RAAF Serial |
Type |
USAAF Serial |
Delivd |
History |
A29-800 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24253 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#9,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1293, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-800 12/04/44 as first
P-40N-25, also first version powered by V1710-99
Allison Engine on RAAF strength. Rec 5AD Storage
ex 3AD 16/05/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD St
19/06/44. Coded AM-R. Accident 0830hrs 25/06/44,
on take-off on a travel flight from Momote from
Kiriwina, Lowly Red 1's engine cut out. Pilot;
A/F/Lt Douglas Vernon Prowse Serv#411946 was not
injured and returned the following day by A-20.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1768
31/07/44. |
A29-801 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24257 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#10,Ex New
York CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1294, Rec 3AD
Amberley 09/04/44. Renumbered A29-801 12/04/44.
Rec 5AD Storage ex 3AD 21/05/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF
ex 5AD St 19/06/44. Operational incident 12/10/44
when suffered faulty brakes and was scrubbed from
bombing and strafing mission to Sagan. Repaired in
unit. Operational damage when on bombing and
strafing mission over Babo whereupon hydraulic
system was shot away as a result of Enemy AAA,
which resulted in landing gear being unable to be
lowered for landing at Noemfoor. Pilot, P/O H A
Lucas Serv#18430, was uninjured after belly
landing of aircraft. REc 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
17/10/44. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2087 04/11/44. V1710-99 Engine#43427 |
A29-802 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24505 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#1,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1305, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-802 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD Storage ex 1AP 02/06/44. Issued 77 Sqn
RAAF ex 1AD 10/06/44. Accident 1500hrs 17/06/44
during ferry flight when after taking off from
Jackson Strip and doing a circuit of Wards Strip,
when on landing roll, the starboard undercarriage
collapsed, causing the aircraft to swing off the
strip and stop tail first. The undercarriage
retracting jack had broken off. Pilot; W/O W
Clifford Serv#413963 of 1AD Ferry Flight , was not
injured. Held 15ARD, Wards Strip pending repairs
and never served in 77Sqn RAAF. RAAF Approval to
destroy by burning at 15ARD Wards Strip per
File#73/21/1612, 18/02/46. |
A29-803 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24508 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#2,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1306, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-803 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 30/06/44. Rec 3AD ex 1AD for trials
with Japanese Type "Tony" Fighter held by TAIU at
Hanger 7 , Eagle Farm 16/07/44. Rec Eagle Farm ex
3AD 05/08/44 and was flown there by Ron McDonald
RAAF (painted in foliage green with white tail and
tailplane) and it is known this a/c was involved in
mock combats with a Japanese 'Tony' and 'Oscar'
(serialed XJ004) fighters at TAIU over a period
of six weeks. Rec 3AD ex Eagle Farm for servicing
16/08/44. Rec Eagle Farm ex 3AD for further "Tony"
Trials 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex Eagle Farm 20/09/45.
Rec 15ARD Res Pool ex 3AD 07/10/44. Rec 22 RSU Res
Pool ex 15ARD RP 22/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22
RSU RP 28/10/44. Mid flight incident, 14/11/44,
when suffered smashed canopy during practice 9 a/c
formation flight, Pilot; NFDs. Ground Accident
9/1/45 at Wama strip when during a 160 hourly
Service, whereupon a faulty gun solenoid started a
fire in starboard mainplane, which caused three
casualties: LAC Frederick William Adcock
Serv#74274 who was severly burned and would later
died after admittance for 1/2/3 degree burns at
24th MCS as a result. AC1 L J Scwede Serv#151875
was also admitted for burns, and LAC J R McInerney
Serv#29289 who was treated within Sqn. Rec 22 RSU
ex 77 Sqn RAAF 13/01/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU
06/02/45 as replacement for A29-907. Damaged
0908hrs 23/04/45 Wama Strip, Morotai,when A29-900
was just airborne,when one of its bombs released
and exploded, destroying the aircraft and killing
its pilot: F/O K H McFadden Serv#422017. Shrapnel
damaged many 22RSU , 75 Sqn and 77 Sqn aircraft,
including A29-803. Rec 14RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
28/04/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. V1710-99 Engine # 43685.
NB: 77Sqn A50 P477 has this damaged per accident
with AIF Truck piloted by F/Lt Crossing. This is
in err, he was flying A29-926,and returning
1050Hrs 23/04/45 on return from Mission MOR5 , not
A29-803 as it was parked and damaged by Bomb
Fragments vis A29-900. |
A29-804 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24509 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#3,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1307, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-804 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/06/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
13/06/44. Accident 1615hrs 04/10/44 when on
landing at Kamiri Strip, Noemfoor Is following a
training flight, being unable to lower
undercarriage, bellied on landing. Pilot: P/O H A
Lucas Serv# 18430 was not injured. Rec 22 RSU ex
77 Sqn RAAF 14/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU
Res Pool 14/12/44. Operational Damage 26/12/44
whilst strafing enemy positions, pilot fired one
burst and blew blast tube which damaged starboard
mainplane while on a mission over Galela. Pilot;
Sgt E F Edwards Serv#439708 was not injured, and
carried out a normal landing. Rec 11 RSU ex 80 Sqn
RAAF 27/12/44. Rec 22 RSU ex 11 RSU 05/02/45. Rec
77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 15/03/45. Coded AM-G. Rec
6AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 01/10/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#43657. |
A29-805 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24512 |
01/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#4,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1308, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-805 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 23/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/06/44. Accident 29/10/44 at Kamiri strip
Noemfoor Is ,when on completion of landing run,
the starboard undercarriage collapsed. Pilot; Sgt
John Warren Moore Serv#442281, was not injured.
Rec 22 RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 01/10/44. Rec 82 Sqn RAAF
ex 22RSU 04/11/44. Rec 22 RSU ex 82 Sqn RAAF
27/02/45. Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 21/03/45. Rec
77 Sqn RAAF ex 82 Sqn RAAF 19/04/45. Coded AM-R.
Issued 6AD ex 77Sqn RAAF 20/09/45. Rec 1FBMU
(Mackay) ex 77Sqn RAAF on route 6AD for servicing
18/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1FBMU (piloted by 2AD
Ferry Flight Pilot) 02/10/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#43673. |
A29-806 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24513 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus 43#5,Ex San Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1309, Rec 1AP Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-806 22/04/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 05/06/44. Coded AM-G "Wilkies Wonder" (A50 P403 and Pic). Arrived from Moresby at Momote after ferry flight from Australia as part of a 6 a/c flight of new P-40Ns to replace current P-40Ms, when soon after landing, it suffered a damaged fuselage in a maintenance accident. Rec 12 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 30/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU 05/08/44. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 05/02/45. Rec 14 RSU RP ex 22RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 04/05/45. Recoded AM-V. Issued 6AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 28/09/45. Rec 33 OBU ex 77 Sqn ex 6AD on Route 22/10/45. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/3116 04/02/46. Allotted 13ARD detachment ex 6AD for conversion insitu 20/02/46. Residue to be dumped in sea or otherwise destroyed. NFDs.
A29-807 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24516 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#6,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1310, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-807 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 02/06/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
13/06/44. Coded AM-H. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
08/03/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU Res Pool
19/03/45. Accident 1015 hrs 03/05/45 Wama Strip,
Morotai, when landing behind a C-47, the pilot
undershot and struck the ramp/ridge at the extreme
end of the strip, causing the undercarriage to
collapse, with the aircraft continuing on for
another 200 yards along the strip to a standstill.
Pilot; F/O C H Goldsworthy Serv#22846 was not
injured. Rec 14 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 06/05/45. AMSE
Approval to write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45.
V1710-99 Engine # 43675. |
A29-808 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24517 |
01/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#7,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1311, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-808 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/06/44. Named "Joanne". Operational Loss 0900
Hrs 26/04/45 whilst on a four a/c flight convoy
protection mission in Molucca Passage, Netherlands
East Indies, pilot reported by radio that his
engine had cut out, and directed the aircraft on a
glide towards the convoy that was two miles away
and that he was baling out. He was seen to leave
the aircraft at 400 feet, but his parachute failed
to open before hitting the sea some fifty yards
from a/c crash site. A destroyer and two PT Boats
on scene where oil patch was located, failed to
locate any trace of the pilot. Pilot; F/O Herbert
Oswald Krause Serv#431502 reported missing,
presumed killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2551 10/05/45. |
A29-809 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24520 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#8,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1312, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-809 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 25/05/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
25/06/44. Accident 05/09/45 when on landing at
Momote Strip, the undercarriage could not be
lowered, resulting in a belly landing. Pilot;
F/Sgt W J Martin Serv#416888 was not injured. Rec
12RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 11/09/44. Rec 22RSU ex 12RSU
Det 05/02/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP
23/03/45. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 15/08/45. Rec
1RSU ex 22 RSU 28/09/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU
22/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99
A29-810 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24521 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#9,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1313, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-810 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 25/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
13/06/44. Coded AM-U. Operational incident when on
06/07/44, RTB due to generator trouble. Pilot;
F/Sgt J M Mullavey Serv#409571 was not injured.
Operational damage 1430hrs 03/12/44 when during
mission K60, a water craft sweep between Sorong
and Samate, the aircraft suffered Gun Tube damage
to port mainplane. Pilot; T.F/Lt R D Hutley
Serv3416120 was not injured and performed a normal
landing. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 10/12/44 and
had been replaced by A29-906 on 04/12/44. Rec 77
Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 29/12/44. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 23/07/45. Issued 6AD Storage ex 22RSU
13/11/45. Accident 16/11/45 on ferrying when
aircraft was involved in a taxying accident at
Finschafen. Casualty Register#1219. NFDs. RAAF
Approval to destroy by burning at 60 OBU, Morotai
per File#73/21/1612, 18/02/46. V1710-99
Engine#43734. |
A29-811 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24524 |
26/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 806-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 43#10,Ex San
Francisco CV #411, as MAC-Air A29-1314, Rec 1AP
Laverton 26/04/44. Renumbered A29-811 22/04/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 02/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
19/06/44. Accident 17/09/44 after being part of a
twelve aircraft formation training flight, led by
new CO WgCdr Cresswell, aircraft swung off
airstrip on landing and crashed into embankment at
Kamiri strip, Noemfoor Island. Pilot; W/O A McG
Waugh Serv#412076 was not injured. Rec 22RSU Det
ex 77 Sqn RAAF 21/09/44. AMSE Approval to
Write-off per File#9/16/2047 20/10/44. V1710-99
Engine #43677. |
A29-812 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24226 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#2,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1286, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-812 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-698. |
A29-813 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24229 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#3,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1287, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-813 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-699
A29-814 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24233 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#4,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1288, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-814 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-700
A29-815 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24237 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#5,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1289, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-815 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-701
A29-816 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24241 |
5/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#6,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1290, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-816 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-702
A29-817 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24245 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#7,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1291, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-817 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-703
A29-818 |
P-40N-20 |
43-24249 |
09/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 700-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 38#8,Ex New York
CV #260, as MAC-Air A29-1292, Rec 3AD Amberley
09/04/44. Renumbered A29-818 12/04/44 .Due to
P-40N-20's included in BSC Release# P-40N-25
shipment, these aircraft again renumbered
administratively to fit in P-40N-20 A29 Serial
Blocks, re-issued and painted as A29-704
A29-819 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24305 |
11/5/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus
40#1,Ex Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1295, Rec 1AP
Geelong 11/05/44. Renumbered A29-819 05/05/44. Rec 1AD ex
1AP 08/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 25/06/44. Coded AM-N
and named "Cutie Pants". Operational damage 23/12/44, by AAA
during a dive bombing and straffing barge hideouts near
Goeroea Bay after staging through Morotai when A29-819 and
A29-911 were hit by AAA. P/O D H Helsham Serv#439418 was not
injured. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 24/12/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF
ex 22RSU 08/01/45. Operational Loss 1320Hrs 21/04/45, when
on completion of patrol over Convoy "M" 0505N/12545E, along
with three other P-40Ns (A29-807/917/928), they were headed
back to base when the pilot noticed that his aircraft was
using fuel at a fast rate. At 1355Hrs, the aircraft ran out
of fuel, with the pilot baling out successfully at 5000 feet
by parachute before landing into the sea. Squadron aircraft
provided cover until an attempt was made for pickup by a
Catalina, however the sea was too rough. The Catalina stayed
overnight covering the pilot, but at dawn on the 22/04/45,
he was not sighted again. He was classified as missing. The
Pilot; W/O Les Hanson Serv#25485 who was uninjured, had
remained in his dingy until 2309Hrs on the 21/04/45, when he
was actually picked up by a US Navy PT Boat. He arrived back
at Base 1500hrs on the 23/04/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off
per File#9/16/2557 14/05/45. V1710-99 Engine#43680.
A29-820 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24307 |
01/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#2,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1296, Rec 1AP
Geelong 11/05/44. Renumbered A29-820 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 01/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
19/06/44. Operational Loss 0900hrs 18/10/44 when
part of a four aircraft flight per Mission KAM79
on a bombing mission on Utarom and a strafing of
a radar installation, when aircraft was hit in
glycol Radiator by AAA. On return, the pilot baled
out of aircraft some 35-40 miles on a bearing of
217 Degrees over the sea from the base . He was
later rescued by ASR Catalina some 25 hours later.
Pilot; F/Lt K R Milne Serv#407126 was not injured.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2103
26/10/44. V1710-99 Engine # 43693. |
A29-821 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24309 |
11/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#3,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1297, Rec 1AP
Geelong 11/05/44. Renumbered A29-821 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 01/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
19/06/45. Operational Loss 1330hrs 25/10/44 when
as part of a four a/c Section engaged in a bombing
and strafing attack in the Manokwari Area DNG.
The Section approached the target at 8000 feet,
led by the pilot of A29-821. He entered into a
cloud for no apparent reason and was not seen
again. There was no apparent AAA, and it was
considered his reason for entering the cloud was
to make a surprise attack. Two a/c of the section
remained on station to search, followed by a
second pair detailed from 1635hrs. There was no
sightings of any wreckage or traces of a crash.
Pilot; F/O Henry Douglas Summons Serv# 400106
posted as missing, believed killed. AMSE Approval
to Write-off per File# 9/16/2115 21/10/44.
V1710-99 Engine#43683.
A29-822 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24313 |
11/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#4,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1298, Rec 1AP
Geelong 11/05/44. Renumbered A29-822 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 20/06/44. Rec 15ARD Res Pool ex 1AD
13/07/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 12/08/44.
Coded AM-T. Rec 11RSU Det ex 77 Sqn RAAF 09/01/45.
Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 11RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 77
Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 09/05/45. Taxying Accident
Labuan 1730hrs 14/07/45 following completion of
Labuan 93 Mission to strafe Ranau, when port leg
collapsed on loose surface. Casualty File#819.
Pilot; W/O A J Stevens Serv#419230 was not injured.
Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 23/07/45. AMSE Approval
to Write-off per File#9/16/2866 11/09/45. |
A29-823 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24315 |
05/04/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#5,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1299, Rec 1AP
Geelong 08/05/44. Renumbered A29-823 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 08/06/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
13/06/44. Coded AM-Q. Accident 26/09/44 when after
completing training flight (11 P-40Ns), overshot
on approach and crashed onto Kamiri Strip,
Noemfoor Island. Aircraft caught fire and burnt
out. Pilot; A/Sgt Keith Raymond Smithwick
Serv#431425 escaped with minor burns and admitted
to 24MCS. (Substantive Rank was AC2, and He would
be later MIA in A29-904 23/11/44). Rec 22RSU Det
ex 77 Sqn RAAF 28/09/44.AMSE Approval to Write-off
per File# 9/16/2031 16/10/44. V1710-99
Engine#43613. |
A29-824 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24317 |
08/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#6,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1300, Rec 1AP
Geelong 08/05/44. Renumbered A29-824 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 01/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
19/06/44. Operational Loss 1400hrs 14/10/44 when
Badger 3 as part of a four aircraft section (Call
Sign Badger 1-4)on a bombing and strafing mission
to Manakwari (Mission KAM85), due to engine
problems, took off 5 minutes behind formation from
Noemfoor. At approximately 1445hrs, No 2 and 4
heard a R/T call up saying that Badger 3 aircraft
had a gycol leak. Two minutes later, both No 2 and
4 saw a large splash in the sea about 5 miles east
of Manakwari. Another 2 a/c section investigated
the area at 1615hrs, but reported sighting
nothing. The following day three further details
were sent out, with only the first 2 a/c detail
sighting a oil slick in the water some 400 yards
south of nearby Cape Oransbari. Pilot; W/O Peter
Gerald Schlencker Serv#405883 missing, believed
killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2081 25/10/44. V1710-99 Engine#43632 |
A29-825 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24321 |
05/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#7,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1301, Rec 1AP
Geelong 05/05/44. Renumbered A29-825 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 19/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/06/44. Coded AM-X. Accident on landing 11.00hrs
on 8/10/44 returning from a four aircraft
watercraft sweep mission (KAM95) from Kaosere
River to Fagopak, it crashed on landing at Kamiri
strip Noemfoor Is after drifting to the starboard
side of the strip on colliding with LY-blank
Beaufighter A9-210 in 30 Sqn RAAF dispersal Bays.
F/Sgt Bernard Johnson Serv#428497 was killed. Rec
22RSU Det ex 77 Sqn RAAF 11/10/44. AMSE Approval
to Write-off per File#9/16/2056 21/10/44.
V-1710-99 Eng#43371. |
A29-826 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24323 |
04/5/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#8,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1302, Rec 1AP
Geelong 04/05/44. Renumbered A29-826 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 21/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/06/44. Ground accident on the night of 25/06/44
when a/c was destroyed by fire, with cause of fire
obscure, but believed to be a electrical system
short, or by an explosion of an electrical light
bulb used by the working party. AMSE Approval to
write-off per File#9/16/1800 05/08/44. V1710-99
A29-827 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24325 |
04/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#9,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1303, Rec 1AP
Geelong 04/05/44. Renumbered A29-827 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 21/05/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/06/44. Ground accident 20/07/44 when
manouevering within revetment, damaging starboard
mainplane. NFDs. Rec 12RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
26/07/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU Det 31/07/44.
Ground accident 28/09/44, when a Aircraft Wireless
Maintenance Mechanic (VHF Maintenance Section) was
electrocuted when testing a meter on A29-827.
Attempts were made to revive him, but sadly he was
deemed deceased on arrival at 23 MCS. Cpl R F
Wurtz Serv#78791 died of electrocution.
Operational Accident 0900hrs 15/10/44 when a port
MG Blast tube exploded while flying on KAM84
Mission to Noemi. Pilot; F/O J S Cockburn-Mercer
Serv#4089036 was not injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 18/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU Det
25/11/44. Operational Loss 1710hrs 16/07/45 as
part of a 4 a/c section, flying as No 3, on a
strafing mission on Japanese positions at Ranau
Village, Nth Borneo. The pilot made his first
attack from a westerly direction, then turned
sharply into the valley and came back for a second
run in a north westerly direction at approximately
180mph. After passing the target, teh pilot
appeared to attempt a quick breakaway to avoid
rising ground, but resulted in the aircraft
flicking to starboard with the starboard wing
hitting a tree causing it to roll onto its back
and impact in the bush 15 yards from the road
leading north west out of the valley. The aircraft
immediately burst into flames. F/Lt Harold Cooper
Serv# 273755 posted as missing, presumed killed.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2726
10/10/44. V1710-99 Engine#43280.
A29-828 |
P-40N-25-CU |
43-24329 |
04/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 779A-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 40#10,Ex
Vancouver CV #408, as MAC-Air A29-1304, Rec 1AP
Geelong 04/05/44. Renumbered A29-828 05/05/44. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 21/05/44. Issued to 77Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/06/44. Issued 22RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 29/12/44.
Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 24/01/45. Coded FA-Q. Was
flown in Feb 1945 by Grp Capt Arthur. Rec 77 Sqn
RAAF ex 82 Sqn RAAF 29/04/45. Rec 22RSU ex 77Sqn
RAAF 21/08/45. Rec 1RSU ex 22RSU 28/09/45. Rec 84
OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by
burning at 60 OBU, Morotai per File#73/21/1612,
11/01/46. |
A29-900 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7018 |
04/05/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus
45#1, Ex New York CV#270, as MAC-Air A29-1315, Rec 2AD
Richmond 04/05/44. Renumbered A29-900 05/05/44. Issued 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 28/06/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP /2AD
18/07/44.Coded AM-U. Rec 13ARD Det G ex 77Sqn RAAF 20/12/44.
Issued 77Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD Det G 20/12/44. Operational
Accident on take-off Wama Strip, Morotai 0908hrs 23/04/45 on
commencement of mission to attack bridges at Djailol, when
A29-900 was just airborne, when one of its bombs released
and exploded, blowing up the aircraft and killing its pilot:
F/O Kenneth Hugh McFadden Serv#422017. Cas Report #487.
Shrapnel damaged many 22RSU , 75 Sqn and 77 Sqn aircraft,
including A29-803. Rec 14RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 12/05/45. AMSE
Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2555 14/05/45. Issued
conversion ex 14RSU 22/05/45. |
A29-901 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7027 |
04/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#2, Ex New
York CV#270, as MAC-Air A29-1316, Rec 2AD Richmond
04/05/44. Renumbered A29-901 05/05/44. Rec 77Sqn
RAAF ex 2AD 29/06/44. Coded for delivery as AM-?.
Accident 22/07/44 when on test flight, port
mainplane leading edge damaged when one of the
port blast tubes blew out. Pilot; W/O T H Kirk
Serv#2565 was not injured. Rec 12 RSU Det ex 77
Sqn RAAF 23/07/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU Det
03/08/44. Operational Loss 06/12/44 during a 8 a/c
flight mission on Warren Strip, Moemi Area. The
aircraft was seen, following flicking over, in a
30 degree dive on a bearing of 225 degrees, and
crashing some 50 yards off shore south east of
Warren Strip, Moemi Area, Dutch New Guinea.
Probable loss from small arms fire during the
attack. Two aircraft from flight searched the
area, for any signs, and found only a oil slick.
Post war, no indications were found that the pilot
had been captured or executed. F/Sgt Laurence
Ernest Brown Ser#435439 missing presumed killed.
He had only been with 77Sqn RAAF for two weeks.
Casualty Reg#1693. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2221 15/12/44. V1710-99 #46599 |
A29-902 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7035 |
04/05/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus
45#3, Ex New York CV#270, as MAC-Air A29-1317, Rec 2AD
Richmond 04/05/44. Renumbered A29-902 05/05/44. Rec 77Sqn
RAAF ex 2AD 29/06/44. Coded as AM-I. Accident 1315hrs
14/04/45 following ferrying a/c from Noemfoor to Wama strip,
Morotai; was taxiing to the service bays when on the R/T by
the control tower to keep moving, a/c yawed to left, almost
overtaking, but eventually colliding with A29-916. The R/T
Call was in fact for A29-916's pilot, not A29-902. Pilot
A29-902; W/O A R Proudfoot Serv#412266 was not injured.
Pilot A29-916; F/Sgt Gillian Serv#430806 received minor
injures. Rec 14 RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 08/05/45. AMSE Approval to
Write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45 as part of 21 P-40Ns
written off insitu. |
A29-903 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7043 |
01/05/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus
45#4, Ex New York CV#270, as MAC-Air A29-1318, Rec 2AD
Richmond 04/05/44. Renumbered A29-903 05/05/44. Rec 77Sqn
RAAF ex 2AD 29/06/44. Coded as AM-Y. Operational Damage
05/01/45 when on a mission to bomb and strafe a radar site
on Cape Nosehive , the aircraft was hit in port main plane
by AAA. Pilot; F/Lt E R Nolan Serv#402039 was not injured.
Casualty Register#14. Repaired in Unit. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 15/08/45. Rec 1RSU ex 22RSU 28/09/45. Rec 84 OBU ex
1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning per
File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46. V1710-99 Engine#46584. |
A29-904 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7059 |
04/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#6, Ex New
York CV#270, as MAC-Air A29-1320, Rec 2AD Richmond
04/05/44. Renumbered A29-904 05/05/44. Rec 77Sqn
RAAF ex 2AD 14/07/44. Coded AM-X. One of two
Operational Losses on 23/11/44,(other A29-909),
when as part of a twelve a/c flight during an
attack on Galea Township, Halmahera Islands, a/c
was last seen pulling out of 10000ft climb after
releasing bombs. Per A50 Records , there was AAA.
Pilot advise that he was having glycol problems
and proceeding to Pitoe, Morotai, some 15 miles on
a bearing of 060 degrees. Pilot advised he was
bailing out of his aircraft, but was not seen
again despite numerous searches. Pilot ; Acting
Sgt Keith Raymond Smithwick (AC2 Substantive Rank)
Ser#431425 posted as missing, presumed killed.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2184
04/12/44. V1710-99 Engine#46499.
A29-905 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7062 |
05/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#9, Ex New
York CV#270, as MAC-Air A29-1323, Rec 2AD Richmond
05/05/44. Renumbered A29-905 05/05/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 28/06/44. Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD
RP 14/07/44. Coded AM-A. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
22/02/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 08/03/45. Rec
1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 21/09/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU
10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning per
File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46 in situ.
A29-906 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7070 |
05/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#8, Ex New
York Tanker, as MAC-Air A29-1322, Rec 2AD Richmond
05/05/44. Renumbered A29-906 05/05/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 10/07/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD
RP 14/07/44. Coded AM-U and named "The Flying
Donk". Operational damage 1400hrs 25/12/44 whilst
on a five a/c mission, Mor 9, to bomb and strafe
barge hideouts in Goerea Bay, sustained damage to
port mainplane leading edge due to a blast tube
explosion. F/O L K Lynch Serv#414502 was not
injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 28/12/44. Rec 77
Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 05/01/45. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 25/01/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 10/02/45
as replacement for A29-806. Accident 1930Hrs
17/03/45, Kamiri Strip, when returning from a
night flying training exercise, after making one
unsuccessful attempt to land,touched down too far
down the strip on his second, forcing the pilot to
ground loop the a/c to save it. Pilot; W/O J A
Russell Serv#437279 was not injured. Issued 22RSU
ex 77 Sqn RAAF 20/03/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex
22RSU RP 25/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU
29/04/45. Issued 6AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 20/09/45.
Canc. Rec 14RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF/6AD 27/09/45. Rec
60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage
ex 60 OBU, Morotai 11/12/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#46611.
A29-907 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7051 |
16/05/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus
45#5, Ex New York CV#268, as MAC-Air A29-1319, Rec 2AD
Richmond 16/05/44. Renumbered A29-907 15/05/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 20/07/44. Rec 22RSU RP ex 15ARD RP 23/09/44.
Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP 26/09/44. Coded AM-K. Rec 22RSU
ex 77 Sqn RAAF 06/02/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP as
replacement for A29-905 21/02/45. Flown by WgCdr Cresswell,
CO 81 Fighter Wing, regularly. Rec 1RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF
09/10/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to
destroy by burning per File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46 insitu.
V1710-99 Engine#46609.
A29-908 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7067 |
01/05/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft:Aus
45#7,Ex New York CV# Tanker, , as MAC-Air A29-1321, Rec 2AD
Richmond 25/05/44. Renumbered A29-908 26/05/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 20/07/44. Rec 22RSU ex 15ARD RP 25/09/44.
Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 27/09/44. Coded AM-O and named
"Norma" . Operational Incident, 0600hrs 22/12/44 after
take-off on mission to bomb and strafe barge hideout in
Goerea Bay, a/c engine experienced a low oil warning and
returned to base. Pilot; F/O C F Fivash Serv#54808 (Sqn
Photograpic Officer) was not injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 24/12/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 05/01/45.
Operational damage 1000hrs 14/07/45 after being airborne
from Labuan to bomb and strafe South Keningan Strip,
Tambunan, Borneo, when aircraft sustained hits from light
AAA as it ran over target. Pilot, F/Sgt J R Bennett Serv#440051
was not injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 23/07/45. Rec 77
Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 17/09/45. Rec 6AD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 02/10/45.
Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU
Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#43501.
A29-909 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7075 |
25/05/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#10,Ex New
York CV# Tanker, as MAC-Air A29-1324, Rec 2AD
Richmond 25/05/44. Renumbered A29-909 26/05/44.
Rec 15ARD Res Pool ex 2AD 20/07/44. Rec 22RSU Res
Pool ex 15ARD RP 25/09/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex
22RSU RP 01/10/44. Coded AM-R. One of two
Operational Losses on 23/11/44,(other A29-904),
when as part of a twelve a/c flight during an
attack on Galea Township, Halmahera Islands. Last
seen in a spin at a altitude of 400 feet with
white smoke (Glycol) emitting, some 50 yards off
the shore east of Galila (Galela sic), following
an unauthorised low level flight path over Galela
township (pilot was briefed with others not to do
so). Aircraft assumed damaged by suspected small
arms fire. Post war, a RAAF Search Party after
landing there by Catalina, found that Japanese
troops had buried the washed up pilot's body 100
yards on beach from the wreckage of a P-40N. F/Sgt
B A Palme Ser#432552 was killed in Action. AMSE
Approval to Write Off per File# 9/16/2185
(Combined with A29-904 per File#9/16/2184 Canc.)
04/12/45. V1710-99 Engine#46567.
A29-910 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7281 |
26/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#11,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1325, Rec 2AD Richmond
26/07/44. Renumbered A29-910 17/07/44. Issued
15ARD Res Pool ex 2AD 19/08/44. Ferry Accident
28/08/44, crash landed on beach some three miles
north of Cardwell FNQ while on a ferry flight from
MacKay to Cairns, W/O John James Guy Serv#413581
was uninjured. Note: 6CRD A50 Page 81 at Breddan
has dispatch date of F/Lt Robinson by Air to
survey aircraft on 28/08/44 ex Breddan and A/c was
IDed in error as A29-901, but corrected in
28/11/44 entry. 6CRD Salvage Party left 29/08/44.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1961
30/09/44. |
A29-911 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7283 |
21/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#12,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1326, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-911 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 17/08/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 25/09/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP
26/09/44. Operational Loss 1135 hrs 02/01/45 when
as part of a four aircraft Section watercraft
sweep in the Sorong-Samate Area (KAM56), was
conduction bombing and strafing when a/c was hit
by AAA. The Pilot managed to bail out successfully
and land in the sea. After two hours in his raft,
he was picked up by ASR Catalina at 1350hrs and
arrived at Middleburg at 1440hrs. He was returned
to his unit on the following day, 03/01/45. Pilot;
P/O H A Lucas Serv#18430 was un-injured and well.
Casualty Register#1824. AMSE Approval to write-off
per File #9/16/2298 12/01/45. V1710-99
A29-912 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7285 |
21/7/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#13,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1327, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-912 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 11/08/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP30/11/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP
10/12/44. Accident 1035 Hrs 21/03/45 Morotai, when
after landing, undercarriage collapsed due to
pilot in error, after pumping gear down, placing
Gear lever past neutral position, to up selection.
Aircraft stopped 180 degrees off strip. The pilot
had just been posted in and after a check flight
on Sqns' Wirraway, and three hours of cockpit
instruction, was doing his first air check in a
P-40N-30. Pilot; F/O C H Goldsworthy Serv#22846
was un-injured. Casualty Register #357. Rec 22RSU
ex 77 Sqn RAAF 24/03/45. AMSE Approval to
Write-off per File#9/16/2480 30/03/45. |
A29-913 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7288 |
27/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#14,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1328, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-913 17/07/44. Allotted
15ARD Res Pool ex 2AD 07/08/44. Canc. Rec 1 Air
Performance Unit (APU) ex 2AD for flying
characteristics and performance testing 06/10/44.
Rec 1AD ex 1APU 11/12/44. Rec 1APU ex 1AD
18/01/45. Rec 1AD Storage ex 1APU 12/03/46.
Storage Cat D 22/03/46. Storage Cat E 01/10/46.
Allotted SAS ex 1AD 12/11/46. Canc. Authorised for
Write-off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued
to DAP 11/03/49. Completed 13/03/49. |
A29-914 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7290 |
21/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#15,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1329, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-914 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 29/08/44. Rec 22 RSU ex 15ARD RP
14/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU Det 18/10/44.
Coded AM-O. Rec 22 RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 15/03/45. Rec
77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 25/03/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex
77 Sqn RAAF 01/10/45. Cat E Storage 08/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP
26/09/47. Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine#46126 |
A29-915 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7292 |
21/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#16,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1330, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-915 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 17/08/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 28/10/44. Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP
07/11/44. Coded FA-Diamond. Allotted 14RSU ex 82
Sqn RAAF 29/04/45. Canc. Flown regularly by Sqn
Ldr Grace until July 1945, and then regularly
flown by F/L Schaaf up to 13/08/45. Issued 6AD ex
82 Sqn RAAF 20/09/45. Accident 1030hrs 22/09/45
during ferry flight to 6AD,accompanied on the
flight by two other Kittyhawks A29-690 and A29-622
and Beaufighter A9-256, when aircraft crashed west
of Rockhampton at Craig's Station near Dingo.
Pilot; F/O Robert George William Portas RAF
Serv#177602 assigned 2AD Ferry Flight, on
attachment 6AD was killed. Casualty Register
#1097. The pilot had previously flown Spitfires
and served in 54 Sqn RAF in Darwin NT. (Initially
as a F/Sgt, then was commissioned as a P/O) and was
from Lincoln UK. Buried at Rockhampton War
Cemetery Plot A, Roc C, Grave 4 on 25/09/45. 6AD
salvage personnel were hampered in gaining access
to the crash site due to flooded creeks and
rivers; on 12/2/46 approval was given to convert
to components in situ. AMSE Approval to Write-off
per File#9/16/2926 11/02/46. V1710-99
Engine#46674.Now under restoration by Bill Martin
Toowoomba Qld.
A29-916 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7297 |
21/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#17,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1331, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-916 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 29/08/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 14/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP
18/10/44. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 14/02/45. Rec
77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 25/03/45. Coded AM-R.
Accident 1315hrs 14/04/45 following ferrying a/c
from Noemfoor to Wama strip, Morotai; was taxiing
to the service bays when on the R/T, when the
control tower told pilot to keep moving, the a/c
behind it, A29-902, yalled to left, almost
overtaking, but eventually, it collided with
A29-916 and chewed the rear end of the aircraft
almost up to the cockpit. The R/T Call was in fact
for A29-916's pilot to hurry up, not A29-902.
Pilot A29-902; W/O A R Proudfoot Serv#412266 was
not injured. Pilot A29-916; F/Sgt Gillian
Serv#430806 received minor injures. Casualty
Reg#453. Rec 14 RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 06/05/45. AMSE
Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2535 04/05/45.
Issued for conversion ex 14RSU 15/05/45. NB: This
aircraft still had its port wing top USAAF
Insignia. |
A29-917 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7299 |
21/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#18,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1332, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-917 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 29/08/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 25/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP
25/11/44. Rec 1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Rec 84
OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by
burning per File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46 insitu. |
A29-918 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7301 |
24/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#19,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1333, Rec 2AD Richmond
24/07/44. Renumbered A29-918 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD18/09/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 28/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP
11/12/44. Flown by Dutch 120Sqn NEIAF Pilot; Lt
Soesman 01/01/45 as top cover for shot down pilot
of A29-911, P/O Lucas. One of four NEIAF attached
in Dec 44-Jan 45. Rec 14 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
11/05/45. Rec 60 OBU ex 14 RSU 05/11/45. AMSE
Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/3070 14/12/45.
Actioned 18/12/45. V1710-99 Engine#A048921.
A29-919 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7304 |
21/07/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 858-A RAAF Aircraft: Aus 45#20,Ex New
York CV#276, as MAC-Air A29-1334, Rec 2AD Richmond
21/07/44. Renumbered A29-919 17/07/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 29/08/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 10/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU RP
17/11/44. Operational Loss 0905Hrs Local/ 0005hrs
Zulu, 13/12/44, when strafing enemy positions,
aircraft was hit by AAA. Pilot made successful
crash landing on the beach , about 4 miles north
west of Bocht Van Galela (Village), north of the
Tiabo River in Galela Bay(10.57 Degrees
North/127.50 Degrees East), Halmaheras. The pilot
was seen to leave the aircraft , badly wounded and
had difficulty moving about. Despite heavy enemy
fire, a ASR Catalina attempted to send an
inflatable Life Raft within 20 yards of pilot
after alighting, but was driven off. It was
abandoned due to the intense 3 inch enemy fire
(Based in an emplacement at the foot of a small
hill near Galela Village) and due to the intensity
of this fire, the first take-off attempt failed.
Fighter cover tried to silence this Gun
emplacement so that the USAF OA10 ASR Catalina
could take off on its second attempt, which proved
successful. A further two rescue attempts by two
USAAF Morotai Based ASR Boats, P399 and P406, of
the 5230th Composite Rescue Group tried . Beaton
off by extreme enemy fire, they had gotten within
70 yards of the wreck and Pilot who was seen as
extremely frail. On the third try,P399, under
command of 1st Lt Earl A. McCandlish, had two men
(M/Sgt George L. Jepson and Cpl William C. Chaney,
USAAF) swim ashore to attempt rescue, but they too
came under extreme enemy fire when they got within
20 yards of the crashed P-40N. A Request for naval
cover fire was made (1325hrs) and was provided by
two US Navy PT Boats,(PT162 (Lt Miller USNR) and
PT365 using the boat installed Mortars) so that
the two men could be picked up and that the boats
could retire back out to sea. The Pilot was
ascertained as Dead (1430hrs) by this time,
determined the area too hot to extricate the body
with both the P-40N and Pilot now awash with the
rising tide, the aircraft was then destroyed by PT
Boat based weapons. The enemy fire by then,
including the continuous 3 inch Artillery rounds,
was intense on exfile, further wounding some six
crew members of the PT365 boat with shrapnel. All
ASR Assets retired at 1635hrs. Pilot, F/Sgt James
William Brighton Lennard Serv#437793 posted
missing, believed killed. After the War, it was
found that the body had washed ashore and buried
by the Japanese close by. Remains were exhumed and
interned in Ambon. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2244 20/12/44. V1710-99 Engine#A048921.
A29-920 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7464 |
01/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#1,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1335, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-920 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 27/09/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 22/10/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP
26/10/44. Coded AM-D, and named "Shirley Anne" .
Accident 0835hrs 28/12/44 after landing at
Kornorsoran Strip, Neomfoor, when aircraft was
taxying back to a revetment, port undercarriage
collapsed. P/O J C Scott Serv#439728 not injured.
Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 01/01/45. Rec 77 Sqn
RAAF ex 22 RSU 25/01/45. Operational Accident
0830hrs 04/07/45, following take-off from Labuan,
loaded with two 250lb bombs to bomb Sapong
Village, Borneo. pilot felt a jar on port leg when
raising gear, and noticed external gear indicator
showing port leg hanging out ten degrees. Several
attempts were made to cycle gear up and failed.
Despite this, pilot elected to continue and
complete mission. On return to base after mission,
he tried to lower the undercarriage, first with
high pressure, then by jarring it. These all
failed and the pilot elected to belly land
successfully on strip. Pilot; W/O A D Monsborough
Serv#430187 was not injured. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 07/08/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 22 RSU vis 1RSU
08/10/45. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47.
Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99
Engine#AO48915 |
A29-921 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7466 |
01/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#2,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1336, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-921 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 21/09/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 22/10/44. Issued 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU
26/10/44. Coded AM-L. Rec 1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF
Approval to destroy by burning per
File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46 insitu. V1710-99
A29-922 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7468 |
15/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#3,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1337, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-922 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 27/09/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex
15ARD RP 28/10/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU
07/11/44. Coded AM-P and named "Omar Khayyaz".
Fatal ground accident 30/03/45, Kamiri
Strip,Noemfoor, when a Fitter IIE,LAC Ronald
William Hunter Serv#19932 walked backwards into
the aircraft's spinning airscrew. He was killed
instantly. Operational damage 31/07/45 when with
eleven other P-40Ns, bombed and strafed Belura on
Borneo. After dropping all three bomb on target,
the pilot continued to strafe target whereupon
pulling up, he felt the sharp concussion of AAA
underneath the aircraft. On returning safely to
base, a shrapnel hole was found on the starboard
mainplane. Pilot; F/O J R Scott Serv#439728 was
not injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 10/08/45. Rec
1RSU ex 22RSU 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU
22/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine # AO48840.

A29-923 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7471 |
15/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#4,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1338, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-923 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 27/09/44. Issued 22 RSU Res Pool
ex 15ARD RP 25/10/44. Accident on landing at
Nadzab 26/10/44. Starboard Main Plane damaged due
to u/c collapsed. Rec 10 RSU ex 15ARD 30/10/44.
NFDs on Pilot. Rec 22RSU ex 10RSU 11/05/45. Rec
14RSU Res Pool ex 22RSU 12/05/45. Rec 60OBU ex
14RSU RP 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU
28/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine # AO36582?.
A29-924 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7473 |
15/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#5,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1339, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-924 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 21/09/44. Accident on a 30 minute
test flight 1450hrs 10/10/44 from Port Moresby,
when pilot forced landed at the emergency strip at
Yule Island 10/10/44 due to coolant temperature
rising and his engine running rough due to bearing
failure, with wheels retracted. After skidding
along strip due to high speed approach from sea,
crossed a gully and stopped after hitting two
trees at end of strip . Pilot; W/O S M Doig
Serv#401923, 15ARD, with over 1049.5hrs of flying,
was slightly injured. 15ARD Det salvaged engine,
other parts and instruments from abandoned a/c on
15/10/44. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2086 24/10/44. V1710-99 Engine# 48859. |
A29-925 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7475 |
15/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#6,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1340, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-925 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 27/09/44. Rec 11RSU ex 15ARD Res
Pool 18/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU 07/12/44.
Operational damage 25/12/44 whilst strafing
Galela Area, when starboard mainplane was holed by
AAA. Pilot returned to base and landed normally.
Pilot; W/O M J McKay Serv#422240 was not injured.
Rec 11RSU ex 80Sqn RAAF 29/12/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF
ex 11RSU 13/04/45. Coded AM-P. Accident 1110hrs
05/07/45 after completing bombing and strafing
mission, when aircraft was taxying back to
revettment on Labuan Island, when aircraft struck
soft patch and nosed over. Pilot; F/Lt R P Curtis
Serv#400462 was not injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn
RAAF 23/07/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 17/09/45.
Rec 1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage
ex 1RSU 21/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. Orig V1710-99
Engine#48828 later fitted V1710-99 Engine # 55657.
A29-926 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7478 |
15/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#7,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1341, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-926 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 09/10/44. Rec 22RSU ex 15ARD RP
25/12/45. Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 29/12/44.Coded
AM- and named Norma" Accident 1050Hrs 23/04/45
Wama Strip on return from Mission Mor5 , was
taxying back to parking bay with two airman on
each mainplane, collided with a AIF Motor Truck
resulting in both airman being injured; LAC L K
Ryan Serv#79513 and LAC O M Jones Serv#120865 were
admitted to the 9th US Army Portable Hospital by
US Ambulance which was on Strip duty. Pilot; F/Lt
I E Crossing Serv#406315 was not injured. (Not
flying A29-803 as remarked per 77Sqn RAAF A50
P477, but rather refer A29-926 A51 P480, Cas
Reg#499 and E/E-88 Card). Rec 14RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF
28/04/45. Rec 60OBU ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Issued to
6AD Storage ex 60OBU 15/11/45. Held by 60OBU and
RAAF Approval to destroy by burning per
File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46 insitu. V1710-99 Engine
# 46648.
A29-927 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7480 |
15/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#8,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1342, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-927 15/08/44.Rec 2AP ex
2AD 22/09/44. Damaged on landing at Richmond
during pre-ferry test flight due to tail wheel not
extending. Repaired in Unit(2AP). NFDs. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 17/10/44. Rec 22RSU ex 15ARD RP
25/12/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 30/12/44. Coded
AM-Q. Rec 22RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 27/07/45. Rec 77Sqn
RAAF ex 22RSU 12/08/45. Rec 1RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU 11/11/45. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine#48847
A29-928 |
P-40N-30 |
44-7482 |
01/08/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 957-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 50#9,Ex New
York CV#305, as MAC-Air A29-1343, Rec 2AD Richmond
15/08/44. Renumbered A29-928 15/08/44. Rec 15ARD
Res Pool ex 2AD 23/10/44. Rec 11RSU ex 15ARD RP
11/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU 17/11/44.
Operational damage 0920hrs 30/11/44 when attacking
a enemy sail boat by strafing and bombing when the
pilot pulled up too late from the seaward side and
hit a tree on Kai Island. Starboard mainplane was
damaged, but the pilot managed to land normally.
Pilot; F/O G B Downing Serv#424899 was not
injured. Rec 11RSU ex 80Sqn RAAF 04/12/44. Rec
77Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU 24/12/44. Coded AM-N. Accident
0710Hrs 04/07/45 when taxying to take-off Labuan
Strip on Mission Labuan #2 as part of a eight
aircraft flight to attack Japanese HQ at Sapong,
port wheel dropped into a filled in bomb hole and
tipped on nose damaging airscrew and port
undercarriage. Pilot; F/Lt R P Curtiss Serv#400462
was not injured. Rec 22RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 21/07/45.
Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 23/08/45. Re-coded AM-N.
Rec 6Ad Storage ex 77Sqn RAAF , vis 1RSU 28/11/45.
Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine#48960
A29-1000 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7766 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#11,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1354, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1000 02/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
16/12/44. Accident 0725Hrs 25/12/44 when after a
bombing and straffing mission on Galela Strip, as
Blue 3; W/O Allen Clifford Wright Serv#422789, was
landing at Wama Strip Morotai, collided with the
rear of A29-1000 piloted by P/O Raymond Michael
Eric Muntz Serv#439526, Blue 2 which had not
cleared the strip. Identification Letters had not
been painted on these new aircraft, and thus pilot
thought A29-1001 (Blue 1) was the other new
aircraft taxying back on taxyway. Casualty
Register #1791. Rec 11 RSU ex 75Sqn RAAF 16/01/45.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2289
02/02/45. V1710-99 Engine# 52158.
A29-1001 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7767 |
01/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#12,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1355, Rec 2AD Richmond 26/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1001 02/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
14/12/44. Accident 1330hrs 29/06/45 Croydon Strip
, Tarakan, when after carrying out a air to ground
radio test, when on landing it was found that the
hydraulic system for lowering flaps and
undercarriage failed, resulting in a belly
landing. Pilot; P/O Allen Clifford Wright
Serv#422789 , was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75
Sqn RAAF 04/07/45. Issued 6AD Storage ex 11 RSU
12/11/45. Incident on ferry flight due to
carburator issues and changed at Garbutt. NFDs.
21/11/45. Rec 13ARD ex 6AD 26/11/45. Rec 6AD ex
13ARD 30/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine# 52153. |
A29-1002 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7768 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#13,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1356, Rec 2AD Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered
A29-1002 02/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
14/12/44. Accident 06/01/45 when taxying, aircraft
tipped on nose damaging airscrew, spinner and cowl
on Wama Strip, Morotai. NFDs. Repaired in Unit?.
Operational Damage 0930hrs 06/03/45 when flying as
No 2 in a pair attacking enemy targets in Boeli
Bay, the pilot; F/Sgt E J Buchan Serv#433434, not
noticed after the first burst, but on the second,
that the starboard inner gun tube was missing and
ceased firing. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/03/45.
Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 77
Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 28/07/45. Accident 08/09/45
it was returning from a training flight and while
landing on the Labuan strip it swung to the left
and the pilot attempted to go around again but
veered further to the left and crashed in soft
ground on the side of the strip. Casualty Register
#1053. NFDs. Rec 1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2983
12/12/45. V1710-99 Engine# 52172. |
A29-1003 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7769 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus
55#14,Ex New York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1357, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered A29-1003
02/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 14/12/44. Coded GA-O "Betty
Joy II" Operational Damage 0900hrs 23/01/45 during a dive
bombing (260lb Fragmentation bombs of which only 50%
worked)) and strafing run on Goeroea Bivouac area, when as
Green 3 (part of a four a/c flight), was pulling up from
strafing attack, struck a dead tree, damaging the starboard
wing. Pilot, F/Lt A W B McIntrye Serv#412635, was not
injured and returned to base. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF
29/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU 23/02/45. Operational
Loss 0945Hrs 25/03/45 when during strafing mission at Sagea,
as part of a four aircraft flight, the pilot notcied that
his fuel was getting low and calculated he would not have
enough to return to base. After contacting his leader, the
pilot was directed to a position and given instruction on
ditching. Fue exhausted, the pilot, F/Sgt R A Cox Serv#422435,
made a successful ditching two miles west of Wasile Village
and was picked up by RAAF Catalina ASR Aircraft some 2 1/2
Hours later uninjured. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2483 10/04/45. V1710-99 Engine# 52161.

A29-1004 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7770 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#15,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1358, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1004 02/11/44. This a/c was found along with
MacAir A29-1009 (exA29-1363 ex 44-7775) when
uncrated, that the packing of these airframes were
substandard and poor thereby causing damage to
their fuselages while in transit from New York POE
to Sydney, further the 'philofilm' plastic was
ruptured allowing considerable salt corrosion to
take place on that journey from the United States
East coast, through Panama, to Sydney. Signal to
Mac Air Washington DC (Mr D Magee in Charge)
resulted in a further letter to the person in
charge (Mr E Winter)of packing aircraft for
dispatch to Australia from UN Depot 3 in
California, to ensure procedures to be followed.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2232
15/01/45. Rec 2CRD ex 2AD 30/05/45.V1710-99
Engine# 52216. |
A29-1005 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7771 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#16,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1359, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1005 02/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
16/12/44. Coded GA-F and named "Flo". Rec 6AD
Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 11/11/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52229.

A29-1006 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7772 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#17,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1360, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1006 02/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
14/12/44. Coded GA-J. Operational damage 1030Hrs
17/12/44 as Green 1, during a bombing and
strafing attack on a large pile of stores half a
mile from Goeroea Village and Soebain Bivouac
Area, Halmaheras. As the pilot fired a burst into
the stores, it exploded violently as he passed
over it, receiving damage and holes to his
aircraft . Pilot; W/O M A Roberts Serv#417428 was
not injured and landed safely. Rec 11RSU Res Pool
ex 75 Sqn RAAF 29/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU
23/02/45. Accident 0935Hrs 14/07/45 when after
touching down at Croydon Strip Tarakan, the
aircraft veered to the right and the starboard
wheel went off the steel matting, causing the
starboard tyre to deflate. The aircraft swung
around to the right after applying brakes causing
the Port oleo to collapse with the aircraft
sliding sideways in mud to finally strike a
stationary Tractor and then coming to a
standstill. Pilot; F/Sgt John Gibbes Buchan
Serv#433434 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn
RAAF 17/07/45. Issued 6AD Storage ex 11 RSU
12/11/45. Accident 1700 Hours 15/11/45 on ferry
flight to Labuan to Tarakan by a 11 RSU Ferry
Pilot, when aircraft crashed 2 miles east of
Zamboanga, on the island of Mindanao, Philippines.
Pilot; 30yro F/Sgt John Elliott Pflaum Serv#442529
was killed. Six locals were also killed in the
crash, and after some four years, a ex gratia
payments were eventually made to the three of the
separate family representatives for a total of
8900 Pesos(1389 Aust Pounds, including costs).
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/3052
30/01/45. V1710-99 Engine#52196. |
A29-1007 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7773 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#19,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1362, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1008 26/10/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
11/12/44. Accident 24/05/45, landing on Tarakan
collided with A29-1052 during non-operational
Exercises whilst waiting for completion of
Tarakan's Wama Strip was being finished for
operations. NFDs on both Pilots though ORB states
no injuries. Rec 14 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 08/06/45.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2620
29/08/45. Completed 10/09/45. V1710-99

A29-1008 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7774 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#20,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1363, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1009 26/10/44. This a/c was found along with
MacAir A29-1004 (exA29-1358 ex 44-7770) when
uncrated, that the packing of these airframes were
substandard and poor thereby causing damage to
their fuselages while in transit from New York POE
to Sydney, further the 'philofilm' plastic was
ruptured allowing considerable salt corrosion to
take place on that journey from the United States
East coast, through Panama, to Sydney. Signal to
Mac Air Washington DC (Mr D Magee in Charge)
resulted in a further letter to the person in
charge (Mr E Winter)of packing aircraft for
dispatch to Australia from UN Depot 3 in
California, to ensure procedures to be followed.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2232
15/01/45. Rec 2CRD ex 2AD 30/05/45. V1710-99
Engine# 52224. |
A29-1009 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7775 |
24/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#20,Ex New
York CV#317 (SS New Zealand Star), as MAC-Air
A29-1363, Rec 2AD Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered
A29-1009 26/10/44. This a/c was found along with
MacAir A29-1004 (exA29-1358 ex 44-7770) when
uncrated, that the packing of these airframes were
substandard and poor thereby causing damage to
their fuselages while in transit from New York POE
to Sydney, further the 'philofilm' plastic was
ruptured allowing considerable salt corrosion to
take place on that journey from the United States
East coast, through Panama, to Sydney. Signal to
Mac Air Washington DC (Mr D Magee in Charge)
resulted in a further letter to the person in
charge (Mr E Winter)of packing aircraft for
dispatch to Australia from UN Depot 3 in
California, to ensure procedures to be followed.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2232
15/01/45. Rec 2CRD ex 2AD 30/05/45. V1710-99
Engine# 52224. |
A29-1010 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7836 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#1,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1364, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1010 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 14/12/44. Coded GA-Q and
named "Nancy May". Operational damage, 0900hrs
07/02/45 when returning from a bombing and
strafing mission on Kace AAA Installations at the
Halmaheras, when, after crossing the coast where
an apparent unserviceable Japanese ship standing
off the coast , the pilot heard the sound of metal
hitting the port wing and 2 new holes. On a safe
return to Pitoe Strip Morotai, aside from 2 port
wing holes, more were found on other areas of the
aircraft. Pilot; W/O John Aloysuis McDonnell
Serv#417861 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn
RAAF 10/02/45. Issued 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP
16/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 18/04/45.
Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored
Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52312.

A29-1011 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7834 |
01/10/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#8,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1371, Rec 2AD
Richmond 24/10/44. Renumbered A29-1011 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/12/44. Coded GA-L.
Accident 1330 Hrs 30/07/45 on local test flight
after take-off from Croydon Strip Tarakan when at
approximately 50 feet the port wing lifted and the
port aileron was found to be locked. Holding the
starboard wing up as far as possible with rudder
input, the pilot climbed to 800 feet and tried to
shake and free the controls. The Aileron tab was
adjusted to its maximum, depessing the port wing
to an angle of 10 degrees, had no further affect.
The pilot made a left hand turn and approached the
strip, gear down, for a long straight in landing.
At 50 feet, over the strip, the starboard wing
dropped causing the aircraft to sink heavily onto
the strip, causing the gear to collapse, and the
aircraft finally skidding to a stop. Pilot; F/Sgt
Kenneth Graham Hagger Serv#419385 was un-injured.
Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 04/08/45. AMSE Approval
to Write-off per File#9/16/2173 26/10/45. V1710-99
Engine# 52264. |
A29-1012 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7837 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#2,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1365, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1012 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/12/44. Night Exercise
Loss for pre-dawn take-offs at Wama Strip Morotai,
0530hrs 19/03/45 when as part of an eight aircraft
formation, No 2 failed to join up after commencing
his turn at about 200 feet, as watched by
formation leader. He turned his head away and then
looked back a few moments later, failing to locate
pilot and aircraft and tried to radio him. No
answer. At light soon after, the flight Leader
searched the area and found an oil slick, some two
miles off shore. A US Navy PT Boat was then
directed to the area. Certain articles and a map
were recovered, and the later was deemed as
carried by the missing pilot. Pilot body not
recovered. Pilot; P/O James Boyd Thyer Ser#47716
missing presumed killed. V1710-99 Engine# 52238. |
A29-1013 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7838 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#3,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1366, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1013 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/12/44. Accident 0725Hrs
25/12/44 when after a bombing and strafing
mission on Galela Strip, as Blue 3, was landing at
Wama Strip Morotai, collided with the rear of
A29-1000 (P/O Raymond Michael Eric Muntz
Serv#439526, Blue 2)which had not cleared the
strip. Identification Letters had not been painted
on these new aircraft, and thus pilot thought
A29-1001 was the other new aircraft taxying back
on taxyway. It was Blue 1. Pilot, W/O Allen
Clifford Wright Serv#422789 was not injured. Port
Mainplane change per(Casualty Register# 1790) and
repaired. Operational Loss, as 1000hrs 25/03/45
when on returning to base after a bombing and
strafing mission on Sagea Village, midway between
Cape Lelai and Lolobata, Halmaheras, when near
Cape Bobe the pilot advised by R/T that he had no
more then 20 gallons of fuel left. He was
instructed by his Section Leader, W/O J A
McDonnell,to follow him at 8000 feet and that they
would be over the strip in a couple of minutes. At
about 7 miles from the strip, he advised that he
was about to ditch at Galela. The Section Leader,
circled the area for twenty minutes before he
returned to base. Additional searches, including a
ASR Catalina, were perfomed, but no wreckage or
its location were found. Pilot; F/O Frederick
Dempster Fawcett Serv#413121 posted as missing,
presumed killed. AMSE Approval to write-off per
File#9/16/2483 10/04/45. V1710-99 Engine# 52399. |
A29-1014 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7839 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#4,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1367, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1014 02/11/44.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 15/02/45. Issued 11 RSU Res
Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF 02/04/45. Was damaged in a
minor way on 23/04/45 at Morotai by sustained
shrapnel damage at Wama strip, Morotai which
included Kittyhawks A29-900, A29-803, A29-810,
A29-1001, A29-1014, along with Beaufighters A8-56,
A8-149, A8-107, A8-141, A8-146, A8-167 . Rec 14
RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 28/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn
RAAF ex 14RSU RP 17/07/45. Coded GA-A, and named
"Alma". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 11/11/45.
Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52215.

A29-1015 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7840 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#5,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1368, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1015 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 11/12/44. Coded GA-P?.
Operational Loss 0650Hrs 04/01/45 as part of a
four aircraft flight, as Frolic Orange 4, when
attacking power line installations in rising hilly
country with 8/10 cloud cover at 500 feet some
three miles north east of Lake Tondano Celebes in
Kema Bay Area. There was local "meagre" Light AAA
by Japanese. The aircraft was seen some 200ft
above hill turning towards the north to do a low
level road sweep. When forming up the flight to
the south of the target , Orange 4 Aircraft was
missing and was not answering R/T calls. A search
was conducted out of AAA range which proved
unsuccessful, as was the later search performed by
another strike of 15 Beaufighters on the same day.
It was presumed the the aircraft had crashed.
Pilot; F/O Ulva Neil Dudley Ser#410223 was posted
missing. Post war, 11 Group Headquarters interim
Report stated that the aircraft, was last sighted
near the village of Kinalossah,in the Minahassa
Area,. The natives, when visited by the RAAF
Searcher Organisation ( under F/Lt H Belcher), who
were Christians, stated that a aircraft had passed
over their village trailing smoke just after
Christmas Day and had crashed into the sea in Kema
Bay. Only one aircraft that had crashed into the
same area was identified, a USAAF P-38 Lightning,
and that Japanese records showed no record of any
other pilot being captured in the area. It
therefore was assumed that the identity of the
smoking aircraft that crashed into the sea was
A29-1015, and that pilot did not survive the
crash. AMSE Approval to Write off per
File#9/16/2313 18/01/45. V1710-99 Engine# 52251. |
A29-1016 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7841 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#6,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1369, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1016 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/12/44. Operational Loss
0812 Hrs 05/01/45 as White 2 when engaged in a
water craft sweep from Cape Kalapa to North Cape ,
Celebes. The aircraft was last seen inverted by
three accompanied aircraft (White 1 and Black 1
& 2) 30-40ft above coastline whilst on a
patrol from Cape Kalapa to North Cape Celebes. The
White Section of two aircraft arrived on target at
0810hrs with White 2 making the first run on to
the target. He was seen to fire his guns. He was
seen a few seconds later on his back in a diving
position, but the impact was not witnessed. No
trace of the crash site was found by the remaining
aircraft after they completed some 5-6 circuits of
the area, after which they then returned to base.
Aircraft had crashed inverted in mangroves on Cape
Kapala, with the pilot still strapped in. It was
then removed by local Coolies local under Japanese
supervision, and buried his body on beach. The
aircraft wreck was then set alight and destroyed
by the Japanese. Pilot; F/Sgt Russell Bruce
Pontifex Ser#422961 was deemed missing which was
later reclassified as killed as his Body was later
exhumed after the war in 1946. AMSE Approval to
Write off per File#9/16/2317 18/01/45. V1710-99
Engine# 52307. |
A29-1017 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7842 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#7,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1370, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1017 02/11/44.
Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 07/01/45. Coded GA-V.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD for 40 Hourly 03/02/45.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 01/03/45. Rec 6AD ex
75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine# 52243.

A29-1018 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7844 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#9,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1372, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1018 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/01/45. Coded GA-S. Rec
6AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52215. |
A29-1019 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7845 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#10,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1373, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1019 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 18/01/45. Coded GA-D.
Accident 1130hrs 28/06/45 when landing at Croydon
Strip following a travel flight from Morotai.
After a normal tail down landing and roll of 500
yards, the starboard oleo collapsed. Pilot; F/Sgt
Stanley George Johnstone Serv#118059 was not
injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 30/06/45. Rec
75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU 04/08/45. Rec 11 RSU ex 75
Sqn RAAF 07/08/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU in
lieu of A29-1041 13/09/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 75
Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine# 52217. |
A29-1020 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7846 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#11,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1374, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1020 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 18/01/45. Coded GA-H and
named "Josie/Marie II". Accident 1015Hrs 21/07/45
on landing after a bombing and strafing mission
on Sandakan Borneo, it was discovered that small
arms fire had struck the starboard mainplane
causing damage to 0.50cal machineguns. It was
first notice after second last run on a motor
transport south of the road junction Santaka
Estate when the pilot noticed stopages on
starboard guns. Pilot; F/Sgt R S K Hampshire
Serv#443817 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn
RAAF 24/07/45. Rec 6 AD Storage ex 11 RSU
22/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99
Engine# 52284. |
A29-1021 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7847 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#12,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1375, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1021 02/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 23/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn
RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 26/01/45. Coded GA-G and named
"Hep Cat". Was the personal aircraft of Sqr Ldr
Clive Tolhurst and later, F/Lt Alan Thomson. It
had a red, white and blue spinner, with a white
and black band across the fin and rudder. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 22/11/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52290.

A29-1022 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7848 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#13,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1376, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1022 02/11/44.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 15/02/45. Coded BU-K.
Issued 11 RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF 02/04/45.
Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 06/05/45. Rec 60
OBU, Morotai ex 14 RSU RP 05/11/45. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 16/11/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52252. |
A29-1023 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7849 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#14,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1377, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1023 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/01/45. Coded GA-N and
named "Nancye". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF
11/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99
Engine# 52257. |
A29-1024 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7850 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#15,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1378, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1024 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 22/01/45. Coded GA-A.
Accident 07/07/45 on take-off from Croydon Strip
when aircraft sank bank on strip, damaging Port
mainplane, gear and fuselage. Casualty Register
File#796. NFDs. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF
10/07/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 11 RSU 22/11/45.
Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52250.
A29-1025 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7852 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#17,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1380, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1025 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 16/01/45. Coded GA-Z.
Operational Loss 1455Hrs 07/07/45 during
approaching a bombing and strafing mission to
Kamaei North East Borneo. At 15 miles out, and
with a large 8/10 Cumulus Nimbus Cloud at 10500
feet in front that was too high to climb over with
ordinance, the Leader turned away sharply to the
left followed in trail the rest of the four
aircraft flight into the surrounding cloud. On
emerging, the Leader, Red 2, Blue 2 and Blue 4
emerged, whereas Red 3 had flicked over in the
cloud, was inverted with the pilot bailing out of
the aircraft. As the rest of the formation was
flying on, his wing man, Blue 4( F/O Mossop in
A29-1010) circled the parachute until the canopy
had settled own in the trees some 15 miles bearing
330 degrees from Kalabakan and 30 miles north of
Brantian Estate. F/Sgt Maxwell John Gilbert
Serv#442454 posted Missing. It was reported after
the war that he had been captured and thereafter
executed by the Japanese on or around 24/7/45.
AMSE Approval to write-off per File#9/16/2708
23/07/45. V1710-99 Engine# 52266. |
A29-1026 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7853 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#18,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1381, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1026 02/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 06/03/45. Rec 14 RSU
Res Pool ex 11RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex
14 RSU RP 30/05/45. Coded GA-U. Rec 6AD Storage ex
75 Sqn RAAF 08/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine# 52218. |
A29-1027 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7854 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1094-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 56#19,Ex San
Francisco CV #442, as MAC-Air A29-1382, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1027 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 22/01/45. Coded GA-R.
Operational Damage 0710Hrs 21/02/45 when as flying
as Blue 3 in Blue Flight whilst carrying out
bombing and straffing on AA installations at
Goeroea in the Halmaheras when on pulling out of a
dive. Whilst pulling out of the dive, the port
mainplane was holed by a 0.50cal round. Pilot;
F/Sgt John Campbell Hinman Serv#428186 was not
injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 27/03/45. Rec
75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 27/03/45. Operational
Damage 1735hrs 06/04/45 whilst carrying out a armed
recce over Hatstabaka the aircraft was holed in
the starboard mainplane by AAA fire. No other
damaged was taken and the aircraft landed safely
at Wama Strip Morotai. Pilot: P/O Allen Clifford
Wright Serv#422789 was not injured. Rec 14 RSU ex
75 Sqn RAAF 16/04/45. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex 14
RSU RP 19/07/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP
27/07/45. Coded AM-B. Issued 13ARD ex 77 Sqn RAAF
28/09/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 13ARD 30/10/45.
Rec 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 21/11/45.
Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52227.
A29-1028 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7872 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4,
Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 59#3,Ex San
Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1384, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1042 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 22/01/45. Accident 0530hrs
13/03/45 when being taxied, the aircraft struck in
poor light some metal strip matting with starboard
mainplane. A hole under the wing and a damaged
Aileron were a result. Pilot; F/Sgt B M Swan
Serv#419623 and airman on port wing guiding, were
not injured. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 75 Sqn RAAF.
Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/11/45. Rec 77
Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 28/07/45. Coded AM-C. Rec
1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Accident 1140hrs
20/11/45 near Proserpine North Queensland during
ferry, when engine begun to run rough, forcing the
pilot to make a landing as it could not maintain
flight height, at 21OBU, Proserpine Strip. It was
a Ignition fault that was rectified on ground.
Pilot, W/O Wilson was not injured. Rec 6AD Storage
ex 1RSU 25/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
V1710-99 Engine# 52204. |
A29-1029 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7874 |
01/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4,
Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 59#4,Ex San
Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1384, Rec 2AD
Richmond 01/11/44. Renumbered A29-1042 02/11/44.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 22/01/45. Operational Loss
0900hrs 24/02/45 when Red 3 was strafing and
bombing AA Installations in Wasile Pier area in
Halmaheras when aircraft was seen after diving at
5000-6000 feet altitude, spinning out of cloud
minus its starboard wing at 2000 feet, and then
striking the ground some 700 yards north east of
target near barges. Pilot; F/O C D Robinson
Ser#405327 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off
per File#9/16/2421 05/03/45. V1710-99 Engine#

A29-1030 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7756 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#2,Ex New
York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1344, Rec 1AD
Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1030 08/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 14 RSU
Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 22 RSU Res
Pool ex 14 RSU RP 03/08/45. Rec 1RSU ex 22 RSU
10/10/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 1 RSU 16/11/45, via
13ARD holdover until 30/03/46. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52214. |
A29-1031 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7757 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#3,Ex New
York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1345, Rec 1AD
Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1031 08/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn
RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 29/01/45. Coded GA-P and named
"Lady Grey". Rec 6AD Store ex 75 Sqn RAAF
08/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99
Engine# 52103.

A29-1032 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7758 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#3,Ex New
York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1346, Rec 1AD
Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1032 08/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 14 RSU
Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 22 RSU Res
Pool ex 14 RSU RP 27/07/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22
RSU RP 12/08/45. Coded AM-M. Issued 13ARD ex 77
Sqn RAAF 01/10/45. Rec 1RSU ex 13ARD 01/11/45. Rec
6AD Store ex 1 RSU 22/11/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52106. |
A29-1033 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7759 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#4,Ex New
York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1347, Rec 1AD
Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1033 08/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn
RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 06/03/45. Coded GA-O and named
"Miriam" . Operational Damage 0710Hrs 21/02/45
when as flying as No 4 in Blue Flight whilst
carrying out bombing and strafing on AA
installations at Goeroea in the Halmaheras when on
pulling out of a dive, the pilot, W/O John
Aloysuis McDonnald Serv#417861, noticed the smell
of hydraulic oil escaping within the aircraft. On
returning to Wama Strip, Morotai, he could not
lower his landing gear, therefore he performed a
belly landing on the Morotai Crash He was not
injured. Per File Casualty Request #212, the
aircraft had suffered AAA Damage on post landing
examination. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 28/02/45.
Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 27/02/45. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 09/11/45. Stored Cat D
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52144. |
A29-1034 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7760 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 55#5,Ex New
York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1348, Rec 1AD
Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1034 08/11/44.
Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn
RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 18/02/45. Accident 1135Hrs
14/04/45 on landing at Wama Strip, Morotai after a
Wing Formation Practice. Aircraft struck the
threshold of the airstrip, causing the port
undercarriage to collapse, followed by the
starboard with the aircraft then skidding along on
its belly. Pilot; F/Sgt Robert Allen Cox
Serv#422435 was not injured.Rec 14 RSU ex 75 Sqn
RAAF 19/04/45. Approved for conversion post War.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878
A29-1035 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7761 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 55#6,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1349, Rec 1AD Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1035 08/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 29/01/45. Travel Flight Loss 1330 Hrs 28/06/45 when on route from Morotai to Tarakan with some 14 other P-40Ns including the Sqn CO, with a leading Beaufighter and a further trailing Beaufighter in formation, they struck some bad weather after being some 5 1/2 hours in flight. With tanks almost reading zero, the pilot of A29-1035, radioed Tawi Tawi that he was preparing to ditch. Luckily, as the pilot ran out of fuel, he sighted two US Navy PT Boats coming up from Naord Semajapona and ditch along side then about 20 yards off shore and was picked up 10 minutes after. Pilot, W/O R T Arthur Serv#421701 was not injured. Two further P-40Ns crashed on landing (P/O Farquarson in GA-X and F/Sgt Johnstone , both uninjured) AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2687 12/07/45.
A29-1036 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7762 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 55#7,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1350, Rec 1AD Richmond 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1036 08/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Accident 14/03/45 on test flight when engine failed on take-off at Wama Strip, Morotai with aircraft forced landed causing the collapse of undercarriage and damage to Engine and Spinner.NFDs. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 28/07/45. Coded AM-E. Rec 13ARD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 01/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 13ARD 17/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52169.
A29-1037 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7763 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 55#8,Ex New York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1351, Rec 1AD Richmond 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1037 08/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 16/03/45. Accident 22/05/45 when aircraft was damaged during landing during exercise. NFDs. Rec 14 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 31/05/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45.
A29-1038 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7764 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 55#9,Ex New York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1352, Rec 1AD Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1038 08/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 1AD 19/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP for replacement of A29-1007. Coded GA-D. Accident 1100 hrs 08/09/45 when pilot was taxying on parking ramp when starboard undercarriage collapsed. Pilot; W/O R C Collins Serv#437397 was not injured. When aircraft was being raised by 11 RSU, the pully broke and aircraft fell heavily on gear, necessitating a wing change. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 13/09/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1 RSU 22/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52474.
A29-1039 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7765 |
07/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1093-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 55#10,Ex New York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1353,Rec 1AD Laverton 07/11/44. Renumbered A29-1039 08/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 19/02/45. Coded BU-G. Issued 11 RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 17/07/45. Coded GA-E and named "Nancye". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52247.
A29-1040 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7851 |
14/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1109-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 56#16,Ex New York CV #323, as MAC-Air A29-1379, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1040 17/11/44. Allotted 80 Sqn RAAF 25/01/45. Canc. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 06/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU-RP as replacement for A29-1007 09/06/45. Coded GA-W, and named "Midge". Rec 6AD ex 75 Sqn RAAF 02/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# 52284.

A29-1041 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7855 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1109-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 56#20, Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1383, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1041 17/11/44. Issued 22 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 01/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 22 RSU RP 16/04/45. Issued 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 05/06/45. Coded GA-X. Accident 1415Hrs 20/06/45, on landing Croydon Strip Tarakan short of fuel and flap failure, the pilot had to avoid a stationary C-47 Dakota in the middle of the strip, swung to the left off the strip causing the port main to collapse after hitting a ditch. Pilot; P/O John Alexander Farquharson Serv#431275 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 30/06/45. Allotted 75 Sqn RAAF as replacement for A29-1038 10/09/45. Canc. Rec 6AD Store ex 11 RSU 22/11/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52195.
A29-1042 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7868 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#1,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1384, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1042 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 02/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU RP 09/04/45. Coded GA-R. Accident 1130Hrs 03/07/45, aircraft was being taxied along side of strip when port wheel went off planking when clearing aircraft from follow-on landing aircraft. It struck hole which stood aircraft on nose at Croydon Strip , Tarakan. Pilot; P/O Allen Clifford Wright Serv#422789 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 06/07/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52306.
A29-1043 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7870 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#2,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1385, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1043 17/11/44. Allotted 1AD ex 2AD for Tac/R Modifications 11/06/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 18/06/45. Rec SAC( School of Army Co-op) ex 1AD 09/08/45. Rec 6AD Store ex SAC 23/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52220.
A29-1044 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7875 |
17/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#5,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1388, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1044 17/11/44. Issued 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 01/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 28/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 28/07/45. Coded AM-M. Rec 13ARD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 15/10/45. Accident 1335hrs 29/09/45, when after take-off at Cooktown Civil Airport to ferry to Garbutt/Brenddan, pilot required to make forced landing back at Cooktown Civil Airport, undamaged, after white smoke was emitting from Exhaust stack. NFDs per Pilot.Held 27 OBU Cooktown for repairs in Unit. Rec 13ARD ex 27 OBU 08/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 13ARD 14/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52213.
A29-1045 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7876 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#6,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1389, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1045 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 15/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU RP 20/01/45. Coded GA-K. Rec 6AD Store ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO50619.
A29-1046 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7878 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#7,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1390, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1046 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 28/07/45. Coded AM-Z. Rec 1RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 1RSU 25/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52208.
A29-1047 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7880 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#8,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1391, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1047 17/11/44. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 16/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU RP 05/11/45. Issued 6AD Store ex 60 OBU, Morotai 15/11/45. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 60 OBU, Morotai per File#73/21/1612, 18/02/46. V1710-99 Engine# AO52112.
A29-1048 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7882 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#9,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1392, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1048 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 04/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU RP 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 60 OBU, Morotai 16/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52210.
A29-1049 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7883 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#10,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1393, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1049 17/11/44. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 16/04/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU 12/07/45. Canc and returned.Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF 06/08/45. Canc. Allotted 22 RSU 09/08/45. Canc. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU RP 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 60 OBU, Morotai 16/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52317.
A29-1050 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7884 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#11,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1394, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1050 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 26/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU RP 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 60 OBU, Morotai 16/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52165.
A29-1051 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7886 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#12,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1395, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1050 17/11/44. Issued 22 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 01/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 22 RSU 16/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 02/05/45. Issued 13ARD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 20/09/45. Lost on return to Australia, 1023 hrs 05/10/45 during its 2AD Ferry Flight, in company with four other P-40Ns and a escorting RAAF Ventura between Labuan and Oakey. It was last seen spinning and then disappearing some 50 nautical miles east of Morotai after flying into cloud. Pilot; F/O Arthur Gordon Goodwin Serv#413985 of 2AD Ferry Flight, missing believed killed. He had previously delivered a NA Mustang to Morotai. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2954 07/12/45.
A29-1052 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7888 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#13,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1396, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1052 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 15/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 26/01/45. Accident 24/05/45, landing on Tarakan collided with A29-1008 during non-operational Exercises whilst waiting for completion of Tarakan's Wama Strip was being finished for operations. NFDs on both Pilots though ORB states no injuries. Rec 14 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 08/06/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878. V1710-99 Engine#AO52509.
A29-1053 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7890 |
14/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#14,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1398, Rec 2AD Richmond 14/11/44. Renumbered A29-1053 17/11/44. Allotted 1AD ex 2AD for Tac/R Modifications 11/06/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 25/06/45. Rec SAC (School of Army Co-operation)ex 1AD 30/08/45. Rec 6AD ex SAC 23/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52184.
A29-1054 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7891 |
15/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#15,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1398, Rec 2AD Richmond 15/11/44. Renumbered A29-1054 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 23/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 26/01/45. Coded GA-O. Operational Damage 0940Hrs 29/01/45 when as Red 3 in flight carrying out a bombing mission at 500 feet in an area north of Tondano, Celebes, the aircraft was hit in the starboard mainplane by AAA. After jettisoning his bomb, the pilot; W/O J F Stuart Serv#422314, who was uninjured, made a safe landing. Rec 11 RSU Det ex 75 Sqn RAAF 08/02/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14 RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 11/12/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52462.

A29-1055 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7892 |
15/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#16,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1399, Rec 2AD Richmond 15/11/44. Renumbered A29-1055 17/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 13/02/45. Coded BU-D. Issued 11 RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 28/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 12/05/45. Coded AM-R. Rec 1 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU 21/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52308.
A29-1056 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7894 |
18/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#17,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1400, Rec 2AD Richmond 18/11/44. Renumbered A29-1056 17/11/44. Rec 14 RSU ex 2AD 06/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14 RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 08/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52305.
A29-1057 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7896 |
14/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#18,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1401, Rec 2AD Richmond 14/11/44. Renumbered A29-1057 17/11/44. Issued 22 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 14/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 22 RSU RP 16/04/45. Allotted 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU 28/04/45. Canc 29/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 17/07/45. Coded GA-B. Named "Phyllis". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 16/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52476.
A29-1058 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7898 |
18/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#19 ,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1402, Rec 2AD Richmond 18/11/44. Renumbered A29-1058 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 05/05/45. Coded AM-D. Issued 13ARD ex 77 Sqn RAAF 28/09/45. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 13ARD per File#73/21/1612, 18/02/46. V1710-99 Engine# AO52272.
A29-1059 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7899 |
17/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1114-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 59#20,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1403, Rec 2AD Richmond 17/11/44. Renumbered A29-1059 17/11/44. Issued 22 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 01/04/45. Rec 14 RSU direct ex 2AD via 22 RSU RP Ferry 06/04/45. NFDs as there seems to be a unrecorded Accident at Morotai, per following file.AMSE Approval conversion per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. V1710-99 Engine #AO52477
A29-1060 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7900 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#1,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1404, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1060 17/11/44. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 22/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 22 RSU RP 26/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 17/07/45. Coded GA-J/I. Named "Gloria II". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 09/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52219.
A29-1061 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7902 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#2,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1405, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1061 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 17/07/45. Coded GA-Z. Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 09/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52478.
A29-1062 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7904 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#3,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1406, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1062 17/11/44. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 22/01/45. Coded GA-H. Accident 0935hrs 24/01/45 when after, as Red 2 completing a mission of bombing and straffing of Sorbaim bivovac area in Halmaheras, landed with slight cross wind and drifted to starboard prior to touch down. After a landing roll of 20 yards, on the side of the strip, the undercarriage collapsed. Pilot; Sgt M A J Gilbert Serv#442454 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 75 Sqn RAAF 20/01/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU Res Pool 20/03/45. Coded GA-M and later have a Disney type "Bad Wolf" motif on lower cowl. Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 11/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52242.

A29-1063 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7906 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#4,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1407, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1063 17/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD for for ferrying 13/02/45. Accident on take-off at Wama Strip, Morotai 13/03/45. Pilot F/Sgt A H King Serv#??? was not injured.GC Data NFDs. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF 12/06/45 as one of 6 P-40N-35s as the unit was becoming solely a P-40N-40 Type operator. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU RP 05/07/45. Coded GA-R, and named "Chloe". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52520.
A29-1064 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7907 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#5,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1408, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1064 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 01/05/46. Allotted 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 22/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU Res Pool 17/07/45. Coded GA-X. Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52496
A29-1065 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7908 |
14/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#6,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1409, Rec 2AD Richmond 14/11/44. Renumbered A29-1065 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 26/03/46. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 22 RSU ex 14 RSU RP 31/07/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 02/08/45. Coded AM-T. Rec 1 RSU Storage ex 77 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1 RSU 21/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52482
A29-1066 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7910 |
17/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#7,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1410, Rec 2AD Richmond 17/11/44. Renumbered A29-1066 17/11/44.Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Allotted 80 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU 03/07/45. Canc 20/07/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14 RSU RP 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 16/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine# AO52226
A29-1067 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7912 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#8,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1411, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1067 17/11/44. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 13/02/45. Issued 11 RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn 02/04/45. Accident 08/05/45 when on landing at Wama Strip following ferry, the port undercarriage collapsed, severely damaging the aircraft. Pilot: NFDs. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 31/05/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. V1710-99 Engine# AO52274
A29-1068 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7914 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#9,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1412, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44.Renumbered A29-1068 17/11/44. Allotted 2AD for modification to Tac/R Aircraft 11/06/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 18/06/45. Rec S.A.C. ex 1AD 30/08/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex S.A.C. 23/01/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052502
A29-1069 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7915 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#10,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1413, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1069 17/11/44. Allotted 2AD for modification to Tac/R Aircraft 11/06/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 18/06/45. Rec S.A.C. ex 1AD 11/11/45.Rec 6AD Storage ex S.A.C. 23/01/45.Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052459
A29-1070 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7916 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#11,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1414, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1070 17/11/44. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 28/04/45. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 14 RSU 27/05/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU 24/07/45. Coded GA-H and named "Esther". Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.

A29-1071 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7918 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#12,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1415, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1071 17/11/44. Issued to 80 Sqn RAAF for ferry ex 2AD 21/02/45. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 06/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 11 RSU ex 14 RSU RP 11/07/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 11RSU 22/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052400
A29-1072 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7920 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#13,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1416, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1072 17/11/44. Issued to 80 Sqn RAAF for ferry ex 2AD 21/02/45. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 06/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 17/07/45. Coded GA-T and named "Jean P" . Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 09/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052355
A29-1073 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7922 |
18/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#14,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1417, Rec 2AD Richmond 18/11/44.Renumbered A29-1073 17/11/44. Allotted 2AD for modification to Tac/R Aircraft 11/06/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 18/06/45. Rec S.A.C. ex 1AD 06/08/45.Rec 6AD Storage ex S.A.C. 23/01/45.Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052510
A29-1074 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7923 |
14/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#15,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1418, Rec 2AD Richmond 14/11/44.Renumbered A29-1074 17/11/44. Rec 14 RSU ex 2AD 06/04/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU Res Pool 09/05/45. Coded AM-Y. Operational Accident 1100hrs 05/07/45 on return from a bombing and straffing mission over Pewahgan Borneo, when landing, struck a soft patch which, along with a grabbing port brake, nosed over. Pilot; F/Sgt L A Stillman Serv#430944 was not injured. Rec 22 RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 21/07/45. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 12/08/45. Rec 13ARD ex 77 Sqn RAAF in poor condition and sans Engine Logbooks 08/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 13ARD 17/01/45.Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052325
A29-1075 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7924 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#16,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1419, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1075 17/11/44. Issued 22 RSU ex 2AD 01/04/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 22/04/45. Rec 11 RSU ex 14RSU RP 13/07/45. Rec 75 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU 09/08/45. Coded GA-L. Rec 6AD Storage ex 75 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052366

A29-1076 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7926 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#17,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1420, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1076 17/11/44. Rec 11 RSU ex 2AD 02/04/45. Rec 14 RSU res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Issued 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 15/11/45. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 60 OBU, Morotai per File#73/21/1612, 18/02/46. V1710-99 Engine#A052411
A29-1077 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7928 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#18,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1421, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1077 17/11/44. Issued 22 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 01/04/45. Rec 14RSU ex 2AD 06/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 16/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Engine#A052450
A29-1078 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7930 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#19,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1422, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44. Renumbered A29-1078 17/11/44. Allotted 1AD ex 2AD for Tac/R Modifications 11/06/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 18/06/45. Issued and rec 1AD Store ex 1AD 15/11/45. Stored Cat C 15/11/45. Stored Cat D 17/04/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex 1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed 08/08/49.
A29-1079 |
P-40N-35 |
44-7931 |
16/11/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A4, Diversion 1115-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 60#20,Ex San Francisco CV #443, as MAC-Air A29-1423, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/11/44.. Renumbered A29-1079 17/11/44. Issued 80 Sqn RAAF for ferry ex 2AD 11/02/45. Rec 11 RSU ex 2AD 07/03/45. Rec 14 RSU res Pool ex 11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Issued 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 15/11/45. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 60 OBU, Morotai per File#73/21/1612, 18/02/46. V1710-99 Engine#A052401
A29-1100 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47774 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#1,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1424, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1100 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-B named "Riljon~S -III" with platnum Blonde on tommy with long evening dress with wine glass motif. Alloted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Storage ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU 21/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1101 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47775 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#2,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1425, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1101 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 17/02/45. Rec 22RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 23/07/45. Rec 1RSU ex 22 RSU 11/09/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 84 OBU per File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46.
A29-1102 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47776 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#3,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1426, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1102 16/12/44. Rec 13ARd ex 13ARd Det G 03/01/45. Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 02/03/45. Operationaly , whilst still under 13ARD Ownership, it was damaged with blast tubes cracking following excessive gunnery use during operation 09/03/45 near Bolli Bay Area, when seemingly borrowed by 75 Sqn RAAF. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-D. Alloted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Storage ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU 21/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-115 Eng#33768.
A29-1103 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47777 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#4,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1427, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1103 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-J Named "Betty Joy II" . Operational loss 0950hrs 06/07/45 when aircraft was hit by light AAA near a road junction at Mile 4 marker of the Temalang Road, near the Kapan aerodrome in Kudat Area, whilst on armed recce mission TAF 7 with three other aircraft (A29-1101/1113/1189), causing the engine to fail. Pilot, Sqn Ldr Peter Booth Jones Serv#403345, being too low to bale out, decided to make forced landing in jungle after jettisoning the belly tank. On touching the tree tops, the tail was ripped off, followed by the port wing half breaking off. After crashing,the pilot escaped from aircraft and made his way to the coast where he was later picked up by RAAF ASR Catalina on the following day. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2706, 19/07/45.

A29-1104 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47778 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#5,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1428, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1104 16/12/44. Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 07/02/45. Accident 16/02/45, on landing at Finschaffen during ferry flight when despite indications port oleo collapsed, causing aircraft to swing off runway and ground loop into adjoining scrub. Aircraft cleared from strip by USAAF personnel using bulldozer methods. Pilot, F/O R V E Nathan Serv#418458 was not injured. AMSE Approval to write-off per File#9/16/2456 05/04/45.
A29-1105 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47779 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#6,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1429, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1105 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 17/02/45. Coded SV-O . Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Storage ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU Storage 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 84 OBU per File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46.
A29-1106 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47780 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#7,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1430, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1106 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-E, named "Little Audrey" on top of cowl. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Storage ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU Storage 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 84 OBU per File#73/21/1612, 11/01/46.
A29-1107 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47781 |
13/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#8,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1431, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 13/12/44. Renumbered A29-1107 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 17/02/45. Operational Incident 1000hrs 28/03/45 during a eight aircraft armed recce patrol of Nabire/Utarom, and Babo Strips (Mission KAM70). As part of the lower four aircraft Recce Flight whilst over Babo Strip, AAA Fire was received, causing damage to starboard mainplane of A29-1107. Pilot; F/Sgt W M Garland was not injured. Rec 14 RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 26/04/45. AMSE Approval to write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. Conversion 14RSU 12/10/45.
A29-1108 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47782 |
13/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#9,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1432, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 13/12/44. Renumbered A29-1108 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 10/02/45. Coded SV-P. Rec 22RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 19/08/45. Rec 1RSU ex 22 RSU 11/09/45. Rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 84 OBU per File#73/21/1612 11/01/46.
A29-1109 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47783 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#10,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1433, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1109 16/12/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-F. Operational Loss 1530hrs 13/07/45 when as a part of a four aircraft formation engaged on a bombing and straffing at Tengoa, located in Sarawak Borneo. After bombing and straffing the target, the formation flew line astern up the Tengoa Valley searching for signs of enemy activity. After turning back, the leader called his section and all answered. Another five straffing runs were made, after which the formation reformed at 3000 feet over the target. The three remaining aircraft stayed in the area for another 45 minutes searching, with no success. Local SRD(Services Reconnaisance Department) Patrols eventually located the wreck on the 19/07/45; 05.33 North/115.35 East. Pilot; W/O William Parsell George Serv#414927 Killed. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2719 20/09/45.
A29-1110 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47784 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#11,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1434, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1110 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 17/02/45. Coded SV-U. Last operational flight 15/06/45 Mission SAN 6, Fighter Sweep of Enemy Escape Routes in Ranau Area as flown by F/Sgt Furze. Post flight, located at Wama Strip, aircraft experienced Oxygen flow problems during and following service. During inserviceablity, left hand Oxygen Bottle(pressurised at 350PSI)exploded, damaging centre section and top of fuselage. Rec 14RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 18/07/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. Actioned 14RSU 12/10/45.
A29-1111 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47785 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#12,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1435, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1111 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 17/02/45. Coded SV-A, carried a motif of Four Aces with JRM Initials. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU Store 17/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Eng#33777.
A29-1112 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47786 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#13,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1436, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1112 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-V. Ground collision 05/06/45, by a 22Sqn RAAF Beaufighter, A8-55 DU-K, when on take-off it swerved into the disperal area for 76 Sqn RAAF at Sanga Sanga Airstrip at Tawi Tawi. Three 76 Sqn RAAF Aircraft were damaged:A29-1112, A29-1119 and A29-1129. Rec 5RSU Det ex 76 Sqn RAAF 25/06/45. Rec 14RSU ex 5RSU Det Sanga Sanga 18/07/45 after made flyable. Issued 22RSU 13/08/45. Canc 30/08/45, held at 14RSU Morotai. Rec 14RSU ex 22RSU 10/09/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14 RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 60 OBU, Morotai 12/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1113 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47787 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#14,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1437, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1113 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 13/03/45. Coded SV-W. Rec 22 RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 10/08/45. Rec 1 RSU ex 22 RSU 11/09/45. Issued and rec 84 OBU ex 1 RSU 10/01/46. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at 84 OBU per File#73/21/1612 11/01/46.
A29-1114 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47788 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#15,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1438, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1114 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 19/03/45. Coded SV-R, Later SV-Q post April 45. Operational damage 27/03/45 when on mission KAM 72, a fighter sweep between Nabire and Utarom, when during a very low strafing, the aircraft collided with some trees, damaging the starboard mainplane. Pilot; F/Lt T L Bronner Serv#407218 was not injured and did make a safe landing. He later went home on the 02/04/45 to the mainland, tour expired. Rec 14RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 26/04/46. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU Res Pool 03/07/45. Re-coded SV-R. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 27/09/45. Rec 13ARD ex 76Sqn RAAF 04/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 13ARD 17/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-99 Eng#33780.
A29-1115 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47789 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#16,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1439, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1115 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 15/03/45. Coded SV-X. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 27/09/45. Rec 1RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU Store 17/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-115 Eng#33781.
A29-1116 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47790 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#17,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1440, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1116 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 15/03/45. Coded SV-Y. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 27/09/45. Rec 13ARD ex 76 Sqn RAAF 15/10/45. RAAF Approval to destroy by burning at Brendon per File#73/21/1612 18/02/46.
A29-1117 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47791 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#18,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1441, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1117 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 03/03/45. Coded SV-L, and carried "Barbara-IV" L.II17 on Cowl and Motif of Baby Donald Duck holding high a bomb on round disc on lower cowl. Rec 22 RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/03/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 30/03/45. Rec 1RSU Store ex 76Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Allotted 6AD Store ex 1RSU 20/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 1RSU 22/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. V1710-115 Eng#33783.
A29-1118 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47792 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#19,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1442, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1118 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 03/03/45. Coded SV-M. Rec 22 RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/03/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 30/03/45. Accident 1701 Zulu 07/09/45 whilst on a local training flight from Labuan Strip. Aircraft was placed into a 300mph dive, when one of the port wing ammunition bin covers detached, damaging the wing. Pilot; W/O G D McKay Serv#432242 landed safely. Rec 1RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Issued and rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46. RAAF HQ Authority to burn in place per File#73/21/1612 11/01/46.
A29-1119 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47793 |
22/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF RFDA-322A, Diversion 1158-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 62#20,Ex San Francisco CV #445A, as MAC-Air A29-1443, Rec 13ARD Det Garbutt, Townsville 22/12/44. Renumbered A29-1119 16/12/44. Rec 76Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 03/03/45. Coded SV-H. Rec 22 RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/03/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 30/03/45. Ground collision 05/06/45, by a 22Sqn RAAF Beaufighter, A8-55 DU-K, when on take-off it swerved into the disperal area for 76 Sqn RAAF at Sanga Sanga Airstrip at Tawi Tawi. Three 76 Sqn RAAF Aircraft were damaged:A29-1112, A29-1119 and A29-1129. Rec 5RSU Det ex 76 Sqn RAAF 25/06/45. Rec 14RSU ex 5RSU Det Sanga Sanga 18/07/45 after made flyable. Issued 22RSU 13/08/45. Canc 30/08/45, held at 14RSU Morotai. Rec 14RSU ex 22RSU 10/09/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. Completed 12/10/45.
A29-1120 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47834 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#21,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1484, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1120 18/12/44. Allotted for Tac/R Modifications 21/07/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 22/07/45. Issued and rec 1AD Storage ex 1AD 26/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex 1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed 08/06/49.
A29-1121 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47835 |
21/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#22,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1485, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1121 18/12/44. Allotted for Tac/R Modifications 21/07/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 22/07/45. Issued and rec 1AD Storage ex 1AD 26/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex 1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed 08/06/49.
A29-1122 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47836 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#23,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1486, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1122 18/12/44. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 12/05/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 25/06/45. Coded SV-H. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 27/09/45. Rec 13ARD ex 76 Sqn RAAF 11/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 13ARD 17/01/46. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1123 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47838 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#25,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1488, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1123 18/12/44. Issued 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 18/04/45. Accident Ferry Flight 05/05/45, when landing at Cooktown Mission Landing Strip. NFDs on Pilot. Rec 13ARD ex 14RSU Res Pool 19/06/45. Allotted for Tac/R Modification 23/08/45. Allotted CMU Oakey ex 13ARD for Cat D Storage 18/04/46. Accident 1450hrs 23/5/46 when after engine test flight, it forced landed and damaged heavily at Garbutt strip after engine trouble. Pilot ; F/O L R V Banks Serv#28560 not injured. Airframe and Engine V1710-99 #55594 not economical to repair. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/3201 26/07/46. Conversion Garbutt by 13RAD Det.

A29-1124 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47839 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#26,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1489, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1124 18/12/44. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 12/05/45. Issued 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 26/04/45. Accident on ferry flight 11/05/45 when rear of cockpit near R/T Compartment started emmitting smoke, pilot elected to force land on coral reef 200 miles East South East of Wama Strip, Morotai, in shallow water near Fani/Fanni/Fanny Island. NFDs per Pilot. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2594 31/05/45. Never salvaged.
A29-1125 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47840 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#27,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1490, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1125 18/12/44. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 12/05/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 12/05/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 05/07/45. Coded SV-T. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Storage ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU Storage 22/11/45. Stored Cat D 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1126 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47841 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#28,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1491, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1126 18/12/44. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 12/05/45. Allotted 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 09/06/45. Pre-Coded SV-R. Accident 14/06/45 on landing at Wama Strip, Morotai following ferry flight.NFDs Pilot. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2878 on 10/10/45. Actioned 12/10/45.
A29-1127 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47843 |
16/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 64#30,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1493, Rec 2AD Richmond 16/12/44. Renumbered A29-1127 18/12/44. Allotted for Tac/R Modification 21/07/45. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 22/07/45. Issed and rec 1AD Storage ex 1AD 15/11/45. Storage Category D in open 17/04/47. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex 1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed 11/03/49.
A29-1128 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47877 |
31/12/445 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#1, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1504, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1128 02/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/45. Coded BU-B. Operational Loss 1151Hrs 01/07/45 whilst strafing Kalabaken Borneo, the aircraft collided in flight on second run, two coconut trees after a very low pull up. The starboard wing was broken down to halfway through S/B aileron and the port wing tip was torn off. The aircraft was flown back to base at 5000 feet, whereupon the pilot contacted "Boyhood" (Fighter Sector) and gave details of the accident. The pilot tested the aircraft out to establish the stall speed, which was found to be about 150mph; which was too fast to land at Croydon Strip. The Pilot; Sqn Ldr J R Kinninmont Serv#584, decided to bale out over the sea. He detroyed the IFF, turned the engine off, then rolled the aircraft over and fell out at 4500 feet. He landed safely into the water, inflated his dingy and was picked up by RAN Crash Boat five minutes later. The Aircraft crashed into the sea off Tarakan Island. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2688 18/07/45.
A29-1129 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47878 |
31/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#2, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1505, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1129 02/01/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 15/03/45. Coded SV-T. Ground collision 05/06/45, by a 22Sqn RAAF Beaufighter, A8-55 DU-K, when on take-off it swerved into the disperal area for 76 Sqn RAAF at Sanga Sanga Airstrip at Tawi Tawi. Three 76 Sqn RAAF Aircraft were damaged:A29-1112, A29-1119 and A29-1129. Rec 5RSU Det ex 76 Sqn RAAF 25/06/45. Rec 14RSU ex 5RSU Det 18/07/45. AMSE approval to write-off per File#9/16/2669 and issued for conversion 20/08/45.
A29-1130 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47879 |
31/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#3, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1506, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1130 02/01/45. Coded SV-T. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 20/02/45. Operational Loss 0920Hrs 29/03/45 near eastern bank of Kasira River, 1 mile east of Babo whilst engaged in an aerodrome sweep of Babo,Utarom, Sagan and Nabire as Leader of a flight of four aircraft that took off at 0615hrs(F/S's Bird/Micthell/Nicholas). A29-1130 was hit by AAA, then caught fire, his engine stopped and streaming white smoke continued in a slight dive at between 120-140 MPH, with the pilot finally standing up and by jamming his feet against the cockpit sill, pushed and baled out at 600 feet. P/O Rolland George McClintock Serv#412626 landed safely in a 40 foot plus tree situated on a little peninsula, surrounded by swampy ground, then using his K2 Type life raft, moved westerly towards the coastline by creek. F/S Bird (A29-1113 SV-W)climbed to 21000 feet to establish a R/T Link, F/S Mitchell (A29-1106 SV-E)returned to base, while F/S Nicholas (A29-1129) circled the dingy. After reaching the coast, he paddled to the leaward side of a small island to await his rescue. He was finally picked up by a RAAF 113 ASR Flt Catalina (F/Lt Mills) some 6.5 hours later near coastal waters and delivered to Morotai. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2497.
A29-1131 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47880 |
31/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#4, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1507, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1131 02/01/45. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex 3AD 20/02/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP 26/02/45. Coded SV-K. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 1RSU 22/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/02/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1132 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47881 |
31/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#5, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1508, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1132 02/01/45. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 11RSU RP 28/04/45. Issued 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 04/06/45. Coded SV-P. Accident on landing at Ferry Destination ex 14 RSU RP at Sanga Sanga 05/06/45. After landing run, aircraft was taxying when over aplication of brakes caused the aircraft to nose over , damaging airscrew, spinner, cowl and engine. NFDs Pilot. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14RSU RP 13/06/45. Received 5RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 25/06/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 5RSU 03/08/45. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Store ex 76Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Allotted 6AD Store ex 1RSU 13/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Held 13ARD during ferry, and allotted 6AD Store 18/04/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1133 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47882 |
31/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#6, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1509, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1134 02/01/45. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex 3AD 20/02/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP 01/03/45. Coded SV-R. Ground accident 22/06/45, when a Fuel Wagon collided with the parked aircraft at Sanga Sanga on their way to Tarakan. Usual Pilots of aircraft were F/Lt Stewart and F/Sgt Furze. Rec 5RSU ex 76Sqn RAAF 25/06/45. Bird Strike 03/07/45 in ferry flight with damage to Starboard Mainplane. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 5RSU 18/08/45. Rec 22RSU ex 14RSU RP 20/09/45. Alloted to 13ARD for Tac/R Modification 29/09/45. Rec 1RSU RP ex 22RSU 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 1RSU 19/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1134 |
P-40N-40 |
44-47884 |
31/12/44 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#7, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1510, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1134 02/01/45. Rec 22 RSU Res Pool ex 3AD 20/02/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP 01/03/45. Coded SV-S. Operational Loss 1650Hrs 26/06/45 when strafing camouflage enemy aircraft on Keningau South Airfield. The join 82Sqn /76Sqn formation made a low tactical approach then pulled up to 1000 feet in line astern, reversed and made a diving strafing attack on aircraft dispersed at the northern end of the field. The pilot of A29-1134 initiated the first attack, then when pulling out, appeared to roll on its back and struck the ground, disintegrating on impact and burned. It appeared to have entered a high speed stall when pulling out, or the pilot had been incapacitated by AAA fire. Pilot; W/O L Collins Serv#430438 was killed instantly. AMSE Approval to write-off per File#9/16/2696 23/07/45.
A29-1135 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47886 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#9, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1512, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1135
02/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
03/03/45. Coded BU-V. Was on Temporary loan to
11RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF, returned 30/04/45.
Accident on ferrying aircraft from Morotai and
Tarakan, when taxying after landing, to avoid
another aircraft, A29-1135, brakes were applied
hard and aircraft tipped on airscrew, damaging the
reduction gear and blade tips. Pilot; F/Sgt G L
Bushell Serv#440036 was not injured. Rec 11 RSU RP
ex 80Sqn RAAF 24/07/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU
05/08/45. Accident 10/09/45, following a
localisation flight, on landing, to avoid two
damaged aircraft and a crash wagon at the
beginning of the strip, the aircraft had to land
with a higher approach and speed. The pilot
touched down further down the strip and due to
speed, did not apply brakes until near the end of
the strip, causing the aircraft to overrun the
strip of a distance of 10 feet before skidding on
a oil patch, ground looping with a collapsed port
oleo strut. The Pilot; F/Sgt W Healey Serv#439260
was not injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 80 Sqn
RAAF 17/09/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU 15/10/45.
Rec 6AD Store ex 80 Sqn RAAF 22/11/45. Cat D
Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 . Passed to DAP
26/09/47. Struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU

A29-1136 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47887 |
1/45 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract
W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A,
RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#10, Ex San Francisco CV #331,
as MAC-Air A29-1513, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44.
Renumbered A29-1136 02/01/45. Allotted 13ARD Res
Pool ex 3AD 24/04/45. Canc. Allotted 1AD ex 3AD
for Tac/R modification 20/07/45. Rec 1AD ex 3AD
23/08/45. Issued and rec 1AD Store ex 1AD
15/11/45. Stored Cat C 15/11/45. Stored Cat D
17/04/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Cancelled
12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex
1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed
08/08/49. |
A29-1137 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47888 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#10, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1513, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1136 02/01/45.
Allotted 13ARD Res Pool ex 3AD 24/04/45. Canc.
Allotted 1AD ex 3AD for Tac/R modification
20/07/45. Rec 1AD ex 3AD 23/08/45. Issued and rec
1AD Store ex 1AD 15/11/45. Stored Cat C 15/11/45.
Stored Cat D 17/04/45. Storage Category D in open
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD
02/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49.
Issued to DAP ex 1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed
08/08/49. |
A29-1138 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47889 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#12, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1515, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1138 02/01/45.
Allotted 22 RSU Res Pool ex 3AD 02/02/45. Canc Rec
80 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/45. Coded BU-G. Regularly
flown by their CO S/L Dean H Kelly DFC. Rec 6AD
Storage 12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.

A29-1139 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47890 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#13, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1516, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1139 02/01/45.
Rec 22 RSU res Pool ex 3AD 20/02/45. Rec 76 Sqn
RAAF ex 22 RSU RP 01/03/45. Coded SV-Q. Allotted 4
Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45.
Rec 1RSU Store ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD
Storage 21/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1140 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47891 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#14, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1517, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1140
02/01/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
05/03/45. Coded SV-T. Carried Panther motif
on Cowl. Accident 1730hrs 20/06/45 on return
to Labuan Airstrip after a fighter patrol.
Following a normal landing, and when the speed was
about 30-40 miles per hour, the starboard wheel
struck a pot hole causing the aircraft to tip over
on its back and skid to a standstill. Crash party
extracted pilot from overturned aircraft. Pilot;
F/Sgt M M Fruze Serv#13407 was not injured. Rec 22
RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 17/07/45. AMSE Approval to
write-off per File#9/16/2807 14/08/45.
Issued for conversion 22RSU 24/09/45.

A29-1141 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47892 |
31/12/1944 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF
Aircraft:Aus 65#15, Ex San Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air
A29-1518, Rec 3AD Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1141
02/01/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 03/03/45. Coded SV-Z.
Accident 0528hrs 28/05/45 when engine cut out on take-off
from Tawi Tawi (Sanga Sanga Strip, Tarakan) forcing the
pilot to ditch into the sea. Pilot; W/O L M Bird not injured
and was later picked up by RAAF Crash Boat. AMSE Approval to
Write-off per File#9/16/2625 11/06/45. |
A29-1142 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47893 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#16, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1519, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1142 02/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 03/03/45. Coded BU-U. Rec
6AD Storage 12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1143 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47894 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#17, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1520, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1143 02/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 03/03/45. Coded BU-Z. Rec
6AD Storage 12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 . Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1144 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47895 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#18, Ex San
Francisco CV #331, as MAC-Air A29-1521, Rec 3AD
Amberley 31/12/44. Renumbered A29-1144 02/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 03/03/45. Coded BU-R. Rec
11 RSU ex 80 Sqn RAAF 01/10/45. Eng time
1163.35hrs with bearing damage. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex
11RSU 08/10/45 after engine change. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 80 Sqn RAAF 12/11/45. Rec 1AD Test and
Ferry Flight ex 6AD 01/12/45. Rec 1AD ex 1AD TF
23/04/46. To be transferred to custody of Civil
Aviation Officer in Charge at Essendon Aerodrome
pending disposal 31/07/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46.
CDC approval to Write-off 19/10/46. RAAF Approval
to Write-off 17/12/46 per AMSE File#9/1/1661.
Actioned and disposal with DAP, completed
05/06/47. Possible Fire Fighting use. |
A29-1145 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47885 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#8,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1511, Rec 1AD
Laverton 01/01/45. Renumbered A29-1145 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-W.
Operational loss per Sortie Report Spg 5 Duties
8/17-8/24 Target on Milford Highway, 14 miles from
Balikpapan 0300Zulu (1715Hrs)04/08/45. On return
to Seppiggan Strip, Tarakan, it was noted that two
P-40Ns, Duties 8/19 (A29-1214) and 8/20 (A29-1145)
had failed to return. It was believed these two
a/c collided egressing the target area when flying
into a storm front. Pilot A29-1214, F/O Douglas
Grant Vallance Serv#401058 believed killed. Pilot
A29-1145 BU-W, F/Sgt John Kelvin Hoare Serv#431566
also believed killed. Several combine 78Sqn and
80Sqn searches failed to find the A/c or their
pilots. In November 1945, a RAAF Search Team
discovered the wreckage of A29-1145 near Mt
Saumeret, some thirty miles south of Redeb, Borneo
and the remains of F/Sgt Hoare. A29-1145 was
missing its tail assembly. A29-1214 CW# 5072 is
still missing. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2811 11/10/45. |
A29-1146 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47896 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#19,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1522, Rec 1AD
Laverton 01/01/45. Renumbered A29-1146 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-A.
Operational Incident 06/08/45 when as Green 2 on
mission Cro48, the bombing and strafing of
Kotabagoen , received a bomb blast from the
preceding aircraft, damaging the starboard
mainplane, only to be discovered the following day
on a pre flight inspection. Pilot F/Sgt Gregory
Leigh Bushell Serv#440036 was not injured or
aware. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU 13/09/45. Rec 6AD
Storage 12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E
Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1147 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47897 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:Aus 65#20,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1523, Rec 1AD
Laverton 09/01/45. Renumbered A29-1147 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-G. Sqn
Ldr John Waddy's a/c. Operational Incident
07/04/45, on mission AM34, an attack on VBA's in
Lolobata River Area, Halmahera, when it was
damaged by a 13.3mm calibre AAA in mainplane ,
cockpit and wheel nacelle. Pilot; Sqn Ldr John L
Waddy DFC Serv#402685 was uninjured, and returned
to base and carried out a normal landing. Rec 11
RSU ex 80Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex
11 RSU RP 26/04/45. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File# 9/16/2578 10/10/45. Converted
14RSU 12/10/45. |
A29-1148 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47898 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#21,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1524, Rec 1AD
Laverton 09/01/45. Renumbered A29-1148 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-E.
Operational Incident 18/07/45 as Duty 65 ; damaged
in the fuselage and mainplanes by the shrapnel
from its own bomb splinters while dive bombing
from 6000 feet, releasing at 2500 feet on crest at
Cape Mahat, Sandakan;Pilot, F/O R B Birrell
Serv#419758 was not injured. RTB, Repaired within
Sqn 07/08/45. Rec 6AD Storage 12/11/45. Cat D
Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1149 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47899 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#22,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1525, Rec 1AD
Laverton 09/01/45. Renumbered A29-1149 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Accident 1135hrs
23/03/45 after returning from a localisation
flight to Wama Strip, Morotai, the aircraft hit a
slight rise on the eastern end of the runway,
causing the link arms of the undercarriage to
bend, then collapse, with the aircraft skidding on
its belly, damaging spinner, cowl, main planes and
fuselage. Pilot, F/Lt J D Hill Serv#407792,
recently transferred into the sqn, was uninjured.
Rec 11RSU ex 80Sqn RAAF 27/03/45. Rec 14RSU Res
Pool ex 11 RSU RP 26/04/45. AMSE Approval to
Write-off per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. Completed
12/10/45. |
A29-1150 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47900 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#23,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1526, Rec 1AD
Laverton 09/01/45. Renumbered A29-1151 03/01/45.
Aircraft designated as prototype Tac/R Aircraft
for F14 Camera Installation and modification to
Tac/R Aircraft 15/03/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C
ex 1AD 15/11/45. Storage Category D in open
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD
02/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49.
Issued to DAP ex 1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed
08/08/49. |
A29-1151 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47901 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#24,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1527, Rec 1AD
Laverton 14/01/45. Renumbered A29-1152 03/01/45.
Allotted for modification to Tac/R Aircraft
07/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C ex 1AD
26/11/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc
12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex
1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed 08/08/49. |
A29-1152 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47902 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#25,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1528, Rec 1AD
Laverton 08/01/45. Renumbered A29-1152 03/01/45.
Rec 11RSU ex 1AD 13/03/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex
11RSU 27/03/45. Coded BU-K. Allotted 6AD Storage ex
80 Sqn RAAF 27/10/45.Accident 10/11/45 when it
crash landed at Pitoe strip, Morotai. (NFDs though
GC states F/Sgt G L Bushell was the uninjured
pilot. No 80Sqn A50 11/45 Entry does not exists)
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/3047. Completed 14/12/45. |
A29-1153 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47903 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#26,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1529, Rec 1AD
Laverton 08/01/45. Renumbered A29-1153 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-H.
Accident 0500hrs 07/04/45, F/O S A Stephens
Serv#411556, when as Yellow 2, was, taxying behind
A29-1153, flown by F/Lt J A Turner Serv#403052,
and then braked on the short runway on the eastern
end of Wama Strip at Morotai, holding on brakes
with his engine running at 1500rpm. A29-1153 was
given permission to take-off and started to move
forward. F/O Stephens, looked down to reduce the
volume on his R/T, without realising that he was
starting to move forward. His spinner struck the
rear of A29-1153 which then stalled his engine.
Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 80 Sqn RAAF 19/04/45. Rec
11RSU ex 14RSU RP 20/08/45. REc 14RSU ex 11RSU
27/09/45. Rec 60 OBU ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD
Storage 21/11/45. Rec CFS ex 6AD Storage 29/11/45.
Rec 1 Comms Unit ex CFS 15/04/46. Rec 1AD Storage
ex 1CU 16/09/46. To be stored Cat E 01/10/46.
Authorised for write-off 19/11/46. Allotted SAS ex
1AD 12/11/47. Canc 21/10/48. Passed to DAP
25/02/49. Iss to DAP 11/03/49. Action completed
08/08/49. |
A29-1154 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47904 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#27,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1531, Rec 1AD
Laverton 08/01/45. Renumbered A29-1154 03/01/45.
Allotted for Tac/R Modification Aircraft 12/06/45.
Issued SAC ex 1AD 29/07/45. Rec 4 Sqn RAAF ex SAC
05/03/46. Rec SHQ Canberra ex 4 Sqn RAAF 25/09/45.
To be stored Cat E SHQ Canberra 01/10/46. Action
by CDC for write off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP
22/09/47. Action completed 29/07/48 Canberra
Station. |
A29-1155 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47906 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#29,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1532, Rec 1AD
Laverton 08/01/45. Renumbered A29-1155 03/01/45.
Allotted for Tac/R Modification Aircraft 12/06/45.
Issued SAC ex 1AD 29/07/45. Rec 4 Sqn RAAF ex SAC
05/03/46. Rec SHQ Canberra ex 4 Sqn RAAF 25/09/45.
To be stored Cat E SHQ Canberra 01/10/46. Action
by CDC for write off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP
22/09/47. Action completed 29/07/48 Canberra
Station. |
A29-1156 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47907 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#30,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1533, Rec 1AD
Laverton 08/01/45. Renumbered A29-1156 03/01/45.
Allotted for modification to Tac/R Aircraft
07/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C ex 1AD
15/11/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc
12/10/48. Passed to DAP 25/02/49. Issued to DAP ex
1AD 11/03/49. Actioned completed 08/08/49. |
A29-1157 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47908 |
1/45 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF
Aircraft:Aus 65#31,Ex San Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1534,
Rec 1AD Laverton 01/01/45. Renumbered A29-1157 03/01/45. Rec
80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-O. Rec 6AD Storage
12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1158 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47909 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#32,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1535, Rec 1AD
Laverton 01/01/45. Renumbered A29-1158 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-J.
Accident 0500hrs 07/04/45, F/O S A Stephens
Serv#411556, when as Yellow 2, was, taxying behind
A29-1153, flown by F/Lt J A Turner Serv#403052,
and then braked on the short runway on the eastern
end of Wama Strip at Morotai, holding on brakes
with his engine running at 1500rpm. A29-1153 was
given permission to take-off and started to move
forward. F/O Stephens, looked down to reduce the
volume on his R/T, without realising that he was
starting to move forward. His spinner struck the
rear of A29-1153 which then stalled his engine.
Allotted out of unit per A50. Rec 6AD Storage
12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1159 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47910 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#33,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1536, Rec 1AD
Laverton 16/01/45. Renumbered A29-1159 03/01/45.
Allotted for modification to Tac/R Aircraft
07/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C ex 1AD
15/11/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc
12/10/48. Issued DAP 20/02/49. Actioned completed
11/08/49. |
A29-1160 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47911 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#34,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1537, Rec 1AD
Laverton 14/01/45. Renumbered A29-1160 03/01/45.
Allotted for modification to Tac/R Aircraft
07/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C ex 1AD
15/11/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc
12/10/48. Issued DAP 20/02/49. Actioned completed

A29-1161 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47912 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#35,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1538, Rec 1AD
Laverton 08/01/45. Renumbered A29-1161 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-M.
Operational Loss 9/8/45 while strafing in the
Anggana area after his a/c was hit by AAA aft of
the cowling and causing the engine to catch fire.
Though the pilot managed to complete his attack,
then level out, turning to port, he was forced to
belly land the a/c, but as it skidded along the
ground, it crash into an oil pumping plant,
causing both the plant and aircraft to burst into
flames on contact. F/Sgt Eldred Quinn Serv#417413
was missing, believed killed, and had the sad
position as being one of the last Australian
airman to die in WW2. Post war on 10/09/45, on
interrogation by the 79th Wing Intelligence
Officer with the Japanese CO in the area of the
crash, confirmed that the pilot had been killed
instantly, with his remains buried nearby. AMSE
Approval to strike off strength, in having crashed
in enemy territory, per File#9/16/2835 29/08/45. |
A29-1162 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47913 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#36,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1539, Rec 1AD
Laverton 01/01/45. Renumbered A29-1162 03/01/45.
Allotted for modification to Tac/R Aircraft
07/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C ex 1AD
15/11/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc
12/10/48. Issued DAP 20/02/49. Actioned completed
11/08/49. |
A29-1163 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47915 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#38,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1541, Rec 1AD
Laverton 01/01/45. Renumbered A29-1163 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-X. Rec
6AD Storage 12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey |
A29-1164 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47916 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#39,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1542, Rec 2AD
Richmond 15/01/45. Renumbered A29-1164 03/01/45.
Allotted for modification to Tac/R Aircraft
07/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C ex 1AD
15/11/45. Storage Category D in open 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD 02/04/48. Canc
12/10/48. Issued DAP 20/02/49. Actioned completed
11/08/49. |
A29-1165 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47917 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#40,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1543, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1165 03/01/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 13/03/45. Coded BU-C. Rec
6AD Storage 12/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1166 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47837 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#25,Ex San
Juan CV #328, as MAC-Air A29-1487, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1166 03/01/45.
Rec 1AD ex 2AD 22/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C
ex 1AD 15/11/45. Storage Completed Category D in
open 17/04/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46. Allotted to SAS ex 1AD
07/04/48. Canc 12/10/48. Issued DAP 11/03/49.
Actioned completed 08/08/49. |
A29-1167 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47842 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#31,Ex San
Francisco CV #466, as MAC-Air A29-1492, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1167 03/01/45.
Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 14/04/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84
Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Issued 16ARD Res Pool ex 13ARD
06/08/45. Accident 8/8/45 on landing at Lentani
Strip, Hollandia, following escorted ferry flight,
by Ventura A59-14, from 13 ARD to 16ARD. However
there was confusing messages sent to both pilots
of the two escorted Kittyhawks from the US air
traffic controller which led to A29-1177 running
up the tail of A29-1167 , damaging the rudder and
fin, with A29-1177 having its starboard mainplane
damaged. Pilot; F/O Christopher Vincent Madigan
Serv# 408856 was not injured. Rec 49OBU Hollandia,
ex 14RSU 17/10/45. AMSE Approval to Convert to
components per File#9/16/3021 13/12/45. SOC
14/12/45. |
A29-1168 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47844 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#31,Ex San
Francisco CV #466, as MAC-Air A29-1494, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1168 03/01/45.
Allotted 1AD for Tac/R Modification 21/07/45.
Canc. Allotted 13ARD ex 2AD for Tac/R Modification
22/08/45. Rec 13ARD ex 2AD 10/09/45. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 13ARD 17/01/46. Cat D Storage 22/03/46.
Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1169 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47845 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#32,Ex San
Francisco CV #466, as MAC-Air A29-1495, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1169 03/01/45.
Allotted 13ARD for Tac/R Modification. Held 2AD
Engineering. Issued and rec 2AD Storage ex 2AD
19/03/46. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 24/06/48 and
struck off charge 06/09/49 2AD Storage. |
A29-1170 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47846 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#33,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1496, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1170 03/01/45.
Issued 84 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 10/04/45. Accident
11/04/45, when aircraft forced landed wheels up at
Longford Creek , 20 miles south of Bowen
Queensland. Pilot, F/O J Kelly was not injured.
Rec 13ARDC ex 84 Sqn RAAF 25/04/45. Allotted 15ARD
ex 13ARD for Tac/r Modification 07/08/45. Rec
13ARD ex 13ARDC 27/08/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 13ARD
17/01/46. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1171 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47847 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#34,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1497, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1171 03/01/45.
Allotted 14 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 24/04/45. Accident
23/04/45 on approach at Richmond Aerodrome after
test flight, stalled on landing , collapsing
undercarriage and damaging Spinner, engine and
fuselage. NFDs. Issued 6AD ex 2AD 21/06/45. Issued
ITMO ex 2CRD Glebe Island for onward dispatch. Rec
6AD Storage 01/08/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1172 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47848 |
02/01/45 |
Ordered on USAAF
Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A, RAAF
Aircraft:Aus 64#35,Ex San Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air
A29-1498, Rec 2AD Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1172
03/01/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 11/04/45. Coded LB-W. Rec
13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD
10/08/45. Rec 60 OBU, Morotai ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD
Storage 13/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1173 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47849 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#36,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1499, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1173 03/01/45.
Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 12/05/45. Rec 76 Sqn
RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 28/07/45. Coded SV-F. Allotted 4
Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Rec 1RSU ex 76
Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1RSU
19/11/45. Cat D Storage 22/03/46. Cat E Storage
08/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1174 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47850 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#37,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1500, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1174 03/01/45.
Rec 1AD ex 2AD 22/07/45. Rec 1AD Store Category C
ex 1AD 15/11/45. Storage Completed Category D in
open 17/04/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46. Issued DAP 11/03/49.
Actioned completed 15/11/49. |
A29-1175 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47851 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#38,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1501, Rec 2AD
Richmond 02/01/45. Renumbered A29-1175 03/01/45.
Issued 14RSU Res Pool ex 2AD 19/06/45. Accident
19/06/45 on landing at Oakey from ferry flight (No
19 Ferry Flight, 2AD)ex Richmond RAAF to 14RSU RP,
when port undercarriage collapsed on touch down.
NFDs. Alloted 1AD ex 6AD for Tac/R modifications
20/07/45. Canc. Rec 13ARD ex 6AD 22/10/45. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 13ARD 21/01/46. Cat D Storage 22/03/46.
Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1176 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47852 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#40,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1503, Rec 2AD
Richmond 03/01/45. Renumbered A29-1177 03/01/45.
Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 23/04/45. Coded LB-V. Rec
13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Issued 16ARD Res
Pool ex 13ARD 06/08/45. Accident 8/8/45 on landing
at Lentani Strip, Hollandia, following escorted
ferry flight, by Ventura A59-14, from 13 ARD to
16ARD. However there was confusing messages sent
to both pilots of the two escorted Kittyhawks from
the US air traffic controller which led to
A29-1177 running up the tail of A29-1167 ,
damaging the rudder and fin, with A29-1177 having
its starboard mainplane damaged. Pilot; F/O
Clifford Joseph Smee Serv#411537 not injured. Rec
49OBU Hollandia, ex 14RSU 17/10/45. AMSE Approval
to Convert to components per File#9/16/3021
13/12/45. SOC 14/12/45.Ordered on USAAF Contract
W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent
2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1182-A,
RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#40,Ex San Francisco CV #467,
as MAC-Air A29-1503, Rec 2AD Richmond 03/01/45.
Renumbered A29-1177 03/01/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex
2AD 23/04/45. Coded LB-V. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF
19/07/45. Issued 16ARD Res Pool ex 13ARD 06/08/45.
Accident 8/8/45 on landing at Lentani Strip,
Hollandia, following escorted ferry flight, by
Ventura A59-14, from 13 ARD to 16ARD. However
there was confusing messages sent to both pilots
of the two escorted Kittyhawks from the US air
traffic controller which led to A29-1177 running
up the tail of A29-1167 , damaging the rudder and
fin, with A29-1177 having its starboard mainplane
damaged. Pilot; F/O Clifford Joseph Smee
Serv#411537 not injured. Rec 49OBU Hollandia, ex
14RSU 17/10/45. AMSE Approval to Convert to
components per File#9/16/3021 13/12/45. SOC
14/12/45. |
A29-1177 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47853 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#40,Ex San
Francisco CV #467, as MAC-Air A29-1503, Rec 2AD
Richmond 03/01/45. Renumbered A29-1177 03/01/45.
Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 23/04/45. Coded LB-V. Rec
13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Issued 16ARD Res
Pool ex 13ARD 06/08/45. Accident 8/8/45 on landing
at Lentani Strip, Hollandia, following escorted
ferry flight, by Ventura A59-14, from 13 ARD to
16ARD. However there was confusing messages sent
to both pilots of the two escorted Kittyhawks from
the US air traffic controller which led to
A29-1177 running up the tail of A29-1167 ,
damaging the rudder and fin, with A29-1177 having
its starboard mainplane damaged. Pilot; F/O
Clifford Joseph Smee Serv#411537 not injured. Rec
49OBU Hollandia, ex 14RSU 17/10/45. AMSE Approval
to Convert to components per File#9/16/3021
13/12/45. SOC 14/12/45.

A29-1178 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47797 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#4,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1447, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1178 03/01/45. Rec 11 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11
RSU RP 15/04/45. Coded BU-T. Operational Incident
17/7/45 following a 20 aircraft sortie against
enemy concentrations at Segan Estate, Lahud Datu,
was part of a four aircraft flight buzzing the air
strip on return, when A29-1183 BU-D was involved
in a mid air collision with A29-1178 BU-T on
return over Tarakan Is, Borneo. Pilot of A29-1178,
W/O Valentine Ralph Lewin Turner Serv#410422, Red
2 struck the port side of A29-1183 with his
starboard main plane,, damaging the fuselage. The
pilot of A29-1178, climbed to 8000 feet to test
the stall speed of his aircraft following the
damage to his main plane in order to force land,
was forced to jettison his canopy and roll his
aircraft on its back. He attempted to get out of
his stalled aircraft, but on opening his parachute
to assist getting out, the parachute caught on the
tail of his aircraft. The aircraft crashed into
the sea with the pilot still in the cockpit; (Lat
03 Degrees 15 Minutes North/Long. 117 Degrees 35
Minutes East, missing presumed killed). W/O J A
Schmidt Serv#419541, Red 3 managed to land
A29-1183 back at the Tarakan strip safely. Rec 11
RSU ex 80 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Issued conversion ex
11 RSU 13/08/45. AMSE Approval to Convert to
components per File#9/16/2755 23/08/45. |
A29-1179 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47799 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#6,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1449, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1179 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/46. Coded BU-N. Notation on
E/E88 Card:Accident 27/04/45, whilst landing at
Richmond RAAF Base, NSW, This is a doubtful
incident to this aircraft, an error, no accident
report, no record of crash per A50 SHQ Richmond,
A50 80 Sqn RAAF or 2AD. First Operational notation
of A29-1179 BU-N, flown on Mission CRO 46 per
16/07/45 with F/O Huxley. Operational loss 27/7/45
when after an Air Support Mission over Balikpapan,
the aircraft was landing at Sepinggang Strip to
refuel, when after a normal landing run, the pilot
miscalculated the length of the strip and overshot
the end. The Port leg collapsed and holed the
mainplane. W/O D A Stewart Serv#7187 was not
injured. Rec 9RSU (a Spitfire repair Unit) ex 80
Sqn RAAF 06/08/45. Rec 6RSU ex 9RSU/80 Sqn RAAF
10/09/45. Rec 38OBU ex 6RSU 24/12/45. AMSE
Approval to Write-off and destroy by burning per
File#73/21/1612 11/01/46. |
A29-1180 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47800 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#7,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1450, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1180 03/01/45. Rec 86 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 23/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 86
Sqn RAAF 28/03/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF
23/06/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 11/07/45.
Rec 11 RSU ex 14 RSU RP 01/08/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF
ex 11 RSU 06/08/45. Coded BU-W. Rec 6AD Storage ex
80Sqn 12/11/45. A/c to be Cat D Storage 22/03/46.
Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1181 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47801 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#8,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1451, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1181 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 27/03/45. Coded BU-L. Rec 6AD Storage
ex 80Sqn 12/11/45. A/c to be Cat D Storage
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1182 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47802 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#9,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1452, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1182 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/45. Coded BU-Q. Accident
15/09/45 following a localised flight, while
landing at Tarakan Is, Borneo, in line of practice
keeping the tailplane high as long as possible,
the prop tip hit the strip, causing the aircraft
to nose over, with the undercarriage then
collapsing. F/Sgt G McVey Serv#435117 was not
injured. Rec 11 RSU ex 80 Sqn RAAF |
A29-1183 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47803 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#10,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1453, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1183 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/45. Coded BU-D. Operational
Incident 17/7/45 following a 20 aircraft sortie
against enemy concentrations at Segan Estate,
Lahud Datu, was part of a four aircraft flight
buzzing the air strip on return, when A29-1183
BU-D was involved in a mid air collision with
A29-1178 BU-T on return over Tarakan Is, Borneo.
Pilot of A29-1178, W/O V R L Turner Serv#410422,
Red 2 struck the port side of A29-1183 with his
starboard mainplane,, damaging the fuselage. The
pilot of A29-1178, climbed to 8000 feet to test
the stall speed of his aircraft following the
damage to his mainplane in order to force land,
was forced to jettison his canopy and roll his
aircraft on its back. He attempted to get out of
his stalled aircraft, but on opening his parachute
to assist getting out, the parachute caught on the
tail of his aircraft. The aircraft crashed into
the sea with the pilot still in the cockpit; (Lat
03 Degrees 15 Minutes North/Long. 117 Degrees 35
Minutes East, missing preumed killed). W/O Jack
Alan Schmidt Serv#419541, Red 3 managed to land
A29-1183 back at the Tarakan strip safely. Rec 11
RSU ex 80 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Issued conversion ex
11 RSU 13/08/45. AMSE Approval to Convert to
components per File#9/16/2755 23/08/45. |
A29-1184 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47804 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#11,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1454, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1184 03/01/45. Rec 11 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11
RSU RP 07/04/45. Coded BU-F. Rec 6AD Store ex 80
Sqn RAAF 13/11/45. A/c to be Cat D Storage
22/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1185 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47805 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#12,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1455, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1185 03/01/45. Faulty
Packing with shipping damage to Tail Wheel
assembly due to insecure bracket straps. Repaired.
Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 23/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn
RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF 28/03/45. Coded LB-C. Accident
1440hrs 06/04/45 when as No 3 of Red Section on a
four aircraft formation flying exercise near the
Ross River Strip, the pilots were ordered to carry
out a section break up for their landing at a
altitude of 500-600 feet at 3 to 4 second
separation, when A29-1185 LB-C (Piloted by F/O K H
Kearney RAAF Serv#439836) on the echelon starboard
side collided with it behind the trailing edge of
the wing of A29-1185. This caused the separation
of the starboard mainplane, with both aircraft
crashing some 300 yards from the northern eastern
end of Ross Strip. Pilot of A29-1220, Red 3, F/Lt
James Alexander See RAAF Serv#412195 (With some
930 flying Hours) was killed in the ensuing
explosion and crash, along with the pilot of
A29-1185, Red 4, F/O K H Kearney RAAF Serv#439836(
with some 351 Flying Hours), with both a/c being
burnt out. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2514. |
A29-1186 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47806 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#13,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1456, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1186 03/01/45. Rec 11 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/46. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex
11 RSU RP 19/04/45. Rec 22 RSU RP ex 14 RSU RP
13/07/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP 30/07/45.
Coded SV-U. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF
16/09/45. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1 RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1 RSU 22/11/45. Cat E
Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1187 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47807 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#14,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1457, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1187 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/45. Coded BU-S. Rec 6AD Store ex
80 Sqn RAAF 12/11/45. Rec 1AD Test and Ferry
Flight ex 6AD 02/12/45. Rec 1AD Storage ex T &
F Flight 1AD 30/05/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46. Issued DAP
25/02/49. Collected by DAP 11/03/49. |
A29-1188 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47809 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#16,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1459, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1188 03/01/45. Rec 86 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 23/03/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn
RAAF 28/03/45. Coded LB-S. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn
RAAF 23/06/45. Deemed incorrectly rec by 13ARD.
Allotted to 1st TAF; 14 RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD
05/07/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45. Rec
14 RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 10/08/45. Rec 11RSU ex 14
RSU RP 20/08/45. Rec 14 RSU ex 11 RSU 27/09/45.
Rec 60 OBU ex 14 RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 60
OBU 12/11/45. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1189 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47810 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#17,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1460, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1189 03/01/45. Rec 22 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 24/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex
22 RSU RP 19/04/45. Issued 22 RSU ex 14 RSU RP
30/06/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU 14/07/45.
Coded SV-X. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF
16/09/45. Canc. Rec 1RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45.
Rec 6AD ex 1RSU 18/11/45. Rec 33OBU ex 6AD
22/11/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 1RSU via 33 OBU
01/01/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1190 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47811 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#18,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1461, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1190 03/01/45. Rec 22 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 24/03/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex
22 RSU RP 24/04/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP
25/06/45. Coded SV-V. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76
Sqn RAAF 16/09/45. Canc 27/09/45. Accident 3/10/45
it crash at Breddan airstrip near Charters Towers
Qld when the undercarriage collapsed on landing
[Pilot was F/Lt Alan I Ker Serv#419183,a member of
the Ferry Flight, 1AD Laverton Vic] the aircraft
was being delivered to 13 ARD ex 76Sqn RAAF by a
Ferry flight, 1AD pilot at the time of the
accident. The Aircraft was part of a five aircraft
flight and was fourth in line to land at Breddan
to deliver these aircraft. On following the third
aircraft in circuit, He carried out his gear down
selection on his final circuit, and kept the
trigger depressed until the indicators showed
"fully down". He then pumped the under carriage
emergency lever until it could no longer move
further down. On landing there was a slight
starboard drift to which he corrected with the
nose aligning straight along the runway, when the
undercarriage touched the strip. The starboard
oleo leg appeared to collapsed, causing the
aircraft to swing starboard. This caused the port
oleo leg to collapse, with the then empty centre
external tank collapsing and bursting into flame.
This caused the tail fabric to catch onto fire as
the aircraft skidded along the strip. As soon as
the aircraft stopped, Alan switched off the fuel,
battery and circuit switches and breakers and got
out. The fire was burning from the port side of
the fuel tank. The fire tender arrived some three
minutes later and put out the fire by hand
extinguishers. Post Accident, it was found that
the undercarriage warning lights were
unserviceable, giving him the false indication
that all gear was down and locked. Rec 13ARD ex 76
Sqn RAAF 04/10/45. Issued 6CRD ex 13ARD 08/11/45.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/2966 12/12/45. SOC 13/02/46. Eng
V1710-115 Allison# A-055625

A29-1191 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47813 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#20,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1463, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1191 03/01/45. Rec 86 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 23/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 86
Sqn RAAF 28/03/45. Coded LB-U. Allotted for
modification as Tac/R Aircraft 23/08/45. Rec 13ARD
ex 84 Sqn RAAF 27/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 13ARD
30/03/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1192 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47814 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#1,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1464, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1192 03/01/45. Rec 86 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 23/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex
86Sqn RAAF 28/03/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF
23/06/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 06/07/45.
Rec 22RSU ex 14 RSU RP 22/07/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF
ex 22 RSU 10/08/45. Allotted 4 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn
RAAF. Canc 04/10/45. Rec 1RSU Store ex 76 Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Allotted 6AD ex 1RSU 13/11/45. Canc.
Issued and rec 84 OBU ex 1RSU 10/01/46.Destroyed
by fire per Lend Lease File#73/21/1613 11/01/46. |
A29-1193 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47817 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#4,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1467, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1193 03/01/45. Rec 11 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 11
RSU RP 07/06/45. Coded SV-G, (Motif on Cowl of
Black Panther eating a Zero).Rec 1RSU Store ex 76
Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU 21/11/45. Rec
CFS ex 6AD 29/11/45. Rec Pt Cook Store ex CFS
09/05/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46. Issued DAP 21/12/49. Collected
by DAP 24/04/50. Actioned completed 29/06/51. Sold
by DAP on to R H Grant Traders. |
A29-1194 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47819 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#6,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1469, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1194 03/01/45. Allotted
86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 14/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF
ex 3AD 27/03/45. Accident 29/03/45 during a
non-authorised low level flying practice, damage
was incurred to the airscrew, starboard mainplane
and tailplane. (NFDS Pilot) Rec 13ARD ex 84Sqn RAAF
19/04/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 21/06/45. Rec
13ARD ex 84Sqn RAAF 24/07/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool
ex 13ARD 10/08/45. REc 11RSU ex 14 RSU RP
20/08/45. Rec 14 RSU ex 11 RSU 27/09/45. Rec 60
OBU ex 14 RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD ex 60 OBU
12/11/45. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1195 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47822 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#9,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1472, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1195 03/01/45. Faulty
Packing with shipping damage to Tail Wheel
assembly due to insecure bracket straps. Repaired.
Rec 13ARD Res Pool ex 3AD 17/04/45. Rec 84 Sqn
RAAF ex 14ARD RP 18/04/45. Issued 14RSU ex 84 Sqn
RAAF 17/06/45. Accident 1515hrs 18/06/45 on
landing at Mohmer Strip, Biak, when after 100yards
of touch down, the left oleo leg collapsed,
causing the aircraft to swing off the strip,
striking the bank, collapsing the port oleo leg,
leaving the aircraft resting on the endge of the
jungle. Pilot; F/Lt K C Hammond Serv#412951, 84Sqn
RAAF on loan, was not injured. Rec 10 RSU ex 84
Sqn RAAF 06/08/45. Not repaired. AMSE Approval to
Write-off and destroy per File#73/21/1612
18/02/46. |
A29-1196 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47824 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#11,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1474, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1196 03/01/45. Rec 11 RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 11
RSU RP 07/06/45. Coded SV-Z. Accident 17/09/45 on
take-off for a local training flight, when the
engine lost boast/power at 100 mph, forcing the
pilot to abort take-off, lowering the tail, which
caused him to overrun strip at Labaun. The
aircraft nosed over in mud with minimal damage.
Pilot; F/Sgt A T Bandick Ser#442450 was not
injured. Rec 1RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 21/09/45. Engine
changed. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 28/09/45. Rec 1
RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU
21/11/45. Rec CFS ex 6AD 29/11/45. Rec Pt Cook
Store ex CFS 09/05/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46.
Approval to transferred to RANFAA ex Pt Cook
Storage 03/12/48. Issued to RAN 10/12/49. |
A29-1197 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47825 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#12,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1475, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1197 03/01/45. Rec 84 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 18/04/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF
23/06/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 09/07/45.
Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 14 RSU RP 28/07/45. Coded SV-N.
Rec 13ARd ex 76 Sqn RAAF 04/10/45. Rec 6AD ex
13ARD 17/01/46. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1198 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47826 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#13,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1476, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1198 03/01/45. Rec 84 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 05/04/45. Coded LB-L. Issued 13ARD ex
84 Sqn RAAF 21/06/45. Rec 14 RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD
09/07/45. Rec 22 RSU ex 14 RSU RP 27/07/45. Rec
1RSU ex 22 RSU 10/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU 19/11/45.
Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1199 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47827 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#14,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1477, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1199 03/01/45. Rec 11RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU
RP 10/04/45. Coded BU-H. Accident 06/08/45 when
aircraft, as Yellow 3 on Close support mission,
Cro 48, ,on take-off at Seppingan Strip
Balikpapan, due to mud and water on his windscreen
due to preceding aircraft taking off, clipped its
port wing on another Kittyhawk's spinner (NFDs).
The pilot, W/O J H Harding Serv#418234, managed to
get airborne, jettison his bombs and made a normal
landing. Rec 6RSU ex 80Sqn RAAF 20/09/45. Deemed
not suitable to return to mainland. Rec 38 OBU ex
6RSU 02/12/45. Destroyed by fire per Lend Lease
File#73/21/1613 11/01/46. |
A29-1200 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47828 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#15,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1478, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1200 03/01/45. Rec 86 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 23/03/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 86Sqn
RAAF 28/03/45. Rec 13ARd ex 84 Sqn RAAF 10/07/45.
Accident 1530 Hrs on 04/8/45 when on take off on a
test flight at Breddan airstrip Qld, the engine
failed causing the aircraft to crash 250 yards
from the end of the strip. The pilot managed to
escape the burning aircraft before it was consumed
by fire caused by the belly tank rupturing on
landing. Ferry Pilot; F/Lt E L Mahar DFC
Serv#33231 of 1AD, was uninjured. Issued
conversion ex 13ARD 14/08/45. AMSE Approval to
Convert per File#9/16/2805 01/09/45. Completed
06/09/45. |
A29-1201 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47829 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#16 ,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1479, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1201 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 26/03/45. Coded BU-Y. Rec 6AD ex 80Sqn
RAAF 12/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1202 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47831 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#18 ,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1481, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1202 03/01/45. Allotted
86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 14/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF
ex 3AD 27/03/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF
23/06/45. Rec 14 ARD Res Pool ex 13ARD 09/07/45.
Rec 11 RSU ex 14 RSU Res Pool 01/08/45. Rec 14RSU
ex 11 RSU 08/08/45. AMSE Approval for conversion
per File#9/16/2878 10/10/45. Completed 12/10/45. |
A29-1203 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47832 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#19 ,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1482, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1203 03/01/45. Rec 11RSU
Res Pool ex 3AD 26/03/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 11
RSU 28/04/45. Rec 11 RSU Res Pool ex 14RSU Res
Pool 30/04/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11 RSU Res Pool
30/04/45. Coded BU-V. Rec 11 RSU RP ex 80 Sqn RAAF
11/07/45. Rec 80Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU 17/07/45. Rec
6AD ex 80Sqn RAAF 12/11/45. Rec 1 Communications
Unit ex 6AD 02/12/45. Issued 1AD ex 1 CU 16/02/46.
A29-1204 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47833 |
1/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#20 ,Ex POE
San Francisco and shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie as MAC-Air A29-1483, Rec 3AD Amberley
13/01/45. Renumbered A29-1204 03/01/45. Rec 80 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 25/03/45. Coded BU-P. Engine damage
13/10/45 with metal particles found in oil filter
during maintenance. Rec 11 RSU ex 80 Sqn RAAF for
engine change. Rec 6AD ex 11RSU 12/11/45. Rec CFS
ex 6AD 29/11/45. Rec Pt Cook ex CFS 09/05/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46. Issued and Collected by DAP 21/12/49.
Sold to R H Grant 29/06/51 for scrap.

A29-1205 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47794 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#1 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1444, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1205 12/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
18/04/45. Rec 13ARD Res Pool ex 84 Sqn RAAF
19/07/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 10/08/45.
Rec 60OBU ex 14RSU 05/11/45.Rec 6AD ex 60 OBU
13/11/45. Cat E Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1206 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47795 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#2 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1445, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1206 12/02/45. Allotted 13ARD Res Pool ex 3AD
04/04/45. Rec 13ARD Pes Pool ex 3AD 19/04/45. A/c
allotted for modification to Tac/R 23/08/45.
Issued and Rec 6AD ex 13ARD 14/01/46. Cat E
Storage 08/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1207 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47796 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#3, Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1446, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1207 12/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
05/04/45. Coded LB-O. Issued 13ARD ex 84Sqn RAAF
03/08/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 10/08/45.
Accident 27/09/45 Wama Strip Morotai (NFDs per
pilot or accident). Rec 60 OBU ex 14RSU 01/11/45.
AMSE Approval to Write Off per File#9/16/2943.
Salvaged on Site. |
A29-1208 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47798 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#5 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1448, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1208 12/02/45. Allotted 1AD for Tac/R
Modification 20/07/45. Canc. Pictured in Natural
Metal. Allotted 13ARD for Tac/R Modification
23/08/45. Rec 13ARD ex 3AD 07/09/45. Rec 6AD ex
13ARD 17/01/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1209 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47808 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#15 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #460 SS
Kangargoorie, as MAC-Air A29-1458, Rec 3AD
Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered A29-1209 12/02/45.
Faulty Packing with shipping damage to Tail Wheel
assembly due to insecure bracket straps. Repaired.
Rec 13ARD ex 3AD 18/04/45. Allotted for Tac/R
Modification 23/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 13ARD 17/01/46.
Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey.
A29-1210 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47812 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1176-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 63#19, Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1462, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1213 12/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
27/03/45. Coded LB-T. (Pic) Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn
RAAF 23/06/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD
11/07/45. Rec 11RSU ex 14ARD RP 01/08/45. Rec
14RSU ex 11RSU 27/09/45. Rec 60OBU ex 14RSU
05/11/45. Accident on 15/11/45, when as part of a
eleven aircraft ferry, escorted by two
Beaufighters, to 5AD Wagga, prior to landing at
Tadji PNG from Morotai for refuelling, the
formation broke into pairs and proceeded to land.
A29-1210 was leading A29-527 down the strip at
approximately 100 feet. Being slightly lower,
A29-1210 broke upwards and to the right, passing
up front of A29-527. A29-1210, struck the airscrew
of A29-527, and damaged its tailplane, causing
A29-1210 to turn on its back and dived into the
ground out of control 300 yards east of the end of
the strip. Pilot; F/O Christopher Vincent Madigan
Serv#408856 was killed instantly. A29-527 flew
straight ahead and forced landed in a swamp, some
two miles north east of the strip. Pilot of
A29-527, F/O D H Harrison Serv#405734 was slightly
injured. AMSE Approval to Write Off per
File#9/16/3039 07/12/45. |
A29-1211 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47815 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#3, Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1465, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1211 12/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
05/04/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 23/06/45. Rec
14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 06/07/45. Rec 11RSU ex
14ARD RP 06/07/45. Accident 0820hrs 27/07/45 when
on landing at Wama Strip, Morotai, the
undercarriage collapsed. Pilot; F/O J W Goldstron
Serv#431222, of 80Sqn RAAF, was slightly injured.
AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/2808
24/08/45. |
A29-1212 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47816 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#03 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1466, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1212 12/02/45. Rec 13ARD Res Pool ex 3AD
18/04/45. A/c allotted for Tac/R modification
23/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 13ARD RP 14/01/46. Cat E
Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1213 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47818 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#5 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1468, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1213 12/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
27/03/45. Coded LB-E. (Pic) Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn
RAAF 23/06/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD
11/07/45. Rec 11RSU ex 14ARD RP 08/08/45. Rec
14RSU ex 11RSU 27/09/45. Rec 60OBU ex 14RSU
05/11/45. Rec 6AD ex 60OBU 13/11/45. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1214 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47820 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#7 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1470, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1214 12/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
05/04/45. Rec 13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 23/06/45. Rec
14RSU Res Pool ex 13ARD 06/07/45. Rec 11RSU ex
14RSU Res Pool 16/07/45. Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU
22/07/45. Operational loss per Sortie Report Spg 5
Duties 8/17-8/24 Target on Milford Highway, 14
miles from Balikpapan 0300Zulu (1715Hrs)04/08/45.
On return to Seppiggan Strip, Tarakan, it was
noted that two P-40Ns, Duties 8/19 (A29-1214) and
8/20 (A29-1145) had failed to return. It was
believed these two a/c collided egressing the
target area when flying into a storm front. Pilot
A29-1214, F/O Douglas Grant Vallance Serv#401058
believed killed. Pilot A29-1145 BU-W, F/Sgt J K
Hoare Serv#431566 also believed killed. Several
combine 78Sqn and 80Sqn searches failed to find
the A/c or pilots. In November 1945, a RAAF Search
Team discovered the wreckage of A29-1145 near Mt
Saumeret, some thirty miles south of Redeb, Borneo
and the remains of F/Sgt Hoare. A29-1145 was
missing its tail assembly. A29-1214 CW# 5072 is
still missing. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2811 11/10/45. |
A29-1215 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47821 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#8 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1471, Rec 3AD Amberley 07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1215 12/02/45. Allotted 1AD for Tac/R
Modifications 20/07/45. Canc. Allotted 13ARD ex
3AD for Tac/R Modifications 22/08/45. Rec 13ARd ex
3AD 12/09/45. Issued and Rec 6AD ex 13ARD
14/01/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |
A29-1216 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47823 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#10 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1473, Rec 3AD Amberley07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1216 12/02/45. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
23/03/45. Canc. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF
28/03/45. Coded LB-T. Accident 28/03/45 on landing
at Ross Strip, when pilot stood aircraft on nose
on landing. Pilot; F/Sgt Ernest Arthur Rurade
Serv#428453 86Sqn RAAF assigned ferrying the
aircraft, was not injured. Damage to
Cowl/Airscrew/collapsed starboard undercarriage.
Rec 13ARD ex 84Sqn RAAF 23/06/45. Rec 14RSU Res
Pool ex 13ARD 09/07/45. Rec 11RSU ex 14RSU Res
Pool 20/08/45. Rec 14RSU ex 11RSU 27/09/45. Rec
60OBU ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD ex 60OBU
21/11/45. Rec CFS ex 6AD 29/11/45. Rec Pt Cook ex
CFS 09/05/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
for write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge
15/11/48. Issued and Collected by DAP 24/04/51.
Sold to R H Grant 29/06/51 for scrap. |
A29-1217 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47830 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1182-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 64#17 , Ex POE
San Francisco , Shipped on CV #468, as MAC-Air
A29-1480, Rec 3AD Amberley07/02/45. Renumbered
A29-1217 12/02/45. Rec 13ARd Res Pool ex 3AD
17/04/45. Allotted for modification as Tac/R
Aircraft 23/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 13ARD 17/01/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey |
A29-1218 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47905 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#28, Ex POE
San Juan, Shipped on CV #332, as MAC-Air A29-1531,
Rec 3AD Amberley 24/01/45. Renumbered A29-1218
01/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 27/03/45. Rec
13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 23/06/45. Rec 14RSU Res Pool
ex 13ARD 09/07/45. Rec 11RSU ex 14RSU RP 01/08/45.
Rec 80 Sqn RAAF ex 11RSU 06/08/45. Coded BU-D. Rec
6AD ex 80Sqn RAAF 13/11/45. Cat E Storage
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and
struck off charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1219 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47914 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#37, Ex POE
San Juan, Shipped on CV #332, as MAC-Air A29-1540,
Rec 3AD Amberley 24/01/45. Renumbered A29-1219
01/02/45. Allotted 13ARD Res Pool 24/04/45. Canc.
Allotted 1AD ex 3AD for Storage. Canc. Rec 13ARD
ex 3AD 27/08/45. Allotted 6AD ex 13ARD 10/12/45.
Rec 6AD ex 13ARD 14/01/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised for write off 19/11/46 and struck off
charge 15/11/48 CMU Oakey. |
A29-1220 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47918 |
2/45 |
Ordered on
USAAF Contract W535-AC34423 Project#41444; RAAF
Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF BPC RFDA-322A,
Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft: Aus 65#41, Ex POE
San Juan, Shipped on CV #332, as MAC-Air A29-1544,
Rec 3AD Amberley 24/01/45. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD
23/03/45. Cancelled allocation, Rec 84 Sqn RAAF ex
86 Sqn RAAF 28/03/45. Coded LB-C. Accident 1440hrs
06/04/45 when as No 3 of Red Section on a four
aircraft formation flying exercise near the Ross
River Strip, the pilots were ordered to carry out
a section break up for their landing at a altitude
of 500-600 feet at 3 to 4 second separation, when
A29-1185 LB-C (Piloted by F/O K H Kearney RAAF
Serv#439836) on the echelon starboard side
collided with it behind the trailing edge of the
wing of A29-1185. This caused the separation of
the starboard mainplane, with both aircraft
crashing some 300 yards from the northern eastern
end of Ross Strip. Pilot of A29-1220, Red 3, F/Lt
James Alexander See RAAF Serv#412195 (With some
930 flying Hours) was killed in the ensuing
explosion and crash, along with the pilot of
A29-1185, Red 4, F/O K H Kearney RAAF Serv#439836(
with some 351 Flying Hours), with both a/c being
burnt out. AMSE Approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/2514. |
A29-1221 |
P-40N-40-CU |
44-47919 |
2/45 |
The last
Kittyhawk received by the RAAF during WW2;
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC34423
Project#41444; RAAF Kittyhawk Indent 2270, vis RAF
BPC RFDA-322A, Diversion 1197-A, RAAF Aircraft:
Aus 65#42, Ex POE San Juan, Shipped on CV #332, as
MAC-Air A29-1545, (the last Kittyhawk ordered on
behalf of the RAAF during WW2, and the highest
numbered post delivery); Rec 3AD Amberley
24/01/45. Renumbered A29-1221 01/02/45. Rec 84 Sqn
RAAF ex 3AD 11/04/45. Coded LB-H. Allotted 14
RSU(Res Pool) ex 84 Sqn RAAF 05/07/45. Had not
Kittyhawk Order #40 modification, though exemption
was sought, so as to ferry it to 6AD. Refused. Rec
13ARD ex 84 Sqn RAAF 19/07/45 for Order # 40
modification. Rec 14RSU(Res Pool) 14/08/45. Rec
60OBU ex 14RSU 05/11/45. Rec 6AD ex 60OBU
12/11/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for
write off 19/11/46 and struck off charge 15/11/48
CMU Oakey. |