ADF.Serial |
Const No. |
Type |
Aircraft History |
A78-1 |
F.1 |
Built by English
Electric at Preston (Salmesbury).
Ex RAF TG431.
To RAAF 5/12/46.
Australia's first Vampire arrived at No 1
AD on 20/05/47, and was delivered to No 1
APU as A78-1.
This Vampire F.1 was fitted with a 3,100
lb thrust DH Goblin and, with a speed in
excess of 540 mph, was the fastest
aircraft in Australia at that time.
Believed retired to
RSTT Wagga as training aid, then
perished on fire dump

A78-2 |
F.2 |
Built by English
Electric at Preston (Salmesbury).
Ex RAF TX807.
One of only three built in the UK with a
4,500 lb thrust Rolls Royce Nene.
To RAAF 25.6.48 as A78-2.
Received at 1 AD on A27/08/48 and
throughout 1949 was flown by pilots from
ARDU, de Havilland, and No 78 Wing
These trials resulted in modification of
the mainplane and air intakes.
In 10/56 it had its engine removed at
Williamtown by 2 OCU and the airframe was
converted to Instructional Airframe No 2.
to be used at Rathmines.
By 02/58 it had moved to RSTT Wagga.
On 25/09/61 it was approved for use as a
fire fighting training aid.
Disposed of in 09/63.

A78-3 |
FB.5 |
Built by English
Electric at Preston (Salmesbury).
Ex RAF VV465.
Powered with a 3,100 lb thrust DH Goblin
To RAAF 12/3/49.
Received 09/05/49 as A78-3 and operated
with ARDU, Williamtown and No 21 Sqn.
Struck Mustang A68-99 while taxying 03/50.
Used in the development of the Australian
built FB.31.
On 12/12/52, it was converted to
Instructional Aircraft No 1 at RSST Wagga.
On 25/09/61 it was approved for use as a
fire fighting training aid.
Reported destroyed by 29/10/63

A79-1 |
4001 |
F.30 |
was the first jet aircraft built in Australia.
26/09/49 Received 1AD
ex de Havilland
29/09/49 Issued 78 Wing
12/10/49 returned to de Havilland.
Status Card states "not to be issued
until further instructions"
14/11/49 Returned to 78 Wing
21/03/50 Damaged starboard main plane
and drop tank upon landing at Mallala
20/02/50 Damaged at Williamtown. Noted
'Doubtful if can be repaired at unit
pending further consideration of repair
24/02/50 Allocated to de Havilland for
survey and delivered by road 13/05/50
13/07/50 Received 1AD ex de Havilland
23/05/50 Allocated to 78 Wing and issued
on 27/05/50
23/02/51 Underwent engine change at 78
Wing, spent most of 1951 u/s awaiting
spares. Serviceable again 6/12/51
4/04/52 Allocated to 2OTU
1/10/53 Received at de Havilland for
21/07/54 Allocated to 21 Squadron
replacing A79-901
17/08/54 Received 2AD and issued to
21Sqn on 23/09/54
3/10/56 To de Havilland ex-East Sale
22/01/57 Allocated to 3AD and received
1/08/57 Allocated 1AD detachment B
(Tocumwal) and received 5/09/57
10/11/59 Approval requested for disposal
in situ of airframe and installed Nene
Engine No.9 (Held under cover at
8/08/60 Held 1AD Det B pending further
17/08/61 RSTT Wagga advised approved for
conversion to Instructional Airframe
No.16, Engine Instructional No.23
Held at RSTT Wagga until transferred to
Base Squadron Williamtown 6/02/68
Displayed at Williamtown Base main gate.
Moved to and currently
on display at Fighter
World, Williamtown NSW.

A79-2 |
4002 |
F.30 |
Served with 2OCU.
10/11/61, dismantled for scrap Tocumwal

A79-5 |
4048 |
FB.31 |
Issued 18/03/52 to
2.AD ex de
To 2OTU 31/03/52.
Issued to de
Havilland for trial modifications
25/09/52. Returned to 2AD 24/08/53.
To 2OTU for target towing tests 21/10/53.
Designated Mk.31TT on status card.
Damaged starboard mainplane on 08/04/56
when rear of drop tank dislodged, location
given as Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Starboard mainplane replaced 09/06/56.
Issued to East Sale 27/11/56 replacing
On 28/04/60 it was issued to 24SQN RAAF
Edinburgh and allocated to on the job
ground instruction. Instructional Airframe
No.9. Nene Instructional Engine No.21.
On 08/10/61 approval for conversion to
component pieces for instructional use by
On 15/03/68 the airframe was issued to
Base SQN Edinburgh for fire drill
The Nene engine Inst. No.21 was to be
removed and retained by 24SQN.
Written off 23/05/69.
A79-9 |
4070 |
FB.31 |
To 1 AD were all
items of value to the RAAF were removed by
21/07/61 and the residue disposed as
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-14 |
4029 |
F.30 |
To RSTT Wagga Wagga
as Instructional Airframe No.3.
Approval for disposal 23/05/69.
Sold to
Museum of Aviation
, Cockpit on display the rest
of aircraft in storage
is a privately owned collection and is
not open to the public.

A79-18 |
4020 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OCU.
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/62.

A79-24 |
4012 |
F.30 |
Belly landing at Canberra. Pilot
FLTLT Parker uninjured
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/62.

A79-36 |
4056 |
FB.31 |
To WA ATC Claremont, Perth as
Instructional Airframe No. 20.
Painted overall white wearing '20'.
Approved for disposal 31/01/70.
Purchased by the WA Museum of Aviation
1993, current status
and location unknown.

A79-60 |
4044 |
FB.31 |
Served with ARDU
testing of Vampire at high Mach numbers.
Served with 25 SQN.
On 19/06/56 at RAAF Pearce the engine
caught fire after explosive noise during
The aircraft was completely destroyed by
On 28/08/56
approval was given for conversion to

A79-76 |
4038 |
FB.31 |
Approved for disposal
Dismantled for scrap 11/61 Tocumwal NSW
DHA participated in the ARL Vampire
fatigue testing. The remains of the
fuselages of A79-76, -472 and -942 were at
Bankstown in the early sixties. The
cross-tubes were removed for use by ARL in
the testing of the wings as the tubes had
shorter lives than the wings and had to be
replaced several times to continue wing
testing, and the fuselages were retained
to yield occasional specimens for testing
the deterioration of glued joints. The CAA
(now CASA) had ARL test specimens from
these fuselages as recently as the
mid-eighties to support the
registration-application of
A79-649/VH-ICP. |
A79-83 |
4014 |
F.30 |
Served with 78 Wing.
Crashed 13/05/51 at Karuah, 15 miles NE of
Civilian witness saw aircraft dive
vertically into river-bank.
Pilot FLGOFF B C Wilson killed.
Construction No. 4014 is also reported as
being A79-443 which is not a valid serial,
The aircraft mentioned was reported as
being dismantled for scrap 11/61 at
Tocumwal NSW. I believe this is a mistaken
identity and more likely to be A79-433 c/n
4074. |
A79-89 |
4025 |
F.30 |
Served with ARDU
testing of Vampire at high Mach numbers.
To RSTT Wagga as Instructional
Vampire Airframe No.11
Purchased by a Brisbane
scrap yard that intended to mount on a
pole to attract attention to the
business. This did not happen and was
purchased by Syd Beck
on display Beck Collection, Mareeba Qld.

A79-91 |
4057 |
FB.31 |
Approved for disposal
Dismantled for scrap 1961 Tocumwal NSW

A79-109 |
4013 |
F.30 |
10/11/50 Issued to
28/11/50 Issued 78 Wing
4/02/51 (undecipherable) 13 miles West of
Forbes. Damage fuselage 20%, Flaps 15%,
remainder of a/c ?%. Repairable but beyond
unit capacity
13/02/57 Allotted 78 Wing to De Havs for
6/03/51 Received de Havilland ex 78 Wing
4/05/51 Nene engine CAC2 allotted for
installation still not received
8/06/51 Serviceability progressing
9/08/51 Allotment varied to read "For
Major Repair"
10/10/52 Held under repair @ de Havilland
4/11/52 Allotted ex de Havilland to 2OCU
for category 2 storage
29/11/52 Received ex de Havilland at 2AD
for onward dispatch to 2OCU
To RSTT 11/09/59 as Instructional Airframe
Approved for disposal 23/05/69.
on a pole in Forbes, NSW.

A79-111 |
4065 |
FB.31 |
Part of the Red
Devils display team in 1958.
Was used in conjunction
with CSIRO for cloud seeding experiments
(see photo)
To 25 Squadron Pearce 11/60
To WA 15 FLT ATC Belmont as Instructional
Airframe No.23.
Approved for disposal 22/12/69.
Sold to
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 06/70

A79-115 |
4037 |
FB.31 |
Approved for disposal
Dismantled for scrap 11/61 Tocumwal NSW |
A79-119 |
T.55 |
Not a valid serial.
Reported at East Sale Vic 14/04/98 as
VH-ZVZ. This would of been Judy Pay's
ex-Zimbabwe R4221 This aircraft carries
serial RRAF-119 (Royal Rhodesian Air
Force) and this may of lead to an
incorrect identity in some reports. |
A79-151 |
4075 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OCU.
Dismantled for scrap 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-153 |
4019 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OCU.
Dismantled for scrap 11/61 Tocumwal NSW

A79-160 |
4064 |
F.31 |
Served with 21 SQN.
On 31/07/63 advised aircraft required for
display at Melbourne Royal Show.
On 04/08/63 it was converted for display
purposes by removal of wings and tail
booms and the fitting of smooth fuselage
panels over the openings left.
Used by RAAF PR for recruiting displays.
The original plan was to use A79-333 but
that a/c would have needed 300 man-hours
on display at HARS Albion Park.
A79-165 |
4030 |
FB.31 |
To 24 SQN at RAAF
Edinburgh as Instructional Airframe No.10
with installed Nene Instructional No. 22.
Carried the unusual
serial A/1/10
Approved for disposal 23/05/69.
Outside display
at Fleetwings Service Station, Laverton
Photographed at Dookie
Vic. Date?
Was displayed at
Dubbo Military Museum wearing a very
incorrect camouflage paint scheme.
Sold 2007.
to be under restoration, more
information required please.

A79-170 |
4010 |
F.30 |
Forced landing caused
by fuel shortage 24/04/54 at Pearce
bombing range at Muchea, WA.
It was recommended the a/c be converted to

A79-175 |
4059 |
FB.31 |
To RAAF Museum Point
Cook 17/02/71 for
display as Instructional Airframe No.32.
Was displayed on a pole outside Point Cook Vic.
Swapped by RAAF Museum for some Mustang
parts for A68-170 with Hawker de
Sold to Harold Thomas 1993. (Camden Aviation Museum)
Sold to current owner Nicholas Cale 08/96.
Fuselage stored at
Parkes, NSW.
Wings noted at rear of Bankstown
Aviation Museum (along with those off
A79-178 |
4051 |
FB.31 |
I don't have an
aircraft status card for this Vampire.
Operated with 22 Squadron
Nose section was reported
at RAAF Museum Point Cook.
Current details unknown
A79-187 |
4040 |
FB.31 |
Served with 2 OTU.
Collided with A68-128, 29/04/53
Williamtown NSW. Aircraft lost during
rapid descent over sea. Pilot FLTLT P
Cooney (02219). Parts of missing Vampire
found 05/05/53.
Approval given 04/05/53 for write off of
aircraft. |
A79-199 |
4043 |
FB.31 |
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped. |
A79-202 |
4039 |
FB.31 |
with ARDU Laverton 1957
Served with 21 Squadron
Was displayed at
RAAF HQ North Adelaide (Noted 12/62 and 1964)
Mildura Warbirds Museum 1974-1980.
on display at the South Australian
Aviation Museum.

We don't have an Aircraft
Status card for A79-202 so data
obtained from photos
A79-215 |
4054 |
FB.31 |
with 21 Squadron
Was painted bright red when used as
the 25 SQN CO's plane from 1957 to 1959.
On 15/09/61 approval given for use as fire training aid at
RAAF Pearce.

A79-217 |
4068 |
FB.31 |
Served with 2 OTU.
Crashed RAAF Williamtown 03/05/55. Pilot
Approval given 13/07/55 for conversion to
components. |
A79-227 |
4006 |
F30 |
Received at 2.AD
24/07/50 ex Bankstown.
Served with 78 Wing.
On 28/08/50 failed to recover from a
vertical dive during aerobatics over the
Wallaroo Mountains north of Raymond
Terrace, NSW. Status card entry for
05/10/50 reads " a/c found in condition of
complete disintegration with small
fragments of no value spread over a large
area. Recommend write off."
Pilot GV Hollands killed. |
A79-235 |
4045 |
FB.31 |
Served with 2 OCU.
To 1 AD were all items of value to the
RAAF were removed by 31/07/61 and the
residue disposed as scrap.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-263 |
4021 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OCU.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.

A79-275 |
4049 |
FB.31 |
Served with 2 OTU.
Forced landing RAAF Williamtown 13/10/56.
Approval given for conversion to
components 10/12/52. |
A79-282 |
4080 |
FB.31 |
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-308 |
4066 |
FB.31 |
Served with 25 SQN.
On 05/06/52 advised would be required by
ARL for fatigue testing.
On 31/01/64 it was issued to West
Australian Air TC SQN. Airframe to be
maintained in condition that will not
prejudice ARL testing.
On 13/05/65 ARL advised aircraft no longer
Noted at Drill Hall, Fremantle WA 1967.
Approved for disposal 19/01/70.
Sold to
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 06/70

A79-309 |
4009 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OCU.
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/62.

A79-321 |
4028 |
F.30 |
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/62.

A Vampire marked as A79-321 is now on
display at the Central West Shopping
Plaza in Ashley Street, Braybrook, Vic.
(built on the site of the RAAF Tottenham
Store). This is actually an ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
FB.52, serial R8128, (ex-South
African Air Force serial 211) imported
in 1988

A79-333 |
4034 |
FB.31 |
to Target Tug and given distinct black and
yellow striped paint scheme.
To RSTT Wagga
as Instructional Airframe No.33.
Was to be converted for display at the
1963 Royal Melbourne Show however for some
reason it would have taken 300 man hours
more than the same conversion done on
A79-160 so that a/c was used instead.
Destroyed on Wagga fire

A79-375 |
4011 |
F.30 |
To RSTT Wagga Wagga
19/03/58 as Instructional Airframe No.4
and installed Nene CAC73 became
Instructional Engine No.4.
On 03/09/70 was approved for free transfer
to the City of Wagga.
The Vampire marked as A79-375 that was
displayed on pole at Wagga was actually
These two Vampires have confused
identities. At some stage the tail groups
have been interchanged. The distinguishing
visual clues are the wing tips. A79-375 is
a F-30 and has rounded wingtips. A79-733
is a FB-31 and has clipped wingtips. This
has been confirmed by the RAAF Museum's
Dave Gardener in a letter to Fligthpath
magazine. The confusion continued as on
30/04/74 SQNLDR Gordon RSTT Wagga advised
that although aircraft A79-733 was listed
as a Mk.31 Wagga have advised it is a
Mk.30.(making it -375)
On 02/07/74 it was advised that this a/c
is only Vampire suitable for preservation
for National Museum.
On 29/01/75 it was advised that this item
has been placed on Exhibit Account at
Wagga and that RSTT/Airframe Flight is
providing storage and preventative
On 24/08/77 SQNLDR Flood from Wagga
advised that this a/c and A79-659 will be
issued by road on 27/08/77 to Point Cook.
Restored using tail and booms off A79-733
and painted as A79-876 in the distinctive
Target Tug black and yellow paint scheme
that A79-876 wore in 1955 before it was
re-serialled A79-476.
Coincidentally the Nene engine fitted at
present Nene CAC72 is the actual one
removed from A79-476.
displayed at RAAF Museum, Point Cook

A79-390 |
4053 |
FB.31 |
To RSTT Wagga
04/08/60 as Instructional Airframe No.13.
Approved for disposal 23/05/64.
Still held Wagga
On display in Tamworth since the mid to late 1960s
it was restored to static display
condition by Tamair engineering staff in
Was displayed on a plinth
in the Hands of Fame Park in Tamworth,
It was taken down 10/2011 and trucked to
Tamworth Airport where it will undergo a
further restoration by New England
Institute of TAFE students.
under restoration. It
has had a massive steel beam placed
through the middle of the aircraft
from firewall to nose.
The plinth it was mounted on has since
been demolished so it won't be going
back up there.

A79-408 |
4078 |
FB.31 |
Approval for disposal
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-409 |
4055 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-609 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-409.
Part of the Red Devils display team in
Served with 2 OCU.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.

A79-417 |
VO683 |
FB.9 |
Not a real RAAF
Air Force
Vampires Serial R1382 (ex-South
African Air Force serial 252) imported
by Judy Pay in 1988
To Moorabbin Air
Museum. Underwent
static restoration at Wangaratta
painted as an RAAF aircraft with false
serial A79-417.
Was located at
Maryborough, Vic.
Sold in 2017 to Nicholas Cale and
removed to his premises

A79-422 |
4060 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-622 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-422.
31/07/52 issued to 2AD
ex De Havilland
2/10/52 Received 2OTU
5/03/53 Starboard undercarriage
collapsed taxying on dispersal,
starboard oleo fractured.
4/09/53 Allocated to 22 Squadron.
27/02/56 To De Havilland for fitment of
ejection seats and target towing
1/03/56 allocated to 21 Squadron
(replacing A79-704)
24/04/56 Serial changed from A79-622 to
Held 21 Squadron to 21/03/60 then to 1AD
14/04/60 approved for disposal.
08/61 Initially approved for transfer to
Point Cook for fire training but on
08/06/62 approval was given to give it to
the Lord Mayors Children's Camp at
Final disposal to Lord Mayors Camp
It was later acquired by Moorabbin Air
Museum and displayed at the museum.
In 1972/73 it was traded with the
Australian Air League Squadron at
Bankstown for Firefly WD827.
The Vampire was severely damaged when a
drunk driver ran through a fence and
smashed into it.
Our photos show it derelict at Oaks
Airfield in 1984 and 1988.
The tail booms were missing and the wooden
cockpit section had broken in two.
Some of the fuselage pod and fittings are

A79-433 |
4074 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-633 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-433.
Received 27/11/53
2/09/55 Converted
to target tug.
24/04/56 Serial changed
from A79-633 to A79-433
Served with 2OTU to
5/11/58 then allocated to 1AD det B
(Tocumwal, NSW)
Approval for disposal 10/11/59.
21/07/61 Items of value
to RAAF to be removed and approval for
1AD to dispose of residue .
Sold 5/10/61 |
A79-440 |
4069 |
FB.31 |
status card held for A79-440
Was displayed
on pole at RAAF Amberley in 1974,
Sold privately in Queensland 13/06/91.
Reported to have been purchased by Bexgold
Pty Ltd for $5102.
under restoration at Calvert Model
Aeroplane Club, a few kilometers west of
Rosewood, Qld,
2020 Reacquired by History and Heritage Branch - Air
Force and relocated to RAAF Base Amberley for
restoration for static display.

A79-444 |
4073 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-844 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-444 on
5/09/56 Fitted with ejection seats and
target towing equipment
1/11/56 Canopy
shattered in flight at Dutson range (nr
East Sale, Vic) Leading edge of
tailplane damaged
4/12/56 To 2OTU
Served with 2OTU to
9/09/57 then allocated to 1AD det B
(Tocumwal, NSW)
21/07/61 Items of value
to RAAF to be removed and approval for
1AD to dispose of residue .
Sold 5/10/61 |
A79-450 |
4026 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-650 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-450
on 24/04/56
30/05/51 Received 2AD
ex De Havilland
6/06/51 issued 78 Wing ex 2AD
4/04/52 allocated 2OTU ex 78 Wing
10/12/52 At Williamtown was struck by
Wirraway A20-309 due to brake failure.
Repaired at 2AD
19/08/55 - 29/02/56 Modification
to target tug at De Havilland
1/03/56 Allocated to 3AD ex De Havilland
7/03/56 allocated to 23 Squadron
replacing A79-202 however changed
26/03/56 to 2OTU
10/11/59 Approval requested for disposal
4/08/60 To RSTT
Wagga s
Instructional Airframe No. 12.
Current status and
location unknown.

A79-453 |
4016 |
F.30 |
Crashed 13/05/51 at
Karuah 15 miles NE of Williamtown, NSW.
Speed brakes activated at Mach 0.76 - they
were ineffective. Witness saw aircraft
dive vertically into river.
Approval for conversion to components
05/07/51. |
A79-462 |
4036 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-862 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-462
To 1 AD 27/07/61 all items of value to
RAAF to be removed.
The remainder approved for disposal

A79-467 |
4076 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-867 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-467.
Free issue 01/08/61 to ARL for fatigue
A79-472 |
4032 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-872 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-472.
To 1 AD 04/07/61 all items of value to
RAAF to be removed.
The remainder approved for disposal
DHA participated in the ARL Vampire
fatigue testing. The remains of the
fuselages of A79-76, -472 and -942 were at
Bankstown in the early sixties. The
cross-tubes were removed for use by ARL in
the testing of the wings as the tubes had
shorter lives than the wings and had to be
replaced several times to continue wing
testing, and the fuselages were retained
to yield occasional specimens for testing
the deterioration of glued joints. The CAA
(now CASA) had ARL test specimens from
these fuselages as recently as the
mid-eighties to support the
registration-application of

A79-474 |
4050 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-674 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-474.
To RSTT Wagga Wagga 02/06/65 as
Instructional Airframe No.21.
Obsolete fuselage and cockpit allocated to
NSW ATC on 01/08/73, they had to arrange
their own transport to a suitable flight.
Current status and
location unknown

A79-476 |
4018 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-876 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed on 24/04/56 to A79-476.
It was converted for use as a Target Tug
on 13/08/55 and given a distinct black and
yellow striped paint scheme.
To RSTT Wagga Wagga 17/03/58 as
Instructional Airframe No.5. and
Instructional Engine No 5 (Nene CAC72)
Approved for disposal 12/05/71.
The original Nene engine is fitted to the
RAAF museum's A97-375 that is displayed as
this aircraft.
Displayed at Gold Coast War Museum at
Mudgeeraba, Qld
Purchased by Queensland Air Museum 08/91.
Transported to Caloundra 05/07/92 and
placed in storage.
Fuselage pod undergone restoration
on display at Queensland Air Museum
Queensland Air
Museum's history of A79-476

The RAAF Museum at
Point Cook has A79-375
displayed as Target
Tug A79-476/876
A79-484 |
4004 |
F.30 |
On 18/04/1950 while
Brian "Blackjack" Walker (HDH Test pilot)
was testing Vampire A79-484 he landed
after he's radio had failed. Unbeknown to
him there was a Tiger Moth (VH-CGK/A17-53)
on long finals with the instructor under
the hood performing an instrument landing.
The Tiger collected the Vampire as it
landed with the propeller smashing through
the Vampire cockpit canopy. All on board
survived with minor injuries. The Tiger
was written off but the Vampire was
repaired and delivered to the RAAF six
months later.
Disposed of 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/65.

A79-487 |
4007 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-687 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-487.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-514 |
4077 |
FB.31 |
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
A79-520 |
4063 |
FB.31 |
Approval for disposal
given 11/05/60.
To be disposed in-situ at Pearce and not
converted to scrap. |
A79-529 |
4022 |
F.30 |
airframe No. 6 RSTT Wagga Noted outside
awaiting disposal 04/69
Displayed on a pole outside RSL at Corowa
Removed from pole and restoration
initially carried out by CNAPG at Wagga
Restoration completed in Corowa and
aircraft re-mounted on pole at RSL.
on display Corowa NSW

A79-536 |
4052 |
FB.31 |
Served with 25 SQN.
Crashed RAAF Pearce 18/09/55. Pilot FLTOFF
R J Williams (Citizen Air Force).
Approval given for conversion to
components 28/11/56.

A79-550 |
4046 |
FB.31 |
Approval for disposal
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.

A79-552 |
4062 |
FB.31 |
Served with 25 SQN.
Forced landing Caversham, WA on 17/07/54
due to engine faiure.
Approval for conversion to components
11/11/54. |
A79-560 |
4003 |
F.30 |
Served with ARDU.
Crashed 26/04/51 1/2 mile south of
Laverton. Stalled while turning on base
leg. Aircraft completly destroyed and
burnt. Pilot PLTOFF K A J Edwards killed.
Approval given 07/06/57 for conversion to
components. |
A79-564 |
4058 |
FB.31 |
May also of had serial
Crashed approx 8 miles south-east of
Darwin NT 03/09/58. Pilot AIRCDT W M
Kennedy killed.
Approval given 14/11/56 to convert
aircraft to components. |
A79-567 |
4033 |
F.30 |
May also of had serial A79-33.
Crashed at Werribee Racecourse Vic
11/03/53 when aircraft flicked and spun
when pilot tried too tight turn to regain
Pilot FLTLT E H Luder (033456) killed.
Approval given 07/05/53 to convert
aircraft to components. |
A79-586 |
4005 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OTU.
Crashed on 19/09/52 5 miles north of
Williamtown, 1½ miles east of Ringwood
Strip. Aircraft spinning from 16,000 feet
from top of loop. Pilot SGT H Edwards
Approval given 13/11/52 for conversion to
components .

A79-593 |
4071 |
FB.31 |
Received 2AD ex-deHavilland
Issued to 2OTU 22/12/52
9/01/58 To 1AD Det.B (Tocumwal)
to RSTT Wagga Wagga as Instructional
Airframe No.14
Approved for disposal 11/02/70.
on pole at Wingham NSW.

A79-600 |
4121 |
T.35 |
Previously A79-836,
modified to T.35 and serial change to
A79-600 on the production line.
To de Havilland at Bankstown 01/12/67 for
conversion to components.

A79-601 |
4122 |
T.35 |
Crashed 15/08/57 into
the Castlereagh State Forest, 5 nm
south-southeast of RAAF Richmond, NSW.
Flying Officer Gavin Collins suffered loss
of control during post-contractor
acceptance test flight. According to
Flightpath Magazine, Vol.6 No.1 " A left
hand spin was carried out without problem.
A right hand spin was initiated from
30,000 feet when the aircraft rolled on to
its back and an uncontrollable inverted
spin developed. The rate of rotation
increased and the dive steepened. The
front windscreen misted over and after one
more failed attempt at recovery the pilot
made the decision to eject at 10,000 feet"
He was the first RAAF pilot to eject from
a Vampire. Pilot ejected at 5,000 ft and
100 kts with only minor injuries. RAAF
Ejection number 12. Ejection seat was
retained as a training aid..

A79-602 |
4123 |
T.35 |
Put up for disposal,
RAAF Laverton, Victoria, 17/6/70. Total
time 2925 hours.
Was registered N11920 22/12/1970 to
Westair International at Bloomfield,
Colorado USA but was never exported.
To Pearce Dunn's Warbirds Aviation Museum,
Mildura, Victoria, 1980-1983.
To Lincoln Nitschke 09/83.
on display Greenock, SA.

A79-603 |
4124 |
T.35 |
Served at RAAF Base
Pearce WA with 1AFTS from 05/05/58.
Retired from flying service at what was
now called 2 FTS on 30/06/69.
Became Training Airframe TA-38.
In 03/74 it was mounted on a pole outside
the Officers Mess (not outside the base).
In 1984 a refurbishment was undertaken
with the plywood cockpit structure encased
in a fibreglass covering to provide
protection from the weather.
In 2001 it was decided to refurbish the
Vampire again for the upcoming RAAF 80th
Anniversary celebrations. A scaffold was
constructed and the fibreglass was being
peeled away when the nose section broke
away from the rear cockpit bulkhead. The
whole aircraft had to be removed from the
Parts of -603 will be used in the rebuild
of -620.
fuselage pod of -620 fitted with the
flying surfaces of -603 was on display
at RAAF Pearce 05/2012
This is destined to
be transported to RAAHC sometime in

A79-604 |
4125 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
Crashed 24/05/60 near RAAF Pearce WA. Loss
of control in IFC.
Pilot CDT K. Williams ejected
at 6,000 ft with only minor injuries. RAAF Ejection
number 16.

A79-605 |
4126 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
On 29/11/63 it was requested this aircraft
should be considered for the conversion to
components as it was damaged as a result
of a recent accident. However no details
of the accident are given,
On 29/01/64 approval was given to convert
to components. |
A79-606 |
4127 |
T.35 |
Training Airframe TA-34.
Once located at the WA Aviation Museum.
Located at Belmont WA. The booms of the
earlier Belmont ATC resident A79-606
carrying marks TA-34 are visible on a
property on Stirling Crescent, Hazelmere
just next to a bridge on the Swan River,
the pod is no longer visible and has
been placed in a shed close by.
Current status and
location unknown.

A79-607 |
4128 |
T.35 |
Served with CFS.
Part of The Red Sales 1961-62,
Crashed 15/08/62.
Crew; FLTLT P.A. Young O32516 (pilot),
FLTLT M. Dunbar O33652 (crew).
15/08/62 was a
black day for the RAAF when six pilots and
four aircraft from the Red Sales aerobatic
team were lost at RAAF East Sale, Vic.
while training for Air Force Week
celebrations. Reports indicated that the
team were performing a low level barrel
roll in diamond formation when they
impacted the ground. Killed were FLTLT
R.H. Jones (Leader), FLTLT P.A. Young
& FLTLT M. Dunbar (left), FLTLT
Hearnden (right) and FLTLT Burke &
FLGOFF Goss (Tail).
A79-608 |
4129 |
T.35 |
To 16 FLT NSW ATC for
use as training aid, Instructional
Airframe No. 48.
Purchased 07/86 by Helicopter Resources
Tyabb, Vic.
Was under restoration whilst on display at
Classic Fighter Jets Museum, SA.
Reported for sale 2000.
status and location unknown
A79-609 |
4055 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-609 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-409.
For details look under that serial

A79-609 |
4130 |
T.35 |
Performing his first
night solo flight 21/04/60 CDT Taylor
misread the altimeter during a touch and
go. His aircraft struck trees and crashed.
A79-610 |
4131 |
T.35 |
Crashed 13/12/57 6 nm
south of RAAF Richmond NSW. The de
Havilland pilot, Mr. E Shaw was unable to
recover from spin during pre-delivery test
flight and ejected at about 10,000 ft
without injury. RAAF Ejection number 14.

A79-611 |
4133 |
T.35 |
Into storage East
Sale 15/04/64.
To Hawker de Havilland
Bankstown 21/12/67 for conversion to

A79-612 |
4134 |
T.35 |
Wagga 1986.
Was displayed on gate at RAAF base.
Displayed up a pole in a park at Wagga
Wagga NSW in 1998.
Was damaged on the port side, but repaired
and placed back up the pole.
Taken down 02/2018 to
allow road widening. Placed on the
ground and was graffiti attacked the
first night.
14/02/2018 replaced on pole after
(according to City of Wagga) "The
plane was cleaned and having the
canopy repaired and replaced and other
minor maintenance works were
completed. It was also assessed for
any future maintenance needs"

A79-613 |
4135 |
T.35 |
Approved for disposal
Put up for disposal RAAF Laverton 17/6/70.
Total time 2925 hours.
Exported to USA Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1971. -
Registered as N11921. CofA 17/7/72 Arthur
W. McDonnell, Mojave, CA, 1972. Ascher
Ward, Van Nuys, CA, 1982-1983. Alan G.
Preston, Dallas, TX, July 1983. Preston
Air Museum, Dallas, TX, July 1983. J.
Duncan/Microjet Airshows, Miami, FL, 1986.
William G. Dilley/Spectra Sonics, Ogden,
UT, Feb. 1987-1990.
status unknown.

A79-614 |
4136 |
T.35 |
Served 1 AFTS.
Listed for disposal 23/01/70
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71. |
A79-615 |
4137 |
T.35 |
Into storage at
Pearce 25/02/66.
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 01/12/67 for conversion to
Residual airframe allocated to RAAF Pearce
for utilization as fire training and
rescue training. |
A79-616 |
4138 |
T.35 |
received 2AD ex de Havilland
5/05/58 to Central Flying School at East
10/64 to de Havilland Bankstown for
fatigue repair
24/05/65 returned to East Sale
20/01/70 disposal approved
Put up for
disposal RAAF Laverton 17/6/70. Total time
1945 hours.
Stored dismantled in open near Laverton
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, 07/70 to 1972 Registered as N11922
1976 To Curtis Everett, Greta LA
1976-1978 stored dismantled Tuscon Az
2/84 to 1995 James E Moody Atascadero CA

There is a
Vampire marked as A79-616 at the RAAF
Museum, Point Cook
This is a composite built by the
Maintenance Squadron at East Sale in the
mid 1990s
It used parts from a number of Vampires
including A79-827
Displayed at East Sale as part of RAAF
75th Anniversary Open Day and then sent to
Point Cook where it remains on display
A79-617 |
4139 |
T.35 |
Delivered to the RAAF
on 21/05/58 and was put into service with
the Central Flying School at East Sale in
It was subsequently transferred to No. 1
Advance Flying Training School at Pearce
in WA.
The aircraft served most of its RAAF time
in the west until disposed of in 01/70.
The aircraft was exported to the USA where
it was maintained in flying condition and
operated privately as N11923 until it was
acquired by David Lowy in 1998
Imported back to Australia and located
at Temora Aviation Museum, NSW, flying as
A79-617 made an appearance at the Fleet
Air Arm's 60th anniversary airshow at NAS
Nowra on 26/10/2008 wearing Navy
titles, carrying the serial A79-842 and
"NW" tailcodes
at Temora Aviation Museum but hasn't
flown for many years.

A79-618 |
4140 |
T.35 |
Approved for disposal
Put up for disposal RAAF Laverton 17/6/70.
Total time 2605 hours.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1972. -
Registered as N11924. Robert A. Mitchum,
Broomfield, CO, 1972. Crosby Enterprises
Inc, Wauwatosa, WI, 1976. CofA 27/07/78.
Vampire Mk.35W Inc., Miami, FL, Mar. 1984.
Preston Air Museum Inc, Dallas, TX, Feb.
1985-1986. J. Duncan/Microjet Airshows,
Miami, FL, Apr. 1986-1988. Sherman
Aircraft Sales, West Palm Beach, FL, Feb.
1988. Red Steverson, Haskell, OK, May
1989. Ernest J. Saviano, Arlington, TX,
Jan. 1990. Named "Shamu". Registered to
Merle Maine, Ontario, Oregon. 24/05/96
Was advertised for sale
A79-619 |
4141 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
Listed for disposal 23/01/70.
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71. |
A79-620 |
4142 |
T.35 |
Previously Training
Airframe TA-35. AIRTC Claremont WA in
1974. Was located in Belmont, Perth WA
marked as A79-962 (not a real serial).
The fuselage pod of -620 fitted with the
flying surfaces of -603 was on display at
RAAF Pearce 05/2012
remainder of -620 is now at the Amberley
Heritage Centre awaiting restoration

A79-621 |
4143 |
T.35 |
To Hawker deHavilland
Guildford 01/12/67 for conversion to
Conversion completed by 24/05/68.
In Kenwick scrap yard
Was mounted on its
nose as an adverting sign, cut down by
vandals and then left derelict
in a paddock on Nicholson Road, Canning Vale in
the 70's.

A79-622 |
4060 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-622 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-422.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-622 |
4144 |
T.35 |
22/07/58 Engine flamed out at 26,000
feet, relight unsuccessful and force
landed at Richmond.
Served at CFS East Sale 1958 to 1968
To 1AFTS Pearce
Into storage 01/11/68 at RAAF Pearce.
Approved for disposal 10/02/70.
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71.

A79-623 |
4145 |
T.35 |
To RSTT 18/07/68 as
Instructional Airframe No. 29.
Was on display at RAAF Forrest Hill, Wagga
Wagga NSW.
Reported fitted with booms and tail of
It is
located at Heartbreak Ridge Skirmish
range, Richmond Road, Marsden Park NSW.
Nose, tail boom and wings
separated and sitting on ground in open.
07/2017 had been moved
inside the paint ball range, with bits
scattered about the place for
paintballers to hide behind.
The paintball property had been sold and
we being cleared for housing
The Vampire was about to be bulldozed
into the ground when its remains were
saved by Steven Demanuele
Some doubt has been raised as to the
actual identity of this Vampire with a
number of panels marked A79-824
Undoubtedly more to come on this story.
A79-624 |
4146 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
Approved for disposal 20/01/70. F Total
time 2475 hours.
Exported to USA 14/01/71. Westair
International, Broomfield, CO, Aug.
1970-1972. Registered as N11925 Mercer
Aviation Inc, Kalamazoo, MI, 1972. Carried
titles "Mystery Jet" on nose. CofA
10/06/75. Lawrence W. Borret, Las Vegas,
NV, 1976. Converted to eight seater
Jetcraft "Mystery Jet II" at Las Vegas.
Noted derelict, Van Nuys, CA, 1978
Registered to Don Bateman 3/11/80 - Open
storage, Las Vegas, 1990.
status unknown.

A79-625 |
4147 |
T.35 |
Served with CFS.
Engine stalled after being damaged by
foreign object (FOD).
Crashed 17/11/59 at East Sale, Vic. Crew;
FLTLT H.O. Wilson (Pilot), PLTOFF J.J.

A79-626 |
4148 |
T.35 |
Part of The Telstars
Aerobatic Team 1966/67.
To Hawker de Havilland Bankstown for
conversion to components 01/12/67.

A79-627 |
4149 |
T.35 |
Served with ARDU.
On 07/09/70 became instructional airframe
No.44. at RAAF Townsville, Qld.
Ended up being used for fire training.
Complete destruction occurring by
A79-628 |
4150 |
T.35 |
Served with CFS. Part
of The Red Sales 1961-62, Crashed 15/08/62. Crew; FLTLT
P. Hearnden O38936.
15/08/62 was a
black day for the RAAF when six pilots and
four aircraft from the Red Sales aerobatic
team were lost at RAAF East Sale, Vic.
while training for Air Force Week
celebrations. Reports indicated that the
team were performing a low level barrel
roll in diamond formation when they
impacted the ground. Killed were FLTLT
R.H. Jones (Leader), FLTLT P.A. Young
& FLTLT M. Dunbar (left), FLTLT
Hearnden (right) and FLTLT Burke &
FLGOFF Goss (Tail).
A79-629 |
4151 |
T.35 |
Served with CFS.
Part of The Red Sales 1961-62, Crashed 15/08/1962. Crew;
FLTLT R.H. Jones O22203.
15/08/62 was a black day
for the RAAF when six pilots and four
aircraft from the Red Sales aerobatic team
were lost at RAAF East Sale, Vic. while
training for Air Force Week celebrations.
Reports indicated that the team were
performing a low level barrel roll in
diamond formation when they impacted the
ground. Killed were FLTLT R.H. Jones
(Leader), FLTLT P.A. Young & FLTLT M.
Dunbar (left), FLTLT Hearnden (right) and
FLTLT Burke & FLGOFF Goss (Tail).

A79-630 |
4152 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de-Havilland
3/11/58 to Base Squadron East Sale.
Served with Central Flying School
26/06/61 to de Havilland for
11/08/61 return to East Sale
18/07/62 to de Havilland for fatigue
15/1/63 return to East Sale
14/09/66 to 81 Wing
19/10/66 to East Sale
1/08/67 Airframe approaching 2000 hours,
held pending further advice
4/12/67 approval conversion of airframe
to components upon reaching its fatigue
Residual to be used for fire fighting
and rescue training at RAAF Laverton
12/01/68 Held East Sale
No further details |
A79-631 |
4153 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS RAAF Pearce
Approved for disposal 20/01/70.
Put up for disposal, RAAF Laverton
17/6/70. Total time 2636 hours.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1972. -
Registered as N11926. Edwin Dye, Devine,
TX, 1976. Wayne Dye Inc, Helotes, TX,
08/78-01/87. Charles R. Parnell/Mission
Motors, Universal City, TX, 01/87-1990. C
of A issued 10/06/1988. Combat Jets Flying
Museum, Houston, TX, 1990-1992. - Flew in
Zimbabwe AF scheme. EAA Aviation
Foundation, Oshkosh, WI, 1992-1993.
Registered 21/08/2003 to James Moodey, San
Miguel, California.
status unknown.

A79-632 |
4154 |
T.35 |
Held at East Sale
To fire dump
Cockpit pod rescued although burnt around
lower structure
In the late 80s early 90s underwent some
restoration in the garage of a Canberra
By 1995/96 much of the damage had been
repaired and the cockpit was undergoing a
No further information

A79-633 |
4074 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-633 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-433.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-633 |
4155 |
T.35 |
Served with 1AFTS.
Aircraft struck ground soon after take off
21/11/67 near RAAF Pearce, at Bullsbrook
W.A. Crew; CDTAC E.W. Best. |
A79-634 |
4156 |
T.35 |
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 01/12/67.
Approval for disposal 13/07/68.
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71. |
A79-635 |
4157 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
Approved for disposal 20/01/70.
Put up for disposal, RAAF Laverton,
Victoria, 17/6/70. Total time 1964 hours.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1972.
Registered as N11927. Dennis M. Sherman,
West Palm Beach, FL, 1972.
Registered N35DS to Country Club
Investment and Development Co. Inc. on
09/2015 to undergo a static
restoration by Fairmont State University
Flying Falcons (West Virginia, USA)

A79-636 |
4158 |
T.35 |
To RAAF Museum Point
Cook, Vic 25/06/70.
Became Instructional Airframe No.41.
Refurbished by 21 SQN. at RAAF
Registered VH-HLF from 25/02/88 and
flew with RAAF Historic Flight. RAAF
Museum, Point Cook Vic.
Currently grounded due to wings being out
of fatigue life
Stored at RAAF Museum, Point Cook.
A79-637 |
4159 |
T.35 |
Part of The Telstars
Aerobatic Team 1966/67.
Approved for disposal 20/01/70.
Sold to Arnold Glass
Was at Dubbo NSW.
Was owned by the HARS Chaplain, the late
Fr Jeremy Flynn.
Under restoration to fly by HARS members
and Bestrak Aviation, registered as VH-FJW
(Father Jeremy's Wish) from 11/12/97.
under restoration to
airworthiness at HARS Albion

A79-638 |
4160 |
T.35 |
Into long term
storage at RAAF Pearce.
Approved for disposal 23/01/70.
on display at Beverley Aeronautical
Museum, WA.

A79-639 |
4161 |
T.35 |
Came in contact with
RAAF vehicle 209513 at Pearce in WA
Approved for disposal 20/01/70.
Put up for disposal RAAF Laverton 17/6/70.
Total time 2627 hours.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, 08/70-1976. Registered
N11928. Owned by Bill Lamberton in 1996
from A79-639 mated with the flying
surfaces off A79-654. When airworthy it
will have the identity of A79-654 N11932

A79-640 |
4162 |
T.35 |
To RSTT Wagga Wagga
18/07/68 as Instructional Airframe No. 28.
To 1 Central Ammunition Depot at Kingswood
19/12/79 as training aid.
Still held at 1 CAMD 12/88.
Sold to local scrap
Components acquired
by HARS as spares source for restoration
to fly of A79-637.

A79-641 |
4163 |
T.35 |
Served with 2 FTS.
Crashed 22/04/69 8 nm northeast of RAAF
Pearce WA. Overheat and fire warning light
illuminated during night solo training
sortie. Pilot ejected without injury.
Crew; CDT I. Watson. RAAF Ejection number
35. |
A79-642 |
4164 |
T.35 |
To RSTT Wagga as
Instructional Airframe No.25.
Approved for disposal 16/02/77.
Mounted on the
pole at HdH's Bankstown
In 1998 it was
replaced by Vampire
XA167 as it was considered suitable for
restoration to flying status
It was then transferred to the HdH
apprentice school, and then to the company
historic flying operations,
Then sold to
Harold Thomas.
Was at Camden Aviation Museum till 08/00.
Acquired by Temora Aviation museum to
assist with the operational maintenance
of A79-617

A79-643 |
4165 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
Crashed 07/12/65 2 nm northeast of RAAF
Pearce, WA In-flight fire warning. Pilot
ejected at 500 ft and 130 kts with only
minor injuries. Crew; FLGOFF A Perry. RAAF
Ejection number 27.
A Vampire
marked A79-643 was
on display mounted on a plinth at the de Havilland (now
Boeing) factory at Bankstown XA167
A79-644 |
4166 |
T.35 |
Approved for disposal
Put up for disposal RAAF Laverton 17/6/70.
Total time 2514 hours.
Exported to USA. CofA 15/06/71. Westair
International, Broomfield, CO, Aug.
1970-1976. Registered as N11929. Dayton
Air Taxi, Dayton, OH, 1976-1987. Indiana
Museum of Military History, Indianapolis,
IN, 1987-1990
Current status and location unknown.
A79-645 |
4167 |
T.35 |
Approved for disposal
Put up for disposal, RAAF Laverton,
Victoria, 17/06/70. Total time 2716 hours.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1972. Registered
as N11930. Age Leasing Corp, 25/03/74.
John O. Sheeran, Plum City, WI, 1976. CofA
28/06/78 Edward C. Steed, Bedford &
Manchester, NH, Jan. 1983-1991. - Flown as
RAF/WH930/ES930. Lake Air Inc, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, 2002. US registration
cancelled 1/04/2003.
Now based
at SDTF Tatui, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

A79-646 |
4168 |
T.35 |
11/12/61 to 2AD for
dismantling in preparation for shipment to
Malaysia 2/1/62 78Wing ( no record of how
shipped, probably Hercules)
17/5/66 to 1AFTS Pearce.
Approved for disposal 14/01/70.
Put up for disposal RAAF Laverton 17/6/70.
Total time 1024 hours.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1976. -
Registered as N11931. Robert R. Redding,
Houston, TX, 1972. Redding International
Inc, Houston, TX, 1984-1986. Rick E.
sharpe, Manvel, TX, 1987-1988. FOAG Inc,
Breckenridge, TX, June 1989-1992.
by Rick Panozzo, flying as N4445D.
A79-647 |
4169 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS.
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 01/12/67 for conversion to
Sold to a private owner at Kenwick WA.
Current status and
location unknown. |
A79-648 |
4170 |
T.35 |
Flew with Telstars
Display Team.
To Hawker de Havilland
Bankstown 01/12/67 for conversion to
Cockpit was
reported at the Camden Museum of
Aviation but this is
incorrect (maybe mistaken identification
of A79-642?)
A79-649 |
4171 |
T.35 |
Approved for disposal
Sold to Arnold Glass
Restored to airworthiness by Jacani Pty
Ltd Bankstown.
First flight 19/09/86.
Registered VH-ICP 26/09/86 to 21/01/91
Exported to New Zealand 20/11/90 and
flying as ZK-VAM.

A79-650 |
4026 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-650 but when this
clashed with a Vampire trainer serial it
was changed to A79-450.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-650 |
4172 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
7/09/59 To 2(F)OCU ex 2AD
4/11/59 To CFS East Sale ex 2(F)OCU
Part of The Red Sales 1961-62,
Crashed 15/08/62.
Crew; FLTLT M.T. Burke O34493 (pilot),
FLTLT D.S. Gow O214491.
15/08/62 was a
black day for the RAAF when six pilots and
four aircraft from the Red Sales aerobatic
team were lost at RAAF East Sale, Vic.
while training for Air Force Week
celebrations. Reports indicated that the
team were performing a low level barrel
roll in diamond formation when they
impacted the ground. Killed were FLTLT
R.H. Jones (Leader), FLTLT P.A. Young
& FLTLT M. Dunbar (left), FLTLT
Hearnden (right) and FLTLT Burke &
FLGOFF Goss (Tail).

A79-651 |
4173 |
T.35 |
28/10/59 to 34 (Special Transport)
Squadron, Canberra
13/11/59 to 1 AFTS Pearce ex 34 (ST)
3/06/69 to 2FTS
Approval for disposal 10/02/70.
Acquired by the Rotary
Club of Geraldton WA but abandoned at
the town airport 05/71,
Was preserved by Geraldton Chamber
of Commerce.
on display at Beverley Aeronautical
Museum, WA.
This museum has now
closed down. Any new on the Vampire
would be welcome.

A79-652 |
4174 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
20/10/59 to 1 AFTS Pearce
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 1/12/67.
Approval for disposal 13/07/68.
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71. |
A79-653 |
4175 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
15/12/60 to 1 AFTS Pearce
According to aircraft status card
aircraft "crashed, exploded and burned
whilst on a training flight" 21/01/66.
MIDN A.H.Hammond killed. the date recorded
as 20/01/1966 (It was a night flight)
From Phil Thompson "Briefly
the story is that due to the known
precession of the Vampire Attitude
Indicator during the Takeoff Run, it was
known to allow for that by - after
liftoff at night - to fly with about a
five degree to port attitude with nose
slightly higher than usual for climb.
This overrode the precession which - if
followed - would cause the aircraft to
fly as Hammond did - to the right and
down. All Vampire students were shown
this effect by flying towards the hills
(with instructor) during the day. They
all pointed to the same black spot in
the hills to the east of the airfield
(we all took off on RW 36)." |
A79-654 |
4176 |
T.35 |
25/11/59 Received 2AD ex de Havilland
27/11/59 to East Sale ex 2AD
Part of The Telstars Aerobatic Team
18/06/69 TO 1AD
Submission for disposal
Disposal approved
Laverton 17/6/70.
Exported to USA. Westair International,
Broomfield, CO, Aug. 1970-1971. Registered
as N11932. Mercer Aviation, Kalamazoo, MI,
1972. Jimmie Moe, 22/07974. Don Bateman,
Las Vegas, NV, 1974-1984. - Stored, Van
Nuys, CA, 1979. Mark E. Foster, Aurora,
CO, 1986. Bill Lamberton 02/87 Registered
to Pacific Flying Service Inc. of Mercer
Island, WA on 12/07/91. CofA 16/05/95.
from A79-639 mated with the flying
surfaces off A79-654. When airworthy it
will have the identity of A79-654 N11932

A79-655 |
4177 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
27/11/59 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA ex 2AD
Served with 1AFTS 1959-1967
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 01/12/67 for conversion to
components. |
A79-656 |
4178 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
6/01/60 to 2(F)OCU ex 2AD
26/06/60 to ARDU
3/05/68 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA ex ARDU
15/06/69 to 1AD
15/07/69 to ARDU
7/09/70 To Queensland SQN Air
Training Corp as Instructional
Airframe No. 43.
30/06/74 to 7
Stores Depot, Toowoomba Qld. Still held 7SD as of 12/85.
Reported as in store at
RAAF Amberley Heritage Centre but
they say they don't have it
Current location and condition unknown,

A79-657 |
4179 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
6/01/60 to Base Squadron East Sale
Flew with Telstars Display Team,
1/03/68 to
1AFTS Pearce, WA
18/06/69 to 1AD
20/01/70 Approved
for disposal.
17/06/70 Put up
for disposal RAAF Laverton. Total time
1948 hours.
08/70 Purchased by
Westair International, Broomfield, CO. and exported to
1970-1972 Registered
as N11933.
1974-1984 Bradley
Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT.
1984-1989 New
England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT. |
1989 Louis
Alex, Rockland, ME.
11/90 Re-registered
as N6528Z
Currently on display again at the
New England Aviation Museum
Windsor Locks, CT

A79-658 |
4180 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
9/03/60 to 76 (F) Squadron
27/02/61 transferred to 81 Wing
3/02/66 to
1AFTS Pearce, WA
15/07/68 To
RSTT Wagga Wagga as Instructional Airframe
Transferred to No.1 Central Ammunition
Depot at Kingswood NSW 12/79 for use as
training aid.
Status card shows still held 1
CAMD 12/88.
Under restoration at
Amberley c1991/92
To RAAF Museum
Point Cook
Sold to Ron
Schneider. Rupanyup,

A79-659 |
4181 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
9/03/60 to 76 (F) Squadron
27/02/61 transferred to 81 Wing
29/05/62 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA
18/07/68 to RSTT
Wagga Wagga as Instructional No.27
17/01/74 Status card states: "Required
for National Aviation Museum, to be
prepared for presentation, storage and
transfer to register of exhibits"
22/03/74 "Wagga advised this a/c to be
retained at RSTT until its use as
training aid has lapsed. On completion
of use Wagga is to advise HQ to enable
allotment to Register of Exhibits"
1/07/74 "availability of this aircraft
dependant on RSTT receiving GSE
for support of Sabre aircraft.
Unlikely to be before 12/74"
Still held RSTT 06/75 and 10/75
8/11/76 allocated to Point Cook as
display aircraft
1/06/77 still held Base Squadron Wagga
27/08/77 to Point Cook by road (along
with A79-733)
Was on displayed
at RAAF Museum, Point Cook.
Sold to Jeff Trappett
Currently under
restoration at Traralgon Airport, Vic.

A79-660 |
4182 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
9/03/60 to 76 (F) Squadron
27/02/61 transferred to 81 Wing
3/02/66 to
1AFTS Pearce, WA
Disposed 23/01/70
Was located at the TVW-7 Museum in
Became part of the collection of the now
defunct West Australian Museum of Aviation
located at Jandakot Airport
Reported as VH-HTS.
(A79-663 with
wings of -660
located at Bill's Machinery in Gnangara
Road, Wanneroo.)
There was a fuselage marked as
A79-660 in a building in Holt .ACT.
Previously owned
by Dave Perrott
in Melbourne who adds "Fitted with
ejection seats are out of A79-832 (has serial
printed on sides of seats near head
rests ) , the canopy that came with it
is from A79-826
, looking at pics in Vampire listing it
appears that this canopy is not the same
one fitted when it was on display at
Holt ACT."
Then owned by
Dick Winterburn's Derelict Aircraft Museum
at Launching Place
(previously Heathcote), Vic .
Sold 05/2016
Currently owned
by Steven Demanuele (along with A79-840)

A79-661 |
4183 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
2/05/60 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA
14/10/60 to Base Sqn Williamtown
20/02/61 to 76 (F) Squadron
27/02/61 transferred to 81 Wing
27/07/61 to East Sale
Flew with Red Sales Display Team 1961/62
3/07/68 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA
9/11/69 to 2 (F)OCU
Flew with Telstars Display Team.
23/11/70 To 2
Stores Depot as
Instructional Airframe No.49.
Still held at 2SD 12/88.
Displayed on a pole outside the officers
mess at Regents Park.
Was dismantled at Regents Park in Sept and
Oct 1994 by de
Havilland Australia Historical Group
Some restoration work was
completed by DHAHG at various sites
around Bankstown airport from 1995 – 2004.
While it was for some time allocated to
the Bankstown museum, it was never
actually located on the museum site.
Fuselage pod and wings noted at
HARS Albion Park 08/2008
Exported to USA and currently on display
at Pima Air and Space Museum
displayed outside with incorrect nose
number 57
05/2018 has had cosmetic refurishment,
nose number corrected to 61 and mounted
inside above the rostrum stage

A79-662 |
4184 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
2/05/60 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA
Served with 1AFTS 1960-1967
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 01/12/67 for conversion to
Residual airframe allocated to RAAF Pearce
for utilization as fire training and
rescue training. |
A79-663 |
4185 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
6/06/60 to ARDU
27/10/61 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA
6/07/62 to ARDU
12/01/65 to 1AFTS
7/01/69 to short term storage pending
23/01/70 Disposed
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71.
Was VH-HRR and Later VH-HRT.
On display at Bill's Machinery in
Gnangara Road, Wanneroo WA. (Fitted with wings of

A79-664 |
4186 |
T.35 |
Received 2AD ex de Havilland
19/05/60 to East Sale
Flew with Red Sales Display Team 1961/62
8/07/68 to 1AFTS Pearce, WA
19/01/70 to WA ATC as Instructional No.36.
31/07/73 Held in very
poor condition by Fremantle Flight, ATC.
Still held by WA AIRTC
10/86 sold to Alan Neal
Was on display at Big Gun Trucks, Midland,
Was located at
Hazelmere WA.
Painted white
with blue stripes. Has 4 yellow "kill"
marks on cockpit.
Purchased from Jason Cockayne by Tristan Masterson.
The restoration was too involved for Mr
Masterson and he offered it for sale on
eBay in 11/04.
Sold to aircraft engineer Dean Mackey of
Bankstown, NSW.
On 20/08/2005 it was sold on eBay for
Current location and
status unknown.

A79-665 |
4187 |
T.35 |
Was located at the
TVW-7 Museum in Perth.
Became part of the collection of the now
defunct West Australian Museum of Aviation
located at Jandakot Airport.
It was restored by 25 Sqn at RAAF Pearce
for the museum.
In 1994 it was advertised for sale at
To Craig Turner.
Presently owned by HARS.
On display Aviex 2001 Bankstown.
Was on display at Australian Aviation
Museum, Bankstown NSW.
Currently in ground running
condition at HARS Albion Park
A79-666 |
4188 |
T.35 |
Served with 1 AFTS
Pearce WA.
To RSTT Wagga Wagga 18/07/68 as
Instructional Airframe No. 24.
Still held RSTT 12/88.
Later transferred by road to 21 Sqn at
RAAF Laverton as a source of spares in the
airworthy restoration of A79-636.
Currently under restoration for static
display at RAAF Townsville Heritage Centre

A79-667 |
4189 |
T.35 |
25/10/62 2AD
dismantled for shipment to 78 Wing
Butterworth, aircraft is replacement for
27/5/66 to 1AFTSServed with 1 AFTS.
Crashed into sea off Garden Island
13/02/68 (35 nm southwest of RAAF Pearce
WA) after loss of control during
compressibility flight.
Pilot ejected over water at 10,000 ft and
400 kts with only minor injuries. Crew;
CDT Peter Jabornicky. RAAF Ejection number

A79-668 |
4190 |
T.35 |
Served with 1AFTS
Pearce WA.
14/7/65 CDT(AC) Parsons,
55 Pilot Course, experiences engine
failure shortly after becoming airborne
off runway 18, RAAF Pearce. On converting
speed to height he is able to make a
workable high downwind position for a
successful forced landing back onto runway
18. Combustion chamber liner failure and
disintegration had caused the turbine to
shed all but three blades.
To Hawker de
Havilland, Guildford 01/12/67 for
conversion to components.
Residual airframe allocated to RAAF Pearce
for utilization as fire training and
rescue training.

A79-673 |
? |
T.35 |
Reported at Bankstown
1974. This is not a valid serial. I think
it is a mistaken identity of HAR's A79-637
also located at Bankstown. |
A79-674 |
4050 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-674 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-474.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-687 |
4007 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-687 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-487.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-704 |
4035 |
FB.31 |
Received 2 AD
Allocated to 2 OTU 04/04/52.
Returned to 2 AD 03/54.
To 21 Sqn 07/01/55.
On 24/08/56 the port tyre blew on landing
at Laverton. The undersides were buckled
and the port drop tank damaged. Repaired
and returned to 21 Sqn service 23/11/56.
In another incident at Laverton on
09/05/58 the power was unable to be
reduced below 10,000 revs. due to
suspected throttle linkage malfunction.
To 1AD 21/03/60 and held in general
On 14/04/60 Dept of Air requested disposal
of airframe and installed Nene 89.
Allocated to ARL for fatigue testing

A79-733 |
4079 |
FB.31 |
To RSTT Wagga Wagga
17/08/61 approval given for conversion to
Instructional Airfame No.17 with installed
Nene Instructional No. 72.
Held Wagga 1/04/64.
6/11/72 transferred from RSTT to Wagga
The Vampire marked as A79-375 that was
displayed on pole at Wagga was actually
A79-733. These two Vampires have confused
identities. At some stage the tail groups
have been interchanged. The distinguishing
visual clues are the wing tips. A79-375 is
a F-30 and has rounded wingtips. A79-733
is a FB-31 and has clipped wingtips. This
has been confirmed by the RAAF Museum's
Dave Gardener in a letter to Fligthpath
magazine. The confusion continued as on
30/04/74 SQNLDR Gordon RSTT Wagga advised
that although aircraft A79-733 was listed
as a Mk.31 Wagga have advised it is a
Mk.30.(making it -375).
Was held by FAA Museum at Nowra when sold
to current owner Nicholas Cale in 1996.
Fuselage stored at Parkes, NSW.
In 09/2000 its wings were noted at the
rear of Bankstown Aviation Museum..

The tail booms
that caused all the confusion have been
used in the restoration of the RAAF
museum's A79-375. |
A79-737 |
4023 |
14/01/51 received 2AD
ex-de Havilland
Fitted with experimental larger wing root
Used for cockpit air conditioning trials
(Prototype for proposed FB.32 that was not
proceeded with)
Crashed 06/05/55 Cooma Racecourse, NSW.
Pilot FLGOFF WM Massey.
To de Havilland
for report on repair.
To 2AD and approval
sought to convert to components 09/06/55.
Approval to be converted to components
A79-754 |
4042 |
F.30 |
Served with 75 SQN.
Aircraft crashed near Booral,
NSW 13/02/52.
Aircraft status
card states "crashed on account of loss of
control probably caused by anoxia"
Pilot SGT T Moore (H35074) killed. |
A79-762 |
4015 |
F.30 |
Disposed of 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/65. |
A79-777 |
4027 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OTU.
Crashed 24/03/53 on beach 3 miles north of
the entrance to Tuggerah Lakes, between
The Entrance and Norah Point.
On 21/05/53 approval given to convert to

A79-796 |
4024 |
F.30 |
Served with 2 OCU.
Disposed of 05/10/61.|
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW.
Cleared from Tocumwal 19/04/62.

A79-801 |
4081 |
T.35A |
Served with 2 OCU. |
Into storage at East Sale, Vic.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.

A79-802 |
4082 |
T.35A |
On 27/02/68 approval
was given for conversion to components and
use of residue for training of fire and
rescue personnel at Williamtown.
A79-803 |
4083 |
T.35A |
31/10/58 to 2AD for
dismantling, anti corrosion treatment and
packaging for shipment to 78 Wing
30/01/59 SS Burnside to Malaysia.
12/03/61 78 Wing Malaysia. 5/11/62
To HDH for modification.|
Into storage at East Sale, Vic.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66. |
A79-804 |
4084 |
T.35A |
Was on display on
gate at RAAF Wagga Wagga.
Tail booms fitted to A79-623 at Wagga
Later transferred by road to 21 Sqn at
RAAF Laverton as a source of spares in the
airworthy restoration of A79-636.
Reported to be at Bandiana Army Barracks,
noted in Army Museum 02/2002.
Currently at RAAF
Heritage Centre, Townsville.

A79-805 |
4085 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic 08/07/64.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.

A79-806 |
4086 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic 24/06/63.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66. |
A79-807 |
4087 |
T.35A |
Served with 2 OCU.
To RAAF Richmond, NSW 14/12/70 as
Instructional Airframe No.47.
On 13/09/73 permission was sought to sell
wings and tail booms as scrap and the
remaining fuselage to be stored under
cover to enable training during inclement
Approval advised 05/12/73.
Acquired by HARS.
Purchased by Darryl Gibbs.
On loan to CNAPG Wagga Wagga, NSW.

A79-808 |
4088 |
T.35A |
.To Hawker
deHavilland Guildford 01/12/67 for
conversion to components.
With 16 Flt AIRTC in the late 70's.
Noted in
Krasnosteins Scrap
Metal, Perth 08/71.
Sea Vampire XG766 was acquired by de Havilland Aircraft
Because XG766 carried the Navy code 808 it
has been mistakenly identified as A79-808 |
A79-809 |
4089 |
T.33 |
Served with 2 OTU.
On 15/02/56 made a wheels up landing on
the mud flats near Alligator Creek (near
Townsville) Qld. Pilot SQNLDR J McMorrison
Approval for write off 26/06/56. |
A79-810 |
4090 |
T.35A |
28/10/58 to 2AD for
dismantling, anti corrosion treatment and
packaging for shipment to 78 Wing Malaysia.
30/01/59 SS Burnside for Malaysia.
12/03/61 78 Wing Malaysia.
13/02/62 to 2AD for reassembly after
Approved for disposal 10/02/70.

A79-811 |
4091 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic. 14/06/63.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66. |
A79-812 |
4092 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic. 24/06/63.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66. |
A79-813 |
4093 |
T.35A |
On 06/10/67 approval
was given for conversion to components and
use of residue for training of fire and
rescue personnel at Williamtown.

A79-814 |
4094 |
T.35A |
On 27/02/68 approval
was given for conversion to components and
use of residue for training of fire and
rescue personnel at Williamtown.
Was at RAAF Williamtown 1974.
Some parts from the instrument panel and
inspection hatch live on with an Ex AIRTC

A79-815 |
4095 |
T.33 |
allocated ex-de Havilland to 2 OTU.
21/04/55 Crashed
2 OTU and replacement
aircraft requested.
12/05/55 Held u/s 2 OTU
7/07/55 Approval requested to convert
airframe to components. Goblin engine
9083 allocated to de Havilland
19/07/55 Issued to OTS Rathmines ex 2
04/08/55 Approval
given to convert airframe to components
1958? Remains on
Rathmines Fire Dump
03/60 Some remains still on fire dump

A79-816 |
4096 |
T.35A |
To Point Cook, Vic
for display use 25/06/70.
To 1 Stores Depot 07/03/71.
Status card entry 19/03/81 reads "
Reported to be beautifying the entrance to
Ashley St at 1 SD."
Held at 1 SD as Instructional Airframe
Transferred to RAAF Museum, Point Cook on
Reported as being exported to Brighton VA.
USA in 1989 however the tailfins, rudders,
booms and elevator were offered for
auction at Laverton 10/2010

A79-817 |
4097 |
T.35A |
Served with 76 Sqn.
Crashed near RAAF Williamtown NSW 19/05/61
Engine explosion. Pilot ejected at 1,500
ft over water without injury. Crew; PLTOFF
K. Smith.
RAAF Ejection number 19. |
A79-818 |
4098 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic. 24/06/63.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.

A79-819 |
4099 |
T.35A |
On 19/01/70 approval
for conversion to Instructional Airframe
Approval given 08/10/80 to covert to
static display purposes outside RAAF
Academy Cadets' Mess RAAF Point Cook. Some
doubt as to if this was ever delivered.
Sold to Victorian Education Department in
Was on display at school camp-ground,
Somers, Victoria.
Acquired by Moorabbin Air Museum 01/98.
The wooden parts were fairly rotten but
the metal parts were good. Its best parts
were used along with the best parts of
A79-835 to build an aircraft to be
displayed as "A79-819". (There was a
memorial plaque at Somers and this will be
displayed with the finished aircraft).
The left over parts of both aircraft
including the fuselage
pod of A79-819
were acquired by Ron Schneider.
Vampire marked "A79-819"
is currently loaned to and on display at
Benalla Aviation Museum, Vic.

A79-820 |
4100 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic. 24/06/63.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66. |
A79-821 |
4101 |
T.35A |
Served with 1 AFTS.
Approved for disposal 10/02/70.
Arrived at RAAFA Museum 28/05/70.
Currently on display RAAFA
Museum, Bull Creek WA.

A79-822 |
4102 |
T.35A |
Williamtown for display as Instructional
Airframe No.39.
Displayed on gate until transferred to and
put on display at Fighter World, RAAF
Williamtown NSW.
In 11/2010 it was noted as having severe deterioration of
fuselage pod
Dismantled and transported to RAAF
Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre

A79-823 |
4103 |
T.35A |
To Hawker de Havilland
Guildford 01/12/67 for conversion to
Noted in Western
Trading's Kenwick scrapyard 04/69

A79-824 |
4104 |
T.35A |
Held for display at 1
Stores Depot as Instructional Airframe
Was displayed on pole at RAAF Tottenham,
Restored to static display standard by MIL
Aviation at Camden for owner Craig Turner.
Offered for sale 1996.
Reported as being exported to Brighton VA.
Current status unknown.
The recovery of the
Vampire marked A79-623 (see above) has
revealed many panels marked A79-824

A79-825 |
4110 |
T.35A |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic. 08/07/64.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.

A79-826 |
4111 |
T.35A |
To RSTT Wagga Wagga
18/07/68 as Instructional Airframe No. 31.
To No.1 Central
Ammunition Depot at Kingswood 19/12/79 as
training aid.
Still held at 1 CAMD 12/88.
Sold to local scrap yard
Components acquired
by HARS as spares source for restoration
to fly of A79-637.

A79-827 |
4112 |
T.35A |
Issued 25/02/70 to
South Australia SQN Air Training Corps as
Instructional Airframe
Held 03/81 at Barton Terrace, Adelaide.
Approved for static display as gate guard
RAAF East Sale 01/09/86.
Preserved at East Sale, Vic 1992.
Parts used in
restoration of composite airframe now
displayed as A79-616 at Point Cook
A79-828 |
4113 |
T.35A |
On display Queensland
Air Museum, Caloundra Qld.

Queensland Air
Museum's history of A79-828
A79-829 |
4114 |
T.33 |
Into storage at East
Sale, Vic. 24/06/63.
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.
Reported as VM-YLP? |
A79-830 |
4115 |
T.35A |
Issued 2AD ex-de Havilland
6/05/55 Forced landing vicinity of
Chakola, NSW due to fuel starvation.
Pilot FLTOFF CM Anson.
Aircraft disassembled and recovered to
2AD from crash site.
28/03/56 Allocated Base Sqn. East Sale
Date? Accident at East Sale Pilot:
Sqn Ldr KC Andrews (021988)
13/08/57 to 2OCU
6/05/59 Converted to T-35A
15/11/60 to 76 Sqn.
27/02/61 transferred to 81 Wing
4/06/64 to de Havilland for fatigue
4/08/66 to de Havilland for bulkhead
18/07/67 to 2OCU
9/11/70 To RAAF Fairbairn for
display as Instructional Airframe No.48.
Still held 01/02/77.
02/83 Noted in outside
storage Fairbairn
Reported at
Amberley Qld 1992?
Current location and status unknown
A79-831 |
4116 |
T.35A |
Into storage at 1 AD
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.

A79-832 |
4117 |
T.35A |
To Point Cook
18/12/70 as Instructional Airframe No.45
without an installed engine.
Allocated for fire training 1/02/81.
Cockpit only preserved at Salisbury SA.
Wings, tail and engine covers to Sims
Metal in Footscray around 1987.
A79-833 |
4118 |
T.35A |
Into storage at 1 AD
Approval given for conversion to
components 21/10/66.

A79-834 |
4119 |
T.35A |
received 2AD ex de
19/08/55 received 1AD ex 2AD
30/09/55 received de Havilland ex 1AD
03/11/55 received 2AD for 22 Squadron
25/03/58 to de Havilland ex 22 Squadron
(Converted to T.35A)
09/09/58 to 2AD ex de Havilland
03/11/58 to 2OCU ex 2AD
06/01/60 to 34 (Special Transport)
13/02/61 to de Havilland ex 34 Squadron
01/11/61 to 2AD for immediate reserve
08/10/62 to de Havilland Incorporate
Vampire Mods 325 and return to 2AD
24/06/63 to East Sale ex 2AD Immediate
reserve, category B storage
12/06/65 held East Sale
21/10/66 Approval
given for conversion to components

A79-835 |
4120 |
T.35A |
To RSTT Wagga Wagga
16/11/60 as Instructional Airframe No.15.
Was on display at Moorabbin Air Museum.
A79-835's best parts, including the wooden
fuselage assembly, were used along with
the best parts of A79-819 to build an
aircraft to be displayed as A79-819.
(There was a memorial plaque at Somers and
this will be displayed with the finished
The left over parts of both aircraft were
acquired by Ron Schnieder.
Currently loaned to and on display at
Benalla Aviation Museum, Vic. marked as A79-819

A79-836 |
4121 |
T.35 |
Modified to T.35 and
serial changed to A79-600 on the
production line.
For details see A79-600. |
N6-837 |
4105 |
T34A |
First Vampire
acquired by RAN, delivered 18/06/54.
Delivered as
A79-837. No evidence of
N6-837 being applied to aircraft
Coded 927, 956 or 960 between
Modified with later
type canopy and ejection seats but
retained original fin design
We show it in
photograph at Nowra coded 869
Coded 805 between 1963-67.
Crashed 11/10/67 Laverton Vic.
Killed were
SBLT M. Lynch (Pilot)
and FLGOFF S. Barkley (passenger)
Fenton adds "Crashed at Laverton in
October 1967. The cause of the crash was
the failure of the engine main thrust
bearing at a critical time during
takeoff. The aircraft continued beyond
the runway end into the over-run.
Unfortunately, it hit the railway
embankment which demolished the nose of
the aircraft and caused damage to one of
the two full drop tanks. Burning fuel
sprayed over the two crew and they died
from major burns. The non-pilot (a Pilot
Officer just graduated from Melbourne
University) was an Engineering Officer
attached to ARDU and had been posted to
Point Cook for his Pilots Course a day
or so earlier." .

ADF-Serials team member Grahame
Higgs purchased a superseded ejection
seat from the aircraft, which had been
replaced just prior to the accident
N6-838 |
4106 |
T34A |
Delivered 18/07/54. Purchased
for £45,000.
Delivered as
A79-838. No evidence of
N6-838 being applied to aircraft
Coded 957 between 1954-58.
Coded 871 and 874 between 1958-60
Modified with later
type canopy and ejection seats but
retained original fin design
Coded 806 between 1963-68.
Crashed 15/05/69, Nowra NSW. LCDR(P)Fred
Goodfellow, RAN-the AEO(Air Engineering
Officer) of 724 Sqdn crashed into bushland
just to the west (off the runoff area) of
Runway 26 at RANAS Nowra. He was
attempting to land before an advancing
thunderstorm from the west hit the
airfield. The tricky wind conditions at
the time most likely caused him to
overshoot into the advancing roll cloud of
the storm, where wind shear drove the
climbing Vampire into the ground.The
ejection seat fired partially on impact at
a stalling airspeed, driving Fred into the
front windscreen, causing severe
paralysing injuries to him.
The aircraft was a total wreck. Sold for
scrap for either $70 or $100 - we have two
sources of info on this, to P McElvogue of
Airport West, Vic on 25/01/72.

N6-839? |
4107 |
T.34 |
Delivered 11/08/54.
Delivered as
A79-839. No evidence of
N6-839 being applied to aircraft
Crashed 6/08/56 at Nowra.
The elevator had become jammed immediately
after take off. The pilot's last call was
that he had found the fault. In the
Vampire Trainer the control for the
elevator was via a chain. The dingy pack
clip had dropped out and jammed the
control. This effectively prevented him
from bailing out. He speared in about a
mile from the end of Runway 26. A dinghy
knife was found in the wreckage with crush
marks matching an elevator bell crank. The
pilot LCDR P Dunlop was killed.
Replaced by A79-842 |
N6-840? |
4108 |
T34A |
Delivered 8/09/54. Purchased
for £45,000.
Delivered as
A79-840. No evidence of
N6-840 being applied to aircraft
Coded 928 and 958 between 1954-58.
Coded 804 from 1963
Modified with later type canopy and
ejection seats but retained original fin
Withdrawn and reduced to spares 07/06/65.
Remains sold 14/07/71 or 15/10/70
for $100 to Mr Parnell of Melton VIC,
representing the Fogarty Flying Club. It
was lacking ejection seats and
Was on display
Ballarat Aviation Museum Vic 1992.
Owned by P Crowther of Ballarat. Noted at
the rear of the Museum in 2002 without its
Acquired by Evan Campbell at Nhill, Vic.
Then owned by
Dick Winterburn's Derelict Aircraft Museum
at Launching Place
(previously Heathcote), Vic .
Sold 05/2016
Currently owned
by Steven Demanuele (along with A79-660)

N6-841? |
4109 |
T.34 |
Delivered 11/10/54.
Delivered as
A79-841. No evidence of
N6-841 being applied to aircraft.
Codes used not known.
Crashed 09/10/56, into the sea off
Greenwell Point near Nowra, NSW. The
pilot, Commander D. Buchanan had been
declared missing,
presumed dead.
The wreckage was recovered when it became
entangled in a fisherman's nets 04/74. The
wing of the aircraft was landed and
returned to RANAS Nowra |
N6-842? |
4132 |
T.34A |
The only Vampire
built from new as a T34A.
Delivered 8/03/57
Delivered as
A79-842. No evidence of
N6-842 being applied to aircraft
Coded 802 and 805 between 1963-68.
Damaged 20/07/59, wheels up landing.
Made last official flight by a Vampire in
RAN service. Flown on that occasion by
CDRE Norman Lee with LCDR Bob Bell as
Sold to Arnold Glass's
Oldian Pty Ltd (NSW) with Goblin Engine
9367 for $15000 on 25/01/72
Stored in his yard on
Parramatta Rd Auburn (noted 1978)
Tailbooms noted with Nicholas Cale in
Noted advertised for sale, Adelaide 04/02.
Current status and
location unknown.

The Temora
Aviation Museum's Vampire A79-617 made
an appearance at the Fleet Air Arm's
60th anniversary air show at NAS Nowra on 26/10/2008 wearing Navy
titles, carrying the serial A79-842 and
"NW" tailcodes

A79-844 |
4073 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-844 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-474.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-862 |
4036 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-862 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-462.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-867 |
4076 |
FB.31 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-867 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-467.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-872 |
4032 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-872 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-472.
For details look under that serial. |
A79-876 |
4018 |
F.30 |
Originally given the
scrambled serial A79-876 but when this
came within with the Vampire trainer
serial range it was changed to A79-476
For details look under that serial. |
A79-901 |
4047 |
Part of the Red
Devils display Team in 1958.
To 1 AD were all items of value to the
RAAF were removed by 31/07/61 and the
residue disposed as scrap. |
A79-914 |
4017 |
FB.31 |
28/03/53 it stalled
on approach to landing at RAAF
Williamtown. The starboard mainplane
striking runway.
01/06/53 approval to convert to components
in-situ at Williamtown,

A79-915 |
4067 |
FB.31 |
Transferred free of
charge to ARL 12/04/61
for stress testing
A79-934 |
4072 |
FB.31 |
to 1 AD were all items of value
to the RAAF were removed and the residue
disposed as scrap.
Wings used for tests at
ARL Fisherman's Bend

A79-942 |
4031 |
FB.31 |
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal, NSW.
DHA participated in the ARL Vampire
fatigue testing. The remains of the
fuselages of A79-76, -472 and -942 were at
Bankstown in the early sixties. The
cross-tubes were removed for use by ARL in
the testing of the wings as the tubes had
shorter lives than the wings and had to be
replaced several times to continue wing
testing, and the fuselages were retained
to yield occasional specimens for testing
the deterioration of glued joints. The CAA
(now CASA) had ARL test specimens from
these fuselages as recently as the
mid-eighties to support the
registration-application of
A79-649/VH-ICP. |
A79-962 |
n/a |
n/a |
Not a valid serial.
It was reported as used
on A79-620 during
restoration at RAAF Pearce.

A79-973 |
4008 |
F.30 |
To Wagga Wagga
11/09/59 as Instructional Airframe No.8.
Approval given for fire training 07/02/67.

A79-985 |
4061 |
FB.31 |
Crashed near Pearce
due to fire 15/09/56.
Approved for conversion to components
It was parked for many years on the side
of the Albany Highway just out of
Armadale, WA, painted bright yellow and
used as an advertising sign for local soft
drink manufacturer 'Weaver and Lock'.
From Rob Hart; "I bought the remainder
of this aircraft around 1993 from a
small holder in the north of Perth. Lot
consisted of both wings (port missing
the wingtip), booms, front part of the
fuselage and numerous miscellaneous
small pieces. Was still painted bright
yellow, with Weaver and Lock insignia. I
stored it at the WA Museum of Aviation
compound at Jandakot Airport before
moving it to my own premises just south
of the airport. After detailed
inspection revealed an uneconomic repair
even to static display, the airframe was
scrapped in 1996. I have retained the
the starboard wingtip as a coffee

A79-996 |
4041 |
FB.31 |
Sold 05/10/61.
Scrapped 11/61 Tocumwal NSW. |
N6-101 |
15131 |
T.22 |
We are not sure if
XA101 ever wore this serial. It was
referred to as N6-101 on Record of Sale.
For details see XA101 below. |
N6-167 |
15509 |
T.22 |
We are not sure if
XA167 ever wore this serial. It was
referred to as N6-167 on Record of Sale.
For details see XA167 below. |
N6-766 |
15641 |
T.22 |
We do have a photo of XG776
wearing N6-766 serial. If this on did
maybe others did as well. For
details see XG766
below |
N6-770 |
15645 |
T.22 |
We are not sure if
XG770 ever wore this serial. It was
referred to as N6-770 on Record of Sale.
For details see XG770 below. |
XA101 |
15131 |
T.22 |
British built.
Transported to Australia aboard SS Canopic
and delivered to Nowra 08/59. Purchased
for £36,275.
Coded 873/NW between 1958-60. Coded 806/NW
between 1963-68.
Sold 03/06/69 or 22/09/69 for $219.
To de Havilland
Bankstown and later to Camden Aviation
Currently located at the Camden
Museum of Aviation The complete aircraft
is held but currently only the fuselage is
on display
This is a privately owned collection and
is not open to the public.

There was a "XA101"
on display at the FAA Museum Nowra but
that was really XG770
15509 |
T.22 |
British built.
Transported to Australia aboard SS Canopic
and delivered to Nowra 08/59. Purchased
for £45,000.
Coded 872/NW between 1959-60. Coded 807/NW
between 1963-68.
Withdrawn 10/09/68.
Sold to Arnold Glass's
Oldian Pty Ltd (NSW) with Goblin Engine
9461 for $1250 on 07/09/70.
Stored in his yard on
Parramatta Rd Auburn (noted 1978)
Sold to Camden Aviation Museum
Sold to Hawker de Havilland Historical
Replaced A79-642 on the plinth at the
HdeH factory at Bankstown. The swap took
place 08/86
It was displayed as A79-643 on starboard
side and XA873 on port side
It was taken down for refurbishment on
4/12/98 and
towed over to the other side of the
Bankstown airport for refurbishment by a
work-for-the-dole crew. This gave Nicholas Cale the
chance to examine it in detail. The
fuselage no.1 bulkhead and nose cap are
marked as XA167. One of the engine cowls
is also identified with this T.22 serial.
Other original ‘owners’ of parts are as
follows: A79-838 (boom aft fairing);
A79-649 (this is almost certainly the
serial originally on the stbd boom); and
A79-843 (jet pip cone fairing). He is satisfied that the aircraft
should be identified as XA167.
When the Boeing
factory was sold the Vampire was taken
down and donated to the Bankstown
Aviation Museum.

N6-776 |
15641 |
T.22 |
British built.
Transported to Australia aboard SS Canopic
and delivered to Nowra 08/59. Purchased
for £45,000.
Coded 874/NW between 1959-60.
Coded 808/NW between 1963-70.
Sold to Chewing Gum Field Qld with Goblin
engine 16749 for $750 on 23/03/72.
Sold to Kim Rolph-smith and moved to
12/04/94 moved by road to Tamworth NSW.
Was under restoration by Paul and Vivien
Bredereck at Tamair as VH-RAN (ntu).
09/99 Sold to
Martin Cobband exported
to UK. Was at
D.H. Aviation Swansea, Wales and
registered as G-SPDR. /
10/05 offered
for sale on eBay.
Currently owned by
Hendrick Venter, Wonderboom, Pretoria,
South Africa

XG770 |
15645 |
T.22 |
British Built.
Delivered to RAN 08/59.
Coded 802/NW, 809/NW, 871/NW and 981/NW.
Sold to Mr Coggeshell of Benella Vic, who gifted the
aircraft to the Australian War Memorial.
The aircraft was due to be transported to
Canberra on 28/11/72 but never left Nowra.
It has since been given to Fleet Air Arm Museum, Nowra
Has been displayed wearing its own
serial, that of XA101 and is currently
on display marked
as "XG766".

XG773 |
15648 |
T.22 |
On loan in 1955/56
from Royal Navy.
Not delivered to Australia but used by 808
SQN RAN during work up period in UK.