/11/91.
Offered for sale by Grays
On-line Auctions 10/2013
Sold to United Aeronautical
Corporation, USA
Noted in outside storage at West Sale since at least 02/2016
dismantled for export to USA
09/2016 noted in United Aeronautical
Corporation's yard adjacent to Davis
Monthan AFB Arizona
N12-153605 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
349C |
850 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off after Nowra hanger
fire 04/12/76.
N12-153606 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
350C |
851 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off and
disposed of after Nowra
hanger fire

N12-153607 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
351C |
852 |
Delivered aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Written off and disposed of after Nowra hanger fire 04/12/76.
N12-153608 |
S-2E |
22/11/67 |
352C |
853 |
final S-2E Tracker built
aboard HMAS
Melbourne 22/11/67
Served with 816 Sqn RAN.
Ditched 10/02/75 after night flying when
doing a Bolter (missed wire and going
around again) from HMAS Melbourne.
The 4 crew
were all rescued unhurt.
Neither crew or maintenance were to blame,
it was eventually proved that it was a
scientific cause. DSTO report
into accident (see page 81)
This was the only RAN Tracker lost during flying operations

Forward fuselage section marked as
853 at FAA Museum,
Nowra is really Bu.151646.