Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

Deutsche Fokker
Fokker D.VII

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Captured Fokker D.VII Image Gallery

Original Serial  Type Aircraft History
8371/18 Fokker D.VII After the war, one D.VII was brought to Australia as a war trophy.
This was the O.A.W. (Ostdeutsche Albatros Werke) built 8371/18.
It was the only one of seven D.VII's collected in France, to be send to Australia.
After arrival in Australia, it was displayed in the Exhibition Building in Melbourne from 18 June 1920 until 3 July 1920.
When the De Havilland DH-9 with Parer and McIntosh arrived in Melbourne in August 1920, they were greeted by an aerial escort of different aircraft, among which was a Fokker D.VII, probably 8371/18.
What happened after 1924 is unknown.
It might have been lost in a fire in 1925, but there are also statements that the D.VII was still in storage in 1940.

Highlight for Album: Fokker D.VII

Fokker D.VII 8371/18, Junkers & Vimy AWMJ01239 via Michael Louey

The Author of this page is Brendan Cowan

Source:  National Archives of Australia, National Archives, Australian Military Aircraft 1909-1918, Keith Isaacs, AWM, Men & Machines of the Australian Flying Corps 1914-1919, Charles Schaedel, High Adventure, A.H.Cobby, British Military Aircraft Serials 1911-1979, Bruce Robertson, Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, Air Enthusiast Quarterly No 47,

Emails: Michael Louey

Updated 19 December 2018


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