Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

RAAF Nakajima Ki-49 Donryu (Helen)

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Captured Nakajima Ki-49 Donryu (Helen) Image Gallery

RAAF Serial Original Serial  c/n Type Aircraft History
Nil ? ? Nakajima Ki-49 09/09/1945 Morotai, this Japanese Nakajima Ki-49, Army Type 100 heavy bomber, allied code name "Helen", taxiing after landing on the Pitoe airstrip carrying some of the staff of the commander of the Second Japanese Army, Lieutenant General Fusataro Teshima. As the Japanese were short of serviceable aircraft General Teshima arrived from Pinrang in an RAAF C47 to surrender the Japanese Second Army to General Sir Thomas Blamey. The Japanese aircraft has been painted white and carries green crosses, denoting that it carries surrender emissaries.





The Author of this page is Brendan Cowan

Source:  Australian War Memorial, National Archives of Australia,


Updated 19 March 2020


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