RAF.Serial |
A/C.Type |
c/n |
Aircraft History |
W8142 |
339E |
158 |
W8151 |
339E |
167 |
Served with 453 Sqn; being
delivered on 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Crashed on take-off at Sembawang, Singapore on
9/12/41 pilot Sgt V A Collyer 402935 was ok and
the engine was salvaged. |
W8152 |
339E |
168 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Shot down into a paddy field near Butterworth,
Malaya on 13/12/41 pilot P/O G L Angus 403009 was
wounded in the leg. |
W8153 |
339E |
169 |
Served with 67, 488, 21 and
453 Sqns; delivered 24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Originally with 67 RAF then 488 RNZAF Sqns
transferred to 21 Sqn and coded GA-P;
Operated by 21 Sqn flight when Sqns combined;
Transferred to 453 Sqn 27?/1/42;
Flown out to Sumatra 5?/2/42;
Finally used by Dutch AF and carried their
markings and captured by the Japanese ??/2/42 at
Andir. |
W8156 |
339E |
172 |
Served with 67, 243, 488 and
453 Sqns;
Delivered 15/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
Originally with 67 RAF then 488 NZRAF Sqns;
damaged at Jahore 8/8/41;
On strength with 21/453 Sqn in 1/42,
Fate after that unknown.

W8157 |
339E |
173 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Believed lost to enemy action in ??/12/41.

W8158 |
339E |
174 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn and coded TD-N;
Crashed and burned near Pangean, Sumatra after
becoming lost due to very bad weather 13/12/41
Pilot P/O D R L Brown RNZAF 41687 was killed;
P/O Brown was on detachment from 243 Sqn RAF.[Other sources have
W/C L J Neale being killed in the a/c at same
place, see W8176.]

W8159 |
339E |
175 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
F/L B A Grace was flying this a/c when damaged
over Butterworth and landed at Ipoh on 13/12/41;
Lost due to enemy action at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya
on 22/12/41 [air raid?]. |
W8160 |
339E |
176 |
Served with 453 Sqn
[possibly 67 Sqn];
Probablydelivered on 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn as it was
there 19/9/41;
lLost due to enemy action at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya
on 22/12/41
Other source has being lost on 17/1/42 at
Sembawang - Sgt Clare]. |
W8163 |
339E |
179 |
Served with 21, 21/453 and
453 Sqns; with 21 Sqn it was coded GA-P;
24?/12/41 transferred to 453 Sqn with Sqn merger;
Recorded at Sembawang on 28/12/41 with only 2
guns in the fuselage;
On strength with 21/453 RAAF Sqn in 1/42;
Captured by Japenese intact along with 2 other
RAF and 5 NEIAF Buffalo's,
(one identified as B-395/E, 2-VLG-V Unit) two of
these repainted in JIAF colours and sent off to
Japan. |
W8169 |
339E |
185 |
Served with 21 Sqn. |
W8176 |
339E |
192 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Struck a tree on landing approach near Pangean
after becoming lost due to very bad weather
Pilot W/C L J Neale RAF 29174 was killed;
W/C Neale was OC RAF station Sungei Patani,
Malaya. [Other sources have P/O D R
L Brown being killed in this a/c, see W8158].
W8180 |
339E |
196 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Crashed and overturned several times in a paddy
field near Pangean after becoming lost due to
very bad weather 13/12/41
Pilot P/O T W Livesey 402870 was unhurt.[Bloody Shambles
Vol1 has F/L White being KIA in this a/c on
14/12/41 as well as the above entry.]
W8185 |
339E |
201 |
Served with 67, 453 and 488
Sqns; delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Transferred to 488 Sqn RAF on ??/11/41;
Shot down over Singapore 13/1/42 and ditched by
P/O Frank Oakdon with 488 Sqn RNZAF. |
W8188 |
339E |
204 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Involved in landing accident at Sembawang,
Singapore when undercarriage collapsed on 15/9/41
Pilot was Sgt A W B Clare 402769 who was not
injured. |
W8192 |
339E |
208 |
Served with 243 and 453
Originally with 243 Sqn;
By 1/9/41 it was with 453 Sqn;
forced landed Kuala Kangsar, Malaya after damaged
over Butterworth 13/12/41
Pilot was Sgt M B O'Mara. |
W8193? |
339E |
209 |
Served with 453 Sqn(?);
(ex-243 RAF and ex-67 Sqn Sqn RAF)
Flown by 453 Sqn but records are very vague on
whether this a/c survived past 1/2/42. |
W8197 |
339E |
213 |
Served with 453 Sqn; on
26/8/41 delivered to 453 Sqn;
Force landed 2 miles north of Sembawang,
Singapore and written off on 18/9/41
Pilot Sgt Harry H Griffiths only slightly
injured. |
W8202 |
339E |
218 |
Served with 453 and 21/453
Sqns; delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
27/8/41 F/O F Leigh Bowes landed with wheels up
at Sembawang; named "Shirley", after
Sgt Griffith's wife and was coded TD-G;
Collided mid-air with Buffalo AN171 while
carrying out a weaving manoeuvre searching for
the target area and crash landed at Mersing,
Malaya on 12/1/42
Pilot Sgt G T Harrison 407578 was ok and was able
to walk;
A/C was with 21/453 Sqn at time with Sgt Harrison
part of 21 Sqn flight of 21/453 Sqn.

W8205 |
339E |
222 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Probably delivered on 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn as it
was with them on 7/10/41 and throughout Oct and
Nov 1941. |
W8206 |
339E |
222 |
Served with 21 and 453
Delivered ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn having previously
been with 21 Sqn;
Was one of two Buffalos that attacked 14 Japanese
dive bombers and 14 fighters over Kuala Lumpur,
Malaya on 21/12/41,
this a/c piloted by Sgt Keith Ross Leys (402955)
took on the fighters;
He was promptly shot down and baled out, being
fired upon as he parachuted down but survived. |
W8207 |
339E |
223 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Delivered ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
was known to be on strength with 453 Sqn on
sShot down just after taking-off from Kuala
Lumpur, Malaya 22/12/41,
It is believed Sgt Eric Anton Peterson (402951)
was killed in this a/c.

W8208 |
339E |
224 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
First fatality of 453 Sqn when attempted force
landing at Buntang Island 70 kms SE of Singapore
after becoming lost after flying radio trials for
Kallang on 8/10/41,
Pilot P/O Maxwell Irvine-Brown 404736 was killed
he was 27. |
W8209 |
339E |
225 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Possibly delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn and was
regularly piloted by Sgt Read from 24/9/41 and
was coded TD-F with a small black and white dog
motif under the forward cockpit glass;
lost when it crashed into an Ki-43 of 64 Sentai
over Kuala Lumpur, Malaya on 22/12/41, with pilot
Sgt Malcom Neville Read 402952 KIA.[Some sources have
this coded TD-B early in 12/41, but is unusual it
had the code changed during the chaos of the
first few days of the Malayan campaign.]
W8210 |
339E |
226 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Crashed into a Dutch Martin bomber which was
obstructing the approach on landing at Sembawang
airstrip, Singapore on 9/12/41,
Pilot Sgt Eric Anton Peterson 402951 who was ok,
but a/c written off. |
W8211 |
339E |
227 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
14/12/41 landed at Ipoh strip by Sgt Greg E G
Seagoe despite wounded in shoulder;
Crashed while attempting to land at Ipoh, Malaya
on 19/12/41,
Pilot was Sgt V A Collyer 402935;
In action near Kuala Lumpur area on 22/12/41 but
shot down, pilot Sgt S G Scrimgeour was burnt
before bailing out. |
W8212 |
339E |
228 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
Flown by Sgt Norman R Chapman on 8/12/41 in a
recon over Singora and was jumped by Ki-27s but
escaped with damage. |
W8214 |
339E |
229? |
Served with 21 Sqn;
While practicing aerobatics on 26/9/41 over
Jahore Strait a/c caught fire and F/O R H Wallace
bailed out. |
W8216 |
339E |
232 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
flown by Sgt Greg R Board 402845 in Alkor Star
area on 14/12/41;
Crashedon take-off from Ipoh, Malaya on 19/12/41
pilot Sgt Board;
22/12/41 in action over Kuala Lumpur area and
shot down with Sgt Board bailing out. |
W8217 |
339E |
233 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
probably delivered on 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn as it
was there 3/10/41 and was coded TD-B with them;
Crash landed at Ipoh, Malaya on 13/12/41,
Pilot F/O F Leigh Bowes 402846 was ok. |
W8219 |
339E |
235 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
Originally with 21 Sqn and was on strength with
21/453 on 24/12/41;
Force-landed at Kuala Lumpuruang (Lumpur?),
Malaya on 10/1/42 and written off,
Pilot Sgt Greg R Board 402845 was ok. |
W8222 |
339E |
238 |
Served with 21 Sqn. |
W8224 |
339E |
240 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
9/12/41 it was one of the a/c detailed for an
escort mission of 62 Sqn RAF but the rendezvous
wasn't made due to the bad weather;
On returning to Butterworth F/O Cifford Richard
McKenny had just landed this a/c when the base
was attacked;
F/O McKenny and F/L Williams climbed up to engage
them with F/O McKenny carrying out a head on
attack with some fighters,
His Buffalo burst into flames and he bailed out
into the sea and in the process received severe
burns to the face,
He was rescued by a launch. |
W8225 |
339E |
241 |
Served with 21 and 453
By 30/8/41 this a/c was with 453 Sqn and was
probably delivered 26/8/41;
Previously with 21 Sqn;
Shot down while trying to gain height to engage
enemy fighters north of Ipoh, Malaya on 13/12/41,
Pilot Sgt Ronald Reginald Oelrich 402875 was KIA;
He was buried at Butterworth strip. |
W8226 |
339E |
242 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Delivered 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn;
Overshot while landing at Sembawang airstrip,
Singapore on 5/11/41,
pilot Sgt Keith Gorringe 402859 was ok. |
W8227 |
339E |
243 |
Served with 21 Sqn. |
W8231 |
339E |
247 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
probably delivered on 26/8/41 to 453 Sqn as it
was there 6/9/41;
Believed shot down over Penang, Malaya on
Pilot F/L Tim A Vigors DFC, RAF 33554 was badly
burnt on the legs hands and arms and wounded in
the thigh;
Several attempts were made to kill him by the
Japanese fighter pilots as he descended in his
parachute; [see AN213 as this a/c is
also given as the a/c F/L Vigors was shot down

W8232 |
339E |
248 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
8/12/41 F/L Kinninmont flew this a/c on a recon
over Singora and was jumped by Ki-27s but escaped
with damage;
9/12/41 it was one of the a/c detailed for an
escort mission of 62 Sqn RAF but the rendezvous
wasn't made due to the bad weather;
On returning to Butterworth F/L F H Williams
engaged enemy fighters and when his guns jammed
he drew the pursuing enemy fighters through the
AA fire of Butterworth strip;
He managed to land the a/c and get into a slit
trench before the a/c was destroyed by strafing. |
W8234 |
339E |
250 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
delivered on 24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn, but was
originally with 21 Sqn;
Lost to enemy action on 12/1/42 while with 21/453
Sqn. |
W8236 |
339E |
252 |
Served with 488 and 21
9/12/41 it was one of the a/c detailed for an
escort mission of 62 Sqn RAF but the rendezvous
wasn't made due to the bad weather;
On the same day F/O H V Montefiore engaged the
Japanese fighters with McKenny and Williams;
F/O Montefiore claims to have shot down a fighter
in this a/c before being shot down himself and
bailing out.
W8237 |
339E |
253 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
Sqn's; delivered 15/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
Was originally with 21 Sqn; still on strength
with 21/453 Sqn in late 1/42,
Possibly went to Sumatra in 2/42 and believed to
have been flown by Sgt Fisken there. |
AN1??* |
339E |
? |
Served with 21/453 Sqn;
Sgt A W B Clare (402769) of 453 Sqn RAAF near
Muar River Malaya on 17/1/42 shot down two EA a
Ki-27 (Nate) and a Ki-43 (Oscar) of 64 Sentai, a
Lt R.Kato killed.* In some books (e.g..
Bloody Shambles Vol1) this serial is listed as
AN160, but there were no British serials issued
that low (AN168 being the lowest).
AN168 was used by 67 Sqn in Burma so it can't be
that, however it may be AN180 with the confusion
arising over the '8' being misread.
AN170 |
339E |
269 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
One of 8 Buffalos escorting Glenn Martins and
Wirraways to Muar on 19/1/42 where they were
engaged by strong fighter force;
Sgt Henry W Parsons (originally from 21 Sqn) was
shot down near Muar, Malaya in this a/c and
killed. |
AN171 |
339E |
270 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
12/1/42 Collided with Buffalo W8202 carrying out
a weaving manoeuvre while searching for target
area and ditched near Tengora, Malaya,
Pilot F/O R H Wallace 586 was injured, but
managed to swim ashore. |
AN172 |
339E |
271 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
15/12/41 F/L Kinninmont hit a soggy patch on the
emergency strip at Port Swettenham, Malaya,
Wing tip dug in causing extensive damage;
F/L Kinninmont was ok.
AN174 |
339E |
273 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Lost to enemy action at Sembawang on 19/1/42 (air
raid?). |
AN175 |
339E |
274 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Delivered ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
One of 12 Buffalos which were bounced by 18
Ki-43s of 64 Sentai near Kuala Lumpur, Malaya on
Pilot was Sgt Harry Griffiths who was shot down
that day but was ok. |
AN176 |
339E |
275 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Off 453 Sqn's charge in 1/42. |
AN177 |
339E |
276 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Off 453 Sqn's charge in 1/42. |
AN180 |
339E |
279 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
13/12/41 transferred to 453 Sqn from 21 Sqn where
it was coded GA-B; 22/12/41
Was in action near Kuala Lumpur area with Sgt W
Collyer the pilot;
Off 453 Sqn's charge in 1/42.

AN183 |
339E |
282 |
Served with 21 Sqn Malaya
1941. |
AN184 |
339E |
283 |
Served with 21 and 21/453;
??/12/41 it was transferred to 453 Sqn from 21
Sqn where it was coded GA-M;
22/12/41 was involved in combat over Kuala
Lumpur, Malaya and was shot down in that action
forcing P/O T W Livesey to belly land it. |
AN185 |
339E |
284 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
delivered ??/11/41 to 453 Sqn; was coded TD-V
with that Sqn;
F/L R D Vanderfield flew it on 13/12/41 and in it
shot down 2 bombers (Ki-48 Lily?);
Off Sqn's charge in 1/42.
AN186 |
339E |
285 |
Served with 21 Sqn; on
F/O D M Sproule flew it from Butterworth, Malaya. |
AN188 |
339E |
287 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
9/12/41 Damaged and forced landed on Penang Is,
Malaya pilot was F/L A M White. |
AN189 |
339E |
288 |
Served with 453 and 488
Sqn's; delivered 15/12/41 to 453 Sqn and later
transferred to 488 Sqn;
Shot down while with 488 Sqn on the 19/1/42,
Pilot was either P/O Keith McAneny RNZAF who was
killed in that action, or Sgt C D Charters RNZAF
who was shot down and captured. |
AN194 |
339E |
293 |
Served with 21 and 453
Sqn's; coded GA-D with 21 Sqn; on
8/12/41 was flown by F/O J B Hooper;
Handed over to 453 Sqn on 27/1/42;
This was one of the Buffalos the Japanese
captured at Singapore or Sumatra in 2/42. |
AN201 |
339E |
300 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
Flown by F/L R A Kirkman on 8/12/41;
Either destroyed in air raid at Ipoh on 17/12/41
or wrecked when ran into a drain on same date. |
AN202 |
339E |
301 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Still serviceable on 28/12/41 at Sembawang;
Off Sqn's charge in 1/42. |
AN203 |
339E |
302 |
Served with 21 and 21/453
24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Still on Sqn strength on 28/12/41 at Sembawang;
Off Sqn's charge in 1/42. |
AN204 |
339E |
303 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
One of 12 a/c scrambled on 22/12/41 and badly
damaged in a crash landing shedding its engine
when it hit an embankment;
P/O R W Drury was removed from the a/c badly
injured only to die soon after. |
AN206 |
339E |
305 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Issued ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn;
Was on Sqn strength on 28/12/41 and off 453 Sqn's
charge in 1/42. |
AN210 |
339E |
309 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Issued ??/11/41 to 453 Sqn; was coded TD-J with
them; on
13/12/41 a/c was forced down in paddy field and
strafed, pilot was P/O G I Angus; on
22/12/41 Strafed and damaged as Sgt Keith
Gorringe was waiting to take off from Sembawang
strip after being scrambled;
Off Sqn's charge in 1/42. |
AN211 |
339E |
310 |
Served with 453 and 21/453
Delivered 24/12/41 to 21/453 Sqn;
Force landed on Gt Durian Is, near Sumatra on
3/1/42 while on patrol;
Pilot was Sgt Harry Griffiths who was injured(?). |
AN212 |
339E |
311 |
Served with 21 Sqn;
F/O G M Sheppard flew this a/c from Butterworth,
Malaya on 9/12/41. |
AN213 |
339E |
312 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
This may be the a/c F/L Tim A Vigors was shot
down in near Butterworth, Malaya on 13/12/41 (see
Still with 453 Sqn (21/453? Sqn) on 28/12/41 when
the guns were removed;
Off Sqn's charge in 1/42;
May have been operated by 21 Sqn. |
AN215 |
339E |
314 |
Served with 453 Sqn;
Delivered ??/12/41 to 453 Sqn and
Off Sqn's charge in 1/42.
