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DFW C.V 4432/18 AWM H02813 via Michael Louey



Captured DFW C.V Image Gallery

Original Serial  Type Aircraft History
? DFW C.V This German airfield was captured by the Australian Light Horse.
Jenin Afuleh airfield, Central Palestine.
4432/17 DFW C.V Captured along with other German aircraft at an enemy aerodrome after the Australian Light Horse had taken possession. The other aircraft included Albatros DVa D5359. There is some confusion over the exact location of the aerodrome as to whether it is Jenin or El Afule, most likely El Afule.

DFW C.V 4432/18 AWM H02813 via Michael Louey  DFW C.V 4432/18 AWM H02541 via Michael Louey

DFW C.V 4432/18 AWM H02541 via Michael Louey

The Author of this page is Brendan Cowan

Source:  National Archives of Australia, National Archives, Australian Military Aircraft 1909-1918, Keith Isaacs, AWM, Men & Machines of the Australian Flying Corps 1914-1919, Charles Schaedel, High Adventure, A.H.Cobby, British Military Aircraft Serials 1911-1979, Bruce Robertson, Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, Air Enthusiast Quarterly No 47,

Emails: Michael Louey

Updated 19 December 2018


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