RAAF Serial |
Type |
Serial |
Delivered |
Aircraft History |
A29-204 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5411 |
9/43 |
On 9/9/43 received 5 AD from US; on 13/9/43
converted to components. (This P-40 has been listed as a P-40K in
some publications perhaps purely because of the Australian serial
sequence, but from the US serial listed on the status cards it is a
P-40M. That being the model it explains why it only lasted 4 days
before being converted to components as the other P-40Ms had been
delivered at least some 3 months previously.) |
A29-205 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5424 |
9/43 |
on 9/9/43 received 5 AD from US; on 13/9/43
converted to components. (Same comments as A29-204 above) |
A29-300 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5415 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2 #14, Ex Newport News CV#?? Rec 3AD ex USA 08/02/43. Rec 2OTU ex 3AD 07/03/43. Coded "300"????. Accident 18/04/43 whilst turning across the runway , the tail wheel and then the port u/c retracted causing extensive damage. NFDs. Repaired within Unit. Accident 1450hrs 26/07/43 when detailed for a Air to Ground Gunnery exercise at Gol Gol Gunnery range, the pilot on his first diving attack appeared to have failed to pull out too late. The aircraft squashed onto the ground past the target, a half mile north of target, then zoomed up two or three hundred feet, rolled over, spun in and burst into flames. Duty Range Officer, P/O M D O’Mara Serv#402876 ran over to the scene, finding the pilot still strapped into his seat, some twenty yards from burning aircraft. Pilot; P/O Joseph George Crowe Serv#417811 was killed. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/960 dated 30/07/43. A/c had 278.20 TThrs. Allison V1710-73#21751
A29-301 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5443 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2 #13, Ex Newport News CV#?? Rec 3AD ex USA 08/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 25/03/43. Coded "01" for Merauke Deployment, later coded MP-A July 1943. Accident 06/10/43 on return from a six aircraft formation flight from the training area some ten to twelve miles away, found a severe storm covering the base at Merauke. After misjudging his landing approach the pilot heavily applied his brakes on the steel matting and was unable to retard his speed and hit a drain at the end of the strip. Pilot; P/O John Rowland Heathcote Serv#419648 was not injured. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 11/10/43. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1147 dated 13/10/43.Note Allison V1710-73 engine no carburettor bypass on P-40M-1s.
A29-302 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5408 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2 #10, Ex Newport News CV#?? Rec 3AD ex USA 08/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 25/03/43. Rec 5AD ex 86Sqn RAAF 05/05/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD 26/05/43. Coded "02" for Merauke Deployment, later coded MP-B July 1943. Had Shark Mouth painted on engine cowl. Usual mount of F/Lt Loudan. Accident 06/10/43 on return from a six aircraft formation flight from the training area some ten to twelve miles away, found a severe storm covering the base at Merauke. After misjudging his landing approach the pilot heavily applied his brakes on the steel matting and was unable to retard his speed and hit a drain at the end of the strip. Pilot; F/O Don Percival Maguire Serv#401707 was not injured. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 11/10/43. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1147 dated 13/10/43. Note Allison V1710-73 engine no carburator bypass on P-40M-1s.
A29-303 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5421 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#29,Ex New Orleans SS ??? 290. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 15/03/43. Coded "03". Accident 25/05/43 on landing at Ross River Strip with aircraft, damaging elevator. NFDs. Rec 12RSU (Garbutt Det) ex 86 Sqn RAAF 27/05/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU 15/07/43. Coded MP-C. Accident 1142hrs 09/09/43 following interception of a two-formation enemy raid by joint 14 x 86 Sqn RAAF P-40M and 4 x 84 Sqn RAAF Boomerang fighters when whilst on landing finals, engine failed due the tank selected being empty, forcing the pilot to make a forced landing. Pilot; F/O Maxwell Coupland Johnston Serv#400622, was not injured. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 15/09/43. Shipped to mainland on MV Babinda, arriving Cairns, then by rail to Ipswich. Rec 3AD ex 1RSU 02/10/43. Rec 15ARD Res Pool ex 3AD 20/05/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 08/06/44. Rec 12RSU ex 77Sqn RAAF 23/06/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU 03/08/44. Operational Loss 1030hrs 05/12/44 when as one of 4 x P-40Ms was doing a watercraft sweep over Kokas, Fak Fak and Ransiki per Duty KAM 73. Whilst attacking stores at east end of Seckar (Sakar) Bay, the a/c was struck by debris following the strafing of a galvanised iron hut by the leader of the section. With the aircraft damaged, the pilot performed a successful ditching 1.5miles west of Ogar Island, Mc Cleur Gulf, DNG. He then inflated his raft and climbed aboard. Aircover by both Kittyhawks and Beaufighters was provided until 1700hrs and these forestalled Japanese shore troops in their attempt to reach the pilot. Two watercraft were sunk by the strafing and all enemy personnel were killed. Pilot; F/Lt John "Mac" Edward MacLeod Serv#416591 was classified as Missing. Post war, after interviewing by No 2 Aust War Crimes Section of a Japanese Naval Lt who had ordered a OR(Ordinary Rank) on the same day. It was determined that he had been captured the following day after landing at Ogar island and was believed executed by sword on or after 19/12/44. Further on, his executioner was Leading Seaman Tobimatsu as ordered by Sub lt Suzuki Yutaka(Kokas Det, 25 Special Naval Base Force).Abel Seaman Tobimatsu died of Malaria in December 1945. Ref: Amendment List No 12 Dated 03/03/47 per RAAF.166/26/687(28A).His body was recovered and interned at Ambon. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2220 dated 19/12/44. V1710-81 # 19341.
A29-304 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5425 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#16,Ex New York SS ??? 235. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 02/04/43. Coded "04". Accident 1520hrs 12/08/43 when taxying to take off from Merauke, DNG, the port undercarriage leg collapsed due to the failure of two upper links of the retreating mechanism. Pilot; F/Sgt H Duguid Serv#411300 was not injured. Rec 1RSU ex 86Sqn RAAF 16/08/43. Rec 86Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 03/09/43. Coded MP-E. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 22/11/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 05/12/43. Rec 77Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF 19/04/44. Coded AM-X (Oct 1944)?. Rec 11RSU RP ex 77Sqn RAAF 30/06/44. Rec 15ARD ex 11RSU RP 13/07/44. Rec 6AD ex 15ARD 10/10/44. Rec 2OTU ex 6AD 15/04/45. Rec 6AD ex 2OTU 22/10/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised to Write-off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Completed 15/11/48. Allison V1710-73 Engine# 22854.
A29-305 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5426 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#20,Ex New York SS ??? 235. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 15/03/43. Coded "05". Later Coded MP-F. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 30/01/44. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 06/02/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF 19/04/44. Rec 11RSU RP ex 77Sqn RAAF 30/06/44. Rec 15ARD ex 11RSU RP 14/07/44. Rec 6AD ex 15ARD 10/10/44. Stripped to Natural Metal. Rec 2OTU ex 6AD 08/04/45. Accident 28/05/45 when shortly after airborne on a aerobatic exercise, the pilot was blinded by leakage of oil and decided to carry out an emergency landing on the Mildura Aerodrome. The undercarriage collapsed on touchdown. pilot; Sgt William F Hodson Serv#438808 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Rec 6AD Storage ex 2OTU 08/10/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised to Write-off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Completed 15/11/48. Allison V1710-73 Engine# 34592.
A29-306 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5430 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#17,Ex New York SS ??? 235. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Alloted Special Duties Flight 15/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 15/03/43. Coded "6". Accident 27/07/43 Merauke DNG when aircraft just becoming airborne on scramble at 0924hrs, struck No 9 Sqn RAAF Walrus X9514 which was parked across runway with starboard leg which was bent backwards. The pilot made a belly landing 0945hrs after unabling to lower undercarriage. Pilot; P/O Jack Claude Biggs Serv#12413 not injured. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 02/08/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 13/09/43. . Rec 1RSU ex 86Sqn RAAF 21/09/43. Rec 6AD ex 1RSU 07/07/44. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2061 13/10/44. (included A29-318)
A29-307 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5435 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#18,Ex New York SS ??? 235. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 02/04/43. Accident 07/04/43 Gawler RAAF Station, when taxying after landing pilot turned off the runway he applied the brakes to heavily in soft ground causing it to nose over damaging oleo and airscrew. Pilot NFDs. Rec ANA Parafield SA ex 86Sqn RAAF 09/05/43. Rec 1AD ex ANA 04/04/44. Rec 15ARd RP ex 1AD 20/06/44. Rec 22RSU RP ex 15ARD RP 22/10/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU 30/10/44. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 24/03/45. Coded SV-D named "Fay". Issued 2OTU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 21/06/45. Accident 0830hrs 24/06/45 Richmond RAAF Station when aircraft failed to gain attitude after taking off, after which an attempt was made to land after a half circuit . The aircraft stalled on turn and crashed on port wind , bursting into flames on striking ground. Pilot F/O George Donaldson Serv#176101(RAF) 2AD Ferry Flight was killed. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/2676 dated 03/07/45. Allison V1710-73 Engine# 21735.
A29-308 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5441 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#21,Ex New York SS ??? 235. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 15/03/43. Accident 17/05/43 aircraft forced landed 30 miles east of Canberra near Goulburn. Pilot; F/lt L K Brown was not injured. Rec 5AD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 07/06/43. Rec 13ARD RP ex 5AD 07/11/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD RP 28/11/43. Coded MP-G. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 26/12/43. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 29/12/43. Accident 19/03/44 when a USAAF P-47D during take-off struck two P-40Ms(A29-308 MP-G and A29-336 MP-Z of Detached 6 a/c flight based there) parked in the Standby position at the Eastern end of Horn Island Strip. AMSE Approval to Write off per File#9/16/1493 dated 24/03/44. Allison V1710-73 Engine# 22910.
A29-309 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5444 |
2/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 151-A Aus 2#19,Ex New York SS ??? 235. Rec 1AD ex USA 09/02/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 15/03/43. Accident 17/05/43 aircraft forced landed 30 miles east of Canberra near Charleyong during ferry flight from Laverton RAAF Station Vic. Pilot; F/O D R Austin Serv#408630 was not injured. Rec 5AD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 25/05/43. Rec 13ARD RP ex 5AD 16/10/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 20/12/43. Coded MP-A. Rec 1RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 05/02/44. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU 15/02/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF 18/04/44. Rec 11RSU RP ex 77 Sqn RAAF 30/06/44. Rec 10RSU RP ex 11RSU RP 05/08/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex 10RSU RP 15/08/44. Rec 6AD ex 15ARD 10/10/44. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 12/01/45 in Natural metal and coded MP-A. Rec 2OTU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 22/07/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 2OTU 22/10/45 still coded MP-A. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised to Write-off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Completed 15/11/48. Allison V1710-73 Engine# 21727
A29-310 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5508 |
3/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 172-A Aus 3#1,Ex San Francisco SS Fort la Traite 268. Rec 2AD ex USA 04/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD 09/04/43. Allotted 82 Sqn RAAF 15/06/43 but cancelled 16/06/43. Accident 10/06/43 Mildura when failing to switch fuel tank, forced landed aircraft. Pilot Sgt A G Simpson Serv#419016 was not injured. E/E-88 Card has no further details for 1943-1944. F/Lt H A Kerr flew her 07/10/43 and 14/11/43. F/O W J Nugent flew her 24/10/43. F/O R Hunter flew her 29/12/43 and 02/01/44. F/Lt J K Morris flew her 30/03/44 and 02/04/44. Sqn Loudon flew A29-310 per his Log 26/07/44 and 07/12/44. Accident Mildura Aerodrome, 11/01/45 when aircraft on landing, was stood on nose. Pilot; F/Lt Walters was not injured. NFDs, perhaps Serv#415203???. Repaired. Sqn Ldr E A Thompson flew her 11/02/45. Rec 1CRD ex 2OTU 19/09/45. Rec SAS ex 1CRD 24/02/1948 and subsequently destroyed at Werribee Bombing Range. March 2016, this aircraft after a lengthy rebuild,..perhaps ID Plate only, took to the air as N40DF in USA after being rebuilt by Precision Aerospace. Now owned by Comanche Fighters of Houston , Texas. Marked fictionally as OK-D /FR310 with Boxing Kangaroo of 450Sqn (RAAF) RAF
A29-311 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5509 |
3/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 172-A Aus 3#6,Ex San Francisco SS Fort la Traite 268. Rec 2AD ex USA 04/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD 08/04/43. Accident 1200hrs 21/04/44 when a/c ran out of fuel and forced landed wheels up during exercise. Pilot, F/O D E Andrew Serv#403301 was not injured. Repaired in Unit. Returned in Natural Metal finish. Rec 6AD Storage ex 2OTU 03/10/45. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised to Write-off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Completed 15/11/48. Allison V1710-73 Engine# 21755.
A29-312 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5510 |
3/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 172-A Aus 3#7,Ex San Francisco SS Fort la Traite 268. Rec 2AD ex USA 04/03/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 25/03/43. Rec 3AD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 12/06/43. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 11/06/43. Coded 12 and later recoded MP-H. Rec 1RSU Horn Island ex 86 Sqn RAAF 13/02/44. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 1RSU Horn Island 22/02/44. Rec 1RSU Horn Island ex 86 Sqn RAAF 28/03/44. Accident 0925hrs 12/04/44 when on completion of landing run following a practice scramble whilst leading a section of four a/c , struck a open steel moror truck on Horn Island. Pilot; F/Lt Keith Norman Cooper Serv#400078 was not injured. Rec 1RSU(Higgins) ex 1RSU Horn Island 15/04/44. Rec 13ARD ex 1RSU 27/08/44. Rec 15ARd RP ex 13ARD 20/09/44. Rec 22RSU RP ex 15ARD RP 09/11/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 22RSU RP 22/011/44. Operational Loss 01/12/44 when part of a 7 a/c mission to bomb and straff Moemi Strip, DNG when pilot of A29-312, flying as Number 2 in a section of four aircraft had just pulled out of his dive and noticed that his engine was giving trouble. He decided to force land immediately, and selected a spot on teh western end of the strip, and brought his aircraft down on its belly. After skidding 100 yards, the aircraft came to a rest with black smoke rising from the engine. Teh pilot got out with maps and went to a safe distance. There was no fire so he returned to teh aircraft, finding the W/T still working. He called up and was told "to regain formation". He removed a 0.50cal machinegun and used that to smash the cockpit instrumentation and to attempt to set fire to the aircraft. He was told prior to do this and move to the coast, only one mile away. Two covering P-40s destroyed the aircraft with their straffing, afterwhich returned to base to collect two bundles of supplies and a Owen SM Carbine (with ammo) which was dropped some time later to him. After some escape and evade the local Japanese , earlier hours of the next day, he inflated his dingy and moved off shore as arranged prior with notes from his supply drop. A ASR Catalina, accompanied by P-40s had arrived earlier an hour after dawn on scene but considered the location as too risky. Later in the day at 14.20hrs when under fire by Japanese MG and Mortar fire, the pilot; Sgt Frank Reginald Brown Serv#12802 was picked up uninjured by a US Army Armed LCM (Under command of Lt Y L James USA)which had another 76Sqn RAAF Officer on board to assist in the rescue(F/Lt R G Wicks Serv#207082) uninjured, and his dingy was sunk by MG fire. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2208 dated 08/12/44. Allison V1710-73 Engine#22913
A29-313 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5511 |
3/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 172-A Aus 3#10,Ex San Francisco SS Fort la Traite 268. Rec 2AD ex USA 04/03/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 25/03/43. Rec 3AD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 02/06/43. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 08/06/43. Coded "13" and later MP-J. Accident 29/10/43 when taxying into dispersal, 29/10/43 at Merauke DNG when F/O McLeod damaged airscrew. Repaired in unit. served Issued 1 RSU ex 86 Sqn RAAF 25/03/44. Rec 86 Sqn RAF ex 1RSU 07/04/44. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF 19/04/44. Rec 11RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 30/06/44. Rec 10RSU RP ex 11RSU RP 05/08/44. Rec 15ARD ex 10RSU 19/08/44. Rec 6AD ex 15ARD 02/10/44. Issued 13ARD RP ex 6AD 08/01/45. Rec 6AD ex 13ARD RP 21/01/45. Rec 1AD (T & F) ex 6AD 19/02/45. Accident 27/03/45 when landing at Laverton, starboard oleo collapsed. Pilot; F/O Maxwell Graham Brown Serv#418338 1AD, was not injured. Rec 2OTU ex 1AD 03/07/45. Rec 1AD ex 2OTU 22/07/45. Rec 1CRD ex 1AD Ferry Flight 04/12/45. Rec SAS ex 1CRD 24/07/47 and subsequently destroyed at Werribee Bombing Range.
A29-314 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5512 |
3/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 172-A Aus 3#8,Ex San Francisco SS Fort la Traite 268. Rec 2AD ex USA 04/03/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 26/03/43. Rec 3AD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 02/06/43. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 08/06/43. Coded "14" and later MP-K. Rec 77 Sqn RAAF ex 86 Sqn RAAF 19/04/44. Rec 11RSU ex 77 Sqn RAAF 29/06/44. Rec 15ARD ex 11RSU 13/07/44. Accident 07/05/45 1145hrs when landing at Wards Strip PNG when hydraulics failed. Aircraft was bellied landed. Pilot, W/O Archibald Gordon Simpson Serv#419016, 15ARD, was not injured. Rec 2OTU ex 15ARD 23/07/45. Rec 6AD ex 2OTU 28/11/45 and still marked as MP-K. Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised to Write-off 19/11/46. Passed to DAP 26/09/47. Completed 15/11/48. Allison V1710-73 Engine#22521.
A29-315 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5513 |
3/43 |
Ordered on USAAF Contract W535-AC30491, diverted Defence Aid; RAAF Case 126 Indent 2012A RFDA-322A, Diversion 172-A Aus 3#2,Ex San Francisco SS Fort la Traite 268. Rec 2AD ex USA 04/03/43. Rec 86 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 26/03/43. Accident 17/05/43 aircraft forced landed 30 miles east of Canberra near Charleyong during ferry flight from Laverton RAAF Station Vic. Pilot; Sgt Francis John Chattilon Serv#420860 was not injured. Rec 5AD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 01/06/43. Rec 82 Sqn RAAF ex 5AD 16/07/43. Rec 13ARD RP ex 82 Sqn RAAF 03/10/43. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 15/11/43. Coded SV-N. Rec 26 RSU ex 76 Sqn RAAF 19/04/44. Rec 76 Sqn RAAF ex 26 RSU 06/05/44. Issued 86 Sqn RAAF ex 76 Sqn RAAF 18/02/45. Accident 1500hrs 22/02/45 N W Point Daugo Island when aircraft was forced landed during ferry flight, with A29-354, when they experienced extreme weather conditions. Pilot W/O Victor Reginald Andrews Serv#401606, 1AD Ferry Flight, was not injured. Rec 15ARD ex 86 Sqn RAAF 12/03/45. AMSE Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/2430 dated 09/03/45.
A29-316 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5514 |
3/43 |
served with 86, 77, 76 Sqns and 2 OTU. |
A29-317 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5515 |
3/43 |
served with 86, 77 and 76 Sqns; on 25/3/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn from 2 AD; on 26/1/44 it was received by 1 RSU
for an engine change and returned to 86 Sqn on 1/244; on 19/4/44 it
was received by 77 Sqn from 86 Sqn; on 19/5/44 it involved in a
mid-air collision with a USAF B-24 Liberator while trying to land at
Momote strip, Los Negros Is, with F/Sgt Howard Wallace Roberts
(409225) crash landing the a/c on the side of the strip without
injury; it was sent to 12 RSU for repairs; on 3/11/44 it was
received by 76 Sqn from 22 RSU; on 8/2/45 F/L Thomas Louis Bronner
(407218) bailed out due to engine trouble and it crashed into the
sea off Numbar strip with Tom rescued by 553rd EBSR patrol boat. |
A29-318 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5516 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 25/3/43 it was received by
86 Sqn; on 5/12/43 when F/O D R Austin took off in this a/c from
Merauke strip the starboard u/c folded causing the a/c to crash
land; it went to 1 RSU, then 6 AD and was finally held at 3 CRD
where conversion to comps was undertaken. |
A29-319 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5517 |
3/43 |
served with 2 OTU; on 25/2/44 after just completing
a dive bombing exercise F/O Gordon Horace White was flying straight
and level returning to Mildura when near Wentworth NSW his number 2
Sgt L Collins in A29-146 collided with him from below forcing F/O
White to make a belly landing - both pilots escaped uninjured. |
A29-320 |
P-40M-5 |
43-5636 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 25/3/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn; on 18/12/43 while it was on patrol F/Sgt A P
Johns hit some coconut trees with the starboard wing, with F/Sgt
Johns escaping injury; it was sent to 1 RSU, then 6 AD; on 1/4/45 it
was received by 2 OTU and served out the war with them; on 19/11/46
it was authorised for w/o. |
A29-321 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5644 |
3/43 |
served with 86, 82, 76 Sqns and 2 OTU. |
A29-322 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5645 |
3/43 |
served with 86, 77, 76 Sqns and 8 OTU; on 21/3/43
issued to 86 Sqn from 2 AD; on 29/11/43 received back at 86 Sqn from
1 RSU; on 19/4/44 received 77 Sqn from 86 Sqn; on 22/10/44 received
76 Sqn from 22 RSURP having been through 15 ARDRP; on 24/3/45
received by 6 AD from 76 Sqn; on 18/6/45 received by 8 OTU from 6 AD
but required inspection and appears never to have been used by 8
OTU; on 12/11/45 received 6 AD for storage from 8 OTU; on 19/11/46
authorised for write off. |
A29-323 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5646 |
3/43 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 13/5/43 it was
received by 76 Sqn from 2 AD; on 3?/11/43 while on a return flight
to 76 Sqn at Kiriwina from 26 RSU the a/c developed engine trouble
and the pilot [who?] returned to his departure strip on Goodenough
Is; on 13/10/44 it experienced an engine failure on takeoff from
Kamiri then jettisoned bomb between ships in the harbour and crash
landed; on 29/4/45 it was received by 2 OTU; on 11/6/45 A29-155
taxiied into it as it had stopped on the strip due to the engine
ceasing because P/O Raymond Gower Freeman (435812) had selected the
wrong fuel setting after landing from a barge strafing training
exercise and A29-155 didn't see the stationary aircraft; on 16/7/45
approval was given to convert to components. |
A29-324 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5648 |
3/43 |
served with 86, 77 and 76 Sqns and 2 OTU; on
11/5/43 it was received at 86 Sqn from 5 AD; on 14/2/44 it was
received back at 86 Sqn from 1 RSU where it had gone for an engine
change; on 19/4/44 it was received by 77 Sqn from 86 Sqn; on 5/12/44
it was sent as a replacement a/c to 76 Sqn then sent back to 86 Sqn
on 24/3/45 and from there to 2 OTU on 25/6/45; on 16/10/45 it was
involved in a forced landing at Albion Park NSW when F/L Robert
James Kenyon (404836) became lost in bad weather and the u/c could
not be lowered; on 31/1/46 approval was given for conversion.
A29-325 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5649 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 26/3/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn from 2 AD; on 6/2/44 it went for an engine change
at 1 RSU and being sent after that to 15 ARDRP on 19/4/44; on
15/12/44 while still with 15 ARDRP it crash landed at Wards strip Pt
Moresby due to engine failure after S/L Arthur James Anthony
O'Donnell (407588) had taken it for a test flight; on 24/6/45 it was
received by 2 OTU and served out the war there being put in storage
at 6 AD on 24/10/45; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-326 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5653 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 22/3/43 it was
issued to 86 Sqn; on 26/10/43 P/O W Glendinning hit a grader on the
side of Merauke strip ripping the starboard wing off the a/c, with
P/O Glendinning being ok; on 11/11/43 it was received back by 86
Sqn; on 17/12/43 when P/O Ronald Leonard Priestley was landing at
Merauke strip the undercarriage was damaged so he elected to go
around again and made a belly landing; it was sent to 1 RSU then to
15 ARD and 6 AD; on 19/5/45 it was received by 2 OTU and served out
the war with that unit; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for w/o. |
A29-327 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5660 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 11/5/43 it was received by
86 Sqn; on 8/9/43 it was lost on a flight from Merauke Dutch NG to
Horn Is Qld when flying some much needed spare parts to an 86 Sqn
detachment at Horn Is but there was very bad weather around Merauke
and it is believed it was lost near there as he had been in radio
contact with the Fighter Sector for about 50 miles from Merauke no
wreckage has been found and pilot F/O Ivor Clarence Hatcher (417183)
was missing believed killed. |
A29-328 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5663 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 25/3/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn; on 26/9/43 it taxied into a truck that had
stalled on the taxiway with F/Sgt P B Lavender escaping injury; it
was sent to 1 RSU; on 26/9/44 it was involved in another taxiing
accident; on 17/5/45 it was received at 2 OTU and from there went to
6 AD for storage; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-329 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5664 |
3/43 |
served with 2 OTU; on 31/5/43 the a/c overshot on
approach and W/O Wes Forster applied the brakes too heavily and the
a/c flipped on its back with W/O Forster being injured. |
A29-330 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5434 |
3/43 |
served with 86 and 77 Sqns; on 26/5/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn from 1 AD; on 29/3/44 it was received back at 86
Sqn from 1 RSU having been back to and fro between 1 RSU and 86 Sqn
some 2 times during the past 10 months; on 19/4/44 it was received
by 77 Sqn from 86 Sqn; on 30/6/44 it was received by 11 RSU from 77
Sqn for the fitment of a VHF radio; on 20/1/45 it was received back
at 86 Sqn from 6 AD where it had gone for an engine change; on
19/03/45 it landed heavily at Bohle River airfield Qld and the
undercarriage collapsed consequently it was sent to 13 ARD for
repairs; on 2/10/45 it was received at 6 CRD to be converted to
components due to being considered uneconomical to repair. |
A29-331 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5442 |
3/43 |
served with 2 and 8 OTUs. |
A29-332 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5638 |
3/43 |
on 18/4/44 it swung on landing damaging the wing
tip with W/O Dickenson being injured; a/c written off 11/48. |
A29-333 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5640 |
3/43 |
served with 86, 77 Sqns; on 30/12/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn from 13 ARDRP; on 19/4/44 it was received by 77
Sqn from 86 Sqn and was sent a few months later sent to 11 RSU to
fit VHF equipment and then went to 15 ARD; on 28/9/44 it was
involved in a crash landing at Wards strip after the undercarriage
failed to lower with W/O Stewart Maxwell Doig (401923) being
uninjured; on 20/2/45 it was received by 13 ARDRP then was to be
allocated to 2 OTU next 8 OTU but in both cases it was cancelled and
it was eventually stored; on 29/11/46 it was approved for
conversion. |
A29-334 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5647 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 29/6/43 it was received by
86 Sqn at Ross River; on 3/10/43 it was received back at 86 Sqn
after some work was carried out by 12 RSU; on 23/3/44 while landing
at Merauke strip the port undercarriage collapsed causing the
Kittyhawk to ground loop and then stand on its prop with Sgt Richard
John Robson (430400) being ok; on 8/6/44 it was received by 77 Sqn
from 15 ARDRP; on 29/6/44 it was sent to 11 RSU to fit some VHF
equipment; eventually on 20/6/45 it was received by 2 OTU less its
guns and on the next day was sent to 8 OTU; on 8/11/45 it was
received by 6 AD for storage; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for
write off. |
A29-335 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5652 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 11/5/43 it was received by
86 Sqn; on 6/10/43 when P/O W Glendinning landed the a/c in a
tropical storm it hit a sign post with the port wing; on 22/10/44 it
was received by 76 Sqn and then on 27/2/45 it was passed onto 86
Sqn; on 9/3/45 it collided with A29-342 while doing follow the
leader exercise, crash landed and burnt on Bohle River airfield Qld
fortunately the pilot of this aircraft W/O Leon Barry Brown (432127)
was unhurt. |
A29-336 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5657 |
3/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 20/5/43 issued to 86 Sqn
from 1 AD (coded MP-Z); on 6/9/43 attached to 84 Sqn while with 86
Sqn; on 19/03/44 one of two RAAF P-40s struck by P-47D when it swung
off the Horn Is strip on takeoff (cf A29-308); on 2/5/44 approval to
convert to comps. |
A29-337 |
P-40M-1 |
43-5410 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn from 2 AD; on 2/7/43 it was involved in a taxiing accident at
Vivigani strip Goodenough Is, being returned to the sqn on 6/11/43;
on 29/10/44 it was one of 12 a/c on a practice interception with
P-47's of 13th USAAF between Noemfoor Is and Biak Is when it
collided with A29-346 and crashed into the sea in the Biak area
killing F/O William Glendenning (428386); no trace of the pilot was
found. |
A29-338 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5412 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn and 8 OTU. |
A29-339 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5413 |
4/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 20/9/43 it was received by
86 Sqn; on 22/11/43 when P/O Darrel Geoffrey Cornwell was landing it
it ran off the side of the strip, hit a ditch which collapsed the
undercarriage, P/O Cornwell escaped injury; it went to 1 RSU then 3
AD and finally 3 CRD where it was eventually converted to comps on
19/6/44. |
A29-340 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5414 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn from 2 AD; on 11/5/44 it's undercarriage collapsed on landing
when the aircraft swung P/O A M Pettett over corrected causing a
violent swing in the opposite direction and the pilot was unhurt; on
17/10/44 it was part of a 4 a/c watercraft sweep over the Idore area
with only three aircraft returning to base at 1712 hours with F/Lt
James Cairns Harrison (401067) being shot down by AA and sighted the
next day (18th) floating in a dinghy in the Inseh River and a US
Catalina arrived at 1200 hours, picked him up and flew him to
hospital in Biak. |
A29-341 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5420 |
4/43 |
served 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by 76
Sqn; on 31/12/43 it swung on landing at the Kiriwina strip and hit a
bank wrecking the undercarriage with F/Sgt Wallace Joseph Nugent
(413024) escaping injury; on 16/2/44 it was received back at 76 Sqn
from 12 RSU; on 5/2/45 it was received at 22 RSU then sent to 6 AD;
on 20/6/45 it was received by 8 OTU and served out the rest of the
war with them; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for w/o. |
A29-342 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5422 |
4/43 |
served with 76 and 86 Sqns; on 13/5/43 it was
received by 76 Sqn it went back and forth between 76 Sqn and various
RSUs for engine changes etc; on 27/2/45 it was received by 86 Sqn;
on 9/3/45 it collided with A29-335 and spun into the river bank near
Bohle River airfield Qld killing F/Sgt Peter Marlow Collier (437396)
with the a/c being written off. |
A29-343 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5423 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 received by 76 Sqn
coded SV-H; on 9/7/43 after landing at an emergency strip on
Goodenough Is the prop hit the ground after F/L E B Tainton (402009)
applied the brakes violently to miss some tractors on the edge of
the taxiway; on 13/1/44 while on a strafing mission to New Britain
F/Sgt Lindsay Gordon Eddy (422465) struck some trees with the port
wing while strafing but managed to fly the damaged a/c back to base;
on 18/6/44 while on a travel flight from Port Moresby NG to Horn Is
Qld this a/c ditched into the sea near Dibiri Is killing F/O Ronald
Leonard Hurley (33320) who was eventually washed ashore and buried
on the island; during October 1946 F/O Hurley was exhumed and buried
with full military honours at Port Moresby, NG. |
A29-344 |
P-40M-1-CU |
43-5432 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn; on 19/4/44 it was sent to 26 RSU presumably for normal
maintenance and received back at 76 Sqn on 6/5/44; on 11/5/44 it
crashed while landing at Momote strip when it swung off the strip
and the u/c collapsed with damage to engine, prop, mainplanes and
u/c with P/O A H Pettet not being injured; it was sent to 12 RSU and
spent the rest of 1944 and early 1945 at RSUs and 15 ARD; on 10/7/45
it was received at 8 OTU and by Nov 1945 was stored at 6AD Oakey,
Qld; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-345 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5769 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn (maybe 8 OTU?). |
A29-346 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5773 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn; on 3/7/43 it collided with a stationary Kittyhawk on
Goodenough strip after miscommunication between P/O Francis Walker
Grosvenor (403472) and the airman on the wing tip; on 11/2/44 its
starboard mainplane was damaged at the Kiriwina strip when it swung
on landing and hit a fuel drum because of an uncoupling of rudder
cables with F/O J C Johnston escaping injury; on 17/4/44 it was
returned to 76 Sqn; on 26/9/44 it was involved in a taxiing accident
with a Douglas DC-3(?) on returning from a training flight [pilot];
on 29/10/44 it was one of 12 a/c on a practice interception with
P-47's of 13th USAAF between Noemfoor Is and Biak Is when it
collided with A29-337 and crashed into the sea in the Biak area
killing F/Sgt Clifford James Williss (437187); no trace of the pilot
was found. |
A29-347 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5774 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn (maybe 8 OTU?). |
A29-348 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5775 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn; on 18/6/43 it was involved in a taxiing accident on Turnbull
strip [pilot?] and sent to 10 RSU; on 4/8/43 it returned to 76 Sqn;
on 23/9/43 it left Kiriwina strip for an attack on Gasmata and it
was last seen just before the attack but F/Sgt Maurice Roantree
(422300) never returned and was listed as MIA; it is believed F/Sgt
Roantree is still MIA. |
A29-349 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5777 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn and 8 OTU; received by 76 Sqn on
13/5/43; on 18/6/43 the starboard wheel struck drain when taxiing at
Turnbull strip, NG; on 23/12/43 damaged by enemy fire while on ops;
on 10/03/44 it overshot airstrip at Momote and ran into rough ground
causing the u/c to collapse while landing and pilot F/Sgt G Hipgrave
was unhurt; on 14/3/44 it was damaged again while landing after a
travel flight pilot F/Sgt Fletcher was ok; on 10/5/44 it was
received by 12 RSU then sent to 13 ARDRP on 26/2/45 and from there
to 8 OTU on 9/7/45; while with 8 OTU on 21/8/45 this a/c attempted
to land immediately after take-off and during the landing ran into a
tree stump and burnt at Parkes, NSW killing F/L Leonard Keith Harris
(403736); on 4/10/45 approval was given for conversion to
components. |
A29-350 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5780 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn from 2 AD; on 2/1143 at Kiriwina it starboard mainplane was
damaged when the inner blast tube on the starboard wing blew out and
it was sent to 26 RSU; on 29/12/43 it was received back at 76 Sqn
from 26 RSU; on 11/10/44 its undercarriage collapsed during a heavy
landing at Kamiri strip Noemfoor Is by F/Sgt A J Middleton who was
injured in the accident and it was sent to 22 RSU; on 1/1/45 it was
returned to 76 Sqn; on 8/1/45 it crashed into the sea 1 mile (1.6km)
east of Kornasoren strip on Noemfoor Is and the a/c sank within a
few minutes taking with it F/Sgt Alick James Makeham (430117). |
A29-351 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5781 |
4/43 |
served with 76, 86 Sqns and 2 OTU. |
A29-352 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5785 |
4/43 |
served with 76 and 77 Sqns; on 17/7/43 A29-186
taxied into this a/c at night because it had been left on the
taxiway adjoining the ends of both runways; on 16/3/44 it was
involved in a landing accident at Momote when one wheel hit a coral
mound causing the undercarriage to collapse with pilot Sgt A G
Hepburn uninjured; converted to components. |
A29-353 |
P-40M-10 |
43-5789 |
4/43 |
served with 76, 86 Sqns and 8 OTU. |
A29-354 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5798 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn from 2 AD; on 2/1/45 it was received back by 76 from 22 RSU
presumably after a 240 hourly or some such maintenance; on 18/2/45
it was issued to 86 Sqn from 76 Sqn; however on 22/2/45 probably
while being ferried south to Australia with A29-315 they ran into
extreme weather conditions and were forced to land at Dango Is with
F/O Lloyd Stanley Wright (410026) belly landing this a/c in the
water just off the beach of that island but it flipped onto its back
in about 3' (0.9m) of water; due to sea water corrosion it was
converted to components.
A29-355 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5641 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn. |
A29-356 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5654 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 it was received by
76 Sqn and believed coded SV-V with them and was often flown by W/C
Wilfred Stanley Arthur who was OC 71 Wing at the time; on 31/10/43
W/C Wilfred Arthur claimed a probable G4M Betty over the Jacquinot
Bay area of New Britain in this a/c; on 5/11/43 with W/C Arthur
piloting it he hit Spitfire A58-177 while the former was taking off
from Kiriwina strip with Sgt Ian Callister being killed in the
Spitfire and W/C Arthur being badly burnt; on 22/11/43 approval was
given to convert to components. |
A29-357 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5655 |
4/43 |
served with 76, 77, 86 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 13/5/43
it was received by 76 Sqn from 2 AD and was coded SV-H with 76 Sqn;
on 31/5/43 it ground looped when its starboard wheel became bogged
on spongy ground and the a/c stood on its nose; on 8/6/44 it was
received by 77 Sqn after having gone through several ARDs during
late 1943 and early 1944, however it didn't stay with 77 Sqn for
long as it was sent to 12 RSU for an engine change after about 2
weeks; on 3/8/44 it was returned to 76 Sqn after the engine change;
on 11/10/44 the undercarriage collapsed after a heavy landing by W/O
W G (C?) Grant his second accident for the month (cf A29-377); on
9/1/45 it was received back at 76 Sqn from 22 RSU but a few days
later was sent for an engine change; on 3/2/45 it was returned to 76
Sqn then sent to 86 Sqn on 24/3/45; on 24/6/45 it was received by 2
OTU from 86 Sqn; on 22/10/45 it was sent to 6 AD for storage from 86
Sqn; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-358 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5656 |
4/43 |
served with 86, 77 Sqns and 2 OTU. |
A29-359 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5661 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 13/5/43 received by 76 Sqn
(coded SV-X) from 2 AD; on 18/6/44 the oil system failed at 17,000'
with the engine stopping at 6,000' from there G/C Gordon Henry
Steege DSO, DFC (213) managed to belly land on the beach of Dibiri
Is and was picked up uninjured; the last time the a/c was seen the
engine had broken up and the remainder had been washed into the mud
flats by the tide; it was written off. |
A29-360 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5662 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 6/7/43 it was received by 76
Sqn; on 2/11/43 while at Kiriwina the leading edge of the starboard
wing was damaged when the blast tubes blew and it was issued to 10
RSU; on 29/12/43 it was returned to 76 Sqn; on 12/4/44 it overshot
airstrip and ran into rough ground at Momote due to engine misfire
during take-off for an operational mission with F/Sgt J D McGrath
being ok; it was to be converted to components but by Sept 1944 it
was considered repairable at 12 RSU however on 25/9/45 it was to be
allocated for storage at 6 AD but by 13/12/45 it was approved for
conversion and this was carried out. |
A29-361 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5665 |
4/43 |
served with 76, 86 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 13/5/43 it
was received by 76 Sqn from 2 AD; on 29/10/43 on returning from a
dive bombing attack it made a belly landing on Kiriwina strip
[pilot?]; on 11/11/43 it returned to 76 Sqn; on 6/10/44 it overshot
on a downwind landing, ground looped and severed the u/c with Sgt
John Milton Furze (13407) being ok; on 6/12/44 it returned to 76
Sqn; on 27/2/45 it was received by 86 Sqn from 76 Sqn, but on
20/6/45 was sent to 2 OTU then on 4/10/45 it was sent for storage at
6 AD; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-362 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5668 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 14/6/43 it crashed on the
beach 2 miles from Portland Roads near Iron Range, Qld killing F/O
Norman Peter Randall. |
A29-363 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5637 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 6/6/43 it was received by 76
Sqn; on 19/11/43 its prop was damaged at Kiriwina strip while
taxiing when it hit an oil drum with pilot J C Baker escaping
injury; on 3/10/44 4 P-40s were airborne at 0959 hours on a dive
bombing sortie over the Babo No. 1 strip, but this a/c piloted by
F/Sgt G Faulkner (417629) was shot down with the pilot picked up by
a Catalina and returned to the Sqn the next day; the a/c was written
off. |
A29-364 |
P-40M-5-CU |
43-5639 |
4/43 |
served with 76, 86 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 31/7/43 it
was received by 76 Sqn from 13 ARD; on 26/9/44 while landing at
Kamiri strip Noemfoor a C-47 crossed in front of it and the pilot
P/O J P Lundie swerved but hit another C-47 parked on the side of
the strip; on 9/12/44 it was received back at 76 Sqn from 22 RSU; on
15/3/45 it was issued to 86 Sqn from 76 Sqn; on 21/4/45 it was
received by 2 OTU; on 10/6/45 it swung to port on landing from a
training exercise, ground looped and nosed over with F/Sgt George
Mackey (440079) being ok and so was sent to 6 AD for storage; on
19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-365 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5865 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 6/7/43 was received by 76
Sqn from 13 ARD; on 13/10/44 it crashed on landing at the Kamiri
strip Noemfoor Island when the port undercarriage collapsed, pilot
Sgt Desmond George Crooks (439292) was ok; on 29/12/44 approval to
be converted to components was given. |
A29-366 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5866 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 27/1/44 it was
received by 76 being coded SV-U with them and had painted on the
nose a naked lady with the word "Mischief"; it flew over 30 missions
with F/O Milton Mervyn Furze (13407) as its pilot; on 19/3/44 it was
sent to 1 RSU for some repairs (damage unknown) returning a short
time after; on 15/2/45 it was received at 22 RSU for an engine
change then on 2/4/45 it was sent to 2 OTU; by 22/10/45 it was at 6
AD Oakey, Qld and was authorised for w/o on 19/11/46. |
A29-367 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5867 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 7/10/43 it was received by
76 Sqn at Kiriwina Is; on 13/2/44 it belly landed short of the
Kiriwina strip when during a test flight smoke was seen coming from
under the instrument panel with F/Sgt W J Nugent (413024) being ok
though the a/c was converted to components. |
A29-368 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5868 |
4/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 27/7/43 it was received by
76 Sqn at Goodenough Is; on 5/8/43 it was received at 26 RSU for an
engine change and was held there in reserve for 76 Sqn; on 18/10/43
it was received back at 76 Sqn; on 22/1/44 while strafing targets at
Cape Hoskins strip New Britain it was hit by AA fire forcing aS/L
Ian Sandford Loudon DFC (404691), who was the CO of 76 Sqn at the
time, to take to the silk and he was later rescued. |
A29-369 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5869 |
4/43 |
served with 86 and 77 Sqns. |
A29-370 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5870 |
4/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 4/6/43 while with 13 ARD it
was damaged on the starboard elevator as a result of a collision; on
3/8/43 it was received by 86 Sqn, but the next month it was attached
to 84 Sqn; on 20/11/43 while with 86 Sqn the port tyre blew out on
t/o, crashed into some bushes, caught fire and was burnt out with
F/O L N Brickhill escaping injury; some parts were salvaged and it
was w/o. |
A29-371 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5871 |
4/43 |
served with 86 Sqn; on 16/10/43 it was received by
86 Sqn; on 20/11/43 while returning from a patrol in very bad
weather this a/c was seen to pull up, stalled some 400' above the
sea, it turned over onto its back and disappeared near Kombies Is,
DNG, despite a search by fellow pilot P/O Harris and naval vessels
in the area no trace was found of F/O James Caston Donnan (412120)
who was declared KIA. |
A29-372 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5872 |
4/43 |
served with 86, 77 and 76 Sqns; on 2/7/43 it was
received by 86 Sqn; on 22/2/44 it swung to port while landing at
Merauke strip P/O David Maxwell Lyndsay Hall (432162) then
overcorrected and a/c ground looped with pilot uninjured; on 27/3/44
it was received back by 86 Sqn from 1 RSU; on 19/4/44 it was
received by 77 Sqn at Los Negros; on 3/8/44 it was received by 76
Sqn at Momote; on 24/3/45 it was received by at 86 Sqn from 76 Sqn;
on 24/6/45 it was received by 2 OTU but it was incomplete and was
sent to 6 AD for storage; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write
A29-373 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5873 |
4/43 |
served with 86 Sqn. |
A29-374 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5874 |
4/43 |
served with 86, 77 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 7/11/43 it
was received by 86 Sqn from 13 ARDRP; on 19/4/44 it was received by
77 Sqn from 86 Sqn; on 6/6/45 it was issued to 2 OTU but while
landing at Cooktown, Qld. during the ferry flight by F/L John Arthur
Lee Archer DFC the port u/c collapsed causing the a/c to swing
collapsing the other u/c leg; on 20/12/45 it was authorised to be
converted due to being uneconomical to repair. |
A29-375 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5875 |
4/43 |
served with 82, 76 Sqns and 2 OTU |
A29-376 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5876 |
4/43 |
served with 82, 76 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 5/7/43 Sgt R
C O'Neil carried out a forced landing in it 1 mile south of Albion
Park after a gunnery practice while with 82 Sqn; 11/7/43 received by
5 AD; 22/9/44 issued to 22 RSU; 5/12/44 damaged by blown blast tubes
while with 76 Sqn; 5/4/45 arrived at 2 OTU; 25/6/45 accidental
damage at Mildura, Vic when after landing the gear up was selected
instead of flaps up; 29/11/45 was received at 6 AD; 19/11/46 written
off. |
A29-377 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5767 |
6/43 |
served with 86, 77, 76 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 26/12/43
it was issued to 86 Sqn from 13 ARD; on 19/4/44 it was received by
77 Sqn from 86 Sqn; on 22/6/44 it was received by 76 Sqn from 77 Sqn
as a replacement for A29-359; on 1/10/44 W/O W G Grant landed the
a/c at Kamiri strip in a tail high position at high speed causing
the collapse of the undercarriage and extensive damage; on 8/1/45 it
was received back at 76 Sqn from 22 RSU and next month was sent to
86 Sqn; on 28/6/45 it was received by 2 OTU and in Oct was sent for
storage at 6 AD; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write-off.
A29-378 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5768 |
6/43 |
served with 2 OTU; on 29/3/44 received by 76 Sqn;
on 29/3/44 while it was landing from its flight to the sqn a Douglas
DC-3 taxiied in front of it causing its pilot [who?] to swing to
avoid the collision but instead hit a parked B-25; the USAAF
effected repairs; on 17/5/45 it was received by 2 OTU who used it
for the remainder of the war and then it was put into storage with 6
AD; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-379 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5770 |
6/43 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU; on 26/2/44 it was
received by 76 Sqn; on 1/3/44 on landing after a training flight the
starboard u/c collapsed causing it to ground loop at Kiriwina with
F/Sgt Norman Robert Ellis (413183) being ok; on 30/4/45 it was
received by 2 OTU and served there until sent to 6 AD for storage on
28/10/45; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-380 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5771 |
6/43 |
served with 86, 77 Sqns and 2 OTU. |
A29-381 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5791 |
6/43 |
served with 76 Sqn; on 31/3/44 it was received by
76 Sqn; on 8/12/44 F/O Robert James Adam Hunter (425664) lead 4
Kittyhawks with 1,000lb bomb load on a bombing and strafing attack
on Ransiki River bridge when his a/c was hit by AA fire in the
engine, he bailed out coming down in Geelvink Bay, however the next
day the rescue Catalina ground looped while landing on the water
damaging the port wing and float and a LCM had to be sent to pick up
F/O Hunter and the crew of the Catalina; F/O Hunter had been in the
water some 19.5 hrs; a/c was written off. |
A29-382 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5806 |
6/43 |
served with 76 Sqn and 2 OTU. |
A29-383 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5814 |
6/43 |
served with 86 Sqn, 2 and 8 OTUs; on 28/11/43 it
was received by 86 Sqn; on 19/12/43 Sgt R G Gibson overshot the
Merauke strip on landing and hit a jeep, with R Gibson escaping
injury; it went to 1 RSU then 6 AD; on 3/3/45 it was received by 2
OTU; on 21/6/45 it was received by 8 OTU and served out the few
month remaining of the war there; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for
w/o. |
A29-384 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5877 |
6/43 |
served with 86, 77 and 2 OTU. |
A29-385 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5878 |
6/43 |
served with 77, 76 Sqns and 8 OTU |
A29-386 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5879 |
6/43 |
served with nil; after being taken on by the RAAF
on 20/6/43 it was held as a reserve a/c first at 2 AD then 5 AD; on
22/6/44 it was received by 15 ARDRP at Port Moresby, NG; on 31/8/44
while landing at Turnbull strip Milne Bay by W/C C S Davis the port
u/c collapsed, it was W/C Davis's first flight on the type; when the
a/c was sent for repairs it was found that there were cracks in the
reduction gear housing of the engine and the a/c was recommended for
crating, being sent to 6 AD; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write
off. |
A29-387 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5880 |
6/43 |
served with 77, 76, 86 Sqns and 2 OTU; on 11/5/44
it was received by 77 Sqn from 15 ARDRP; on 28/5/44 it had been on a
training flight and when coming into land the u/c collapsed with
F/Sgt Russell Alfred Collins (430094) being ok; on 9/12/44 it was
received by 76 Sqn after being repaired at 12 RSU; on 29/3/45 it was
issued to 86 Sqn from 76 Sqn; on 5/4/45 it was received by 2 OTU and
it spent out the rest of the war there before being sent to 6 AD for
storage; on 19/11/46 it was authorised for write off. |
A29-388 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5881 |
6/43 |
served with 86 Sqn, 2 and 8 OTU. |
A29-389 |
P-40M-10-CU |
43-5882 |
6/43 |
served with 77 Sqn; it was held as a reserve a/c
and did the rounds with 2 AD, 5 AD13 ARDRP, 15 ARDRP and 15 ARD; on
27/5/44 while on a test flight with 15 ARD it lost hydraulic fluid
and W/O Stewart Maxwell Doig (401923) was forced to belly land on
Wards strip and was sent back to 15 ARD for repairs; on 6/6/45
approval was given to convert. |