RAAF Serial |
Aircraft Type |
C/No |
Aircraft History |
A20-1 |
NA-32 |
32-387 |
NA-16 on Card. Order#A30964.
Fixed u/c and two bladed prop. Rec 1AD ex CAC
02/02/38. Eng #6155 Wasp. Aircraft Arrived in
1938 as a pattern Aircraft for CAC. 07/02/38
issued to 2 Sqn.24/06/38 Rec at 1FTS. 24/08/38
returned to CAC for repairs. Rec 1FTS
09/09/38. 22/08/38 Rec 1Sqn. 28/08/38 21/ Sqn.
23/09/38 wingtip damage on landing at Point
Cook.24/01/40 Rec 8Sqn. Rec 1AD for overhaul
24/05/40.23/06/40 issued to Engineering School
to become Wirraway Instructional Airframe #2.
17/10/45 converted to components. SOC 17/10/45.

A20-2 |
NA-33 |
33-388 |
Pattern Aircraft order per
A33916 for CAC Wirraway Production. Rec 1AD ex
CAC 08/11/38. 15/06/39 Forced landing with
little damage.22/09/39 attached to 12Sqn
temporarily. 31/08/39 to 22Sqn. 12/09/39
landed wheels up. 23/10/39 issued to 2AD for
instructional purposes. However
shown as repaired. Rec at 21Sqn. 1055hrs
29/02/40 engine failed on approach to Laverton
Airbase. Pilot was P/O K H Springbett and Tech
Sgt R F Hodges Ser#2150, Not repaired for
flight.15/04/40 at engineering School.
18/08/40 converted as Wirraway Instructional
Airframe #1.

A20-3 |
CA-1 |
1 |
Rec 01/08/39.Rec from CAC
30/08/39.Issued to 12Sqn 01/09/39.04/03/40
damage to Starboard wing of two ribs.
08/09/40, engine replacement.05/10/40 issued
to 2SFTS.28/11/41 aircraft landed with port
oleo (Main Gear) not extended. damage to port
wing tip and wing. Repaired.09/04/42 Rec at 5AD for G
Service.06/08/42 Rec
at 7SFTS.08/09/44 Rec at 1AD Ferry
Flight.17/10/45 aircraft realised as being 1st
Wirraway and would have significant historical
value.04/01/46 Issued to SHQ Canberra.
09/01/46 aircraft transferred from 1AD Ferry
Flight to 7AD for storage. 18/01/46 aircraft
was damaged during taxying from dispersal to
storage .Considered un-economical to
repair.23/01/46, 7AD advised to repair
aircraft with components sourced at
7AD.Repaired. 17/05/46 Rec at SHQ Canberra. Stored Cat E 01/10/46.
03/08/48 request to write-off to transfer to
AWM. Approved 14/10/48. Relocated to
Australian War Memorial 08/03/50. Held.

A20-4 |
CA-1 |
2 |
Received at 1AD 12/07/39.
Issued to 1 Squadron for trials 13/07/39.
Returned to CAC for Mods ?/39. Reissued 1AD
from CAC 12/09/39. Issued to 22Sqn 28/09/39.
On 07/10/39 1330hrs was forced landed after
takeoff at Richmond Airbase caused by engine
failure, resulting in slight damage to Port
Wing tip. Pilot was F/O Kingsley-Oyback 22Sqn.
Held 13/11/39-18/12/39 pending decision on
engine. Returned to CAC 05/04/40. Returned
22Sqn with Eng. B20-2. 22/05/40 accident on
landing causing Port Tyre and tail wheel tyre
to burst resulting in bent propeller tips.
Repaired, but on test flight, 27/06/40, under
carriage collapsed causing damage to airscrew
and underside. Repaired. On the 24/07/40,
11.45am it was forced landed at Rutherford
Racecourse NSW due to fuel shortage with nil
damage. Pilot was P/O E J Johnson, 22Sqn.
Returned to 22Sqn service 29/07/40. Allocated
2SFTS ex 22Sqn 01/08/40. Eng. B20-2 removed
and sent to 2AD 10/12/40. Eng#166 installed
23/12/40. Crashed 16/02/42
10 miles west of Wagga when the a/c collided
with tall trees at high
speed when buzzing a friends
homestead. Serving with 2SFTS Wagga at time. P/O D C
Dodgshun and LAC I S Gordon Ser#402657 both
killed. Ref.: 343 40/41 RAAF Accidents. Became
Wirraway Instructional Airframe #3, with
Engine become Wasp Instructional Engine #8
Offered for disposal 9/04/46, Authorised for
W/O 08/05/46, Passed to DAP 26/11/47, Action
completed 08/02/49.

A20-5 |
CA-1 |
3 |
Received at 1AD 12/07/39.
Issued to 1 Squadron for trials 13/07/39.
29/08/39 issued to 12 Sqn. On the 05/09/39
FLGOFF Arnold Dolphin (Pilot) CPL Harold
Johnson (Observer). One of five newly arrived
Wirraway aircraft for 12 Sqn left Laverton.
Flying to Darwin via Narromine, Winton and
Daly Waters on 1 Sep 39 for a deployment to
Northern Australia. When they arrived over the
airfield the flight turned tragic when FLGOFF
Dolphins aircraft crashed onto the airfield
and possibly becoming Australia's first WWII
casualties on home soil. Converted to
components by 12/03/40 with remains arriving
at 1AD Laverton. Completion and approval to
write-off by 27/05/40.
A20-6 |
CA-1 |
4 |
Received at 1AD 30/08/39.
Issued to Workshops ex 1AD 31/08/39. 01/09/39
issued to 12Sqn. One of five Wirraway aircraft
ferried by 12 Sqn from Laverton to Darwin on
the 01/09/39. On 06/06/40 0610hrs was forced
landed at Darwin Aerodrome following when
connection at rear of Oil pressure Gauge
broke. Pilot was P/O T R Philp of 12Sqn. New
rings fitted to Eng. B20-4 on the 26/08/40.
Engine was unserviceable due to piston rings
30/09/40. Allocated to 2SFTS ex 12Sqn
05/10/40. In service with 2SFTS as of
14/10/40. Was unserviceable from 27/10/40 to
16/05/41 with Eng. B20-4 going to CAC on the
15/02/41. Engine Change with B20-34 completed
on 16/05/41, with a/c in service with 2SFTS.
24/03/42 allocated to 7SFTS where it stayed
till 11/09/44. Allocated to ARFU ex 7SFTS,
issued and received at AFRU/RS on the
18/09/44. Allocated 5SFTS/Sr 2TG ex AFRU/SR
10/03/45, issued and received 5SFTS/RS
19/03/45. Allocated 8 0TU ex 5SFTS 16/05/45,
allocation cancelled 21/05/45. Held pending
future. 01/10/46. 17/08/48 required for post
war use and held at Uranquinty stored as Cat
C. 30/07/51 allocated to 1AD for Conversion to
Spare Components. Still held at Uranquinty
A20-7 |
CA-1 |
5 |
at 1AD 30/08/39. Issued to Workshops ex 1AD
31/08/39. 01/09/39 issued to 12Sqn. One of
five Wirraway aircraft ferried by 12 Sqn from
Laverton to Darwin on the 01/09/39. 13/11/39
at 12Sqn Unserviceable due to oiled plugs and
cylinder wear. Engine returned to CAC. Engine
returned to 12Sqn ex CAC 03/06/40. Serviceable
again 09/07/40 at 12Sqn. Unserviceable
30/08/40 due to ring wear. 16/09/42 aircraft
allocated to 2AD for repairs. 12/03/41,
Eng.B20-3 was replaced by Eng.B20-23 at 2AD.
In Service at 2AD 31/03/41, requesting
allotment. Allotted and in service at 2SFTS
14/04/41 till 16/03/42. 11/04/42 allocated to
5AD and received there on the 14/04/42.
Allocated 24/07/42 and issued to 7SFTS by the
31/07/42. Stayed there till 29/08/44.
Allocated 24/08/44 issued 29/08/44 and
received at 5SFTS 30/08/44. 23/10/44
allocated, and issued 31/10/44 to Clyde
Engineering for overhaul. Returned 2AD
26/02/45 ex Clyde Engineering. Issued to 5SFTS
24/02/45 and arrived there at 5SFTS /SR
28/02/45. Issued to 5SFTS /EU 15/03/45. During
a non-operational night patrol at 2310hrs it
crashed and burned some 6 miles East of the
Rock (14780E) on the 12/06/45 killing the
pilot following a loss of control. Pilot was
LAC N O'Rorke
5SFTS.Crash ref. 520/44-45. Approval given
19/07/45 to convert to components at 5SFTS.

A20-8 |
CA-1 |
6 |
Rec 1AD ex CAC 30/08/39.
01/09/39 Issued at 12Sqn. 12/08/40 at CAC for
mods. 27/08/40 issued to 2SFTS Wagga. 04/11/40
aircraft forced landed with engine failure at
Herefield 10 miles north of Wagga. Pilot was
F/O A M Woodhill and Lac R W Taylor
Ser#404188. Ok. With 7SFTS, 27/08/42 aircraft
crashed 7 miles west of Deliniquin 1445Hrs.
Pilot, Lac J D Bell Ser#409885 killed.
Converted to components. |
A20-9 |
CA-1 |
7 |
Rec ex CAC at 1AD 07/09/39.
27/09/39 issued to 22Sqn. 22/10/39
undercarriage collapse damaging port wing on
landing in a paddock south of Richmond
Aerodrome. Pilot
was F/O K Grant and Sgt D F Cruckford
Ser#C.7483. Repaired.02/06/40 airscrew
damaged. 29/06/40 issued to 21Sqn.15/07/40 Rec
CFS. 05/08/40 Rec 22Sqn. Rec 12/08/40 at
2SFTS. 28/04/41 dropped wing on landing
damaging starboard wingtip. Repaired. 27/10/41
forced landing with u/c retracted damaging
both mainplanes. Repaired.09/04/42 rec 5AD.
30/0542 rec 5SFTS.07/07/42 aircraft landed
with U/C up and damaged flaps and airscrew.
Repaired.05/03/44 to Clyde Engineering for
overhaul.25/09/44 test flight. 25/09/44 Rec
2AP for Storage.22/09/44 issued to AAGS.
18/09/45 to storage 7AD. 01/10/46 Cat E
Storage.27/04/48 to Royal Australian Navy.
Rescinded 17/09/48. 17/08/48 to Cat C Storage.
SOC 31/05/57. The aircraft was scrapped at
Tocumwal New South Wales Australia198?. An
unused construction plate was stamped as C/N 9
and an unidentified airframe was given that
new identity. The following are the details
for it.198?. The fuselage frame was acquired
by Ashley Briggs from Tocumwal New South Wales
Australia and transported to Heidelberg
Victoria Australia.198?. Darryl Gibbs obtained
a half share of the aircraft. The aircraft was
taken to Clyde North Victoria where
restoration work began.198?. The aircraft was
moved to Briggs Industries premises in
Keysborough Victoria.198? The new construction
plate was fitted.198?. Dion Makowski and
Andrew Russell acquired shares in the aircraft
from Ashley in exchange for labour.1989.
Ashley Briggs acquired all shares in the

A20-10 |
CA-1 |
8 |
Accident to: Wirraway A20-10 -
Unit: AFTS [Applied Flying Training School] -
Place: Point Cook airfield - Date: 13 February
1953 - Pilot: T/Plt J A Hilder A26489. The
aircraft force landed due to an engine failure
shortly after take off at Forest Hill RAAF
Base near Wagga Wagga New South Wales
Australia.. The pilot LAC J. C. Sampson was
unharmed.1955. Accident with Unit: 1 AFTS
[Applied Flying Training School] - Place:
Point Cook Airfield - Date: 20 September 1955
- Pilot: Flg Off I L Grove 034222; Tr Plt R J
Crimmins, J A32764 The aircraft took part in a
navigation exercise from Point Cook to Wagga 06/60. The aircraft was
sold to Commonwealth
Aircraft Corporation in 1960 as a source of
spares for the Ceres program. Not used and
sold in 1963 to John Hopton, one of the
original members of the Australian Aircraft
Restoration Group that operated the Moorabbin
Air Museum.
Restored to original "as delivered" ground
running condition in 2015/16
On static display
Moorabbin Air Museum.

Note; The registration
VH-WIR was never reserved
for this particular aircraft. It was reserved for AARG's
A20-649 however reservation lapsed upon
its sale to Kermit Weeks in the USA
A20-11 |
CA-1 |
9 |
Rec 1AD ex CAC 12/09/39.
Originally painted in a silver colour
scheme.28/09/39 issued to 22Sqn.27/05/40
Accident on landing, damaging Port Mainplane
when tipped on nose. 2 SFTS 05/08/40.31/12/41
aircraft had port tyre burst on landing
causing ground loop, resulting Starboard Wing
damage. Repaired. Rec 09/04/42 at 5AD. Rec
06/08/42 7 SFTS at Deniliquin NSW. On the
27/06/43, the aircraft developed a violent
swing on landing which resulted in it's port
wing hitting the ground followed by the
aircraft tipping onto its nose. The aircraft
had 1811 flight hours at time of accident.
Crew; LAC E. C. Williams. To
Clyde Engineering for overhaul 08/05/44.
Completed 08/11/44. Rec 120Sqn NEIAF Free of
Charge 18/11/44. On the 11/12/44, The aircraft
went missing whilst on a flight between Port
Moresby New Guinea and Tanahmera Java . On
01/45 The aircraft was written off as missing. Soc 08/01/45.

A20-12 |
CA-1 |
10 |
The aircraft was struck off
charge.. The aircraft was reregistered as
VH-CEL. The aircraft was reregistered as
VH-SSY. Converted into a Ceres |
A20-13 |
CA-1 |
11 |
Served with 2 SFTS at Wagga
Wagga NSW and 2 OTU. On 25/02/45, The aircraft
crash landed immediately after take-off due to
an engine failure. It Landed straight ahead
and passed through a fence. The aircraft had
2492 hours flight time at the time of the
accident. Crew; F/OFF A. C. Beckworth (pilot)
and AC1 J Crellin. On the 12/08/45 the engine
failed during formation flying and the
aircraft made an emergency landing at the
airfield. The aircraft had 2671 flight hours
at this time. In 1960, A20-13 was sold back to
CAC 03/05/60, to be converted to a Ceres
Agricultural aircraft, but was never
converted. Then it was sold to a private
individual and then acquired by an man named
King in the mid 1960's. In late 1967, it was
exchanged for a derelict Zero from Kavieng,
early 1968 by the Air Museum of PNG. Later, In
1978, Bruce Hoy arranged for it to be
transferred from display at the Civil Aviation
Training College to ownership by the PNG
National Museum. The Wirraway having been
donated to the college by Bill Chapman in
about 1970. Hoy planed to have had it painted
in the colors of A20- 137, one of those
Wirraways that served in Rabaul at the
outbreak of war. A20-685 was painted up as
this aircraft when it was held by the War
Historical Society at Ward Strip Port Morseby
Papua New Guinea.

A20-14 |
CA-1 |
12 |
Served 2SFTS Wagga. Forced
landed at Coolamon Road Relief landing ground
1645hrs 08/09/1941 damaging Wing tip, Main
Planes and Ailerons. Pilot was LAC A J Woods
Ser# 403974.Midair with A20-228, 1100Hrs
29/12/41, Wantabadgery, near Junlee NSW. Pilot
F/Sgt W H Jones Ser#407062 killed and Lac V
Vickers Ser#414106 killed. Aircraft collided
after un-authorised close formation. Both
aircraft broke-up and crashed. Pilot and Wag
of other aircraft survived and were placed
under close arrest along with crew of third
aircraft. |
A20-15 |
CA-1 |
13 |
Served in 23Sqn RAAF. Destroyed
1000hrs 29/05/40 when aircraft crashed and
burned at Southport Gold Coast. Killed were
Pilot P/O K A Goman and W/T P J Pritchard
Ser#3097 Converted to components. |
A20-16 |
CA-1 |
14 |
Serving with 2SFTS Wagga.
Forced landing 1001hrs 18/12/41 at Coolamon Road
Relief landing ground due to seized engine.
Pilot Sgt R K Hendrick Ser#37674 and AOG LAC A
F Smith Ser#412728.
Repaired. Issued to 452Sqn RAAF and at 1115hrs
18/10/42 at Richmond RAAF Base, crashed on
take-off following engine failure causing
wheels up landing damaging Propeller,
underside of fuselage and mainplanes. Pilot
was P/O Watkins 452Sqn. |
A20-17 |
CA-1 |
15 |
Served with 22 Sqn. Based at
Richmond it crashed and burned into the bush
near Hazelbrook in the Blue Mountains at 10.38
am on the 1 August 1940. It is not certain
whether the aircraft had engine trouble or
that the pilot became disoriented in the foggy
conditions. The Wirraway was flown by Flying
Officer Harry Thomas Hopgood , Sgt Vincent
Charles Monterola Ser# 2504 was his Observer
on this flight. Both men were killed in this
crash. |
A20-18 |
CA-20 |
16 |
Modified to CA-20 and
transferred to the RAN.
Acquired by Willsmore Aviation |
A20-19 |
CA-1 |
17 |
Served with 21 Sqn at Laverton
Victoria Australia 11/40.With CFS, near
Warral, 1410hrs 23/05/42 aircraft when at low
altitude suffered high speed stall resulting
in aircraft crashing after flicking inverted. Pilot F/O D S Ambrose
and P/O F C Fenly both Killed. Converted to
A20-20 |
CA-1 |
18 |
Served with 21 Sqn 05/40.
Aircraft spun in from 1000ft and crashed and
burned 2 miles north of Laverton Airbase
1530hrs 15/01/40. Pilot P/O J N Alexander and
Temp/Sgt W K Platt Ser#1791 both killed.
Authorisation was given to convert the
aircraft to components. |
A20-21 |
CA-1 |
19 |
Served with 21 Sqn 09/02/40
With CFS 08/42. Aircraft crashed 1430hrs
08/08/42 near Tamworth NSW.
Aircraft was observed at 3000ft when
aircraft rolled over and dived into ground. Both Pilot F/Lt C A
Dawson and LAC G Patterson Ser#37142 were both
killed. Aircraft
was destroyed by the impact and fire.
Converted to components.

A20-22 |
CA-1 |
20 |
Served with 7 SFTS. Aircraft
crashed on take-off 1700hrs 08/12/42 at 4
miles north of Wandock SA due to engine
failure. Pilot was F/O N Marshall with F/Sgt N
S Kelso Ser# 401645 being slightly injured.
Aircraft repaired. On 29/12/43, during a
takeoff at 300 feet at night the engine lost
power and was misfiring. An emergency landing
took place without the use of lights and flaps
with the wheels up at Semaphore Beach SA.
Crew; LAC H.W.Wills Ser#435106. 7SFTS was
based at Deniliquin at the time, we are not
sure why they would have been in SA. Served
with 21 Sqn at Laverton Victoria Australia
04/60 later Sold.

A20-23 |
CA-1 |
21 |
Served with 5 SFTS. On the
14/06/44, The aircraft was forced landed with
the undercarriage retracted. Crew; LAC I
Crowe. Converted to components 08/63. The
Aircraft was sold to CAC to be converted to a
CA28 Ceres. Became CERES CA28-21. Registered
VH-CEW 01/08/63 to 10/04/70 and 21/05/70 to
20/03/78. Withdrawn from use. |
A20-24 |
CA-1 |
22 |
Served with 5SFTS. Aircraft
forced landed after excessive oil blowing over
cowl. 20 miles from Deniliquin 1300hrs
28/05/42. Pilot was F/Sgt G F Tucker
Ser#403867 and LAC J C Carey Ser#413166 both
uninjured. Sold. |
A20-25 |
CA-1 |
23 |
1100hrs 11/04/40 Forced landed
after engine failure onto French Street
Coorparoo Suburb in Brisbane. Pilot was P/O B M
Palmer 23Sqn. Aircraft suffered bent prop and
undercarriage damage. Repaired. With 2SFTS
Wagga, aircraft was destroyed when spun in
after un-authorised low level loop aerobatics,
2 miles west of Brucedale 17/12/1940.Lac J G
Lemon Ser#400371 killed. Converted to
components. |
A20-26 |
CA-1 |
24 |
With 2SFTS 28/11/41, aircraft
damaged on landing (both Mainplanes and
undercarriage) when pilot tried to execute a
go around. Pilot was Lac H P Williams,
Ser#405812. Repaired. |
A20-27 |
CA-1 |
25 |
With 25Sqn, 14/06/1940,
aircraft following magneto problems, forced
landed at Maylands Airport, Perth WA. Pilot
was F/Lt T S Ingleden. Aircraft, then with
2SFTS, Wagga, forced landed with u/c raised
1530hrs 02/07/41 1 mile from Coolanon Road
Relief Landing Ground. Pilot was Lac E H
Zillman Ser#405004 and Lac R D Henderson
Ser#400727. Both OK.
Allocated to number 7 Service Flying Training
School at Deniliquin New South Wales
Australia.15May1944. The aircraft suffered an
engine fire during start up. The pilot FSGT E.
L. Nicholson was OK 10/51. Converted to

A20-28 |
CA-20 |
26 |
Rec 01/12/39 ex CAC at 1AD.
02/01/40 issued to 25Sqn. 30/05/40 Damaged
Starboard wing tip. Repaired. Rec 2SFTS 05/10/40.
20/02/41 wing drop on landing damaging wing
tip at Wagga. Pilot was F/Lt Marn and Lac J H
Perry Ser#402751.OK. Repaired. 16/12/41 forced
landing with u/c retracted 1 mile NW of Wagga.
Pilot was F/Sgt K A Richards and Lac R O
Patterson Ser#409218. OK. Rec
5SFTS 01/04/42. 16/04/42, successful
precautionary landing without damage. 10/04/44
Rec at Clyde
Engineering for overhaul.19/09/44 Rec 8OTU. To
7Ad for storage 29/10/45.17/08/48 Cat C
storage.24/02/51 Cat B for overhaul.
19/09/52 selected for Royal Australian Navy.
01/10/52 Rec by
RAN. 1957.
The aircraft was struck off charge.
The aircraft was sold to Lund Aviation Pty

A20-29 |
CA-1 |
27 |
13/01/40, accident Penong SA,
forced landing damaging Port U/C and
Mainplane. Pilot was P/O J C Manford and Corp
A Crutchett Ser#2515 ok. In service with 25
Sqn at Perth 1940 - Tom Trimbles aircraft.
Served with 7 SFTS. On the 15/03/44, Wheels up
landing after port undercarriage failed to
come down. Misjudged the approach and came
down hard from approx 15 feet. The aircraft
had 1428 hours flight time. Crew; LAC F.K.
Watters .Point Cook
Pilot: Lieut CA Dakin (0274) RAN Later Sold.
Accident to Wirraway A20-29 - Unit: Applied
Flying Training School - Place: Point Cook
airfield - Date: 17 February 1953 - Pilot:
PNA(P) B C McKeon (A46738) (when landing nosed
over on touchdown) |
A20-30 |
CA-1 |
28 |
With 2SFTS Wagga, 16/08/1940,
aircraft forced landed at Wagga with feathered
prop. Pilot was Lac A H Haley Ser#402054.
Pilot aok. Repaired. 1700hrs 02/10/40 aircraft
stalled on landing and dropped wing to contact
strip. Pilot was F/Lt Hawdon and pupil was Lac
N A Evans Ser#402113. Aircraft damaged but
repairable, with both crew aok. Issued to
5SFTS aircraft forced landed 17/09/42 at
Yurragundry satellite field 11.00EST. Pilot
Lac F J Connally Ser#420450 Aok. Repaired.
Allocated to number 5 Service Flying Training
School RAAF.22Apr1943. Whilst looking into the
cockpit whilst about to land LAC Reeve who was
flying solo allowed the aircraft to strike the
ground heavily. The aircraft bounce then
stalled causing both mainplanes to strike the
ground. LAC Reeve survived.. The aircraft was
repaired 05/1952. Authorisation was given to
convert the aircraft to components. |
A20-31 |
CA-1 |
29 |
With 2SFTS Wagga, due to fuel
failure, aircraft made forced landing 2 miles
west of Coolaman Relief Landing Ground 1100hrs
04/12/41.Damage to Port mainplane and cowling,
with airscrew and oil cooler damaged heavily.
Pilot was Lac W Williams Ser#412800.With
5SFTS, aircraft made wheels up landing after
engine trouble at Currawarns 0900hrs 10/09/42
damaging Airscrew and undercarriage. Pilot was
F/O L G Butterworth and pupil was Lac Lippiatt
Ser# 414579. |
A20-32 |
CA-1 |
30 |
Allocated to number 5 Service
Flying Training School RAAF.22Apr1943. Whilst
looking into the cockpit whilst about to land
LAC Reeve who was flying solo allowed the
aircraft to strike the ground heavily. The
aircraft bounce then stalled causing both
mainplanes to strike the ground. LAC Reeve
survived.. The aircraft was repaired 05/1952.
Authorisation was given to convert the
aircraft to components |
A20-33 |
CA-1 |
31 |
With 2SFTS 30/08/1940. Aircraft
at 2255hrs during solo night flight, turned
right and flew into ground, killing pilot, Lac
T Tweedie Ser#404067. Aircraft impacted 1/2
mile east of Wagga RAAF. (Photo of crash, RAAF
Museum c/- Buz Busby). |
A20-34 |
CA-1 |
32 |
With 7SFTS aircraft crashed 5
miles south west of Deniliquin 1145hrs,
30/04/42 killing both crew members: Lac R W
McKay Ser#412258 and Lac L S Simmons

A20-35 |
CA-1 |
33 |
With 2SFTS Wagga, 0800hrs
31/12/41, aircraft was abandoned in flight at
3000ft by pilot following spinning out of
control during aerobatics at 6000ft. Aircraft
impacted 2 miles north of Shepherd's Siding.
Pilot Lac M A Lowe Ser#405212 AOK. Aircraft
total write-off. |
A20-36 |
CA-1 |
34 |
With 2SFTS 2045hrs 25/11/40
aircraft stalled into trees during low and
slow approach to Wagga Strip. Both crew, F/O
Grant and Lac R D Browne Ser#406025 escaped
injury. Aircraft
write-off. |
A20-37 |
CA-1 |
35 |
With 25Sqn aircraft made safe
forced landing following spark plug trouble 13
miles north west of Beverly WA 1020hrs
10/05/1940. Crew P/O R A Little and Sgt H T
Smith Ser#2309 Aok. Repaired.
With 2SFTS 1000hrs 29/11/40 after duty height
test, aircraft landed in ploughed field 5
miles SW of Wagga, damaging one blade, bomb aimer's door,
undercarriage and flaps. Pilot Lac C L Rogers
Ser#400209 aok. With
7SFTS ,0135hrs 28/07/42, aircraft through
engine failure, forced landed at Warbeccan.
Crew; P/O W E Miller and Lac H R Vickers
Ser#408530 not injured.
Repaired. With 2OTU 1042hrs 26/10/43, engine
failed on take-off. Aircraft forced landed 1
mile south east of strip. Pilot
Sgt J M Mitchell Ser# 419051 AOK. |
A20-38 |
CA-1 |
36 |
With 23Sqn 1645hrs 09/09/1940
at Kingaroy Qld, aircraft overturned on
landing. Pilot , P/O E. Jackson and Wag
Corporal S Rizzo Ser#2243 AOK. Aircraft had
struck starboard wing and u/c causing a/c to
swing and flip over. Repaired. Served with 7 SFTS.
Accident 05/01/44 one and a half miles from
Pretty Pine, aircraft made a wheels up
landing. Pilot was LAC JF McDonald who was
AOK. Repaired. On
the 14/05/44, two aircraft were approaching to
land A20-219 landed ahead of A20-38 and
stopped. A20-38 landed behind and to the left
but swung on landing and collided with
A20-219. The aircraft had 1670 flight hours at
the time. Crew; LAC HD Mitchell. |
A20-39 |
CA-1 |
37 |
With 2SFTS 1010hrs 27/10/41,
aircraft stalled on landing damaging port tip
and u/c. Pilot was Lac C B Wiggins Ser#405335
Aok. Repaired. Allocated
to 5 Service Flying Training School
RAAF.04Apr1945. The aircraft suffered a
mid-air collision with A20-415 during a
formation training flight near Sandy Creek .
The pilot SGT M. P. McGee Ser#442296 lost his
life in the accident.. SGT S. B. McDowell
Ser3438604 in A20-415 survived. Aircraft
destroyed in accident.
A20-40 |
CA-1 |
38 |
Fitted with Wasp #B20-17 (CAC
Built) Rec 1AD ex CAC 26/01/40.Rec 23Sqn
Archerfield 20/02/40.Fitted with Wasp #B20-13
(CAC Built) 27/02/40 collision with on ground
with VH-UGN at Archerfield, slight damage to
starboard oleo.Repaired.14/10/40 Rec 2SFTS.
23/12/40 Fitted with Wasp#7934 (Imported from
PW). Engine change
for Wasp#9245 05/05/41.18/02/42 aircraft was
forced landed and ground looped due to engine
failure 1/2 mile south of Wagga 1345hrs. Crew;
F/O H D Byrne and Lac S J Commons Ser#9245
Aok. 1 & 2 cylinders were cracked.
Repaired. Rec 5Ad
09/04/42.Engine Change Wasp#11320 (Imported PW
Built). Rec 5SFTS
22/06/42. Rec Richmond SHQ 06/09/42 Rec 457Sqn
RAAF 28/09/42. 29/09/42,1545Hrs aircraft hit
wires during low level flight near Sackville
NSW causing aircraft to crash into river. Both
crew; F/Sgt Bassett Ser# 400268 and Sgt
Blackburn Ser# 401362 were killed. Aircraft
wrecked. |
A20-41 |
CA-1 |
39 |
Served with 2 SFTS, Wagga Wagga
NSW. Aircraft abandoned in flight during
uncontrollable spin near Uranquinty NSW
1400hrs 08/09/1941. Pilot Lac J D Mahony
Ser#411356 parachuted successfully. Aircraft
wrecked. |
A20-42 |
CA-1 |
40 |
With Advanced Flying Squadron,
3SFTS Amberley aircraft forced landed due to a
loss in fuel pressure 1030hrs 01/02/41. Pilot
was Lac R M Cooke Ser#404240 who was
un-injured. Repaired. Served with 7 SFTS. Made
wheels up forced landing after engine
failure,1545hrs 02/10/41 4miles east of
Deniliquin NSW. Pilot; Lac K C Andrews
Ser#403849 Aok. Repaired. On the 19/07/43 at
14:15, the engine failed and the aircraft was
landed right after takeoff at Wanoor Satelitte
Strip, some 16 miles North East of Deniliquin.
The aircraft had 1209 flight hours at the
time. Crew; F/O R.J. Wigg and Lac H C Collins
Ser#437379 Aok.

A20-43 |
CA-3 |
41 |
Rec 16/02/40. Temporary issued
22Sqn 10/04/40. To 21Sqn 29/04/40. Mayala
22/07/40. In service with 21Sqn Malaya
01/10/40. Transferred to RAF OTU Kluang, South
Malaya 09/41.Then transferred to RAF Y Sqn
10/01/42 Malaya ex 151 MU. |
A20-44 |
CA-3 |
42 |
Rec ex CAC 16/02/40. Temp used
by 22Sqn before sent to Malaya Served with 21
Sqn, Heavy landing
16/07/41 Seletar. Then transferred to RAF Y
Sqn 10/01/42 Malaya ex 151 MU. |
A20-45 |
CA-3 |
43 |
Allocated to Central Flying
School RAAF. Allocated to number 7 Service
Flying Training School at Deniliquin New South
Wales Australia.17Jan1943.With Central Flying
School, whilst
carrying out low flying practice the aircraft
struck the ground and was burnt out 16 Miles
South West from Tamworth New South Wales
Australia. Both pilots lost their lives in the
accident. They were FLT A W. MacArthur-Onslow
and SGT Thomas Miles Dawson Ser#405724. |
A20-46 |
CA-3 |
44 |
Rec 21/02/40 ex CAC. With 22Sqn
12/06/40, aircraft made forced landing without
damage at Canjola after running low on fuel
and weather conditions whilst trying for
Canberra. Pilot Air
Cadet L A Keys un-injured.
Rec 21Sqn RAAF 09/07/40.Marked with
21Sqn "R". Sent overseas to Malaya with 15
other Wirraways of Unit during August 1940 via
SS Oronte. With "B"
Flight in Malaya and coded GA-. With the
arrival of the first Buffalo Fighter on the
28/08/41, 10 Wirraways were to be crated and
sent to Australia, with the balance of 6 to be
used in a OTU. A20-46 was crated 23/10/41 and
dispatched via 151MU to Australia, 25/11/41.
Arrived at 2AD Richmond 16/12/41.Later served
24/23Sqns. With 23Sqn, aircraft made forced
landing at Stradbroke Island 15/03/43.Repaired
by ANA Ltd at Archerfield. Issued to 7SFTS
29/07/43.Rec 5SFTS SR 19/03/45. Rec 8OTU
24/05/45. Placed in storage 18/11/45
7AD..Struck off 20/01/55. |
A20-47 |
CA-3 |
45 |
Rec ex CAC 01/03/40. Temporary
issued 22Sqn 03/05/40. To 21Sqn 29/04/40.
Malaya 22/07/40. In service with 21Sqn Malaya
01/10/40. Had landing accident damaging
starboard wing tip and undercarriage as a
result of a bounce and stall 31/10/41 Coded
GA-B. OC was Flt J. Park-Thompson. Aircraft
was with 21Sqn till 02/12/41. Then transferred
to RAF Y Sqn 10/01/42 Malaya ex 151 MU .Its markings were
GA-B 03/42. The aircraft was written off. The
RAAF Association Museum at Bulls Creek Western
Australia converted a Ceres crop duster back
into a Wirraway and painted it up to represent
this aircraft.

A20-48 |
CA-3 |
46 |
Rec 05/03/40 ex CAC. Served
21Sqn. Served 12Sqn. With 5SFTS 16/03/42. Lost
17.30hrs 08/03/43, the aircraft was involved
in a mid air collision with A20-602 over
Banandera, 15 miles west of Yanco. Solo Pilot, Lac H V
Thompson Ser#421946 killed. |
A20-49 |
CA-3 |
47 |
Rec ex CAC 16/04/40 and issued
to 21Sqn 29/04/40. 0855hrs 10/05/40 aircraft
spun into Lake Corangumite, 1 mile from shore,
near Foxhow. Both crew were killed. F/O A L
May and P/O A V Hilder. |
A20-50 |
CA-3 |
48 |
Rec ex CAC 15/03/40. Allocated
21Sqn 19/04/40. Forced landed on delivery
20/04/40.Malaya 09/07/40. In service with
21Sqn Malaya 01/10/40. Landing accident
Seletar 18/10/40. Damaged centre section and
u/c. Repaired. Re-packed for transit to
Australia, 04/11/41. Appears aircraft unpacked
and re-issued to 151MU and on 10/01/42,
transferred to Y Squadron. Written off
20/03/42 in Far East. |
A20-51 |
CA-3 |
49 |
Rec ex CAC 18/03/40. 05/10/40
in service with 21 Sqn Malaya. Aircraft
suffered accident at Seletar 15/10/41.
Aircraft re-crated and dispatched by sea,
25/11/41 before war started in that theatre.
Rec at 2AD after voyage 16/12/41.One of Four
Far East Wirraways that survived at that
point. Repaired. Issued to 22Sqn Australia
02/03/42.Rec 23Sqn 01/06/42. Rec 4Sqn
23/10/42.The aircraft crashed at Manumu
Village, PNG on 11/12/42 with 4Sqn after both
crew bailed out. One survived. |
A20-52 |
CA-3 |
50 |
Rec ex CAC 21/04/40. To 21Sqn
Malaya 29/06/40. 16/10/40 Flt E G Fyfe when
landing at Seletar, Malaya, during rain, flaps
blow into " up position" forcing aircraft to
overshoot past boundary and ending in s/water
drain. Unit 21Sqn RAAF 06/02/41 F/O J R
Kinninmont Accident at Seletar Malaya. Unit
was 21Sqn. Aircraft written off 01/05/41. |
A20-53 |
CA-3 |
51 |
Served with 24 Sqn. PLTOFF R.H.
Lenne (Pilot) (Observer survived) Departing
Townsville with two other aircraft for bombing
and gunnery practice at Evans Head PLTOFF
Lenne was forced to land near St Lawrence but
the aircraft caught fire injuring both Lenne
and his observer. Both were admitted to Mackay
District Hospital however Lenne did not
recover from his injuries and died on
19/12/40. Approval was given to convert the
aircraft to components. The forward fuselage
frame of this aircraft was obtained by the
Australian Aircraft Restoration Group and
taken to their Moorabbin Air Museum. The frame
was purchased by Darryl Gibbs and taken to
Cranbourne, Victoria Australia. The frame was
moved to Clyde North Victoria 25/04/94. |
A20-54 |
CA-3 |
52 |
Served with 7 SFTS. On the
29/12/43, the aircraft swung to starboard
during landing run. Crew; WO Bennett. Approval
was given to convert the aircraft to
components. |
A20-55 |
CA-3 |
53 |
Allocated to 5 Service Flying
Training School RAAF.11May1944. The aircraft
spun from a very tight turn at about 1500 feet
then crashed and burnt out near Wagga Wagga
New South Wales Australia. The pilots FLT
George Joseph Sullivan and LAC W.E. Marks both
lost their lives in the crash 06/1944.
Approval was given to convert the aircraft to
components |
A20-56 |
CA-3 |
54 |
With 24Sqn aircraft crashed
into sea near Rattle Snake Island ,
Townsville10.10hrs 06/02/42, after entering
spin at 16000ft. Pilot was P/O J Piper who
successfully bailed out, Later he would join
75Sqn. Reported as being at the RAAF Museum,
Point Cook VIC. |
A20-57 |
CA-3 |
55 |
Served with 4 SFTS. On the
14/07/43 solo night circuits, the aircraft
swung right and descended from 100 feet after
takeoff and crashed. The aircraft had 1221
flight hours at the time. Crew; LAC N.L.
Smith. With Unit
RAAF College had forced landing:- Place
Vicinity Little River Township - Date 29 July
1954 - Pilot Snr Air Cadet R S Devere
(A325879). |
A20-58 |
CA-3 |
56 |
Rec ex CAC 25/04/40. Issued to
21Sqn. Malaya 21/06/40. Landing Accident
13/11/40 at Seletar, Pilot G U Sheppard. Repaired. Transferred
to RAF OTU Kluang South Malaya 10/01/42,,
known as Y Sqn. Hit in engine and forced
landed west of Perit Sulong Malaya, 17/01/42.
P/O Annand RNZAF and Sgt Tony Slater (WAG)
RAAF. both were ok. Written off Far East
06/03/42. |
A20-59 |
CA-3 |
57 |
Rec ex CAC 03/05/40. Served
with 21 Sqn from 01/07/40. Held by 151MU RAF
Seletar 15/12/41. Back at 21Sqn 03/01/42.
Written off Far East 20/03/42. |
A20-60 |
CA-3 |
58 |
Rec ex 06/05/40 from CAC.
Issued to 12Sqn. 13/07/41 landing accident at
Darwin. Repaired, issued 16/03/42 to 5SFTS.
Forced landing 31/03/42 2 miles east of North
Aerodrome causing prop and u/c damage. Crew,
Lac N T Poran Ser#412240 and Lac B Fuller
Ser#412427 Okay. repaired, subsequent service
in 5SFTS till allocated for storage 10/01/45.
Post War storage Cat C. 1948. Overhauled and
upgraded by CAC to Cat B storage 06/12/1950.
Issued to Point Cook 18/12/1950 for Cat B
Storage. Allocated to Base Squadron point Cook
15/06/1951.12.30hrs 12/02/1952, aircraft
forced landed due to engine power loss at
little River. Pilot
was FLt Leunie Ser#034446 with T/Pilot Hale.
05/11/1953, a/c tipped on nose on landing,
damaging Prop. Pilot: Flt Lt H G Cross
(035375) (Instructor). 27/01/1954 allocated
Cat C Storage .31/05/1957 Scrapped. |
A20-61 |
CA-3 |
59 |
Rec. 1AD ex CAC 06/05/40,
Allocated 12Sqn ex 1AD 27/05/40. Canc.
31/05/40 returned to CAC. Allocated to 21Sqn
from CAC 29/06/40. Issued 21Sqn ex 1AD.
Serviceable at 21Sqn 09/07/40. 12/12/40
accident, struck object on aerodrome whilst
taxying at Seletar Malaya. Pilot was F/O C R
Kenny Unit of 21Sqn, Air HQ Far East.
Undercarriage and engine damaged. C at 21Sqn
04/09/40. 23/10/41 G at Maintenance Unit,
being packed for dispatch (To Australia).
25/11/41 C at Maintenance Unit. Shipped.
Received at 2AD ex 21Sqn (MU). G at 2AD
16/12/41. 05/01/42 F at 2AD, G at 2AD
10/01/42. Allocated 23Sqn ex 2AD 21/01/42.
25/01/42 F at 2AD. 9/02/42 E Star at 2AD. G at
2AD 23/02/42. E 02/03/42 Star at 2AD. E at 2AD
23/03/42. 30/03/42 G at 2AD. 13/04/42 E at
2AD. 27/04/42 C at 2AD. Issued to 23Sqn ex 2AD
05/05/42. 29/05/42(Card 28/05/42) 0955 Hrs at
Kingaroy. P/O C W Scott and Sgt K G Smith
Ser#21580 23Sqn.both injured when a/c damaged
on landing. Port and starboard mainplane,
starboard elevator and tail plane damage.
Engine Cowling and undercarriage damage. G at
23Sqn 01/06/42. Allocated 2AD ex 23Sqn
04/06/42. Allocated 23Sqn ex 2AD 04/06/42.
09/06/42 above allotment cancelled. 09/06/42
Allocated 3AD ex 23Sqn. 18/06/42 Rec 3AD ex
23Sqn 25/06/42 Issued (Converted to
components) QY180 26/06/42 |
A20-62 |
CA-3 |
60 |
Allocated to number 12 Squadron
RAAF.31Mar1941. The aircraft made an emergency
landing due to engine problems at Batchelor
Northern Territory Australia.. The crew were
SQN LDR C. P. Glasscock and SGT R. D. Clark.
The aircraft was undamaged.20Mar1942. The
aircraft went missing in the Joseph Bonaparte
Gulf region of the Northern Territory
Australia 63 miles near Wyndam WA, with Sgt L
C Dwyer Ser#405350 injured and Sgt W J Carmody
Ser#9005 not injured. Rescued by ground party. |
A20-63 |
CA-3 |
61 |
Delivered to RAAF 10/05/40. To
1AD 10/05/40. To CAC 31/05/40. To 1AD
26/06/40. To 21 Sqn 03/07/40. Engine failure
and crashed 01/08/41 while 21 Sqn was in
Malaya. Pilot was
F/O B Hood and Sgt T C Lane both of 21Sqn
RAAF. Struck off 16/09/41.

A20-64 |
CA-3 |
62 |
Rec 1AD ex CAC 20/06/40. Rec
21Sqn RAAF 08/07/40.Marked with 21Sqn "R".
Sent overseas to Malaya with 17 other
Wirraways of Unit during August 1940 via SS
Oronte. With "B"
Flight in Malaya and coded GA-. Lost Far East. |
A20-65 |
CA-3 |
63 |
Served with 21 Sqn, lost in the
Far East 12/41-3/42. |
A20-66 |
CA-3 |
64 |
With 24Sqn RAAF, Forced landing
caused by petrol blockage at Rollingstone QLD
12.20hrs 03/10/41.Pilot Sgt C M Alexandar
Ser#407777 and Sgt G D Powell Ser# 5838 ok. |
A20-67 |
CA-3 |
65 |
With 22Sqn 14/08/41 aircraft
landed at night with wheels up, Pilot was P/O
J Taylor. Retired from RAAF service 05/56.
Acquired by L & M Newman. |
A20-68 |
CA-3 |
66 |
With CFS, forced landing
1000hrs 11/06/40 3 miles north of
Campbelltown, due to engine failure. Pilots,
F/O Frewin Ser#???? And F/O L Trewin Ser#???
Ok. |
A20-69 |
CA-3 |
67 |
With 24Sqn the aircraft was
ground loop 04/08/41 at Townsville. Pilot was
Sgt M G Milne Ser#407586. With 24Sqn , forced
landing on beach at Orpheus Island near
Townsville 0620hrs 11/11/41. Pilot F/O G S
Gratton and Sgt G Powell Ser#5834 OK.
Repaired. With 1AD
07/07/42, made wheels up landing 2 miles from
Laverton after engine failure. Repaired.
Served with 2 OTU at Mildura. Crashed 1545hrs
06/01/43 17 miles west of Mildura, after
carrying out instrument training and flying in
cloud. The aircraft had 644 flight hours at
the time. Crew; FLGOFF V.F. Curtis 400039
(QFI) & SGT W. Simpkins 420502 (Student). |
A20-70 |
CA-3 |
68 |
Allocated to number 24 Squadron
RAAF.22Nov1940. The aircraft crashed 20 miles
SW of Townsville Queensland Australia after
sudden loss of oil pressure. The crew were
named Air Cadet Anderson and Air Cadet Hermes
and both survived the crash. |
A20-71 |
CA-3 |
69 |
Served with 24 Sqn. Crashed on
takeoff Lakunai 20/1/42 responding to a
Japanese Air attack. Crew; PLTOFF C.A.
Butterworth 263496 and his Observer, FLTLT
B.H. Anderson 260770.Left damaged or destroyed
by enemy action, at Rabaul 23/01/42. |
A20-72 |
CA-3 |
70 |
Transferred to RAF OTU Kluang
South Malaya, known as Y Sqn. Served with 21
Sqn 03/42. The aircraft was lost on operations
19/1/42 after AAA damage 5 miles east of Perit
Sulong P/O W.Annand and Sgt A.Salter (WAG)
RNZAF ok. |
A20-73 |
CA-20 |
71 |
With 2SFTS Wagga, aircraft made
forced landing due to fuel shortage 28/03/41.
No damage. 2SFTS 09/05/41 when had forced
landing 1 mile SE of Ladysmith, damaging
starboard mainplane. Pilot
was Lac F S Donaldson Ser#400699. Repaired.
Modified to CA-20 and transferred to the RAN.
Retired from Service 08/54.
Acquired by Willsmore Aviation. |
A20-74 |
CA-3 |
72 |
Served with 7 SFTS. On the
03/03/44 A20-74 was being taxied by LAC M.
Martin when it struck Wirraway A20-295 which
was stationary. The aircraft had a total of
1479 flight hours at the time. |
A20-75 |
CA-3 |
73 |
With 2SFTS Wagga, 1600hrs
06/09/40 made forced landing at Wagga due to
engine failure, Pilot was Lac G C Coward
Ser#404004.Served with 7 SFTS. On 11/10/43,
The aircraft taxied into Wirraway A20-139. The
aircraft had 1450 flight hours at the time.
Crew; LAC J. V. Rymer. On the 20/04/45, the
aircraft commenced a swing to the right after
running 150 yards after touchdown. The
instructor opened the throttle fully and the
student applied left rudder and the brakes.
The aircraft turned over as a result. The
aircraft had 1870 flight hours at the time.
Crew; FLT J.C.Curtis (Instructor) and SGT B.
Lonergan (Student). Retired from RAAF service
05/57. The aircraft was broken up for scrap. |
A20-76 |
CA-3 |
74 |
Rec 1AD ex CAC 26/08/40. With
2SFTS Wagga 09/09/40., 1200hrs 23/05/41
aircraft made heavy landing, bounced and
stalled at 7-10 ft, causing damage to
starboard mainplane. Accident 27/07/42 when
A20-380, piloted by LAC D B Lowing, on flare
path on take-off, angled 45degrees off and
struck stationary A20-76 piloted by Lac R W
Kennedy-Dwyer.NFDs. Both SOC 21/08/42. |
A20-77 |
CA-3 |
75 |
Allocated to with 2SFTS RAAF at
Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia.
Suffered forced landing 11.30hrs 25/02/41 1.5
miles near Clunes Vic due to bad weather.
Pilot was Sgt A C Chandler Ser#407001. Nil
damage. Aircraft lost 1430hrs 03/08/41 near
Mangoplah when aircraft went into spin at
4000ft then impacted into ground and burnt.
Pilot F/O S N Prowd and AC1 G M Frazer
Ser#32035 both killed. |
A20-78 |
CA-3 |
76 |
Served with 2 SFTS, Wagga Wagga
NSW.Made forced landing 11.30hrs 25/02/41 due
to bad weather. Damaged Port wing tip.
Repaired. Aircraft damaged 1240hrs 10/02/42
with 2SFTS when aircraft severely ground
looped on landing destroying starboard
mainplane. Both U/c Legs damaged. Pilot Lac W
C Murrel Ser#412082. On 29/03/44, the tail
wheel cable shock spring broke and the student
was unable to prevent a violent ground loop.
The aircraft had 2012 flight hours at the
time. Crew; LAC G.A. Syle and FO K.A.
McFadden. Served with 2 OTU. On the 05/06/45,
the aircraft was force landed with the
undercarriage up due to a lack of fuel. Crew;
FO A.R. Toupein and SGT L.E Montgomery. Incident re: Wirraway
A20-78 - Unit: 1 AFTS [Applied Flying Training
School] - Place: Point Cook Airfield - Date:
14 September 1955 - Pilot: F Sgt G S Hale
A35090 02/60, Acquired by R H Grant Trading

A20-79 |
CA-3 |
77 |
With 5SFTS Uranquinty, aircraft
was destroyed during instrument training
flight 1330hrs 07/04/42 at the air ground
gunnery range after diving several times at
target, but failed to pull out of last dive.
Killed were Pilot; LAC
R A Oppy Ser#412042 and Lac A M Mc Clymont
Ser#414066 (Safety Pilot). Aircraft destroyed. |
A20-80 |
CA-3 |
78 |
Served with 5 SFTS. On the
16/04/44 at 1300 A20-80 while being taxied
collided with stationary Wirraway A20-103. The
aircraft had 1683 flight hours at the time.
Crew; LAC K.M Clifford. |
A20-81 |
CA-3 |
79 |
Served with 5 SFTS. On the
25/05/43 the aircraft force landed with its
wheels down at Woodonga Victoria Australia
after becoming lost on a night cross country
exercise and running short of fuel. The pilot
LAC R. E. J. Rhoeder was OK.. Retired from
RAAF service 05/1957. The aircraft was sold
for scrap. Registered VH-WWY from 01/03/95,
aircraft painted as A20-176.

A20-82 |
CA-3 |
80 |
Served with 2 SFTS, Wagga Wagga
NSW. On the 19/10/44, while attempting to
takeoff on the Rock to Collinville road the
aircraft swung and collided with a fence and a
telegraph pole. The aircraft had 1830 flight
hours at the time. Crew; FO C.S. Ball.
Accident to: Wirraway A20-82 - Unit: RAAF
College - Place: Point Cook - Dated: 5 October
1956 - Pilot: S/A/Cdt P A Bolin A26035.

A20-83 |
CA-3 |
81 |
Transferred to RAF OTU Kluang
South Malaya, known as Y Sqn. Served with 21
Sqn. Crash landed Kluang Sgt Graham Steele
RNZAF and Sgt John Victorsen (WAG) RAAF - both
ok. |
A20-84 |
CA-3 |
82 |
Rec 1AD ex CAC 20/06/40. Rec
21Sqn RAAF 08/07/40.Marked with 21Sqn "R".
Sent overseas to Malaya with 15 other
Wirraways of Unit during August 1940 via SS
Oronte. With "B"
Flight in Malaya and coded GA-. With the
arrival of the first Buffalo Fighter on the
28/08/41, 10 Wirraways were to be crated and
sent to Australia, with the balance of 6 to be
used in a OTU. A20-84 was crated 23/10/41 and
dispatched via 151MU to Australia, 28/10/41.
Arrived at 2AD Richmond 16/12/41. Allocated to
number 24 Squadron RAAF 21/01/42. Cancelled.
Allocated 23Sqn RAAF 26/01/42. Rec 23Sqn RAAF
01/06/42. Rec 24Sqn RAAF ex 23Sqn RAAF
14/06/42. Accident 1508hrs , 26/06/42 when the
aircraft crashed 2 miles from Townsville RAAF
Base, near Mount Louisa Queensland Australia.
The crew killed were P/O T. H. Gledhill
Serv#408838 and Sgt C. R. Gould
Serv#210009.SOC 29/06/42. |
A20-85 |
CA-3 |
83 |
Served with 21 Sqn. Lost in Far
East by 03/42. |
A20-86 |
CA-3 |
84 |
Served with 21 Sqn. Lost in Far
East by 03/42.

A20-87 |
CA-3 |
85 |
Transferred to RAF OTU Kluang
South Malaya, known as Y Sqn. Served with 21
Sqn. Reported as being at the RAAF Museum,
Point Cook VIC.

A20-88 |
CA-3 |
86 |
Accepted 09/07/40 ex CAC. 12
Sqn 22/07/40. 5SFTS 23/03/42. 2OTU 29/04/43,
04/05/43 aircraft ground looped on landing. Repaired. Storage 16/04/45, held
post war use. 07/02/47 storm damaged. SOC
12/05/52. |
A20-89 |
CA-3 |
87 |
Kittyhawk A29-35 piloted by
Sgt. R.K. Ashby and Wirraway A20-89 piloted by
F/O G.H. White, both of No. 2 Operational
Training Unit (2OTU) RAAF collided near
Mildura airfield on 6 December 1943. Both
pilots bailed out of their aircraft and
survived the accident. P/O E.P. Simpson was
shown as a 2nd pilot on the report. |
A20-90 |
CA-3 |
88 |
The aircraft made an emergency
landing at Casurina Beach Darwin Northern
Territory Australia.. The pilot was FLT LT R.
Davidson.. Allocated to number 12 Squadron
RAAF.12Apr1942. The aircraft crashed in Bynoe
Harbour Northern Territory Australia.. The
crew were SGT J. C. Lawrence and SGT A. H.
Rodd. Both were unharmed but the aircraft was
written off |
A20-91 |
CA-3 |
89 |
Allocated to number 12 Squadron
RAAF.23Sep1941. The aircraft carried out a
belly landing at Casurina Beach Darwin
Northern Territory Australia.. The crew were
F/OFF C. W. Stark and SGT J. C. Sargent. Both
were OK |
A20-92 |
CA-3 |
90 |
With 22Sqn aircraft was damaged
during high diving and low recovery 1150hrs,
29/10/41 when aircraft received damage to
leading edge of wings from tree. Pilot F/O K W
Macklin and Sgt J V Hackett Ser3405308.
Repaired. With
23Sqn, mid air collision with A20-173 2 miles
near Mount Tarampa Qld near Lowood 1500hrs
24/03/43. Pilot Sgt S L Porter Ser#412851
injured. A20-173 made turn in front of A20-92
hitting under belly of A20-92.Both aircraft
became uncontrolled forcing all three involved
crew to parachute. Both aircraft destroyed. |
A20-93 |
CA-3 |
91 |
Served with 4 OTU. On the
24/01/43 at 21:40, while landing at night the
student misjudged the landing and bounced. The
instructor took over and the aircraft left the
runway and taxied into soft sand. The Prop
then struck the ground. The aircraft had 881
flight hours at the time. Crew; S/L R.E Bell
and P/O Perry. On 3 March 1943, RAAF Wirraway
A20-93, of 4 OTU ORB, crashed 1.5 miles from
Williamtown aerodrome. Sgt F J Callaghan,
pilot, and Sgt E A Thuell WAG, were killed in
this crash. |
A20-94 |
CA-3 |
92 |
With 23Sqn aircraft made forced
landing due to engine failure 12 miles north
of Winghan 06/01/42. Pilot was Sgt A J Bond
Ser#403889 and Sgt E S Thacker Ser#15387. Both
injured. Aircraft was write-off. |
A20-95 |
CA-3 |
93 |
With 5 Sqn Coded as CF-A 5/43.
Served with 7 SFTS. On the 09/12/43, the
aircraft ground looped. The pilot was unable
to correct the loop and the undercarriage
collapsed. Crew; LAC J.F. Linkson. Retired
from RAAF service 05/56. Acquired by L & M
Newman. |
A20-96 |
CA-3 |
94 |
Allocated to number 5 Service
Flying Training School RAAF.27Sep1944. The
aircraft crashed while instrument flying was
taking place. Both the pilots FSGT E. A.
Raftery and LAC A. V. Quirk lost their lives in
the accident. The investigation board found
that the starboard wing broke up in flight for
unknown reasons whilst in flight 11/1944.
Approval was given to reduce the aircraft to
components. |
A20-97 |
CA-3 |
95 |
With 24Sqn.26/02/43. Whilst
carrying out dive bombing and straffing
attacks at Bird Island, the aircraft on last
recovery struck tree and crashed on beach.
Pilot, Sgt Allen
Ser#409960 and Sgt R C Caring Ser#409537 were
un-injured. Aircraft salvaged for parts and
Soc. |
A20-98 |
CA-3 |
96 |
Rec at 1AD ex CAC 16/04/40, allocated
to 23Sqn17/08/40, Rec 26/08/40, required complete
overhaul 05/07/41, return to service 23Sqn 13/09/41.
Whilst parked at Archerfield 15/09/41, Tiger Moth
A17-264 collided with it when taxying. This caused
damage to Port Wing Tip, Aileron and port elevator.
Repaired. Back at 23Sqn. 30 hour service 08/11/41. Named
"Buku 3" A/c Accident 02/04/42 1505hrs, when due to
engine failure, forced landed on Western Beach of
Stradbroke Island. No airframe damage. Pilot was F/O P H
Ash and the WAG was F/Sgt. J H Hullin Ser#2516, both of
23Sqn. Repairs insitu. Days later on the 08/04/42 on
test flight, the engine, following take-off, sprayed oil
on windscreen and pilot's face causing him to execute a
cross wind emergency landing at Archerfield Aerodrome.
Crew was Pilot, Sgt. N A Lamont Ser#6539 and WAG was
SGT. J J Cain Ser#4419 of 23Sqn. Damage was confined to
the Starboard Mainplane. Repaired and re-issued to 24Sqn
13/06/42, arriving on the 14/06/42 at Townsville. On the
03/09/42 suffered damaged to the Port Mainplane after a
misjudged night landing. Repaired and in service 24Sqn
by the 07/09/42. Allocated 7 RSU 24/09/42. Re-issued and
Rec at 24Sqn 03/11/42. Issued to Clyde Engineering
30/03/43. Returned and Rec 24Sqn 31/03/43. On 29/04/43
involved in Mid Air Collision with A20-176 during
tactical formation flying near Sydney. Crew of A20-98
was Pilot, Sgt. O J McKenna Ser#418004 and WAG was Sgt.
J C W Patrick Ser#403815. Both had bailed out, but
Patrick was killed when the parachute separated in the
drop, whilst pilot landed safely. Aircraft was
completely wrecked. Issued and Rec at 2AD 30/04/42.
Approval to write-off was given 20/05/43. Have only
known coloured picture of Wirraway in WW2 |
A20-99 |
CA-3 |
97 |
Accident Place: Point Cook
Pilot: Flight Lieutenant Raymond Francis FOX
(035498) 11 April 1958.The aircraft was struck
off charge. Acquired by Pearce Dunn for his
Warbirds Aviation Museum at Mildura Victoria
Australia 1974. Was on display at the Warbirds
Aviation Museum. Acquired by E. Lundberg. The
registration VH-JML was reserved for it. Under
restoration at Richmond NSW. Registered VH-JMZ

A20-100 |
CA-3 |
98 |
Two RAAF Wirraways, A20-100 and
A20-290 of 23 Squadron RAAF, from Archerfield
airfield in Brisbane collided over Thornlands
near Cleveland on 13 February 1942 during a
practice of air fighting tactics. Debris from
the two aircraft fell over the local school
and cemetery and onto the shores of Moreton
Bay. Four airmen were killed Sergeant Gordon
Henry Williams (pilot) Sergeant George Arthur
Ross Hardy (pilot) Sergeant Alan Charles Lord
Sergeant Frank Stanley Pledge died. |