Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

ARMY Bell 412

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Bell 412 VH-LSV


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  Australian Helicopters teamed with Boeing Australia to provide Bell 412 helicopters to the Commonwealth for training support from October 2007.

Crash Response and Loadmaster training are provided year round at the Army Aviation Training Centre at Oakey in Queensland.

These civilian owned and operated rotary wing aircraft carry Commonwealth instructors and trainees releasing State aircraft for operational needs.

Registration Type C/N Aircraft History
VH-LSV AB412 25626 Manufacturer: Agusta, SPA, Construzioni Aeronautiche Italy,
Year of Manufacture: 1992.
ex I-BRMA.
Registered VH-LSV 07 May 2007 to Australian Helicopters Pty Ltd.

Bell 412 VH-LSV

VH-LSY 412 36015 Manufacturer: Bell Helicopter Co.
Year of Manufacture: 1990
ex N555BA.
Registered VH-LSY 02 May 2007 to Australian Helicopters Pty Ltd.

Bell 412 VH-LSY


This page is managed and updated by Brendan Cowan.

Sources: Messageboard Discussion , , http://www. ,

Emails: Martin Edwards,

Page Updated 2nd April 2016


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