Ex G-ABHO and NC401H.
Registered VH-UBI 26/10/35 to 06/02/42.
Impressed into RAAF service from Guinea Airways on
At 24 Sqn 16/02/42.
To Guinea Airways for overhaul 17/03/42.
Being converted to Air Ambulance 24/07/42.
To 1AD 11/10/42.
To 36 Sqn 31/10/42.
At 33 Sqn 16/11/42.
Crashed at Myola on 24/11/42.
To 15 RSU 30/11/42.
Approved for conversion to components 17/02/43.
Locatedin England-National
Museum, Papua New Guinea.
Ford 4-AT-E
Ex G-ABEF and NC9678.
Registered VH-UDY 07/10/35 to 06/10/36 and 12/04/37 to
Impressed into RAAF service from Guinea Airways on
At 24 Sqn 16/02/42.
Destroyed in a Japanese strafing attack on 13/03/42.
The Authors of this page are Darren Crick, Steve Mackenzie
and Brendan Cowan
Archives, RAAF Website, CASA Aircraft Records.
Gordon Birkett,
John Andrade.
29 June 2015
It is our policy to only show historical events, no current operational information will be displayed on this website.
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