

Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

RAAF A24 Consolidated Catalina

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RAAF.Serial Type C/N Previous
Aircraft History
A24-1 PBY-5 27 AH534 Model 28-5ME (Military England)

The first Catalina for Australia was to be built under contract AUS-58 at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation's factory in San Diego. However it would not be ready for flight delivery until the 10th of February 1941. Meanwhile similar aircraft for the British were being produced faster than they could cope with. It was eventually agreed that one of the British aircraft would be handed to Australia in exchange for the second Australian aircraft built under AUS-58. The British aircraft handed over to Australia was AH534 and was part of the original French contract F-210 which was taken over by the British after the surrender of France to Germany.

This meant that the first Australia Catalina built under contract AUS-58 would be delivered to Australia as originally planned, but the second Catalina from AUS-58 would be delivered to the British in exchange for AH534.

In order to satisfy the Neutrality Act of the United States the Catalinas, after acceptance at San Diego, would be flown by Consolidated crews from San Diego to Honolulu at which point legal title would pass to the Commonwealth of Australia. Civilian crews arranged by Qantas Empire Airways would then deliver the Cats to Australia using civilian call signs.

25/01/41 Departed San Diego.
02/02/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "A" under civilian call sign VH-AFA.
04/02/41 Arrived Rathmines as A24-1.
05/02/41 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
19/03/41 11 Squadron.
14/08/41 20 Squadron.
13/12/41 11 Squadron.
04/04/43 3 0TU (Operational Training Unit).
30/08/45 Crashed East Arm, Darwin. During take off the aircraft became airborne but owing to insufficient flying speed struck the water several times, bouncing severely on each occasion. It finally came to rest adjacent to the mangroves on the south eastern portion of East Arm where it sank due to a damaged hull. No personnel were injured.
18/10/45 Conversion.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-1
A24-2 PBY-5 40 A24-1 Model 28-5MA (Military Australia)

Principal difference between Model 5-28MA and 5-28ME was that the later had two radios instead of the former's one.

This is the first Catalina built under contract AUS-58 and was factory marked as A24-1 but after delivery to Australia it was assigned the serial A24-2.

12/02/41 Departed San Diego (was to leave on 09/02/41 but delayed due to adverse weather).
27/02/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "B" under civilian call sign VH-AFB.
01/03/41 Arrived Rathmines as A24-2.
12/03/41 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
13/05/41 11 Squadron.
14/08/41 20 Squadron Coded RB-Z.
08/06/42 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
30/08/42 11 Squadron. Coded FJ-B 03/43.
14/04/43 3 OTU.
08/12/47 Sold to J. Botterill & J. W. Fraser.

Meanwhile the factory marked A24-2 Catalina (C/N 57), the second Catalina built under AUS-58 contract, was transferred to the RAF as a replacement for AH534 (refer to A24-1 history). After arrival to the UK it was assigned to the MAEE (Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment) at Helensburgh, Scotland to become the test aircraft for the prototype LRASV (Long Range Air to Surface Vessel) radar. It was eventually assigned RAF serial DP202.

DP202 was then allocated to No 210 Squadron and coded DA-G for operational trials.

DP202 returned to San Diego as a demonstration aircraft to exhibit its new radar ability before being loaned to the RCAF whilst retaining its original RAF serial and then to the NEI with the Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service otherwise known as the MLD (Marine Luchtvaartdienst) with serial P200.

Catalina A24-2
A24-3 PBY-5 78
Model 28-5MA

05/04/41 Departed San Diego.
12/04/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "D" under civilian call sign VH-AFD.
16/04/41 Arrived Rathmines.
30/05/41 11 Squadron.
14/05/41 20 Squadron.
08/01/42 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
19/01/42 11 Squadron.
28/02/42 Lost by enemy action. Six Japanese Zeros made a strafing attack on Catalinas moored at Nappa Nappa, Port Moresby. Three Catalinas lost (A24-3, A24-6 and A24-7). One of the ground staff LAC Roderick John Nancarrow [27601] (Electrician) was working on one of the Catalinas (believed to be A24-3) at the time of the attack and was subsequently killed.

Qantas delivery flight "C" didn't deliver a Catalina for service into the RAAF. Instead it was responsible for delivering British Catalina AH540 under civilian call sign VH-AFC to the RAF. This flight departed San Diego 04/03/41. Arrived Rose Bay 12/03/41. RAAF Crew then took over AH540. Departed Rose Bay 20/03/41. Arrived Sourabaya 23/03/41. Arrived Seletar, Singapore 23/03/41. Taken on strength RAF 205 Squadron. RAAF delivery crew stayed at Seletar until 04/05/41 to give instruction.
A24-4 PBY-5 113
Model 28-5MA

30/04/41 Departed San Diego.
05/05/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "E" under civilian call sign VH-AFE.
06/05/41 Arrived Rathmines.
22/06/41 11 Squadron Coded OX-D.
14/08/41 20 Squadron.
31/01/42 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
03/04/42 20 Squadron Coded RB-X.
09/07/42 20 Squadron.
15/09/43 3 OTU.
30/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW.
A24-5 PBY-5 164
Model 28-5MA

09/06/41 Departed San Diego.
06/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "F" under civilian call sign VH-AFF.
17/06/41 Arrived Rathmines.
27/07/41 11 Squadron.
14/08/41 20 Squadron.
03/02/42 Damaged by enemy action. During an attack on Japanese vessels in Rabaul Harbour A24-5 was attacked by enemy fighters whilst on run up to the target. In order to escape, all bombs were jettisoned and the aircraft attempted to gain cover of cloud area. Both port and starboard fuel tanks were holed and a burst was received in the oil tank which also severed an oil line. The aircraft escaped and proceeded to Salamaua where a forced landing was made. After repairs the aircraft proceeded to Port Moresby on one engine.
12/04/42 11 Squadron.
24/04/42 Destroyed by enemy action. During enemy action in which P-40 Kittyhawk aircraft engaged Zero fighters over Port Moresby Harbour, Catalina A24-5 was destroyed by fire at its moorings by a Zero Fighter with one burst of gun fire.
A24-6 PBY-5 189
Model 28-5MA

28/06/41 Departed San Diego.
05/07/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "G" under civilian call sign VH-AFG.
07/07/41 Arrived Rathmines.
07/08/41 11 Squadron.
14/08/41 20 Squadron.
06/09/41 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
17/01/42 11 Squadron.
28/02/42 Lost by enemy action. Six Japanese Zeros made a strafing attack on Catalinas moored at Nappa Nappa, Port Moresby. Three Catalinas lost (A24-3, A24-6 and A24-7). One of the ground staff LAC Roderick John Nancarrow [27601] (Electrician) was working on one of the Catalinas (believed to be A24-3) at the time of the attack and was subsequently killed.
A24-7 PBY-5 218
Model 28-5MA

12/07/41 Departed San Diego.
21/07/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "H" under civilian call sign VH-AFH.
24/07/41 Arrived Rathmines.
08/09/41 20 Squadron.
28/02/42 Lost by enemy action. Six Japanese Zeros made a strafing attack on Catalinas moored at Nappa Nappa, Port Moresby. Three Catalinas lost (A24-3, A24-6 and A24-7). One of the ground staff LAC Roderick John Nancarrow [27601] (Electrician) was working on one of the Catalinas (believed to be A24-3) at the time of the attack and was subsequently killed. Afterwards A24-7 was towed to shore and the engines and some parts were recovered.

Catalina A24-7
A24-8 PBY-5 250
Model 28-5MA

10/08/41 Departed San Diego.
16/08/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "I" under civilian call sign VH-AFI.
18/08/41 Arrived Rathmines.
11/09/41 20 Squadron.
21/01/42 Shot Down. A24-8 departed Gizo in the Solomon Islands to perform reconnaissance of an area North West of Kavieng, New Ireland for a Japanese naval force. The aircraft was then ordered to proceeded to Lorengau, New Guinea. Soon afterwards it reported that four cruisers were in position 03°09'S 149°51'E (South West of Kavieng) and that it was being attacked by anti-aircraft fire. A24-8 was ordered to shadow the fleet. Zeros took off from one of the carriers in the fleet and eventually found and shot down A24-8. As a result the following three crew members were killed:
  • LAC Leo Clarke [32579] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • CPL Jack Perrett [6461] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC James Cox [33871] (Armourer)
The following five crew members survived the crash landing in the Bismarck Sea and were picked up by a Japanese cruiser and taken as POWs:
  • F/LT Robert Thompson [461] (1st Pilot)
  • F/LT Paul Metzler [609] (2nd Pilot)
  • LAC Charles Sollitt [8265] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • AC1 Ken Parkyns [34163] (2nd Engineer)
  • AC1 Bill Blackman [15207] (Rigger)
A24-9 PBY-5 259
Model 28-5MA

18/08/41 Departed San Diego.
26/08/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "J" under civilian call sign VH-AFJ.
28/08/41 Arrived Rathmines.
04/10/41 11 Squadron.
21/01/42 Shot Down. A24-9 departed Port Morseby to perform reconnaissance up to Salamaua, New Guinea. The aircraft reported being attacked by a number of enemy aircraft North East of Lae and then later reported being on fire. The aircraft crashed off the coast near Yambo Village, East of Lae, New Guinea. The following eight crew members were killed:
  • LT George Hutchinson [USN] (1st Pilot)
  • P/O Tom Rowe [400293] (2nd Pilot)
  • SGT Doug Coote [407763] (Extra Crew - Wireless Operator)
  • CPL Jack Wyche [12217] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC Arthur Meadow [9034] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • LAC Alan Downes [16809] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • LAC John Graigie [22050] (Armourer)
  • AC1 Kenneth Murphy [15165] (2nd Engineer)
There was one survivor who parachuted to safety:
  • CPL Tom Keen [9351] (Rigger).
A24-10 PBY-5 270
Model 28-5MA

18/08/41 Departed San Diego.
09/09/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "K" under civilian call sign VH-AFK.
09/09/41 Arrived Rathmines.
20/10/41 11 Squadron.
09/07/42 20 Squadron.
06/04/43 3 OTU.
08/12/47 Sold to J. Botterill & J. Fraser, Melbourne VIC.
25/05/48 Sold to R. Cobley, Melbourne VIC. Registered as VH-BEF.
??/12/48 Sold to E. Daniels, Singapore.
??/??/50 Sold to A. Taylor, Lake Boga VIC and eventually broken up.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-10
A24-11 PBY-5 279
Model 28-5MA

26/08/41 Departed San Diego
09/09/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "L" under civilian call sign VH-AFL
09/09/41 Arrived Rathmines
26/10/41 Served with 11 Squadron - Coded J.
15/01/42 Crashed on takeoff. On takeoff at Kavieng Harbour, New Ireland A24-11 struck the open seas and encountered a heavy swell before flying speed was attained. After bouncing a number of times the aircraft broke its back and then sank. All crew members were killed:
  • SQNLDR Tom Davies [163] (1st Pilot)
  • F/O Russel Hender [406105] (2nd Pilot)
  • CPL Henry Hornby [7118] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC Leslie Hoare [20549] (2nd Engineer)
  • LAC Fred Anthony [11085] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • LAC Brian Wilcox [8317] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • LAC John Marks [33898] (Armourer)
  • LAC Charles Ogilvie [32081] (Rigger)
The bodies of SQNLDR Tom Davies and LAC John Marks were recovered for burial.

                        A24-11 Album
A24-12 PBY-5 299
Model 28-5MA

02/09/41 Departed San Diego.
22/09/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "M" under civilian call sign VH-AFM.
??/09/41 Arrived Rathmines.
29/10/41 11 Squadron.
18/03/42 20 Squadron.
04/05/42 11 Squadron.
18/07/42 20 Squadron.
15/09/42 Destroyed in a storm. An exceptionally severe wind storm was experienced at Rathmines with one gust reaching over 82 miles per hour. A24-12, less engines, was totally destroyed and minor damage was sustained by other aircraft.
A24-13 PBY-5 307
Model 28-5MA

10/09/41 Departed San Diego.
22/09/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "N" under civilian call sign VH-AFN.
??/09/41 Arrived Rathmines.
16/11/41 11 Squadron.
24/02/42 Missing. A24-13 took off from Port Moresby on an operational flight to attack aerodromes at Rabaul, New Guinea with two other Catalinas (A24-2 and A24-17) but failed to return. The entire crew was presumed killed:
  • F/LT Ernest Beaumont [260] (1st Pilot)
  • P/O Michael Edwards [407056] (2nd Pilot)
  • CPL Raymond Adams [5463] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC Raymond Berghouse [14840] (2nd Engineer)
  • LAC George Formby [9031] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • SGT Raymond Richardson [401017] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • LAC Cyril Grainger [32040] (Rigger)
  • AC1 Leonard Farrands [13829] (Armourer)
A24-14 PBY-5 313
Model 28-5MA

27/09/41 Departed San Diego.
07/10/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "O" under civilian call sign VH-AFO.
08/10/41 Arrived Rathmines.
01/12/41 20 Squadron.
07/04/42 11 Squadron. Coded FJ-D 03/43.
14/06/44 3 OTU.
03/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-14
A24-15 PBY-5 322
Model 28-5MA

27/09/41 Departed San Diego.
07/10/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "P" under civilian call sign VH-AFP.
08/10/41 Arrived Rathmines.
08/12/41 11 Squadron.
08/12/41 Crashed after takeoff. A24-15 took off from Port Moresby for a reconnaissance in the vicinity of Thursday Island. It crashed into the hillside of Hanudamava Island, Port Moresby two minutes after take off and burned. The aircraft was a complete loss and all the crew were killed:
  • F/O Lincoln Sloam [2622] (1st Pilot)
  • F/LT Nelson Reid [557] (2nd Pilot)
  • CPL Neville Ernst [12305] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC Charles Matheson [10436] (2nd Engineer)
  • AC1 Keith Sidey [34551] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • AC1 Arthur Magee [33987] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • CPL Eric O’Donnell [12257] (Rigger)
  • AC1 George Peterson [39219] (Armourer)
09/01/42 Conversion.
A24-16 PBY-5 332
Model 28-5MA

02/10/41 Departed San Diego.
07/10/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "Q" under civilian call sign VH-AFQ.
08/10/41 Arrived Rathmines.
06/12/41 11 Squadron.
11/03/42 20 Squadron.
21/05/42 11 Squadron.
22/08/42 20 Squadron.
21/02/43 3 OTU.
10/04/43 Water looped on landing, Rathmines.
15/06/43 Conversion.
A24-17 PBY-5 342
Model 28-5MA

09/10/41 Departed San Diego.
21/10/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "R" under civilian call sign VH-AFR.
22/10/41 Arrived Rathmines.
03/01/42 20 Squadron.
27/06/42 Attacked by US Navy aircraft. A24-17, piloted by FO Robert 'Mike' Seymour [406062], was returning to Havannah Harbour, Vanuatu after a combat mission the previous night. The plane was attacked by a USN Grumman Wildcat after mistaking the red roundel in the insignia on the top of the wing for that of the Japanese. There were no personnel casualties. A24-17 was given emergency repair at Havannah and then flew to Noumea where it was hoisted on board USN seaplane tender USS Curtiss and repaired. Following this incident the red roundel was deleted from the aircraft insignia of the RAAF and replaced by a white roundel.
09/07/42 11 Squadron.
29/03/43 3 OTU Coded H.
04/12/45 Converted to components.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-17
A24-18 PBY-5 350
Model 28-5MA

The last Catalina delivered by civilian crews from Qantas Empire Airways.
16/10/41 Departed San Diego.
22/10/41 Arrived Rose Bay via Qantas delivery flight "S" under civilian call sign VH-AFS.
23/10/41 Arrived Rathmines.
30/01/42 11 Squadron.
03/04/42 20 Squadron.
04/05/42 Shot Down. A24-18 took off from Port Moresby to carry out a daylight reconnaissance in the Solomon Islands area. A message was received that the aircraft was being attacked by enemy fighters at position 08°S 155°E (south-west of the Island of Bougainville in the Solomons). No further messages received. The crew were picked up by a Japanese vessel and taken to Matupi near Rabaul where they were executed on or after 04/11/42. Crew are now buried at the Bitapaka War Cemetery south of Rabaul on the Island of New Britain:
  • F/O Allan Leslie Norman [407006] (1st Pilot)
  • F/O Frederick Arthur Donald Diercks [407708] (2nd Pilot)
  • F/O Francis O’Connell Anderson 403118 (Observer)
  • CPL Alfred Harry Lanagan [6853] (1st Engineer)
  • CPL Alfred Roland Hocking [18005] (2nd Engineer)
  • LAC William Murdoch Parker [20343] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • LAC Vernon Holloway Hardwick [17635] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • LAC John Joseph Burns [19574] (Rigger)
  • LAC Ernest John McDonald [10253] (Armourer)

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-18
A24-19 PBY-5 382
  • RCAF 9734 (intended)
  • RAF VA9734 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9734
Model 28-5MC (Military Canada)

In late October 1941 enquiries began regarding the acquisition of a further 9 Catalinas. The intent was to increase the establishment of the RAAF's two flying boat squadrons (Nos 11 & 20) from 4 active and 2 reserve to 6 active and 3 reserve aircraft plus additional aircraft for wastage.

It was eventually decided that 9 Catalinas, sourced from a Canadian order with Consolidated under contract CAN-78, would be diverted to the RAAF via the RAF to fulfil the RAAF's needs. This was in part due to the RCAF repaying the supply of 9 Catalina previously loaned to them by the RAF and the threat of Australia recalling it's No 10 Squadron from Britain. These 9 Catalinas would become Catalinas A24-19 to A24-27.

Canadian contract CAN-78 consisted of 36 Catalina flying boats (subsequently designated Canso by the RCAF) and 14 Catalina amphibians (subsequently designated Canso A) built by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation at San Diego, plus major components for a further 55 Catalina amphibians to be completed by Boeing of Canada. The 36 Catalina flying boats were to be given RCAF serials 9701 to 9736, the 14 Catalina amphibians were to be given RCAF serials 9737 to 9750, while the 55 Boeing assembled Catalina amphibians were given RCAF serials 9751 to 9805.

The RAF, in addition to the 9 Catalinas repayed by the RCAF, secured a further 20 Catalina flying boats leaving the RCAF with just 7 (9701, 9702, 9704 to 9707, 9709) Canso's from its original contract of 36.

The 9 Catalinas destined for the RAAF were flight delivered by RAF Ferry Command crews via a Pacific ferry Route. Each Catalina was received from the preparation unit at Elizabeth City (North Carolina) and flew via Corpus Christi (Texas), Honolulu (Hawaii), Christmas Islands, Canton Island, Suva (Fiji), Noumea (New Caledonia) and then finally to Rathmines (NSW).

28/02/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
13/03/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
06/04/42 20 Squadron.
30/04/42 A24-23 and A24-19 were damaged by Japanese dive bombers whilst on the water at Tulagi, Tulagi Island in the Solomons. A24-19 was only slightly damaged and repairs were made by the crew at Tulagi before flying to Rathmines for further repairs. A24-23 was unserviceable and on the night of 30/04/42 was towed to the village of Aola on the North East cost of Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons. On 07/05/42 A24-23 was blown up to prevent enemy capture.
29/07/42 STS (Seaplane Training Squadron) later known as No. 3 OTU.
03/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW. Later broken up for parts.
A24-20 PBY-5 386
  • RCAF 9735 (intended)
  • RAF VA735 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9735
Model 28-5MC

28/02/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
14/03/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
04/04/42 20 Squadron.
06/05/42 Shot down by enemy aircraft at position 10°40' S 152°29' E (three miles south of Cape Ebola on Misima Island, New Guinea) whilst attacking 2 Japanese destroyers during a reconnaissance of the area. This was an operation that formed part of the battle of the Coral Sea. Captured Japanese records show that a crew of nine members of an allied flying boat were picked up by the destroyer "Yubari" on 06/05/42 and then transferred to the transport "Matsue Maru" on the 07/05/42 which returned to Rabaul on the 09/05/42. Several POWs in Rabaul have confirmed that two members of the Australian Military Forces captured at sea and brought into the POW camp at Rabaul had reported the capture of an Australian Catalina crew. The two soldiers stated that the Catalina crew were brought to Rabaul on the same vessel and held in confinement. It is not known what became of the crew at Rabaul. The death of the crew were presumed, for official purposes, to have occurred on or after 07/05/42. The crew consisted of:
  • SQNLDR Godfrey Ellard Hemsworth [260275] (1st Pilot)
  • SGT Jack Ronald Counter [407891] (2nd Pilot)
  • P/O Leopold Guy McClintock [403782] (Observer)
  • SGT John Percy William Bandy [401021] (Wireless Operator)
  • LAC Norman Robert Banvill [23549] (Wireless Operator)
  • CPL Colin Marsden [21371] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC Kenneth John Arnott [21070] (2nd Engineer)
  • LAC Eric Dorman [15453] (Rigger)
  • LAC Erwin Bruce Brown [33208] (Armourer)
A24-21 PBY-5 389
  • RCAF 9736 (intended)
  • RAF VA736 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9736
Model 28-5MC

28/02/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
13/03/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
07/04/42 20 Squadron.
18/05/42 Qantas.
09/07/42 11 Squadron.
30/03/43 20 Squadron.
20/04/43 20 Squadron Coded RB-Y.
23/06/43 107 Squadron for Special Duties. A24-21 together with A24-24 (No. 20 Squadron) and A24-38 (No. 11 Squadron) were attached to No 107 Squadron (Rathmines, NSW) to perform convoy duties and to search for enemy submarines off the East Coast of Australia.
10/08/43 3 OTU.
23/04/46 Storm damage, Rathmines. At 1730 local time severe hailstorms deluged the station causing damage to all aircraft and making unserviceable all but two. Damage caused was extensive and consisted of broken perspex and leading edges of nearly all the mainplanes and effectively holeing all fabric parts. This storm was not experienced in Toronto (NSW) which is less than one mile away across the lake.
01/04/48 Sold to Mr J. E. Wood, Rose Bay, NSW.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-21
A24-22 PBY-5 285
  • RCAF 9710 (intended)
  • RAF VA710 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9710
Model 28-5MC

11/03/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
23/03/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
13/04/42 11 Squadron.
09/07/42 20 Squadron.
08/03/43 Aircraft lost approximately 30 miles south east of Gasmata, New Britain, while on a reconnaissance flight. The entire crew were presumed killed:
  • W/CDR Francis Blomfield Chapman DFC [271349] (1st Pilot)
  • SGT Ronald Noblett Stephens [11363] (2nd Pilot)
  • F/O John Trevor David Todd [416087] (Navigator)
  • SGT John Edward Dewhurst [5219] (1st Engineer)
  • LAC Robert George Docking [19968] (2nd Engineer)
  • F/O Stanley Alfred Deacon [255057] (R.D.F Operator)
  • F/O Malcolm Bradshaw [406749] (Wireless/Air Gunner)
  • F/SGT Lloyd George Stanley [404027] (Wireless/Air Gunner)
  • LAC Colin Neville Anderson [42147] (Armourer)

                        A24-22 Album
A24-23 PBY-5 371
  • RCAF 9730 (intended)
  • RAF VA730 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9730
Model 28-5MC

08/03/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
23/03/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
20/04/42 11 Squadron.
30/04/42 A24-23 and A24-19 were damaged by Japanese dive bombers whilst on the water at Tulagi, Tulagi Island in the Solomons. A24-19 was only slightly damaged and repairs were made by the crew at Tulagi before flying to Rathmines for further repairs. A24-23 was unserviceable and on the night of 30/04/42 it was towed to the village of Aola on the North East cost of Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons. On 07/05/42 A24-23 was blown up to prevent enemy capture.

Catalina A24-23
A24-24 PBY-5 380
  • RCAF 9733 (intended)
  • RAF VA733 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9733
Model 28-5MC

08/03/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
23/03/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
29/04/42 11 Squadron.
18/05/42 Qantas.
17/07/42 20 Squadron (but didn't departed until 20/07/42). Coded RB-X.
23/06/43 107 Squadron for Special Duties. A24-21 together with A24-24 (No. 20 Squadron) and A24-38 (No. 11 Squadron) were attached to No. 107 Squadron (Stationed at Rathmines, NSW) to perform Convoy Duties and search for enemy submarines of the East Coast of Australia.
23/07/43 20 Squadron.
17/08/43 A24-24 took off from Bowen, QLD on an air to sea gunnery training exercise. At the conclusion of firing practice the aircraft was making a run across the wave tops over a choppy sea and it is assumed that the port wing hit the water and the aircraft crashed into the sea and sank approximately 5 miles east of Bowen. Fourteen people were killed in total, this included six crew members:
  • F/O Peter Keene [416430] (1st Pilot)
  • P/O Stanley John Porteous [410419] (2nd Pilot)
  • SGT Raymond Charles Ciglander [426048] (Navigator)
  • SGT Harold Stuart William Thomas [427166] (Wireless/Air Gunner)
  • SGT Leslie George Dalgleish [12240] (Rigger)
  • LAC Ainslie Ivor Dent [20387] (Engineer)
As well as eight Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC) personnel of the 2/7th Australian General Hospital:
  • SGT Lloyd George Fiske [VX40288]
  • S/SGT Leslie Harry Harrison [VX38770]
  • SGT Robert Ronald Harrison [TX2696]
  • PTE Douglas McLaine [VX126184]
  • PTE Irvine George Osborne [VX124121]
  • CAPT Lawrence Edward Tansey [NX200513]
  • PTE Kenneth Reginald Walker [VX124120]
  • TEMP CAPT Donald Charles Whitfeld [VX47450]
The only survivors were the following two crew members:
  • SGT Robin Fowler [11071] (Engineer)
  • AC1 Cyril Leslie Edwards [72589] (Armourer)
Note: P/O Stanley John Porteous [410419] was promoted retrospectively to the rank of Flying Officer (F/O) with effect 17/06/43
A24-25 PBY-5 273
  • RCAF 9708 (intended)
  • RAF VA708 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9708
Model 28-5MC

17/03/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
08/04/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
11/05/42 STF (Seaplane Training Flight).
18/05/42 11 Squadron.
28/02/43 Crashed at sea 56 kms south of Cairns QLD after returning from an anti-submarine escort. The escort was for a convoy in the Coral Sea bound for Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. The Court of Inquiry believed the crash was due to a lack of fuel. The crash site was first discovered by diver Kevin Coombs in 2013 and later confirmed by the RAAF in August 2015. All on board killed:
  • W/CDR John William Daniell [140] (1st Pilot)
  • S/LDR Eric Hamilton Barkley [250281] (2nd Pilot)
  • F/O Lewis Melvin Dunham [406672] (Observer)
  • F/O Stuart Patrick King [255266] (Intelligence Officer, 20 Squadron)
  • SGT Norman Notley Moore [408861] (3rd Pilot)
  • SGT Keith Arnold Watson [22692] (1st Engineer)
  • CPL John Corbett Stain [2437] (2nd Engineer, 20 Squadron)
  • SGT Allen Richard Eather [402703] (Wireless/Air Gunner)
  • SGT Alexander Eric John Elsbury [415378] (Wireless/Air Gunner)
  • SGT John Daniel O’Grady [5778] (Rigger)
  • CPL Douglas Griffen Shaw Russell [13970] (Armourer)

Catalina A24-25
A24-26 PBY-5 292
  • RCAF V9711 (intended)
  • RAF VA711 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9711
Model 28-5MC

17/03/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
09/04/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
09/07/42 11 Squadron Coded FJ-E.
15/09/43 3 OTU.
04/10/46 Sold to W. R. Carpenter & Co, Sydney NSW.
16/05/47 Sold to J. Botterill & Fraser, Melbourne VIC. Registered as VH-BDP.
24/05/48 Sold to R. Cobley who flew the Catalina in support of the Indonesian republic rebels in the Netherlands East Indies. Allegedly took part in gun and drug running. Coded RI-005.
29/12/48 Crashed and sank while attempting a single engine takeoff under gunfire from Dutch troops on the Djambi River, Djambi, Sumatra NEI. A replica of the original Catalina is on display at the Jambi's People Struggle Museum (Museum Perjuangan Rakyat Jambi), Sumatra, Indonesia.
A24-27 PBY-5 316
  • RCAF 9717 (intended)
  • RAF VA717 (intended)
  • RAF Ferry Command V9717
Model 28-5MC

31/03/42 Departed Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
14/04/42 Arrived Rathmines, NSW.
09/07/42 11 Squadron.
01/10/42 20 Squadron. Coded RB-W.
06/07/43 3 OTU.
07/07/43 Received by 107 Squadron but never served with 107 Squadron. Instead went 2 FBRD (Flying Boat Repair Depot) at Rathmines for engine change.
02/08/43 3 OTU.
03/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW.
A24-28 PBY-4 7
  • BuNo 1219
  • MLD Y-3
One of only two PBY-4's operated by the RAAF, the other being A24-29, and one of only 4 Catalinas from Patrol Wing 10 to survive the withdrawal from the Philippines and the Netherlands East Indies.

02/03/42 Abandoned by the USN at the port of Tjilatjap during the evacuation of Java and was subsequently struck off charge. The aircraft was with USN Patrol Squadron 101 (VP-101) of Patrol Wing 10 and coded "3".
06/03/42 Repaired by the evaccuating Dutch MLD and informally assigned the serial number Y-3. The Dutch flew it out of Tjilatjap with half a tank of fuel and a defective compass for Broome, WA.
07/03/42 Arrived in Broome, WA and obtained an anchor from one of the Catalina wrecks from the Japanese air raid on 3 March and a map so they could proceed to Perth, WA.
08/03/42 After stopping at Port Headland, WA for repairs and refueling they arrived at Perth, WA. The Dutch retained custody of the aircraft. At some point the Dutch crew departed Perth and flew the aircraft across southern Australia stopping at Albany (WA), Adelaide (SA) and Melbourne (VIC) before arriving at the Seaplane Training Squadron, Rathmines, NSW where they left the aircraft in the hands of the RAAF.
30/05/42 Approval given for A24-28 to be used for training purposes when serviceable as it was unsuitable for operations.
20/10/42 Received Seaplane Training Squadron (STS) which later became No. 3 Operational Training Unit (3OTU) in 12/42. Coded "C".
31/12/43 Received 11 Squadron. Coded FJ-L.
04/02/44 Received 2 FBRD for overhaul and significant modification.
03/08/44 Received 11 Squadron.
03/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-28
A24-29 PBY-4 4 BuNo 1216 One of only two PBY-4's operated by the RAAF, the other being A24-28, and one of only 4 Catalinas from Patrol Wing 10 to survive the withdrawal from the Philippines and the Netherlands East Indies.

The aircraft was with USN Patrol Squadron 101 (VP-101) of Patrol Wing 10 and coded "5". After the withdrawal, USN Patrol Wing 10 relocated along the Swan River, Perth WA whereby it was reinforced with 12 new PBY-5's from USN Patrol Squadron 21 (VP-21). The addition of 12 new PBY-5's lead to a reorganisation and "5" was renumbered to "15".

12/06/42 Departed Perth WA for Rathmines NSW, via Ceduna SA and Melbourne VIC. Plane to be turned over to RAAF.
15/06/42 Arrived at Rathmines. Allotted identification number A24-29.
20/06/42 Delivered to QANTAS, Rose Bay NSW, for overhaul.
10/11/42 Received Seaplane Training Squadron (STS) which later became No. 3 Operational Training Unit (3OTU) in 12/42. Coded "D" and later known as "The Flagship" as it was flown by the 3OTU CO.
03/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-29
A24-30 PBY-5

One of only 4 Catalinas from Patrol Wing 10 to survive the withdrawal from the Philippines and the Netherlands East Indies.

This aircraft was a composite construction consisting the following two planes:
  • The wings and engines of ex-USN Patrol Squadron 22 (VP-22) PBY-5 (BuNo 2305, c/n 22) which is sometimes referred to as "22-P-12" but was coded "12" of Patrol Wing 10 after VP-22 had been merged into Patrol Wing 10.
  • The fuselage of Dutch MLD PBY-5 Model 28-5MN (Military Netherlands) coded "Y-72".
For further information on this composite Catalina go to Wynnum Graham's Catalina A24-30 Page. The composite Catalina was completed 28/02/42 at Morokrembangan, Soerabaya, in Java, NEI and was coded "46" of USN Patrol Wing 10.

After the withdrawal from the Philippines and the Netherlands East Indies, USN Patrol Wing 10 relocated along the Swan River, Perth WA whereby it was reinforced with 12 new PBY-5's from USN Patrol Squadron 21 (VP-21). The addition of 12 new PBY-5's lead to a reorganisation and "46" was renumbered to "14".

02/07/42 Departed for Rathmines NSW, via Ceduna SA, Melbourne VIC, and Sydney NSW.
04/07/42 Arrived in Sydney, NSW.
05/07/42 Received Rathmines, NSW.
07/07/42 Allotted RAAF serial number A24-30.
19/10/42 Received 20 Squadron.
27/02/43 Received 3 Operational Training Unit (OTU). Coded "E". The aircraft was deemed unsuitable for further operations.
03/10/46 Sold to Kingsford-Smith Aviation Service Pty Ltd, Bankstown Airport, Sydney NSW.

Another composite Catalina bearing the serial A24-30 is located at the Lake Boga Flying Boat Museum, near Swan Hill VIC.

Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-30
A24-31 PBY-5 1047 Bu.08153 3 OTU 23/1/43.
Sold to Australair Ltd. 5/11/47.
A24-32 PBY-5 1050 Bu.08156 3 OTU 27/1/43.
11 Sqn 6/2/43 FJ-F.
Crashed in open sea rescue attempt 2/5/44.
A24-33 PBY-5 1053 Bu.08159 3 OTU 29/1/43.
20 Sqn 25/10/43 RB-S.
3 OTU 13/6/44.
Damaged 28/6/45.

 Highlight for Album: Catalina A24-33

A24-34 PBY-5 1044 Bu.08150 3 OTU 7/2/43.
20 Sqn 20/04/43 Coded RB-T.
20 Sqn 11/6/43 FJ-H.
11 Sqn 6/10/43.
FTR Kavieng 7/2/44.
A24-35 PBY-5 1055 Bu.08161 20 Sqn 21/2/43.
20 Sqn 20/04/43 Coded RB-Y. Coded as RB-V.
11 Sqn 12/9/43 FJ-A.
43 Sqn 21/1/44 OX-L.
11 Sqn 2/8/44.
20 Sqn 4/10/45.
Sold to Barrier Reef Airways 10/11/47.

Catalina A24-35

A24-36 PBY-5 1084 Bu.08190 11 Sqn 21/2/43 FJ-G.
Crashed 13/04/43, Cairns Harbour QLD.
05/05/43 Converted to Ground Training Aid.
A24-37 PBY-5 1094 Bu.08200 3 OTU 11/3/43.
11 Sqn 9/11/43 Coded FJ-J.
20 Sqn 14/12/43 Coded RB-W.
11 Sqn 1/8/44.
111 ASRF 24/7/45.
Sold to A.N.A. 15/10/46.

Catalina A24-37

A24-38 PBY-5 1097 Bu.08203 20 Sqn 21/2/43 Coded FJ-H.
Reports also state later FJ-J 16/04/43.
11 Sqn 11/3/43.
107 Sqn 23/6/43.
43 Sqn 25/8/43 OX-E.
11 Sqn 18/2/44 Coded FJ-L.
Damaged 20/3/44. Conversion.
A24-39 PBY-5 1100 Bu.08206 3 OTU 18/2/43.
Crashed 24/05/43, Into sea near Port Stephens NSW.
A24-40 PBY-5 1095 Bu.08201 11 Sqn 30/3/43 Coded FJ-J.
43 Sqn 12/8/43 OX-A.
3 OTU 11/2/45.
Sold to A.N.A. 15/10/46.
A24-41 PBY-5 1098 Bu.08204 20 Sqn 15/3/43 Coded RB-U.
Crashed 08/04/43, Gulf of Carpentaria QLD after an on board Fire, all killed.
A24-42 PBY-5 1102 Bu.08208 11 Sqn 28/3/43 FJ-K.
20 Sqn 12/12/43.
11 Sqn 23/3/44 Coded FJ-G.
43 Sqn 11/6/44.
Damaged in heavy seas 15/5/45. Conversion.

Catalina A24-42

A24-43 PBY-5 1096 Bu.08202 11 Sqn 19/4/43 FJ-B.
Shot Down and crashed 26/04/43, Bouganville.
A24-44 PBY-5 1101 Bu.08207 20 Sqn 19/4/43.
20 Sqn 20/04/43 Coded RB-S.
43 Sqn 27/9/43 Coded OX-K.
On 6 April 1944 F/O Reg Marr in A24-44 rescued the crew of Beaufighter A19-156 which had been hit by enemy fire and CL on Cartier Is, south of Semaroe Is. The landing was in the open sea at dusk and a dark take-off with the 31 Sqn crew.
11 IASRF 8/6/45.
Sold 6/1/48. Kingsford Smith Air Services.

Catalina A24-44

A24-45 PBY-5 1183 Bu.08269 11 Sqn 19/4/43 Coded FJ-D.
43 Sqn 12/3/44 OX-E.
FTR Namlea 20/7/44.
Wreckage discovered 1996.
A24-46 PBY-5 1186 Bu.08272 20 Sqn 15/4/43.
20 Sqn 20/04/43 Coded RB-R.
3 OTU 5/7/43.
20 Sqn Coded RB-T 6/01/44.
On 21 Jan 1944, while in service with 43 Sqn, while returning to Darwin from from an operation, due to bad weather the crew alighted near Snake Bay, Melville Island. During refuelling from Drums, spilt fuel on the wing caught fire igniting the fabric covering of the trailing quarter of the wing plus the ailerons. The aircraft was towed approximately 200 miles to Darwin by HMAS Mercedes, a mine sweeper.
Disposed of to C K Campbell 12/11/1947.
In 1990 moved from Lake Boga, Vic, to Albany.
Was on display, partially restored, at the Malcolm Green Aircraft Museum, Whaleworld, Albany, WA. Sold late 2004.
Current location not known.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-47 PBY-5 1198 Bu.08284 11 Sqn 6/5/43 Coded FJ-G April 1943.
April 1944 Coded FJ-K.
112 ASRF 18/8/45.
Sold to J. E. Wood 13/11/47.

Catalina A24-47

A24-48 PBY-5 1182 Bu.08268 20 Sqn 20/04/43 Coded RB-Q.
Wrecked during take-off Bowen lighthouse.
Salvaged 30/05/43.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-49 PBY-5 1199 Bu.08285 Served with 20 Sqn 05/05/43 Coded FJ-L.
Served with 11 Sqn 24/06/43.
Crashed 28/04/44 Horn Island QLD after a mission to Manokwari.
A24-50 PBY-5 1178 Bu.08264 20 Sqn 20/04/43 Coded RB-Z.
20 Sqn 2/5/43.
11 Sqn 23/8/43 Coded FJ-E.
Failed to Return 2/9/43 from Sorong, Vogelkop Pen.

The following is a Government press release: Search and recovery of Second World War Catalina A24-50 3rd August 2019

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has completed a search and recovery mission in Indonesia for the remains of 10 Australian airmen aboard Catalina A24-50, 76 years after the aircraft failed to return from a wartime mission.

Reported missing on 2 September 1943 while on a sea mining operation to Sorong in occupied Dutch New Guinea, the wreckage of RAAF No 11 Squadron Catalina A24-50 was located near Fakfak, in West Papua in April 2018.

Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel Darren Chester said the Air Force Unrecovered War Casualties team positively identified the missing aircraft during a reconnaissance mission to the crash site last year.

“We are committed to honouring the service and sacrifice of Australian military personnel from all theatres of war,” Mr Chester said.

“The RAAF team has concluded further search activities in the field and have reported finding a number of items of interest which require further testing in order to confirm the origin of each item.

“The only major recognisable pieces of wreckage were two sections of the wing, engines and propeller, and the empennage (rear part of fuselage) across the top of a ridge.

“We are very grateful for the support and assistance provided by the Indonesian Air Force throughout this process, without which this work could not take place.”

This crew was primarily from No. 11 Squadron with one from No. 20 Squadron. The names of the 11 Squadron members are listed at Panel 100 in the Commemorative Area of the Australian War Memorial and that of the 20 Squadron member at Panel 101.

The crew details are:

Captain and 1st pilot - 401660 Flying Officer (FLGOFF) James Percival OLIVER.
2nd Pilot - 408042 FLGOFF Edward Carrington SMITH.
3rd Pilot - 403794 FLGOFF John Walker Bissett AMESS.
Navigator - 423131 Pilot Officer (PLTOFF) Edward Matthew HOWE.
Wireless Operator/Air Gunner (WAG) - 415983 Flight Sergeant Richard George HOBBS.
Air Gunner (AG) - 23560 Leading Aircraftman Alexander HEADLEY CROUCH (20 Squadron).
AG - 23771 Sergeant Melville Meckman TYRRELL.
AG - 26974 Corporal (CPL) Ian Lott PENROSE.
WAG -423606 PLTOFF Athol Stewart BOYD.
AG - S/No. 11000 Corporal Alexander BURNS.

Additional information supplied by Victor Smith.

A24-51 PBY-5 1257 Bu.08333 20 Sqn 2/6/43 Coded RB-W.
11 Sqn 26/7/43.
3 OTU 25/5/44.
Sold to Australair 5/11/47.
A24-52 PBY-5 1259 Bu.08335 14/06/43 11 Sqn Coded FJ-A.
07/09/43 Crashed Cleveland Bay, Townsville, Queensland - The aircraft, carrying 10 crew and 9 passengers, crashed when landing after returning from Merauke and Karumba. After touching down the aircraft travelled a short distance when it struck a large wave and sank by the bow. A film that captured the incident disclosed that after the aircraft sank by the bow one or both anti-submarine depth charges exploded. The following 7 crew members were killed:
  • F/LT Charles John Miles [405317] (1st Pilot)
  • F/LT William John Canterbury [400037] (2nd Pilot)
  • F/O Ronald Irvine Ferguson [402496] (3rd Pilot)
  • F/O Gordon John Robert Hockey [411089] (Navigator)
  • F/O Reginald Albert Weeks [420317] (1st Wireless Operator)
  • F/SGT Bernard Victor McInerney [420585] (2nd Wireless Operator)
  • CPL William Richard George Lobb [61254] (Fitter IIE/2st Engineer)
The following 3 crew members survived:
  • SGT Maxwell Burnett Dore [23699] (Fitter IIE/1st Engineer)
  • CPL Ronald Colin Smith [22211] (Fitter IIA/Rigger)
  • CPL Albert Leslie Fowler [62546] (Armourer)
The following 6 passengers were killed:
  • S/LDR Leo Mathew Hogan [281940]
  • F/O Charles Harry Ratcliffe [119559]
  • S/LDR John Vernon Angus [262693]
  • F/LT Frank Haighton Lord [252297]
  • F/LT William Archie Wilkinson [3418]
  • P/O Beresford Frederick Shearman [423181]
The following 3 passengers survived:
  • A/CMDRE Arthur Henry Cobby DSO, DFC & 2 bars [251334]
  • W/CDR Bruce Panton MacFarlan [260105]
  • W/CDR Willem Lodewyk Boscchart Stephens [1175]
Note: Air Commodore Arthur Henry Cobby was responsible for rescuing a number of the survivors including Bruce MacFarlan and Willem Stephens and was awarded the George Medal for his rescue efforts. He was later appointed a Commander of Order of the British Empire (CBE) and the American Medal of Freedom both in recognition of his WW2 service

24/09/43 Conversion.
A24-53 PBY-5 1258 Bu.08334 11 Sqn 26/5/43 Coded FJ-B.
43 Sqn 9/9/43 OX-J.
20 Sqn 28/11/43.
43 Sqn 23/12/43.
FTR 21/4/44 from Balikpapan.
A24-54 PBY-5 1256 Bu.08332 20 Sqn 15/6/43 RB-U.
112 ASRF 27/1/45.
Flew from Darwin and arrived to pick the survivors from A72-81 & A72-77 that was shot down in the same action in the Sawoe Sea (Timor) on 06/04/1945. After A24-54 landed to pick up survivors it was staffed by fighters and caught fire. The crew as well as the Liberator survivors were force to abandon the aircraft.

Catalina A24-54

A24-55 PBY-5 1260 Bu.08336 20 Sqn 1/7/43. 11 Sqn 9/10/43 Coded FJ-J. 43 Sqn 26/9/44. 111 ASRF 10/6/45.
Sold to C. K. Campbell 12/11/47.

Catalina A24-55

A24-56 PBY-5 1200 Bu.08286 43 Sqn 7/8/43.Coded OX-B,
20 Sqn Coded RB-K,
11 Sqn 22/12/44.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 16/8/45.
2 Sqn 15/11/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/ 1/48.
A24-57 PBY-5 1264 Bu.08340 20Sqn 4-43 Coded FJ-H.
Sold 11/5/47.
A24-58 PBY-5 1265 Bu.08341 20 Sqn 5/7/43 Coded RJ-P.
43 Sqn 14/11/44 OX-U.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 4/4/45,
20 Sqn 6/12/45.
Sold to Barrier Reef Airways 10/11/47.
A24-59 PBY-5 1324 Bu.08400 20 Sqn 1/8/43 Coded RB-L.
43 Sqn 12/8/44.
ASR Sqn 16/5/46.
Sold to Sydney Morning Herald 24/3/47.

Catalina A24-59

A24-60 PBY-5 1328 Bu.08404 20 Sqn 11/7/43 Coded RB-N.
43 Sqn 6/12/44.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 6/5/45.
Sold 12/11/47.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-61 PBY-5 1330 Bu.08406 20 Sqn 1/8/43 Coded RB-M.
11 Sqn 5/7/45.
Sold to C. K. Camphell 12/11/47.
A24-62 PBY-5 1340 JX238 20 Sqn 11/8/43 Coded RB-Z.
11 Sqn 9/12/44.
20 Sqn 6/8/45.
Sold 5/1/48.
A24-63 PBY-5 1341 JX239 20 Sqn 1/8/43 Coded RB-O.
43 Sqn 7/6/44 Coded OX-A.
11 Sqn 13/12/45.
Sold 5/11/47.
A24-64 PBY-5 1329 Bu.08405 07/08/43 43 Sqn Coded OX-D and was named "The Dabster" by Flying Officer I. O. Righetti (The term "Dabster" is Australian slang for an expert or "the best").
14/12/44 A24-64 together with 22 other Catalinas departed Jinamoc Island on a mission to lay mines at Manila Bay. This was to prevent the Japanese leaving Manila Bay and interfering with Australian and US forces landing at San Jose on the island of Mindoro. All aircraft except A24-64 returned safely from the mission. The entire crew of A24-64 were presumed killed:
  • F/LT Herbert Cunningham Roberts [406368] (1st Pilot)
  • F/LT Frank William Silvester [411054] (2nd Pilot)
  • F/LT James Henry Cox [411867] (Wireless Operator)
  • F/O Robert Carlisle Barbour [419949] (Navigator)
  • F/O Raymond Harold Bradstreet [406824] (Wireless Operator)
  • SGT John Charles MacDonald [15882] (Rigger)
  • F/SGT David John Albert [37077] (Flight Engineer)
  • SGT James Robert Robinson [37766] (Flight Engineer)
  • SGT Harold Stanley Goodchild [82777](Armourer)
03/2019 The RAAF conducted an inspection of a crash site south-east of Cape Calavite on the north-west end of Mindoro Island, after they became aware of several artefacts at this location in 2014. These artefacts consisted of a small metal tube engraved with the aircraft manufacturer’s logo, a brass crown identified by the RAAF Museum as part of an early RAAF officer’s cap badge, and .303 ammunition. Although little remained of the aircraft, a number of small items of wreckage were found with metal detectors on this recent visit. Several items were subsequently identified as unique to the Catalina, which when combined with other evidence, confirmed the wreck site was the missing aircraft. A search and recovery mission is now planned for early 2020.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-65 PBY-5 1433 Bu.08489 43 Sqn 16/9/43 Coded OX-H.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 6/6/45.
Sold to C. K. Campbell 12/11/47.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-66 PBY-5 1443 Bu.08499 43 Sqn 2/9/43.
3 OTU 16/7/44.
Sold to J. E. Wood 21/11/47.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-67 PBY-5 1444 Bu.08500 20 Sqn 25/8/43 Coded RB-X.
Shot Down 01/10/43, during torpedo attack.
A24-68 PBY-5 1458 Bu.08504 43 Sqn 8/9/43.
11 Sqn 31/3/45.
112 ASR F 27/6/45.
43 Sqn 25/10/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/1/48.
A24-69 PBY-5A 1610 Bu.34055 First Amphibian taken on charge by RAAF, delivered to Lake Boga 17/12/43.
11 Sqn 18/2/44.
Coded FJ-A (18-2-44)
Destroyed by fire Darwin 14/12/45.

Catalina A24-69

A24-70 PBY-5A 1613 Bu.34059 Amphibian.
43 Sqn 5/2/44 Coded M.
20 Sqn 10/10/44.
3 OTU 20/1/45.
Conversion 22/1/46.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-71 PBY-5A 1611 Bu.34057 Amphibian.
11 Sqn 8/4/44.
Coded FJ-N.
20 Sqn 6/12/44.
43 Sqn 16/2/45.
11 Sqn 27/8/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/1/48.
A24-72 PBY-5A 1612 Bu.34058 Amphibian.
11 Sqn 5/2/44
Coded FJ-B.
S&R Wg 15/2/49.
Sold to Grant Trading Co 14/1/43.
A24-73 PBY-5A 1662 Bu.48300 20 Sqn 8/4/44.
Coded RB-T.
Failed to return from Surabaya 21/5/44.
A24-74 PBY-5A 1660 Bu.48298 11 Sqn 5/2/44 Code FJ-F.
Original to be FJ-D Force landed Clarence River 15/7/44.
Conversion 12/2/46.
A24-75 PBY-5A 1659 Bu.48297 11 Sqn 7/4/44 Coded FJ-D.
Sold to Mr Kennedy 9/5/47.
Registered 21/7/47, VH-BDY.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-76 PBY-5A 1661 Bu.48299 20 Sqn 27/2/44 Coded RB-J.
43 Sqn 14/11/44.
Crashed 19/12/44 Broome, WA.
A24-77 PBY-5A 1663 Bu.48301 20 Sqn 27/2/44 Coded RB-X
42 Sqn 16/4/45.
43 Sqn 12/7/45.
11 Sqn 12/11/45.
43 Sqn 10/1/46.
Sold C. K. Campbell 12/11/47.
A24-78 PBY-5A 1664 Bu.48302 11 Sqn 28/2/44.
20 Sqn 23/9/44.
42 Sqn 9/10/44.
43 Sqn 3 9/45.
Sold to Barrier Reef Airways 10/11/47.

Catalina A24-78

A24-79 PBY-5A 1706 Bu.48344 Completed 29/10/43
Delivered to RAAF 28/01/44 as 48344.
To 2FBRD 28/01/44.
Changed to A24-79 29/01/44.
To 1FBRD 30/10/44.
To 43 Sqn 16/5/44.
To 11 Sqn 8/6/44.
To 1FBMU 21/06/44.
To 11 Sqn 05/07/44.
To 2FBRD 21/11/45 and placed into storage 05/02/46.
To CMU Lake Boga 15/03/46.
Sold to Barrier Reef Airways 26/11/47.
Issued 14/05/48.
Modified into a houseboat sometime.
Noted at Muddy Bay/Airlie Beach as late as 1996, possibly towed to sea and sunk.

Catalina A24-79

A24-80 PBY-5A 1711 Bu.48349 3 OTU 1/5/44.
11 Sqn 6/12/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/1/48.
A24-81 PBY-5A 1712 Bu.48350 20 Sqn 3/6/44.
42 Sqn 11/2/45.
11 Sqn 18/7/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/1/48.

Catalina A24-81

A24-82 PBY-5A 1610 Bu.34056 43 Sqn 16/5/44.
20 Sqn 9/9/44.
43 Sqn 3/2/45/
11 Sqn 16/8/45.
Sold 10/11/47.
N/A PBY-5A 1709 Bu.48347 04/02/44 Missing during ferry flight to Australia - Aircraft departed the west coast of the US on a ferry flight to Australia on 28/01/44. Departed Suva 04/02/44. The aircraft never reached Australia and was listed as missing somewhere between Suva and Rathmines. The last contact was a signal received the same day it departed Suva. No distress signals were ever received. Most likely would have been serialed A24-83. The entire crew were pressumed dead:
F/LT Peter Lionel Barrett Marsh [408191] (1st Pilot)
F/O Austin George Durst [408641] (2nd Pilot)
F/O Robert Maxwell Hamilton [408990] (Navigator)
P/O Geoffrey Ireland [16737] (Wireless (Operator)
A/SGT William George Drew [24534] (Flight Engineer)
A24-83 PBY-5A 1708 Bu.48346 20 Sqn 7/6/44.
42 Sqn 18/1/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/1/48.
A24-84 PBY-5A 1707 Bu.48345 20 Sqn 7/6/44.
3 OTU 19/2/45.
11 Sqn 12/11/45.
43 Sqn 10/1/46.
Sold 5/1/48.
A24-85 PBY-5A 1713 Bu.48341 20 Sqn 8/6/44.
43 Sqn 25/9/44.
42 Sqn 26/1/45.
11 Sqn 10/8/45.
Sold 12/11/47.
A24-86 PBY-5A 1718 Bu.48356 20 Sqn 9/6/44.
42 Sqn 8/11/44.
11 Sqn 5/2/46.
Sold to J. E. Wood 13/11/47.
A24-87 PBY-5A 1710 Bu.48348 20 Sqn 23/6/44.
3 OTU 17/1/46.
Sold to Sydney Morning Herald 24/3/47.
A24-88 PBY-5A 1714 Bu.48352 built 2/11/43, taken on by RAAF 26/03/44.
3 OTU 25/4/44.
42 Sqn 8/8/44, RK-A.
11 Sqn 8/8/45.
Sold to Kingsford-Smith 5/1/48.
Hull used as a Murray River house boat. Currently under restoration and on display at the Moorabbin Air Museum VIC.

Link to Moorabbin Air Museum's Catalina Page

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-89 PBY-5A 1716 Bu.48354 43 Sqn 15/7/44.
42 Sqn 1/9/44.
11 Sqn 2/8/45.
Sold to Barrier Reef Airways 10/11/47.
A24-90 PBY-5A 1717 Bu.48355 3 OTU 26/4/44.
42 Sqn 9/8/44.
FTR from Makassar 15/10/44.
A24-91 PBY-5A 1852 Bu.46488 3 OTU 20/6/44.
43 Sqn 8/9/44.
Rescued crew of A24-94 24/09/44
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 18/1/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 24/2/45.
Caught fire at Morotai 14/6/45.

Catalina A24-91

A24-92 PBY-5A 1855 Bu.46491 3 0TU 18/5/44.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight, 5/5/45.
11 Sqn, 28/10/49.
At RAAF Rathmines 1/4/53.
Transferred to N.E.I as P223, 5/13/53.
Soc MLD 15/04/1954.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-93 PBY-5A 1715 Bu.48353 3 OTU 25/4/44.
42 Sqn 9/8/44.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1/7/45.
11 Sqn 13/7/45.
Sold 5/1/48.
A24-94 PBY-5A 1853 Bu.46489 42 Sqn 9/7/44.
43 Sqn 15/7/44.
42 Sqn 1/9/44.
24/09/44 Crashed in Arafura Sea after engine failure. Crew was rescued by 43 Squadron's A24-91.
The damaged A94-91 was then strafed by gunfire from A24-91's WAG F/O Keith Wordsworth before catching fire and sinking

                        crew of Catalina A24-94 await rescue
                        Photo via Peter Wordsworth

A24-95 PBY-5A 1854 Bu.46490 20 Sqn 26/6/44.
42 Sqn 7/12/44.
20 Sqn 16/11/45.
Sold to Sydney Morning Herald 5/11/47.

Catalina A24-95

A24-96 PBY-5A 1896 Bu.46532 42 Sqn 5/8/44.
Lost off Sumba Island, Netherlands East Indies. 1945-01-15.
Consolidated Catalina aircraft, serial no. A24-96, code RK-E of No. 42 Squadron RAAF, was destroyed by machine-gun fire. On the night of 14 January 1945, during a mission to Surabaya, a plane from No. 42 Squadron RAAF, captained by Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Harrigan, experienced trouble with its port engine and immediately began to lose altitude. At the time Flt Lt Harrigan was flying at 300 feet below heavy cloud off Sumba Island. He jettisoned his mines, but the plane continued to lose altitude and he was forced to alight on the open sea. The hull of the Catalina aircraft was damaged and began to leak. However, the water was kept down by baling. Using the radio-telephone, the crew was able to make its position known to returning minelayers. All night they worked on the faulty engine, but without success. However, in the morning, a Catalina aircraft of No. 43 Squadron RAAF, captained by Flt Lt Ortlepp, landed in the heavy swell, covered by a Liberator aircraft, and took off Flt Lt Harrigan's crew. Flt Lt Ortlepp then destroyed the disabled Catalina aircraft with machine-gun fire and returned safely to base.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-97 PBY-5A 1897 Bu.46533 42 Sqn 5/8/44.
11 Sqn 13/7/45.
114 Air Sea Rescue Flight 15/10/45.
Sold to C. K. Campbell 12/11/47.
Was to have been used by Asian Airlines but was broken up.

Catalina A24-97

A24-98 PBY-5A 1898 Bu.46534 8 Com Unit 7/7/44.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1/1/45.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1/1/45.
Sank Balikpapan 1/7/45.
Given to Netherlands Government, 1953 and renumbered as P-244 & scrapped 1957.
A24-99 PBY-5A 1899 Bu.46535 3 OTU 7/6/44.
6 Com Unit 12/7/44.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1945.
Rathmines ex-11 Sqn 7/7/50.
Rathmines 1/4/53.
Given to Netherlands Government, 1953 and renumbered as P-224.
Soc MLD and scrapped 01/07/1957
A24-100 PBY-5A 1961 Bu.46576 42 Sqn 8/7/44.
43 Sqn 3/8/44.
42 Sqn 9/9/44.
AA Makassar, ditched 23/10/44.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-101 PBY-5A 1962 Bu.46577 42 Sqn 8/8/44.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1945.
Damaged 3/7/45.
Conversion 1/11/45.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-102 PBY-5A 42 Bu.46578 42 Sqn 7/8/44.
114 Air Sea Rescue Flight 29/9/45.
Sold to C. K. Campbell 12/11/47.
A24-103 PBY-5A 1943 Bu.46579 3 OTU 6/7/44.
11 Sqn 6/12/45.
43 Sqn 10/1/46.
Sold to A.N.A. 15/10/46.
A24-104 PBY-5A 1959 Bu.46594 8 Com Unit 3/12/44.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 20/2/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 18/6/45.
11 Sqn 15/7/48.
Used by ARDU with JATO units for trials 1948.
Rathmines 7/7/50 and 1/4/53.
Became P-220 NEI MLD in 19/02/1954
Soc 21/08/1956.

The Aircraft that was under restoration at Amberly QLD marked as A24-104 is really ex-RCAF CV369. This aircraft marked as A24-104 is now located at Point Cook VIC.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-105 PBY-5A 1956 Bu.46592 11/11/44 Received Rathmines, NSW.
11/01/45 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight.
29/03/45 Damaged. The nose wheel doors opened and the aircraft filled with water during a landing at Morotai Island in the NEI. This caused the nose wheel doors to be torn off and damage to the hull and bulkhead. The pilot was able to get the aircraft off the water and make a strip landing to save it from sinking.
10/06/45 Damaged. The aircraft was forced to land without the nose wheel as the nose wheel doors jammed on landing at Tawi Tawi Island.
05/08/45 115 Air Sea Rescue Flight.
14/02/46 112 Air Sea Rescue Flight.
21/10/46 114 Air Sea Rescue Flight.
19/11/46 Damaged. The aircraft brakes failed while taxing down the runway at Garbutt, QLD. The aircraft careered off the runway, through a fence, and into a ditch. Damage to nose, forward undercarriage, hull and hydraulic lines.
22/04/47 Attached to Port Moresby for special duties including searcher party duties and prisioner evacuation.
09/11/49 11 Squadron (Darwin Detachment).
07/05/50 Crashed. Port engine developed a fuel leak on a travel flight from Rathmines to Darwin. A single engine landing was attempted but the aircraft overshot the runway at Georgetown. On attempting to abort the landing and climb away it crashed into trees, over-turned and burned. The following five crew members were killed instantly:
  • F/LT David Northey [433222] (1st Pilot)
  • P3 John Gilbert Humprey Alexander [432353] (2nd Pilot)
  • NAV3 Alexander John Brown [450885] (Navigator)
  • ENG2 Maurice Henry Wood [22426] (2nd Engineer)
  • P3 Leo Maurice Sattler [440220] (3rd Pilot)
Another crew member was seriously injured and later died of injuries in the Townsville General Hospital:
  • SIG1 William Bedford [439588] (Wirless Operator)
There was one survivor:
  • ENG2 Frank Slater [36695] (1st Engineer)
19/06/50 Conversion to components.

Highlight for Album:

A24-106 PBY-5A 1970 Bu.46605 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 14/12/45.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 11/10/45.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 21/6/46.
Hangar collision 26/11/46.
A24-107 PBY-5A 1971 Bu.46606 111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 9/2/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 3/5/45.
Sank off Balikpapan 22/06/45. It sank whilst under tow from United States Navy (USN) Minesweeper 364. This aircraft had been involved in a special mission to the Command Ship of the task force attacking Balikapan. After safe delivery of hand mail to the USS Montpelier at approximately 11.25am, the aircraft had several aborted take offs due to the state of the sea. They were tied up behind the destroyer USS Cofer and transferred at dusk to Minesweeper 364. At night the task force attacking Balikpapan would cruise eastwards towards the Celebes as a precaution against submarine attack, returning the next morning to their shelling position. Catalina A24-107 was towed at a slower speed and a destroyer was detailed to escort the minesweeper. The next morning at 9.05am the Catalina sank, apparently holed after striking driftwood.
A24-108 PBY-5A 1972 Bu.46607 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 14/2/45.
Crashed on take-off Magee Island 25/3/45.
A24-109 PBY-5A 1973 Bu.46608 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 19/3/45.
Rescued crew of A8-33 Ditched 31/3/45 Hareoeka Strait off coast.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 12/4/46.
11 Sqn 9/6/49.
Rathmines 1/4/53.
A24-110 PBY-5A 1984 Bu.46619 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 18/2/46.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 13/8/46.
11 Sqn 18/8/49. Rathmines 1/4/53.
Given to Netherlands Government, 1953 and renumbered as P221,
Soc MLD 12/08/1956,
Scrapped 1956.
A24-111 PBY-5A 1985 Bu.46620 115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 26/11/45.
114 Air Sea Rescue Flight 2/9/46.
Rathmines 1/4/53.
Given to Netherlands Government, 1953 and renumbered as P222,
Soc MLD 12/08/1956,
Scrapped 1956.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-112 PBY-5A 1986 Bu.46621 112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 2/8/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 18/2/46.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 23/4/46.
112Air Sea Rescue Flight 20/1/47.
11 Sqn 18/8/49/ Rathmines 22/8/50.
Given to Netherlands Government, 1953 and renumbered as P225,
Soc MLD 28/08/1956,
Scrapped 1958.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-113 PBY-5A 1987 Bu.46622 115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 4/1/46.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 4/4/46
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 7/5/46.
Sank Champaguy Is 4/6/46.
A24-114 PBY-5A 1988 Bu.46623 115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 10/8/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 18/2/46.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 27/2/47.
Rathmines 1/4/53.
Sold to Airmotive Supply 05/53 and broken up.

Catalina A24-114

A24-200 PB2B-1 61133 Bu.44227/JX717 3 OTU 2/12/44.
Rathmines 1/4/53.
Sold 5/18/53.
A24-201 PB2B-1 61124 Bu.44218/JX612 20 Sqn 17/2/44.
Sold to Butler Air Trans 21/10/46.

Catalina A24-201

A24-202 PB2B-1 61132 Bu.44226/JX616 First PB2B-1 Tall Tail from Boeing Canada.

17/2/44 20 Sqn.
21/10/46 Sold to Butler Air Trans.

Butler Air Transport purchased 3 surplus Catalinas: A24-202, A24-362 and A24-376. However they were only interested in the engines and other reusable parts. The stripped Catalinas were then sold at auction to John Cain who used them (plus another Catalina A24-355) as floating guest accommodation for his Stoney Creek holiday park, near Toronto NSW.

A storm flooded the holiday park which lead to its demise around 1950.

However, prior to the storm one of the Stoney Creek holiday park Catalinas, A24-202, was acquired in 1948 by Horace (Horrie) Gates for his own amusement park at Katoomba Lake in the Blue Mountains.

Acording to the Local Studies Librarian, Blue Mountains Library, NSW: "Up to thirty passengers paid two shillings to be taken out to the flying boat by punt where in the dark, stuffy interior, they viewed film of a flight over the Sydney area, heard the story of the Catalina and tried out the controls. While the film was showing, an assistant would stand on the wing rocking the plane to simulate flight while the speedboat would circle the lake providing waves and engine noise. Fun seekers emerged from this sensory experience dizzy and gasping for air, many too ill to enjoy further amusements."

After the Katoomba Lake amusement park's demise the council purchased the land in 1952. A24-202 was removed from the lake during 1954 and left on the bank. It was subsequently sold to Sheffield Welding & Engineering of Auburn, NSW in 1958 after which it was dismantled on site and scrapped.

Highlight for Album: Katoomba Catalina

A24-203 PB2B-1 61131 Bu.44225/JX615 20 Sqn 30/12/44.
Failed to return from Pescadores 7/3/45.
A24-204 PB2B-1 61125 Bu.44219/JX613 20 Sqn 8/1/45.
Crashed 29/01/45, off Laber Straits. Near Truscott WA.
A24-205 PB2B-1 61130 Bu.44224/JX614 20 Sqn 20/1/45.
Crashed on take-off, Darwin 9/8/45.
Conversion 20/1 1/45.
A24-206 PB2B-1 61123 Bu.44217/JX611 PB2B-1. 43 Sqn 9/3/45.
20 Sqn 15/6/45.
Destroyed 20th June 1945, when tethered to buoy at southern anchorage at East Arm, Darwin after test flight by F/Lt F Jensen. Whilst refueling and being loaded with multiple 250lb Depth Charges, one was accidentally released, falling through a timber barge and sinking to it pre-set ignition depth, which went off, causing the Catalina to sink, resulting in the other wing mounted Depth charges to go off when the aircraft too sank.
Killed two fitters: LAC Walter A Strang and LAC Richard L Graham.
A24-300 PB2B-2 61135 Bu.44229/JX619 20 Sqn 14/12/44.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 3/4/46.
Sold to Qantas Empire Airways 28/10/46.
A24-301 PB2B-2 61140 Bu.44234/JX624 20 Sqn 31/12/44.
Hit submerged reef and sank, 03/12/45. Jinamoc.
A24-302 PB2B-2 61136 Bu.44230/JX620 3 OTU 28/1 45.
Sold to Airmotive Supply Corp, NY, 18/5/53.
A24-303 PB2B-2 61137 Bu.44231/JX621 20 Sqn 23/ 1/45.
3 OTU 20/9/45.
Sold to Asian Airlines Pty, 30/1/48.
Then Qantas as VH-EBB,
Broken up 02/51.
A24-304 PB2B-2 61143 Bu.44237/JX627 20 Sqn 7/2/45.
Sold to Poulson & Middlemiss 21/10/46.

Catalina A24-304

A24-305 PB2B-2 61134 Bu.44228/JX618 3 OTU 16/2/45.
Sold to Asian Airlines Pty, 30/1/48.
Then Qantas as VH-EBA,
Scrapped 07/53.
A24-306 PB2B-2 61139 Bu.44233/JX623 20 Sqn 9/2/45.
Sold to Qantas 10/12/46.
A24-307 PB2B-2 61138 Bu.44232/JX622 20 Sqn 9/2/45.
3 OTU 17/1/46.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-308 PB2B-2 61141 Bu.44235/JX625 43 Sqn 9/3/45.
20 Sqn 8/6/45.
Damaged by AA off Timor 22/7/45.
Conversion 4/9/45.
A24-309 PB2B-2 61142 Bu.44236/JX626 20 Sqn 24/3/45.
Sold to Qantas 12/12/46.
A24-350 PB2B-2 61185 Bu.44279/JX661 3 OTU 12/4/45.
Sold to Capt P. G. Taylor 23/10/46.
Resold to N R Carpenter Pty as VH-ALN,
To Qantas 04/49 as VH-EBC,
Broken up in 11/58.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-351 PB2B-2 61192 Bu.44286/JZ833 3 OTU 9/4/45.
Sold to Mr A. C. M. Jackaman 13/12/46.
Became P-208 NEI MLD in 1947
Soc 25/08/49.
A24-352 PB2B-2 61184 Bu.44278/JX660 3 OTU 12/4/45.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 16/5/46.
Qantas 6/12/46.
A24-352 was not involved in Air Sea Rescue standby at Perth in 03/47 as it was at QANTAS for its 360 hour inspection at the time.
11 Sqn 8/9/49.
Sold to Airmotove 18/5/53.

Catalina A24-352

A24-353 PB2B-2 61187 Bu.44281/JZ828 43 Sqn 7/5/45.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 26/11/45.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 2/9/46.
Sold to Australian Aluminium Co., but was broken up.
Conversion 3/12/48.
A24-354 PB2B-2 61188 Bu.44282/JZ829 43 Sqn 26/4/45. 42 Sqn 17/9/45.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 26/11/45.
Sold to Qantas 10/12/46. VH-ALN.

Catalina A24-354

A24-355 PB2B-2 61195 Bu.44289/JZ826 43 Sqn 14/4/45.
112 Air Sea Rescue Flight 26/11/45.
Sold to Qantas 10/12/46.
Converted to components.

Catalina A24-355

A24-356 PB2B-2 61191 Bu.44285/JZ832 43 Sqn 18/5/45.
114 Air Sea Rescue Flight 20/2/46.
Sold to Mr Carr 28/10/46.

Catalina A24-356

A24-357 PB2B-2 61171 Bu.44284/JZ831 43 Sqn 28/5/45.
Sold to Qantas 30/10/46.
A24-358 PB2B-2 61172 Bu.44266/JX648 43 Sqn 30/5/45.
Hailstorm damage, Rathmines 25/4/46.
Sold to Capt P. G. Taylor 23/10/46.
Became P-207 NEI MLD in 1947
Soc 24/08/49.

Catalina A24-358

A24-359 PB2B-2 61190 Bu.44288/JZ835 43 Sqn 21/5/45.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-360 PB2B-2 61200 Bu.44294/JZ841 Last PB2B-1 Tail Boeing Canada, named 'DAVID HORNELL. VC'.
43 Sqn 30/5/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 12/9/45.
115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1/12/45
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.

Highlight for Album:

A24-361 PB2B-2 61167 Bu.44261/JX643 43 Sqn 16/6/45.
Sold to Mr F. H. Bridgewater 27/9/46.
A24-362 PB2B-2 61194 Bu.44288/JZ835 43 Sqn 1/6/45. 115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 19/2/46. Sold to Butler Air Transport 11/10/46.
The Historical Aviation Restoration Society (HARS) currently fly Catalina PBY-6A BuNo 46679 VH-PBZ marked as A24-362

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-363 PB2B-2 61153 Bu.44247/JX629 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 12/11/45.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-364 PB2B-2 61197 Bu.44291/JZ838 42 Sqn 23/6/45.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 12/11/45.
Sold to Poulson & Middlemiss 27/2/47.
VH-BRB (WFS 1/53)
A24-365 PB2B-2 61162 Bu.44256/JX638 42 Sqn 2/7/45.
Crashed SE of Mindanao 10/10/45.
A24-366 PB2B-2 61170 Bu.44264/JX646 43 Sqn 20/11/45.
Sold to Mr Jackaman 13/12/46.
Became P-210 NEI MLD in 1948
Soc 17/10/49.
A24-367 PB2B-2 61198 Bu.44292/JZ839 42 Sqn 23/6/45.
113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 3/12/45.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 2/5/46.
Sold to Qantas 11/10/46.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-368 PB2B-2 61160 Bu.44254/JX636 42 Sqn 3/7/45.
111 Air Sea Rescue Flight 28/1/46.
Involved in Air Sea Rescue standby at Perth in 06-15/03/47 for a Liberator Flight over the Antarctic.
11 Sqn 2/12/48.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-369 PB2B-2 61193 Bu.44287/JZ834 42 Sqn 5/7/45.
43 Sqn 20/11/45.
Sold to Poulson & Middlemiss 8/10/46.
VH-BRA (WFS 4/53)

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-370 PB2B-2 61152 Bu.44246/JX628 42 Sqn 20/7/45.
Damaged Laban Island reef 18/8/45.
Conversion 20/11 /45.
A24-371 PB2B-2 61165 Bu.44259/JX641 42 Sqn 23/7/45.
20 Sqn 22/11/45.
43 Sqn 14/1/46.
Sold to Qantas as VH-EBD).
A24-372 PB2B-2 61186 Bu.44280/JX662 20 Sqn 11/7/45.
Loaned to Qantas 5/2/48.
Exploded 27/8/49 at Rose Bay (VH-EAW), Lord Howe Island.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-373 PB2B-2 61155 Bu.44249/JX631 42 Sqn 30/7/45.
43 Sqn 30/11/45.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.

Catalina A24-373

A24-374 PB2B-2 61164 Bu.44258/JX640 43 Sqn 21/8/45.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-375 PB2B-2 61176 Bu.44270/JX652 42 Sqn 27/8/45.
43 Sqn 15/10/45.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-376 PB2B-2 61161 Bu.44255/JX637 I APU 6/8/45.
Sold to Butler Air Transport 11/10/46.
A24-377 PB2B-2 61196 Bu.44290/JZ837 20 Sqn 18/8/45.
3 OTU 25/1/46.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-378 PB2B-2 61159 Bu.44253/JX635 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 8/9/45.
Loaned to Qantas (VH-EAX).
Wrecked Lord Howe Is 24/6/49.
A24-379 PB2B-2 61166 Bu.44260/JX642 20 Sqn 10/9/45.
43 Sqn 17/1/46.
114 Air Sea Rescue Flight 19/2/46.
Sold to Qantas 11/10/46.
A24-380 PB2B-2 61189 Bu.44283/JZ830 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1945.
115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 25/8/45.
11 Sqn 14/7/49.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-381 PB2B-2 61163 Bu.44257/JX639 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 1945.
Served with 115 Air Sea Rescue Flight 08/09/45.
Positioned at Hobart 10-17/03/47 on Air Seas Rescue standby for a Liberator flight over the Antarctic.
Crashed Lord Howe Island 28/09/48.
Crew; FLT LT W.D. Keller, FLT LT J.B. McCoy, FLT LT A. McKenzie, FLT LT M.D. Smith, PLT3 S.I. Piercy, WO S.H. Bacon, WO D.E. Salis.

Highlight for Album:
                          Memorial to Catalina A24-381

A24-382 PB2B-2 61156 Bu.44250/JX632 3 OTU 17/9/45.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-383 PB2B-2 61169 Bu.44263/JX645 113 Air Sea Rescue Flight 24/8/45.
3 OTU 10/1/46.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.
A24-384 PB2B-2 61199 Bu.44293/JZ840 Sold to Captain P G Taylor but was never allocated a VH- registration 10/22/46.
Became P-209 NEI MLD in 1947
Soc 25/08/49.
A24-385 PB2B-2 61154 Bu.44248/JX630 3 OTU 17/9/45.
Sold to Capt P. G. Taylor 23/10/46.
VH-AGB later to VH-ASA (WFS 3/52).
Sold to Airmotive Supply, New York USA 18/05/53.
Aircraft displayed as VH-ASA Frigate Bird II at the Powerhouse Museum.

Highlight for Album: Catalina

A24-386 PB2B-2 61158 Bu.44252/JX634 43 Sqn. S&R Wing/ll GR Sqn 1/10/47.
Sold to Airmotive 18/5/53.

  • Bu.46590
  • A24-387 (spurious)
This Catalina was not an RAAF aircraft but was flown to Australia c1981 by Mike Wansey and the Australian Wing of the Confederate Air Force.
It was coded "NB-N" and given the ficticous serial A24-387
Highlight for
                        Album: Catalina "A24-387"
1608 44-34054 Transferred to RAAF, was sold in 07/03/50 to M. Fitzgibbon, of Stanmore, but was eventually broken up.
Click here to go to Wynnum Graham's Catalina Ferry Page


The Authors of this page are Ron Wynn and Nelson Little (

Sources / References: Townsville at War Website, Australian Aviation Magazine, List by Mark Aldrich, Flightpath Magazine, The Book: Catalina Chronicle, The Book: Lake Boga, The Herald Sun Newspaper, Flying Boats at War - the way it was, Dean Normans Aircrew Project, RAAF Status Cards, Flt Sgt Clifford Grove's Radio Operators Logbook.

Emails: David Legg, Terence Geary, Warwick Henry, Greg Hyde, Mark Aldrich, Daniel Leahy, Gordon Birkett, Dean Norman, John Andrade, Bob Livingston, Marcelo J.Matarazzo, Tjalling Boelman, Ralph Bradstreet, Wynnum Graham, Dean Norman, Wayne Peadon, Grahame Higgs, Brendan Cowan, Ron Brett, John McCulloch, Radboud Hack, Peter Wordworth, Victor Smith (A24-50).

Updated 26th April 2021


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